If you lost this, let me know! My internet likes to crap out.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like hamex. You: [Backstory: Alex was in an accident that caused him to lose his left arm. After six months, tonight is his first night out. Established is preferred but not necessary.]
Staring in the mirror at his shirtless form, Alex couldn't help but rub his shoulder, staring at where his arm used to be. Even now, it still felt weird to be without an arm. And it felt even weirder to go out in public and have everybody see it. Tonight would be the worst, but a part of Alex knew he needed to do it, for his self esteem. "Ugh, Do I have to go?" Alex whined as he moved his hand and put it on the counter, leaning forward a bit.
Stranger: [Really hope this is okay! If you don't like it, I'll write something different!] "You need to get out there again, Al," coming up behind with a squeeze to Alex's shoulders, "it's not healthy for you to stay cooped up in the flat all day. You're still you, shit brick." Ian wasn't being entirely honest. He wanted Alex to go out tonight because he just couldn't handle the sadness and nights in anymore, he wanted his friend back. "Come on, don't you miss the outside world? Dancing? Drinking? Pub sport games? Cute boys with tight arses? They are all out there! Right out the door, now come on. Finish up."
you: [Ohhhhh, I like it! <3]
Stranger: [:D Huzzah!] You: Well, Ian did bring up a good point.. While Alex did miss the fun that he used to have, especially when he and Ian went out together, the thought of people staring at his shoulder where his arm used to be was really a terrifying thought. A bit cowardish, he knew, and Ian had been more than patient with him. "Yeah, I know, I know." He said with a sigh at the mention of what he was missing out on. "Doesn't mean it's any less scary to go out there for the first time in fucking ages." He said, looking at Ian in the mirror.
Stranger: "I know, mate. Just think about this way: if you hate your hair, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's just your hair, and it's doing what it wants. You're the one freaking out about it. You're the one putting so much thought on it. Most people don't even notice it, some people even dig it." Giving his shoulders another squeeze. "It's just you, mate. It's just you, and someone's going to like it, like they've always done. Now, we're going to go to the club. You're going to have a few shots, and you're going to bring home the cutest little shit you can find or the very least chat somebody up. Because christ, you've never been this way. You'd punch you right now."
You: "I'd also hold me with one hand and punch me with the other." Alex quipped, but there was a small smile on his face. He was trying to get himself in a good mood, he really was. Ian deserved it, at least, for putting up with him for this long. "Not sure who'd want to come home with me looking like this, though. At least with my hair, it's just hair. Can't exactly regrow a body part." He quipped, pushing himself off of the counter finally and turned to smile at Ian before he left the bathroom and went to the closet, getting out a button up shirt and carefully putting it on.
Stranger: "You still have a cock, Al, pretty sure a guy'll like you," letting out of a bark of a laugh, "and any guy who doesn't, does it really matter? I mean, really, Al, do you really want a guy who doesn't want to be with you because you're missing an arm? Like seriously. Do you really want that? He'd be an arse. A total arse. No. You want a guy who looks at you and goes, 'holy shit, I need that'; 'I need that so damn hard in my life'. Fuck. Did you ever think you'd hear me say something like that? Ever? Come on, bud, you look good."
You: "Yeah, you keep screaming it so loud, I think all of the neighbors hear you." Alex quipped, snorting at the end with a bigger smile on his face this time as he finally finished the buttons. Fuck, it was hard to do with one hand. But Alex refused to ask for help, especially from Ian. He was almost certain that the other was sick of him being all upset. No, he was /definitely/ certain. "Alright, lets get going before you talk your own mouth off. Won't be any fun then." He said, patting Ian's shoulder before he turned. "And think of it this way, if neither of us go home with anyone, at least we can fuck each other." He grinned.
Stranger: "I'm going home with somebody, Al. I'm tired of your whiny shit, and I think you'd want to 'make wuv'. Bitch, we don't have enough scented candles for the time of sex you're going to want to have. That's why I'm getting out of the flat tonight, because damn. It's going to smell like vanilla arsehole in there." Leading the way down the road a ways, thankfully a cab wasn't needed to get to the club Ian adored. 'Karma' was on the smaller side, but it was always packed, and loud. The music was good, the drinks better, and Ian was pleased to see the crowd was looking good. "Now, can I trust you to pick your own vanilla candle loving cocksucker, or am I going to have to point you towards one?"
You: The walk hadn't been so bad and, fucking christ, Alex was just glad to get out of the flat so he'd stop hearing Ian's voice bitching about him. He knew he was a downer, but fucking hell, it wasn't as if it'd been his choice to lose an arm and make him this way. The depression just came with the price of losing the arm. "Go away." Alex said, shoving Ian towards the dance floor. At the very least, it was crowded in here and the music was good. Sure, it made Alex anxious, very anxious, but he wasn't about to let Ian know that. "I got this. I'm getting a drink first, so harass some poor sob and talk their ear off this time." He said and shoved Ian once more for good measure before he went to the bar.
Stranger: "Mm, I see just who." And off Ian went, after the largest, most muscular, most dominant male on the dance floor--by the end of the night he was going to make him scream his name, on his knees, with a cock up his arse. With Ian gone, this didn't diminish the crowd surrounding the bar. The crowd was thick, getting a drink would be rather difficult. Case and point, there was a young man attempting to get something (just a water, even), and was having a very hard time. Several people had stepped in front of him, much to his sighing self. "Damn it," the young man's voice had a slight posh edge to it, not the sort one would expect to hear in a club like this, "hey? Can I just get a water? Please? No? Not paying attention? Okay..."
You: The bar was definitely crowded, but at least getting through it wasn't an issue for a guy like Alex who was muscular, but not in a gross way that Ian liked. Especially with the one arm, the people seem to part almost quickly. Concidentally, he had gotten to a spot just next to where the posh man was talking and Alex looked over at him as he tried to order a water. Well, it wasn't everyday that someone like this bloke came through, so of course it caught the Irishman's attention. With a small smile, Alex held a hand to the bartender. "Hey!" He called in a commanding voice. Once he got one of the bartender's attention, he smiled. "White Russian for me and a water for my friend here." He said, then looked at the posh man and pulled him closer. "Here, stay close to me, mate. It's a bit thick here."
Stranger: "I'm aware," clearly uncomfortable with the fact that someone--anyone--was pulling him close, "it's a club, that's generally how clubs are," given the accent, one might think cruelty or rudeness was going to come after, that he may tell Alex to take his hand off him, but shockingly a very soft smile came, "Mr. White Russian." Very grateful for the water, which he not only said 'thank you' to the bartender for, but also to Alex, "Thank you for that. I've been struggling for about twenty or so." Taking a sip of water with a sigh of relief, "So, do you have a name, Mr. White Russian, or just a drink?"
You: If Alex noticed the uncomfortablness, he didn't say anything or try to make him feel more comfortable. Alex was struggling with his own security as well and Ian's strange pep talk really hadn't helped. But at least they each had drinks, and Posh didn't really notice his arm just yet. "It's not a problem. I know how crowded this place can be all the time. Can be hard to even breathe in here." He joked with a grin, then took a sip of his drink before he chuckled. "I'm not just a drink, thankfully. Name's Alex." He said and gave him a smile. "I'm curious to know yours. It's not too often I get someone as...posh as you are around here."
Stranger: "As posh as me?" wrinkling his nose at that, "I'm not posh," and that wasn't a lie. The accent was simply a product of his father, it was how he talked, and it just happened to be the accent he developed, "it's just my voice. I live in a bloody bedsit. My mattress is on the floor," letting out a laugh before taking another sip of water. "My name isn't going to help you thinking I'm not, though, I'm Hamish." Looking down a bit at that, he wasn't fond of his name in the slightest. It was a terrible joke on the part of his parents. "And ah...I've never been here before, actually."
You: Yeah, Hamish was right. The name definitely didn't help the situation or the thought that he was Posh. Alex smiled at that and he tiled his head at that. "Never?" He asked, then looked around and grinned. "Well, welcome to the Jungle that is Karma." He said, then took another sip of his drink. "I haven't been here in a long while, so I almost forgot how crowded it was." He said, then nodded. "I think there's some room at a table. D'you wanna finish our drinks there? Or if you have friends to go back to, I understand." Alex added. He only got the drink to try and loosen himself up, so drinking alone wouldn't be awful. But it would suck because Alex really liked this one.
Stranger: "Uh, no, no I don't have friends to get back to," much like Alex, Hamish was using this as a chance to get out himself. He usually stayed in, studying, or pouring through literature on the things he loved, "I came alone, actually. Would you believe me if I told you I saw a flier?" how he wished he hadn't said that, how he wished he'd just lied and said he was joking, that he came to places like this all the time, and wasn't a huge nerd who stayed home, looking at the sky through a telescope or pouring over a book about the deepest parts of the ocean. "Sure, sitting would be appreciated." Following along, "Might even risk something harder than water if I can have a chair to nearly fall out of instead of swaying on the dance floor."
You: Alex laughed at that and nodded. "I know a spot. I think it's still here." He said, then walked with Hamish over to a small corner that wasn't often seen because of how dark it was in the corner. At least it was unoccupied this time. Normally, it was filled with kissing couples, which was another mess in itself to deal with, especially right now. "Here we are. It's a little dark, but it's out of the way." He said, then put his drink down as he sat down at the table. "So, you say a flier and, what, got interested? Wanted to see what club life was about?" He asked, half amused and also interested. For getting out of the house for the first time in six months, this was definitely a good way to ease into it. Hamish seemed calm enough and definitely didn't seem drunk. Or Horny. Or repulsed by him.
Stranger: "A bit, yeah, I'm a bit of a...well...I spend a lot of time at home," part personality, and part of how the young man was raised. His parents had wanted to shield him from the fans, from the people who might hurt him, from the limelight. It helped that Hamish was a rather quiet boy, very curious about things he couldn't touch, and had no issue with entertaining himself for hours with documentaries on black holes or pictures of goblin sharks. It wasn't that he didn't have friends, just most of them he could not touch as well, made through the safe wall of the internet. "What about you? You must be a regular. Leading me to a dark little hidden oasis like a pro."
You: Alex took a sip of his drink at first, but then shook his head at Hamish's question. God, if only Hamish knew how much of a hermit he was lately. Sure, he liked to drink, liked to have fun and go crazy. One stands were sort of his thing, but he stopped it after a while when he would get too attached. However, the past six months, he'd been a shell of his former self. Staying in, staying sober, reading and bingeing on Netflix instead of going out. His friends were sick of it and a part of Alex didn't blame them. "Yeah, you could say that. My mates and I used to go often, but I've been staying in the past few months or so." He said, nodding to his missing arm. "Bit of a long story."
Stranger: "Don't even have to go into it if you don't want to," he didn't say that he was 'sorry' for Alex's loss, or that he hadn't noticed or anything like that. It was a missing arm, and Hamish was sure there was a story, but it wasn't the person he was talking to; he wasn't talking to Alex's arm (or lack there of), he was talking to Alex. In fact, he didn't even ask anything else about it, he asked, "So, what did you do for those past months? Series binge, or do you read?" leaning forward a little on the table, one hand cupping his chin, the other gently tapping the side of his glass. "You come here with friends, then?"
You: Alex knew that it was irrational to think that Hamish, as nice as he seemed, would ask him blindly about his arm. But then, Alex was used to that sort of thing. Everyone he met with asked about it, wanted him to talk about it. It was annoying. However, he was glad to get off the topic and he shrugged, answering the questions in order. "Bit of a series binge on Netflix, finally caught up on 'Hitchhicker's Guide To The Galaxy', that sort of thing." He said, then smiled at the question. "I do, but I usually end up leaving without them. They go off and get one night stands, that sort of thing." Alex explained, taking another sip before he leaned forward, elbow on the table. "So tell me, Mish, what do you like to do normally? Besides popping up at strange clubs?"
Stranger: "Seems you forgot your towel," lips curling into a small smile, he was glad that Alex hadn't felt offended or upset by his lack of curiosity when it came to his arm. He felt stupid, but he wasn't really sure if it was something he should be curious about. Either way, he was happy that they were still talking, "Big mistake there." Head cocking to the side, "Oh? And what do you do, then? Go off on one as well, or home to your Netflix?" Taking a sip of water before answering Alex's question. "Ah, I'm well, I'm very much into space, and the ocean. I like to read a lot. Particularly the sort of books that have photography or art spreads, detailed diagrams along with the text. I've got a telescope. Most expensive thing in my bedsit. Ehm, I also watch Netflix from time to time. I work at a shop."
You: The blond smirked at the reference and he could tell that he and Hamish were going to get along really well. Well, that is if this progressed any further than just talking one night. Or even fucking, if it got to that point. Only one way to find out, he supposed. "Very big." He quipped back, then shrugged at the second question. "I mean, It depends on the night. And how lucky I am." He said, then listened as Hamish started to talk about himself. Oh yeah, he definitely wasn't normally the type of person that Alex hung out with, or who even came to this type of club. But Alex wasn't turned off by the slight nerdiness of Hamish's hobbies. "So, two questions from that." Alex said, holding up his hand and leaving his drink on the table. "One." He held up a finger. "What's your favourite series? And two." Another finger was up. "What shop do you work at?"
Stranger: "You're going to laugh, they are so common. I can't say I have just one. I used to watch a lot of M*A*S*H with my dad, he was in service....and ehm, well, X-Files. I really like the X-Files. Honestly, though? I watch a lot of documentaries. A lot of them," getting lost in the question, he nearly missed the fact that--did Alex just suggest they might go home together? Biting his lip at the mere thought. "Well, you're not very lucky tonight. You forgot your towel." He hoped that was okay, hoped it didn't ruin any potential chance. "And you? Do you watch more than one thing I can keep making jokes about for always?"
You: Well, at least Hamish liked learning things and he actually had some depth to him. Alex liked a good conversation, and Hamish seemed like he could definitely hold one, once they found something the two of them had in common. They seemed so opposite, but Alex liked it, oddly enough. He grinned at the comment, then laughed. "Well, my towel was in the wash, what can I say?" He said. "Plus, I can probably find one. Give me five minutes." He winked, then laughed once again. "Well, let's see." He thought for a moment, hand on his chin. "I did watch the movie finally, which was good. I've been watching Orange is the New Black -not that great, really-, Daredevil is good, House of Cards is a winner. I have seen a few X-Files episodes, though." He said.
Stranger: "Mm, I won't be too impressed by a soiled club towel." Winking back, he felt a little bit risky despite the fact that he'd only had water. "Ah, I know what you mean about Orange is the New Black. It's okay. Has its moments, but weirdly doesn't seem to be able to carry that off always. I do like Daredevil. I was worried about that one, since the film was not very good. I'll be honest, haven't watched House of Cards, but it's in my queue! Firefly! I like Firefly....and I feel like I'm morally obligated to say Doctor Who? Please don't kill me for sort of being like 'eh' about keeping up with it? I did like In the Flesh, though. Too short for my taste. The ended it on the worst note...and...shit, I'm starting to babble."
You: Alex laughed as Hamish rambled on and he shook his head "No, it's fine. I don't mind it. I get that way too, but everyone else always tells me to shut the fuck up. So to speak." He said with a smile and shrug before he thought for a moment. "House of Cards is good, I'll say that. A lot different from what I expected. I'm not a fan of Doctor Who, I'll agree with you there. I think I stopped really paying attention after Eccleson left. Haven't seen In The Flesh, or Firefly, though. There's a bit more, but I forgot 'em." He said with a smile, then took a long sip of his Russian. "I really like talking to you, Misha." He said. "You're different. I like it."
Stranger: "I'll definitely give it a watch when I get home. Same! I really didn't get much of a hard-on for Tennant or Smith like people seemed to. I mean, I like both of them. They are brilliant actors, and lovely looking, but damn...give me football hooligan leather jacket wearing Doctor. Mm, but I did like the black and whites. Watched those with my dad, too, when I was a kid, along with the animated version of The Hobbit. In The Flesh is...well, it's zombies, but it's treated like a somewhat curable illness. It's like a giant metaphor for the AIDs and HIV epidemic, and the treatment of gay people in a closed-minded society. With zombies! But they ended it on a cliff hanger. Really sad. Firefly is...well...space. Space western." Glancing up from his glass, did that just happen? Did he just get two nicknames? Why did Alex saying 'Misha' make him so bloody giddy? "I like talking to you too, Alex. You're...refreshing.”
You: [Are you still there?]
Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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(Bored at work again, so let's RP over emails! I can do short rps, moving over a paragraph. Email me at [email protected])
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If this was you, please message me! It was pretty good and I hate that Omegle lost connection.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like spideypool.
Stranger: "Wade?" Peter said softly, pulling up his mask slightly. He had literally had dozens of bullets run through his body, and Peter was definitely panicking. "Wade..are you alive yet?" He said softly, keeping Wade's head on his legs just in case he did wake up. Peter always had this crippling fear that Wade wasn't going to wake up, there would be no more smiles and jokes and tacos on the roof of buildings. Oh god, Peter really didn't want that. "Wade..wake up.." He said softly, grabbing his hand and pulled off his own mask. "Wade...W..Wade, wake up already...This isn't funny anymore."
You: Wade really didn't want to wake up. He was having such a good time with Death. They were catching up, they were dancing, he was telling her how much he loved her and, as usual, he always got the response, 'Not yet, Wade, baby.' This time, their dance seemed to last a lot longer than normal and hey, Wade wasn't complaining. She was a good dancer and hella cute. Sure, she wasn't Peter, but she was still cute. But then, Death had leaned in to kiss him and that's when she pulled away before their lips met. After a very long few moments, Wade took a breath in and groaned when he felt the bullets in his body. Fuck, this was gonna hurt.
Stranger: Peter almost jumped at the sudden breath in. He felt like he was going to just scream and hug Wade right then and there. It had been almost an hour, and Peter's panicking had gone down significantly when he heard that intake of breath and groan. "Wade?" He questioned, running his hands over Wade's shoulders and bit his lower lip. "You're not dead, right? Please tell me you're not dead.."
You: Oh, there was that sweet voice. Sweet Peter, pretty Peter. Wade, after a long moment and a few breaths, opened his eyes and looked up at Peter, giving a small smile. "Ah, look at you, baby boy. Still as cute as ever." He said, then looked at his body and gave a snort. "Of course. At least they missed my dick this time." He said, then looked up at Peter with a weak smirk. "That's a bitch to grow back, you know that?"
Stranger: And there he was. That funny, cute, and totally inappropriate mannered merc. Peter laughed rather than sitting there sulking. He was okay...well, as okay as Wade had ever been when he took a few bullets for Peter. He chuckled, rubbing his eyes with a soft smile. "I really didn't need to hear that." He leaned down, gently pressing their lips together in a kinda cheated 'Spidey-kiss' as Wade liked to call it. "I'm glad you're okay, Wade.." He mumbled, shifting to sit back up.
You: "Mm, Okay is a very bad term for how I feel right now." Wade said, carefully sitting up and wincing at the pain. Hey, just because he had a healing factor didn't mean it didn't hurt. A few bullets still hurt like a bitch. "I need cuddles and a shitload of beer." Wade said, then looked around. "Did we win? Or did I get shot for nothing? Because let me tell you, sewing up these suits is really expensive."
Stranger: "Beer won't help you any." Peter rolled his eyes, shifting to kneel in front of Wade. He was sitting on his knees, his hands pressed firmly in his lap. "Uh..I guess you could say we won. I mean..you kinda took a few bullets for me, which was heroic as it sounds, you did die. I finished off the fight. Got a knife pulled on me..and I webbed the guys to a wall a few alleys away." Peter said softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "So..I'm thinking it was a success."
You: Wade gave a small smile at that, then reached forward as best he could with the bullets in him. "Where did they stab you?" He asked, then looked up at Peter. "I'm sure I got stitches back at my place. Not sure what for because, y'know, not as if I need them, but..." He trailed off and did his best to stand up, giving him a smile. "I'm sorry I made you finish the fight alone, Petey. When I have a meeting with Death, she definitely wants her time. We don't normally have very long, you know."
Stranger: Peter sighed slightly, trying to push him back and told him to wait until he was healed at least a bit more. But that didn't stop Peter from lifting the shirt of his suit to show off a nice cut on his side. It was nothing too serious. But he had put webbing on it to try and stop the bleeding. He stood up with Wade, wrapping an arm around his waist to help him a little. "Don't apologize. I was just worried about you. Not that you were with her." He mumbled, kissing his cheek before pulling down Wade's mask and putting on his own.
You: Wade gave a small smile and managed to return the kiss to his cheek before Peter pulled down his mask and put on his own. Wade helped as best as he could with the bullet wound still fresh. "I figured you weren't worried about that." He said and grinned through his mask. "Death has nothing on my little Spider." He said, then sat up as best as he could and hissed in pain before he looked at Peter. "So, what're we doing with the assholes down the street? Unaliving them? Because that sounds great to me!"
Stranger: Peter couldn't help but roll his eyes under his mask. As much as he hated that nickname, he could at least tolerate it right now. "No. We're not unaliving them. I already told you that we don't k-word anyone." He had just decided to play along with the k-word for Wade, for whatever reason. "But we're gonna go home, get us both fixed up..or me if you heal fast enough." He nodded, looking over at Wade. "Okay?"
Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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If you lost a bdsmlock Viclex rp with Alex and Victoria getting ready for a party in their playroom last night, message me! My internet totally died.
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I don’t normally do MorMor, but this is the second MorMor one I’ve done that I really like. This one is continuing over email. WARNING: Adult Baby play, Diaper play, basically NSFW stuff.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like mormor, and bdsmlock.
Stranger: Daddy, I'm running out of some things. Can you stop by the store on your way home? -JM
You: Of course. What do you need? SM
Stranger: The usual stuff, but I was wondering if I could also have a new dummy? I'm tired of the one I have. -JM
You: We just got it for you last week, babe. SM
Stranger: I know but I want a new one. -JM
You: No, babe. I'm sorry, but you have a new one already. SM
Stranger: [Delayed] Fine. -JM Then just the usual things: my snacks and the nappies. -JM
You: Alright. I love you, sweetheart. SM
Stranger: I love you too, Daddy. -JM When will you be home? -JM
You: Soon. Within the hour. SM
Stranger: Okay. I'll clean up my colouring stuff before you get home. -JM
You: Good boy. Thank you. SM
Stranger: Mhmm. -JM
Stranger: Did you have a good day at work? -JM
You: I did, yeah. SM
You: How was your day, babe? SM
Stranger: Good! I did all my chores and then I just relaxed in my playroom, but I wanted to colour in the sitting room which is why I have to clean it up before you get home. -JM
You: I appreciate you cleaning it up, James. Thank you. SM
Stranger: I want things to look nice for you, sir. -JM
You: It's very much appreciated. SM
Stranger: That's good to know. -JM I'm wearing one of my baby-doll nightie sets right now, is that going to be okay or should I change? -JM
You: That is perfect, babe. Keep that on, okay? SM
Stranger: Yes Daddy. -JM I can get started on dinner too if you want so you won't have to wait as long after you're home. -JM
You: That won't be necessary, love. Thank you, though. SM
Stranger: Yes sir. -JM What would you like to do when you come home, then? -JM
You: It's been a bit of a long day. How about I just enjoy you, hm? SM
Stranger: Oh. That sounds nice, Daddy. -JM
You: I thought so too. SM
You: I'll be home shortly, okay? SM
Stranger: Yes sir. I've cleaned up and made the flat look nice and neat again. Where would you like me to be waiting for you? -JM
You: Couch would be good. If you need to eat beforehand do so, okay? SM
Stranger: I'm still full from lunch, Daddy. -JM Okay I'm sitting on the couch. I can't wait to see you. -JM
You: I can't wait to see you either. I'll be home shortly. SM
You: [Paras okay?]
Stranger: ((Yup. Do you want to start?))
You: [Sure!]
Stranger: ((Great :) ))
You: With that, Sebastian put his phone away and nudged the bag beside him. It had all of the things that Jim said he needed, snacks and nappies. Sebastian needed to do a further full shop for him, but taht could be done later. Today had been hell, absolute hell. But, with Jim in his 'little' state, it wasn't as if he could exactly tell that to the other. So, he played it off. He had to. When the car reached the driveway, Sebastian got out, taking the bag with him as he went to the front door. Unsurprisingly, it was locked, so Sebastian opened the door. "I'm home." He called, taking off his shoes and hanging his jacket up before he took the bag with him into the sitting room.
Stranger: Jim waited impatiently for Sebastian, fidgeting with the hem of his nightie or the top elastic on one of his thigh-high tights, just trying to do something to keep himself occupied while he waited. He couldn't leave the couch because that's where Sebastian had told him to wait, but it was quickly getting very boring. But Jim stayed where he was, and finally he heard Sebastian's key in the lock and he sat up straighter, smoothing his hands down the front of the sheer nightie to make sure it was sitting right. He offered Sebastian a wide smile as he appeared in the doorway of the sitting room. "Hi Daddy!" Jim said eagerly, getting up on his knees on the couch and tugging on the hem of his nightie excitedly. "You look so tired, Daddy!" Jim pouted upon getting a longer look at the man. "I'm sorry you had a bad day. Come and sit down, I'll make it better."
You: Sebastian had hoped that he could hide his bad day from Jim, but even in his little state, figured it would be impossible. Indeed it was when the other easily detected that he had had a bad day and he gave a small smile at the appearance of the younger man on the couch. "Hello, babe." He said, then nodded and walked over to the couch, leaning down to give Jim a quick kiss before he sat down, the bag deposited on the side of the couch. "Mm, I missed you today. And you look good in that nightie." He said, pulling him over to his lap.
Stranger: Jim returned Sebastian's kiss easily and then kept himself soft and pliant as Sebastian reached over to pull him into his lap. He settled in with a sigh of contentment and immediately started stroking his fingertips up and down Sebastian's chest. "Thank you, Daddy," Jim said with a little coy smile and a flush in his cheeks. "I missed you too," he added with a little pout as his fingers paused to play with one of Sebastian's nipples through his shirt until it was hard. "What's going to make you feel better?" he asked in his quiet voice. "Sexy times or innocence?" he added for clarification, well aware that sometimes Sebastian wasn't in the mood to go through their normal rituals when he was in his little mindset. It was harder to switch to being sexual after being so innocent all day, but he could do it for Sebastian if needed.
You: Sebastian allowed Jim to stroke him through his shirt and he didn't lie, he was a little hard after Jim played with his shirt. And while sex sounded fantastic, Sebastian knew that it would be difficult for Jim to switch from one phase to the other so quickly. He wouldn't put the other through that. "Whatever is comfortable for you at the moment, babe." He replied, kissing the top of Jim's head. "I just want to spend time with you and forget...that that blasted place exists for a while." The blond responded, keeping Jim close. Oh yeah, it had been a bad day and if Jim had been little all day, he was unaware of what happened. But Sebastian wouldn't ruin it for him. Not while he was in this state.
Stranger: Jim glanced down when he felt Sebastian's prick harden a bit underneath him but he didn't comment on it, instead just waiting for Sebastian's answer. He was relieved when Sebastian said he could do whatever was more comfortable. Part of him knew that he should probably be worried about what had happened at work, but at the moment he really couldn't find it in himself to care. If it was something completely disastrous, Sebastian would've told him already, and since he hadn't Jim felt assured that it was just something he'd be angry about having to deal with tomorrow, but nothing that would wreak complete havoc with his empire overnight. So he was safe to stay little and enjoy his night with Sebastian. "I wanna be innocent," Jim told Sebastian as he cuddled into the man's chest and laid his head down on his shoulder, though he didn't stop petting his chest. "What colour nappies did you get for me?" he asked curiously as he sat there playing with Sebastian's nipples for him.
You: Sebastian knew that Jim would feel more comfortable being innocent and while sex was a fantastic idea, Sebastian wanted Jim to be happy too, especially on one of the few days he took to be little the entire day. It was a rarity that he took one, so Sebastian wasn't about to ruin it for him. Instead, he focused on Jim and the other being with him and stroking him. At the question, he gave a small smile. "The only colour you'll wear without pouting at me." Sebastian replied, kissing his temple. "And I even broke down and got new a new dummy. You're lucky you're adorable." He said, chuckling lightly at the other.
Stranger: Jim grinned at Sebastian's answers but he didn't bend down to pick them up out of the bag - he didn't need to put on a new one yet so there was no rush. He did move, however, when Sebastian said he'd bought him a new dummy too like he'd asked and he sat up, looking at Sebastian in surprised happiness. "Really Daddy?!" he asked excitedly before leaning over to rummage around in the bag, digging under the various snacks until he found the little packaged dummy. "Can I use it now or should I wait for bedtime?" Jim asked as he fiddled with the package between his hands and tried his hardest not to open it until he knew what he was allowed to do.
You: Sebastian gave a fond smile when he saw Jim excited for the new dummies. God, he spoiled Jim too much, both in his big and little mind. But he couldn't help it, especially when Jim had given him so much already. He felt that it was the least he could do for the other. "You can use it now." He said, brushing at Jim's hair and kissed his cheek. "Consider it a present for being so good today." He said to the other, the smile still present on his face.
Stranger: Jim tore into the package as soon as Sebastian said he could use it, pausing just long enough to return the kiss to his cheek before wrestling the little toy out of its package and popping the soft part into his mouth. He immediately felt himself relaxing and he sighed through his nose as he set the package aside and laid his head down on Sebastian's shoulder, closing his eyes as he suckled and nibbled at the dummy. As Jim sat there, he /slowly/ started to rock his hips back and forth with gentle motions, the absorbent material of his nappy crinkling softly as he rubbed himself against it. He felt that familiar urge to use the nappy building up in him but he repressed it - he only went in them when Sebastian allowed it but he had to ask, which he couldn't do without taking out his dummy. So instead he contented himself to just hold it and continue rocking and sucking on his dummy, hoping he was helping Sebastian relax as well in the process.
You: It had taken a lot to get used to Jim wanting to use nappies. Of course, Sebastian would do anything help Jim relax, but the nappies had been a bit much at first. But, with some working with and getting used to everything, Sebastian was now used to the nappies and the sound of the crinkling whenever Jim had to use the nappies. Especially with a dummy in his mouth, he'd never ask Sebastian to go, which drove the blond crazy at times. But again, it was a 'getting used to' thing, so as Jim rocked, Sebastian tried to push down his erection and thought instead about Jim. "You can go, love." He said quietly. "But Number one only, okay?" He was NOT going to be shat on, not today. Bad enough he had gotten blood all over him.
Stranger: Jim appreciated every bit of tolerance and acceptance Sebastian showed him for this lifestyle, well aware that if it weren't for him, Sebastian probably would have never entered into it. /Especially/ the part with the nappies. He'd honestly thought that would be the deal breaker when he'd first approached the subject with Sebastian, that he would either have to stop to keep Sebastian around, or Sebastian would just up and leave no matter what he said. The fact that Sebastian had been willing to stay and work through it with him, get used to it if not exactly /welcome/ it, was a huge testament to how much Sebastian loved him and cared about his happiness. And he secretly thought that if he were like this every day Sebastian would eventually come to accept it as easily as he did the rest. But he only physically used the nappies on very rare occasions when he needed to be little all day long, like today, so he knew it was still something Sebastian felt just a bit squeamish about. Which is why it meant so much to him when Sebastian told him he could go without him even having to ask. He nodded mutely when Sebastian told him he could only pee and he spent another few long moments rocking gently and letting the tension build inside his groin, and then with a little groan he released, wetting the nappy just enough to feel the damp weight and the warmth. It wasn't much because he'd already gone earlier that afternoon, but it was enough to satisfy his need and so he sighed and nuzzled into Sebastian's neck to show his appreciation and gratitude for the allowance, resigning himself to sate his need to do the other one later on when he wasn't in Sebastian's lap.
