A Few Thoughts
WILLIAM GILBERT <[email protected]> 9:07 AM (3 minutes ago) I wanted to touch base with you before now, but it really wasn't that high a priority on my list.   I've finally worked my way down to you, but I must admit that in the meantime your almost predictable antics have been a source of comic relief to me ... and many fellow alumni. Of course, I reference your one week hunger strike last week in an attempt to force a very weak president (Clements) to sign on to the notion of a "sanctuary campus" in defiance of President Trump's temporary travel ban ... designed solely to improve the vetting process to reduce the chances that terrorist wanna-be's would enter the U.S. from countries without "working" governments.   A one week hunger strike, huh?   Very courageous!   I saw your photo in an article on campusreform.org and I must say that it looks like the strike didn't have much of an impact on you, and you might want to consider another one since it appears you could still afford to lose 20-25 pounds.   Or perhaps you could shed a few more by doing laps as practice for your manufactured "March From The Bridge", which appears to be yet another stunt on the part of a small-time campus activist and his Sancho Panza (little Todd May ... who obviously suffers from extreme white guilt) to bully an already pathetic administration, which if not for a more conservative Board, would surely have already caved in to the demands of your small group of anarchists.       How about protesting against Planned Parenthood and its abortion of about 28 million black babies over the past 40 years, which is consistent with the eugenics, racist and genocidal beliefs of one of its founders ... Margaret Sanger?   Do you not know her history?   Or how about protesting the way muslims ... lower case "m" intended ... treat women and gays/lesbians, as they rape women at will and throw gays from buildings?   Hmmm ... could it be because you know one of 'em would whack your ass in a heartbeat in the name of Allah, and you're too much of a coward?   Or how about protesting the draconian economic policies implemented by Obama ... "President" omitted on purpose ... over the past 8 years, which had a stunningly deleterious affect on "real" unemployment and household wages ... and caused the income inequality gap to become a "gulf"?   Are you afraid of being labeled an "oreo" or an "Uncle Tom" if you dare speak the truth?   You should really consider changing up your game by picking a more difficult cause to champion, rather than simply piling on to the "issue du jour" ... like the immigration one, which not only violates the federal law, but which also would have you aiding and abetting illegal alien felons who have actually murdered innocent Americans like Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw and many others. One other comment in closing:  I've already advised the Board of Trustees in a lengthy letter that I will not consider a legacy gift of $100,000 until such time as Clements is terminated or resigns, due to the national embarrassment brought to the University by his "leadership", or lack thereof, during last April's "banana incident" ... which I'm sure you were involved in up to your ass.   If you continue to turn off enough small-time donors like me, Clemson could well become like the University of Missouri ... and reduced budgets could force decision-makers to realize that Clemson never needed someone as unnecessary as you in the first place, and just let you go.   However, thankfully for you, the difference between Missouri and Clemson at this time is that donor money and student applications will likely keep flowing to Clemson in spite of  people like you because its reputation has been bolstered by a national championship football team ... and the irony that "slave master" Swinney just might help you keep your job for while longer is not lost on me.   LOL! GO TIGERS! -- Paul Gilbert, B Arch '71 & MCRP '73
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Professor NUMB NUTS and The Greenville News
Dear sir, Is it the color of your skin or the content of your character??? Doctor M.L. King would be appalled by you and your ilk... YOU are to ignorant to be ASHAMED! You have a PhD in African American Studies? I wince at this.. I would love to hear your and/or The Greenville News' explanation as to why you think that no white person can speak to race relations and/or slavery... You being a professor...so much smarter than I, PLEASE ELABORATE??? Please explain how President Lincoln and the hundreds of thousands of white people that fought and died to secure the Emancipation Proclamation are so irrelevant in your too apparently thin understanding of our nation's history... Did you pay good money to be so misinformed as you matriculated through such obvious misinformation AND INDOCTRINATION while earning your PhD... REALLY? You fool! So sad... I'd demand a refund since you have been so obviously brainwashed... Why don't you get a PhD in Caucasian Studies? Better question... why doesn't any universities offer studies if this field? Might it be considered racist in our current political correctness day and age...? As I'm sure you no doubtedly agree with that last statement, please explain how African-American Studies if different. So hypocritical don't you think, or do you think fair mindedly! By the way, if you don't like your current income, why don't you coach football??? You might not want to do this once you realize that white people are on most every team too your racist! How dare you sir!!! Come to my alma mater and spread your racist, biased, and one sided views? It must suck to think that is the only way you can make a living! I hope that one day you might be able to actually teach your students that while this country is flawed... PEOPLE OF COLOR are literally dying to come here... why is that sir??? Please enlighten me, better yet yourself, and even better yet... your students! Regards,BrandonClass of '94
