coolanabrendalove · 2 years
The benefits of choosing an online pet store
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There seems to be a new online pet store every day. That is because it is much easier to buy pet toys online. People started treating their pets like little humans that need special attention. For this reason, in any professional pet warehouse you can find everything you need – from treasures designed for your fish tank to clothes for your dog.
When choosing a pet, the place you live is very important. If you have an apartment, bunnies might be the perfect choice for you. They are clean, quiet and need little space. However, you need to let them run free from time to time and trim their nails (so your floor doesn’t get scratched).
For dog lovers – the best choice would be a pug. Did you know they were part of the Chinese Royalty?
The benefits of an online pet store        
The number of pet stores is increasing every day. Nowadays, pets are treated like humans: they are being clothed, groomed and served delicious treats. But the most popular of all the stores are online ones. The best product for your dog is only one click away! Going to Petshopdirect saves an awful amount of money, time and energy.  The first advantage of online shopping is that you can choose the perfect toy or food, by reading the reviews. Also, you can spend more time with your pet and save gas money (which is very important nowadays, if you own a car).
Convenience is the most important thing, especially when it comes to buying dog food. For older people, carrying those heavy bags can be extremely difficult. Do you know what amount of food your dog needs each month? If yes, you can sign up for a subscription to receive a recurring delivery. Trying to compare the various dog brands at a retail store can be time-consuming.
You can’t compare two brands at a physical pet warehouse. However, in an online pet store, you can do it easily. All you have to do is browse through the products. One of the best advantages is that you can check out and pay whenever you feel like it. You don’t have to wait in line! Any shipping charges are automatically applied.
Pet warehouse: top reasons to get a bunny
Rabbits are very clean animals. They “wash” themselves, just like felines do, but you can help them a little bit: brush their fur a few times a week (although, longer fur needs brushing every day). With some litter training, they can learn to use the litter box. All you have to do is give them clean bedding in the corner of the cage. That way, you mark the “toilet”.
If cared for properly, indoor bunnies can live 12+ years. This is an advantage in the eyes of small pet lovers. You might already know that hamsters, guinea pigs or other small pets don’t live as long. However, rabbits live longer indoors than they do outside. The reason is simple: they’re not being attacked by predators or infected with certain diseases from the soil or other injuries.
Rabbits are very quiet
Do you want to have a pet, but don’t want to disturb your neighbors? A rabbit is the best choice for you! It makes little to no noise and doesn’t disturb you at night. Also, bunnies don’t need to be walked or occupy too much space. However, just like humans, they need exercise. Let them run free for a couple of hours outside the cage.
Any bunny owner knows that, with time, bunnies will get to know you very well. Also, they can be trained to come on command, and may even follow you around if you two are close and you’ve gained their trust.
How do you take care of them?
Vegetables should be a part of your rabbit’s diet. This way, your beloved furry friend is going to get all the vitamins and minerals it needs. However, some plants are poisonous, and you should be careful not to buy them!
Pet carriers are essential for any trip to the vet. To make your pet more comfortable, you should consider laying down a towel at the bottom of the carrier. When buying pet supplies for bunnies, be sure to check our products.
To keep them healthy and avoid scratching the floors, you must trim your rabbit’s claws periodically. You can find clippers fit for any inexperienced owners in any online pet store, and they are available in a variety of sizes.
Pugs are ideal for small apartments
People are fascinated with the wrinkly faces of pugs! … Even the Chinese royalty, who aimed to “write” the Chinese character for “prince” on the dog’s forehead. Leaving aside their cuteness, they are loyal companions.
Nowadays, humans show their love for those adorable puppies by including them in popular movies and television shows. If loved and cared for, they can live up to 15 years.  Since they were bred for companionship, pugs love their owners, too! They want to be with you all the time and get very sad when you leave.
So how do you care for a pug? First of all, you must brush them daily, in order to keep them clean and soft. After bathing, you have to dry them completely. You should bath them monthly, but in between remember to clean their wrinkles using baby wipes and cotton pads.
In conclusion, if you decide to get a bunny, you should take care of them the right way. Other pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs are also fit for small apartments. If you want to get a dog, you should choose a pug! They are so cute and only need cleaning once every month. Even Queen Victoria loved them: they were the first members of the Kennel Club.