You: Sebastian was in between cuddling Jim and watching whatever the TV was on to numb his brain for a little while as he felt Jim rock on him, probably to encourage himself to use the nappy. Sebastian had been warned that Jim really didn't use the nappy that often, so he wasn't extremely worried about anything slipping out, since nothing ever had before and Jim knew how to handle the nappies and stuff. When he heard the groan, he let out a small smile and adjusted himself in his trousers as he then felt Jim nuzzle into his neck. He wrapped his arms around the other and let out a yawn. He wasn't hungry, which was a rarity, but he was rather tired. "Mm, you feel better?" He asked. He'd ignore his sleepiness for now, if for no other reason than to spend time with Jim,
Stranger: Jim felt Sebastian readjust his erection and he smiled softly around the dummy, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's ribs in return for the man wrapping him up. He nodded and hummed out an affirmative when Sebastian asked if he felt better and he let his eyes slip closed as he enjoyed the sensation. After a few moments, he started rocking again, though this time it was for the dual purpose of rubbing himself against the wetness he'd made as well as stimulating Sebastian, who was obviously struggling with his erection. Jim rubbed Sebastian's back for a little while but then he reached down to unbutton his Daddy's trousers and pull his cock out of his pants carefully, tucking the hard member under his nightie and scooting closer so that he could trap Sebastian's cock between their stomachs and groins. Jim started bouncing gently on him, nothing more than little bucks and lifts of his hips. He started panting softly through his nose and sucking a little harder on his dummy as he felt himself getting hard, but he quickly tried to ignore it and focus instead on Sebastian's needs - as a little he wasn't really supposed to get hard, and thankfully the thick nappy was going to hide it for the most part until he finished with Sebastian and could get himself under control.
You: Jim had been, for the most part, spacing out while Jim was rocking himself. It was a normal thing, he knew by now that paying attention to it wasn't terribly important for the most part. But then, he felt Jim unbutton his trousers and fish out his cock and that's when he paid attention, watching as Jim put his cock under the nightie, then started to bounce on him. Oh, there was no way that Jim didn't have a clue what he was doing. He knew that he was getting Sebastian off and for a moment, Sebastian wondered if Jim was hard. That thought was quickly pulled away and instead focused on the man sitting on his lap, essentially jerking him off. He tilted his head back and let out a moan. "Oh, babe..." He said, gripping at him a little harder than he knew he should in Jim's little state. But he couldn't help it. "Oh, babe, That's wonderful. So lovely.
You: "*
Stranger: Jim felt a shiver pass down his spine as Sebastian moaned for him and he groaned softly when Sebastian's arms tightened almost painfully around him, but he didn't complain. Part of being little meant being whatever Sebastian needed him to be, at least in Jim's opinion, and right now Sebastian needed an orgasm, so Jim would give him one. Jim smiled around his dummy at the praise and decided to change his tactics, switching from quick bucking to instead long pushes of his hips and then gentle releases, squeezing them together for five or six seconds at a time and then releasing him only to return, the new movement making him sigh happily as he pleasured Sebastian and himself - though in entirely different ways. Sebastian's pleasure was purely sexual, he knew, but Jim was busy focusing on pushing against and moving inside his nappy, a feeling he enjoyed and that would keep him in his little headspace even though he was doing something sexual for Sebastian. Jim let the dummy fall from his mouth with a bit of reluctance, vowing to himself that he would pick it up and start sucking on it again immediately after he'd finished getting Sebastian off. "I want you to feel good, Daddy," Jim breathed. "Is it working? Does your penis feel nice?" he added, glancing down to find Sebastian's pre-come was soaking through his thin nightie where the head was trapped under the fabric.
You: Sebastian was barely thinking right now, the thought of release much too good to really give any second though about Jim's actions. He normally would feel horrible. He knew that Jim needed his little time in order to keep himself sane and really, his little time was about him, not about Sebastian. But this, this was much too good to pass up, especially if Jim was the one that initiated it. At the question, he opened his eyes and nodded, letting out a moan once again at the change of pace. It was good, god it was good. Just what he needed. "It does, baby. Oh, it does." He said, then tilted his head back and his breath increased. He normally could last a while but tonight was not one of those times. "Oh, I might come, baby." He said. "You don't have to get it on you, love, don't worry. I won't stain your...nightie."
Stranger: Jim was relieved when Sebastian said he felt good, his words tumbling from his lips around moans and harsh gasps for breath. Jim sat up straight when Sebastian said he was going to come and he was glad when Sebastian said he didn't have to get it on his nightie. He waited until what he figured was the very last second and then he pulled his hips back and pulled his nightie well out of the way while simultaneously wrapping one hand around Sebastian's thick shaft and holding it down against his stomach so he'd come on himself, not on Jim. Jim moved his hand a little bit to keep Sebastian stimulated and then his Daddy was coming and Jim watched in fascination. It was over quickly, though, and when he was done Jim wrinkled his nose a bit. "You made a mess, Daddy," he informed Sebastian.
You: Sebastian had came, forgetting everything for a moment and not even paying attention to the mess he'd made on himself. When it was done, Sebastian opened his eyes at Jim's comment and gave a chuckle. "Well, you helped with that." Sebastian said, then leaned forward to briefly kiss Jim before he let out a sigh. "Thank you, sweetheart. I hope I didn't have to pressure you to do that, but I really do appreciate it." He said then moved his hand to pick up Jim's dummy, offering it to him. "Let's get cleaned up and head to bed early, okay? Daddy's a bit tired and all I want to do is cuddle with you."
Stranger: Jim accepted the kiss easily but was still glad when Sebastian handed him his dummy. "That sounds nice," Jim responded as he fiddled with the dummy. "I didn't feel pressured into it, Daddy, I just wanted you to know that I'm going to make you feel good in whatever way I can. I'll change my nappy while you get the bed ready," Jim offered before popping the dummy into his mouth and climbing off Sebastian's lap a bit reluctantly. He shivered as he felt a new wetness in his nappy and he realized he was letting go automatically without asking permission since he'd been doing it all day. Jim blushed and hoped Sebastian didn't notice as he walked away to start turning off the lights in the kitchen, taking care of his other business as well as he went so he'd be good and ready for a fresh nappy by the time he joined Sebastian upstairs. That was another reason he wanted to change his nappy alone - it still made Sebastian a bit uncomfortable to take care of it for him, and tonight was going to be even harder with the stressful day he'd obviously had, so Jim didn't mind doing it himself.
You: As Jim got off of him, Sebastian relaxed a little bit when Jim said he wasn't pressured into it. It still didn't make the situation better in his mind, but at least little Jim knew it was okay. Sebastian carefully stood up and went upstairs, going to the bathroom right away to change himself into his pajamas, which only consisted of pajama bottoms and left him shirtless. From there, he was able to wash himself of his own semen. It was a bit disgusting, but the relief he got from it was more than worth it. From there, he went into the bedroom and started to get the bed ready, making it and getting rid of the decorative pillows that were on it. At this point, all he wanted to do was lay down and forget about today. But, he still waited in bed for Jim, wanting to at least hold the other as he slept.
Stranger: Jim made sure everything was off downstairs before heading to his playroom and into the bathroom that was adjacent where he kept all his little supplies. He carefully disposed of the used nappy and cleaned himself really well before putting on a fresh one, this one designed for overnight use. He normally didn't go in his sleep, but it never hurt to be careful as it had definitely happened in the past. Jim examined himself in the mirror briefly and then turned off the lights in there as well to pad off down the hall to the bedroom he shared with Sebastian. He shut the door softly behind himself and padded over to the bed where Sebastian was already situated under the covers. He patted the front of his nappy to tell Sebastian it was a dry one and then he slipped under the covers to join him, instantly cuddling up close and pressing himself against as much of Sebastian as he could with little snuffles and whimpers, needing affection and attention before Sebastian went to sleep.
You: Sebastian was in the process of setting his alarms when Jim came in. Looking over, he smiled at the pat, then nodded at the other to come to bed, putting his phone aside. Almost as soon as the other was in bed, Jim was curled against him, snuffling and whimpering. "Oh, love, it's okay." Sebastian soothed, holding Jim close and kissing the top of his head. "I'm here, love, I'm here." He said, rubbing the other's back gently. At least they could cuddle before he and Jim went to sleep. Or, mostly him at that rate. He knew that Jim would be up for a little while longer but he was exhausted. He definitely needed some sleep from today's hell.
Stranger: Jim sighed softly when Sebastian instantly held him and kissed the top of his head reassuringly. He relaxed as Sebastian rubbed his back and he slipped one arm over the man's waist, tangling their legs together under the covers and settling in with his cheek resting on Sebastian's bare chest. He suckled gently on the dummy as he listened to Sebastian's heart rate slowing down gradually and his breaths deepening as he drifted closer to sleep, which sort of surprised him. Sebastian had said he was tired, but Jim hadn't guessed just /how/ tired he really was. It was fine, of course, all they had left to do was cuddle together and they were already doing that so Jim didn't need Sebastian to stay awake, but it wasn't a very good hint at what his day tomorrow would bring. But he was still in his little headspace and he didn't want to think about it so he didn't, instead he thought of pleasant things like the colouring he'd done earlier or the way his nappy felt as it hugged his pelvis and hips, the fabric reassuringly tight around him. Jim nuzzled up into Sebastian's neck and closed his eyes, letting those thoughts lull him off to sleep.
You: Sebastian, surprisingly, had slept through the night and in the morning, when his alarm went off, he was still in a bit of a sleepy state when he went to turn it off. He laid in bed for another few minutes, just cuddling Jim before he actually had to move and get out of bed. Today was going to be a fun aftermath of yesterday, especially since Jim was due in. As Sebastian padded downstairs after kissing the top of Jim's head, he wondered what the day would bring, or even if Jim would want to GO. He had been pretty content doing nothing all day yesterday, bu Sebastian knew it was a rarity that that happened. Not allowing himself anymore thought about it, he turned on the kettle in the kitchen and stared out the window, still trying to will himself awake.
Stranger: Jim slept easily through the night and even through Sebastian's alarms - he slept best after a day of being little and his body was always quick to take advantage of the rest - but he woke up finally when the bed grew cold without Sebastian in it. He woke up feeling groggy but content and he checked his nappy first, finding a little bit of wetness but not too much. He sat up and yawned, making a decision about how he wanted to spend the day. Work obviously needed his attention - badly - so with a sigh he stood and headed into the bathroom to take off the nappy and lingerie and get in the shower. As he showered he worked himself back into a 'normal' mentality and when he got out he took the time to style his hair and shave and get dressed in trousers and a nice shirt before heading downstairs. "All right, tell me what happened yesterday," he said by way of greeting as he walked into the kitchen to find Sebastian already there and making breakfast. Jim busied himself making a cup of coffee, figuring he'd need it to brace himself for whatever the day was going to bring.
You: When Jim came into the kitchen all dressed, Sebastian gave a small smile and really, shouldn've been shocked with how quick Jim was able to snap out of 'litte' mentality quickly. But thena again, Sebastian had spaced out for quite a bit so it was possible that Jim had taken longer than he though. Nonetheless, Sebastian turned away from the sink and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. "People are fucking morons." He said, then shook his head. "A job went botched. Badly. The team we had it on took a wrong direction with it -literally- and ended up not only compromising themselves, but the people we were working for as well. I had to fucking go in there and clean up their shit because they couldn't do their homework. Our clients are fine, but pissed. I told the team to stay the fuck in the building until you came to sort it out." He said. A simple transport mission, that's all it had been. And they'd fucked it up royally. There had been a shootout and Sebastian had to end it quickly and stress out in the process. "I can take care of it if you need me to, but they'd be more scared of you than me. But I can handle it. Up to you." He said with a yawn, rubbing his eyes.
Stranger: Jim listened as he made his coffee, turning around to look at Sebastian about halfway through his narrative with a mug of steaming black coffee cupped in his hands, a scowl on his face as he listened. "Oh my god," he sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing at them briefly - he could already feel a headache coming on as the logistics of fixing this started bouncing around in his head. "I'll handle the clients, the last thing they need is to think they're not being respected and taken care of after such a bad fuck-up, they'll probably demand to talk to me anyway if you go in there with my apologies. We'll let the teams sit and cool their heels for a bit and after I'm done dealing with the clients and assigning new teams we'll see if I feel up to dealing with disciplining them as well and if I'm not then I'll send you," Jim rattled off, ending his train of thought with a long gulp of his coffee. "Christ. I'm glad you didn't say anything about this last night, that would've been an uncomfortable transition," he said, his own version of thanking Sebastian for giving him exactly what he'd needed the night before even though it must have been difficult with all of this going on in his head.
You: Sebastian had moved to sit on the counter instead of stand and nodded at the end of Jim's thoughts of today. It sounded like a plan and anyway, Sebastian would probably spend a majority of today smoking his brains out because of the stress. He tried to do it yesterday, but didn't want to smell like smoke when he came home to little Jim. That would've been odd and very uncomfortable. At the last comment, Sebastian smiled and nodded. "I knew better than you tell you anything in that state." Sebastian said, lightly nudging Jim with his foot before he let out a sigh and scooted over to take some of the coffee as well. He'd definitely make it an Irish coffee today. "If I go in there, they'll be dead. But hey that's up to you." He said with a small smirk, then went into the cabinet to take out his whiskey. The good stuff.
Stranger: Jim returned the smile with a small one of his own, reaching out with one hand to push Sebastian's arm a bit in response to the nudge with his foot. Jim's eyes lit up a bit as Sebastian said he'd kill the teams who had messed up and he watched the man get down his best whiskey to mix in his coffee. Jim set his mug down and stepped up behind the other man to wrap his arms around his waist, pressing his cheek into Sebastian's strong back and exhaling slowly. "If they die, they die. They can be replaced, just like everybody but you," Jim said before pressing a couple of kisses to Sebastian's warm skin. "And tonight when we get home - after you wash the stink of cigarettes off you since I know for a fact you're going to run through a pack today - we can do whatever you want. Totally up to you tonight, okay?"
You: Sebastian gave a small smile when he felt Jim at his back as he poured a finger of whiskey into his coffee, stirring it a bit before he took a sip and sighed gently. The coffee was good, but Jim's words were what he needed. He chuckled at the cigarette comment, then gave a nod. "I appreciate that." He said, then turned so that he was facing Jim now, coffee on the counter. "But I hope yesterday was good for you too." He said, pressing his forehead with Jim's. "You and I both know you need a few of those days often and I'm glad to see that you're actually relaxed instead of wound up like a tangled Yo-Yo." He said, then smirked before he kissed Jim's lips. "I'm just sorry we couldn't do more because I was too fucking tired."
Stranger: Jim loosened his hold a bit to let Sebastian turn around and then immediately tightened it again once Sebastian was situated. He closed his eyes with a small smile when Sebastian pressed their foreheads together, chuckling a bit at Sebastian's remarks but cutting off to kiss him back. "I did really need it yesterday, and something tells me I'll need it again before long if this problem drags out," Jim murmured as he rubbed little circles into the small of Sebastian's back with his fingertips. "And don't worry about not doing more, we'll have plenty of other opportunities, and we did enough to get me relaxed. It's fine, Sebastian, really," he continued in a mumble as he tipped his head to search for Sebastian's lips again for another kiss.
You: Sebastian easily gave Jim a kiss when he searched for one. Of course, Sebastian would still feel a bit bad, but as long as Jim said it was mostly okay, then he was okay with it too. As much as he could be anyway. "Mm, once we settle the issue, it shouldn't last long." He said, patting Jim's cheek as he pulled away to take a sip of his coffee. "I assure you. You can sweet talk a man into killing himself, you can sweet talk the client into calming down. I trust you." He said with a smirk, then looked down at himself. "If you give me about a half hour, I can go with you to the office or meet you there. Up to you."
Stranger: Jim listened to Sebastian and let the man's words soothe him. He was still pretty relaxed from the day before, but he knew that was going to disappear quickly once he got to the office and he wanted to enjoy it while he still could. Jim returned to the other counter to pick up his coffee and finish it off once Sebastian had pulled away and he smiled around the edge of the mug at the praise. "I'll wait," Jim said when Sebastian said he'd need about thirty minutes to get ready. "I want some breakfast since we didn't have dinner last night, and I'll make you something to eat on the way, yeah?" he offered, already moving to start rummaging around for eggs in the fridge.
You: "Ah, I love those words." He said, then set his mug down to kiss Jim's temple. "Let me get pretty. I'll be back, love." He said then pressed another kiss to his cheek before he went upstairs to get ready. He really had no desire to get ready, but he knew that it would be better for Jim if he went to work. Plus, it wasn't as if he had a choice in the matter. So, for the next half hour, he was in the bathroom, not only showering, but trying to get his mind ready for the day that he knew it would bring. After about 35 minutes, Sebastian came back downstairs, slipping on his jacket. "Sorry about the delay, Jim." He said, going to the counter and slipping his things in his pockets, including his gun, cigarettes and his phone and wallet.
Stranger: Jim busied himself with making breakfast for himself once Sebastian was gone, a little smile still on his lips from the little kisses and signs of affection Sebastian was giving him. He finished eating his own breakfast and made something a little bit simpler but no less filling for Sebastian, setting it aside on the counter for him while he went upstairs to get a suit jacket, shoes, and tie and his things, just finishing up downstairs when Sebastian emerged. "It's fine," Jim said as he walked up to the counter to press the egg sandwich he'd made into Sebastian's hand, not saying that he'd actually needed that half hour to get completely out of his little headspace and prepare for the day. "Come on," he said with a resigned sigh, his mobile already in his hand to call their driver to come around and get them as well as start sending out texts to orchestrate the damage control he'd be doing all day long.
You: Sebastian gave a smile at the sandwich that was pressed into his hand and he followed after the other obediently, taking a bite from the sandwich. Before they stepped outside, Sebastian stopped Jim and gave him a kiss, smirking at him. "I love you." He said to the other, to remind him before he opened the door and nodded. "After you." He said, then took a bite of the sandwich. Today was going to be a very long day. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to kill anybody because he simply did not have the mentality for it today.
Stranger: Jim raised an eyebrow at Sebastian when the man stopped him just before they left their building, a smirk to match Sebastian's on his lips once the man pulled away from the kiss. "I love you too," Jim answered before pushing the door open and crossing to the sleek black car that was waiting. His eyes didn't raise from his mobile once the entire drive to the office as the texts and emails started flooding in, various reports and requests and acknowledgements of his orders. Already there was a knot of tension forming between his shoulder blades and a headache behind his eyes, but he did his best to ignore them. The day was only just starting, he couldn't afford to just stop everything and go back home. One silver lining at least was that his clients at least seemed willing to overlook what had happened the day before as long as they got a personal audience with him at some point before lunch, which was definitely something Jim could handle, so that was almost taken care of even before the car stopped in front of the warehouse offices - he was charming even through text and he was using that to his full advantage today.
You: Sebastian had spent the car ride looking out the window instead of at his phone, unlike his partner. But then again, He also hadn't taken a day off, so his day of stress was over. He glanced over at Jim and saw the tension start to go through him and Sebastian reached over, allowing a hand to rub between the other's shoulder blades as they got closer to the warehouse offices. The outside looked worse than the inside. Thankfully, that had been totally remodeled by Jim, but not enough to draw the suspicions of those that wanted to know. When they got there, Sebastian pressed a kiss to Jim's forehead again before he got out when the driver opened the door. "You know where to find me if you need me." He said to Jim, making sure that his gun was out and secure as he headed to the main doors of the warehouse, which were blocked by two bodyguards posed as workers. The best disguise, in his opinion. "I'll be there all day."
Stranger: Jim hardly glanced up when Sebastian started rubbing his shoulders, though that didn't mean he didn't appreciate it. Far from it, actually, but he was already too focused in his work attitude to properly express it. He almost had to become a completely different person to work as he did, and it was fine because he knew Sebastian understood, but at times like this he sort of wished he could switch back and forth a bit easier. He did lean in to let Sebastian kiss his forehead, though, when the car stopped and he nodded at Sebastian's words, watching him walk away as the driver made his way around to Jim's side of the car to open his door. Jim strode off into the offices next door - all the grunts worked at the warehouse, Jim and his top circle got the building of 'flats' next door that Jim had converted into very spacious luxury offices. Mostly this was where he met clients and the like, while all the dirtier bits like torture and daily training and exercises were done next door. As soon as he got inside he was too focused to think much about anything but the next task to the point where he didn't even stop to catch his breath until well after lunch.
You: Sebastian's normal office were in the fancy building next door. But, he wasn't allowed to smoke in there, so he had set up another office at the very top of the grunt building where he could smoke as freely as he wanted to, all while watching over the work that was being done below and firing off random shots if he saw a fight start. He was notorious for doing that, but today, they were actually being decent. Plus, Sebastian didn't want to spend most of the day in the warehouse, so he did what he had to do in there, which included checking on the team and shoving some more threats down their throats, before he left for the better offices. He was still there even well after lunch, cleaning a rifle that had been long overdue for one. He didn't really stop to eat, but that was mostly because he was waiting for Jim to see if the other would grace him with his presence. If not, Sebastian was used to it and didn't really care anymore. [To: Jim] Lunch? SM Or did you spoil the clients with something? SM Knowing you, probably the latter. SM
You: [[brb]]
Stranger: ((Okay))
Stranger: Jim had done his best to deal with all the socializing at once, which meant after lunch he was just buried under a mountain of reports and paperwork in his office, all of which needed to be at least looked over before he went home. He glanced down distractedly as his mobile dinged and he paused when he saw it was from Sebastian, feeling a wash of calm briefly settle over him. He took a moment to stretch and crack his neck with a sigh of relief before picking up his mobile to text back. Actually I gave them a bit of breakfast since they insisted on seeing me before any other meetings today, so I'd definitely like something. -JM I can't leave, I've got too much to do, but why don't you run down to that Thai place on the corner and pick something up? I'll eat anything today, I'm starving for some reason. We can camp out in my office and at least have a little bit of time together today. -JM
You: Sebastian gave a small smile when he looked over from polishing the gun. Thai sounded great and plus, it was the only restaurant where Sebastian could still surprise Jim with anything he wanted. Standing up, he put the gun aside and took up his mobile as he answered Jim. Definitely sounds like a plan. SM I'll get something good for you, as usual. Been bored most of the day anyway, which is a relief from yesterday's shit show. SM Haven't shot anyone either. Surprisingly. SM
Stranger: Jim actually managed to laugh at Sebastian's rundown of his day so far, a fond smile on his lips as he was abruptly reminded that Sebastian was his, a feeling that made him feel warm and comfortable and pretty damn happy. I wish I'd been bored at some point, but I suppose that's the price I pay for taking an entire day off to be little. I've been running around nonstop meeting with clients and talking to that team of morons and getting everything sorted for the upcoming week. I would say if you're itching to shoot somebody you should shoot me in the foot or something so I can go home and relax again. All that work yesterday for nothing, such a shame. -JM
You: Sebastian snorted at that as he locked the office before he headed downstairs to head to the elevators to get food. God, Jim was amazing. You ARE the boss. You can take a day off anytime you'd like, you know. Don't need me to shoot you in the foot for that. SM Plus, we've been over the fact that you need a day to be little in order to relax properly. So no regrets on that, I won't let you. SM
Stranger: Jim rolled his eyes but without any real irritation, already looking forward to having Sebastian around for a little bit while he ate and worked. Sebastian always helped him focus better, and it certainly wasn't helping his concentration that his stomach was growling rather loudly and regularly. Oh I don't regret it at all, I'm just saying it's a shame that I'm stressed out today so I couldn't enjoy the effects a little bit longer. I may need another one sometime this week, even, if things keep going like this. I hope they don't, but at this point it could go either way. -JM
You: Mm, Have some faith, Jim. SM The rest of our team is smart. If we have to weed out a few idiots to get them to run like a well oiled machine that's fine and dandy. SM To me, anyway. SM
Stranger: I know they are, but it's my job to worry. -JM I'm going to get another couple of emails out while you get lunch. See you when you get here. -JM
You: See you then. SM Twenty minutes later, A single knock came at the door before Sebastian came in, carrying a large bag and two drinks. "Afternoon, Jim." He said with a nod, closing the door behind him before he went over to the desk, kissing Jim as he set the bag and drinks down. "Got you a surprise in there, so have fun with it. I think you'll like it. But your drink is normal, your usual tea that you can't live without in the afternoons." He said, pulling up a chair so he could sit next to Jim. "Oh god. How much have you gotten done so far?
Stranger: Jim set his mobile aside and refocused himself on working after the brief little break, managing to get out another five or six emails before the knock came at the door. He barely glanced up at Sebastian, still immersed in finishing up one last email, but he pressed send as Sebastian set down the food and sat down beside him. Jim didn't immediately reach into the bag for the food, instead going for the tea and leaning back in his chair with a long sigh and a little groan as his back popped. He pursed his lips at the question. "Not as much as I would like. But as I said, I had meetings this morning with both our clients from yesterday as well as three new ones, I dealt with the team, did some evaluations, oh and I promoted Mikey, she earned that one fair and square," Jim started rattling off, interrupting himself to take a long sip of his tea. "And then after all that was done I came in here and so far I've read about a third of the reports that I need to, written up two more evaluations that I'll have to deliver next week, and now I'm working on emails to the teams out in the field and to new potential clients." Jim rubbed at the back of his neck absently in an attempt to alleviate some of the tension - just listing off what he'd already done was stressing him out, but at least it was all /done/ instead of a to-do list. "I'm too tired to get the food out, what's the surprise?" he asked as he tipped his head back against the headrest of his chair.
You: Sebastian watched Jim and gave him a small smile at what he accomplished. Jim worked hard because his mind never stopped. Sebastian knew that very well, having realized it when he first met the other man. "Maybe instead of my night, it'll be your night." Sebastian said, then took out the food and handed the boxes out, one to Jim and the other to himself. "Sesame Teriyaki Chicken with noodles. It's supposed to be really good and I know you like sesame bagels, so...Might be a bit of a stretch in the long run, but fuck it." He said, then took his drink and took a small sip of it before he opened his own box, handing a fork to Jim. "Eat. You need it."
Stranger: Jim felt some of his stress ease at the gentle smile Sebastian offered him and he waved off the man's suggestion that tonight be his. He felt a little guilty for not catering to Sebastian the night before after such a stressful day at work and he wanted the man to have his time instead of having to worry about keeping Jim happy, so as tempting as another night of being little sounded, he wasn't going to do that to Sebastian. His eyes lit up when Sebastian told him what he'd ordered and he sat up to take the box and the fork Sebastian offered him. The smell hit him even before he opened the box and then there was absolutely no way he was going to say anything as he devoured half the portion before finally slowing down. "Fuck that's good," he sighed in satisfaction, setting the box of remaining food on his desk and continuing to pick at it in between sips of the last of his tea. "Good call, Sebby," he added with a soft smile. "What do you have on for the rest of the day?" he asked as he reluctantly turned back to his computer to open and start scanning through another email absently, most of his attention still focused on Sebastian for the moment.
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This RP was done a few days ago. I don’t usually do MorMor, but this was too good to pass up.
Ignore my Jim. He needs a lot of work.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like parentlock.
Stranger: Alex's having a headache. I had to come to the school and get him, think we should get him to the hospital? SM
You: The hospital for a headache? JM
You: Come now, Sebby, its just a headache. AMM
You: JM**\
Stranger: I'm worried though. He's being like this all afternoon. SM
You: Even after giving him medicine? JM
Stranger: Yes. I tried to make him take a nap, but he really doesn't feel well. SM
You: If I say no, I have a feeling you'd take him anyway. JM
You: So go ahead. JM
Stranger: I don't know how common it is. I don't remember having headaches being that young. SM
You: Mm, Neither do I. JM
You: But it's better to be safe just in case. JM
Stranger: Yeah. He says he's having bad dreams, so I don't know. SM
You: Nightmares aren't caused by headaches. JM
Stranger: As far as I know, no. But I think that something's happening to him. SM
You: Like what? JM
You: I can't imagine what. JM
Stranger: I don't know. Maybe he's being bullied. Or something. He told me he didn't want to go back. SM
You: Sounds like bullying or something else. JM
You: Have him checked out at the A&E, please. JM
Stranger: I will. I'll leave the house right now. SM
You: Please inform me on what happens. I'll leave as soon as I can, sebby. JM
Stranger: (An hour later) I don't know if it's bullying or not. But his head was hit at some point this week, the doctor said. SM
You: Alex isn't clumsy. J<
You: It sounds a lot like bullying. JM
Stranger: I know he's not. But we must treat this carefully. He hasn't said a word to me about it. I don't know how to ask him. SM
You: I'll see if I can address it with him. JM
You: I'm familiar in the area. JM
Stranger: I'm sorry. And okay, I'll wait for you to come back home. SM
You: It's not your fault, Sebby. JM
You: What did they say about his head? JM
Stranger: He's not concussed or anything, but still, we should take him back if he starts vomiting or if he has a fever. He gave him some painkillers as well. SM
You: Nothing terribly serious yet. Good to know. JM
You: I'll definitely talk to him when I arrive. I'm leaving now. JM
Stranger: Okay. I'm making some dinner. He says he's feeling 'a bit' better. SM
You: A bit. Hm. JM
Stranger: If he's being bullied though, what do we do? SM
You: Nip it in the bud, as they say. JM
You: Either deal with the school and ask why they allowed our child to get a concussion. JM
You: Or scare parents. Either way. JM
Stranger: Okay. You're right. We'll find a way. SM
You: Mm, I'll quiz him tonight. JM
Stranger: You do that. Will you be home to eat dinner with us? SM
You: Of course. I'll be home shortly, actually. JM
Stranger: Good. He's asking for you already. SM
You: Is he? Tell him I'll be home shortly. Unless he wishes to text. JM
You: f
You: [Whoops! Mistype xD]
Stranger: (It's okay xD, mind if we change to paragraphs now?)
You: [Sure! Go for it]
Stranger: Sebastian left the phone on the counter, focusing on the kitchen. Alex was resting on the couch, absently watching telly. The house was dark, since the drapes were closed. He looked at him from time to time, but Alex was just leaning into the pillows tiredly. "Lex, Dad's about to get here, alright?" He said to him, and the boy smiled for a moment, but he stayed quiet. Sebastian sighed, their son was usually talkative, but now he clearly was hiding something. He just hoped Jim could find out what it was. He set the table and the food was almost ready when he heard the door.
You: Jim wouldn't say that their house was big, but it was a bit bigger than most. However, it wasn't exactly a mansion. He believed in 'hiding in plain sight', after all. He walked in the front door and let out a sigh. It had been quite a long day, but it was going to get a bit longer with this talk with Alex. From what Sebby had described, Alex was in bad shape. Jim only hoped that he could get through to their son. He draped his jacket over the coat rack, then walked into the kitchen. "I'm home." He said, then gave Sebastian a quick kiss before he smiled at Alex, going over to him. "Hello, you two."
Stranger: Sebastian would usually joke at Jim for not giving him a more passionate kiss or something, but they were both worried about the kid. Alex was an extrovert and he loved school, he had friends, he played football, this was really unusual on his part. And a few nights ago he had waken up at the middle of the nights because he was having nightmares. He tried not to spy on them and kept making dinner after Jim greeted him. As soon as Alex saw Jim walked through the door, he sat down properly and smiled at him. "Hi, daddy," He said, reaching up to him.
