isiahannelim-blog · 6 years
The House Of memories
    There was a name Isiah Lim that live in the city of manila and her house was located in San Diego dapitan St.
The street of San Diego was a clean street and have a quite vibe in the street of Isiah’s house but sometimes it getting noisy when some of her neighbors got drinking alcohol’s , but they are not fighting like others .
       They old house or we called they child hood house in Binangonan Angono Rizal, that place that she was grew up and build a lot of friends and a lot of Happy memories like playing in front of their house that they didn’t not use any gadget they just playing was, paper text, pogs, jolens, Chinese garter, coocking house, coocking a leaves using cans, piko, tumbang preso and a lot of more games without using any gadget.
     The house of their old house was big but full of ghost, her mother tell her that her mother sees a man without a head while raining, and her baby sister when they are showering together her baby sister sees a eyes in the hole of their bathroom that scared her baby sister but the hole in their bathroom was in back of their house and its high to reach a person to look at that hole in our bathroom.
      The back place in their house was a old house and the of that was a farm. But her father told her that there is a good dwarf in their old house, and that brings them a good relationship and lucky life in their family and before they got moved house in manila they left a food for the good dwarfs in their old house to say thank you.
      And now, She have a house in manila, it’s just an apartment house and they are seven members of their family. And the room of her house was not that good enough to live they in that apartment, because they are a lot of members but for them is enough to have a house like that or else you choose to not have a house.
       Sometimes her house is full fights because of the works in the house someone shouting over there over here, but they did not forget to love each other and to respect each other, we sometimes fight in a joke way and we teasing each other without hurting the feeling of each other just we love each other’s. The equipment or things in their house was enough for them to use it in their daily life and to live.
       Her father and my mother gave her an a good daily life and a nice place to live and, her two brothers and two sisters was with her living with her in the same treatment as her.
       They have two dogs and that is Gabine and Primo, sometime they are getting shout because they are peeing in the bed and pooping everywhere, but we still love our dogs because they are just dog they didn’t know what they doing but we treat them as a part of a family.
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isiahannelim-blog · 6 years
The character of isiah lim A.K.A “The meme”
There is a name Isiah Lim A.K.A “the meme”, why the meme because that’s her friend called her because she always pronounce the wrong pronunciation of meme that should be sound like “mims” but her pronounce is literal “MEHMEH”. Her age was 16 years old, and her nationality was a Filipino and half Chinese the side her  father. Her socioeconomic was middle class as a child. She lives in city of manila in SandiegoD apitan st. Sampaloc Manila. Her talent was singing, baking, photography and coocking and her skill was she can play badminton without stopping playing and making ideas designs for gowns, arts and so on. She has four sibling and they are 3 girls and 2 boys and she was second to the last of her baby sister and after her, the third is her sister and her fourth her brother and last her older brother. Her siblings and she are living in the same house all of them have a good relationship to each other. Her grandparent in the side of her father was died and she was just seeing them when she was a kid because they didn't not live yet in manila, but she has a good relationship to her grandparents. And the side of her mother, she and her grandparents didn't not live in the same house too because they are live in province but when it's vacation she visit them in province and they have a good relationship to each other.
Her height was 5'11 I guess and her weight was 90 kg. Her eye color was dark brown and her hair color was dark brown too and she have a white hairs and she think it’s because the stress of the school. And her skin color was light brown. Her  face shape was it's just like a normal face, and she and her idol Taehyung and Jungkook they have the same mole that it can be look like an elephant, I know it's weird but it’s so amazing!
                   She dressed like a boyish, and she don't like too much a girly suit, she wear shorts but not that too short like seeing your lower butt. Her mannerism  was, she’s good in arts and photography and her way of speaking was normal but sometimes without realizing she talk too faster and that some of her friends didn't not understand what she say.
Her habits was playing badminton, volleyball and tennis and she really love cooking and taking picture of nature and other stuff, just like being a photographer. And she like staring in the museums painting picture like analyzing it and that its takes her like 1 hour of staring and analyzing it because she feels so relaxing.
Her health was, I think it's normal but her menstruation was not normal because almost 2 years past, she didn't have any menstruation yet, and sometimes she felt hard to breath and she think this cause of being a fat
Her favorite saying was anyeonghaseyo! Bangtansoyeondan imnida! Lol Im just kidding her favorite saying was "if you perserve, you will reap the fruits of your labor" in Filipino "Pagmaytiyaga may nilagay" it means hard work and preserverance are needed to reach your goals, that was the most popular saying of elders of the Philippines.
Her style, it was just a look like a normal person just she doesn’t like that too much elegant in styling but she care herself. Her quality, she is just being a good friend to make people around her happy.
Her education was a normal but not that too rich, she is studying in a private school and her parents are paying for her tuitions and Giving a good and normal life. She was just a normal person/student. Her intelligence level was thinking of a good ideas like art or anything ideas was come to her mind and what she see some kind of interesting. She don't have any mental illness.
Her learning experience in her classroom was happy and Learn more and to know what is the history of the world and behind of the world that we people exist. And in her house she learned to her parents how to respect people around her and good manners.
 Her short term goals on life was study hard and her long term goals in her life was having a well job and having her own family have a good relationship in the future. A person sees himself/herself when he opens himself/herself to the world or to the things that a need people/ person to know.
For her self confidence is a character because if you able to visualize yourself as a hero, the best or the most in your role can make your self confidence be a character of your life.
Her strength was when her family supports her in her dreams and her weakness was she scared of losing her parents. She thinks that the character of being judge mental of other is it depends of person because we have our own behavior but if you know being judgmental is not good you better stop it and knows what is right and what is wrong.
She knows that the character really believes in god every people believe in god but some of religions are not believed in god because we have our own thinking. Her character spiritual beliefs are she believed in god and she doesn’t believe in other god that the people made. And she believes that any skin color, gender identity and religions, they are all equal because they are the same. For her religion and spirituality is a part of her character because that is a part of our life.
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isiahannelim-blog · 6 years
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isiahannelim-blog · 6 years
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isiahannelim-blog · 6 years
Yesterday midnight snack 😋💖🍕
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