“nope, never.”
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“Wait, what?” Lucy stopped, eyes wide as she turned toward her companion. “You’ve really never seen Star Wars?”
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“you and me both. maybe i can check and see if he’s still there and ask him?”
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“only if you want to.”
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Franks eyes rose from his paper, giving Andy a mischievous smirk. ‘’Okay, I’ll let it slide this time, but next time, I’ll have to release the wrath.’’ He teased, sitting his paper down and taking a sip of his coffee. ‘’So tell me, what’s new with you?’’
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“oh, i’m so scared.” she giggled and tapped the side of her cup. “oh you know...the usual. nothing too exciting. what about you? i feel like it’s been forever!”
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“i didn’t get to talk to him very long. he was kind of panicking about the whole thing. so i guess we’ll never know.”
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“i’ll have those burning questions forever now.”
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‘‘I am actually, care to join me?’‘
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“i would love to!”
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“other than to see one of my favorite friends?” andy grinned as she sat down across from him, coffee in hand. “i’ve got nothing.”
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Frank picked up the paper as he sat in the window of his favourite cafe on Diagon Alley, he was trying to read the headlines while picking at his scone when he saw a shadow come across the table. ‘’You better have a good reason for interrupting my me time.’’ he posed the question, still looking at his paper.
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   “Sure, but still I shouldn’t forget my friends.” He smiled at her. “By the way your cousin asked about you the other day..”
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“sirius?” she grinned at the mention of him. “what did he say?”
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“If that helps you sleep at night than good for you.” Katherine still thought it was a poor justification for leaving and bringing shame and pain to your entire family.
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“it does. have a nice day, katherine.”
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Grabbing her bag, Mary made her way out of the flat, letting out a slight laugh at Andromeda’s admission. “Your lack of faith in me hurts a little. You grew up in a high end society, I’m sure you’ve eaten your fair shade of… odd foods.” It was one of the things that took adjusting to, that much was certain. Honestly, who wanted to eat ice mice? It still didn’t make sense.
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“i ate some pretty disgusting things, don’t get me wrong.” she giggled. “and i had to choke down the most horrible things because it would be rude to spit it out.” she shuddered at the thought of the food she had to endure as a child. “but now we get good food.”
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“mushrooms? did he say why? did he say how? i have so many questions!”
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“I’m telling you, I see the wildest shit at St. Mungo’s. Just this morning, a man came in covered with mushrooms. And they changed color, too, so they were sometimes blue or green or purple. And so I ask him ‘how much of you do they really cover?’ and he looks at me all embarrassed and says ‘everywhere’. Ha.”
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You know what family means to me, Ted? Resentment, guilt, anger… Easter egg hunts that turn into knife fights.
Andromeda  (via incorrectdeatheaterquotes)
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moodboard | improvvisazione II
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    “Yes you will get more flowers or anything you like i promise.”  He said with a smile “I really am sorry I’ve been so busy, sometimes the only people I see are patients and a few healers and it can get…sad.”
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“no, you don’t have to do that.” she smiled. “you don’t have to be sorry, really. work and life get busy and i totally understand.”
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“no card?” she raised an eyebrow but took the candy. “what do muggles get with their candy? just candy?” she asked and took a bite, nodding. “yeah, it’s pretty good.”
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“Hey you should try this, I believe it’s called a kitkat, muggles have such strange names for their chocolates, I’m assured it’s not in anyway shaped like a cat nor does it have a card.” The young man offered before taking a bite himself, “ A real let down if I don say so myself, but hey at least the chocolates alright.”
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I found love  Where it wasn’t suppose to be Right in front of me…
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