coolerontheflipside · 2 years
If your taking requests could you write one for neymar jr x reader
With younger neymar and davi when davi is maybe 1 year old and the reader is in a carneval. Reader is friends with his sister and when she is drunk she asks for neymars number. Doesn't write it down but after an hour she calls him and asks him if he would like to come to a club she is in and after that when they get together she first brings davi to her parents a few times before they even meet neymar.
I'm sorry it's long but it was actually how my parents got together it's just that the roles were reversedđŸ€Ł (even better if you could make reader Croatian since it happened there)
a/n: i’m so sorry anon for not getting to this sooner, my life has been so busy with christmas and family, but i wish everyone a happy (and safe) holidays! now, i need to shut up and start writing.
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Rafaella has been my best friend since..well since forever. We can’t go a day without texting, calling, and sometimes meeting up for coffee. We were basically sisters.
But, I was also curious about her well-known brother, Neymar da Silva Santos JĂșnior. He was good looking, extremely talented at football, and very funny. I rarely saw him when he wasn’t playing, but cherishing every moment with him. I would remember even the smallest details from our last acquaintance. June 27, he seemed stressed and tense, seeming as if one more thing would set him loose into an argument with the nearest person. I wanted to help, but didn’t know how.
I am pulled away from my thoughts when I see my phone buzz with a text from Rafaella reading,
“Vamos sair. Te pego às 6, ok?” (“Let’s go out. I’ll pick you up at 6, okay?”)
I text her back immediately with,
“Ok, vejo vocĂȘ Ă s 6!” (“Okay, see you at 6!”)
I get up from my sitting position on the couch, turn off the TV, and go upstairs. I have about an hour and a half to get ready, so this is a bit short-notice but I’ll make it work.
An hour and 15 minutes passes and I am just adding the finishing touches to my perfectly curled hair. Although my hair is extremely thick, the curls should hold for a bit.
Once I’m done doing that, I decide to open Instagram to pass the time. I scroll for a bit, but then I find myself on Neymar’s page, looking down on his most recent post with him and Davi.
“Oh my gosh,” I think to myself, melting at the sight on my phone, “Davi is already 1? He’s so cute!”
Davi, Neymar’s son, is probably one of the most cutest babies I have ever laid my eyes on. I mean, come on, those brown eyes are just so precious.
Again, I am ripped out of my thoughts when I receive a text from my girl.
“Estou aqui!” (“I’m here!”)
I place my phone in my little clutch along with a little money and ibuprofen and head downstairs to exit my home, making sure to unplug the curling iron and turn off all the lights.
I walk towards her car, slightly admiring the beautiful blacked-out look.
“Oi garota!” she greets as I enter the car and I do the same. (“Hey girl!”)
“So,” I start, “ where is this new club?”
“VocĂȘ vai adorar, Ă© sĂł esperar!” she says, her voice filled with enthusiasm, but not really answering my question. But then again, I do love a good surprise. (“You are going to love it, just you wait!”)
It took a bit to get there, but once we arrived, it was awesome just on the outside.
We walked in and somehow Rafaella knew the guy working so we got in for free which was cool, but I was starving so I headed to the bar.
“O que posso fazer por vocĂȘ?” the bartender asked, and I already knew my answer. (“What can I get for you?”)
“Brodetto,” I say, knowing that yes, this was a drink bar at a club and yes, I ordered a stew..but I really didn’t care and neither did the bartender as he put in my order.
After I finished my stew I ordered shots after shots. Then, I tried a few new drinks and some were actually pretty good.
Almost 3 hours had passed and I was drunk. Everyone was, though, except for Rafaella being a responsible adult.
“Hey, girlll,” I say, sounding out the last word a little longer than usual.
Rafaella looks at me and mimics my behavior, “Sim garotaaa?” (“Yes girlll?”)
“Can I get Ney’s numberrr?” I ask without hesitation, the alcohol taking full control of my system.
