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I'm at All In!!!! Very excited :D
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Whoever on twitter started the MCMG turning up to AEW tonight, don't mess with emotions I'm legit going to All In next week I don't need that going on in my head. It normally doesn't end well (aka I'm left disappointed cause they don't turn up).
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Loving this, hope there's more coming :D
I believe in....? Joe Hendry/OC/Alex Shelley Chap 2
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Thank you for the love on the first chapter so here number 2!
Warnings: Fluff and flashback
In a cozy, sunlit living room filled with boxes and nostalgia, Beth and Alex are in the midst of sorting through forgotten treasures and memorabilia from their past lives. Amidst the boxes, they come across an old, dust-covered box labeled "Beth’s Indie Stuff." The handwriting is faded, the box clearly untouched for years, evoking a past Beth has long since packed away.
Alex turned to his fiancé “Hey, what's this one? Can I open it?"
He reaches for the box, but Beth quickly interposes herself, her expression suddenly tight and protective. "It’s just old stuff from my managing days... from the indie circuit." Beth mumbled
Alex notices the sudden change in her demeanor and frowns, his curiosity deepening. "Is this from when you used to manage Joe? Why haven’t you shown me any of this before?"
Beth sighs, her hands resting nervously on the box, a mix of nostalgia and discomfort flickering across her face. “I haven’t opened that box since... since Joe and I broke up. It’s full of old memories. Let’s just put it aside, okay?"
Alex, sensing her discomfort but also wanting to share in all parts of her life, wraps an arm around her shoulders and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips. "It’s your past, Beth, and it’s okay. Maybe it’s time to revisit it. It might even help you move on, you know?"
He smiles reassuringly, and with a reluctant nod from Beth, he gently lifts the lid of the box. Inside, they find old ring gear, faded Joe Hendry merch, and other memorabilia. Each piece seems to carry the weight of memories. As they dig deeper, Alex pulls out a stack of old photos—many of them featuring a younger Beth and Joe, smiling broadly, arms around each other, clearly more than just manager and wrestler. As Alex sifts through the photos, he comes across a small, velvet ring box. Curious, he picks it up.
Alex look curious of the box” What’s this, Beth?"
Beth’s face goes pale as she sees the box, her heart skipping a beat. She quickly reaches out to take it, trying to mask her sudden anxiety. "It’s nothing, just... it got mixed up in there. It’s my Nan’s old ring."
She opens the box to show Alex, revealing a simple yet elegant promise ring. Alex, unaware of its true significance, nods and hands it back to her.
Alex smiled "It’s beautiful. Your Nan had good taste."
Beth nods absently, her fingers tracing the contours of the ring, lost in a flood of memories. Alex watches her, then leans in to kiss her forehead gently. “Whatever happened, it’s all part of what made you the amazing person you are today. I love all parts of you, Beth."
Beth looks up, caught off guard by the affection and understanding in Alex’s eyes. She holds the ring in her hand, feeling its weight as a symbol of a past chapter.
Alex asked curiously “How did you and Joe actually get together? I mean, I know you managed him, but what was the start like?"
Beth wrapped her arm around Alex and laid her head on his shoulder “Well…”
Inside the bustling pub, the air is thick with the aroma of ale and the sound of raucous laughter. Wrestlers and fans alike are celebrating a night of intense matches. Beth and Joe are seated at a crowded table with Grado, Noam Dar, and several other wrestlers, their conversations filled with technical talk and friendly jibes.
Grado jeered "Joe, mate, that dropkick tonight—outta nowhere! Crowd went mental, didn’t they?"
Joe laughed deeply “It felt good, but it was Beth's idea to add that twist at the end. Turned out pretty solid."
Noam grinned “Solid? It was bloody brilliant! And Beth, managing to keep this lug in line—you deserve a medal."
Beth smirked taking a sip of her beer “Oh, it’s all part of the job. But seriously, Joe’s the one taking the bumps."
As they banter, Joe catches Beth’s eye with a grateful look, their mutual respect palpable. Amid the laughter,
Beth leans closer to Joe. "Think we could sneak out for a bit? It’s so loud in here, and I could really use some fresh air."