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With all respect to you and the incredible institution Clemson University, you are completely wrong regarding your comments on the Clemson Coach.   I read your open letter with much sadness.  There is indeed intolerable racism in this country, and too much divisiveness.  Regrettably you only stoked the flames of this chronic problem. The coach is correct - a team event is by definition about the team.   Further the Coach has every right to invoke the name of Dr. King.  Likewise you have every right to disagree with his interpretation, but you have no right to deny his ability to express his thoughts.   Black and white leaders alike must stop using the difference between us to further divide.  They should use the much more prevalent similarities to bridge the remaining divide. As a leader in our society I respectfully ask that you do just that.  
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Your letter to Dabo Swinney
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move past hatred based on skin color.
I am not sure what a white person has to done to you in the past to make you full of hatred but I am sorry. It is time people like you and other racists move past hatred based on skin color. I hope that one day we can do so. Good luck to you in the future.
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Really u attack a man because he is white r u feeling unappreciated that u have to say such horrible things like dabo u have no right get over it we can't get passed racism because people like u want let it go
(this was all in the subject line of the email) - Chenjerai
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Your an ignorant fool
Your an ignorant fool
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MLK, would piss , in your ass,
You racist pig........you wouldnt make a good pimple, on Coach Swinney's ass.........go play with your Muslim head dress, and quit using race as an excuse, for your hatred.......MLK, would piss , in your ass, if it was on fire!Chat Conversation End
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go to Africa
You're a shame to society! To take Dabo's comments out of context like that is literally the definition of being psychologically disturbed. He had to work his butt off for that position and because of your deep racist hate towards white people you are discrediting him. To turn a positive hopeful press conference into this is pure ignorance. Life is just as hard for me as it is for any other black man under the sun in today's world! If you had any sense at all you would be thankful for the simple fact that you live in such a great country - and If you really want to make any kind of positive impact in this world go to Africa and stop the slavery that still exist to this day. Do you ever teach your students about all the white men that have sacrificed and given up their lives to free your race from slavery? Probably not as you would rather everybody play the victim card their whole life and get absolutely nowhere! You my fellow brother are exactly what is wrong w today's world.
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creating division
Yes, I agree all have rights. I am white but I have a whole lot of family who isn't. I want for all to get along. You a professor, man who students look up to, are creating division, sir !Chat Conversation EndSent from Messenger
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founding fathers
If the founding fathers would have known this, they would have left the African race in Africa.
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Fuck you and your divisiveness.
WED 7:31PM your faggot ass bitches about a white man and Clemson..ya know the school that lets you teach your hate.  typical black man. Blames the invisible man for his short comings. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻Fuck you and your divisiveness.
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You are a sorry excuse of a human being
You are a sorry excuse of a human being and a piece of shit, that's all you will ever be.
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just take the high road
Did someone force you to accept a professorship at this University where you perceive so much injustice to exist? Do we really live in a world today where a white man can’t even praise a black man for being great without hearing and feeling backlash from folks like you?