You: Jim went over to Alex and carefully lifted his son into his arms, hugging him close. Affection, normally, was odd for Jim. He didn't do it and it really wasn't his style. But, he supposed that with Alex, it was different. This was his son and Jim, honestly, would do anything for him and for Sebastian. So, affection, while odd normally, was normal with Alex and Sebastian.He pressed a kiss to Alex's forehead and smiled. "How was your day, Alex?" He asked, brushing at the other's hair gently.
Stranger: Alex hugged Jim back, wrapping his arms and legs around him. "Papa had to pick me up from school 'cause my head hurt," He explained. "And then we came home but it hurt, so we went to see Doc and he said to let you and papa know if it still hurt," He said, leaning into the contact. "And now Papa's making mac and cheese," He added, because that was the most important bit of the story. "And maybe tomorrow I don't have to go to school, that's what the Doc said,"
You: Ah, it was going to come quicker than he thought. Well, this would definitely be a hard conversation to have, but Jim kept Alex in his arms. "He is making your favourite, isn't he? Isn't Papa the best?" He said, then brushed at the little boy's hair before he gave a small smile. "Alex, you know if there was something bad was going on, you'd tell me or Papa, right?" He asked, tilting his head some. "I know that when I was in school, just like you, I had bad things happen to me."
Stranger: Alex blinked at him, immediately going tense in Jim's arms. He looked down for a moment and then placed his hands on Jim's chest, as if to pull him away. "Bad things like what?" He asked softly. "Nothing happened" He added quickly, looking away and then back to Jim. He didn't pull away at last, but kept his arms at his dad's chest, keeping a small distance between them. Sebastian was focusing on the dinner, not wanting to interrupt them.
You: Jim quickly shook his head. "No, No, I know, love." He said gently, keeping Alex in his arms, but definitely feeling the distance now that he had brought it up. "Well, we all have bad things happen at school sometimes." He said, then carefully sat down with Alex still in his arms. "Did I ever tell you when I was in school, that kids didn't like me a lot?" He said gently, then gave Alex a small smile. "They just..didn't like me for some reason. They hurt me, you know."
Stranger: Alex looked at him like he didn't understand him at first. And then when they sat down he bit his lower lip. "I like you," He said, placing a hand on Jim's hair, to comfort him. "Hurt you how? Why didn't you tell them you were nice?" He asked, it seemed simple to him, Jim was very nice and he felt okay when he had him around, why wouldn't kids like him? He was so cool to him. "It's not okay to hurt people," He added.
You: Jim gave a smile at his son's hand on his hair and he nodded. "I did. I tried to tell them that I was nice, but they didn't listen. They weren't very bright or very nice." He said with a wink, then shook his head. "It's definitely not okay to hurt people." He agreed. "But I was scared to tell on them. They were pretty mean and I was worried that adults wouldn't listen to me." He said, brushing at Hamish's hair. "I was pretty scared too, when I was your age."
Stranger: Alex was about to say something, but then he just fell silent, deciding against it. He just hugged Jim tight, closing his eyes, he was tense, his hand slightly shaking when he hugged Jim. "Can we go and have dinner now?" He asked, his voice a tiny whisper, sounding younger than he was. He didn't want to talk, he didn't want Jim to get mad, he didn't know what Jim wanted to talk to him about.
You: "Sure thing, love." He said and let out a barely audible sigh. At least the seed had been planted in Alex's head that he wasn't alone. "But you remember that, if you ever have any trouble, you can tell me and Papa, okay?" He asked quietly, looking down at his son and kissing the top of his head. "We can never get mad at you, Alex. Never ever."
Stranger: Alex looked down and then away, trying to decide what to do. "Never ever? You and papa promise?" He asked nervously. "But... but if I tell you you won't tell anyone that I did tell you and it'll be a secret?" He whispered, as if he was afraid someone was listening. He had gotten tense again, his hands squeezing Jim's shirt.
You: Jim gave a smile at that and held out his pinky. "Well, I can't promise that we won't tell anyone, because after all, we want to make sure that anyone who's hurting you knows that they're not allowed to do that. Kind of like how you get a time out for hurting me or Papa." He explained. "But I promise you that me and Papa will never be mad at you. Okay?"
Stranger: Alex shook his head. "But no one can know," He whispered. "You can't tell anyone," He added. "Papa can't tell anyone, because it's a secret and no one will believe me if you tell other people," He looked down, not knowing what to do. Nobody would believe him and it'd be worst.
You: Jim gave a small smile at that. "Well, if you tell me, I can promise you that people will believe you." He said, then lifted Alex's chin up to look at him. "Because I believe you, and Papa believes you and that's all you need, sweetheart." He said, kissing Alex's forehead. "I promise you, everything will be okay. I'd never lie to you, would I?"
Stranger: Alex seemed to think that through, and noticed that Jim was right, he had never lied to him before. He shyly looked up at Jim and finally nodded. "Okay," He whispered. "I... was at school the other day, on the break," He started, his hands squeezing Jim's shirt again. "And we were playing football and I scored, but the other kid, Sam, got mad at me 'cause we won," He mumbled, his voice barely audible. He didn't know if he should be doing this.
You: Jim was a master, especially by now, at hiding his emotions, especially anger. When he heard the words out of Alex's mouth, his grip tightened a bit on Alex, but only to keep the other close. He could get angry later, much later. "He did?" Jim asked, his voice as quiet as Alex's in order to keep the other secure and calm. "What happened after Sam got mad, Lex?" He asked, his fingers brushing through the other's hair again.
Stranger: Alex was clearly uncomfortable when he was saying this. He took a deep breath, not looking at Jim. "He's older than me, so when the bell rang and we had to come back to class, he pulled my hair and my hand and he dragged me away and he pushed me and I hit myself with the wall," His eyes filled with tears. "And then I don't know what happened and he grabbed my shirt and... I don't know, I don't remember," He whispered.
You: Jim wrapped his arms around Alex and held him close. "It's okay, love, it's okay." He assured the other and kissed the top of his head, staring at the wall for a moment as he rocked Alex in his arms. "You did very good, Alex, thank you very much for telling me." He said, then smiled down at his son warmly, gently. "You were very brave. I'm so proud of you." He said, wiping at his son's cheeks.
Stranger: Alex didn't know why he felt like crying, but he did. He hugged Jim back and nodded. "I don't want to go to school," He whispered, rubbing at his eyes and leaning his head into Jim's chest, trying to cling into him to feel safer. "Can we not go?" He asked, hiccuping and trying to stop crying, it was making his head hurt.
You: "For tomorrow, you don't have to." He said, then kissed the top of his head. "I promise, you won't have to go tomorrow." Or ever, if this problem wasn't fixed. Jim would see to it that it was or he'd be changing schools for Alex very fast. He wiped away Alex's tears, then kissed his forehead, doing whatever he needed to go to get the child to stop crying. "Shh, I think Papa's done with dinner. Let's go wash your face, then get something to eat before he eats it all."
Stranger: Alex looked up, rubbing his eyes again. "Okay," He said at last. He didn't want to go back at all though. Not after everything that had happened. He covered his face for a moment, it was hard to stop crying now. When Jim mentioned Sebastian though, Alex smiled softly, remembering they'd eat mac and cheese for dinner. "That's okay, let's go," He agreed, after a few seconds of silence.
You: Jim gave him a smile and gave him one last kiss before he allowed Alex down. "Now, go get washed up while I make sure Papa didn't eat everything." He said, then stood up and watched Alex go into the bathroom before he shot Sebastian a dark look. Not at Sebastian at all, but at the kids who hurt his son. He was angry, and it was obvious.
Stranger: Sebastian blinked up at him, an expression that Alex had picked up on as well. "What is it? What happened? Is he okay?" He asked quickly, when their son was out of their sight. "Jim?" He had heard his son crying but he was mumbling so he couldn't understand a word he said and he clearly didn't want to bring it out again.
You: Jim went over to Sebastian and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. "He's being bullied. Apparently, some older snot nosed shit was pissed Alex's team won a bloody game, dragged him away and beat Alex up." He said quietly so only Sebastian could hear him. "I'm going to that school tomorrow and I'm killing that kid."
Stranger: Sebastian's eyes widened at that. "What?" How they couldn't know this before? He felt like a terrible father. When did this happen? He immediately felt angry as well though, his kid was the sweetest in the world, he was always nice with other children and he liked to share, he didn't deserve any of this. "Look... I know you're mad, I'm mad too. We'll go to school tomorrow and deal with it, but he can't see us like this," He said.
You: Jim knew that Sebastian had a point. Even if he wanted to go to the kid's house and kill everyone there, it wouldn't be a good idea, not around Alex who was already having a tough time as is. "He's not going back to that school until we sort this out." He said quietly. "And if we have to switch him, I'll be more than happy to do that." He added, then leaned over and gently kissed Sebastian. "I love you." He said quietly.
Stranger: Sebastian nodded, he couldn't believe than an older kid had taken advantage of his little boy and he had beat him up, for a stupid game. "Love you too," He said, smiling. "We'll see what to do then, okay? Tomorrow we'll go to the school, should we take him with us though?" He asked. Alex had no one to look after him tomorrow. And if they were going to talk to the teacher, maybe he should be there.
You: Jim sighed at that. "He seemed quite fearful of going back. But, with us, he might be okay." He said thoughtfully, leaning back against the counter and thought. "We'll try it. If he gets too anxious, you or I can take him outside to calm down while the other talks sense to whoever is running that shitshow." He muttered.
Stranger: Sebastian nodded at him. "We will, we'll protect him no matter what, I'm not letting anyone near him," He assured him. Just in that moment, Alex came back to the kitchen, his cheeks were still red from crying, but he looked calmer. "Papa, is dinner ready?" He asked, still a bit shyly, which was a bit out of character for him, but at least Sebastian understood why now. "Yeah it is," He went over and picked him up, kissing his hair before sitting him down.
You: "I made sure he didn't eat everything." Jim said with a wink, sitting next to Alex. He wasn't too terribly hungry, but he'd at least attempt to eat for Alex's sake. He was still in rage about what had happened to Alex, but for now, he had to keep it in check, especially in front of his son. Oh, tomorrow would be a very interesting day.
Stranger: Alex sat down, he didn't feel like eating at first, but he smiled at Jim and Sebastian and tried to at least have some of it. Sebastian was just like Jim, thinking what would happen tomorrow. He still didn't know the details, but he was mad anyway, he wanted to destroy that fucking school where his little boy had gotten hurt. They didn't talk a lot during dinner, especially Alex, but he finished eating and looked between the two. "Can I go to bed?" He asked.
You: Now it was definitely out of Alex's character. He usually wanted to stay up and usually put up a fuss when he had to go to bed. Now, he was compliant, even wanting to go to bed. Jim looked at Sebastian, then looked at Alex and nodded. "Of course you can." He said, then stood up. "Do you want Papa and I to help tuck you in?" He asked, tilting his head to the side some.
Stranger: Sebastian frowned as well, but he knew that they should let him, at least they knew why he was behaving this way now. "Please," He asked, Sebastian stood up, caressing his son's hair and he picked Alex up. "Okay then, to bed. Does your head still hurt, hm?" Sebastian asked, Alex thought for a moment, leaning into Sebastian's shoulder. "Not that much... but I really want to sleep," He said tiredly.
You: Jim knew that it may be a sign of a concussion if Alex wanted to sleep. But, he'd been fine all day, so as long as nothing happened overnight, he was slightly confident that Alex would be okay. Slightly was the key word. He led the two of them up the stairs to Alex's bedroom, where Jim moved the covers so Alex could lay down.
Stranger: Sebastian kissed Alex's head again, trying not to worry, maybe Alex was just tired and had nothing to do with the concussion. He placed a hand on his son's forehead, no fever, he was just a bit warm, but he had been crying. "Okay then," He got him into bed and with Jim's help they tucked him in. "Is there anything else you need, kid? Anything at all?" Sebastian asked and Alex shook his head.
You: Jim watched Alex and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "We love you very much, Alex." He said, brushing the other's hair and gave him a small smile. "If you need anything, Papa and I will be right down the hall, okay?" He asked, then stood up a bit. "Goodnight, Alex."
Stranger: "Okay," He nodded. "Night, daddy, night papa," Alex whispered. "I love you too," He added, smiling at them. Sebastian looked at him worriedly, but knew he had to leave the room, they had to deal with the whole school thing tomorrow and they needed the energy. He turned off the lights and they left the room.
You: When they left the room, Jim let out a rough sigh and looked over at Sebastian. Their personalities were very quick-start ones and their anger was much worse. It would be an interesting day at the school tomorrow, that is if Alex made it through the night okay.
Stranger: "Come on, I know what you're thinking," Sebastian sighed, leading Jim to their room. "We'll talk to the teacher or principal or whoever is in charge and we'll discuss it, but right now, we need to sleep," He said. "
You: "Mm, staying awake sounds a much better option. Can't plan in my sleep, Sebby." Jim said, but he knew that Sebastian had a very good point. They would need to talk to the headmaster and the teacher tomorrow. For now, sleep was definitely needed.
Stranger: Sebastian laughed, pulling Jim close by the waist. "There's no need to plan something. We'll get up, see if Alex needs painkillers, go to the school, leave a mess and then we'll be back," He said. "That's all." He got into the bedroom and sat down on the bed, sighing. "That's all it needs to be done. Besides, we take him to the doctor, so we've got proofs,"
You: "Mm, Death would be a lot easier for them. Why put them through boring litigation?" He said, undoing his dress shirt so he can get a little more comfortable, especially since he'd been in the suit since he'd gotten up this morning and through coaching Alex into telling him what's wrong. "I'll make an appointment for the doctors in the afternoon after we get done over at the School of Incompetence."
Stranger: "Because we must teach Alex that he needs to stand up for what's right, the right way," He said, honestly, he wanted to kill anyone who dared to hurt his little boy, but they couldn't. I mean, they could, but they shouldn't. "Okay then," He unbuttoned his own shirt and took off his jeans. "We'll handle it. We always do," He smiled at Jim.
You: "Usually involving more blood." He almost seemed to whine, barely slipping into his pajamas before he fell into bed and watched Sebastian for a long moment.. "Mm, it'll be disappointing. But if I see someone flinch, it'll be a good time, I suppose." He said with a shrug.
Stranger: "We'll get our fun anyway, don't worry," Sebastian assured him, turning off the lights and getting into bed. "Let's sleep for now, okay?" He asked him, pulling him close, they didn't usually cuddle, but this time Sebastian needed to have him as close as he could.
You: The fact that Sebastian pulled him close this time was understandable. Their boy had been hurt, bullied and this time, they both needed comfort from each other. So, Jim just wrapped his arms around the other and settled in close to him before he managed to fall asleep. Or, as close to asleep as he could anyway.
Stranger: As it was expected, in the middle of the night, Sebastian heard the door opening. He had fallen asleep a few hours ago, but he had light sleep. It could only be Alex, so he sat down, rubbing his eyes. His boy knew the house like the back of his hand and even in the dark he could walk around without tripping. "Papa, daddy?" Alex asked, he clearly had been crying.
You: Jim, of course, was awake when he heard the footsteps. He had more fallen into a half sleep state, so while groggy, he could still function as well as he could if actually awake. He didn't turn on the light, but he knew that it was Alex. "Mm, Lex." Jim said, then carefully patted his side of the bed. "Come here, love. What's wrong?"
You: [brb]
Stranger: Alex walked around the bed and got under the covers, hugging Jim. "I had a nightmare," he whispered. "Can I sleep here?" He asked, even though he was already under the covers. Sebastian smiled, because that sounded more like Alex. "Of course you can, 'Lex, want to talk about the nightmare?" He asked. Alex went silent for a few seconds and then shook his head.
You: Jim chuckled when Alex was already under the covers when he asked. "Hard to say no with you already here." He joked, then kissed the child's forehead. "You don't have to talk about it, love. Just know that Papa and I are right here, okay?" He asked, laying back down next to Alex.
Stranger: Alex nodded slowly, hugging Jim tight. Sebastian hugged both of them, placing a kiss on Alex's hand and Jim's forehead. "Okay, kid, try and get some sleep, alright? Everything okay," He assured him one last time and he fell asleep after that, he was really tired after all. Luckily Alex fell asleep quickly after that and he slept the rest of the night.
You: When the morning came, Jim had awoken long ago. But, it was hard to move considering was wedged in between not only Sebastian, but against Alex as well and well, who was he to interrupt a beautiful scene? Normally, him, but not today, not with his family. So, he went into a sort of meditation mode and actually started to plan out what he would do, if he had the power to control what happened to that school. So he sort of felt it when someone shifted on the bed, but it took him a moment to open his eyes. "Hm?"
Stranger: Alex was the second person to wake up, he usually was an early riser, they didn't need to wake him up to go to school, he was already up when it was time. "Daddy?" The boy asked, rubbing his eyes. "You awake?" He yawned, leaning into him a bit tiredly just yet. Sebastian was still fast asleep at their side, not noticing the movement.
You: Jim looked over at Alex, then gave him a smile and reached out to ruffle his hair. "You bet I am." He responded, then kissed his cheek. "Did you sleep well, love? Any nightmares?" Jim asked, more awake now than he had been when he first woken up.
Stranger: Alex hummed in thought, he hardly remembered getting up to sleep here last night. "I slept well, I don't remember any nightmares," He added, smiling up at Jim. "So what are we doing today? We need to wake up Papa, so we can eat breakfast," He was actually happy that he didn't have to go to school today.
You: Jim smiled at that, then looked over at Sebastian and gave him a smile before he put a finger to his lips. "I'll tell you what. Why don't we make breakfast and surprise Papa?" He asked, giving Alex a grin. "I think that sounds like a good idea, don't you?
Stranger: Alex looked between Jim and Sebastian and nodded eagerly. "Okay," He said, getting out of bed as carefully as he could. "We could make pancakes," He said, excitedly, he loved surprises, and since Sebastian always made breakfast, he wanted to make it at least one time.
You: Jim was an expert at sneaking out of Sebastian's grip. After all, he'd done it many times before. He got out of bed easily and without bothering Sebastian before he walked downstairs with Alex. At the talk of Pancakes, Jim smiled. "I think that sounds good. Do you think we should make sausage or bacon with it?"
Stranger: Alex took Jim's hand as they walked and hummed in thought. "I think Papa likes bacon," He said, because if they were making Sebastian breakfast, they needed to do something he liked. "Let's make bacon,"
You: "Bacon it is." Jim said, keeping Alex's hand in his as they walked down the stairs over to the kitchen. "Just like the manly man your Papa is." He joked, then turned on the light to the kitchen. "I'll get the pancake stuff ready, can you take out the bacon for me, Alex?"
Stranger: "Yep," Alex said, knowing where all the things were. He took the bacon, handing it over at Jim and then he opened the fridge, pulling out some orange juice. "Papa likes coffee so we should make coffee too, daddy," He said wisely.
You: Jim snapped his fingers at that. "That's a great idea, Alex." He said, then ruffled the boy's hair as he went to turn on the kettle. "Why don't you pull up your stool and you can help me mix everything?" He asked, pouring water into the kettl.e
Stranger: Alex blushed a bit at that, feeling proud of himself. He obeyed Jim and started to mix, he liked mixing things, according to him, it was the fun part of cooking. "I think Papa's going to be very happy," He said, smiling as he kept mixing.
You: Jim, meanwhile, had been working the stove, getting everything heated. He trusted Alex to mix everything properly. He was a smart kid who was taught well by himself and Sebastian. "I think he will too. Especially when he knows that you made it.
Stranger: Alex blushed again and he handed over the mixture. "It's ready," He said, hopping off the counter. "Can we go and wake Papa now?" He wanted to surprise him already, he couldn't wait.
You: Jim chuckled at that. "Patience, Alex. We want to get everything ready first, don't we?" He asked, focusing a bit on the bacon. "Do you remember how to make pancakes?" He asked, then took a spoonful of the batter and carefully poured it onto the skillet. "Just like that. And you let me know when it's ready to cook."
Stranger: Alex pouted a bit, because he wanted to surprise Sebastian already. He nodded, looking at the skillet carefully. "Okay," He said, getting on the counter again. They had told him he could look, but not that closely, because he didn't want to get burned.
You: Pretty soon enough, everything was ready, with just the coffee needing to be poured. "Okay, Alex. You've been very patient." Jim said, turning to his son. "Why don't you go and wake Papa?" He said, giving his son a smile.
Stranger: Alex practically bounced on his heels. "Okay!" He said, heading to the bedroom quickly. Sebastian was still asleep, so Alex entered the room and jumped on him. "Papa, papa, papa," He called and the man woke up, looking around a bit disoriented just yet. "We made breakfast," Alex said proudly. Sebastian smiled warmly at him, picking him up. "Really? Well, I'm honoured," He said, kissing Alex's cheek, he was glad to see him happy after yesterday. "Thank you, pal," He whispered, carrying him towards the kitchen.
You: Jim had stayed behind to get the table ready and the coffee poured. Once he saw the two, he smiled. "Good morning, Papa." Jim said, kissing Sebastian's cheek before he looked at Alex. "Was Papa super surprised?" He asked the little boy, a playful smile on his face.
Stranger: "Yeah he was," Alex said excitedly. "Look, papa, we made pancakes and bacon," He hugged Sebastian. "Morning," Sebastian said, kissing Jim's lips lightly and sitting down. "Thank you for the surprise," He said, he placed down Alex on his own seat. "This looks delicious," He licked his lips, looking at Jim.
You: Jim gave a smile at that and sat down next to Alex, across from Sebastian. "Well, you can thank Alex. He not only thought of it, but made the pancakes too." He said, giving his son a smile. "He wanted to surprise you."
Stranger: "Thank you, buddy," Sebastian leaned over and kissed Alex's head. "You did a great job," He ate the pancakes, smiling at Alex. "It's all delicious, I'm really surprised," Alex looked up at him hopefully, glad this had worked.
You: Jim took a bite of the pancakes as well and nodded with a smile. "They are very good indeed. You're a natural, Alex." He praised, then took a sip of the coffee that he had poured himself afterwards. It was going to be a long day, even if the morning did start out rather well.
Stranger: Sebastian drank his coffee as well, remembering that they needed to go to school and they had to go with Alex, he seemed so happy though. But they had to tell him, otherwise he'd feel betrayed when they took him anyway. He didn't want to do anything to take away his happiness.
You: Jim looked at Sebastian and he really wasn't sure how to tell Alex that they had to go to the school, so they could talk about what happened. "Alex." Jim started, looking at their son. "I know you don't want to go, but we're all going to go to your school today." He said, then reached over to brush at his son's hair. "You will never leave our side. All we're going to do is talk to your teacher and headmaster about what happened, okay? No one will bother you with your scary dads at your side."
Stranger: Alex fell silent almost immediately and his smile faded and Sebastian was already regretting this. "But you promised I didn't have to go today," Alex whispered, eyes filling with tears. Sebastian got up from his seat and knelt. "Shh... calm down, okay? You'll be with us, alright? We'll never leave you, no one can hurt you when you're with us. We'll protect you no matter what,"
You: "If we're being technical, you're not going like you normally go, Alex." Jim said, getting to his level. "You're not going there to learn. You're going there with us...on a visit, if you will." He said, giving him a small smile. "When we leave, you'll be right with us, okay? And afterwards, we can go out for ice cream or whatever sugary treat you desire. Fair?"
Stranger: Alex still didn't want to go, but they were right by his side and they said they'd protect him. "Okay," He said at the end, Sebastian looked at Jim, they had finished with breakfast, so they should go right away, the sooner the better. "You're so brave, 'Lex, thank you," Sebastian kissed his son's head.
You: Jim gave a smile at that and also kissed his son's head, standing up. "Why don't you two get ready and I'll go ahead and clean this up?" He said, looking between the two. "You can wear whatever you like, Alex." He said, grinning to the little boy in an attempt to cheer him up.
Stranger: Sebastian picked Alex up. "Come then, let's change clothes, put on something comfy," He said, smiling at Jim for a moment and then they left the kitchen, Alex took a quick bath with Sebastian's help and then he chose his clothes, an oversized green hoodie he liked, and jeans and his black sneakers. Sebastian took a shower as well and changed his clothes quickly, heading back to the kitchen. "We're ready, Jim," Sebastian said.
You: Jim, by the time the two came back, was already dressed and just fixing his collar. "I see that." He said, looking over at the two and gave a small smile. He was wearing one of his more 'casual' suits, which was a black one with a white shirt and a black tie. He had slipped into the bathroom while Seb was showering and did what he needed to do before he came back out. He looked at Alex and gave a smile. "Well, don't you look amazing, love." He said, then looked up at Sebastian. "Let's go, then."
Stranger: Sebastian smiled at Jim. "Don't you look handsome?" He asked, already heading outside. Alex was hugging Sebastian tight, but he smiled when Jim said he looked amazing. "I'm driving so you can go with daddy on the backseat, okay?" He asked, kissing Alex's forehead and handing him over.
You: Jim easily took Alex into his arms and he kissed the little boy's cheek. "Let's get going." He said, then walked with Alex in his arms out the front door and over to the car. Normally, Jim had a driver, but for today's sake, it seemed to make more sense that Sebastian drive, for normalcy's sake.
Stranger: Sebastian started driving, school wasn't that far away from their house, it was a twenty-minutes-or-so car ride, but he could tell that when they were reaching the school, Alex was getting more nervous, clinging into Jim. "It'll be very quick, love, we'll go to school and talk to the people we need to talk and then we'll leave, alright?" He said and Alex hid in Jim's chest.
You: Jim wrapped his arms around Alex and he held the little boy close. "If it gets to be too much for you, let me or Papa know and we can take you outside, okay?" He said gently. "All we're going to do is talk to your teacher about what happened, okay?" He said, stroking Alex's hair. "It's not right for anyone to be mean to you, especially when you didn't do anything."
Stranger: Alex nodded. "And you'll be with me all the time?" He asked. Sebastian looked at him. "Yeah, we will, we promise. We won't leave you alone, you'll be fine and we'll be out of there before you can realize it, okay?" Alex bit his lower lip. "Okay," He whispered. Sebastian parked the car outside the school, it was past nine, so all the kids were already inside. Which was good. He got out of the car and opened Jim's door, letting them out.
You: Jim scooted out of the car with Alex in his arms and he looked at the little boy. "Did you want me to carry you or did you want to walk?" He asked. Honestly, he didn't care either way, but he wanted to make sure that Alex would be comfortable, so Jim was, at least for this part, willing to play by Alex's rules.
Stranger: Alex didn't want to walk, he wanted to wrap himself in Jim and come back home. "I want you to carry me," He said, hugging him tight. Sebastian headed inside first, talking to a secretary, he told her that he wanted to talk with the headmaster, or Alex's teacher. Apparently Alex's teacher was in a class at the moment, so the headmaster would have to do.
You: Jim held Alex close to him, keeping his look neutral, but menacing enough to prevent conversation. He held onto Alex and stood next to Sebastian, watching as the headmaster came out. The headmaster was a bit of a portly, older man and he gave a polite smile. "Hello, there." He said. "My name is Doctor Jeremiah Fink." He said, then saw Alex and gave a small smile. "Hello, Alex."
Stranger: Alex hid in Jim's chest, not wanting to talk to him. He had only seen him a few times and he really didn't want to deal with him. Sebastian looked between Jim and Alex and sighed. "We're Alex's parents. I'm Sebastian and this is my partner, James. Do you mind if we speak at your office?" He asked, as serious as he could.
You: Jim really had no intention to speak to the headmaster unless he had to. So, he remained silent as the headmaster nodded. "Of course. Please, right this way." He said, then led the small family to his office, offering them a seat before he closed the door and sat behind his desk. "How may I help you gentlemen today?"
Stranger: "You see," Sebastian didn't mind to do the talking, he knew he looked more intimidating than Jim. "Yesterday we had to take our son to the doctor, because his head was hurting, and it turns out he had a concussion, caused on school time. When we asked him what had happened, he told us that an older kid had beat him up during a break and I'll ask you, why was our child alone during the break? Why there was no one supervising?" He asked. "How can you allow this?" Alex felt like leaving. He felt that no one would believe him and he didn't want that.
You: Jim held onto Alex and stroked his hair, leaning his head down to whisper soothing things into his son's ear. Honestly, he could give two fucks about this headfailure. His son was more important at the moment. At the story, Dr. Fink's eyes widened and he sat up a bit. "Mr. Sebastian, I do apologize for what happened." He said, looking at Alex before looking at the man glaring daggers at him. "I assure you that none of our children here are allowed to be unsupervised at any time, especially during their breaks because of the possibility of something like this." He said. "Did Alex say which student did it?"
Stranger: "You shouldn't apologize to me. You should apologize to my son, who got hurt," Sebastian said. "Yeah well, clearly that system has its flaws, because when the bell rang, an older kid apparently named Sam, dragged our son from his classroom to beat him out. Why didn't the teacher notice he was gone?" He asked coldly. Alex hiccuped, tears starting to roll down his cheeks even though he didn't want to cry.
You: Jim cradled his son close to him and shushed him the best he could as he rocked his son to try and soothe him. "I can't answer that, unfortunately, since I was there. But I assure you that we will conduct an investigation as to what happened-" He started, but Jim stood up and stared at him coldly. It was a stare reserved specifically for people who failed and tried to give excuses. "I'm not going to wait for an investigator, Doctor." He said coldly. "You will get that teacher and student in here and you will quiz them. Rest assure, I, nor my partner, will stand for the school ignoring the needs of one of their students." He said, then walked outside to try and relax Alex.
Stranger: Sebastian looked at Jim go, he wanted to comfort Alex so badly, but he couldn't. He needed to take care of this right away. "Well then, what are you waiting, Doctor? Bring them here." Sebastian said, tone ice cold. Alex felt like he couldn't breath, and unlike yesterday, he couldn't stop crying. He held onto Jim, looking at him. His eyes and cheeks were red, and his head started to hurt again.
You: Doctor Fink let out a sigh and nodded. "Of course." He said, then got to his phone to not only call the teacher, but the student in there as well. "You'll understand if I ask you to wait in the lobby, Mr. Sebastian. Just to keep everything level and neutral." He explained. Jim, meanwhile, took Alex outside and sat down with the little boy, taking a tissue from his pocket to wipe his eyes. "There, there, Alex." He said gently, kissing the little boy's forehead. "Papa and I aren't mad at you. You know that, right?"
Stranger: Sebastian nodded curtly. "Of course." He said. "We'll wait outside," He said, getting out of the office, looking for Jim and Alex. Alex was breathing heavily, trying to wipe at his eyes himself. "I don't want to go to this school," He cried, choking on the words. He climbed into Jim, as he wanted to crawl inside his skin and hugged him again. "I want to leave," He whispered.
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This was another great one! We’re continuing this over email <3 A good fantasy pre-Hamex.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Alexis Moran-Moriarty, Victoria Watson-Holmes, hamex, Viclex, Hamish Watson-Holmes, halex, parentlock, and Viclexis.