She replies with a simple, “certa” and dials it in my phone, not thinking to write it down and trusting that my phone will remember the number later.
After a few more drinks, she decides that I have had enough and that I shouldn’t drink anymore. So, we do the next best thing..dance!
After a few good songs I decide to call Neymar and invite him to the club that we were in.
Thank goodness my phone remembered the number and it rings for a bit.
About halfway through the third ring he picks up.
“OlĂĄ? Quem Ă©?” he asks, and I can suddenly hear my heartbeat in my ears. (“Hello? Who is this?”)
“Heyy, it’s Y/N! Look, you should come to the club Rafaella and I are in, it’s insane!!” I say, sounding confident.
The other end went silent for a few moments, indicating that Ney was pondering the decision.
“Claro, mas vocĂȘ tem que me fazer um favor,” he says. A favor? Hmm, what could it be? (“Sure but you have to do me a favor”)
“VocĂȘ tem que tomar conta do Davi quando eu estiver fora” he says, waiting for your answer. Babysitting Davi? Um, yes please! (“You have to babysit Davi when I am away”)
“Ney, you have yourself a deal” is what I said as I ended the call, excited for Neymar’s arrival.
We had a great night and I think I should’ve won the award for “the most drunk”. I don’t even remember going home or falling asleep on the bed wearing the same attire as last night but with no shoes.
I got up and reached for my phone, seeing a million messages across different platforms but the one that caught my eye was a message from Neymar.
“Como vocĂȘ estĂĄ se sentindo?” he sent. Did he care about me? My heart did a little skip at the thought of THE Neymar caring about how I felt. It was almost too good to be true. (“How are you feeling?”)
I text back a, “alright, I have a massive headache, though.”
Not even 2 seconds go by and I see that he “read” my message. Dang, he must’ve been waiting for my answer!
“estarei aí em 10” is what I get in return and I don’t respond. (“I’ll be there in 10”)
Not even 10 minutes go by when you hear a knock on the door.
Then another one.
Then one final one until you hear keys jingling at the door and then it is finally opened.
“He must’ve gotten the keys from Rafaella,” I thought, too lazy to get up from my bed to greet the handsome man that just entered my house.
“eu trouxe o davi, espero que não se importe,” is all i hear as he stomps up the steps and into my room. He immediately locks eyes with me as he carries food in his hand, water, and some tylenol. Of course, Davi is by his side as he enters my room that looked as if a tornado went through it. Not the best look. (“I brought Davi, hope you don’t mind.”)
“Ei, vocĂȘ estĂĄ bem?” he asks, worry painted all over his face as squats down to my eye level and takes my hand in his. (“Hey, are you okay?”)
“I’ll be fine, hey Davi!” I greet the familiar child and he just looks at me and walks up the room.
“ele vai gostar de vocĂȘ em breve. mas primeiro, vamos cuidar de vocĂȘ” Ney says as he leads me to the bathrooom, helping me. (“he will warm up soon, but now let’s take care of you”)
Weeks pass and I become closer to Davi and Ney. I take Davi to my parents very often and he opens up, just like Ney said he would.
Eventually, Neymar had some free-time and decided to surprise me and Davi when we arrived to my house after leaving my parents’.
Davi runs to him and Ney engulfs him in a large, warm hug.
“vá esperar no carro, estarei aí em um segundo” Ney says to Davi and he obliged. (“go wait in the car, i’ll be there in a second”)
After Davi closed the door behind him, Ney and I locked eyes. “He has such beautiful eyes,” I can’t help but think.
“muito obrigado, y/n, vocĂȘ nĂŁo sabe o quanto isso significa para mim,” he says, a smile creeping up on his face. (“thank you so much, y/n, you don’t know how much this means to me”)
“Estou esperando para te perguntar isso desde que coloquei os olhos em vocĂȘ, mas vocĂȘ quer ser minha namorada?” he asks, a hopeful expression plastered on his face. (“I’ve been wanting to say this since I have laid eyes on your gorgeous self, but will you be my girlfriend?”)