Has Dabo read Letters from a Birmingham Jail in its entirety? Probably not. But please spare me your psychoanalysis of his intent. You don’t really believe his reference to Dr. King’s peaceful and loving  demeanor was a premeditated “conservative” attempt to quell the black movement, do you? You and I both know his intent and his heart are pure. Why not just take the high road and say “Thank you, Dabo. You’re absolutely correct. Dr. King was, in fact, a great man!”?
Finally, while you did recognize Dabo’s acknowledgement of protestors’ First Amendment rights, you fail to glean one very important distinction between the acts of Dr. King and the acts of Mr. Kaepernick – at least in my mind you do. Dr. King’s marching, protesting and speaking out for his cause had no direct deleterious effect on innocent third parties. His protests and marches were focused directly at the wrongdoers. Kaepernick’s display is quite different. By choosing not to honor the National Anthem, he slaps every innocent fallen soldier, every veteran and their families square in the face. Is it his constitutional right to do so? Of course it is.  But our Service Men and Women, quite frankly, deserve better. To you, Mr. Kaepernick and all other oppressed Americans, march, protest and speak out until you can’t go anymore. All I ask, and all I think Coach Swinney was asking, is that you be mindful of others in your path.
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you have no "solution" to racism
You seem like the kind of professor who does things just to get attention / shock value. Your article shows you have a very poor and shallow understanding of both Dr. King's teachings (which is amusing given your profession) and of human decency. "Take MLK's name out of your mouth" -- how condescending and asinine could you be? You equate Swinney disagreeing with Kaepernick's method with the "white moderate" that stood by and disagreed with the "method" of the civil rights movement... what a false equivalency and you should know it. You recommend that Dabo read Malcom X, yet MLK Jr disagreed with his methods...vehemently. Your couple of paragraphs on what different parts of Clemson were "injustices" just proves that you would rather complain about your supposed (yet imaginary) "injustices" than work towards a better future. From reading your article, you demonstrate a solid fifth grade comprehension level of current events (really, you're concerned about the students that were "arrested" (if you even want to call it that, which it was not)). "The lack of a day care center"-- are you kidding me? "People who are fighting for civil rights are tired of hearing that we’re divisive" -- Maybe the reason people consider you continually divisive in the face of an age of CONSTANT RACIAL CHANGE is because you have no "solution" to racism, you merely have a finger with which you can point and label everyone who you disagree with as "racist." I implore you to see past your race and find other solutions to your problems rather than writing an open letter that serves to only inflame and incite anger where none is deserved.
9h9 hours ago
I assume I'll be seeing this up on your blog sometime soon as a note about how "racist" I am. I assume you'll do something like that rather than respond. I'm not bothered by it-- in fact I think your method of response is as ineffective as it is pathetic-- so at least that'll serve to amuse me. On a completely random note, you may want to go through and censor out some email addresses and names from those old emails on that blog. You could very easily get into trouble with the law for doxing.
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nay, a throbbing bag of dicks.
So you basically called Dabo a slave owner the other day. You're one classy fuckwad; nay, a throbbing bag of dicks. Piss off bitch lips.
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the intelligentsia
I read your letter and I am deeply saddened by your opinion. I'll make this brief because I'm sure you're busy. Dabo's answers were spot on and accurate I'm sorry you can't see that. This is all about the division being created but it's not being created by the Caucasian community or anyone else but the black community.  You want your own dorms, you want black colleges, you want black fraternities, you want your black TV stations, on and on and on. At Cal State University in LA they want a black only dorm??? Don't you see that you are the ones creating the division, that most others are welcoming of everyone with open arms and we want everyone integrated and the ultimate goal is to be colorblind. But how can this happen when you want to segregate the African-Americans from everyone else from entertainment to education to employment etc.? Furthermore it appears you take zero responsibility for actions. At the end of the day you may get sympathy from many but the intelligentsia of the society simply looks at facts not emotion. It appears you want everyone else to placate your agenda at every turn regardless of the validity or facts surrounding your position.  If you want respect it must be earned, not given. So start earning it.
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