Stranger: [[Medieval Fantasy AU - Let me know if you’re reading (and please, give it a shot! I know it’s a little long)]] Hamish had long ago lived in a great castle. He had been born in the large white walls, decorated with gems and precious stones that glimmered all colors of the rainbow in the bright golden sun. He had grown up running through the large halls, laughing brightly with the knights and hiding behind their rich royal purple cloaks and dark black chainmail. He had grown up visiting the coverts down below the castle, filled to the brim with dragons - young, old, eggs in the nesting room, dragons that were harnesses to the Knights-of-the-Air squadron. And having come from the royal bloodline, the fierce blood and magic of the dragons flowed in his veins - he was a Dragonlord. But at the tender age of sixteen, his Kingdom was attacked. Their beautiful castle, white and tall reaching near the clouds, was demolished. He was the only member of the royal family to survive, and knew that his Kingdom now lived on in his heart. The battle lasted few days, the largest of the Kingdoms having stocked their army up enough that his home was outnumbered in mages and in knights. His people were taken within a week. Hamish had hidden deep in the covert where the dragons still resided. He went to the storeroom and got dressed in the battle armor he had had commissioned of thick armor made of dragons hide and chain mail. He mounted his dragon, Soreth, a fierce species that were known as the Great Dragons as they could only be ridden by Dragonlords. She was a large beast, a few years younger than he as Hamish had called her from the egg, her hide a solid black with a mottling of deep sapphire blue scales and patches on her wings that matched Hamish’s large eyes. He escaped from the covert with the hundreds of dragons, and the eggs, and found the large expansive cave system far to the east. He survived there for years, until he was twenty one, and had brought countless dragons into the world through hatching their eggs and encouraging new ones to be made. He was the last Dragonlord, the only surviving member of the old Kingdom of Kayaweth that had once shone like a beacon of hope in the deep green fields. Hamish was stocking up for an attack, making sure his dragons flew and trained as much as they could - and oh train they did. But it was a day of resting in the cave closest to the opening out into the fresh air, Hamish curled up with his Soreth to keep his body warm with the cold rain falling from the grey skies above. What he certainly did not expect of that day was for Soreth to quickly sling one of her black wings over his body, or to hear a human voice and their boots shuffling down on the harsh stone floors. Soreth blended in with the dark stone of the cave, and he was thankful that the more colorful dragons had taken refuge inside of the deeper caves for today. He risked a peek around Soreth’s wing, his long and unruly dark hair tied up with a small chord of leather. Hamish made the mistake of sneezing, and freezing afterward, ignoring Soreth’s heavy sigh of disappointment. [[You can play as anyone you’d like, including a woman! But I had in mind that it was the prince/King of the kingdom that destroyed the Kingdom all those years ago!]]
You: Alexander Moran-Moriarty was a prince. Not a really willing one, but alas, that was the life that he had been born into, even if he disagreed with it. He supposed that the royal lifestyle just wasn't for him, much preferring to be on the battlefields, to fight and possibly learn ow to ride a dragon. Alas, that was not to happen, since his Father refused Alex for the longest time to even set foot on the knights' field, preferring him inside so he could learn how to be a 'proper' king. It bored Alex, but being so young at the time, he had no say in it. When he was seventeen, however, his father waged a fierce battle with the old Kingdom of Kayaweth, one of the very few kingdoms that actually had a large dragon population in its lower bowels. Alex had only heard stories from visitors about it, but was never able to see it for himself, especially not after the entire Kingdom was demolished, all the eggs taken and used in their own steadily growing dragon population and the entire royal family slain, the last of the dragon lords killed in cold blood. After the battle, he all but insisted that he learn to ride a dragon and his Father finally relented, allowing Alex to ride what he considered a 'basic' dragon. It certainly wasn't anything he could scoff at and even now, he was still fine tuning his skills with his dragon, whom he named Strider. But it was much more progress and at the age of twenty two, Alex was now allowed to freely roam the countryside in the name of 'duties on behalf of the Kingdom of Monteth'. He had been doing just that when he appeared upon a cave, which immediately grabbed Strider's attention and Alex had to pull the reins tight in order to lure the dragon in. "Easy now." He said, then lowered himself off of the beast to enter the cave, trying to see just what caught Strider's attention. He dared himself to a bit deeper in the cave, where, to his shock, a huge dragon lay. Strider had stood back at the entrance upon Alex's command, but now the blond prince wished that he had brought him along. "What the..." He started to say, but then heard a sneeze. Alex immediately drew his sword and he raised it. "Show yourself!" He commanded, voice steady even if his hand was slightly shaking. "I demand you show yourself!"
You: [I hope it's okay if I made Alex a dragon rider. He's definitely not a dragonlord like Hamish, but I liked the idea of him having SOMETHING to do with dragons XD]
Stranger: [Ugh it's perfect]
You: [Aweeeesome <3]
Stranger: Soreth immediately rose her large head, dwarfing the prince. She was a Great Dragon, and all species had it ingrained in their genetic code to obey the call of the Great Dragon, for it was one with the Dragonlord. Hamish was the size of her paw (hand?) and he knew she was large, and the stones had been worn away from the hard scales of hundreds of dragons slowly smoothing them. Hamish did his best, moving to struggle and escape from Soreth's small cradle in her wing. He stood, looking small and tiny in comparison to the large dark dragon. He was slim and lean and pale from being in the cave system, his eyes wide and bright when he looked at the other. "Put down your sword! There are babies here, they do not need to be around such violence," Hamish immediately defended, glaring up at the man from across the cave, Soreth rolling a low growl in her chest in the direction of the intruder. The only thing keeping either of them from attacking him was the dragon at the front of the cave system, pacing anxiously.
Stranger: [I love you I'm dying
You: Alex, of course, tried his best to stand firm at the face of the large dragon, which Alex didn't recognize right away. He liked to think that he knew the many species of dragons that existed, but this one was new. Then, he saw the young man escape from the dragon's wing and Alex turned his sword to Hamish at first, which really seemed to make Strider anxious more and the dragon growled a bit. Alex turned to look at Strider, then looked at Hamish before he sheathed his sword and bowed his head. He could still hear Strider's anxious footsteps at the mouth of the cave, but he wanted the other to hold back, for now. "Forgive me. You can never be too careful." He explained, then took a closer look at the other. He was pale and skinny, but his eyes were bright, especially in the dark cave. "What are you doing in this cave? Refuge?" He asked, then looked at the large dragon who was growling at him and then back at Hamish. "This is your dragon, I assume. You take care of her, of everyone here?" Alex asked.
You: [This is sooo good!]
Stranger: [yess oh my god
Stranger: "I provide for my brood, yes," He nodded firmly. "I... I came to the cave when I was younger, when my home was destroyed," he explained gently, "My people were destroyed, and I managed to escape the covert under the castle with the brood and their eggs, so I've been raising and repopulating this region with dragons." Hamish let out a little sound, "It's only me and the dragons. They hunt for themselves,though, quite often. When they have extra, they bring me back a few things as well. We're a family, and we manage here." He paused and looked up at the other, shifting on his feet. "You have a dragon. Ridgeback, or a horntail? The tail dragging behind its body is fairly distinct, and the footfalls with the talons."
You: Alex listened to Hamish and frowned at the story. It sounded very familiar, but Alex wasn't going to throw around accusations when he barely had evidence of the story. But from what it sounded like, Alex's mind automatically went to the old Kingdom of Kayaweth. Alex knew from stories they had a large dragon population right where the stranger said he escaped from and really, it would make sense. Alex, for now, wisely held his tongue. "I'm sorry to hear about your home. But at least you and your brood seem to be making out very well for yourself." He said, then looked back at Strider, giving the dragon a small smile before he looked back at Hamish. "He's a horntail. One of the easier kinds to tame, though I'm sure you know that." He said. "I was finally permitted to have one after years of begging. He's been my companion for 5 years now. If you'd wish, and if it won't anger this one," He started, nodding to the large dragon still giving him a death glare, "I can show him to you if you'd like."
Stranger: Hamish chuckled softly and looked up at Soreth, clicking his tongue gently up at the large dragon. She hesitated before settling down on her legs like a large cat, slowly scooting forward to snuff loudly at Alex and scent him a bit. She nodded and stepped back, and Hamish bounced on his feet. He was barefoot, small pale feet agile on the smooth stone floor of the cavern. He was in dark trousers and a pale cream top, stained with a few spots here and there. He moved and walked up to the other, nodding before stepping up towards the dragon at the mouth of the cave, holding out a hand with the palm up, reaching out with those Dragonlord abilities to speak with the dragon through his mind. /Hello, pretty one,/ he crooned softly, a gentle smile crawling on his plump lips, /What's your name? You don't have to talk to me, but I'd like it if you did. Your coloring is very beautiful, I've not seen a horntail like you before./
You: Alex held his breath as he watched the large dragon lower its head and sniff him before it drew back and seemed to nod at Hamish. He frowned slightly at that, curious as to what connection he and the other dragon had with each other. However, Alex was not really in a position right now to question it, so after Alex was approved, he looked over at the mouth of the cave as Hamish walked over there, where Strider had turned his attention and was watching Hamish, almost motionless. As the other held out his hand, Strider looked between it and his master. Alex nodded gently, giving him a warm smile. In response, Strider hesitated once more before he reached out and sniffed Hamish's hand. Only when the horntail didn't determine him a threat did he speak. /My name is Strider./ He responded, his voice rough, but soft. /Your compliments are appreciated. I am one of the very few different horntails Master Alexander's father breeds. They treat us well./
Stranger: Hamish's smile brightened, and he nodded gently. /It has been a while since I've seen a dragon that had a rider,/ he said sadly, /it used to be common, in my home of Kayaweth. The Knights-of-the-Air were cherished positions, but many of my dragons lost their riders the day our kingdom was taken. You were not alive when the siege of Kayaweth happened, were you? You seem so young, but look at me. I'm only twenty one and I'm the last surviving dragonlord. Power does not chose its host based on age, but worth. And with a rider as... he seems careful and kind, as this man, I see you have a great deal of worth, Strider./
You: Strider bowed his head as Hamish spoke. /I was but a babe when it happened. However, my elders passed down stories of Kayaweth and the famed Dragonlord family. I must confess, it is good to see that you are alive and well./ He spoke, then looked up at the large dragon before looking down at Hamish. /They also spoke of the last of the Great Dragons vanishing from there. I am happy to see that she is alive and well./ He added, then looked at Hamish once more. /Thank you. With Master Alexander, he treats me very well. He will be a very great leader someday. And you will be a very great Dragonlord, Master Hamish./
Stranger: Hamish bowed his head and smiled softly, moving to press his hand carefully to Strider's jaw. /It's been an honor to meet you, Strider. Does your rider have the ability to speak with you as I do?/ he asked, tipping his head to the side, /I can very easily spell you so that he can understand you when you speak like this to him, if he cannot speak to him now as it is./
You: Strider moved his head slightly so that he was at least able to stroke Hamish's hand with his jaw. /Unfortunately, No. His family does not have the ability to speak to us as you do, Master Hamish./ He said, watching him. /I would not mind a spell if Master Alexander is okay with it. He is very interested in dragons and I am almost certain that he will approve./ He explained, glancing up at Alex, who just gave Strider a warm smile.
Stranger: Hamish nodded and smiled, patting his jaw gently. He turned to Alex slightly, "I can offer a spell, to allow you to be able to speak with Strider," he nodded gently, "he says you cannot talk with him as I can, so I would be more than happy to give you the opportunity of speaking to your companion. I could not imagine my life without speaking to my dragons, my family."
You: Alex looked over at Hamish at his words, then his eyebrows were raised at his offer. It was quite an unusual offer and he wasn't sure, at first, if he should take it. Honestly, he almost said no. But then, he looked at Strider and the dragon seemed to watch him with trust, so Alex, after a moment, nodded. "If it will not strain you, I will appreciate it." He said, taking a few steps closer to Hamish.
Stranger: Hamish nodded and moved to grab hold of Alex's sleeve, pulling him closer so that one hand could hold Strider's jaw and the other could hold Alex's shoulder. He moved and closed his eyes, reaching out slowly. He reached out for the golden thread that was Strider's consciousness, and the paler one that was Alex's. He twined them together carefully, whispering gentle words. He pulled out carefully once they were intertwined, shifting and pulling back. "Strider, say something to Alex."
You: Strider was patient through the entire process, but Alex was a bit more worried and it was obvious from his face. Even after the process was done and the stranger instructed Strider to say something, the fear was still evident on his face. Strider, in response, stepped forward and pressed the tip of his nose to Alex's hand. /Do not panic, Master Alex. He means no harm to you nor I./ Alex's eyes widened at the words suddenly in his head and he was in shock for a moment before both of his hands went to Strider's face and he grinned. "I can hear you.." He said, then looked at Hamish, his grin wide. "I can hear him. That's...amazing."
Stranger: Hamish smiled and dipped his head gently, a flush on his pale cheeks. "My life has been like this, before I comprehended the words they spoke to me," he said softly, shuffling on his feet. "Most of the time, it's only dragonlords that can speak with dragons. I have given you the ability by tying Strider's mind to your own, making the bridge easier for the dragon's magic to pass," he explained easily, "You cannot show that you can speak with him. If you do, doubts may arise that you are of the Kayaweth bloodline and are a dragonlord."
You: Alex nodded at that. "And heavenforbid, my father will be very displeased." He said and that was putting it extremely lightly. He pressed a hand to Strider's jaw, then looked at Hamish. "Let me repay you for this, stranger. My name is Alexander Moran-Moriarty. I am a prince from the kingdom of Monteth. I understand that you may not wish to come with me, but at least let me provide you with food and fresh clothing. As a token of my thanks for doing this for myself and Strider."
Stranger: Hamish froze where he stood, taking a gentle step back and shaking his head. He let out a shaky breath, Soreth easily sensing his discomfort. "I cannot go with you, My Lord," he said weakly, "I would enjoy it, to see a kingdom once more and live among other people, but I cannot do it with in the Kingdom that destroyed my own. I look too much like my father for your father to not be able to make the connection that I am the prince of Kayaweth." He smiled tightly at the pair, "All I ask is that I can live in peace here with my brood. Continue to call forth dragons from their eggs, to provide a safe place for these creatures to grow. The dragonlord line will die out with me."
You: Alex almost froze at the revelation that the stranger was the last of the Dragonlords, Hamish. He was suspected to be dead, but clearly, that was not the case. Were it not for the nudging from Strider, Alex would have remained frozen, just watching Hamish. "Forgive me." He said, then swallowed. "I did not realize that it was you, Prince. You have been suspected to be dead. By the looks of it, you have done very well for yourself." He said, then swallowed. "At least allow me to bring you food and clothing. No one will know that you are here, of that I can assure you."
Stranger: Hamish nodded gently and smiled, moving to wipe at his damp eyes. The last time he had cried was a long, long time ago. "It would be appreciated," he smiled, "I've been living off the land for a while." He ran a hand through his hair and sniffed gently, "And the last time I had new clothing was when a traveler came by and left clothing for me. I do... I have something to ask, if I might?" The prince looked up at the other, giving a gentle shaky breath. "If you could suggest... or wait until you are King yourself, that a dragonlord might be needed to help communicate better with the dragons your people are using. If I was promised safety, for my dragons and I, I would appreciate it."
You: Alex listened, then nodded solemnly at Hamish's request. "I will see if I can put an earwig in my Father's advisor. He is a bit more level headed than my father himself and I trust that he will put the spin to my father in a way that will be favourable for both parties." Alex said, then looked at the large dragon before he looked at Hamish. "I will be back tomorrow when the sun hits midday with food and clothing. I may also have news about what my father says about the possibility of a dragonlord." He said, then gave a smile to Hamish. "But until then, your secret and safety is assured with me."
Stranger: Hamish nodded gently and moved to bow carefully to the other, smiling up at the other. He began to say something, but he looked up with wide eyes when a long howl came from the back of the cave. He gave a pained sound - he knew that sound. Especially when the other dragons joined into the long howl, Soreth's deep and loud cry raising up and echoing in the cave. Hamish looked at Alex with wide eyes and panicked briefly, "You can come, or you can leave. It's up to you," he said quickly, before running off on his bare feet and the damp stones, flying down passageways. "Soreth! Take them here if they want to join me, I'll need help with the younger ones."
You: Alex watched with wide eyes as the howl happened, then Hamish seemed to sprint down the halls telling them that they may come if they wish. Alex watched for a moment, then looked at Strider and nodded before he quickly mounted the back of the dragon and right away, was following Soreth down the halls to where Hamish was. If Hamish needed help, then Alex was not going to be one to refuse to give it. After all, Hamish had something for him. Alex knew that he would have to return the favor sooner or later.
Stranger: Soreth wound through the dark halls, puffing out small bits of fire to light small candles. Hamish was in the center of a large cavern, lit and warm with fires from different dragons lighting the wells in the walls. Hamish knelt over a large dragon, a brilliant silver and purple Dragon with laboring breaths. He turned when Soreth came in and smiled softly, though his face was grim. Soreth gave a gentle crow and stood to the side, closer to Strider. His hands were splayed on the side of her chest, running up and down the dragon's flank. "I've known this could come, for quite some time," he whispered gently. Hamish sniffed and looked up, "Keep the younger dragons back, they'll be running down from the other large cavern where they can fly. Just warn them to keep back," he said softly, his voice wavering before he turned back to the dragon and bowed, pressing his forehead to her side and breathing with her, his hands splayed and veins turning dark on his arms.
You: When they arrived at the large cavern, Alex was quite impressed with not only how large and well lit it was, but how many dragons were present in the cavern, many of different colors and some of breeds that he had never seen before, but only read about. Hamish had not been lying when he said that he had many different dragons come with him when he fled his dying kingdom. He dismounted from Strider, then nodded at Hamish. However, he didn't want to stay back. He wanted to see how he could help Hamish. But, with Strider's voice telling him that this was a difficult process and not to get too close for fear of harm, Alex obeyed and only stood at Strider's side, keeping watch of Hamish and only having to break his gaze to tell the younger dragons to stay back.
Stranger: The younger dragons came swarming in, but landed with varying states of distress when they saw the scene in the center of the cavern. The moved to gather around Soreth's feet, letting the large dragon keep them safe. Hamish was crying now, openly, over the large dragon. He tried to keep breathing, nuzzling against her flank. When the movement ceased, and Hamish's veins returned to their normal pale blue, he sniffed gently before tilting his head back and letting out a surprising roar from his small body, and the other dragons joined suit. Hamish ended first, moving to curl over the body and cry loudly. It had been one of the oldest dragons, his grandmother's dragon that she had ridden. A venomfang, one that would only accept women riders. And now she was gone.
You: Alex was shocked at the roar, especially when it came from Hamish, and he was surprised to see that Strider, too, had roared as well for the death of a dragon that was not in his own brood. At first, he had been confused, wondering if the dragon was giving birth. But no, Strider had said, She was dying. She was past her age and while dragons lived a long time, they did not live forever. It was her time to pass. After Hamish had stopped roaring and started to cry, Alex carefully went over to him and bent next to him, hesitating a moment before he rested a hand on Hamish's shoulder. Words, he felt, did not need to be said. The passing of a dragon was always hard, very hard.
Stranger: Hamish leaned into the touch and let out a soft sound, turning to cling to Alex and tuck his head into his shoulder so he could cry a little better. He moved and let out a little sound, letting himself cry for a while before slowly sitting up and wiping his face with his sleeve. Hamish smiled weakly up at the other, "I'm sorry," he said softly, "I know... I know it's natural, with this many dragons. But this one... she was my grandmother's dragon. A venomfang, they only bond with women. Her name was Cesian. We'll have to give her a proper funeral. Burning. She... she deserves more than anything I could give. Kayaweth had... there was a spire, the tallest one that reached the clouds, was for the ceremonies like this."
You: Alex, while surprised at the sudden contact, easily fell into it, wrapping an arm around Hamish and allowing the other to cry on him as long as he needed to. When Hamish broke away and apologized, Alex waved away the apology. "It's quite fine. I assure you, were I in your position, I would feel the same way." He said, then looked at the dragon and frowned before he looked at Hamish. "I'm sure that she will appreciate whatever you can do, Hamish. She knew you put them first before yourself and I'm sure that she will be very grateful for whatever you could do, Hamish."
Stranger: Hamish nodded gently and moved to run a hand through her hair, snuffling gently. "I hope that she will find peace," he murmured gently, running a hand over her flank. He turned to a large dragon, nearing Soreth in size but a bright golden yellow, and nodded to him gently. The dragon stepped forward and lifted Cesian carefully, taking her to another part of the cave. He smiled at Alex gently, "I hate that your first encounter here that one of the brood passed. But... there are ways to right this, if Strider wouldn't mind staying with my brood for a short while. No harm will come to him."
Stranger: //brb
You: Alex watched Cesian be taken away, then gave Hamish a gentle smile,, letting it fall a bit before he looked at Strider. "I'm not sure.." He started, but carefully, Strider stepped forward and lowered his head. Alex pressed a hand to his jaw, then looked at Strider before nodding some to the other, then gave him a small smile. Strider nuzzled Alex's hand, then turned to Hamish. /I do not mind staying. What will you have me do, Master Hamish?/
You: [Okay!]
Stranger: Hamish smiled softly and wiped his eyes gently, /Thank you, Strider. Just... stay with the brood. I'll take him to the egg room, to hatch a few younglings. To show him that dragonlords are good as well as bad, you know?/ He smiled and looked at the dragon, bowing gently. Hamish turned to the other man and smiled weakly, "I have something to show you."
Stranger: [gotta brb again fml
You: Strider only nodded in obedience, then stood back to where Soreth was while Alex looked at Hamish and nodded, carefully standing up with Hamish. "Okay." He said, then gave a smile "Lead the way." He said, giving a nod to the dark Horntail, who just nodded in return as he carefully stood next to Soreth.
You: [lol, it's okayyy]
Stranger: Hamish smiled softly and reached out to grab Alex's hand, tugging him along. He reached a large cavern and pushed past the barrier of a large blanket of woven grass, smiling when they walked into the large warm room full of silky nests and large eggs.
You: Alex didn't quite know where they were headed, to be honest. The cave itself was very large, with many winding tunnels and he was sure that if he tried to navigate around himself, he would get very lost very quick. When they entered the room, Alex's eyes widened. There were large eggs all around, complete with nests and warm temperatures. He stepped forward and looked around. "Wow..This is all that your dragons laid?"
Stranger: Hamish chuckled and smiled softly, nodding. "We allow freedom of breeding, so we have crossbreeds of all different kinds. The dragons... there's only so much they can do on rainy days, if I could give some explanation," he nodded gently, "We have a few that are ready to hatch today, if you would like to see them."
You: Alex chuckled at that, then looked at the eggs. There were some that he had seen before in their own hatchery, but he also saw some that he hadn't seen before, some that were an odd combination and some that definitely looked at if they were crossbred. He looked over at Hamish at the offer and nodded, smiling. "If you would let me, I would love to see it."
Stranger: Hamish nodded and moved to stoop and pick up one of the rarer breeds - lacewing. They rarely lasted in the wild, and the only surviving eggs had been in Kayaweth. "Have you seen a lacewing before?" he asked, smiling as he held the deep pink egg covered with white patterning. He smiled, "This one is ready, she's going to be a purebred lacewing. The breed is very selective with their mates."
You: Alex looked at the pink egg with the beautiful lace patterning. He knew that while his parents wouldn't be impressed, Alex would certainly be happy to see a lacewing full grown. "I've only read about them. We aren't fortunate to have one on our grounds." He said, then gave a small smile to the egg. "They seem gorgeous, though, absolutely stunning."
Stranger: Hamish nodded and moved to press a kiss to the shell of the egg, moving to pull back and whisper. His eyes flashed a gentle gold, and he moved to pull his head back when the egg shell began to crack and a small vibrant pink dragon began to emerge, paper thin wings almost clear with a solid white pattern on the thin membrane.
You: Alex kept quiet, almost holding his breath, as Hamish seemed to whisper to the egg. Then, he jumped slightly when the egg hatched and out popped a pink dragon, with delicate wings and almost the same pattern on it that was on the egg. His eyes were wide and he grinned, looking up at Hamish. "Absolutely stunning."
Stranger: Hamish chuckled softly and set the egg shell down gently, running a gentle hand down the dragon's back. "She's going to be soft for a few moments, so if you want to touch her while her scales are still soft and feel a bit like skin."
You: Alex bent down carefully, reaching a hand out to pet the dragon as delicately as he could and he shivvered a bit. "It really does." He said, watching the dragon still. He had never been allowed to go in the hatchery, even now, so this really was the first time he was doing this. "Wow. Hamish, this is amazing."
Stranger: Hamish smiled and nodded, scratching under the dragon's chin gently. "I'm glad you like it," he murmured, "Being a Dragonlord, living the life I do, it's not all bad. Granted, it was better with a castle instead of a cave, but... I'm alive and happy and I live with my brood."
You: "If I have anything to say about it, I will ensure that you have a castle again." He said, meeting his eyes with Hamish and this time, there was certainty in them. "I pray it will be soon, but if not, when I become King, I will make sure that you and your brood are kept safe and you do not have to worry about living out in the wild."
Stranger: Hamish teared up and he smiled softly, moving the dragon to his shoulder so he could hug Alex tightly. "You'd truly help to rebuild Kayaweth? I know she might not be her former self, but... a home for my dragons and my people is all I ask."
You: Alex returned the hug and gave him a gentle smile. "It is the least I could do to repay for my father's sins." He said, then looked at Hamish and gave him a smile. "He was wrong to demolish something that truly, was a great thing for our country. When I become King, I will ensure that Kayaweth -or something quite similiar- is built in her stead."
Stranger: "My dragons and I will be grateful to the end of our days if we see a home once more," he smiled gently, "Kayaweth is... was... a safe haven. For people of different lifestyles to mesh together and join in a land founded on magic."
You: Alex returned the smile. "We will rebuild. I will pay for the sins of my father." He vowed, then gave the baby dragon a smile before he sat back and looked at Hamish. "I hope I'm able to convince my father to allow you to come. Your help would be appreciated."
Stranger: Hamish dipped his head, "I believe for some of the older dragons, it would be good for them to meet the older dragons in your kingdom if you'd like. To share that ancient wisdom. I would certainly bring Soreth, as she is a Great Dragon."
You: Alex gave a nod to that. "It would be good as well. There is one older dragon that Strider talks to frequently. I believe it is his mother. I'm told by the dragon keeper that her name is Hyacinthia." He explained, giving her a smile. "We have more, obviously, but one of my favourites is her, though she is stubborn."
Stranger: Hamish chuckled softly and smiled, "If you can convince your father, I would of course bring the ones that want to come, but I will limit it to however many you might permit."
You: "If you are able to stay, you can bring however many you like." He said and stood up carefully. "I'm certain Father would be willing to expand the Dragon roost for more visitors."
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[This was a great RP! Im very glad i was able to find her after we got disconnected originally. We are continuing this over email.
Link to the first half of the conversation is below, since I can’t trust Tumblr with omegle links. Second half is after the link.]
Detective AU: Hamex
First half here
Second half:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Viclex, hamex, and Viclexis.
You: Hamish had been trying to play off how excited he was to see Alex, but when he saw Alex wheel himself out of the bathroom and grin,he really couldn't help himself. He returned the grin and returned the hug, just as tight. There was no way Alex was just getting off with a handshake, not with how close they were after being at each other's side every day for the past four years, only to have it ripped away by one shot. "You look a lot better than my sleepy ass." He replied, grinning once again before he, too, realized that Fiona was here. Blushing, he turned away to unload the food from the bags for the three of them.
Fiona had been patient, watching the two embrace, but smiled warmly when Alex focused his attention on her. She nodded and shook his hand. "You must be Alex, then. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Hamish has told me a bit about you." She said, then giggled a bit at his comment, then gave Hamish the drinks before she rested her hands on her hips, looking at Alex. "I'm Hamish's newest partner. Not my first time on the force, but it's only my first year as a detective. I'm a bit nervous."
Stranger: As much as he tried to pay attention to Fiona, who did deserve it and probably saw him as a sort of mentor, he found himself glancing at Hamish more often than he should have, even as the woman spoke. It was hard not to look at him because... Well. He missed him. They'd been working together for so long, now, it had been a shock not seeing him every day. Actually, sometimes that was harder than being stuck to a wheelchair. With that he could deal, but... Being away from Hamish was another story. "It's normal, understandable... It's a big deal. Big responsibility. A lot of people are relying on, but..." Giving her a smile, he half covered his mouth as if he was telling her a secret, but speaking loud enough for Hamish to hear. "Hey. You got a great partner. He'll be with you through everything and trust me, there'll be a lot of... Well. You'll see. And this stays between us, but the only way you could have gotten a better partner would have been if your partner was me." Ending that with a laugh, he gestured over for Hamish to come to the living room. They could eat there. "Have you guys started on a new case? Or are you still looking for the guy who..." Lowering his gaze for a moment, he pressed his lips together. "Well. Are you still working on our case?" He asked, having Hamish sit as close to him as possible. He'd even missed the way the man always smelled of cigarettes, though he used to nag him about it. "And thanks for the food. I really missed this."
You: If Fiona noticed Alex glancing at Hamish every now and then while she spoke, she certainly didn't say anything about. Instead, she just giggled once more when Alex finished his statement, while Hamish just rolled his eyes with a grin on his face. "Don't let him fool you. I learned everything I know from him." He said, gathering up the boxes and going into the living room at Alex's gesture. They went to the living room, where a small table was. Fiona sat on one side, while Hamish sat on the other and made sure that his chair was close to Alex's. Not being around the other was really something he wasn't getting used to. He missed the other too much and Fiona was smart and really, a great partner, but she wasn't Alex. She didn't have his cocky attitude or his smile or, really, anything that made Hamish adore Alex. Handing the boxes out, Hamish let out a small frown, then reached over and grasped the other's shoulder. The case was still hard to talk about, especially for Alex. "Sort of. We're working on leads, but for now, We've been put on another case." Hamish explained, opening his box and going to stir his noodles up. "It's a murder case." "Three girls in two days found dead in alleyways. Fresh, weird tattoos all over their bodies." Fiona explained before she sipped her drink.
Stranger: Alex only listened as they both spoke, and realized how weird it felt to be the one they were explaining these things to. Usually he sat next to Hamish, and they worked on this things together. And for a moment there was... Well. What was it, really? Jealousy? No, no. It wasn't jealousy. He wasn't jealous of Fiona, though he wished he could still be in her place. Anger? Perhaps. Sadness? Maybe that as well. It was all a mess. Lately Alex's head had been a mess, though, so that didn't really make a change. He might have been silent for far too long, stirring his food, because he heard someone clear their throat. "Uh. Uh, right. Tattoos. Weird. Yeah, no... No, I haven't seen something like that before. I don't think we ever worked a similar case. But... Three girls in two days? That's..." And there was guilt, maybe? "You guys probably shouldn't be here... Wasting your time, ha." The blond said with a small, slightly forced, smile. "They're more like to kill again. Soon. Don't you think?" He said, though he knew he wasn't contributing much, and really... How could he? He felt a bit useless. "Wish I could be more helpful. Sorry..." Making a face at Hamish, he finally started eating, letting out a sigh. "You know. I'm... I'm really happy you came to see me." He said, mostly to Hamish, not even realizing he'd placed his hand on the other's knee. "Uh. It's been... boring, and... Sorta lonely. I don't like being alone. There's no one to see how smart and funny I am." Alex chuckled, glancing at Fiona. "And it's really... Really nice to have you here, Fiona. It's good to know he's in good hands."
You: Hamish and Fiona had been waiting for Alex's response, but it was obvious now that Alex had zoned out while they were talking. They glanced at each other and then Hamish looked back at Alex, clearing his throat to get the other's attention. As Alex spoke, Hamish offered a warm smile, trying his best to stay positive while Alex told them that they shouldn't be wasting their time here, especially when he was going to kill again. "It's okay. Seriously." Hamish assured with a smile, then felt the other's hand on his knee and he gave a grin, resting his hand over Alex's. For some reason, the touch to his knee didn't bother him. Actually, it felt kind of comforting, to have contact with Alex in a way that was other than a hug. At the compliment, Fiona smiled and nodded. "It should be the other way around. Hamish is a wonderful partner so far. You really taught him well, Alex." She said, then took a bite of her food as Hamish spoke again. "I know it can be lonely. I'm sorry." Hamish said, sighing as well. "I wish I could visit more. With the job and everything, it's kind of hard, you know?" He said, then glanced at Fiona, who was looking down at her noodles to give the other some time to themselves. "I'm glad I'm here too, Lex." He confessed quietly, patting the other's shoulder. "Now, eat. You're too skinny." He joked, grinning and sticking his tongue out at the other, trying to bring the mood more positively.