Your pet will never ask for more than your attention and a special place in your heart. With some professional help, you can always find the perfect item or companion in a pet warehouse or by visiting an online pet store.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
Setting the Importance of Meals for Mutts and Cat Litter Crystals
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For most people, pets are an essential part of their life. Having a companion is guaranteed to improve your lifestyle. Whether they offer you unconditional love or protect your house, their role in our lives is indispensable, so taking care of them is a small price to pay. Every pet owner should research what their companion will need, either by looking online or, even better, by consulting a veterinarian. For example, in this way, you can choose what meals for mutts are better for your companion. From providing emotional support to the possibility of improving your health, owning a pet has more benefits than disadvantages.
In Australia, pet ownership has increased in the last few years, with dogs being the favorite and cats following close by. Most of us know that dogs are considered man's best friends with the capability of changing our daily routines for the better. Owning a dog will make you happier, give you a sense of safety, and help you achieve your daily exercise guidelines. Having a feline pet is also rewarding. Even though they are more independent, cats still require your attention and are very helpful with stress-relieving. Most people agree that cleaning a cat’s litter box is more comfortable than having to walk your dog. An excellent option for your litter box is cat litter crystals.
What to Feed Our Pets
All pet owners want high-quality products and affordable prices. But discovering what is best for your companion can be difficult with all the options. Your job as a pet owner is to research and analyze every available possibility. Besides the basics like food and water, your pet also requires affection, time investment, protection, and stability. The essential supplies for your pets are food, a leash and collar for your dog, or a litter box for your feline with cat litter crystals. Variety is recommended when you feed your pet; dry and wet food is best, but remember not to give them the exact product daily.
You should always feed your pet high-quality, balanced food, depending on their life stage and health status. The food they require can relate to their breed, age, and activity level. Cats and dogs are carnivores and will enjoy a proper raw meal, but they can also eat food based on plans. Feeding your pet bones is not recommended because they carry bacteria and can make you and your companion sick. For example, dogs have other alternatives for chewing that help them with teeth cleaning after being given proper meals for mutts. The most common types of food are:
What Meals for Mutts Should You Consider?
Choosing from various meals for mutts can be overwhelming. Still, it would be best to remember that your pet's breed, age, and health status are crucial factors in this decision. Another essential part is reading the label, ensuring that the ingredient list has a good composition, and learning to identify what is bad for your companion. Our pets need a balanced diet with protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. You should avoid giving your pet onions, garlic, chocolate, avocado, grapes, raisins, dough, fruit seeds, mushrooms, cooked bones, fat foods, and salt. These are highly toxic.
Some owners like to give their pets home-cooked meals, but most will choose commercially prepared food. Dry foods, as you might guess, are the most common choice; they are made from a mix of ingredients carefully picked, dried, and coated with flavored oils. Dry foods are cheaper than a home-cooked meal; it lasts longer than most foods. To make a proper home-cooked meal, you must know what your companion requires to ensure it receives all the necessary nutrients. Most pets love canned or wet food; they offer a higher moisture content but often have fewer nutrients. Before considering putting your pet on a raw diet, you must consult your veterinarian about the benefits and risks. This diet requires more research, but dogs can easily consume and digest raw foods.
The benefits of a proper diet will allow your pet to be active and energetic. Proteins help with muscle function and growth. Fats and carbohydrates are a great source of energy, it helps their cognitive function and keeps their skin and coat healthy. Vitamins and minerals offer assistance in keeping the immune system functioning normally. Another thing you must keep track of is the number of meals for mutts they receive. Always ask your local veterinarian if you are unsure how much food they should receive.
Are Cat Litter Crystals a Better Option
Every year, millions of cats are taken to shelters because of litter box issues. These problems are often easy to solve. Most owners believe that covered litter boxes are best. Still, it turns out that cats might feel threatened in some situations and would prefer an open one because it gives them better chances to escape. All felines are sensitive to smell; in this case, it is recommended that you use odorless cat litter crystals. Another important aspect is the number of litterboxes. For instance, if you have a cat, you should consider getting two litterboxes; three litterboxes will be needed if you have two cats.