Joe smiled “Yeah, great idea. Let’s grab a smoke."
They start to stand, gathering their jackets. As they do, one of the other wrestlers at the table, noticing their move, starts to rise as well. "Mind if I join you two for that smoke?"
Before Beth or Joe can reply, Grado, who has been observing the dynamic between Joe and Beth with a knowing grin, chimes in, winking at Joe. "Nah, mate, let them have a wee moment. We’ve got some planning to do for the next show, remember? Let’s give 'em some space, eh?"
The wrestler nods, settling back down, as Grado gives Joe a subtle nod, his expression saying clearly, "Go on, then."
The crisp night air mixes with the warmth emanating from the bustling pub as Beth and Joe find a quiet spot under the dim glow of a street lamp. They light their cigarettes, the orange glow briefly illuminating their faces, creating an intimate space away from the raucous energy inside.
Beth looked to the night sky "It’s nice to catch a break from the crowd, isn’t it? Just to have a moment of quiet."
Joe put his arm around her shoulder “Absolutely. I like the noise, the chaos... but this is nice too. Especially with you."
Their conversation meanders from wrestling to personal aspirations, reflecting the comfort and trust they’ve built as friends and colleagues.
Joe’s gaze lingers on Beth, admiration evident in his eyes. "You know, Beth, watching you manage tonight, it reminded me how incredible you are. Not just at what you do, but who you are."
Beth: smiled shyly “Thanks, Joe. Means a lot, coming from you."
The air between them shifts as they inch closer, the distance closing under the pretense of sharing warmth. Joe hesitates for a moment, then makes a decision, driven by the emotions building throughout the night.
Joe took a deep breath “Beth, there’s something more, something beyond just being great partners... I've felt it for a while now."
Before Beth can respond, Joe leans in, and their lips meet in a tentative kiss that quickly deepens with their pent-up longing and affection. Beth responds eagerly, her hands finding their way to Joe’s neck, pulling him closer. The kiss grows more passionate, their bodies pressing together as if trying to close any space left between them.
As they pull away briefly, breathless, the intensity in their eyes matches the fervor of their embrace. Beth, caught up in the moment, bites her lip and smiles. “Joe, I... I didn't realize—"
Seeing the mutual desire in their eyes, Joe leans in again, this time with a boldness fueled by her response. The kiss is fervent, filled with the release of their long-contained emotions. Beth’s hands roam over Joe’s back, pulling him even closer, their bodies molding together under the streetlamp’s soft glow.
The passion escalates, and Joe whispers against her lips, barely audible over their quickened breaths.
“Beth, come back with me tonight?"
Beth nods, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and nerves. She takes his hand, and they break apart just enough to regain composure. With one last deep kiss that promises more, they turn and walk quickly back into the pub. They weave through the crowd, their hands clasped tightly, electric with the new energy between them.
Grabbing their jackets and belongings without stopping for conversation, they give quick excuses to Grado and Noam, who throw knowing glances their way. Smiling, they rush out of the pub, eager to explore the depths of their new connection away from the public eye.
“That when it officially started” Beth said
Alex grabbed her hand “Thank you for being honest with me”
Beth pulls him in for a kiss “Its me and you now against the world”
Alex smiled down at her. “How about we get Chinese tonight, my treat?”
Beth pulled Alex into another kiss “You know the way to my heart”
“I call them now” Alex smiled running off.
Beth faced dropped as soon as Alex left. She looked down at the velvet box ‘Look like I need to give this back to Joe’ she mumbled
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Moving Day
A/N: My first request on this blog for @brideofinfamy thank you for requesting and waiting patiently. I hope you enjoy. My requests are open if folk want anything from any companies.
Request: Both are dating for 3 years and they take the next step and moving in together in his place, on the day of the move when all of the bigger stuff is settled in, they both decide to have an movie night while cuddling, Reader falls asleep in his arms and wakes up later and excuses herself to him and he responds with something like "it's your home too now you can fall asleep here" so they both head to bed and fall asleep cuddling in each others embrace.
