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my fav sillies
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WOOO WE GOT SOME COUPLES!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY YOU ALL!! Their might be another post if I feel like it but I donno XD
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MORE ART WOOOOO WE GOT CUTE!!!! next art I'll draw my AU FrFr
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we got more art for everyone!!! Their normal so no trauma in it that's not from me!! They are all so silly!! I missed it XD
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ok here we go!!! We got more art of the AU WOOOO!!! Ok just to tell ya I will be drawing both normal and my AU as I am missing drawing the normal stuff!! I will also be drawing a but more of Anergy cause man that's my fav rn XD
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BOO MORE ART!! My Au is rotting my brain Frfr XD. I might draw more of the Franks as I love how they look or some of the others tbh as I love draw in it!!
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say hi to the new look for the Franks now being called the EnForcers!! They got enhanced and ready to kick butt!! They have gotten some better punching force now! But now they are a force to recon with as they are now more like the Futurisum lady's as well they aren't here now ;.w.
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so we have more the the AU!! Now you can see how they all kinda look now!! Also if you want to know more about anyone go ahead and ask away! I'm willing to answer anything on the Au!!
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WOOO!!!! Heres my AU i made for a while now with a name as well! ALGO AU. Now have fun with the AU's Story and stuff ALGO AU STORY TIME
so this AU take its start at the end of the game so spoilers!!
ok so this is if Faux won and so heres how it goes now.
After failing to headbutt Faux, he also grabbed Felix, and Well is out for the fight, and sadly, the people who tried to help Felix, like Tryce and DJ Cyber, were killed, so all of the big three are gone but Faux. Algo, before getting his new body, starts to wreck all of the other broughts, making sure to kill all the leaders, but two: Flesh Prince, who was hiding so he couldn't get to him, and Pluto of the devil theory, as he was saved by the big devil. After that, he got his new body from Solace, throwing his head away. Faux is still in charge of the police and is now slightly spreading outside of New Amsterdam. The Flesh Prince, seeing the massacre that had happened, took on a new name and face, starting the new rebellion called the Bomb Rebellion. He went and found all the survivors he could for the bomb rebellion. Now with this brought up and fighting for freedom once more, Faux isn't happy and is fighting back harder than ever. Flesh Prince, now going by Cyber Prince, has saved Solaces head and somehow got Felix, who was in really bad conditions. But Cyber Prince is determined to help them both and maybe find a way to bring back the others from death, as he has an idea.
thats the end of it for now! here are small bits for the AU that you all can know about
-All of devil theory went into hiding after Big devils death, all but Sun who is out for revenge. he gave himself a new name of the Oni and helps The Bomb Rebellion but will not be apart of it
-Solace now has fauxs body as it was the only one Cyber Prince had on hand, hes still getting used to it. Solace has augmented the body (you'll see how when i draw him) he did give himself back his wings
-Faux is still connected to Project Algo via a small but on the back of his head to his back so he can keep the police under his grasp. his eyes will glow a red when he is using the Algo Project
-Faux has augmented Solaces old booster to now instead of wings hold compactable Project Algo Arms for when he needs a bit of extra hit. he had also removed solaces hands for robotic ones as he finds it easier to use
-tryce, bell, and DJ Cyber are all technically alive just being held in jail with their heads separated as Faux dosent want them all to be back together
-Flesh prince had kinda converted all of the Franks to being more able to hold themselves ,now being at the level of the futurisum girls. Now sporting some more heavy hitting arms and legs yeah their kinda scary now
-New Amsterdam had became more scared as the police were more forceful and aggressive from Faux being their head up. Most people now dont go outside unless its night or your part of the rebellion
-Cyber Princes second in command is Mesh as He is one of the few Prince can trust well, Mesh takes his role very serious so hes not smiling anymore really
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heres some more silly art stuff!! I might soon draw some more of my faux au thing! But for now have some small doodles
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i made a idea for if faux wins here are some of the design's! I made flesh prince into a rebellion leader as he's the only one who hid XD have fun with theses I might make more of who's alive or not in this silly idea but I donno XD We'll see
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skate or die
(based on this post, under the cut):
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Here we go my guy!!! My art of my baby's!!! Sorry it took so long do HHHHH but I'll be trying to make sure to post more even if my art I'll send screenshots of BRC and me havin fun!!!
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Have some comfort characters!! I think I need to keep drawing more but bleh, I'm just kinda happy I drew these for now so I might do more
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Here we go!! More art real lol!! This time I drew that meme if your comfort characters (oldest to newest) and so here is mine XD As you can tell mine is of Dr loboto from psyconauts and of course big devil! To me this is the funniest thing I've drawn this year as it just matches them XD
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WE GOT MY MAN BACK AGAIN XDDD this time he comfy and viben! guess a small thing for Big Devil is he got a tongue piercing no one sees it alot but now you all do XDD but yeah have my lil guy!! he is the bomb
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