Changing the litter once or twice a day is also essential. This depends on the type of litter you have. The most common types of litter are made from clay, corn, wheat, wood, and silica-based gel crystals. Clay is the most popular kind. It is available in scented and unscented variety, clumps quickly, can create dust, and typically can be changed less frequently than others. Corn might be pricier than others, but it has a natural crumpling and is dust-free and biodegradable. Wheat is another natural clumping and biodegradable type, but it doesn't clump as firmly as others. Wood has a natural scent, but it doesn't clump. Silica is also available in scented and unscented versions; it doesn't tread but is incredibly absorbent and can be used for an extended period. The downside is that some cats might not enjoy the feel of the crystals on their paws.
Cat litter crystals are a better option for odor control. It is dust-free, can quickly clean out the solids, and is very absorbent, so it doesn’t need to be emptied so often. Silica is non-toxic and a perfect choice for people with allergies; it is composed of silica dioxide, sand, water, and oxygen.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
How to Find a Good Pet Store in Sydney
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Most people nowadays have pets, and they can tell you how wonderful life can be when you have a companion. There are a lot of benefits to having a pet, from their companionship to reducing stress and improving mental health. They also bring people together and, in some cases, protect your house. Having such an essential role in our lives makes them deserving of our love and taking the best care of them. The ideal way to take care of your pet is to know what it needs and always provide for it. That is why finding a good pet store is necessary.
Pet ownership in Australia is high, and dogs are favored. Popular types of pets in Australia include dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, and fish. Still, it also contains unusual ones like reptiles, ferrets, and stick insects. Many pets require an extensive range of products and pet supplies Sydney has adapted to those needs. All pet owners want high-quality products and affordable prices. But discovering the best pet shop can be difficult with all the options. Your job as a pet owner is to research and analyze every available possibility.
What do You Need When Owning a Pet?
Adopting a pet means a lifetime of responsibilities. You must be ready for this commitment because a pet will require your time, attention, and protection. You are responsible for their well-being and safety and for ensuring an appropriate environment in which they can fully develop. Every pet owner should research what their companion will need, either by looking online or the best option, in this case, is talking to a professional in a pet store. They can guide you and answer all your questions due to their vast experience. The benefits of owning a pet outweigh all the responsibilities and any inconvenience you might encounter.
Each type of pet has its own needs. All pets require food and water, the most basic conditions, but they also demand your attention and love. The most common pet supplies are food and bowls for food and water. Additional requirements you should think about include training, regular checkups at the veterinarian, neutering, exercise, and grooming. It all depends on the type of pet you choose or have. But generally, they all have the exact basic requirements. You will have to invest in some essential pet supplies Sydney: bathroom and grooming supplies, collars and leashes, beds, aquariums and crates, toys, supplements, and treats.
Some Tips on Finding a Good Pet Store
Researching always helps; that is why it is recommended that you take your time and read more when choosing your pet store. Some tips you can follow that might help you to determine which is a good pet shop are:
make sure they have a license;
investigate online reviews or ask other customers;
having helpful and well-trained employees;
the brands they use; in case you do not know the brand, always check the label; you must understand what your pet will consume because some ingredients might be harmful;
the quality of the accessories is also essential; they should be safe and durable;
take your time to compare prices with different stores.
First, you must check if the store has a valid operating license. Keep in mind that this is very important because a committed store cannot run without following the guidelines and regulations imposed by the government. Reading online reviews is an option if the store has a website. Still, if not, you can always ask other customers for their opinions on the pet supplies Sydney. When visiting the store, you must pay attention to the atmosphere and the services provided by the staff. Employees must always be ready to answer all your questions regarding their products and ensure that you are well informed before purchasing something.
What About Pet Supplies in Sydney?
When you are looking for a good Pet Store, there are a few factors you might need to contemplate. You might want to consider the variety of pet supplies Sydney the shop Petshopdirect offers. A more extensive assortment of pet care and health products ensures you get what you need to take care of your companion's necessities. For some pet owners, the store must cater to an extensive range of animals. Most importantly, they should have vet-recommended products. Another point to consider is the price-quality report because not all expensive products are necessarily good.
An appreciable pet store will be equipped with products for the most common pets, such as dogs and cats, from beds and scratching posts to litter trays and coats for cool weather. It also has to have products for fish like tanks and bowls, water pumps, filters, ornaments, and heaters; products for birds including cages, swings, baths, houses, seeds, and various treats, and a lighting system; a good stock for guinea pigs, rabbits, and reptiles such as hide-outs, houses, cabinets, UV and heat globes, diverse decoration and medications for each species.  