Stranger: "Right, I... I know. I know it's hard, I wouldn't ask you to put the job aside, cause I know you'd never ask that of me. I know you wouldn't. I... It's just good to see you, that's all. I went from seeing your dumb face every day to... Maybe once a week. If once a week. It's just weird." And Alex also realized that maybe he didn't have any friends. Sure, a couple people had visited. His family, too. Oh, his father was there all the time to keep him company, but still... Outside of his family the only person who did seem to care was Hamish, and the cards everyone at the station had sent didn't count. He knew that because he'd also didn't care when sending those out to other people, so, they couldn't fool him. "But at least you went from seeing my beautiful face every morning to seeing her beautiful face. You can't complain." Winking at Fiona jokingly, he dug into the noodles again. Well, she couldn't complain, either. Hamish was quite... nice to look at. Very nice to look at. "You know, I... I talked to the captain about... You know, he came round to see me, just you know... To see how I was doing. And I talked to him about... My future in the force and... There's really only one option. A desk job. That's all he could offer me. So, uh, I suppose you two are going to be together for a long time. Please don't shot. Don't be stupid like me. Don't turn around to make a sarcastic comment. Turns out, criminals don't appreciate those."
You: [brb, sorry!]
Stranger: (that's okay!!)
You: When Alex spoke about how he'd never ask Hamish to put the job aside for him, the other had to put food in his mouth in order to prevent him from bursting out that it would be the opposite, that if Alex wanted to, he would take a desk job to be with the other. Sure, it would suck. Sure, Hamish would end up drilling holes into the desk out of boredom. But at least he'd see Alex a lot more than he did now. Instead, he just listened, then grinned when Alex shot a joke about seeing Fiona's beautiful face. She smiled as well, chuckling before he took a sip of her soda. Hamish, meanwhile, listened to Alex and the comment that he would only be put on desk duty and he frowned deeply. "What? A desk job?" Hamish asked and he tried his best to hide his anger. "You've been on there a lot longer than I have. They have to offer you more than that." He said, then let out a sigh at that. Fiona, meanwhile, gave a small smile to Alex. "I'll make sure that he doesn't." She said, looking at Hamish who was still steamed about the job offer. "Hamish-" "It's bullshit." Hamish said, looking at Alex. "They can't just throw you at a desk. You're worth more than that!"
Stranger: "Easy, tiger..." Alex shushed Hamish with a small smile, his hand again finding its way to rest on the other's knee. "I'm okay with working a desk job." He wasn't. "I don't mind." He did mind. "Look... I just want to do something. Okay? I just want to be able to help in any way, even if that means I'll be a pen pusher for the rest of my life." That bit was true, even if it hurt him to think that he'd never be out in the field again, to think that he'd never be Hamish's partner, like they'd been for years. "And I'll get a place in the precinct. I'll get to see you..." He said, with a genuine smile and almost a sigh of relief, if that's what it was. "And Fiona." That was added quickly, to make sure she didn't feel left out, but also because he felt like he was making it sound too sappy. He wouldn't have been surprised if she thought they'd been more than partners at work. "Hey, you don't need to get all angry and revolted. "I'll be around. Able to help and... You know. I really need to get out of the house to go somewhere other than the hospital - no matter how cute the nurses are. Okay? It's not about what I'm worth, because... Look at me, Hamish. I can't... I can't do what you two can."
You: Hamish was still angry and it showed. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that Alex wasn't allowed to work out in the field all because he got shot. He could do it, even if Alex didn't believe that he could. "Of course you can." The other protested, barely feeling the hand on his knee. "You're still able to inspect crime scene, question suspects. It's not fair that they have to lock you up in the precinct..." He trailed off and let out a deep sigh, taking a sip of his drink. It was a long moment before he spoke again. "I know you need to get out of the house, Alex, but only to go back inside? It's bullshit." Fiona frowned a little bit at that. "Maybe it's what's needed for right now, Hamish." She pointed out. "I'm..certainly no expert, but you told me he was still having issues. Maybe this way, Alex could get his strength back while still doing what he loved." Of course, Fiona had been a force cop before, so she knew that desk duty was shit compared to being in a field. But if it would calm Hamish down, she'd say anything. Hamish looked up at her at that, then went to look at Alex and say something, but his phone rang at that and he swore. "Shit. Sorry. Excuse me." He said, standing up and going outside of the room to take the call. Fiona watched him leave, then looked at Alex and gave a small smile. "I didn't mean to speak out of turn." She said. "He seemed really riled up and I know how desk duty can be. So..." She shrugged, then changed the subject. "You two have a great connection."
Stranger: It warmed his heart, really, to see that Hamish still believed that he could be out in the field again. It warmed his heart to know how much he cared about him, and how he valued him as a professional and... Well. As a friend, it seemed. You wouldn't get that angry over a simple colleague being stuck to a desk job. You'd maybe shrug and say that that's how life goes, what can you do? But this wasn't a time to be unrealistically optimistic. They needed to look at the facts. Alex was in a wheelchair and that most likely won't change in the next few years. How would he be useful out there? He wouldn't. He'd just make things harder for everyone. As Hamish left the room, he was silent, and it took him a while to reply to Fiona, only having heard half of her words. "Uh... Uh, well... It's been years together. You'll get there, with him. I'm sure you two will be great partners. You do become friends when you have to deal with them twenty four seven. He's..." Alex sighed, setting the food on the table. "He's a good man. A really good man. He's a great friend, too... You've no idea how lucky you are to work with him. And surely you'll... You two will have a connection maybe stronger than we have. I... I really care about him, and I'm happy to see he's with you. You seem like a wonderful person, and I am sure you're a brilliant detective. And you know what... You'll be even better with him. Hamish does bring out the best in people. He did with me... He did." Alex said with a smile, though it faded quickly. God, he missed him more than he should. "Take care of him?" Alex said, quietly, almost pleading.
You: Honestly, it hurt Fiona's heart to see Alex so lost like this. From what Hamish had told her, Alex was a wisecracker, always trying to flirt with anything on two legs, always complimenting himself, just a overall interesting, if not slightly annoying, guy to be around. Now, though, he was a bit of a shell of what he seemed to be, or at least, trying his best to cope with the circumstances that he'd been given. And they had been handed to him roughly and without mercy. She smiled a bit at the compliments that Alex gave Hamish, even when the other was out of the room, then nodded and reached over, carefully patting his arm soothingly. "I promise, I will." She said sincerely, keeping her hand on his arm for a moment. "If I can be so bold to say, Alex..." She started. "In Wales, there are a lot of proverbs. A LOT. And my mum loved them to death." She said with a chuckle. "One of her favourites was, 'Wrth gicio a brathu mae cariad yn magu." She said, her smile still present. "While kicking and biting, love develops. It..talks about how love is not easy and will often be..developed in the strangest of circumstances. My point," She said, waving her hand. "is that I think you are in love with Hamish. And I can tell you for a fact, he loves you very much."
Stranger: Alex gave her a smile, his hand going to rest over the one she had on his arm, and it was reassuring. He almost sighed in relief when she promised she'd take care of him. It was important to him that there was someone by his side that could watch his back to make sure he didn't get hurt, to make sure that he was doing okay. There were a few things that Hamish didn't share with everybody, and Alex needed to be sure that she would watch over him if things got rough... The work was hard, and these things get to your head. Hamish needed a partner that'd be able to understand that, and be there for him. Fiona seemed like a great woman, and she would be there, he hoped. What he didn't expect was her comment and he frowned, then looked at her like she was insane, then he laughed. "You're funny. Ha. See? He needs someone funny around," He laughed, a bit too forcibly maybe. "I'm not... No. No, no. No. Nooooo. No. No... I'm not in love with him. I'm not in love with... I'm not." Alex said, shaking his head, but soon it turned into a question. "I'm not...? He's just... Really wonderful, and even if I were... He's not. He's not... Not like that. It's work, between us, not... We couldn't. No."
You: Fiona couldn't help the smile that came across her face when Alex denied it. She had a feeling that Alex did love Hamish, whether he knew it or not. Even the denial that it was simply work related wasn't working on her, simply because she didn't buy it. She took a small sip of her drink to wet her throat, then continued to speak again. "Hamish speaks about you so passionately, Alex, and look how he defended you going back into the field. We all know that it, sadly, won't happen for a while, but he still believed that you'd be back out there with him." She said and squeezed his arm some. "You can deny it or believe it how you want to. But Hamish loves you, Alex, and I have a feeling that you do too." She said, then pulled away when the door opened. Hamish came back in with a sigh, hair ruffled as if he'd been pulling it while frustrated. "Sorry. That was the lab. Results came back to our victims for the blood samples." He told Alex and Fiona. Fiona just frowned. "And we're back at square one." She said with a shrug. "We'll find another clue. I'm not worried."
Stranger: Whatever the other two were saying became background noise to Alex's thoughts, as he watched Hamish walk into the living room again, with his hair all ruffled and a frustrated expression. And he wondered if Fiona was right. Alex would know if he loved his former partner, wouldn't he? You know when you're in love... You just... Know. How could he ever be in love and not know it? Because... He'd been in love before, he knew the feeling, he was familiar with the butterflies in your stomach and the idiotic smile you have on your face every time you see that person you love. And he watched as Hamish moved and he already knew every bit of movement he could do. His expressions. What he liked, what he hated, what he feared. Maybe he did love this man. And his dumb curly hair, and his cute little face and was he speaking to him? "What...? Sorry-- Sorry, what? Oh, are you leaving?" He glanced down at his phone to see the time. "Already?" He sounded sadder than he'd wanted to. "I mean, you guys are busy... I get it..."
You: Hamish and Fiona had been lightly speaking about the case, but it hadn't been more than a minute or so before Hamish had declared that, sadly, they needed to leave. Their lunch break was due to be over and they had a case to solve before the killer struck again. "Alex, we're gonna head out." He said, then frowned when the other didn't respond, repeating his name a few times before Alex finally snapped out of it. At Alex's sadness, Hamish gave a sad smile and nodded. "I'm sorry. We gotta head back to the Yard, see what they have for us." He said, then stood up and hugged Alex, giving him a tight hug. "I'll definitely try and see you tonight, okay?" He promised, looking at the other and giving him a smile. "I promise. Or at least, I'll text you until I pass out." Fiona smiled at the two, then shook Alex's hand when Hamish finally pulled away to gather up their food. "It was very good to meet you, Alex." She said. "I can't wait to talk more in the future." She said, then gave him a wink when Hamish had his back turned.
Stranger: Alex was still trying to deal with the fact that in a few seconds he'd be left alone at home. Again. It did feel nice to have people around (people that weren't his Dad, of course) for a change. He'd actually been enjoying the company. Of course he'd been enjoying the company. It was Hamish. And Fiona seemed like a fantastic woman, maybe they'd become good friends... Who knew? And he was so hard to just be okay with them leaving, because he had to be. He had to be okay with being there alone, and not act like a child. "Yeah, yeah. I understand. I... Totally. Yeah. Good luck," He said, sighing when the hug was over. "Good luck, Fiona. Really... It was nice to meet you. Take care, alright?" He said, pulling her slightly down by her hand to press a kiss to her cheek, rolling his eyes at her wink. Then she was walking out, and he gave her a wave, leaving Hamish behind in the living room. When he was getting ready to leave, as well, Alex grabbed his arm. "Hamish..." Alex started, taking a deep breath and speaking quietly. "Please... Please come round. Just... Ten minutes. Please. Just..." There were tears in his eyes and he cursed under his breath at that. "Sorry. I... If you can. Please. Come spend some time with me. I really... Being alone, I... I hate it."
You: To give them a little privacy, Fiona had left the apartment first, not before she recieved a kiss on the cheek from Alex, of course. Her blush was still present from that when she left, leaving Hamish to clean up their food remains in the living room. He didn't mind, of course, and when he was finished, he had started to leave as well, but was caught by Alex as he tried to leave the living room. Looking at the other as Alex spoke, Hamish's eyes softened at seeing his former partner, his friend, cry. Fuck, this definitely wasn't like Alex. Alex never cried, not even when he was shot in the damn back, he didn't cry. No, at the time, Hamish had done enough crying for both of them. He nodded and bit the inside of his cheek as he moved to hug Alex. "Of course, Alex." He said, then held the other closely, tightly as if he really DIDN'T want to leave. "I promise that I'll see you, okay? Even if I have to drink so many energy drinks to stay alive, I'll come see you, okay?" He said, finally looking at the other and Hamish's eyes were full of tears too. "I promise."
Stranger: He hugged him tight, and it was hard to let go. Even as Hamish had started speaking again, his hand was still clutching at his shirt. Don't go, he thought. Don't go, don't go, don't go... But he knew he had to go. Duty calls, right? Still... He could hope that he could stay a couple more minutes, so the house wouldn't be so empty. "Okay..." The blond nodded, wiping away his tears and sniffling a little before he gave him a smirk. "Look at you, crying, what an idiot..." He told him jokingly, rolling his eyes and letting out a laugh, though the tears were still threatening to come back. "You can... You can stay the night. If you need. You and... If she wants to come, she can, too... But you... You can spend the night here, and... We could work on the case, maybe? I don't know. I'm just sick of watching TV, really, I... Right. You have to go. Sorry. Uh. Text me? Or... Or something. Take care, Mish." He told him, quite sadly, and pulled him down, pressing a kiss to his hair before ruffling it.
You: God, Alex sounded so desperate to have company. It should've been sad, should've caused Hamish to pity him. Instead, Hamish felt guilty, felt like he was letting down his former partner because he was working and Alex was just sitting at home, doing nothing and being alone. He shook away the thought and laughed at Alex teasing him. "What can I say? I'm all waterworks." He joked right back, then nodded and smiled. "I might take you up on that. But, I'll definitely bring stuff for us to do. I promise you." He said, then nodded at Alex's request. GOd, it was going to be painful to leave Alex, especially when he was so desperate for contact. "I promise, I'll text you. I swear." He said, then was pulled down for a hair kiss that caused Hamish's heart to beat in his chest. Without another thought, Hamish kissed Alex's cheek, then stood up and smiled sadly. "See you later, Alex. Take care and stay sane." He said, grinning before he, very reluctantly, left the house.
Stranger: "I'll try..." That was mostly said to himself, given that Hamish had already started to walk away by the time he managed to reply. He just sat there in his chair, his fingers lightly touching over his cheek, just where his friend's lips had been not long ago. Why did his heart beat so fast at that? Sure, it was new... Never before had Hamish kissed his cheek, but... It was just a kiss. From a friend. A /friend/. It didn't make sense, at all. Then the door closed and he let out a long sigh, looking around. It was silent. Too silent. He could almost /feel/ the silence in his skin, and it make him shiver. So he just sat there, thinking, looking through pictures on his phone (some of him and Hamish, though those were rare), until his Dad came over. They were together for a while, they chatted away. They'd always been close, but... Ever since he'd gotten shot, they'd gotten closer. But, unfortunately, he also had to leave. It was past dinner time already, and he'd barely eaten, spending most of the time for a sign of Hamish. Maybe he wouldn't come. He was busy. Hamish's life didn't revolve around Alex, he kept telling himself. It was okay. He'd try to sleep, instead...
You: God, Hamish had fucked up. He fucked up so bad. It wasn't that the precinct was busy or that he and Fiona were busy running around chasing somebody or even doing extensive paperwork to the point of losing their minds. It was just that Hamish had forgotten. They'd gotten shit results from Forensics and he and Fiona spent the rest of their time trying to decipher what the tattoos on the women meant. Hamish had even taken a break from it to gather old cases that he knew Alex would like to do while Hamish was spending the night -or more- there. Time had gotten away from him and by the time Fiona had mentioned that she had to leave to get her baby, it was past dinner. Hamish had all but run out with his backpack full of case files, including their current one, and hurried home to get his stuff. By the time he had gotten on the tram to get to Alex's apartment, Hamish was already scrambling, trying to figure out how he was going to make this up to Hamish. Fuck. Fucking fuck. [7:10 PM] I'm a piece of shit. I got caught up trying to decipher shit tattoos with Fi. I'm on my way there now and I'm coming in whether you like it or not. HH Did you eat? I can get pizza or something different. No chinese again. Too much of that in one day kills a person. HH
Stranger: I was going to try to get some sleep. It's alright, Hamish. It's fine. AM
Stranger: Go home, get some rest. AM
You: Oh come on. I'm already on the tram to your place and I'm bursting with case files. HH We can either binge on those or play video games or some shit. HH
You: Please, Alex? HH
Stranger: You don't have to come. Sorry about... earlier. I was... I dunno. AM
Stranger: You really can go home and sleep and just... You need to be at 100% to solve that case, yeah? AM
Stranger: Work comes first. AM
You: Yeah, it used to come first back when I had my partner. HH Now I have Fi and she's nice and awesome, but she's not you. HH
You: She doesn't tell me to fuck off when I make a joke. HH
You: She just laughs and rolls her eyes. HH
Stranger: You have a partner. AM
Stranger: And she's great. And she needs you. AM
Stranger: More than I do. AM
Stranger: She wants to learn. And to solve cases. AM
Stranger: Not sit around feeling sorry for some guy. AM
You: No. You're not pulling this on me, Alex. HH
You: Look, I get it, you trying to push me away. HH
You: You're trying to act okay, but you're not. HH
You: Fuck, Alex, you were not okay earlier! HH
You: Don't try and fake it, okay? HH
You: I'm coming over. Fi will be fine if I'm late tomorrow or whatever. HH
You: She's smart, she can figure it out on her own. HH
You: If not, Charlie can cover my place to mentor her. HH
Stranger: Charlie. Ugh. AM
You: You're my partner, Alex. HH
Stranger: I'm not. AM
Stranger: Not anymore, Hamish. AM
Stranger: I'm just. AM
Stranger: I don't know what I am. AM
You: You're still my partner. HH
You: You're my friend. My best friend. HH
Stranger: Am I? AM
Stranger: I'm your best friend? AM
You: You're my best friend, Alex. I mean it. HH
You: I told you before. I thought I did, anyway. HH
Stranger: You didn't. AM
Stranger: Unless it was when I was asleep, naked? I also don't remember that, so it might have been. AM
You: Might have been. I don't remember either. HH
You: But anyway, Yeah. You're my best friend. HH
Stranger: You're my best friend, too. AM
Stranger: That's not hard, though. AM
Stranger: I have like. One friend and a half. AM
You: How can you have half a friend? HH
Stranger: It's called an acquaintance. AM
Stranger: And it's the old lady from the 24B. AM
You: The one who smells like must? HH
Stranger: Yes. AM
Stranger: She brought me cookies. AM
Stranger: I think she winked at my Dad, once. AM
You: Eugh. HH
You: She's nice enough, though. HH
Stranger: She's alright, yeah. AM
Stranger: So, uh. You go get some rest and close this case. AM
Stranger: And if you're ever around, come see me. AM
You: Oh no. HH
You: you're not getting out of this. HH
You: I'm coming to see you. HH
You: Best friends will break the door now. And I will break your door down if I have to. HH
Stranger: Please don't break my door down. AM
You: Okay, compromise: I'll lockpick my way in. HH
Stranger: The door's open. AM
Stranger: It's always open. I don't like having to go all the way there to open it, so. AM
You: That's not very safe. HH
Stranger: Who's gonna break into the cop's house? AM
Stranger: A loony, maybe. AM
Stranger: And you. AM
Stranger: Same thing, then. AM
You: Haha. No pizza for you then.. HH
Stranger: I'm not hungry. AM
Stranger: But am offended. AM
Stranger: I just... I don't want you going out of your way to come see me. AM
Stranger: I don't know what I was thinking today. AM
You: You're lonely, Alex. HH
You: That's what you were thinking. You need a company. HH
You: It's not as if I have anyone at home anyway to be with. HH
Stranger: What happened to... Uh. What's his name? AM
Stranger: Elliot? AM
Stranger: Evan? AM
You: Who the fuck are you talking about? HH
Stranger: Peter? AM
Stranger: Daniel? AM
Stranger: Wasn't there a guy? AM
Stranger: That you were seeing. AM
Stranger: Or not... AM
You: Oh god. HH
You: His name was Trey, Alex. HH
You: And we broke up two months ago. HH
Stranger: Oh. AM
Stranger: Trey. AM
Stranger: What? AM
Stranger: Good riddance. AM
Stranger: Or not... AM
Stranger: If you're sad. Then not good riddance. AM
You: Dude, He hated you. And my job. HH
You: He had to go. HH
Stranger: Why did he hate me? AM
You: Because you're you. HH
Stranger: So, I take it most people hate me. AM
You: Eh, but I love you. So that counts for something, right? HH
Stranger: [delay] Yeah. AM
Stranger: It does. AM
Stranger: More than you think. AM
You: [Slight Delay] I hope you know what I meant by 'love', Alex. HH
You: Not in the brother way. Or best friend way. HH
You: Or fatherly way, so get your mind out of there. HH
Stranger: Hamish... AM
Stranger: Come on. AM
You: I mean it, Alex. HH
You: I love you. HH
You: And..now is kind of a shitty time to tell you, I get it. HH
You: But you need to understand why I'm doing all this. HH
You: Staying at your place, bringing case files. HH
You: I love you. I want to make you feel better. HH
You: You mean more to me than you know. HH
Stranger: You don't... AM
Stranger: Hamish. AM
Stranger: I'm not... Why'd you tell me this? AM
Stranger: Right now. AM
Stranger: I'm... broken. AM
Stranger: Why'd you want to love me? AM
You: Because you're my best friend, Alex. HH
You: In four years, you know me better than anyone. HH
You: You made me a great detective. HH
You: You listened to me bitch about cases, about suspects and even about you. HH
You: You've seen me at my worst and held me up. At my best, You've been at my side. HH
You: I actually enjoy being around you and I swear, when you got shot, I cried harder than I ever have before. HH
You: I love you, Alex. HH
You: I'm sorry if it surprised you. or is unwanted. HH
You: We can forget it happened. HH
You: Shit, you didn't want it, did you? HH
Stranger: Hamish... AM
Stranger: I can't... Explain. Not like this. AM
Stranger: Cause I wanted it, and I didn't even know. AM
Stranger: I just don't want you to get stuck with me. AM
Stranger: You know? AM
Stranger: Cause... I'm not that guy anymore. AM
Stranger: I try. AM
Stranger: To be... me. AM
Stranger: But it's hard, now. AM
Stranger: Hamish... It's so hard. You have no idea. You have no idea... AM
Stranger: Do you pity me? AM
Stranger: For what happened? AM
You: Alex, the moment I would start to pity you, you could probably tell and I'd be slapped to kingdom come. HH
You: I cannot pity you. HH
You: I'm sorry it happened. It sucks and you didn't deserve it. HH
You: But I want to be there at your side. Through everything. HH
You: Even if it's one day at a time. HH
Stranger: Are you... still around? AM
You: Of course. I'm heading up the elevator now with the pizza and my stuff. HH
Stranger: Okay... Okay. AM
Stranger: (paras again? i'll go)
You: [That's be awesome!]
You: That'd*]
Stranger: Alex wasn't sure what he was feeling. Again. His head was a mess, his heart was a mess. Even his house was a mess, when it was usually kept so neatly organized. He just couldn't be bothered, anymore, he supposed. If it weren't for his father, who'd go around cleaning things up a bit every time he came around, it would be much worse. But Alex was... Miserable, and at the same time he was feeling so happy, and all mushy. He wanted to cry and to laugh and to hide forever and to hold Hamish and... When the door creaked open, he wiped away the tears and put his phone away. The TV was on, but he wasn't paying attention. When Hamish peeked into the living room, he looked rather shyly at him, which was something unusual for Alex. Alex was all smirks and arched brows and sarcasm and jokes. Not shyness. Not sadness. "Sit here," He said, patting the sofa next to him. "I... Thanks for... Thanks for coming. I... never meant to sound needy. I never meant for you to feel like you had to be here for me. Cause I... I got this. Mostly. It's just... so hard. So frustrating. I was dumb and I fucked everything up and I... don't want to be a bother to you."
You: Hamish's heard was still in his throat, even after the conversation with Alex. There was no definitive answer from the other about his feelings and while Hamish knew that there probably wouldn't be and was mostly fine with it, he still wanted one from the other. Just for his own insecurity, just for his own sake so he knew. However, Hamish didn't expect one right away, not tonight at least. He opened the door quietly and stepped inside. He carried not only his backpack full of cases, but a duffel bag as well that certainly held more than one night of clothes. He set both down by the door for now and carried the pizza into the living room. He did hesitate, though, peeking into the room to see Alex, shyly and sadly looking at him. God, Hamish's heart was breaking. At the words, Hamish shook his head and set the pizza down, sitting as close to Alex as he could. "Shut up." Hamish said affectionately, reaching over to ruffle Alex's hair playfully, gently. "You didn't fuck everything up. A few things, yeah, but not me, not us." He said. "You're not a bother and you didn't make me feel obligated to be here. I wanted to be here, Alex." He said, setting his hand on the other's lap. "Truthfully, I wanted to see you a heck of a lot sooner, but with work..and then I wasn't sure if you'd really appreciate me hanging out here 24/7 like a stalker.." He trailed off, then shook his head. "But, I brought a whole bunch of clothes, so I'm not leaving until you kick me out." He grinned.
Stranger: As much as Alex wanted to tell Hamish that he loved him, he thought that it was better not to say anything at all, for now. Maybe Mish would change his mind. There was still time for him to say that it had all been a joke and that, of course, he didn't love him. There was still time for Hamish to go back on his words and not feel like he owed him something only because he'd confessed his love for him, as well. There was still time. The blond listened, attentively, although not looking at him, until Hamish's hand came to rest on his lap. Then he just stared down at his hand while the other spoke, clenching his jaw so he wouldn't cry. No more crying. Enough crying for one day. For one life. No crying. When he looked up, Hamish was grinning, but Alex's expression was much different. "I can't feel that." He said, in a whisper, as if saying it aloud would make things worse. "Hamish, I..." Biting his lip so it would stop trembling, he placed his hand over the other's. "I can't feel that... Do you understand? I... You're such an amazing person. So lovely. So wonderful. You've got everything anyone could ask for. You deserve more than this. More than... me. You deserve someone better than this. And I love you. I didn't know I did until... Look. I love you so much. That's why I say this. I'm broken, and you ought to have someone whole by your side."
You: Hamish was trying to deny in his mind that Alex didn't love him, that it was possible that Alex was trying to push him away to protect him and god, didn't he know that that didn't work? It never worked in the movies and it wouldn't work now. Hamish was going to stay, even if the small voice in his head was telling him to give up, that Alex didn't love him and what the fuck what he thinking, trying to do this? When Alex confirmed that he loved him, Hamish's heart fell to his stomach, but more in surprise rather than dread. So, Alex did love him. The feelings were mutual. He couldn't help but let his grin spread wider and shook his head. "Alex..." He said finally, his grin fading to be more appropriate to the mood. "I'm not going to leave." He said firmly. "You can push me away all you want. You can tell me to leave, to fuck off, tell me that you're too broken to be with me. But I don't care." He said, shaking his head. "Love is about being with the person you want to be with, through everything. Better, worse, in the bad times and good. So, maybe I can't exactly fix you." He said. "I can try my best to. And at the very least, I'll be here to sit here and tell you that you're worth everything, that lesser cops have shoved a bullet through their brain for less than what you're going through and you're still here." He said and moved his other hand to cup Alex's cheek. "Please, Alex, just..let me be with you, okay? Broken or not, you're still the one I want."
Stranger: (brb!)
You: [[Okay!]
Stranger: The more Hamish spoke, the more he thought he was an absolute idiot. Why on Earth would he still want to be there with him when maybe things would only get harder? What kind of person would get themselves into something like this? But as much as he wanted to insist on the other not doing this, he couldn't help but smile at his words, leaning into his touch. He wanted him around. God, he wanted him there all the time, and he only felt bad that maybe he'd be more trouble than anything else. Alex was still working on the whole... Not being able to walk thing, still getting adapted. It would be difficult, for both of them. But... All he could see now were Hamish's eyes looking into his and he just shook his head. "You're a mad one..." He told him, but with a smile, his hand resting at the back of the other's neck to press their foreheads together. "You're bonkers. You must be." The blond added, with a laugh, and closed his eyes thinking... /Should I kiss him? I should kiss him./ But he wasn't sure if that was the moment, if they were to do that yet. "Thank you. Thank you... Thank you." Alex said, instead of kissing him. It seemed more important. "I've no idea where I'd be without you."
You: When Alex finally spoke, Hamish let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He grinned when Alex pressed their foreheads together, allowing their faces to be very close, and all Hamish could go was grin. Sure, it would be a tough road. Sure, he knew that there would be days where they'd both feel like giving up. But they were presistent bastards, as more than one of their criminals had called them, and he was sure that they'd get through it, together. He watched Alex, then gave a warm smile at the 'Thank you's that Alex gave him. "Anything for you, Alex." He said, hand still on his cheek and stroking it gently and slowly. "You're still my partner, whether you like it or not. And now..you're my everything." He said with finality. "Together, we can get through this." He said, then moved his lips forward to kiss Alex's nose. "And now I think I'm done being a bloody Nicholas Sparks novel." He said with a laugh, grinning at Alex. "I brought a shitload of cases we can look through, if you want. To get your mind off of things."
Stranger: Oh, yes, this was the man he loved. Alex was sure. How could he not, when he got out of a sappy moment with a joke like that? Really, he couldn't have asked for someone better. He'd have to send Fiona a little thank you present, too, for helping him realize that maybe there was more to their 'connection' other than work. Laughing a little, Alex shook his head. Then he looked over to the door from where Hamish had walked through, then back at Hamish, then at the clock on the DVD set. "I... I want to sleep. Is that okay?" The medication did make him rather sleepy, though the nights weren't pleasant. "I can stay up and we can look through your case if you need, but uh, I was... I'm tired. Don't ask me of what. I just am. But, yeah. Do you want to stay up?" He asked, looking him in the eyes, his hand no longer on the back of his neck, but on his shoulder. "You haven't had dinner yet, right. You should eat. And we can... We can stay up. Or... Sleep. Whichever you prefer, really, I... I'm glad you're here. That's all."
You: Hamish wilted just a bit at the fact that Alex was tired, but he understood. Especially with the medication that Alex was on, Hamish knew that it often made him tired. He didn't know the dosages exactly, but Hamish had a general idea of what they were and what they were for. Alex gave him a few options, including staying up with him, but Hamish shook his head. "Nah. You can go ahead and sleep, if you want." Hamish said, stroking his hair. "Seriously, don't feel obligated to stay up on my part. If you're tired, I'll be in after I devour this pizza whole." He said, glancing to the box and smiling before he looked over at Alex. "I will get changed with you, though. I can't stay in these clothes any fucking longer." He said, kissing Alex's cheek once more before he stood up, looking down at his rumpled suit from the day. "Do you need help or anything?" Hamish asked, then raised a brow. "I know you'll say no, but honestly: Do you need help?"
