conterminouss · 2 months
Kiht'a kept an ear on his company, listening to his musings as they moved through Gridania towards the botanist's guild whilst also trying to maintain something of a low profile himself. It wasn't an easy task when he had a Viera with him and he was already on the Wood Warders' watchlist.
"Of course there's reason for it," he replied without malice, casting his bicoloured gaze in his companion's direction, "but for me to speak of the truth of it, and to do so during our visit would be to invite trouble," he explained somewhat vaguely.
"Suffice it to say that the Elementals have dominion here. You need permission to do just about anything outside of the city from hunting to gathering, so that you don't upset them." And if you didn't get permission, you were an outlaw, a bandit, a poacher and more.
"Unfortunately unless I want to travel all the way to Thanalan and brave the thrice-damned heat, bowing and scraping to the Gridanians is the only way I can get the root I need."
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"this place reminds me of my village," leander mused as he plucked a few tufts of grass. gridania was a beautiful place, lush and green and full of nature, and he would have lied had he said it did not make him at least a touch homesick. alas, those times were long gone. "that fear of outsiders, especially. i would suppose there is a history to it?"
@conterminouss liked this for a starter!
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conterminouss · 3 months
hey y'all im sorry to do this but i woke up today and my cat was straining to use the restroom. he is a male cat, and it seems he has a blockage, so i need to take him to the emergency vet. unfortunately, the emergency vet said the visit could be over a thousand dollars, and we have barely any money without a single scrap of credit.
so im opening like. emergency commissions, i can get into the details of it, but if anyone has like. anything that can help my paypal is [email protected], i can make graphics and do gposes and all sorts of stuff as a return but like. my baby could be in very severe danger so. ahah.
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conterminouss · 3 months
Kiht'a scoffed, glaring back in the direction of the closed gate and the pair of guards before it - a different pair to those who had hauled him across the boundary - before he returned his gaze to the stranger.
"I'm not speaking for the rest of Eorzea. If it's like this everywhere else then I guess you're fucked no matter where y' go."
He wouldn't be surprised, honestly. Different was dangerous in the eyes of those who held power.
"Good luck finding work in Gridania. If you get crap in the other city-states for bein' different, you're gonna get it worse here. Xenophobic pieces of shite.
"Y' better not be insinuating that I'm the trouble." Though even if he was, there wasn't a great deal Kiht'a could do about it. He wasn't much of a combatant after all.
@hallowdawn liked for a starter!
Not for the first time in his life and certainly not even for the first time that day, Kiht'a cursed the godsdamned Wood Wailers.
"Shite-eating little dung-rollers!" He hollered back at the pair after he picked himself up off the cobbles worn smooth by summers of feet passing over them.
"See you next time!" one of the pair returned with a jaunty little wave and a mocking laugh.
Kiht'a snarled at them, fangs on full display even as they turned their backs on him and returned through the gate he'd been dragged out of moments before being tossed to the ground like a sack of spoiled greens. He hoped Menphina showed her love for that particular pair by spitting on them.
"Wasn't even doing anything," he muttered disdainfully as he brushed his hands off and then did the same for his pants and tunic.
"Assholes," he continued, muttering to himself as he felt the lightness of his belt. The ingredients he'd been collecting had been taken, as had the contents of his coinpurse (not that there'd been all that much in there). He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and sought calmness.
What little calmness he'd found was shattered when footsteps stopped a little ways short of him and he opened his eyes to look up at the stranger.
The grumpy remark he was about to voice died on his tongue when he realised that not only were they Viera, but they looked to be male too. Didn't see that very often. And by very often, he meant at all.
"Gridanian hospitality at its finest," he groused by way of a greeting. "Don't think you'll be treated much better either. Rarity only makes y' stand out worse."
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conterminouss · 3 months
@hallowdawn liked for a starter!
Not for the first time in his life and certainly not even for the first time that day, Kiht'a cursed the godsdamned Wood Wailers.
"Shite-eating little dung-rollers!" He hollered back at the pair after he picked himself up off the cobbles worn smooth by summers of feet passing over them.
"See you next time!" one of the pair returned with a jaunty little wave and a mocking laugh.
Kiht'a snarled at them, fangs on full display even as they turned their backs on him and returned through the gate he'd been dragged out of moments before being tossed to the ground like a sack of spoiled greens. He hoped Menphina showed her love for that particular pair by spitting on them.
"Wasn't even doing anything," he muttered disdainfully as he brushed his hands off and then did the same for his pants and tunic.
"Assholes," he continued, muttering to himself as he felt the lightness of his belt. The ingredients he'd been collecting had been taken, as had the contents of his coinpurse (not that there'd been all that much in there). He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and sought calmness.
What little calmness he'd found was shattered when footsteps stopped a little ways short of him and he opened his eyes to look up at the stranger.
The grumpy remark he was about to voice died on his tongue when he realised that not only were they Viera, but they looked to be male too. Didn't see that very often. And by very often, he meant at all.