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Going to the Pet Store or Shopping Online
Going to a pet shop compared to shopping in an online pet store varies depending on the store’s suppliers and policy. Most stores will give you helpful information regarding your pet’s needs. Some stores have a well-documented specialist ready to help you in numerous ways with their knowledge of pet health and their general experience. The most helpful advantage of going to a pet shop is its convenience. Dropping by and purchasing food when you are extremely low will save you time waiting for it to be delivered.
Shopping online has skyrocketed in the past years because people have gotten accustomed to the ease and convenience it entails. It is a better option for busy people who can not afford to lose an hour in traffic and stand in line in the store. You always have the opportunity to research your pet supplies Sydney before buying them. This way, you will compare prices and not feel pressured to buy a product forced by an employee working on commission.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Dog crates might seem harsh to some dog owners, but specialists and vets approve them to help dogs suffering from anxiety and mold their behaviors. Is it too difficult to put dogs inside the crates? What type of crate should you choose for your pup? When you look at pet shops, you can be overwhelmed with the options, but the answers come along as you investigate the subject. Different crates cater to different needs and are designed for all breeds and ages.
Speaking of looking after a pet, there are so many implications, and it is not an easy process, especially if you are new to the subject and recently welcomed a pup into your home. At first, you may be tempted to choose regular dog food, thinking it is the most convenient and healthiest option. It is not always the case, especially if your companion suffers from health conditions and allergies. Biopet vegan dog food seems to offer a worthy alternative to meat-based products.
What Are Dog Crates  
Knowing what dog crates helps owners better understand their purpose and why they should introduce them to pups. The crate is an enclosed space that allows your dog to move around, lie down, and stand up. They are used by owners for security reasons, to travel safe, and to prevent bad behavior. Owners put them inside the house or in their car; many models are collapsible for easy storage.
Once your dog understands that the space is safe, it will go there to relax and view it as a comforting location. Companions require some alone time, want to nap in peace, retreat, and require a space that will fulfill their needs. It is even better to place some supplies inside, such as toys, a water bowl, and a blanket. These make the space more inviting, and it is easier to accommodate pups inside.
Moreover, it is easier to travel thanks to dog crates. Pets have issues settling somewhere new, and going on vacation is not always a dream. They are social animals and like to be around their owners, but when you go on vacation, they become restless, scared, and disoriented. If you take the crate along, your pup will appreciate the well-defined space, making it much easier for your companion to adjust to new places.
Discovering Biopet Vegan Dog Food
It seems that vegan dog food is becoming more and more popular. Dog owners look for alternatives to regular dog food because when they read the labels, there are too many unknown ingredients, chemicals, preservatives, and flavorings. All these contribute to health issues, and one way to avoid them is by changing their diets. Vegan options exist on the market, and one good example is Biopet vegan dog food.
The brand originated in Australia, and all products are developed and manufactured in Sydney. The formulas have been developed to support the digestive system because dogs require a healthy gut. Some regular pet food has high amounts of grains and cereal, and many develop allergies and skin and digestive issues. Instead, Biopet vegan dog food uses carbohydrates such as tapioca, potatoes, and peas.
Buying organic food  
There is hype around organic food, but many people don’t know the difference between it and regular food. Biopet vegan dog food is organic and produced without artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. The ingredients don’t have preservatives or chemical additives. Another great benefit is the absence of GMO – genetically modified ingredients.
Introducing Biopet vegan dog food should be done gradually. It is never a good idea to do it suddenly. Otherwise, your pet will reject it. Introducing a small amount into the old food over a few days makes a difference. The brand is available in pet shops, and you can find plenty of other products, including treats and cat varieties. Investing in high-quality food makes a difference in your pet’s health.
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Quality supplies
Whenever you purchase pet supplies of any kind, including dog crates, it is a good idea to verify their durability and quality and ensure they don’t put your companion in danger. Your pup should not be able to chew through the crate or pop its head through the bars. Buying a crate suitable for its age and breed is not an issue. Pet shops are well equipped with products for every need.
Some dogs are mischievous and like to get in trouble. When you are not around or during the night, place your pup inside the crate and have peace of mind. You know that your furry friend will not get in trouble inside the crate.  Even when you run errands or have gardening to do, take your little one along to keep you company. This bonding time is excellent for both of you.
