cooldea123me-blog · 5 years
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#hongkong #skyline 
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cooldea123me-blog · 5 years
Hong Kong- The city of lights that never sleeps
You want to go somewhere faraway and special??? Hong Kong is the absolute perfect choice! The best way to fly there is with Turkish Airlines with a stop in Istanbul. For Hong Kong the best choice is if you plan your activities in advance, because Hong Kong has so much to see that I dought that you will be able to see it all. For this we can give you some advice: You cannot miss the chance without visiting the Victoria Peak which is the highest peak of the city where you can see both parts of the island (the part called Kowloon and the one called Hong Kong (from one part to the other you can go using an underwater tunnel or with a ferry boat. Another very interesting attraction is ocean park. To see the views which are famous in the whole world you have to walk in the Tsim Tsa Tsui boulevard.  If you are taking this trip with kids I suggest you go to the Hong Kong Disneyland which has all the magic that Disneyland has. This trip should not go without visiting the street food markets with asian and also fusion food that you can find only in Hong Kong.  For something more spiritual you can visit the numerous temples and the beautiful islands of the city. With that said Hong Kong offers something for everyone, in every age and interest. Try it because you will only enjoy. 
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cooldea123me-blog · 5 years
My beautiful trip to Tuscany
Two weeks ago we flew to go to beautiful Tuscany. We flew from Alitalia and went first to Rome and then took the train to go to Florence. The flight is very short and comfortable which took only one hour. When we arrived to Rome we took the Florence train from the airport. From Rome to Florence the trip took about 1 hour 40 minutes.  When we arrived in Florence we took the taxi to beautiful Plaza Lucchesi Hotel which I really recommend and that was super beautiful and luxurious. We booked all the tours that we wanted to take for the city of Florence and the whole Tuscan area. We booked a walking tour of Florence which took us to all the main piazzas of the city (Piazza del Duomo) (Piazza Michelangelo) (Piazza Santa Maria Del Fiore) etc. We learned a lot in this walking tour who build these piazzas, what was the meaning of the art which was in these piazzas, how many years did these piazzas have that they were there etc. After the walking tour which took about 2 hours we were lead into the beautiful Ufizzi Gallery Florence which had the most famous artworks from all the world and which held the real pieces of Michelangelo’s artworks and sculptures. That museum was so big and interesting that you could not finish it in about one week. Next we went into the Pitty Palace which was the palace of the famous Medici family of Florence, that castle was so luxurious and full of gold that it kind of gave me a headache. The next day we went on the first tour: The bus picked us up at about 8:30 and first we headed of to St Gimignano, there we explored the beautiful village which gave you the feeling like you were in a beautiful old bazaar with the floor which had cobblestones and cute little souvenir shops that had everything you could ever imagine. Another thing we did in St Gimignano is something you cannot escape from if you are in Italy. We had the ranked “Best Gelato in the World” which was the yummiest ice cream that I had ever had. Our next stop was Monteriggioni it was the village where the famous Dante Alligeri had his house.  We visited his house also from the inside and for me it gave me a feeling like I was walking 10 steps back in time since it was very vintage but at the same time very cozy and comfy. Our next stop was beautiful Siena (the city of leather) We stopped for lunch in Siena.. (but in my opinion I would not reccomend eating in Siena or in any other place in Italy that has a lot of tourists since the quality of the food is not that good.)  After lunch we had to catch up with the tour guide which showed us the Piazza of Siena which is called one of the most beautiful piazzas in the world. Then unexpectedely some horses came and we saw one of Sienas famous horse races. Our next stop was cantina bottega in Montalcino which we had the experience that the Tuscan area is known for the wine tasting and wine tour in the elegant cantinas of Tuscany.  By 6 o clock we were back in Florence and the bus left us to our respective hotels. A restaurant I reccomend in Florence is “Foody Farm” and it is a place where you can find typical italian gourmet comfort food 
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cooldea123me-blog · 5 years
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My trip to Tuscany
Recently, two weeks ago I took an awesome trip to Tuscany where I visited the whole  Tuscan area. Stay tuned for some photos from those amazing destinations 
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cooldea123me-blog · 5 years
My trip to Tuscany
Recently, two weeks ago I took an awesome trip to Tuscany where I visited the whole  Tuscan area. Stay tuned for some photos from those amazing destinations 
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cooldea123me-blog · 5 years
Introducing Myself and My Travel Blog
Hi I am Dea, I am a teenage girl living in Albania which really loves to travel! I never get tired of travelling and want to travel as much as possible! I have been travelling with my family since I was a little baby so I got used to being on the plane and later learned how to also enjoy it. I seem to enjoy every kind of trip. From visiting large cosmopolitan cities to beach holiday destination but also trips to off the beaten path destinations that involved physical activities. My love for travelling gets bigger and bigger everyday the more I travel and visit places. 
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