I can’t even form words I am so happy, so I just nod and he engulfs me in a giant hug and then, right then and there is when I knew that Neymar Jr was my forever home..
a/n: hii, i am so sorry that this is so long and i am sorry if it is not accurate 😭. i wrote this on about 2 hours of sleep and i am currently pulling an all-nighter with my friend to finish extra-credit for over the break, so I apologize in advance because i didn’t proofread. but ya, i really hope you enjoy and please don’t be afraid to tell me what i did wrong and i will try my best to fix it!
xx, charlotte đŸ€
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coolerontheflipside · 2 years
hiii!! do u write for neymar?? maybe a fluffy fic with baby davi?? maybe Christmas themed?? thank uuu!!!
a/n: hiii!! i do write for neymar and i’m so excited to actually write something. i’m sorry if this sucks and i am sorry if the translations are incorrect because i don’t really know how to speak spanish, so i just used google translate. anyways, i hope you enjoy!!
Christmas was undeniably you’re favorite time of the year, so it was obvious that you would go all out. From setting up the ultimate secret Santa to making you and Ney’s shared home the best decorated on the street, there was no denying that you did Christmas best.
It was Christmas Eve and it had been a tradition to open 1 present that night, ____.
“Papá, ¿puedo abrir un regalo ahora?” Davi asked his father, not being able to contain his excitement and the bright smile on his face. Sure, it was only 1 present, but it was so fun to do. (“dad, can i open a present now?”)
“esperar”, Neymar returned as he was walking from the kitchen to the living room, sitting beside y/n. (“hold on”)
“bien, ahora puedes!” Neymar said, discreetly filming Davi’s reaction on his phone. (“ok, now you can!”)
Neymar and y/n couldn’t help but smile as Davi’s excitement rubbed off on them as he looked at __.
“¡muchas gracias!” Devi beamed as he quickly got up to hug his dad, then you. (“thank you so much!”)
Even though you weren’t Devi’s biological mother, he treated you like you were and it melted Neymar’s heart to see 2 of the things he loved most, you and Devi.
Minutes pass and Devi is still amazed by his gift. How did you know that’s what he wanted? If this singular gift was this good, that could only mean the other gifts were just as good if not better, right? Devi got even more excited and couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come.
“ah, son las 10:00, sabes lo que significa..” Ney started and Devi looked up at him, knowing exactly what that meant..bedtime, the hardest part of Christmas Eve. (“oh, it’s 10:00, you know what that means..”)
Devi looked at Neymar and begged, “¿5 minutos mas?” hoping that Ney would oblige, but knowing that it wasn’t likely. (“5 more minutes?”)
“no, lo siento chico. Ahora, ve a tu habitaciĂłn y estarĂ© allĂ­ en un minuto para arroparte.” Ney replied as Devi walked to his room. (“nope, sorry kiddo. now, go to your room and i’ll be there in a minute to tuck you in.”)
You cleaned up the wrapping paper and did your skin care rountine as Ney tucked Devi in.
By the time you got out of the bathroom, Neymar was already in your shared bed with a smile on his face.
“what are you smiling at?” you question him, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“just admiring how beautiful you are, baby.” he responded as you climbed into the space beside him.
“whatever you say” you reply, kissing him goodnight and resting your head on his chest as his heartbeat lulled you to sleep..
a/n: i really hope you guys like this and please tell me what i can improve on since this is my first time writing a fan-fic (don’t be afraid to be brutally honest). thanks for your patience and thanks anon for the lovely request!!
Merry Christmas ❀❀
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coolerontheflipside · 2 years
okay, so ik i am not new to tumblr, but i am new to writing and making stuff on tumblr. so, can someone (or multiple people) recommend some stuff for me to write about? like it can be anyone, any scenario, i don’t really care as long as it’s not the ‘Harry Potter’ universe or anything bc i have already been through that phase and it was rather..unpleasant..anyways..just give me some ideas please
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