May I interest you in a mischievous ice cube during this trying time?
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My second attempt at digital art! Look at the boi!! He was so much fun to work on, and I'm so pleased with the final result! I can just imagine Mary posing like this, on his knees and looking all seductive, whenever he really wants something from Master Attendant... :D
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Who would have imagined that this post on twitter would inspire my first attempt at digital art? Anyway... here's William attempting to visualise what y = x is to his students~
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Say My Name
Summary: After spending months dealing with the immediate aftermath of The Final Problem, Louis returns to the family estate in Durham and reminisces on times gone by.
Tags/Warnings: spoilers for chapter 56
Part of The Sleeping Prince miniseries: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
AO3 link here
For Louis, returning to the family estate in Durham after spending months in London working with MI6 felt off-putting.
In the past, residing at their family estate in Durham meant that his dear brother William was indulging himself in something he genuinely enjoyed – teaching mathematics. Louis had always known that his brother’s lecturing profession had been more than just a front, more than just a fulfilled requirement of the elite. He knew that his beloved older brother cherished his job at the university, loved broadening the academic horizons of his students, even if it meant an extra pile of work that needed doing at the end of a long day.
“Have your students been performing any better on their exams now that you’ve given them that hand guide, brother?” Louis had asked one evening, having brought in a cup of jasmine tea for William to drink whilst he finished scoring various exam papers. He had stood by the side of his brother’s desk, curiously peering over his shoulder to look at the students’ answers, and the corrections William had provided them with.
“They have indeed, Louis.” Came William’s response after putting his pen down, a bright twinkle in his eye as he looked up at his younger brother. He had leant back, then, showing off the different grades that his students had scored before beginning his explanation on their performance. “As you can see, on average they have been reaching marks around 28% higher than at the start of the year. Since we’re only a third way through the academic year, I can predict that, come exam season…”
At the time, Louis had simply smiled, looking down at the exam papers again whilst his brother had enthusiastically rambled on about grades and percentages, mathematical terminology flying over his head from lack of understanding. It hadn’t mattered to him though. He had simply walked around the desk and sat down in a chair opposite, listening to him talk. The room, he remembered, was filled with chatter and laughter that went on even later into the evening, and how they both ended up having to tiptoe back to their respective rooms when bedtime came in order to avoid waking the other occupants of the house.
Back then, he wasn’t aware of just how precious moments like that would have been. Moments were he simply existed with his brother. No mention of the grand Moriarty plan, no mentions of elite events they’d have to begrudgingly partake in as members of the mysterious family, no mention of anything other than what interested them. It was just like when they were children. If only Louis had known to pay more attention to his older brother, to cling onto every word that came from his mouth more…if he’d known to do that, would things have turned out differently? Would he still have William around to talk and listen to?
Louis sighed as he looked out of the study window, deflating at the sight of the jet-black sky and the sound of the howling wind. He’d never fared well with the cold blustery weather, neither as a child or as an adult. When he and William were young, the cold would to make his heart condition worse, leaving him bedbound for days whilst his older brother painstakingly cared for him. His dislike for the cold had continued into adulthood - the storms making him worry if any member of his family was outside of the safety of the home, either running errands or if they were at work.
“He’ll be home soon, Louis. There’s nothing to worry about.” Albert had said one afternoon when the biting wind was rattling the estate windows and the rainfall was torrential. The eldest’s words had been an attempt to keep Louis’ nerves from bubbling over as he paced by the front door.
“But with that storm outside, what if something has happened to brother? What if his carriage home has slipped and he’s hurt?” Louis had worried, continuing his lap of the foyer as he eyed the door. “Brother’s never home this late…”
Before he could walk himself into more of a panic, Albert had caught him in a secure, warm hug. It had physically stopping him from pacing, breaking his train of thought on what could have become of his older brother.
“William will be fine. The chances are that he saw the weather outside and decided to wait in his office at the university until the weather cleared itself up.” Albert had reasoned, his voice smooth as he tried to calm the youngest down, “Can’t you hear how the rain is already starting to ease up? Give it another hour, and William will be home. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Louis remembered how Albert had then led him to the parlour, pouring them both a cup of tea to wait together. He had been right, of course; William had shown up just over an hour later, drenched from head to toe from where he had walked from his office to the carriage at the university, calling out to the, both with a carefree laugh and a joke about how he could have showered in that rain. At the time, Louis had immediately started to fret over his health, demanding the soaked clothes from him before chasing him up to the bathroom so he could dry off. William, he remembered, had been laughing the entire time.
He wished he could hear that laugh again. In the months leading up to their final act against the nation he had come to work for, William had stopped laughing altogether. He’d stopped looking happy. The light had been slowly leaving his eyes and Louis hadn’t picked up on it fast enough. He hadn’t picked up on it until his brother announced the change in the final plan. Their final plan.