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Today is the day. I'm finally moving in with my boyfriend of 3 years, Alex Shelley. We've been talking about moving in with each other for awhile, trying to work out what would be the best option for us. We ultimately decided that I would move into his house since I was practically already living there, my stuff just wasn't there, till now.
I looked around my now empty house one more time. All my stuff is either already at Alex's or sitting in the car. As i stand in the middle on my living room, taking in the empty room, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"You okay sweetheart?" Alex says before kissing my cheek then putting his chin on my shoulder, making me smile.
"Yeah, it's just wild how my whole life was in here then we packed it up then shifted to yours. It's crazy how it all changes."
"I know, it's a new exciting chapter, where you go, for the rest of our lifes, I will follow." I sighed happily leaning into his embrace, relaxing into the warmth of his body. "You ready to go, or do you want some more time?"
"I'm ready, let's make a start on this new chapter." I pulled away from his arms but then stuck my hand out for him to take it as head out and close the door on the house that was once mine.
Once we got to Alex's house, we made a start on unpacking all my stuff. We put my clothes in the closet, placing my ornaments where they seemed to fit, pretty much placing my stuff in an effort to create and make this place our home.
We spent most the day packing, I couldn't wait to relax and unwind. We decided we'd watch a movie on the sofa and I let him decide. He chose the first X-Men from the orignal trilogy which was such a typical choice for him.
Once it began to play, he sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck, already feeling more relaxed by simply being with and hearing his heartbeat.
"How are you feeling now all the moving is done?" He asks as he pulls me in, impossibly closer to him.
"Content and tried if I'm honest. Just happy I don't need to stress anymore." I sighed, the last of the stress leaving my body with the sigh.
Alex began to rub his hand up and down my arm. "Just switch off now, the hard part is over sweetheart. Relax now." He placed a kiss on the top of my head. I closed my eyes for a second, taking in the love Alex was giving me and the relief of living with me.
However, I opened my eyes and I saw the credits of the movie running. I fell asleep through the whole damn thing!
"Ah, sorry," I said as I untangled myself from Alex, looking for something.
"Hey, it's okay, what are you looking for?" He watched me confused.
i stopped in my tracks, "I don't know," I questioned myself but he had the answer as always.
Are you looking for your stuff to go home?" I let out a laugh as a reponse. My instinct took over as before when I would watch a movie with Alex, I would go home as I'd usually have work the next morning.
"I'm so silly, must be all over the place after the big move and all the stress with it. I've verted back to the past." I laughed out.
That's okay Y/N," Alex laughed out, then took my hand in his and brought his other hand up to cup my face, so I can look at him in the eyes. "But from today onwards, for forever, our home is together, where ever you are, that's where I'll be. That's my home. To me, home is where you are,"
I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I didn't think I could love him anymore but he always finds a way to make that so.
"I love you," is all I could respond with alongside a kiss.
"I love you too, more than you can imagine." He said as we pulled away. I smiled and blushed with that then cuddled into him more, still feeling a little sleepy.
Next thing I know I feel myself getting lifted up, I look uo at Alex as he smiles back at me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. "I think it's time for bed." I nodded my head in agreement.
He jokely threw me down on the bed, we both laughed. I settled under the covers with him following shortly after. I rolled over and I lay my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. The comfort and love, he was giving me, making my heart soar and lulling me to sleep for the first time, in these walls of my new home and into the arms of the man I love.
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Tanahashi's tiddies are really carrying the full weight of his team tonight
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Nigel coming with the translation too, protect Nigel at all costs.
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Oft Max Caster is on one the night, first good rap in a while. Also dying over daddy ace 🤣
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I feel like the bucks get more and more unhinged each week. Also I want to hear Okada call someone a btich, I find it so funny for no reason.
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MJF has hit different for me since he came back. In a good way, I just seem to like him more now.
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Let's just tell myself that MCMG ain't coming tonight too. They are in Canada:(
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Defos gonna have to take some naps tonight lol
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Forbidden door tonight and I am not prepared to stay up to five o'clock in the morning but I'll do it for Will Ospreay. If my live blogs all of a sudden stop during the show though you know why 😂😂 pray I get some sleep beforehand.
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Oh this is fantastic, I need more!!!!