"Gridanian hospitality at its finest," he groused by way of a greeting. "Don't think you'll be treated much better either. Rarity only makes y' stand out worse."
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conterminouss · 3 months
Really wanna dive in and get a feel for Kiht'a and his personality so drop a like on here for a starter from him. Multis specify muse.
If you have a suggestion for a jumping off point, go ahead and suggest it too!
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conterminouss · 3 months
Really wanna dive in and get a feel for Kiht'a and his personality so drop a like on here for a starter from him. Multis specify muse.
If you have a suggestion for a jumping off point, go ahead and suggest it too!
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conterminouss · 3 months
Updated Kiht'a's profile yay!
He's still a work in progress though so play with him at your own risk. xD
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conterminouss · 3 months
New boy, necromancer...
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conterminouss · 5 months
It's music to his fuzzy ears, her laughter. It always has been, even if it's at his expense. And never has he seen a more beautiful sight on returning to the little hideout than the one that had greeted him then. She could have been covered in blood, sweat and tears and still she'd be more beautiful to him than the bloom of the Dravanian Lily.
If only he'd admit as much to her. Perhaps then she might understand her value to him.
He followed as the gentle tug drew him in and took a seat beside her, close enough to knock their knees together and keep their hands joined - almost as if he was afraid that if he let go, she'd walk away all over again. Behind her, likely unnoticed through the barrier of clothes, his tail curled around her.
"O' course I missed ya," he grumbled, looking away from the batting lashes with pink tinting his cheeks. "There ain't no way y' really thought I wouldn'. An' I think y' bein' here calls f' a celebratory drink. I got jus' the thing," he announced and rose from where he'd sat, despite his fear of her leaving again should he let go. His steps were hurried as they crossed the small space and he returned swiftly after lifting a floorboard, an aged bottle of whiskey in his hand which he handed to her as he sat back down beside her.
"Whaddaya think? Been savin' it for a special occasion."
@conterminouss, Cont. from X
A laugh bubbles out of her as he takes her hands- the absolute joy she felt seeing him again almost made her feel a bit silly, but gods it was so good to be near him again.. and to be able to relax just a little after being on the road so long.. "Aye, of course- there's no place i'd rather be, kitty~" Solana squeezes his hands lightly, giving a little tug that invited him to sit with her- to come closer and warm up as well, as though they were both a bit chilled his hands were far colder then her own and she very much wanted to fix that. "Sorry i was away fer so long.." She sighs softly, tail thumping nervously at her side as she flashes him another playful grin. "..Can i take y' reaction t' mean y' missed me, then~?" Solana adds, batting her lashes at him. Much as the idea of having made him sad by leaving for as long as she had made her chest ache, the idea that someone cared about and liked her enough to miss her was.. nice in its own way.
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conterminouss · 6 months
When Soren visits his hide out, theres a small shuffling sound- as if something inside was moving. upon entering, a tired looking familiar blue au'ra can be found- leaning against her travel bag and fiddling with a coin. She looks a little worse for wear, a little injured and worn, but it's solana to be sure. It'd been a little while since Sol had been around. She'd tailing a bounty to make a little cash, as she did every now and then when her funds started to dry up- which was often enough with the way she drank. Though this time had been far longer then her usual, which was usually at most maybe a week.. Solana's eyes meet his and she grins- posture relaxing a little. She's relieved to see him again- she missed him. "...Hey kitty~ y' lookin' for some company~?" ((>:3c))
It was dark out when he returned, a chill wind blowing as usual, making his cheeks and nose redden in the cold. Hair in disarray with snowflakes dusting it too, he looked probably about as cold as he felt.
At least the hideout was out of the wind and took the bite out of the worst of the chill. It was still cold to be sure and his nest of blankets would be heaven once he'd shivered away in them enough to build up some warmth.
He hesitated before pushing in properly though, hearing movement and his heart sank. If someone had found his hideaway, he was so fucking doomed. He couldn't fight for it back... The scent though... Familiar.
When he laid eyes on the Au Ra, his jaw dropped. "Lizzie?" he spluttered, reaching up to rub at his eyes as if she might be some kind of cold-induced hallucination. "Y' back? F' real?"
He took a hurried few steps towards her, crossing the small space swiftly and in the blink of an eye, he'd taken both of her hands in his.
"Y' brought booze, right? An' y' stayin' th' night, right? Right??"
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conterminouss · 6 months
Despite seeing nothing on her person in terms of weapons, he didn't question her preparedness ahead of the escort. She'd been spoken of with the kind of familiarity of someone who'd made a name for themselves in the area and if that was how she fought, then he wasn't about to doubt it. He himself bore only a single, partially wrapped sword sheathed at his hip. No shield.