Stranger: Alex let out a sigh. "No. I'm fine. I don't need any help. I'll probably just sleep in this. I'm too lazy to change into pajamas every night." He admitted with a shrug. It wasn't all laziness, though. Thing was, despite being able to get changed alone, it did take a lot of work. Most things took a lot of work, now, but putting on trousers and all was a difficult task for someone who had little patience. "I'm just gonna get into bed, I guess. Are you coming to get changed?" Alex asked. He understood what he meant about the clothes. He used to hate wearing a suit. Most of the time he tried to avoid it, but the Capt. had threatened him several times. In the end he gave in. He missed wearing a suit only so he could complain about it. He didn't wait for a reply and soon was making his way to his bedroom, placing the chair near the bed. He hesitated before moving to the bed, for a second, he looked over at Hamish. "Please... Don't... Don't... Don't look." He didn't know he was saying these words until after he said them. It was silly, but he didn't want him to see it. Not yet. "Please, Hamish... It's two seconds, just... Don't look. I don't want you to see this."
You: Hamish nodded at his question, then waited for Alex to lead him to the bedroom. It wasn't as if he hadn't been in Alex's flat a hundred times before, even as partners, but Hamish always let Alex go first for anything, even before the shooting. It was only fair, he reasoned, especially since it was his house. Hamish made a quick detour to get his duffel bag full of clothes, including his suits and other pair of shoes for when he wasn't at work, before he followed after Alex to his bedroom. He set his bag down as Alex moved himself from the chair to the bed, then looked up just as Alex pleaded for him not to look. Instead of making a face or even trying to protest, Hamish nodded and offered a small smile. "Sure thing." He said, then bent down to get his own pajamas, which really consisted of just his pajama pants. Hopefully Alex didn't care if he was naked. He turned away before he stood back up, going to take off his suit carefully.
Stranger: He waited until the other was on his back before he pulled himself over onto the bed. It was easy enough, really, but it still made him feel... He wasn't sure how it felt, but he'd rather Hamish didn't see it. For now. Then he made himself more comfortable, a few pillows behind his back as he watched Hamish take off his clothes. They'd been nearly naked around each other a lot of times, in the lockers, so he didn't really stop himself from looking. He knew that Hamish had a birthday mark on his left shoulder blade, and that he had a scar from when he was a kid on the back of his arm, and that he had a tattoo he'd never told anyone about. And the freckles over his shoulders. He liked the freckles quite a lot. Alex did look away, though, when Hamish looked back at him. "I wasn't starin," He answered the unasked question. "I wasn't... I just generally looking that way..." The blond added with a chuckle. "Sorry."
You: Hamish looked over at that and gave a smile, slipping on his PJ pants after he took off his trousers. "It's fine." Hamish said with a shake of his head, fully turning now to show off his chest. Not a whole heck of a lot had changed since the last time Alex had seen the other without a shirt on. His tattoo, one dedicated to his father, was still very present on his lower chest, near his ribs, and there weren't that many scars on his body. At least, not from the job. Sure, there was one on the back of his arm from when he'd gotten hurt as a kid, but nothing that was more noteworthy than that. "You know I don't care." He said with a shrug, then went over to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge of it, looking at Alex. "I'm just gonna eat, then I'll be in here." He said, then blushed some. "Unless you want me to sleep on the couch. I mean, I don't care either way, it's up to you." He stammered out, then let out a sigh. "Please stop me from talking before I eat my words."
Stranger: Right then, Alex though, was a good moment to kiss him. So he did. Gently. And softly. And slowly. The way it should be, while carefully cupping his face in his hands. It was only a peck. Only a touch of lips, with his eyes closed and his heart beating faster than it had ever done. Then a flutter of lashes and he was looking the other in the eyes, seeing him blush. "There. It shuts you up and tells you you're sleeping right here. If you want. It's really up to you. But I would like you to come sleep here with me... Once you've eaten and all that." The blond told him while caressing his cheek, biting his lip. "So, get up and move your butt over to the living room to eat, and then come back. I'll try not to fall asleep before you get here. Promise. I'll try." A kiss to his nose, and he was letting go. "And oh. Grab my phone for me? I left it there, on the table. I'd rather keep it next to me. Just in case. Thank you. Don't take your time. Come back as soo as humanely possible. Please?"
You: And just like that, Alex had kissed him and Hamish felt himself blush harder than he'd ever blushed before. Granted, the kiss was quick and really, nothing special to some, but to Hamish, it meant everything. It was definitely progress and something that Hamish, himself, had been too scared to do, too scared that it was the wrong time, that it was maybe too quick for Alex. He opened his eyes and smiled at Alex at his request. He hummed lightly at the kiss to his nose and stood up, nodding once more at Alex asking for his phone. "Sure thing, love." He said, then leaned over and kissed his cheek before Hamish was out of the room, going to get some pizza. He had gotten a slice, then went to give it to Alex. "Here you go." He said, handing it to the other and then gave him a smile. With the pizza slice in one hand, he quickly kissed the other. "I'll be back as soon as possible." He said, then left the room to go eat in the living room and watch whatever was on TV.
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
If you didn’t mean to disconnect, please message me!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Viclex, hamex, and Viclexis.
You: [Demigod AU: This takes place at a special boarding school for Demi gods, which are the children of Gods and Humans. Alex Moran-Moriarty is the son of Death. Replies do NOT have to be this long!] Truth be told, Alex Moran-Moriarty really didn't mind being alone. Sure, he suppose that he should've felt accepted, especially in a school where literally everyone was just like him and had some sort of weird powers because of their parents. But, he supposed that he was the only one who actually had the ability to take a life, being the son of Death and all. It really didn't help either that people avoided him like the plague due to his appearance. If that didn't scare them off, the rumors certainly did. Still, Alex certainly didn't mind. He preferred being alone anyway. With his hood drawn and his gloved hands holding a tray, he walked from the register towards a table in the corner, keeping his eyes on the floor. That was his downfall as he soon collided with another body, causing both of their trays to go everywhere and causing Alex's hood to fly off, revealing his face that looked as if it was painted to look like a skull. He looked at the other person, then looked down. "Sorry." He said, starting to reassemble not only his things, but theirs as well. Well, this was great.
Stranger: Hamish was well liked around here. He'd been well liked back at his old school as well, though. He was generally a pleasant company, which was why he had so many friends in the school. There was only one that seemed to resist his charm. Alex. Why didn't Alex like him? He'd actually tried everything, but the boy seemed to enjoy being alone and not much more. And it was dumb, really, that someone who had the gift of prophecy could not see Alex coming in his direction. "Oh," He watched as Alex knelt down to pick up their thins. Hamish had never seen his face before. "That's... That's alright. It's fine, I..." He knelt down too, but he couldn't take his eyes off him. "I... Thanks, but I... I got this. Hey, we... We should go get another tray. We're not gonna eat this."
You: Alex only looked up at Hamish for a moment to see who he ran into before he looked down and continued picking up their things. He was familiar with Hamish and his presence around the school. He was well liked, never lost for friends or for company and generally seemed like an okay person. Alex didn't care either way. His only benefit was that Hamish didn't look at him like he was going to drop Hamish dead in a moment. Well, until now, that was. At Hamish's statement, he looked up and shrugged. "Yeah, if you want to do that, I'll pay for it." He said, gloved hands picking up the last little bit of their food. The stammering certainly wasn't lost on him and Alex tried his best not to just say 'Fuck it' and go hungry. That wouldn't work.
Stranger: (sorry, brb!!! having dinner really quickly. also, i'm having hamish being related to apollo, if that's alright with you?)
You: [That's totally fine, go for it! And don't worry, I'll be hre!]
Stranger: He was so focused on Alex that he didn't notice that the canteen had suddenly gone silent, everyone watching them. "No, no. That's fine. It's fine. I got this. I was distracted anyway." Hamish tried a small smile and thanked the other when he handed him his tray, though the food was all over it now and the plate was broken in half. "Come on, let's get some more food." He said, then looked around, all eyes on them. Giving them a disapproving frown, most looked away and started chatting again, but a few kept staring at Alex, who looked uncomfortable, and Hamish felt bad. So he walked up to him and gently pulled the hood over his head again, leading him to the line to get some more food, explaining what had happened. None of them had to pay for more, though the canteen was getting empty by now since they'd had to wait in line. "Hey, Alex... It's Alex, right? Do you... Do you want to sit with me?" The brunet asked, looking over at the other teen who seemed to be walking away. "I don't like eating alone."
You: Alex really wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. He hated being stared at, hated how people looked at him like he was a criminal for simply bumping into Hamish. Apparently, as much as he tried to hide his uncomfortableness, it was apparent, at least, to Hamish because the other pulled his hood over his head again and all Alex could do was nod in thanks as they walked to get more food. The workers, at least, were understanding and didn't charge them for food. Alex thought that the worst was over and that he could at least go outside and eat in peace when Hamish asked him to eat with him. Alex frowned at that, looking over at him. He looked around at that and realized just how empty it was. No doubt Hamish's friends had abandoned him for the moment and it wasn't as if Alex had anywhere to be. So, he nodded. "Sure, I suppose." He said and nodded at the other's first question. "It's Alex, you got that right. You're Hamish, I know that much." He said, going over to the other with his tray.
Stranger: Smiling at Alex's response, he sat down at the table after he set the tray down. "Yeah, I figured you knew. Most people know me. Most people know you, too. You're very well known around here, you know...?" He said, digging into the food. Having to wait a bit longer in the line to get his tray had made him a lot hungrier than before. And it had hurt him that his friends hadn't waited for him, but he supposed they were afraid of Alex, always a bit sinister with his hood down, always such a loner. Hamish had tried to be friends with him before, maybe his brightness would have cheer him up, but he seemed to find him rather annoying. "I've got a feeling you don't like me." The brunet said casually, glancing at the other, still with the hood over his head. "And it's just the two of us here. You can take the hood off. It's alright."
You: Alex sat down after Hamish, sitting across from the other with his own tray full of food. He didn't imagine he was hungrier for Hamish, but he was pretty famished, especially after skipping breakfast that morning. At least the room was empty for the most part, otherwise Alex wouldn't be sitting here. He'd much rather be outside, but this worked well too. As he opened his drink and took a sip of it, he listened to Hamish state that he was pretty sure Alex didn't like him and his offering of taking off the hood. Alex frowned some at that, but only pulled his hood back a bit, revealing a majority of his face. "You'll understand if I say no to take it off totally." Alex said. "I prefer it on. Not a lot of people like looking at my face anyway and, judging by your reaction back there, you're in that majority." He said, then started to stir up his salad before he looked up at Hamish. "You're well liked. People like you because you're friendly and nice. People hate me and are scared of me because they think I'll kill them." He said matter of factly. "I won't mince words, I'm not your biggest fan. You can't charm me like you charm everyone else around here. It's not going to work."
Stranger: Hamish frowned at that, looking down at his plate as he ate. "I'm not trying to charm anyone. I'm not trying to charm you. I... I'm just trying to be your friend, but I've got to accept it if you don't like me. I won't make you like me." He shrugged, as he took a spoonful of his soup. "I dunno what you've got against me, really. Actually, you're the last one I'd expect to judge me based on what you see. So what if I'm charming? So what if people like me because I smile and because I'm nice? It's who I am. I can't help it, just like you can't help being who you are." He said after a moment of silence. "People are scared of you, yes, but... You don't really give anyone a chance to know you. How are they supposed to know you're nice? You don't give it a chance. Trust me, I've tried..." Hamish added with a sad smile. Hamish rarely looked sad, at least around other people. He always thought he should be the one to brighten up the room, but he did get sad sometimes... "So... I dunno. It hurts that you'd think of me like that. I've been nothing but nice. I like you. Whatever, though. Doesn't matter if you don't like me."
You: Before Alex could think, words were coming out of his mouth. "They never gave me a chance, so why should I give them one?" He asked harshly, then let out a breath at that, especially when he saw the sad, yet surprised look on Hamish's face. "Sorry, I'm sorry." He said sincerely, then drew back and took a few bites of his food as he tried to think out his next words. He supposed that Hamish had a valid point. While Alex very rarely gave others a chance because of how they treated him, Hamish hadn't treated him poorly, not by a longshot. In fact, Hamish used to go out of his way to be nice to Alex. Sure, his personality bothered Alex, but that was because Alex wasn't used to being around bright and bubbly people. They annoyed him to a degree, especially when it turned out they were just faking it. Hamish certainly didn't seem to fake it. Finally, five bites into his food, Alex spoke again. "It matters." He said, looking at Hamish. "You don't want to say it, but it matters if I like you, or at least find you okay. I can tell, by your demeanor." He said, waving his fork at the other, then took his drink in his hand. "I never said that I didn't like you. I just said I wasn't your biggest fan. I find you decent enough, Hamish. You're nice to bloody everyone, even me, who treats people like shit because they treat me like shit." He explained, then sighed. "You're a good person, Hamish. A /really/ good person. And i could go and say that you don't need to hang out with a dark person like me because I'll drag you down, but I imagine that wouldn't stop you, would it?" He asked with a small smirk, the first real expression Alex had shown the other. "You're not like everyone else, who fakes being nice to me. You actually mean it. That's why I don't hate you and that's why I find you a decent person. You don't judge me based on...well, what I did."
Stranger: It did matter to Hamish whether people liked him or not, even if he didn't show it. He knew it was dumb to worry about that, that maybe there is no way he could please everyone, there was no way every single person in the world would like him. He also wasn't sure if the people who seemed to like him TRULY liked him. Sometimes it felt like people just tolerated him, since he wasn't a bad company, but no one really found him necessary. No one needed him. For example, all of his friends had left after the little incident with Alex. Why didn't they wait? Why didn't they come sit next to him and Alex? But after the other spoke Hamish went silent... No one had ever told him they knew he felt the need to be liked. It was weird that Alex was looking right through him, and really, he'd lost his appetite. "What do you mean? What you did? What did you do...? You're still... You're talking about that one... Accident? You didn't... You didn't know. It wasn't your fault. I know it wasn't. Everyone knows."
You: Alex continued to eat, really not bothered by the conversation enough to not continue eating. He was rather hungry and the salad was nearly done anyway. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste. Even when Hamish brought up the incident again, Alex continued to eat, but he slowed a little bit. It was still a sore spot for him, a very sore one, and while he never liked to discuss it, he supposed that in this case, it was his own fault. After all, He was the one who mentioned it. He just didn't expect Hamish to bring it up. "Everyone knows, yeah, but they still think I liked to kill her. They're still scared of me and still won't look at me for too long. That's why I eat outside." He said, setting his fork down and taking another sip of his drink. "I didn't mean to kill them, Hamish, you know it, I know it. But people still blame me, or at least still think I liked watching them die by my hands." He said, then shook his head. "That's not my point. My point is is that..you don't judge me, Hamish. I like you for that."
Stranger: "She was my friend." Hamish said after a while, having already pushed the tray away. He wasn't going to eat anything else. "She was a very good friend, but... That was not your fault. I know it wasn't. I KNOW you were trying to help. And it was so long ago... People would have understood, you know, but you... Isolated yourself, always with your hood over your head and never letting anyone speak to you. I... Thing is. I... If it's anyone's fault, it's... It's mine. I..." The brunet looked down at his hands, picking at the skin around his nail for a moment. It was hard talking about this. "I saw it... I saw you... And her, and I saw her... I saw her dying. I saw all of it, before... Before it'd happened, but I..." He sniffled, looking away from Alex as he felt his eyes on him. "I can't change the visions. It's not... They're prophecies. I can't... I couldn't have done anything. I couldn't. And I tried to be there for you after... But you pushed everyone away and I... I couldn't... I'm trying to be here for you now. Always have. So you know I know you didn't enjoy it. I saw you... How helpless you were. How guilty you felt. You just touched her hand, which is why you wear gloves now... I... You're scared it might happen again if someone touches you." Hamish spoke quietly, almost whispering, and reached over to touch his leather gloves. "You're scared."
You: The topic still wasn't over. As much as Alex wanted it to be, it still wasn't over. Alex listened to Hamish and his face was clouded with emotion, especially when it came to the fact that Hamish knew, but didnt -or couldnt- do anything about it. After that incident, Alex had shoved everyone away and had remained by himself, mostly due to guilt, but to fear that people would judge him, that they'd get angry and try to hurt him, not that they'd ever be successful with that. When Hamish touched his hand, Alex didn't pull away and allowed the other to. The gloves were specially designed to allow Alex to touch anything and everyone he wanted without fear of sapping their life away. It was a moment or two before he spoke and when he did, his voice was emotionless. "It's not your fault." Alex said, looking over at him. "None of this is your fault. Sooner or later, she would've died anyway, probably by my hand. It's easier if it happened now rather than later on down the road." He said, then sighed. "I know it'll happen again if someone touches me. That's the first time I touched someone outside of my family. Dad always preferred to home school me, but I still had some friends. I wasn't allowed to touch them because of 'germs' my dad claimed, but..maybe he knew that I'd kill them if I touched them." He mused, then snorted some. "I am scared, I won't lie to you. I don't isolate myself out of fun. I'm not very social anyway, so it's easy to transition into being a loner. I don't want anyone else dead because of me, including you."
Stranger: Hamish understood how he felt. Or at least he thought he understood, though he couldn't even begin to imagine what it was like not to be able to touch anyone, no matter how much he wanted to. Or what it was like to know that if he ever touched his loved ones, they would die. It must be hard to live like that, isolated, even if he was surrounded by a thousand other people. He was a big fan of hugs and kisses and hand holding... He couldn't imagine what it was like to live without those signs of affection and he felt bad, which was why he didn't remove his hand from Alex's, given he hadn't pulled away. "But... You can still have friends. You can still be with us and... Alex, you don't have to be alone. I don't want you to be alone. I felt what you felt when she... When she died. I know. But... People will like you. If you just... Give us a chance." Hamish tried, giving the other's hand a small squeeze, trying to look him in the eyes. "Please? Give me a chance?"
You: Alex looked up at Hamish, his green eyes booring into the other's and he gave a small shrug. To be honest, Alex really didn't want to be friends with any of Hamish's friends. He had no desire to be around them and he was fairly certain that the feeling was mutual. But, he supposed that giving Hamish a shot and letting Hamish in wouldn't exactly hurt him. Worst came to worst, He could always disconnect himself from Hamish. He'd done it before and it would be fairly easy enough for him to do it again. "You only." Alex said finally, keeping his hand where it was. "I don't want to be friends with anyone else. Not yet." He said. Not now, not ever, but he didn't want to hurt Hamish's feelings or get another speech on how he 'wouldn't have to be alone'. He was fine alone, but if Hamish insisted, Alex could bear being friends with the other.
Stranger: He almost couldn't believe it. The sort of sad expression on his face was quickly replaced by his usual bright smile, and he was grinning like an idiot. Finally. Finally Alex was giving him a chance to show him that maybe having a friend wasn't so bad at all. "Thank you." He said with a satisfied smile, almost jumping in his chair. "You'll not regret it, I'm great company." Giving him a smirk, he soon settled back on the chair, watching as Alex finished eating. "We don't have more classes in the afternoon. Maybe you wanted to go do something? I know you liked to go to that little cabin at night. You like the dark, don't you? I... I go there, to see the sunrise sometimes. I like the sunrise. Makes me think of Father." Hamish said, his chin in his hands as he watched the other. "We could go there and... We could listen to music and talk and just... Spend time together."
You: Alex was rather surprised by the expression change and how quick it was. Apparently, that's what Hamish really wanted from him and as long as Hamish was happy, it would be much easier for Alex. Of course, it was very apparent that the other was eager to start hanging out together and Alex had to resist the urge to just walk away from the situation. He promised that he would give this a chance and he was a man of his word. At the mention of the cabin, Alex nodded and gave a shrug, pushing his tray away as he finished his food. "If you want to, yeah." he said. "I feel a lot better in the dark. Call it a part of my nature or whatever, but people think the dark is scary. In actuality, the dark is the only time the truth comes out." He said with a wink, then stood up with his tray to throw it away. "Your plan sounds good. It's much better than sitting in either of our dorm rooms, just chatting, you know?"
Stranger: (do you want to maybe skip a bit further? to when they're already more comfortable with each other?)
You: [Sure! If you want to skip, go for it <3]
Stranger: After that night at the cabin they became a bit closer. Hamish had actually stopped hanging out with his other friends because he seemed to enjoy Alex's company so much more and, besides that, the other seemed to want him around, unlike the others who just seemed to deal with his presence, not really needing him. He'd showed him all of his music collection and they'd talked about pretty much everything. Well, they talked about what Alex let them talk. Really, he just wanted him to be comfortable. Many times, though, he forgot he couldn't touch him, which seemed to make Alex panic slightly. Hamish was just one for hugging, he supposed. And lately he'd been thinking that maybe Alex had never gotten a kiss, not even on the cheek, from someone other than his family. So he had an idea. They were sitting at their usual spot, with a song playing in the background, already quite late at night. "Hey, Alex... I... I wanted to try something. Can you... Uh, can you close your eyes?"
Stranger has disconnected.
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If you didn’t mean to disconnect, please message me!
You both like Ian Adler, hamex, Hamish Watson-Holmes, halex, and bdsmlock.
You: [Post His Last Vow] Guess who showed back up at the house? AMM (M, 21) After three years of making us think he was dead, guess who's fucking back? AMM
Stranger: No fucking way. IA (23)
You: He just waltzes back into the house as if he didn't play dead for THREE FUCKING YEARS. AMM
Stranger: Maybe you should kill him, that'd sort it. IA
You: God, I wish. AMM
You: I'm hoping Dad kills him. They're having it out right now. AMM
Stranger: Any gunfire yet? IA
Stranger: Sebastian should just throw him out. What a bastard, seriously. Where the fuck was he? IA
You: Good question. Here, there, fucking everywhere apparently. AMM
You: No gunfire. Just a lot of breaking things. AMM
Stranger: Did he say anything to you? Does he even give a damn at all about you? IA
Stranger: Hell, Alex. I'm sorry. It's horrid, isn't it, what he's done. IA
You: Yeah, horrid to say the least. AMM
You: Yeah, he tried talking to me. He stopped after I punched him. But he tried. AMM
You: Hence why I'm roaming around Hyde Park right now. AMM
Stranger: Hope you broke his nose. IA
Stranger: You should just leave. I mean it. Just leave and don't go back. You can stay at my flat until you find something. IA
Stranger: Did you tell Hamish? Because you probably can't, right? Or he'll tell his father. IA
You: Hamish can keep a secret. I think. You're the first person I texted. AMM
You: Honestly, I'm so mad right now I dont want to take it out on Hamish accidentally. AMM
Stranger: He's too sensitive. IA
You: He's not too sensitive. He's just not used to me being so mad I can't see straight. AMM
Stranger: So take it out on me. I can handle it. Kind of my job. IA
You: To the say the least. AMM
Stranger: I mean it. Just leave and don't look back. Stay at my flat and tell them you're just another employee now. IA
You: You know I can't do that. AMM
Stranger: Why the fuck not? You think they'll have you killed? IA
You: No, I highly doubt they'd kill their prodigy son. AMM
You: I can't sever ties with them just because Jim's a fucking idiot. I can't do that to Dad. AMM
Stranger: Maybe he'd wake up and get out of there too. Jim treats him like shit. He treats everybody like shit. IA
Stranger: And this is just the proof. He can't be trusted. Somebody needs to take him out. IA
You: Jesus, Ian, calm down. No one's going to kill him, as tempting as that is, and Dad's been with him as long as I've been alive. AMM
You: I highly doubt he'll leave for good over this. AMM
You: Maybe for, like, two months to teach him a lesson because Dad's as much of a drama queen as Papa is. AMM
Stranger: Three years, Alex. You were fucking torn up over it for ages. IA
You: Yeah, thanks. Let's not go back in time and remember that. AMM
Stranger: It put the whole business at risk. IA
You: Once again, don't need to be reminded. AMM
You: I know how stressed Dad was. I know how he felt, I watched him show emotions I've never seen him show before. AMM
You: I was eighteen and I had to lock away the guns from my Dad to prevent him from being stupid. AMM
You: No eighteen year old should DO that. AMM
Stranger: And you're still not ready to say 'Fuck you, Jim, I'm done with your bullshit'. IA
You: If he doesn't give me a good reason as to why he did it, I'll walk out. AMM
You: Look, I'm coming over. AMM
You: I'm getting weird looks. AMM
You: [Did you get my posts?]
Stranger: [yep sorry, had to afk suddenly, back now]
Stranger: That's probably because you're stalking around Hyde Park punching trees. Come over, have a drink. And fuck his reasons. He always has reasons. IA
You: [It;s okay!] You know Hamish won't let me walk out of my parents' house and sever ties with them without 'properly talking' to him. AMM
Stranger: Yes, yes, we don't want to upset Mother. IA
Stranger: Seriously, Alex, he's a bit...IA
You: A bit what? AMMM
Stranger: Let me just shut up about it, yeah? IA
You: No, no, you got yourself in this hole, Adler. Say it. AMM
Stranger: You sure about that, Moran? IA
Stranger: Because it's been a long time coming, and if you want me to finally say it, I fucking will. IA
You: Say it. AMM
Stranger: Well quite frankly, your boyfriend is a little bitch, and he's dragging you down. IA
You: Oh, is he now? And what, you think you'd be a better match for me? AMM
Stranger: Oh get the fuck over yourself. IA
You: No, no, entertain me. You think you'd be a better match? You think you can stand up to my attitude and actually be a boyfriend instead of a whore? Hm? AMM
You: Fuck you. AMM
Stranger: [delay] Come here and say it to my face, you arrogant prick. IA
You: In your dreams. AMM
You: You're not worth it. AMM
Stranger: Stand up? He's never stood up a day in his life. You keep him around because he worships you and will never, ever call you on your bullshit, and most of all because you just have to be the big man, you have to be the tough one, all so you can for once in your life feel like your own man and not just cowering pathetically in the shadow of your fathers. IA
You: And why are you so bloody hell bent on getting rid of Hamish, hm? I think you're jealous. You're jealous of him and how close we are, how much I love him. You're bloody jealous because you want to take his place instead of being the fucking whore of Babylon. AMM
You: At least I'm not in the shadow of my mother, unlike you. Trying to live up to her name. AMM
Stranger: Don't talk about her. Don't you ever talk about my mother, Alex. I give two fucks whose son you are, I will make sure you can never fire a gun again. IA
Stranger: You can call me a whore all you want. Obviously you like it, since you keep fucking doing it. Does it turn you on? You like thinking about what I do for a living? Bet I'm a lot more fun than your sweet darling Hamish. IA
You: Keep his name out of your vocabulary. AMM
You: Your mother? Miss Irene Adler? The woman who was second to Jim Moriarty, the man who OWNED her? She's very smart, Ader, very smart. I admire her. I just wish at least 1% of her brainpower passed down to you. AMM
Stranger: About a year after Jim apparently decided to demonstrate just how little of a fuck he gives about you I had a really interesting client, Alex. Wanna guess who it was? IA
Stranger: Go on. Guess. IA
You: I'm sure you'll take great pleasure in telling me, so why bother guessing? AMM
Stranger: I think you know. IA
Stranger: As soon as I said it, you knew. IA
You: Who was it, Adler? AMM
Stranger: You went too far this time, kid. I had hopes, you know. Thought you might grow a spine one day, stop posturing and /do/ something real. But you never will. And they know that, I think. Yeah, you're the golden boy now, but Jim knows. All that time, all that training, all his hopes and look at you. Too chickenshit to take what should be yours. IA
You: Who the fuck was it, Adler? Tell me. Or you'll be my next Christmas decoration. AMM
Stranger: You can't hurt me, Alex. You cannot fucking touch me now, because I've got the goddamn nuke now. He will never dare lift a finger against me or I'll send Jim and the whole damn world full fucking color and sound. IA
You: [Slight Delay] You honestly think he meant it? Oh, you're so fucking cute. You honestly think you're on top because you had ONE night with him? Or more, like I give a fuck. AMM
Stranger: One? IA
Stranger: He forgot the most important rule. Never trust a whore. IA
Stranger: You should hear the shit he said about Jim. Oh, you can. IA
You: He said them to his face. You honestly think you're on top because of his mouth? Please. Give me a fucking break.
You: AMM*
Stranger: I do this for a living. I know when I have gold, and this is gold. IA
Stranger: I guarantee he's never said /this/ shit. Because he'd be dead. It's one thing to mouth off and cuss and rant. It's another entirely to share seriously intimate secrets with a teenage sex worker. IA
Stranger: So let's look at the score. You've got I'm a whore, my mother used to work for your jackass father, and your fishwife nag of a boyfriend. I've got you're a sad little sycophant, I fucked your Dad, and now I have my hand firmly on his balls. I'm feeling pretty good about this. IA
You: And you still think you're on top. Ah, you really are cute, Ian. I knew we were best friends for a reason. AMM
You: You think you have me in check? I guarantee you, a checkmate's coming, mate. AMM
You: Stew on your juices. I'm done fighting. AMM
You: I'm finished. Call me what you want, I'm done spewing words with you, my best friend. AMM
Stranger: Yeah. Right. That's me. Your best friend. Best mate. And never good enough for more. Too dirty, right? Just too much of a whore. IA
You: We'll discuss in a day, okay? I can't handle this much bullshit in one day. First my parents, then Hamish, now you. Just let me think for a few hours, okay? AMM
You: Grant me that? AMM
Stranger: [delay] Yeah. Fuck. I'm sorry, man. Not the best day for me to let into you, huh. IA
You: [No Reply]
Stranger: [six hours later] Fucking client split my fucking lip. Arsehole. You all right? IA
You: [An hour later] Fine as I'll ever be. The fuck did you lip get split? AMM
You: [[brb, sorry!]