I believe in....? Joe Hendry/OC/Alex Shelley Chap 1
New Fic
Please Like If you want more
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Bound For Glory 2022
Beth is backstage, lacing up her boots and mentally preparing for her upcoming match with her fiancé Alex and his tag team partner Chris. She adjusts her knee pads, focusing on the routine that keeps her grounded. The buzz of excitement in the locker room catches her attention.
Beth mumbled to herself ‘What's going on out there?’
Say his name and he appears….
Taya ran up to her out of breath followed by your best friend Jess. ‘Beth, you won't believe it! Joe Hendry is back!’
‘Joe? Joe Hendry?’ She eyes went wide as Jess grabbed her hand.
The girls moves closer to get a better view. Joe Hendry stands in the ring, soaking in the crowd's reaction, his presence commanding attention. Beth's heart skips a beat as memories flood back.
‘Holy fuck Joe...’ Beth felt a lump in her throat. She steps back from the curtain, her mind racing. She tries to shake off the emotions welling up inside her, but it's difficult.
Jess notices her reaction ‘Are you okay?’
Beth forced a smile ‘Yeah, I'm fine. Just... surprised, that's all.’
‘You two were pretty close, weren't you?’ She frowned when she turned to me ‘shouldn’t you be happy he is back.’
Jess glared at Taya ‘Joe is her ex boyfriend. He up and left TNA 2 years ago, just leaving her here’
Beth ran a hand in her hair ‘It just feels like a lifetime ago.’
Beth takes a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. She knows she has a match to focus on, but the sight of Joe has thrown her off balance.
Taya smiled ‘Maybe it's a good thing he's back. A chance to reconnect?’
Beth groaned at her excitement ‘Maybe... We'll see. I should gol finishing getting ready I got to manage the boys after this’
Jess gave you a side hug ’Good luck out there, Beth. And with Joe.’
Beth smiling faintly. Trying to hide her emotions ‘Thanks. I think I'll need it.’
Beth walks back to her gear, her mind still replaying the moment she saw Joe. She knows this is just the beginning of a complicated journey, one that might change everything.
After Beth's intense match, she walks backstage, still catching her breath from the adrenaline rush. She spots Joe standing by the locker room area, waiting for her. There's a mix of surprise and hesitation in her eyes as she approaches him.
Beth softly spoke ‘Joe... I didn't expect to see you here.’
Joe turns around, his expression a blend of nostalgia and regret. ‘Beth... Can we talk?’ he said grabbing her hand.
Beth looked hesitant ‘Sure. What's on your mind?’
They move to a quieter corner of the backstage area, away from the hustle and bustle of the post-match action.
Joe starched the back his head nervously ‘I... I need to tell you something, Beth. I've been thinking a lot about us, about what we had.’
Beth started to rant off ‘Joe, we've been through this before. You left, and...’
Joe stopped her ‘I know, Beth. I made a mistake, a big one. But I never stopped loving you. I still do.m
Beth looks at Joe, her heart conflicted. She knows she still has feelings for him, but the pain of his departure lingers. She starts to feel emotional ‘You hurt me, Joe. You left without a word, and I... I had to pick up the pieces. We were best friends and you did the one thing you promised me you wouldn't.’
Joe sighed running a hand through his blonde locks ‘I know, and I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. But seeing you again, Beth, it's like... nothing has changed for me. I still want us to be together.’
Before Beth can respond, Alex appears behind her, his presence casting a shadow over the tender moment between Beth and Joe. He strides up confidently, his demeanor a mix of possessiveness and charm.
Alex smiled casually ‘Hey, babe. There you are. Joe, right?’ Alex stuck his hand out.
Joe nods tersely, his jaw clenched as he meets Alex's gaze. He shook Alex hand firmly ‘Yeah, Joe Hendry. Nice to meet you.’
Alex steps closer to Beth, wrapping an arm around her waist possessively. ‘You were incredible out there. I'm proud of you.’ he placed a kiss on her lips softly a gesture that feels more like a statement of possession than affection. Joe watches, his expression unreadable.
Beth forcing a smile ‘Thanks, babe.’
