cooldad55-blog · 7 years
Bo Burnham, more like Bo Burn-Him!
Hello readers,
 Today I very patiently watched Bo Burnham’s new “Comedy” special, if you can even call it that and needless to say I did not laugh. At all. I don’t even understand why he is famous. He’s just kid that tries so hard to keep people’s attention on stage. I for one - as a father of two and proud fan of classic stand up comedy - absolutely hated it. The fact that I could be his father makes me feel like he has no idea what he is talking about, and it makes no sense to me that this kind of immature “comedy” is being supported!
 Firstly, Bo uses a very rude and aggressive vernacular. It is absolutely unacceptable and I don’t feel comfortable about the fact the my own children can so easily log onto the internet and watch this kind of garbage. News flash Bo, rude DOES NOT equal funny. I get that he’s trying to be edgy and new, but it’s not working.
 Secondly, he often takes his audience for granted and degrades them by calling them “idiots” and what not many times over. This absolutely enrages me. A performer like that, especially of his age needs to respect his audience as he is even lucky he as them. He needs to grow up, realise how lucky he is and at least try and better himself and his content.
 Thirdly, rather than doing real comedy like the classic Steve Martin or Jerry Seinfeld, Bo decides to sing and dance on stage. To be honest I think he looks like an immature, weird kid that hasn’t figured out what to do and decides make a fool of himself on stage. He just makes no sense! At the beginning of his previous show he simply danced to a song for what felt like 30 minutes and awkwardly wiggled his scrawny self back and forth. I understand that musical comedy is a thing that exists, but I also strongly believe that Bo is just a silly kid. I even did some research and found that he can’t even read music!
 Needless to say, I do not think he deserves to be as famous as he is and I will gladly wait and watch as his so called “fans” slowly realise this too.
 Peace out
Comments (1)
Bobby Brown:
Hey Cooldad55, although I’m not one to bash you for your opinion I feel like you either didn’t fully watch Bo’s show or didn’t pay any attention at all to his work. The Bias you have towards him because of his age is a little bit outdated and I suggest you stop being so ignorant and actually take into account his unique style and actually pretty introspective content. I will give you some specific examples since you barely took into account any of his jokes.
 First off, You have been very lazy in your research as if you looked correctly you would have realised that each one of his shows has taken about 3 years of preparation to create and polish!
Bo has many songs and acts in his specials that outline the extent of his intelligence, humbleness and humor.
 1.  In his song “If you want love” he uses sarcasm as a tool  to propagate his satirical nature. He uses society's stereotypes of a perfect significant other to emphasise the fact that they are only stereotypes. He sends a message that although everyone does deserve love, we all must lower our expectations. He gets even deeper by using rhetorical questions and questioning whether we even deserve the love we expect. He ends the song by saying “I would know Im only 25”. This provides a sarcastic tone as well and implies that although he is giving you his wisdom, he is still being humble and letting you know that he is young and inexperienced. This completely opposes what you think of him, which makes me feel as if you were being very ignorant.
 2. In a song from his previous comedy show, “we think we know you” he fairly clearly addresses the issues he has with people such as yourself that clearly assume things about him. The seven minute bit starts with 3 whole minutes of pre recorded dialogue from people judging him. This represents his own experiences with people that have approached him since he became famous. It is quite anecdotal and rewarding when he finally mixes all the words together to form the sentence “we think we know you” which is powerful and lets the audience know that you should not assume something about him because he is famous, especially at his young age. In addition to this, the musical number that follows is a very creative piece that even addresses topics such as religion. Not only that but the incredible synergy existent  between the pre recorded audio and his physical movements has clearly taken a lot of practice.
 3. In response to how silly you say his content is, I present to you his “Kanye rant” Song. He shows a lot of meaning in the ten minutes that the bit lasts for. Firstly, the topics he uses are very colloquial and relatable to the audience and are very humorous. He uses a pringle can as a metaphor for happiness and an overflowing burrito as a metaphor for his own life and his ever growing fame. Implying that he did not know what he was signing up for when he became famous as the burrito overflowed his life did too. As well as these metaphors, he takes a moment to let the audience know that he is insecure about his show and content. He uses direct address and very personal stylistic nature to make it very intimate.
 These are just 3 examples of his depth and introspective nature. I could go further; however, I highly suggest that you yourself take a second look; this time with a slightly more open mind towards him as this bias feels very unjust.
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