copaceticjillybean · 8 hours
What costume should my muse wear for Halloween?
Send in my askbox and my muse will react to your suggestion.
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copaceticjillybean · 10 hours
OC Ask Meme
I wanted to write my own OC ask questions and here they are! Feel free to use them.
🔴 Red- What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
🟠 Orange- What is a trait your OC hides about themself from others? Do they refuse to acknowledge it or begrudgingly accept it?
🟡 Yellow- What is something your OC wants but knows they can never have? How does it feel to never get this specific desire?
🟢 Green- What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
🔵 Blue- How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
⚫️ Black- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most in control and secure? Was it gained through negative or positive means?
🎱 8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly?
🔮 Crystal Ball- What kind of future does your OC want to have? What would they do to make it real?
🪩 Disco Ball- What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them?
⚽️ Soccer Ball- Who is someone that your OC believes in and roots for? Are they private about their admiration or do they make it well known?
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copaceticjillybean · 22 hours
My muse is being hit on by someone they aren't interested in and are visibly uncomfortable. Send, "there you are, darling" for your muse to come and wrap their arm around mine's waist to guide them away.
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copaceticjillybean · 22 hours
Send my muse love letters on anon. Bonus points if you drop a hint on who sent it.
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copaceticjillybean · 22 hours
send 🤓 to bite my muse
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Jillian’s shoulders relaxed a touch as Chaz stepped back from her, a disbelieving snort of laughter escaping her at his claims about himself.
“Oh yeah, I’ll betcha you’re a real Boy Scout. Chaz- cheater, thief, an’ freakin’ choir boy.” Jillian mocked, motioning the bar tender over for a new drink.
“Look Chaz, I’ve been comin’ to bars an’ clubs long enough to know what’s what- I know the types’a people who come through. I had to, for my lil’ hobby.” Jillian said, smiling prettily at the bar tender as she took her drink, taking a sip and letting out a pleased sigh before turning to look at Chaz properly, one fox leg crossed over the other.
“For instance, your type? Classic bedbug. Ya got a big appetite for stuff- sex, money, power, you name it- an’ you’re more’n willing to screw an’ screw over anyone an’ everyone to get it. Broken hearts, broken relationships an’ broken promises don’ matter to you, s’long as ya get whatcha want.”
Jillian’s eyes narrowed slightly, catching the dim lighting as she starred deep into Chaz’s face, “your type were the ones I ended up killin’ the most- usually were the ones who fall to beggin’ real fast, too.” Jillian said, letting out a dark little chuckle, as she leaned back against the table.
“Be honest- ya got some kinda kink for femme fatales? Think you’re the smooth talker who can wear me down, where all others failed?” Jillian’s smirk fell to a snarl, showing off sharp, slightly off white fangs.
“Doll, I’d be pickin’ my teeth with your finger bones ‘fore your head hit the pillow- so don’ waste both our time.”
After a moment of holding Chaz’ gaze, Jillian scoffed and motioned to the seat beside her, “Pop a squat, lover boy. I ain’t lookin’ for a man’s company, but talkin’ to ya is better than jus’ sittin’ here waitin’ for someone worth killing’.”
Saying those words, Jillian seemed to realize something, a slow grin growing on her face.
“Actually…ya happen to know any fellas like yourself who come through here?” Jillian asked, a plot forming in her mind’s eye.
“Philanderin’ cheater types, I mean. Sinners, hellborns, I don’ mind which. Jus’ someone I could really sink my teeth into.”
"Ugh." Jillian let out a sigh with a mix of annoyance and disgust, throwing back the last of her manhattan on the rocks and giving the demon a bored yellow-eyed glare. "Jus' when I thought my night couldn' get any worse- ya never fail to surprise, do ya?" she asked, wondering not for the first time why she hadn't killed the obnoxious shark demon who embodied everything she hated. "Mus' be a slow night for you to be talkin' to me- no poor guys or dolls willin' to let ya into their beds tonight?"
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friendly reminder that even if i take ages to reply, i still want to roleplay with you
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Jillian stands on top of a stool in front of her bedroom closet, carefully pulling down a box from the top shelf- damn these hell apartment closets, all designed for sinners over 6’ tall!