Great Uses for Dog Crates
Perhaps you already have a dog at home and want to get another one. Dogs will start to peck at each other because they are very territorial. Crating one of them until they adapt is a good solution. This applies if you get a cat or any other type of pet. Your dog can be placed inside the crate until it gets accustomed to the new resident.
It is helpful to have a crate in the house if your pup undergoes treatment or must recover after surgery. If you place it somewhere safe and confined, it will heal better and sooner, and you can look after it. Even if you are not in the house 24/7, you have peace of mind knowing your pup is not running around the house risking injuries.
When you have visitors by the house and your dog is not very pleasant or friendly or one of your guests fears dogs, you can put the pup in the crate. This way, everyone feels safe and secure, and your pup will not jump on them or escape through the open door. Crates have multiple purposes, and having one around is a good idea. You can also find many models and designs to match every need.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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When having a herbivore animal, it is best to do some research on what specific nutrients you should be providing them with. As the name states, these animals thrive on eating plant-based ingredients. Their needs are more based on fiber, vitamins, and minerals rather than protein. Some protein is required, but its origin has to be vegetal.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Training a little animal to behave according to your house rules is a challenging task in the education process. They are young and have so much energy that they sometimes get confused about what you are trying to teach them. To protect your house as much as possible in the first year of bringing home a pet, companies have produced pet supplies to help you with that. In the past decades, people have normalized more and more having and raising a pet on their own, and they have discovered that this is one of the best feelings in life. You want to provide for all their needs while benefiting from their unconditional love and happiness.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Cats are born with this uncontrollable instinct of scratching abrasive fabrics to file their nails and stretch their muscles. Instead of considering removing their claws through a medical declawing procedure, cat owners invested in a cat scratching post.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Animals are known to love their privacy, so providing a cave bed for them to rest or hide is the best thing you can do. Being the most luxurious item rated as pet supplies, you can find them in different sizes and shapes and are made of various materials such as cotton, wool, plush, and silk. This extra comfortable place assures your pet a safe environment to rest or hide if something scares him. Having such a place soothes their  anxiety and helps maintain a healthy mind.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Like every metabolism and living body requires to be supported with different nutrients and protein quantities, this is also the case for feeding felines. Nutrients fall into protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. While energy is not a nutrient, it is generated by the digestion certain fed ingredients. This process takes place inside the stomach with the help of gastric fluids . 
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Everyone has felt at least once until now how nutrition influences a body's energy levels. Research has shown that nutrients, herbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals maintain any living body in a better shape, with more substantial and lasting energy. If these aspects are neglected, the body accelerates the metabolism, which acts upon the muscles and bones. Energy will lower its levels, and exhaustion will set in. If your food does not offer the body the necessary nutrients to function correctly, these things will happen.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Another helpful thing you may do before choosing a place to stay is to read reviews on them. See what other people have to say about how they treat pet owners and what they can provide for your pup. This can help you understand how much the place is dog-friendly.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Sunflower seeds are known to help reduce heart diseases and diabetes. Their nutrients contain proteins, carbs, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc. Abundant in vitamin E and selenium, these antioxidants help protect body cells against chronic diseases. Their main beneficial properties include lowering cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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The most well-reviewed and used are the vertical scratching posts. Cats have been shown to love it and use it to stretch their muscles, and it is easier for them to enjoy exhibiting this  instinct in an upright position.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
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Nowadays, more than 60 specialized employees are showing their love for animals through their initiative of finding revolutionary treatments and nutritious food formulas, having created over 500 animal products so far.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
The Most Used Pet Supplies – Dog Cages and a Cat Scratching Post
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Having a pet is very similar to having a child; you have to treat him with love and affection while caring for every one of their needs. It is much easier to care for a pet than a kid, but you will love him as much. Their primary needs mainly concentrate on being well-fed, whereas the secondary ones focus on having a safe place to rest and freely exhibit their instincts.
Dogs are friendly and outgoing animals who enjoy the presence of their owners and love to be outside with them, consuming their energy while exercising. Despite this fact, they also require having a place of their own in which the feeling of safety is present, and they can quietly rest. Many owners invest in dog cages and beds because they have multiple uses, and it ensures the pet is in a safe place and you when you want to send your pet on time out. These pet supplies are a must for traveling with an animal. Cats are born with this uncontrollable instinct of scratching abrasive fabrics to file their nails and stretch their muscles. Instead of considering removing their claws through a medical declawing procedure, cat owners invested in a cat scratching post.