"Not new 'round here exactly," he explained with a small shrug, looking over the caravan as if doing so might reveal what could be so valuable as to need them both. He took the offered hand though, and shook warmly. "New to escortin' caravans, I'd say. I'm R'firna. Usually say no t'escortin' people or product but when needs must..."
She was right about getting paid though. That was pretty much the only reason he was there. Gil was tight and beggars couldn't be choosers.
"Must be one hell of a caravan to need more than one guard on it. The pay for this job better be damn good, right?" [ From Firna! Hope you don't mind me tryina be more active on this blog too! ]
It had been a different sort of client vying for her services today, Nila standing near where the caravan lead had told her to meet and dressed appropriately. The Keeper's vest left her upper arms free, a light scarf wrapped around her neck and tucked into her neckline. Fingerless gloves that reached her elbow and were backed with thin steel plates that would protect her when warding off any potential attacks while her boots were much the same with a heavier solid piece on the knees to aid her particular style of fighting. No weapons hung from her back or waist, only bare hands and calloused knuckles accompanied the Miqo'te alongside her bag.
At her fellow's statement and following question, Nila's eyes flicked to the male and she offered a smile. She had been informed of the job being for two, the other Miqo'te unknown to her despite her relative knowledge of guards in the area. It wasn't the first time she had worked with someone in an unknown capacity but it was far from being a problem for her, the Keeper unfolding her arms to stretch.
"Here's hopin'. Could just be the head is concerned 'bout whatever he's haulin'. Mayhe he figured a Seeker snd Keeper could keep him safe day and night. Long as we get paid, I don't mind." She extended a hand to him, a warm and friendly smile on her face. "Names Nila. Ain't seen ya 'round these parts before. Ya new on Ul'dah?"
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conterminouss · 9 months
While FIrna wasn't much of one to get into the Starlight spirit of giving (unless it was a drink at the bar), he nevertheless enjoyed the jovial air and the good spirits everyone was in.
People-watching would ever be a favoured passtime of his but he'd never say no to getting more directly involved himself.
With that in mind, he approached the bar with a spring in his step and a flick to his kinked tail. "Hey," he greeted the bartender when they stopped by him, "I'll take an ale and a plate of those grilled chicken bites," he ordered, thinking to start the eve off on the right foot.
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conterminouss · 9 months
While FIrna wasn't much of one to get into the Starlight spirit of giving (unless it was a drink at the bar), he nevertheless enjoyed the jovial air and the good spirits everyone was in.
People-watching would ever be a favoured passtime of his but he'd never say no to getting more directly involved himself.
With that in mind, he approached the bar with a spring in his step and a flick to his kinked tail. "Hey," he greeted the bartender when they stopped by him, "I'll take an ale and a plate of those grilled chicken bites," he ordered, thinking to start the eve off on the right foot.
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conterminouss · 9 months
Thanks tumblr, that notif about my ask being answered in April 22 was real helpful, especially because we threaded off it some.
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conterminouss · 9 months
Toying with the idea of Firna having had a broken heart. :3c
Unsure whether it's because his love passed or broke up with him atm though. It'd explain why he's more comfortable with one-night-stands and casual flings than getting attached to someone.
And then later his panic when he realises that he might be falling in love with someone, and the stupid, destructive things he starts doing to stop it getting any deeper.
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conterminouss · 9 months
Firna's favourite passtime is cooking.
While he doesn't often get the chance to stop and cook in a kitchen, he enjoys cooking dinner for people he stays with by way of payment for their hospitality.
He's not about to prepare a lavish, fancy 4-course meal but he will gladly make hearty comfort foods where he can. He's also a fan of being taught how to make local cuisine if anyone wants to teach him.
His food tends to lean towards being a bit meat-heavy but he will always make sure that there are some veggies on the side too.
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conterminouss · 9 months
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts for lovers who became enemies. Some can also work for friends to enemies, but most have a romantic undertone. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)
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“Even saying your name hurts.”
“We were meant to be, but we did it wrong.”
“I can’t wait to look at your face, and feel nothing.”
“I trusted you.”
“I don’t know what I’m more afraid of: to see you again, or to never see you again.”
“I knew you’d betray me eventually.”
“I wish I had never loved you.”
“None of it was real, then?”
“You have ruined everything.”
“It doesn’t matter that I love you. I’ll kill you if I ever see you again.”
“Don’t make me kill you.”
“Say you never loved me, say it.”
“Did I even mean anything to you?”
“Kill me then. Do it.”
“So you lied to me. All this time, you were lying to me.”
“It’s too late now.”
“I almost wish we never met.”
“We could have had a beautiful life together.”
“I was ready to give you my love, my heart, everything.”
“I’d still be yours, if you asked.”
“I can never forgive you.”
“You can’t even look me in the eyes!”
“You almost sounded like you enjoyed my company.”
“I do care about you. I’m still going to kill you, though.”
“Tear my heart apart one more time.”
“Hell is loving you in my sleep, and waking up alone.”
“I should have known better than to trust you.”
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