Still, she manages, climbing down from the stool and setting the box on her bed- a medium sized blue plastic bin, with the words ‘memory photos’ written on the side in black marker.
Opening the box, Jillian looks through multiple envelopes of photos- that memory photo stand that had popped up on the other side of Pride decades prior had been a massive strain on her bank account, and a much needed comfort.
How could she have resisted the premise though- to have her memories of her time alive scanned from her head and turned into real, physical photos? A sentimental dame like her didn’t stand a chance.
Finding what she was looking for, Jillian pulled one of the envelopes out, looking at the writing across it- D and J.
Opening it, Jillian removed the first photo with slightly shaky hands, letting out a wet laugh as see saw the image.
It was her- younger (around early 20’s) and fully disheveled, but still her. She was laying in a hospital bed, looking exhausted yet beaming with the proudest of smiles.
In her arms, wearing a little pink knitted cap, was a tiny baby, red faced and brand new. Her darling stood beside her, a tired but happy smile on his face and an arm wrapped around her shoulders.
Despite it having been so long, Jillian knew where she’d seen the image originally- it was from a photo that the doctor who’d delivered her daughter had taken at the behest of her husband, on his old Baby Brownie Kodak camera. Her memories had given it the color it had now, though the original had been in black and white.
Frantically, Jillian dug through the envelope again, wanting to find the other picture she was seeking. She quickly succeeded though, gazing with pain and longing at another hospital photo. In this one, the baby had on a blue knit cap, and a little girl of about 4 sat on the bed beside her mother, unable to smile as she was too busy looking with wide-eyed awe and wonder.
A quite sob escaped Jillian, and she quickly set the photos on her bedspread, dabbing at her eyes to avoid getting tears on her memories.
For as happy as she was for all those in Hell who could still have children, such as the nobility and the imps who moved freely among the rings…the pain of knowing her own days of tiny feet and first words and bedtime stories were behind her still sent a sharp pain through her wicked heart.
She’d be the best auntie or nanny or whatever else someone with a child needed her to be, and that eased the pain. But even still, knowing she’d never again be ‘mama’ or ‘mommy’, or even an angrily snarled ‘MOM!’…well, it stung.
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copaceticjillybean · 2 days
send 🤓 to bite my muse
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copaceticjillybean · 2 days
ATTENTION ALL- I received some amazing art of Jillian from the amazing and talented @widdlestwucifer, that I simply must show off!
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😭 look at these- she looks like a real character from the show!!! How freaking cool is that?!?
Anyhoo, I just HAD to show these off and give a giant thank you to @widdlestwucifer for being so stinking sweet and talented- you rock, dude!
(And yes-the last one has officially become my new blog icon. I just love it way too much!!!)
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copaceticjillybean · 2 days
ATTENTION ALL- I received some amazing art of Jillian from the amazing and talented @widdlestwucifer, that I simply must show off!
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😭 look at these- she looks like a real character from the show!!! How freaking cool is that?!?
Anyhoo, I just HAD to show these off and give a giant thank you to @widdlestwucifer for being so stinking sweet and talented- you rock, dude!
(And yes-the last one has officially become my new blog icon. I just love it way too much!!!)
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copaceticjillybean · 3 days
“-BELIEVE I’m finally gettin’ to meet your little one face to face!” The bubbly voice of Jillian could be heard approaching. And then, with laser accuracy, yellow eyes zoomed in on the new born chick, and the vulpine sinner felt her eyes water.
“Oh…oh aren’ you jus’ the mos’ beautiful little oiseau?” She said in a soft voice, marveling at the tiny newborn, the look on her face a mix of adoration and some sort of muted, sad nostalgia.
“It’s so nice to meetcha, Yukitaka…” she said, before reaching a hand up to dab away the water beginning to form at the corners of her eyes.
“Oh shoot! ‘Scuse me for bein’ such a mess! It’s jus’, it’s been such a long time since I last got to see a baby. Guess I’m a lil’ overwhelmed!” Jillian said, with an embarrassed chuckle.
“…could I hold him, please?” Jillian asked, her tone almost shy, “only if it’s okay with you though- I know sometimes it jus’ isn’ a good time.”