Stranger: Bastard palmed a handcuff key and got loose while I was prepping him. Got a good hit in before I could dose him. I took everything he had and dropped him hogtied with a plug in by the river. IA
Stranger: Which will be the happiest five minutes of his life before he sobers up enough to notice the cameras. IA
You: Irene taught you well. Shit. AMM
Stranger: You know, I did learn for myself. I apprenticed to my godfather, not her. IA
Stranger: You of all people should understand about this. IA
You: [Slight Delay] I know, I'm sorry. It's been a shit day and I'm thoroughly done thinking about anything. AMM
Stranger: Will you just come round and have a drink? Did you tell Hamish, by the way? IA
You: [Slight Delay] Hamish doesn't know. He never will. AMM
You: We had a huge fight last week, broke up. Finalized it today. AMM
You: So no, I haven't told him. AMM
Stranger: [Long delay] Fuck. I'm sorry. IA
You: It was funny. I was upstairs when we finalized it and I thought this day couldn't get any worse. Then I walk into the kitchen and see Papa. And then you tear me a new one. AMM
Stranger: What happened? I thought you two were...well, I just never thought this would happen. IA
You: There was a number of things. It was sort of a long time coming, but I didn't think it would actually happen. AMM
You: I got mean, he got mean. Verbal blood was shed. And then it was over. AMM
Stranger: I guess I can't claim to have thought he was good for you, after all that, but I am sorry, mate. IA
You: It's fine. Not much I can do about it now. AMM
You: I'm sorry, about earlier. I got mean and it wasn't right. AMM
You: I shouldn've taken my aggression on you. AMM
You: And for the record, being a 'whore' doesn't mean you're not good enough. For anyone. AMM
Stranger: You got mean? I said way too much. We both have tempers. Honestly it's part of what makes us good. IA
Stranger: See, with someone like--well, someone less fiery, we get, I don't know. Comfortable. IA
Stranger: I know what I am. I'm not ashamed of what I do. But you were right, you know. I'm not boyfriend material. IA
You: You know I didn't mean that, Ian. AMM
You: I was angry, we both have tempers, like you said. We get rude and hurtful. AMM
You: You're boyfriend material. AMM
Stranger: You ever thought about it? IA
You: [Slight Delay] Always. AMM
You: You're lucky I'm just drunk enough to spout the truth. AMM
Stranger: [Delay] Why haven't you ever made a move? IA
You: A number of reasons. Didn't think you thought of me that way, the fact that I didn't want to ruin our friendship, Hamish, etc, etc. AMM
Stranger: Mostly Hamish, eventually. IA
Stranger: You're an idiot. Of course I fancy you. No wonder you kept banging on about me being jealous. I thought you were just being conceited as usual. IA
You: Hah, Not for fun, that's for sure. AMM
You: And for the record, I am perfectly humble. Hah. AMM
Stranger: You only think so because you're comparing yourself to Jim. IA
You: Fair enough. AMM
Stranger: What's happening over there? I take it Sebastian isn't leaving him, what a shock. IA
You: I'm not at home. I told them I'd come back when I was ready. AMM
You: I boarded up in a hotel room for the night. Me and my alcoholic friends. AMM
You: Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, the whole gang. AMM
Stranger: Better than Captain Watson. Seriously, can you imagine having him as a father-in-law? You dodged a bullet. IA
Stranger: You want company, just say the word. IA
You: I don't think they even liked me. They just dealt with me for Hamish. AMM
You: I'm leaving that up to you. It doesn't matter either way. AM
Stranger: You know what'll happen if I turn up. IA
You: I know. AM
You: Are you prepared to deal with the aftermath? You know I don't do one night stands, Ian. AMM
Stranger: [short delay] I don't know. Kind of complicated now that I have every intention of blackmailing your Dad and all, isn't it. IA
You: Mm, there is that. AMM
You: Well, I'll let you decide on that. I'm not going to help because quite frankly, I'm in no state to make decisions. AMM
Stranger: Honestly, I don't give a fuck. I just wonder if tomorrow you will. IA
Stranger: It'd be good, though, yeah? You and me. IA
You: It'd be great. We'd be a force to be reckoned with, AMM
Stranger: Kind of what I've been thinking. IA
You: You know it can't happen as long as you have that tape, Ian. AMM
You: Conflict of interest and shit. AMM
Stranger: Unless you worked with me. IA
Stranger: It could be ours, Alex. All of it. IA
You: He's my Dad, Ian. You know I won't turn against him like that. AMM
You: Jim, any fucking day. But not Dad. AMM
Stranger: It's just insurance. IA
Stranger: I'm not really going to blackmail him. I'm holding it in case Jim orders a hit on me. IA
You: You're my best friend. They know that. They won't order a fucking hit on you unless I say so. AMM
You: Jim doesn't give two shits about you being a threat. No offense. AMM
Stranger: They will if they find out what I've been doing. IA
Stranger: Yeah, I know. He'll never see it coming. IA
Stranger: It's not just me. IA
You: Not just you? AMM
Stranger: Please remember that I have the tape. IA
Stranger: It's been three fucking years, did you think nobody would organize a proper challenge? IA
Stranger: I don't want to talk about this. I dont' want to worry about tomorrow. To hell with your no one night stands rule. Just fuck me tonight, Alex. IA
You: [[brb, sorry!]]
You: [Sorry about that, I'm back!]
Stranger: [no worries! :)]
You: [Delay] The Waldorf hotel, Room 509. AMM
Stranger: Right. Don't let Jack and Morgan gangbang you too hard before I get there. IA
You: Funny. Don't worry, I'm taking it easy. AMM
Stranger: [switching to paras, okay?]
You: [Totally fine! <3]
Stranger: Ian checked the mirror
Stranger: [sigh, sorry]
You: [It's okay!]
Stranger: Ian checked the mirror on his way out the door; his lip was still swollen, but the bleeding had stopped. Fucking clients. Hands in the pocket of his leather jacket, head down against the wind, he tried not to think about all the reasons this was a terrible idea. He'd waited too long, and wanted it too much. He signaled a cab, gave the address and stared out the window, the thread of anticipation and desire twisting through his torso. Once at the hotel, he made his way to the room, and instead of knocking texted 'I'm at the door' to Alex.
You: The Waldorf itself was a very nice hotel. A very nice one that Alex knew he could afford simply because he made a lot of money working for his parents and he had money to spare. It was just a shame that he was only using it to drink the night away, as one could tell by the amount of bottles that littered the counter and the table. Some empty, most half full. Alex was working on his fifth glass of Captain Morgan when his phone buzzed on the table. Looking over, he let out a deep sigh and carefully stood up. He knew this would be a bad idea in the morning, but fuck it. Fuck everything, the tattooed blond thought as he went to the door, shirtless. He set the glass down, then made his way over to the door, ensuring that his gun was close. When he saw it was just Ian, he opened the door and nodded. "C'mon in." He said, his voice slightly slurred just to show that he was indeed drunk. He shut and locked the door after Ian came in, then reached out and carefully touched the other's lip. "Ouch."
Stranger: Every time he saw his best friend, Ian felt the same surge of excitement, the same sense of being in the presence of a man who was as fascinating as he was beautiful. Ian was shorter and more slight, though his wiry build was strong enough, as it had to be. A lock of dark hair fell into his eyes as Alex touched him, and he pushed it back, then put his hand atop Alex's on his face. "Didn't even feel it," he said, smiling just a bit, though his eyes were intent on his friend's, drunken as they were. He guided the hand to his cheek, tilting his head to brush his face into it, and slid his own hand up Alex's forearm, stroking it. "Your day was much worse than mine."
You: Alex kept his eyes on Ian, never taking them off of the other. He couldn't, really, because in his state, it was hard to focus on anything else going on. God, Ian was gorgeous, and Alex meant that even sober. He always admired him, his beauty and his rather rough personality. Not that Alex wasn't the same way, they were cut from the same cloth. The only difference was that they came from different families, but they still clicked well. Alex didn't protest his hand being moved and stroked his thumb on Ian's cheek. "I mean, only by a margin." He said, a smirk on his face before he let it fall. "You know that we'll have to deal with this in the morning, right? It might not be pretty. But for the record..." He said, then paused as he swallowed before speaking again. "I want to be with you."
Stranger: Ian closed his eyes at the words. He'd never had a serious relationship--never even wanted one, or so he'd told himself. Then he'd watched Alex and Hamish getting so close, falling for each other so hard, and the bitterness he'd felt told him he was kidding himself if he thought he didn't want to be with /any/one. Opening his eyes again, looked Alex over slowly, then leaned closer and slid his arms around his waist, pressing his face into the taller boy's neck. "I want that too," he whispered against Alex's skin. "I want it to be us. Just you and me against the world." He smiled a little, but he meant it, even as he knew ultimately no son of Jim Moriarty and Sebastian Moran could ever truly be completely loyal to anyone but his family.
You: Of course, when Ian moved in, Alex wrapped his arms around the other, one around his waist and the other around his shoulders. Alex took mostly after Sebastian, only a head taller than Ian and build muscularly, enough to fit his tall frame well. The only thing that was reminiscent of his birth mother was his eyes and his heart, according to Sebastian and Jim. Alex tried not to let his heart rule his head, but it never worked. Not when it came to Hamish and not when it came to Ian. He looked over at the other and gave a warm smile. "Us against the world." He repeated, then leaned down and kissed Ian gently, passionately. Even in his drunken state, he was still a very good kisser. That much, he heard a lot about from Hamish. Ian's earlier text came back to his mind. They'd have to deal with this in the morning and the consequences might be great. But for tonight, Alex was okay with that.
Stranger: At last. Tasting the alcohol on Alex's breath, Ian worried for a moment that he should stop this after all--with the day his friend had just gone through, and drinking on top of it, maybe he was taking advantage. And the reality of what he'd gotten himself involved with, the tape--all of it, as sanguine as Alex seemed now, he knew would not fly as well tomorrow. But as he melted into the kiss, he forgot everything else, feeling a passion as fierce as the anger had been earlier rising and taking him over. At work, he had to always be in a role, professional, dominant, exuding the natural confidence and power that were always there just under the surface even in his private time. Only with Alex could he ever truly be himself--theirs was a dynamic of give-and-take, with neither of them ever permanently gaining the upper hand, or backing down from asserting himself. He played with the kiss, teasing and deepening, glad that this was one activity, at least, that he never shared with a client. His hands moved over Alex's back, and he pushed them both further into the room until they reached the edge of the bed, where he broke away to breathe and say, "We should have done that a lot sooner."
You: Alex was guided by Ian pushing them farther back into the room, allowing themselves to walk to the edge of the bed. Alex, in the back of his mind, knew that it was a dangerous idea to let Ian do this. Would Ian now use this one night against his parents? Or would it just be between them, something that only they would share? Alex didn't know and, at this moment, didn't care as he continued to kiss Ian, their kiss full of teases and small nips and even deepening as they got to the bed that was in the middle of the room. He pulled away only when Ian did and let out a breath, grinning. "Should've." He agreed, then leaned his head down and kissed Ian's neck, nipping at it a bit. "But, as they say.." He started, moving his way back up to the other's lips. "No time like the present." He finished, then kissed the other once more as they both went down on the bed, with Alex holding Ian as close as possible.
You: [Still there?]
Stranger: [oh did it eat my reply? one sec]
You: [Okay!]
You: [I think it ate it again, if you resent it]
Stranger has disconnected.
2 notes · View notes
[[If you didn’t mean to disconnect, please message me!]]
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hamex, parentlock, and halex.
Stranger: Alexander Moran-Moriarty (22) sat in the waiting room of A&E with his head on his best friend’s, Ian Adler’s, shoulder, both attempting - and failing - to sober up. “Oi, oi.” Ian muttered into his ear, nudging Alex as he sat up. Alex winced at the contact to his ribs and also sat up, looking in the direction that Ian was looking. “‘Oi, oi’ indeed.” Alex muttered, eyebrows raised, as he saw the hot doctor approaching them, his Irish accent thicker than usual due to his inebriation. “/He’s/ your doctor?” Ian whispered incredulously. “God, we should get you injured more.” Alex glared at Ian to quieten him, though his grin gave him away. He attempted to try and seem as sober as possible for this very fine doctor.
You: [Reading!]
Stranger: ((No problem, take your time!))
You: Another Friday night and Hamish Watson- Holmes already was regretting taking the shift. It had been busy, filled with injuries and less than sober patients. There was only four hours to go, so Hamish was doing his best to dig in and keep strong. As Hamish headed over to his next patient, he took another look at the chart and sighed. Great, another drunk and injured one. Hopefully, this one would be more cooperative than the last. He hadn't been thrown up on yet, so he wanted to keep it that way. He looked up as he approached the two, He gave a polite smile to both men. "Good evening, guys." He greeted. "I'm Doctor Holmes." He said, then looked between the two. "Who's the injured one?"
Stranger: More than pleased that Doctor Holmes was his doctor, Alex shot his hand up eagerly to confirm that it was, in fact, him who was injured. However, in his eagerness to confirm that he was injured, Alex had forgotten that he was actually injured and winced from the pain that shot through him. "Yeah, that'd be me." Alex groaned, going red and feeling even more embarrassed when Ian snorted a laugh. "Smooth." Ian muttered into his ear. "Shut up." Alex hissed back. "He can hear us, you know." Ian said, smirking. The smug bastard. Alex coughed awkwardly and gave Doctor Holmes his most charming smile. "Um, yeah. I'm Alex." He said abashedly, "The injured one." Fuck. He was usually so good at this.
You: [[brb]]
Stranger: ((Take as long as you need))
You: [Back, sorry! I spilt OJ in my boyfriend's bed, so I had to clean it up, haha]
Stranger: ((Hahaha no problem! Hope it doesn't stain))
You: Oh boy, it was going to be another one of these, wasn't it? Hamish could only suppress a groan and just kept the smile on his face as he watched the patient and his friend banter a bit. Well, it helped that they were both cute, so at least this wouldn't be a totally painful process, just an annoying one. It usually was with drunks. "So I see." Hamish said with a light chuckle and smiled in return to Alex. "Good to meet you, Alex. As I said, I'm Doctor Holmes, I'll be taking care of you." He said, then looked back down at Alex's chart. "So, what happened?" Hamish asked, frowning slightly as he watched Alex.
Stranger: "I'll bet he'll take care of you." Ian whispered, easily loud enough for Doctor Holmes to hear. Alex stifled a groan at how embarrassing his best friend was being. He didn't need that - he was embarrassing himself enough! "Sorry." He muttered sincerely. "Anyway, we were drinking at a bar. I had a fair bit." Alex started. "He's Irish. Seems to come with the bloody territory." Ian muttered. "Long story short: I got into a bit of a spat with someone and now I think I've cracked a rib or two." Alex finished, completely ignoring Ian's lovely comment. "A spat? He threw a chair at you!" Ian exclaimed, sounding both amused and impressed.
You: Hamish only raised an eyebrow slightly to the other man's comments, but he easily let it go. At least Alex seemed sober enough for everything, so Hamish really didn't mind. And honestly, he was really cute. Hamish listened to the story, then frowned and winced. "Ouch. Having a chair thrown at you doesn't seem like a good way to end the night." Hamish said, then nodded. "Well, let's get you into a room, Alex, and I can take care of you from there." He said, then held a hand out to help the other up. "We'll check for everything, including concussions, the like. Just in case." He said with a smile.
Stranger: "Had worse endings to nights." Alex muttered, accepting his doctor's hand and smiling warmly at him. Ian snorted at that. "You're not wrong. Remember the glitter?" He asked, grinning. Alex full-out laughed at that, before wincing at the pain it caused his ribs. Alex hadn't realised how close he was to Doctor Holmes, nor did he realise that he was still holding his hand, until Ian raised an eyebrow at him from behind his doctor's shoulder. Alex quickly released his hand and stepped back, desperately trying to remain steady as he remembered that he was still a bit drunk.
You: And they were right back to where they started: Two laughing, drunk men with one injured. Hamish honestly didn't realize how close they were either and while he tried to let go of the other's hand, Alex still kept a grip on it as he was laughing. When Alex winced, Hamish frowned, then watched Alex release in hand in surprise and step back. Hamish gave a friendly smile once more and held back another sigh. '/Four more hours/' He reminded himself before nodding. "Follow me, Alex." He said, then started to walk next to the other. He wanted to stay close to the other just in case his ribs really started acting up.
Stranger: "So, you're working?" Alex asked, dubiously. Ian looked at him incredulously, completely unable to comprehend how someone could say something so stupid. Alex, realising how stupid he sounded. "I mean, it's what, like 1 in the morning? How long have you been working?" Alex corrected himself, hoping his doctor wasn't judging him too hard. Thank God he was injured and actually needed help, otherwise his doctor probably would've left by now. He appreciated his doctor walking next to him, finding his presence comforting. Although Ian's facial expressions were a bit off-putting, only as Alex was worried that his doctor would figure out what they meant.
You: Hamish really couldn't help but raise a brow at Alex's first question. The correction really wasn't much better, but Hamish let out an amused laugh anyway, nodding in return as they headed to a private room so Hamish could properly look at Alex. "It's closer to two now, actually. But I've been working since 6." He replied, shrugging. "Someone has to work the night shift. After all, broken bones aren't going to fix themselves." He smiled at that, then nodded to the room. "You can have a seat right on the table, Alex. From there, we can take care of everything that we need to." He said.
Stranger: Alex let out a breath of relief that he'd made Doctor Holmes laugh, he hoped it just sounded like a sigh. He did as instructed, sitting on the table and swinging his legs back and forth. He let out a low whistle. "That sounds terrible. What kind of patients do you get at this time?" Alex asked, keeping his eyes trained on his doctor, enraptured by his graceful movements. Ian slumped himself into a chair, feeling too much like a third-wheel for his liking. "I bet a bunch of drunkards." Ian laughed, casting a meaningful look at Alex, who just responded by shrugging.
You: Hamish walked into the room after them and gave a smile at Ian's answer, nodding. "Mostly..less than sober people, yeah." Hamish said, setting the chart down on the table, then began to wash his hands so he could properly put on gloves. "Like I said, someone has to work it." He said, then turned off the sink with his elbow and went to dry his hands. "So, Alex, I just need you to take your shirt off, then show me where it hurts exactly, yeah?" He asked, giving Alex another smile. God, he was really cute, even if he was drunk and slightly driving Hamish crazy.
Stranger: Ian threw Alex a 'I told you so' look, before wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at him. "You heard the man. Off it comes." Ian grinned, sarcastically blowing Alex a kiss when Alex gave him a glare. Trying, and failing, to not laugh - Ian really didn't need encouraging - Alex took his shirt off, placing it next to him and gesturing vaguely to the right area of his rib cage. "It hurts everywhere but it's the worst there." He said, sounding almost proud that he was sober enough to actually give a relatively accurate description. "Oh, sorry about the scars." Alex muttered, gesturing to all of his old scars from all of his jobs.
You: Hamish walked closer to Alex and remained neutral as the other took his shirt off. Even with the scars and the slightly obvious bruising that was around the right side of his rib cage, Alex was still very cute. '/Professional!/' He scolded himself in his thoughts, then shook his head at Alex's apology. "I've seen a lot worse, trust me." Hamish replied, smiling at the other as he felt around the other's rib cage, pressing gently in some places. Finally, after a minute or two of Hamish feeling his way around Alex's ribs, he moved back and nodded. "Yep, I can probably safely say you have at least two cracked ribs." He said. "A chest x-ray would tell us a lot more, but that'll have to wait until the morning for that to happen." He explained. "Normally, though, they'll fix on their own in about a month or two. Pain meds can help with the process and I'll gladly write you a scrip for those."
Stranger: Alex felt himself fluster at the fact that Doctor Holmes didn't mind his scars. He's your doctor, he has to put up with them, he reminded himself. Alex frequently winced when his doctor felt his way around Alex's ribs, not that he didn't like his doctor's hands on him. For the entire time, Alex had just watched Doctor Holmes, occasionally feeling his mouth twitch up into a smile. After the diagnosis, Alex sighed and rolled his eyes. Brilliant. His dad will love the news that Alex will, more or less, be out of action for a month. "Perfect. Thanks, Doc." He said pleasantly, smiling. "Wait, the morning? I'll have to come back?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound too upset. Ian sat up in his chair and gave Alex a smirk, gesturing to the doctor's hands and wiggling his eyebrows. Alex felt a grin begin to creep onto his face and feeling ever so slightly better.
You: Hamish gave a small smile at Alex, more or less in apology. "I'm afraid so. There's only so much I can feel around. We need to make sure that nothing in your side is going to pierce any of your organs. That would be a bit..bad." He said and gave a small smile before he turned and went to the table, taking a pen from his jacket and writing on a prescription pad. "In the meantime, I'm going to write you for a bottle of pain meds. The bottle should last you a month, just enough time for your ribs to heel." He said, glancing up at Alex briefly and smiled at Alex's grin before looking back down and finishing his writing. "I also recommend coming back in the afternoon. I'll say 1 PM because I don't think you'll come in otherwise with your hangover." Hamish said, smirking at Alex.
Stranger: "Wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to me." Alex muttered, annoyed at himself for getting into such a stupid fight. Alex pulled his shirt back on, trying to be as careful as possible and flipping Ian off (for laughing at him) when Doctor Holmes wasn't looking. Alex nodded his head as his doctor talked to him. He tried hard to pay attention and make sense of the words being said, recognising that what was being said was important. Ian laughed loudly at the hangover comment. "Aw, he's so considerate!" Ian cooed, placing his hands on his chest and batting his eyelashes at Alex. "Thanks, Doctor Holmes. I appreciate that." Alex said, smiling and feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Alex opened his mouth to ask his doctor when he was next working, but even drunk that sounded like a bad idea so Alex quickly shut it, hoping no one noticed.
You: Hamish couldn't help but roll his eyes as he looked down at the paper. Both men were probably too drunk to notice anyway, so Hamish didn't care. "It's not a problem, Alex." He said, looking up finally and smiled. He ripped the prescription off of the pad and went back over to Alex, handing him the paper. "There you go. If you take it to the front, they'll put it in for you and you can pick it up at whatever pharmacy you want." He said, then looked at Ian. "I also recommend keeping an eye on Alex for a few hours. If you're sober enough to." He added. "There might be a chance of a concussion. I didn't see any signs, but just in case. Do your best to keep an eye on him." Hamish said, raising an eyebrow at Ian before he finally looked back at Alex. And now his eye candy would be gone. Great. "Is there anything else you guys needed before I send you off?"
Stranger: Alex jumped down, rather gracefully for a drunk person, took the paper and gripped it tightly, as if to reassure himself that it was real and stared down at it while his doctor addressed Ian. Ian, who kept occasionally eyeing Alex suspiciously while Doctor Holmes addressed him, nodded and gave him a pleasant smile. "Will do, Doc. Thanks a bunch." Alex looked up at the last question and hesitated, biting his lip. It would be inappropriate, right? He didn't even know the guy's first name! Maybe he should ask that too. Ian rolled his eyes as his best friend struggled with his inner turmoil. "When you next working, Doc? Hope you get a break. They don't push you too hard, right?" Ian asked conversationally, leaning against the wall and waiting for Alex to pull himself together. God, he was usually good at this, even drunk. What a sad mess.
You: Hamish honestly didn't expect the question, so when Ian came up with the question of when he was working next, It stunned the curly haired doctor for a minute or two. Hamish, unlike his father, really didn't think on his feet very well, especially at unexpected question. Still, he gave a smile and shook his head with a chuckle. "No, they don't, thankfully. I actually don't normally work night shift, but it's good to change once in a while." He explained, then thought for a second. Well, it wasn't as if these guys would remember when he worked next. They didn't exactly seem sober. "My next morning shift is Sunday. I won't be around for the chest x-ray, but I'll check the results."
Stranger: Alex shot Ian a grateful and relieved look, who returned the favour by shaking his head affectionately at him. Sunday. He could remember that. Not that he'd have any reason to go then so the entire plan was rather pointless. "You'd bother to check the results, even though you wouldn't be my charge anymore?" Alex asked, confused, before he could stop himself. Ah yes, remind the very good looking man that he never has to see you again. Very good tactic, Alex. "I mean, that's really nice of you but you don't /need/ to." Alex corrected. If you could call it that. If anything, Alex reasoned with himself, he just made it worse.
You: Well, that came out, didn't it? Hamish, this time, was actually able to think of an answer instead of stammering for an excuse. "Broken ribs are pretty serious." He said with a raised eyebrow. "If it turns out it's something more serious, you'll be sent back down to me and we go from there. Of course, I also don't like to leave my patients in the hands of others, so I just want to make sure that if anything comes out on the x-ray, you'll be informed right." Hamish explained. Okay, it was a shit answer, but it wasn't as if they were sober enough to really think it through. "Just in case." He added with a smile.
Stranger: Completely oblivious to the shitness of the answer - in fact, barely even noticing it and fully believing it - Alex had focused on one specific piece of information from what he'd just been told. "How likely is it that it'd be something more serious?" Alex asked, without missing a beat and praying that he sounded as nonchalant as he'd been attempting to. He didn't. Ian smirked in amusement and raised an eyebrow at him. "Subtle." He whispered loudly, chuckling at the horrified and embarrassed look that Alex's face made at that.
You: Hamish's eyebrows shot up at that and he frowned, but he did answer. "Very unlikely, but there is a slim chance. I felt only two ribs cracked, but if they turn out to be totally broken, you'll have to have surgery to fix them. We're NOT hoping for that though." He said, then cleared his throat and looked at his watch. "It's getting a bit late, gentlemen, and I definitely think you two need to go home and sober up." Hamish said, smiling some as he tried to forget just how hopeful Alex sounded about having broken ribs instead of cracked ones. "If there's anything else, the hospital number will be on your bill. Just give me a shout if anything comes up, okay?"
Stranger: Ian was shaking now with silent laughter, especially at the sight of Alex's disappointed face. He was disappointed that he probably doesn't have broken ribs? What was wrong with him? He did take pity, though, and turned to slowly walk out of the room. Just so Alex could have about 30 seconds without a sarcastic comment. "Thanks, Doc." Ian called out behind him. Alex glanced between Ian's retreating back and his incredibly hot doctor, torn. He then shook himself out of his transfixation and gave his doctor his best smile again. "Thank you so much, Doctor Holmes." He said, turning to the door. Just before he left, he turned and added: "I would say I hope I don't have to see you again but I'd be lying." He said sheepishly and then turning to follow Ian.
You: Hamish nodded at Ian's retreating back, then looked at Alex and tilted his head some, curious. He nodded at Alex's thanks and smiled. "My pleasure." He said, then paused at Alex's last parting remark. Well, that was a twist of events. As soon as he was sure that Alex and Ian were sufficiently away from the room, Hamish let out a groan and covered his head in his hands, blushing fiercely. God, he was cute! Even if he was drunk and drove Hamish nuts, he was still very cute. Incredibly cute. After a very long moment, Hamish managed to compose himself and went out of the room, going to the nurse's desk to get his next patient. He only hoped that the blush was no longer present on his face.
Stranger: ((Time skip?))
You: [Sure! DId you want to skip to Sunday?]
Stranger: ((If that's okay?))
You: [Sure! <3]
Stranger: Alex walked back into the hospital Sunday morning, thankfully without Ian this time. As much as Alex adored him, it would be great to do this without having sarcastic remarks throwing him off every two seconds. Not that his inebriation hadn't done that already. He had mixed feeling about being here again. On the one hand, he was seriously pissed that he did, in fact, have a broken rib and two cracked ones. As was his father, but that was expected. However, it does mean Alex gets to stare at his delicious doctor for a while, which is definitely not a bad thing. He handed the receptionist the note that the nurse who'd done his X-ray had given him and sat down, waiting to be seen by his doctor.
You: Hamish, to be honest, was glad about being back on day shift. The night shift was nice, but it was good to be back on familiar ground. Sunday was a bit slow, thankfully, so Hamish was taking his time, talking to a few other doctors in the break room when another nurse came by. "Hamish, your patient's here." She said, handing him a chart. At that, Hamish furrowed his brow and took the chart, reading through it. It was Alex again, this time with confirmation that he, indeed, had a broken rib and two cracked one. He let out a sigh at that. "Be careful what you wish for." He muttered, then said a goodbye to the doctors before he left the break room. He very much remembered Alex, because he couldn't stop blushing for the rest of his shift after seeing him. He was very cute and still somewhat respectful to Hamish, even drunk. It'd be good to see him again, especially sober. Hamish looked up when he arrived at the waiting room then smiled at Alex. "Alex?" He said, then nodded. "C'mon in."
Stranger: Alex jumped up and followed Doctor Holmes, eager to leave the waiting room; the receptionist kept smiling at him and a child sitting nearby had kept glaring at him. It, of course, had nothing to do with being alone with his doctor. Absolutely nothing. "Hey, Doctor Holmes." Alex greeted, flashing him a smile. "Sorry about the last time I saw you, by the way. I'd, uh, had a lot that night." He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck abashedly. "It'd be nice to actually be sober with you for once. Plus, I didn't bring Ian. So that's a bonus." Alex chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and worried about what his doctor must think of him after their last meeting. God, he'd been such a tit the last time they'd met and Alex really wished he could say that he wasn't always like that when he was drunk but that'd be complete and utter bullshit.
You: The smile on Hamish's face wasn't plastered on like it usually was. No, He was glad to see Alex and his cute face again, even if it was under kind of bad circumstances. At Alex's apology, Hamish shook his head as he walked beside the other. "It's fine, honestly. I've seen much worse. At least you guys weren't trying to use the equipment on each other." Hamish said with a grin, then chuckled. "Ah, yeah, your friend." He said. "It's always a bonus. Friends are normally good, but not when you're drunk and hurt." He added, then cleared his throat. That last sentence had been awkward. Great. "Anyway, you got what you wanted. A broken rib!" Hamish said, clearly faking excitement. "Let's head in here and we can go over your results and everything, yeah?"
Stranger: "People have used the equipment on each other?" Alex asked, eyes wide in shock. "It's bad that I'm disappointed that Ian and I didn't think of that, isn't it?" He asked with a grin. They had done some really stupid stuff while drunk, so for Alex to be impressed by someone else's shenanigan? That was saying something. Alex then groaned. "I didn't actually want a broken rib, I just..." He trailed off, embarrassed as to where that was going and tried to distract himself and the doctor fro what he was about to say by complying to the doctor's request - going into where the doctor had gestured. He gave a frustrated grunt. "I actually said that didn't I? Christ. I have no idea how you put up with us for as long as you did." Alex said, shaking his head in amazement. God, this guy must've had the patience of a monk. "Especially with Ian's stupid comments." Alex muttered, mainly to himself.
You: Hamish rolled his eyes at Alex's first statement, but kept a good smile on his face. "I'm very glad you guys didn't do that." He said as Alex walked into the room, then walked in after the other before he closed the door and set the chart down on the table. He looked over at Alex as the poor guy seemed to mentally berate himself at the comments he made. "Well, it helps that you guys were just spouting off stuff. I'm beyond used to that." The brunette said, waving away Alex's impending apology. "It really wasn't a bother at all." He said and flipped the page to read Alex's results from the chest x-ray. "Well, good news. It's only one broken rib. Bad news, it's serious enough to need surgery." He said, looking up at Alex and then leaned against the counter, watching the other. "If it's left untreated, it can seriously damage your internal organs. Pierce your lung, your heart. It won't be good." He said with a frown.
Stranger: Alex hesitantly nodded, still feeling guilty but he didn't want to annoy the doctor by repeatedly saying sorry. He must already sound like a broken record if the guy can accept an apology before he'd even made it. This poor, poor man. He was used to having to deal with people like Alex and Ian all the time? That must really suck. Alex couldn't even begin to imagine how done he must be with people like that, himself included. Alex pursed his lips and shifted uncomfortably. It wasn't that he was worried about the surgery or anything to do with the treatment; he basically gets shot at for a living. Well, not really but it sure as hell feels like it sometimes. He was more worried about his father. Alex made a sound of acknowledgement, before interjecting with the question that has actually been worrying him. "Uh huh, I see. What about after treatment, though? As in, how long will it take to heal? The consequences of it not getting the full amount of time to heal? That sort of thing." God, even sober he was bad at nonchalance.
You: Hamish looked up at that and thought for a second before he answered Alex's question. "For surgery, they'll keep you in the hospital for about three or four days, just to make sure that everything turned out okay and that there's no further complications. From there, I would recommend the same amount of healing time as your cracked ribs, about a month or two." Hamish said. "The hospital stay will essentially get you back up and running, but if you decide to go back to work or go back to your normal life before the rib is fully healed -the broken or cracked ones-, it can be bad. Your cracked ribs won't heal right and that can cause complications down the road, probably leading to more broken ribs." Hamish explained. "Then, you'll be out of commission for a while."
Stranger: Alex listened very intently and carefully to what Doctor Holmes said, nodding and humming here and there. He sighed and looked down at the fact that he can't work for a while. Shit. His dad is going to be absolutely thrilled to hear this. Alex was really not looking forward to telling him. Growling in frustration under his breath, Alex slowly nodded his head reluctantly in understanding. "Thanks, Doc." Alex said, looking up finally and giving his doctor a smile, albeit a weak one. "Looking forward to the break." He said sarcastically, although there was a small amount of truth in it, despite the circumstances. Alex genuinely can't remember the last time he'd actually had a holiday from work,
Stranger: .*
You: Hamish watched Alex for a moment before he gave a small smile and put his hands in his coat pocket. "What's your job?" He asked casually, then swallowed some. "I mean, if it's okay for me ask. It just seems like that...your boss isn't so great and I kind of know what that's like, especially when you work for your parents." He explained. God, there was no way that Alex would tell him anything about his job. At this point, Alex was less than happy and all he probably wanted to do was go, while all Hamish wanted to do was to try and make Alex feel better because /god/, he was so cute and Hamish couldn't help himself. Shit.
