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Twitter User: I wish I had more followers, then I’d be more likely to get verified.
Facebook User: I wish my posts reached further, then I’d get famous.
Instagram User: I wish I had more followers so I can unlock more basic features for my account.
TikTok User: I wish I had more views then I’d be a real influencer.
Tumbler User: I specifically didn’t tag this so no one would find it why does it have 200k notes? Who the hell are these people following me? All of you need to go away so I can go back to posting incomprehensible garbage and pictures of frogs.
238K notes · View notes
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at dinner people were talking about how much they cried during their weddings and my one cousin said she was SO determined not to cry, made it through the entire ceremony, but then during the reception her husband leaned over and asked 'hey, do you want me to get together a plate of roast beef and hide it in our room so we can have Night Meats?' and she went 'night meats?' and started sobbing because that was so romantic to her
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I'm like super normal and not unhinged in the slightest (I spent 3 days formatting, printing, and binding a niche internet story about sci fi football into a 280 page physical book)
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every night owl I know (myself included) is as careful as possible and as quiet as a mouse so not to wake up or disturb people who are asleep while they’re awake but from the moment a morning person wakes up they will make as much noise as possible as if their god given purpose is the be the loudest most inconsiderate person alive
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Oh how the tables have turned
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“When the handle has snapped off the basket that held all your eggs…” gone girl tier monologue
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Good morning, have a nonsense post
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Guy just walked in with a shirt that said “I don’t question my wife’s choices because I’m one of them” and frankly I’m obsessed
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Just saw someone use gay as an umbrella term to include trans and intersex identities and folks. Queer has been here this whole time. Yall are so queerphobic that you're conflating gender and sex with sexuality now. Just use the fucking word queer for fucks sake. I hate how much people tiptoe around one of the most inclusive umbrella terms for our fucking communities bc TERFs told you it's an offensive term and you just ran with it. Offensive to who? Fuckers who hate queer people? Don't sit here and slur discourse with me - we're way past that. Tell me why you don't want a simple term that inherently includes intersex people and don't use "well people used that word mean at me" bc I'm a fat dyke and fat and dyke and gay and lesbian have all been language used while attacking me. Fuck you.
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of course this was fuckin' improvised.
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Do you think people used to have ADHD Text Reply Anxiety back in the day. Do you think there was some girl in the 1870s going "Oh, a letter from Esther, how delightful! I must make time to write her a reply this evening!" And then later she was like "It has been 5 months since Esther wrote me, and I am yet to reply. I fear I have tarried far too long, and if she receives a letter from me now it will seem terribly rude and she will want nothing to do with me. And yet, it is ruder still to not write her at all! I fear I am the only one to blame for my current predicament, as I am most terribly forgetful. Ah, but what a fool I am! I shall pray this evening for guidance from the Lord"
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Exactly my whole point about how we need to get the fuck out there and VOTE. That was Hillary being many points ahead of Trump and everyone was like, "Ahh we got this, no biggie!" These numbers for Harris right now aren't even that high and even if they WERE it doesn't mean crap unless people VOTE.
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