Variety of Dog Cages
Since dog cages have become such a hot item, manufacturers have started to create different styles and sizes and use various materials in the fabrication process. The most commonly sold ones have metal bars and are destined to be used indoors and for traveling. All the materials are pet safe, causing no damage to their health. Some companies use high-quality metal so the dog will not be able to escape or damage the crate. These types of dog cages are required if you plan to travel with your pet and sleep in a hotel. To ensure your pet's safety and prevent any damage to the surroundings, train the animal to behave himself and get him used to sleeping inside a crate. It is safer for a pet to be carried in a crate, especially when traveling by car.
Wooden dog cages are primarily used as an outside habitat that ensures your fluffer a place to sleep or hide from bad weather conditions. Some have gone to great lengths to build a cage  similar to their house. They have made them so complex and extensive that they can fit more than four dogs and provide them with enough space to place their food and beds and walk around when the owners are not at home but do not want to leave them unsupervised in their main house.
Choosing a Dog Cage
Most people rush when choosing a dog cage, and they forget to consider the space requirements for their dog to feel comfortable inside it. Many people have returned their ordered crates because their dog either does not fit or fits but does not have enough space to turn around, not to mention the ability to stand up. When choosing a cage for your dog, before ordering, it is advisable to follow these steps to be sure you are making the right choice:
Step one – measure your dog. While the dog is standing, use a measuring item to determine the distance from head to tail and from head to paw. Add an extra of at least five inches to each of the measurements, and you will find out the proper dimension of the cage your dog needs.
Step two – read about the type of cage you are choosing. What materials are used, and if it comes with a liquid-proof bottom. You can always place a training pad, but it is best to have a removable tray to make the cleaning process more manageable.
Step three – for commodity and storage, go for a foldable crate. These can come together in pieces, wall by wall, to be easily stored when not needed.
Step four – place the order.
A Cat's Instinctive Behavior
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It is widely known that cats are much harder to train than dogs, especially when controlling the manifestation of their instincts . Their most desired and rebel urge is to scratch their nails on their owners' furniture items. Cats do it uncontrollably, which is normal behavior for them to exhibit. They clean their nails from debris while also stretching their muscles in the process. Trying is a muscle movement that releases endorphins, hormones that help prevent and alleviate anxiety and muscle fatigue. Keeping their claws clean helps avoid the risk of infections and fungal diseases.
If, through this behavior, the damage has been done to your furniture and you are severely bothered by it, do not consider declawing. The process is excruciating and leaves your pet permanently damaged. The claws are the number one means of self-defense for a cat, and while you take that away, the feline will not feel at best anymore. Depression may as well occur. Consider instead investing in a cat scratching post.
The Cat Scratching Post
A cat scratching post is the cat's best friend. It offers the possibility of acting on her scratching instinct and filing the nails without having to hear the owner yell and stop her in the middle of the action.
There are various styles available, from horizontal to vertical ones. The vertical ones make it easier for the cats to stretch, whereas the horizontal ones are more for filing and cleaning nails. Different materials are used in the fabrication process, but customers have shown to be content with the sisal rope. It provides the cat with the necessary abrasiveness while thoroughly cleaning the layers of her nails. Sisal rope is a durable fabric that endures years of scratching without being torn to pieces.
When choosing a cat scratching post, consider the dimensions of your cat. Whether you prefer vertical or horizontal scratchers, the item should be two times bigger than your cat while standing, so the feline will have enough space to stretch correctly.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
A Balanced Mix of Bird Seed Formula
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It is essential to know what they like eating and how much when caring for birds. In calories, birds can eat up to ten thousand each day, and this is why they constantly search for food to reach their daily intake. Whether you decide to buy the bird food or you want to make it yourself, it is good to know what are the essential ingredients for supplying your birds with a balanced and nutritious formula. A basic recipe for bird seed contains ingredients you already have in your pantry, and a complete one may require some orders.