If he had noticed it all sooner, perhaps then his brother would still be…
Louis hadn’t even realised he was crying until he felt drops of water fall onto the back of his hand.
He thought he was stronger than this. He’d been able to manage himself whilst in London, working with his friends and comrades whilst leading MI6. He’d even been able to manage himself when Albert decided to hand himself over to Secretary Holmes, demanding that he should get locked up high in the tower to pay for crimes that were his by definition. Even when he had attended the public funeral of the Empire’s light, and the private funeral of the Empire’s dark, he had been able to manage himself.
So, why did a change of scenery make him lose that control he’d had over his emotions? Why did the act of being in Durham make him feel lonely?
He felt like he’d been abandoned, left to fend for himself in a world totally alien to him.
He wanted William again. To hear him laugh, to hear him crack a joke, to hear him make plans that would shape the future of his students and the country. He just wanted his brother back.
Louis refused to believe that William had died. He couldn’t. He couldn’t do that to his brother. He couldn’t let him down like that. Not when William had asked him to continue shaping the world they forged together. Not when he knew Albert also shared the belief of William’s survival. Not when he’d promised his brother to make him proud.
But if he had one wish…
“Thank you, Louis.”
Louis just wanted to hear his brother call his name one more time.
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Live On
Summary: After a long day of work, Sherlock returns to William's side and tells him about his day.
Tags/Warnings: spoilers for chapter 57+
Part of The Sleeping Prince miniseries: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
AO3 link here
“Hey, Liam.”
Sherlock’s voice was groggy from exhaustion as he sat down in the chair by William’s bed, worn out by the long workday. It was partly his fault, having so readily accepted the offer to help Billy out whilst they were in New York. He hadn’t let his own wounds fully heal when he started offering his assistance, opting to risk straining himself instead of staying idle. He couldn’t bring himself to care though. Not when William was so…
“You should have seen the job I had today. It was absolute chaos – Billy and I were running around the city all day trying to collect substantial evidence for the case we were working on. I’m sure you would have found it amusing though. You’d probably have said how we looked like dogs chasing our tails, or something.”
The brief explanation of his day was met with silence. For Sherlock, that was expected, but it didn’t make the loneliness sting any less. Ever since he’d awoken on that cruiser bound for America, he’d been talking to his friend (his lover?), explaining what had gone on throughout the day whilst he checked and redressed William’s injuries. It was his way of helping, his way of pleading to the former criminal to wake up.
He wasn’t waking up, though. Even though Sherlock was meticulously tending to his wounds, even though he was trying to keep his mind mentally stimulated through the use of one-sided conversation, William wasn’t waking up. It made him think of what Billy had explained when he first woke up.
The rest is up to the person’s will to live.
Those words haunted Sherlock more than he cared to admit.
He couldn’t bear to lose William. Not now, not like this. Not when they’d survived the fall from Tower Bridge’s scaffolding together. Not when they were safe in a completely different city an entire continent away.
Not when he still had a promise to fulfil. The promise to atone together. To live together.
Sherlock let out a sigh as he leant forward in the chair, resting his forearms on the side of the bed William laid in. He reached a hand out to brush his friend’s hair away from his face, not wanting the bandages over the eye to get disrupted. The rest of his injuries were healing nicely. Every cloud, he supposed.
“What are those dreams of yours like today, Liam? Are they nice? Are they scary?” Sherlock inwardly winced at his own words. What was he, a child? “I’d be happy to help you if they were scary. You’re not alone, I won’t let you be alone.”
His hand moved down to where William’s were lying on either side of his body, faltering momentarily before taking it in his. He felt warm, maybe a little clammy, but it was proof enough that he was still alive. That he was still hanging in there.
Before he even knew what he was doing, Sherlock had pressed a soft kiss to the back of his hand. Comfort, perhaps? But comfort to who – himself, or William?
“Please Liam… you gotta wake up soon. I miss you.”
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Here's a helpful list of all works that I had written and uploaded to my AO3 account before I created this blog.
Below the cut, you will find: 2 works for Yuukoku no Moriarty 2 works for Shall We Date? Obey Me! 19 works for Thunderbirds Are Go
Previous Works for Yuukoku no Moriarty: Mr Detective When Ice Meets Fire
Previous Works for Shall We Date? Obey Me!: Dear Little Satan, What to Say to You? Satan's Unwanted Internal Monologue
Previous Works for Thunderbirds Are Go: 10 Jobannon First Times - Part 1 10 Jobannon First Times - Part 2 10 Jobannon First Times - Part 3 White Suited Shenanigans Strangers Secret Santa 2017 Secret Santa 2016 Scott Makes a Deal With The Devil Post-Flight John Tracy and the Case of the Bathtub Festive Indulgence Peace Failure House Visits Preparation for the Unexpected The Ability of Protection Matchmaker Skills All Too Soon Memories Night Thoughts
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