Alex turned to Joe ‘Well, we should let Beth get ready. We got Dinner plans, babe right?’ He playful smacked her ass
Beth squealed ‘Yeah, I'll see you around, Joe’ Alex gives Joe a dismissive nod before leading Beth away.
Alex grabbed her hand ‘You seem pretty shaken up. What did Joe say to you?’
Beth tried to sound unbothered ‘Nothing much. We just... talked. It's been a long time since we last saw each other.’
Alex looked suspiciously at her ‘Just talked, huh? You sure he wasn't trying to stir up old feelings?’
Beth suddenly got defensive ‘Alex, it's not like that. We're just friends now. It's been years.’
Alex narrowed his eyes ‘Friends? Beth, I saw the way you looked at him. There's more to it than that, isn't there?’
Beth turned to face Alex and sighed ‘Look, seeing him again was a surprise. That's all. You're the one I'm with, Alex. I'm committed to you.’
‘You better be.’ Alex smiled his charming smile. ‘Just remember, you're going to be my wife soon.’
Alex pulls Beth into a possessive embrace, his hands firm on her waist. He leans down and kisses her deeply, almost as if marking his territory.
Beth pulled back breathless ‘Alex I swear you will be the death of me’ she smiled running her hand down his chest.
Alex smirked ‘Just making sure everyone knows you're mine.’ he pulled her into another kiss.
From a distance, Joe watches the scene unfold, his heart heavy. He clenches his fists, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and determination.
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A/N: Slightly updated one from the old blog. Just a short one since I've got plently more Alex Shelley coming over the summer which are a lot longer :D
No Warnings
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Aren't weddings a pain to get ready for, even just for guests as you have make sure you dress fancy enough but too much or you'll seem attention seeking or something like that. Then you need to hope that no one is wearing the same dress as you or you'll feel a bit embarrassed. One of my friends from school is getting married which is what led me to my predicament.
It probably took me longer than it should've to find a dress but I eventually found one, then that led to finding the right shoes or bag which then led to my current problem, make-up. I never had and, most likely, never will be someone who constantly wears make-up. I personally don't see the point in it but I wear if I feel I have to. I feel that's why it takes me forever to put it on.
"Hey babe, are you ready to go?" I heard my boyfriend, Alex, shout from outside our room. Alex and I have been together for about a year and half and I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. He is the greatest man you can ever imagine, a sense of humour, a big heart and good-looking, what more could you ask for in a partner?
"Um, yeah. Just give me a sec." I reply as I was just finishing up my make-up. I hear the door open knowing it was him or at least I hope it's him otherwise I'd be a bit freaked out if there was a random person in my house.
"What's taking you so long? You're not normally this lo-" I turned to look at him which stopped him in his tracks. He looked me up and down in absolute awe. "Wow Y/N. You look amazing tonight."
"What are you trying to say Shelley, I don't look amazing every other night?" I pretended to be insulted just to wind him up a little.
He went into panic mode straight away, "Oh no no no sweetheart I didn't mean it like that at all I just thought you look beautiful not that you don't already look beautiful but ev-" I went over to him and put my hand over his mouth to stop his rambling.
"I was only joking you dork."
"Thank god," he sighed in relief once I removed my hand from his mouth.
"We should probably get going babe," I said after glancing back at the clock, "I don't want to be late." He nodded then offered out his arm for me to hold on to.
"My lady." I laughed at him.as I took his arm.
"You love me for it though."
"Yeah, of course I do Alex."
He placed an over the top kiss on my cheek. "Mwah, and I love you too Y/N." I roll my eyes in a joking manner as we leave to go to the wedding. He's such a nerd but I love him for it.
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do you have any Fic's that will be out soon?!
Hey, yes I do I have just been real busy lately wrapping up some personal things so I think I've missed the last couple of weeks but yes I have a few from the old blog which are Finn Balor, Adam Cole, Matt Jackson, Chris Sabin and 2 Alex Shelley then there is also a new Alex Shelley request and I also have been toying with an idea for a new Finn Balor one too. My requests are open and I might get one of the old ones out today before I head off. I'll be doing a lot of travelling this week so most likely I'll be able to write new requests on train/bus. :D
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