Stranger: Well, shit. There's no way Alex could tell him what he did! It was not only illegal and highly unethical, it was also extremely dangerous for other people to know. Only issue was: he couldn't lie either, though. How could anyone lie to that face? "Wait, you work for your parents?" He asked, confused and also a bit desperate to avoid the job conversation for as long as possible, so he could think of an actual response for it. "Are they doctors, too?" Also, Alex was genuinely interested and was taking every opportunity to get to know his doctor as much as possible, especially as he seems much more relaxed about talking to him now that they're one on one.
You: At this, Hamish hesitated before he spoke. It'd be kind of weird to tell Alex the truth about his Papa. It was a 50/50 chance that he would either love his father and never want to stop talking about it or that he hated him. Either way, Hamish treaded lightly. "Not anymore, but I used to." He said with a small smile. "My dad works at a clinic downtown. He's one of the head doctors, so that place is where I started out." He said and gave a small smile. My Pa-other father does consulting work. I worked with him for a bit, but it didn't work out." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "I just didn't know if you did or not. The anxiousness looked very familiar because whenever I got hurt, I'd always worry about what they say."
Stranger: Alex nodded to what Hamish was saying, genuinely intrigued. He wanted to inquire further about the consulting work part, but was uncertain if that was a rocky subject, so Alex merely gave a puzzled look but said nothing on the matter. Alex smiled warmly at the other man, hoping to reassure him. Seriously, there's no way Alex can judge about parents or careers. Compared to himself, the doctor could do just about anything and look like a saint. "You're quite observant." Alex acknowledged, smiling. "I do work for my parents, actually. Both of them. We have the whole 'family business' thing." Alex explained, rolling his eyes slightly and smirking. "So I've been raised to do it my whole life." Alex had paused before the word 'raised', he originally wanted to say 'trained' but felt that might give too much away. He hoped Doctor Holmes didn't notice.
You: Of course the word 'raised' caught Hamish's attention, but he gave no signs that it actually made an impact on him. He would have to check out Alex later, in his spare time, but for now, he just smiled. "That makes two of us. He said with a small smile. It felt good, to be this casual with a patient. It made him a bit weary, but so long as he watched his words, he would be okay. "My father originally wanted me to be his next 'assistant', so to speak, so he tried to train me to do his work, even when I was young." He said and gave a big smile. "Even taking me onto cases when I was 5." Hamish chuckled at that. "But like I said, that didn't work out, so I'm here."
Stranger: Relieved that he hadn't been called out on his pause, Alex smiled a bit sadly at his doctor. He'd never really gotten to talk about this sort of thing to someone who understands and has been through the same thing. There was Ian but he didn't really get it. It was a nice change. Alex was then torn between respect and curiosity. This mysteriously sexy man was getting more and more mysterious and Alex wanted to find out more. Curiosity won in the end, Alex raised his eyebrow and bit his lip before asking, "Why didn't it work out?" He asked gently, worried he'd stepped over the line. "If you'd rather not say then I understand." Alex hastily added sincerely.
You: Hamish shook his head at that. "No, it's fine." He said, then bit his lip as he moved to take a chair so he could better talk to Alex about it. He had to figure out how to word this carefully. It hadn't exactly been an easy situation when he had to tell Papa that he wanted to be a doctor instead. He felt really bad about the whole thing, especially with the look on his face when Hamish told him. "Well, My father's a bit...better at it than I am. He was born with the...necessary skills that's needed in his line of work and I wasn't." He explained. "You can train someone all you like, but it'll never be the same, you know? Plus, his line of work involves a lot of..danger I wasn't ready to face. I'm more along the lines of healing people and helping them rather than the other side of it." He explained.
Stranger: Well shit, Alex. You definitely can't tell him what you do now. He'd hate you, he silently struggled with his inner battle. On the outside, however, Alex nodded his head politely and smiled sympathetically at Doctor Holmes. Alex really wished, more than anything, that he could say he understood. But he just didn't. He was good at what he did and his training had only made him better. Unlike his father, he wasn't proud that he was good at it, but it was all he was good at. There wasn't really anything else that he could do. "That's very respectable of you and I hugely admire you for it." Alex said sincerely. He didn't specify what he meant by 'it' because, honestly, he wasn't sure he could pinpoint exactly what he was so in admiration about. The whole thing, probably. Alex wished he could walk away from his job because it's wrong. Alex's respect for the man before him had increased drastically just from one very small conversation.
You: Hamish gave him a smile when Alex said that he admired Hamish for it. That, actually, meant a lot. It had taken Hamish a long while before he was okay with the fact that he chose being a doctor instead of being a consulting detective, but there were still days when he questioned his decision. Hearing that, though, helped a lot. "Thanks, Alex, I appreciate that." He said, then looked down at his watch and let out a rough sigh. "Hey, look, um.." He started to say. "I really liked talking to you and I'd..love to know more about you and stuff. But I have to see other patients and you have to get that rib checked out." He said with a small smile, then moved the chair over to the desk and took out a notepad, writing something down before handing it to Alex. "That's my cell. If you want, whenever you're free and not in pain, we can get lunch." He offered, then smiled. "I'm Hamish, by the way."
Stranger: To be honest, Alex had completely forgotten that his ribs were the reason he was here in the first place. Damn, he had to book an appointment for surgery on the way out. Alex had nodded his head, stood up and prepared to leave, feeling slightly disappointed - especially as what Hamish was saying sounded an awful lot like a goodbye. So, when his doctor handed him his number, a lunch offer and a name, Alex looked at him with wide eyes, taking the piece of paper numbly. "Alex." He introduced instinctively. "Wait, shit. You already knew that." Alex rambled, feeling his face heat up. "Um, thank you." He said, grinning in embarrassment. "I'll, uh, call you, Hamish." Alex said, trying the name on his tongue for the first time and trying to scrape what little dignity he had left back.
You: Hamish gave a small chuckle when Alex reintroduced himself. Honestly, he thought Alex fumbling was cute. At least, it was cute with him sober. Hamish felt the blush creep on his face once more when he heard Alex say his name and he grinned. "I look forward to it. If you want, you can text me too. I, uh, can do either or." He said. He almost had the urge to kiss Alex's cheek, but quickly threw that urge aside. It wasn't a good time, not now. "It was really good to talk to you." He said sincerely. "It's finally good to meet someone that's in the same boat childhood wise." He said, then blushed brighter as he fumbled his sentence. "Well..you know what I mean." He said, closing the drawer and letting out a sigh. Get it together, Hamish.
Stranger: Alex felt himself heat up more, but also sighed in relief, when Hamish laughed. At least he thinks your funny, he mused. He was also pleased about the effect that saying Hamish's name seemed to have on him. Alex wasn't sure he'd seen the man smile that widely before and silently vowed to try and make him smile that wide more often because it's a really good look on him. Alex then laughed at Hamish's fumbling. "Oh, how the tables have turned." He said smugly, leaning against the door frame. "Now who's the one fumbling?" He asked, grinning. He found it sweet. Although he'd be lying if he said that it wasn't nice for him to finally be the one who's not fumbling.
You: Hamish blushed brighter at that and looked over at Alex, shooting a smirk at him. "Shut up." He said and tried his best to make his blush go down. At least they had a good rapport, Hamish mused as he went over to the door and nudged Alex playfully. "C'mon, you need to go see the surgeon upstairs before your rib pierces your lung." He said and gently patted the other's shoulder as he opened the door and gave Hamish a smile. "He's on the third floor and his name is Doctor Tawny. He's already aware you're coming, I set an appointment with him when I got your results." He said. "I'll see you later, Alex." He said and gave a bright smile at that. "Good luck."
Stranger has disconnected.
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((Okay, so I'm stuck at work bores today and itching to rp. If anyone wants to do email rps, I'm at [email protected]. I'm up for anything! Johnlock, Hamex, Viclex, Viclexis, Mormor, anything!))
0 notes
This was the Hamex RP I lost last night. If this is you, Message me! <3
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hamex, hamish watson holmes, halex, and alexander moran moriarty.
You: [Backstory: Alex has just been released from Prison after serving over half of his five year sentence for possession of a stolen weapon. He also was accused of attempted murder, but the charges were dropped before the trial due to lack of evidence.] Just got released today. Thought you'd like to know. AMM (26) Gonna be honest, I thought you'd visit me. AMM
Stranger: I didn't have time. HWH
You: I was there two years. I call bullshit. AMM
Stranger: Thats fine. Call whatever you like. HWH
You: What is your deal, Misha?AMM
Stranger: I don't see why you're surprised. You were in prison. For attempted murder and stuff HWH
You: Mmhm. And? AMM
Stranger: And so I moved on HWH
You: You moved on. AMM
You: I was your best friend. AMM
You: I loved you. AMM
You: And you just 'moved on?' AMM
Stranger: Yes. I moved on. What did you expect me to do?HWH
Stranger: Pine after you? HWH
You: I would be okay if you didn't. AMM
You: But you abandoned me, Misha. AMM
Stranger: You betrayed me HWH
You: We were best friends before we were dating. And you abandoned me. AMM
You: How did I betray you? AMM
Stranger: You promised me you were done with all that shit! HWH
You: I am! I was! AMM
You: I told them, it was a bar fight gone bad. AMM
Stranger: Sure it was. HWH
You: Hamish, I'm not lying to you. AMM
You: But fine, don't believe me. AMM
You: Who's the lucky sap? AMM
Stranger: His name is Jack HWH
You: Sounds familiar. AMM
Stranger: Ah. Yes. Well...HWH
Stranger: He's the guy you were fighting in the bar. HWH
You: [Delayed] Good choice, Hamish. AMM
You: Date the guy who put me in the hospital. AMM
You: Next time, it'll be you. AMM
Stranger: Well you were the one who started the fight. HWH
Stranger: He told me so. HWH
Stranger: So really I only have you to fear. HWH
You: Oh okay. So DON'T believe the guy who had a bottle smashed over his head for no fucking reason. AMM
You: Whatever, Hamish. AMM
Stranger: Anyways. HWH
Stranger: So happy you're out HWH
You: Fuck off. AMM
Stranger: (Delay of a few days) Jack is pissed you're out. HWH
You: In other news, the sky is blue. AMM
You: Of course he's pissed. I broke his arm in three places. AMM
You: Would've broken a leg too if Ian hadn't stopped me. AMM
Stranger: If Ian hadn't been there you would have killed him. HWH
You: Maybe. AMM
You: Anyway, why should i care that he's pissed? AMM
Stranger: You shouldn't. HWH
Stranger: Its fine. HWH
You: No, you texted that to me for a reason. AMM
You: Out with it. AMM
Stranger: No. Its fine. You don't care. HWH
You: Hamish, of course I do. AMM
Stranger: He's just been screaming for days. HWH
You: [Slight Delay] I might regret this. AMM
You: Need a place to crash? Or at least to get away from him? AMM
Stranger: No. HWH
Stranger: I mean HWh
Stranger: I don't think he would let me leave HWH
You: Don't tell me he's holding you hostage. AMM
You: I might just have to call the Yard, like a responsible citizen. AMM
You: Or do it my way. AMM
Stranger: Alex. Behave. HWH
You: It won't be with a weapon! AMM
You: Just my fist. AMM
Stranger: No. HWH
You: Hamish. AMM
Stranger: I'm fine. Its fine.HWH
You: Don't lie to me. Are you sure? AMM
Stranger: He's fine. Piss off -J
You: Ahhhh, I've been wanting to talk to you. AMM
You: How's your arm? AMM
You: And your ego? AMM
Stranger: Get fucked in prison? J
You: Nah, I was the one that did the fucking. AMM
You: Did you manage to get the pieces of wood out of your arse? AMM
Stranger: Ah. A murderer and a rapist. Should've figured. J I'll be sure to let Hamish know. J
You: I'll the answer to my question as a no, then. AMM
You: Let me speak to Hamish. AMM
Stranger: He's lost his phone for the moment. J
You: Mm, try again. AMM
You: Let. Me. Talk. To. Him. AMM
Stranger: He doesn't have permission. J
Stranger: I don't want you two interacting. J
You: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize Hamish was your child. AMM
You: I don't care if he doesn't have permission. He's not your property to boss around. AMM
Stranger: He's my fiance. Of course he is. HWH
Stranger: J
You: This isn't the Middle East, mate. It don't work like that. AMM
Stranger: Shame. J
You: Yeah. Then I could legally murder you. AMM
You: Let me talk to Hamish. AMM
Stranger: What? HWH
Stranger: Alex this isn't helping anything HWH
You: And you're going to tell me that what he says is okay? AMM
You: That you need his permission? That he OWNS you?
You: AMM*
Stranger: What? He wouldn't say that J
Stranger: HWH
You: Seriously? AMM
You: [Screenshot sent]
You: Believe me now? AMM
Stranger: Oh HWH
You: Do you need me to come get you? AMM
Stranger: I don't know HWH
You: I'm coming anyway. AMM
Stranger: No. Send Ian or something. HWH
You: Compromise. Ian comes with me. AMM
Stranger: /Fine/ HWH
Stranger: He knows my new address anyways HWH
You: Of COURSE he does. AMM
You: [To: Ian] We're going to Hamish's. AMM
Stranger: Oh come on mate. Chasing after him isn't going to do a thing. I
You: Did you know his fiance is abusive towards him? AMM
You: And for the record, I didn't text him first. He texted me. AMM
Stranger: Jack? Oh yeah Jack is a complete asshole. I
You: Therefore, You're coming with me to get Hamish. AMM
You: Otherwise, if I go alone, I'm going back for murder. AMM
You: back to prison*
Stranger: Alright mate but last time I tried to get Hamish out he wouldn't come with me. I
You: He'll come this time. AMM
Stranger: Yeah. Because its you coming to get him. I
Stranger: He's been a mess without you I
You: He seemed to act as if he was fine without me. AMM
You: He even got with the guy who assaulted me. AMM
Stranger: Well he's done everything possible to run his life into the ground. Had a bit of a mental breakdown. I
You: Mental breakdown? What? AMM
You: Why? AMM
Stranger: Uh...He started the fight. HWH
Stranger: I
You: Yeah, I know Jack did. AMM
You: I was there, remember? AMM
Stranger: No no no. Hamish started the fight. He blames himself. I
Stranger: Its hard to explain. I
You: [Slight Delay] How did Hamish start the fight? I don't understand. AMM
You: [[brb, sorry!]]
Stranger: Yeah he said you didn't remember since you got whacked in the head pretty damn hard. I But anyways he was the one who stuck the knife in Jack's buddy and started the whole thing. I
You: What? Hamish wasn't that drunk, from what I remember. AMM I do remember beating Jack to a bloody pulp, though. AMM
Stranger: Yeah Hamish was barely drunk at all he said. I But I guess the guy tried to grope you? I Don't really know. But you definitely beat Jack's ass. I
You: Eugh. Well, I'm actually glad I didn't remember the reason why. AMM But regardless of whether it's Hamish's fault or not, we need to get him. AMM
Stranger: Of course we do. I Just don't expect him to be the Hamish you remember. He barely talks to anyone anymore. I
You: He played it off like nothing was wrong. AMM I texted him the day I got out. He couldn't give less of a shit. AMM
Stranger: You forget that Hamish is the son of Sherlock I
You: Oh. There is that minor detail. AMM
You: I'm on my way to Hamish's new place. AMM
Stranger: Want me to come? I
You: Of course. AMM
Stranger: I'll pick you up I
You: Thank you. AMM
Stranger: (Paras?
You: [Sure<3 I'll start?]
Stranger: (Sure!
You: [Okay :)]
You: Alex put his phone back into his pocket and instead of continuing down the path to Hamish's, he sat on the front step of his building. This was a bit much to take in, but all Alex really knew was that Hamish didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to deal with Jack and his abuse, with Jack forcing Hamish to be 'his'. Even if it sent Alex back to prison, This had to end, once and for all. Wringing his hands together, Alex checked his cell phone one more time, seeing no new messages. "Fuck." He swore, running a hand through his hair and tugging at it slightly. He didn't even bring a weapon with him. All he had was his fists and he was pretty good with them, still. All he could do now was wait for Ian to arrive.
Stranger: Ian pulled up in front of Alex's flat. He had been the one to pick Alex up from prison earlier this week. He had missed his friend so much, and it was good having him back. Unlike Hamish, Ian had visited Alex as much as he could. He smiled when Alex got in the car. "Calm down. It'll be fine. There are two of us and one of him and the second Hamish sees you he's going to want to be near you again. He's been fucking weird these last few years but he'll be alright when he's back with you. All this will go away. I hope. Man I haven't talked with Little Mish in absolute ages. I miss him." He started up the car and drove "No punching. No fighting. Keep it cool. We need to stay cool."
You: Alex got in as soon as Ian pulled up. To be honest, Alex owed Ian a lot. The other visited him in prison and stuck by his side the entire time. It was good to see Ian, especially outside of a visiting room. "I hope so." Alex said, letting out a sigh as he leaned back. "He needs to be okay." He muttered, then frowned as he looked at Ian. "And what if Jack starts a fight? There's no way I'm letting either you or Misha go to prison. I'd rather take the fall." He said, then thought about it. "If Jack fights, I can claim self defense." He offered.
Stranger: "Yes well that claim didn't work last time, did it?" Ian scoffed. "And there won't be any fighting. We're going to be civil. We'll pull up to the flat and you're going to call Hamish and convince him to pack a bag and come outside. He'll do it. He will. If Jack tries to stop him we're going to call the police or John Watson. Either one of those will put an end to this. Neither of my mates are going to prison again. I swear to god. Keep your head, Alex. Jack isn't even going to see you. You're not even going to see Jack. Okay?"
You: Alex frowned deeper at that, but Ian did have a point. He claimed self defense last time and got caught with a stolen gun, sending him away for two years. "Don't need you going either." He said, looking at Ian before nodding. If Alex was going to do this, he had to do it by the rules: Don't get involved and call the cops. "I hope he'll actually listen to me. I know you said he will, but I know Hamish. He's still bloody stubborn as ever. I thought I'd be dragging him out of Jack's flat kicking and screaming."
Stranger: "Well he...He doesn't have much spirit left." Ian admitted in a quiet voice. A awkward silence fell over the car. Hamish had been a shy little nerd when they had met him in university. He had been a year younger than them both and had been horrendously shy. But after a while of hanging out they had discovered that Hamish was a hidden gem. He was the best to go clubbing with and he was always getting them into odd and fun situations. The three had been tied at the hip all through uni and Hamish had been the bright happy binding glue. "You'll barely recognize him. He's like worse than when we first met him."
You: That really didn't make Alex feel better. All through uni, Alex had fallen in love with the quiet, yet secretly social lad. He'd even manage to convince Hamish towards the end of Uni to be his boyfriend and by some miracle, Hamish agreed to it and it wasn't until Alex's prison sentence when they drifted apart, for the first time since Alex had first met him. He let out a sigh and shook his head. "We'll try and fix him." He said. "It won't be easy, or the same as before. But we can try."
Stranger: "Yeah." Ian said as he parked the car in front of the nice looking flat that Jack and Hamish shared together. He leaned back and tugged out his cell and dialed Hamish's number. "Mish. Hey its me Ian. I'm outside your flat with Alex." He said. He saw the curtain flick open on a window and saw Hamish's pale face looking out. "Look why don't you come out? Yeah I know this didn't work before. But its Lex and me. The gang. Come on. Here. He wants to talk to you." Ian handed the phone over to Alex.
You: Alex looked up as they stopped in front of the flat and right away, Alex's hand curled into a fist. However, he kept his cool and just kept breathing. As much as he wanted to go in there and carve Jack's head into a smashed watermelon, he couldn't. There was no way he could. So he sat and listened, raising a brow when Ian handed him the phone. "Sure." He said, then took the phone and held it to his ear. "Hey, Misha." Alex said, smiling some despite his efforts not to. "I'm here, I promise."
Stranger: "You really shouldn't be here." Hamish said in a soft voice as he looked out of the window towards the parked car. "I mean Jack is just really really mad after the whole texting thing." He said. He glanced towards the bag he already had packed on the bed. "I knew you guys would come. I want to come outside. I just don't know if I can. He was pretty pissed. I confronted him about the screenshot you sent me and we got into a big fight. Um..." He chewed on his lip. "I don't even want you to see me right now. I know you'll lose your temper if you see me."
You: Well, that certainly wasn't good. At the last sentence, Alex let out a sigh and leaned back, but he shook his head. "I know we shouldn't, but Hamish, you need to get out of there." He said and let out a rough sigh. "I know he hurt you, I can guess. But I promise, if you come out and let me and Ian help you, I won't lose my temper. I'm not allowed to anymore, remember?" He asked, giving a small smile. "And if Jack doesn't let you out, well...We'll do something about it."
Stranger: "I missed you." Hamish said with a small little sniffle. "And I'm sorry I didn't visit. Ian kept telling me to visit. I went to the prison several times but couldn't go see you. Couldn't do it. Um. Hm. Okay I'm going to jump out of the window." Hamish said, hanging up the phone suddenly. "Motherfuck." Ian watched as their smaller friend opened the second story window. "He can't be serious." He said in worry as he watched Hamish drop his bag. A few minutes later Hamish was getting into the car covered in twigs from landing in a bush below the window.
You: "No, don't!" Alex tried to say, but it was too late. Hamish had hung up and he was already opening the window. Alex didn't breathe until he saw Hamish get up and hurry towards the car. Despite him being covered in branches, he seemed okay and in one piece. He turned to look at the other and gave him a grin. "Next time you're desperate for an escape, let's no do high places, love." He said, reaching over and squeezing Hamish's knee. Well, Hamish certainly had seen better days. And if it wasn't for the fact that Ian was peeling away from the building, Alex really would have killed Jack.
Stranger: Hamish flinched slightly as Alex squeezed at his knee. It was strange seeing Alex. It made his heart pound, as always. He lowered his eyes and tugged his sweater sleeves over his hands. "He's going to be livid." He murmured and glanced back towards the vanishing flat. "I suppose I should explain. Um. Well I visited you in the hospital and stuff and I met Jack there. At the time I didn't know he was the guy you were fighting. I just remembered the other guy...And so when I met Jack he was just the poor hurt guy in the waiting room. So thats why."
You: "Well, he can be livid all he wants. He won't find you." Alex assured Hamish, pushing down the hurt that came when Hamish flinched. He listened to Hamish's story, he nodded some. So it made a bit of sense then, why Hamish chose Jack. Jack probably sweet talked him, made him feel good. "Well, you won't have to worry about him, Misha." He said, giving him a smile. "We'll head to my place for the moment, then if you want, you can stay with me. Unless you're not comfortable with it." He said, then sighed. "I was worried about you, Mishy."
Stranger: "Worried about me? I got you stuck in prison." Hamish said in a sad voice. Alex was always so wonderful to him. He rubbed at his bruised eye. It was swelling up now. He could see Ian glancing at him occassionally in the rearview mirror. He knew Ian had been worried about him. He had gotten so many calls from his friend. He had ignored them all. He nervously began to chew on his nails and glanced behind him, even though he was in a moving car far away from Jack. "You look good." He remarked to Alex. "Really good."
You: Hamish's eyes was worrying him, but they'd be at the flat soon enough. There, at least Alex had the means to take care of it. He gave a small smile at that. "Ah, I'm skinny as a rail." He said with a laugh. "But thank you. You...look good as well. I mean, besides the.." He waved to Hamish's face. "I have to admit, Misha, the branch look is good for you. Very Goot-esque." Alex joked, trying to lighten the mood a bit as he pulled a branch from Hamish's trousers.
Stranger: "Oh. Twigs. Right." Hamish murmured and ran his fingers through his curls. He began to pluck some twigs and leaves from his hair. He had expected the jump from the second story to hurt more than it had, but at this point he supposed he was a bit numb to it all. Though it had made his ankle ache. He smiled a bit as Ian parked them in front of Alex's flat. He hadn't been here in so very long. He followed his best friends out of the car, limping slightly and hugging his duffle bag to his chest. "Sort of like old times." He said. Ian grinned and ruffled up Hamish's curls.
You: Alex helped Hamish out as best as he could, then gave a nod. "A little bit. Except we're not getting black out drunk this time." Alex said with a laugh as he walked ahead to open the door to his flat. It was small and only had two bedrooms, but Alex liked it. It was the right price thanks to the family name and no one bothered him here. Especially with his conviction, it was a plus. He held the door open for Hamish and Ian, then closed and locked it. "I'll get my kit." He said, going over to the bathroom.
Stranger: Ian helped Hamish over to the couch and smiled a bit as his smaller friend snuggled into him. "Missed you too, Mish." He said, hugging his arms around him. Finally he had both of his best friends back. He watched Alex move around the flat and was glad things had gone so smoothly. Alex was a good fighter, but also a fantastic mother. He would have Hamish right as rain in no time. Hamish sleepily leaned against Ian and closed his eyes as he listened to Alex moving around the flat. It was so good to be someplace warm and familiar and safe. "I love you guys." He said quietly. "I really do."
You: Alex easily found the first aid kit in his bathroom, stocked and ready to go. He grinned and closed it before he went back into the living room and sat in front of Hamish and Ian. "We love you too, Mish." He said, reaching over and ruffled Hamish's hair carefully before Alex cleared his throat and got into the first aid kit, first taking out a gel cool pack. He hit it against his knee with a little too much force, then moved it around before giving it to Hamish. "Keep it over your eyes." He said, then examined the rest of Hamish, focusing mostly on the ankle that he saw was a bit swollen. "Geez. We'll need a mattress next time. Looks like a twisted ankle." He said, putting warm hands over it gently to examine.
Stranger: Ian took the ice pad from Alex and pressed it over Hamish's swollen eye. Hamish let out a little noise of pain as Alex touched at his ankle, but ultimately he trusted his friend. Even though he hadn't seen him in so long he knew Alex would always take care of him. He found himself dozing against Ian's shoulder as Alex tended to his ankle. He was so tired. After a while he shifted as Ian worked to remove his sweater gently. "No." Hamish said in a distressed voice, tugging his sweater back down in worry and crossing his arms. "No I'm fine. It was just the eye and the ankle. I'm fine. Really. I don't need anything more." He looked between them in worry. He didn't want them to see him. He didn't want them to be so disappointed in him.
You: Ultimately, Alex ended up wrapping the ankle, making sure it had been properly iced down to prevent swelling from happening any further. Just as he finished, He saw Ian try to remove Hamish's sweater, followed by Hamish protesting. Alex frowned and sat up a bit. "Hamish." He said gently, looking him in the eyes. "You can trust us, love. We're not gonna judge you or do anything to hurt you, okay?" He said, never breaking eye contact with the other. "Ian and I, we love you. We just want to get you better, okay?" He asked, then slowly moved his hands towards the sleeves. "Do you trust us, Mishy?"
Stranger: Hamish yanked his hands back away from Alex with a glare. "I said I am fine. You don't need to see. There is nothing for you to help with. I'll all heal on its own. I don't want you two looking at me like I'm some fragile. Idiot. I know I made mistakes. Whatever. They happened and I can't fix it now and so its there." He hugged his arms tightly about his body. Ian looked to Alex in worry and shrugged lightly. He wasn't sure what to do. Eventually Ian stood. "Maybe its better if only one person sees. Huh, Mish? And Lex knows you best. I'll go hang in the other room and maybe that will be better." He said before making his exit.
You: Alex frowned and moved his hands away, watching Hamish for a little while. It was a tricky situation and honestly? Alex didn't know how to proceed. When Ian offered to leave, Alex nodded and silently thanked the other, watching him go before Alex carefully crawled up to the couch. He carefully wrapped an arm loosely around Hamish. "For the record, Misha, when you said that you put me in prison, you're wrong." He said. "You didn't. Ian told me..what happened and you had no control over any of that."He said quietly. "It's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself."
Stranger: "I lost my temper so fast." Hamish said shoving his face into his hands. "The guy tried to touch you and you were so drunk. I just...I mean I acted on what my parents had taught me but you got blamed for it. They thought you had attacked him but really I started it and I never owned up and I should have said. I should have told them it was me that knifed the guy and not you. And then they found that gun and that just made everything so so so much worse." Hamish turned his face into Alex's shoulder and wrapped an arm about his middle. "I ruined your life."
You: Alex frowned and wrapped his other arm around Hamish, holding the other close to him. "You didn't ruin my life." He said and kissed the top of Hamish's head, rubbing his back. "If anything, it's my own stupid fault for carrying a stolen weapon. Should've known better. You know how bad Seb chewed me out?" He joked, smiling down before he let out a sigh. "If anything, I made your life a bit more miserable, worrying about me and..well, it doesn't matter now." He said, rubbing his back. "It's all in the past, what's done is done. The most we can do now is just move on from it and try and fix ourselves." He said. "I'm just glad to have you back."
Stranger: "Glad you're out as well. I really am sorry I never visited. I did try. Ian can tell you that I tried. Then I was dating Jack and it wasn't till later that I found out he was one of the guys you fought. By that time he didn't want me to leave him. And I felt so guilty about what I did to you that it felt like...just punishment. You were in prison. So I should be too." He glanced up at Alex and winced at the look on his best friend's face. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. And look. Now I've made things awful again. Awesome. I wish we would have never met. Then you would still have a perfect life."
You: Alex gave him a small smile and kissed his forehead. "You don't deserve punishment because you didn't do anything. You don't deserve someone beating on you. You're a treasure, Misha, you should be treated as such." He said, then shook his head, holding Hamish close. "Stop apologizing, Hamish. It's fine. You didn't make anything awful." He said, stroking his head and allowed a moment of silence between them, just to make sure everything was calm. "Besides, if I didn't meet you, I'd end up dating Ian. Really, who'd be the winner there?" He joked, chuckling. "Don't tell him I said that."
Stranger: "You and Ian would kill each other if left alone too long." Hamish said with a roll of his eyes. "Honestly I don't know how you guys survived so long without me." He smiled and shifted away from him. "Look if I just show you everything then can we go to bed? I'm exhausted. I don't sleep very well at night and-" He let out a large yawn. "Its so warm and nice here and I forgot how wonderful you smell." He shifted to tug off his large sweater and then his t-shirt. His chest was a mess of bruises and there was a line of track marks and burns on his arms. He scratched at one self consciously and blushed. "Don't worry. I quit the drugs. I did. Its just residual scarring and stuff."
You: Alex chuckled at that and then nodded at Hamish's request. "Of course. You can sleep in my bed or the guest room. I'll let you pick." He said, then waited patiently as Hamish took off his sweater and shirt. God, it looked worse underneath and Alex kept stone faced, though there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes as he carefully took a look at the track marks on Hamish's arms. God, Alex had messed him up. He felt awful. "I trust that you quit." He said, looking up at the other, then looked at the burns. "Are these from Jack?" He asked, carefully bringing up his first aid kit and opened it to wipe away what he could from the burns.
Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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(If you lost a hamex RP involving Alex getting out of Prison and saving Hamish from his previous relationship, message me! My internet, like always, died. We just got to the part where Hamish showed Alex his scars.)
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((If you lost a crossplay/crossplay Viclex rp, please message me! My internet died :(]]
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To the person on Omegle who answered my crossplayer!Alex starter with ‘Cosplay’, then DCed: No, its supposed to be crossplay, I promise you. I would recommend you look up the definition of ‘Crossplay’, which is a man dressing up as a female character. Sort of like Cosplay, but more specific. 
And next time? Just DC. :)
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