The one downside to being a newborn: the inability to crawl and explore. Instead Yukitaka was confined to blankets and the arms of his caregivers, forced to go wherever they went.
At least he got to look at everything and everyone that passed his gaze.
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copaceticjillybean · 3 days
Me, when I just finish up an emotional reply to a draft I’ve had for months that I typed out ON MY PHONE…and tumblr freaks out when I tried to save it and the whole thing is now gone:
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copaceticjillybean · 4 days
reblog if you’re 25+ and still roleplay; or if you believe older muns have a place in the rpc and shouldn’t be told to give it up when they turn 30. 
i received this anon & i just want to make a point. 
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copaceticjillybean · 4 days
When Jillian had been out an about for her biweekly shopping trip, she hadn’t expected her self-addressed muttering to be noticed by anyone. Much less by the big boss of hell himself!
“Oh my- hey there, Your Majesty!” Jillian said, quickly curtsying in response to being addressed by the king. Though after a moment, his words properly registered with her…
And she let out a hearty laugh, a snort escaping her as well, which she quickly apologized for between giggles. Offering an apologetic smile, Jillian calmed down.
“Oh my golly, please forgive me, Your Highness! I jus’ wasn’ expectin’ a guess quite like that.” She said, before continuing.
“I mean, I never visited Antarctica when I was up too, but I definitely didn’ get my accent from there- spent my first few years in New Jersey, then the rest of my life in Louisiana, so I think my accent would be considered New Jersian with a lil’ southern twang.”
Smiling, Jillian motioned to Lucifer, “But now I’m curious- how is it ya speak like a modern English-speakin’ cat or doll, when ya’ve been kickin’ long before English was ever a thing.” Jillian had barely finished her words, before holding up a hand.
“Wait, lemme guess- magic?”
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@copaceticjillybean summoned Lucifer ! – ✰
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❝ Oh, your accent is just . . . SO CUTE ! I love accents ! Where are you from? WAITWAITWAIT, don't tell me ! Lemme guess, uh . . . oh, there's so many – Oh, I remember one ! Antarctica ! ❞
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copaceticjillybean · 4 days
"Heeeyyyy! I had a dream where your dog had puppies, so I thought I'd come check it out! Not that there's been any dog's souls to end up here, but, they were the cutest things in my dream, so I'm just crossing that off my list," The King explained. It was still something of a chance encounter even though he had wanted to find her.
“Oh, hey there, your Majesty-“ Jillian started, before quieting down as she heard Lucifer explain his dream to her.
“Huh…well, considerin’ all dogs go to heaven, it makes sense we wouldn’ see their souls here.” Jillian said, before placing her hands together.
“I was always more of a cat person myself- oh, but possums were my favorite type’a critters! I had the cutest lil’ possum that’d show up on my back porch, when I was still kickin’ up top. He had his tail all chewed up an only had one eye- ugly as sin and grumpy as could be, but he was my buddy all the same, an’ he an’ I shared lots of grapes an’ cheese cubes durin’ our time sharin’ our mortal coil. Called him Captain- ya know, ‘cause pirates an’ eye patches.”
For a moment, Jillian was quiet as she enjoyed reminiscing about her beloved possum friend she’d had in life. But then, she perked up, tilting her head to the side curiously.
“I didn’ know angels dreamed, fallen or otherwise. Ya do that a lot, your highness?”
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copaceticjillybean · 5 days
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Ooc: hey everyone!
Soooo…you may or may not have noticed that I haven’t been around as much. And I apologize for that immensely. I’ve been having a bad case of squishy brain, and something about posting here is causing me some real brain block. >n<
That said, I desperately want to get back to writing, so I wanted to make a discord call to anyone who I’m writing with and/or who would like to start something new and is interested in moving the thread/starting the thread on discord! I’m a little more fast to reply there, so it might speed things up.
However, just to clarify, no one HAS to move threads to discord- I WILL get to replies regardless of where the threads are, I just might take longer to do so when writing on Tumblr. But regardless, no threads are going to be dropped by me, whether they move space or not.
Anywho, if you’re interested, please DM me either with your discord or to ask for mine, and we can set something up.
In the meantime, I’ll catch you goobers later! ;3
-Mun Pig :@3
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