Sunflower Seeds – Best Bird Seed
This bird seed  is essential and adored by them. You can add either hulled or with the shell. Their highly nutritious elements provide the birds with protein and fibers. Having more than 25% high-fat content makes them perfect for balancing their caloric intake. Be advised to avoid the roasted and salty ones. Salt is hazardous for such a small animal and, if consumed, can cause serious heart illnesses.
Sunflower seeds are known to help reduce heart diseases and diabetes. Their nutrients contain proteins, carbs, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc. Abundant in vitamin E and selenium, these antioxidants help protect body cells against chronic diseases. Their main beneficial properties include lowering cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation.
White Millet
White millet is a cereal belonging to the grass family, and it is considered an ancient grain consumed by humans, livestock, and bird food. Rich in carbs, vitamins, and minerals, one cup of white millet has more than 200 calories. Higher in amino acids than other cereals, these nutrients help build more protein than, for example, sunflower seeds. More importantly, it also provides a tremendous amount of calcium, which is vital for the bone structure of your bird. Additionally, parts of its nutrients help control blood sugar levels and lower inflammation.
Corn Seeds
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Corn is a cereal member of the whole grain category. Naturally gluten-free, its consumption lowers many health risks such as strokes, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. It makes a perfect bird seed due to its variety of vitamins and potassium. This mineral supports great heart function and prevents muscle contractions and cramps, which are essential in a bird's life. The heart and muscles of a bird require support through a well-balanced diet.
Corn is also ten times richer in vitamin A than the other grains, offering the immune system great support. Vitamin A also helps build more vital membranes in the respiratory system, which helps keep the germs out of the bloodstream.
Crushed Peanuts
Raw and unsalted peanuts surprisingly have the same nutritional values as other nuts like almonds or cashews. Having a very similar dietary compound and being much less expensive than the other nuts, their presence in your bird food must not be overlooked. Given their high consistency in unsaturated fats, they considerably contribute to a bird's high caloric diet while having many benefits to their heart's functionality.
A large study has found that eating peanuts can help lengthen the life span. Their ingredients help lower diabetes risk, prevent cancer and reduce inflammation through their source of fiber.
Mix of Dried Fruits
Dried fruit in bird food will provide the necessary vitamins to maintain a healthy body. Every doctor in the world recommends consuming a variety of fruits to help your organism with essential vitamins throughout  daily activities . Dried fruit has more nutrients activated in the drying process than fresh ones, and this process condenses many minerals and vitamins, such as potassium and magnesium. Here is a list of health benefits the consumption of dried food has:
Preventing and controlling diabetes
Boosting the immune system
Improving the digestive system functionality
Reducing stress and anxiety
Controlling weight loss
Preventing bone illnesses
Contributes to a healthy heart
Keeps skin and feathers healthy
It prevents hypertension and anemia
Reducing risks of brain damage and dementia
Increase energy levels – bird food is essential to be balanced to offer the necessary energy your bird needs to consume throughout the day.
Simple Recipe For Bird Food
A complete nutritious bird food  formula does not have to be complicated, and you can easily make it yourself. First, it is essential to know what you can and cannot feed your birds according to their species. Essentially, it is best to read up on how much they need to consume daily. Winter diets are different from summer diets, and they require more research before starting to mix your bird food. A typical and used recipe includes sunflower seeds, peanuts, corn, and dried fruit. You can mix one cup of everything and only half a cup of dried fruit. Excellent addition to your recipe is safflower and suet. But you should first check if they are proper for your bird species.
Bird Feeders
Instead of throwing bird seed on the ground, consider investing or making a bird feeder. This item helps maintain the bird seed fresh and safe from harsh weather conditions. Besides, birds can feed themselves at any time from it, even when you are not at home to provide for them. A bird feeder also helps create a clean and safe place for them to relax while eating but also for you to enjoy watching them. Imagine how it would feel sitting on your porch, enjoying some coffee, and watching the joyful birds enjoying the nutritious meal you have prepared for them.
These items may come in different sizes, depending on the birds you plan to feed. You can hang them somewhere safe, like on the branch of a tree, or place them on the ground if the birds cannot fly. If you have a caged bird, you can properly install it inside the cage to avoid any mess in your home. Feathered friends are essential whether they are raised as a pet or in the wilderness. Carefully providing for their needs after doing research makes you a good owner.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
The Importance and Benefits of a Cat Scratching Post
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Cats are adorable creatures, they are furry, fluffy, mischievous, and you will never get bored with them. It is no wonder there are so many owners that choose them as companions. They do require a lot of supplies, care, love, and attention, but they also give so much back. Looking after a cat is not a difficult matter, as long as you have the necessary products in your home. A cat scratching post is essential, for their health and to protect your furniture.
Cat litter crystals are an alternative to classic cat litter used for the litter box. Cleaning after your feline should be as easy and as convenient as possible. This is not a very pleasant activity for pet parents, but it has to be done on a daily basis. So why not find a great product that works amazing and makes the job easier for you? These crystals absorb moisture and odor very well, and they are lighter to carry.
Why Buy a Cat Scratching Post
No matter what you do or how much you dislike it, cats will scratch. It is in their instinct and they do it to sharpen their claws, to mark their territory, to unwind, stretch their backs, and feel good. Maybe you notice how your kitty uses your furniture, sofa, carpets, and these actions can be avoided if you introduce a  cat scratching post to them. There are so many amazing models available, both horizontal and vertical, with toys attached to them, and sleeping beds, relaxation spots, and more.
There are many materials available for scratching posts, some more durable than others. For instance, cardboard is a popular choice, and kitties love it, because they can destroy it and really get their claws into it. However, it is not very durable, and posts have to be changed frequently. The good news is that they are affordable. On the other hand, sisal is the optimum choice, being highly durable and pleasant for the claws.
You can redirect your cat’s scratching from the furniture to the cat scratching post. This way, you save your belongings, and your feline can scratch in peace. To convince them to use the post, spray some catnip on it, or play with your kitty around it. Soon enough, they will gain interest, and if you have several cats, it can become their meeting spot. You can encourage their natural behavior, instead of punishing your kitty for scratching the sofa.
What Are Cat Litter Crystals  
When you search among pet shops for cat litter, you will also find cat litter crystals . At first, they seem strange, because they have a different texture and weight. However, they are silica gel crystals, much lighter than regular cat litter, and non-toxic. They produce almost no dust, which is always great news for allergy sufferers, and people who don’t like to find traces of dust all around the house.
As a responsible owner, you always care about your companion’s health, and you want to choose products that are safe and highly recommended. Crystals are completely safe for your feline, even if they are curious to give them a lick or some of them get caught in their paws. Because they don’t produce clumps, you only have to scoop out the solids. Liquids are absorbed quickly, and when it is time to change the litter box, the crystals change their color.
Great properties
Cat litter crystals eliminate odors, which means you don’t have to replace them quickly. The daily chore becomes easier to handle, and it will give you more time to sit back and relax. Some products are very durable, which means you need to change them only once a month. This is great news for your time, wallet, and for the planet.
Of course, if you have more than one cat, then you need more cat litter crystals, especially if you have several cat litters in the house. Some brands even add scent to the products, to make them smell nicer and cover up the bad smells. Color coded crystals will give you signs when it is time to change them, making the process a lot easier to handle.  
Many owners dread about the lifting and carrying of the cat litter, because packages are so heavy. Instead, cat litter crystals are lightweight, and your back will thank you. Since you have to replace them more rarely, it is even better. To add more convenience, consider online purchasing, and get the products delivered to your door. You will find many brands to choose from, great deals and special prices, so you can save money and clean after your kitty.
Online pet shops have a wider variety of products to choose from, which gives you the opportunity to pamper your feline as much as possible. You can purchase a cat scratching post, and give your kitty the freedom to scratch whenever they like. Take into account that the action is done daily, so the post will become their favorite item in the house. Especially when they wake up, kitties like to stretch and scratch.
Cat Scratching Post – an Essential Accessory
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If you have the space and desire, you can buy more than one scratching post. This way, you can test what your kitty enjoys the most, what materials they prefer, height, if plain designs or with all sorts of accessories attached. Always make sure the post is sturdy and does not fall while it is being used. If it is wobbly, your feline will not like it, and more likely, will not even use it.
Some models available on the market are quite versatile, meaning they fit nicely in your household. Think about where you will place the post and make some room for it. Lure your feline around it, and soon enough you will see how it becomes very attached to it. There is no point in getting angry when you find your furniture scratched and destroyed, instead focus on buying high-quality scratching posts that redirect their behavior in the right direction.
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