copywritereditor · 2 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 37
Many minds have long known what’s really good and bad for humanity.  
Let faith in science go – all this forcing, abbreviating, and falsifying.184
There is no knowledge-in-itself. There is only perspective seeing, only perspective knowing.186
Shift thy perspective. Perceive hues and gradations, instead of simple good and evil.187
The rabble-type, shut up in a cage, is suffering from himself; he’s uncertain why or wherefore; he’s thirsting for reasons and remedies. The sufferer is like a hen imprisoned by a chalk line. The rabble surely want their pain.188
Humankind became false down to our fundamental instincts, to the point of worshiping opposite values as those which alone could guarantee our health and our future.189
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
Thanks for reading the first half, the critical half, of my book. I’ll be offline for a while. I’m moving to my dream, lakefront, property!
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copywritereditor · 2 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 36
Decay of character accompanies cultural degeneration; no trace of free will remains; life no longer dwells in the whole; instead, we have paralysis, gravity, hostility, and chaos; it’s an incapacity for realizing organic form.178
We’ve contrived to retain our ignorance. Our language describes opposites where there are only degrees and subtleties of gradation. Socratic, Magian, Faustian science constrains us in its simplified and falsified world.180
Great minds point out the limits and the relativity of knowledge. Great minds disprove decisively the claim of science to universal validity. Great minds uncover the illusion which pretends, with the aid of cause and effect, to fathom the innermost essence of things.
Quantum mechanics has disproven the verity of sciencism.  
Wisdom will replace science as the highest end.181
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 35
Our truths, our herd instincts, our novel insights, our moral judgements – we now know what is good and evil. An old conceit believes that it has knowledge; it glorifies itself and calls itself good.175
What is the greatest danger to the future of humankind? It’s the good and just rabble! They say and feel in their hearts, “We already know what is good and just; we possess it also; woe to those still seeking thereafter.” They simply aren’t free to understand.
The good must crucify the hero who deviseth his own virtues! The creator they hate, the hero who breaketh the old values; for, the good cannot create. They sacrifice unto themselves the future! Everything hath been radically contorted by the good.
Break the good and just! Only then may humankind embark on its high seas.176
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 34
Somewhere there are still heroes, but not with us. Here is the state. What is the state? It’s the death of a people. The coldest of monsters, this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.” It’s a lie! Creators create peoples and hang a faith and a love over them; thus, they serve life!
The rabble lay snares for the many – and call that the state. Where there are still heroes, there the state is hated. Whatever the state saith is a lie; and whatever it hath it hath stolen!
Too many are born: for the superfluous ones was the state devised! “On earth there is nothing greater than I; I’m the regulating finger of God” – thus roareth the monster; and the short-sighted fall to their knees! Everything will it give ye if ye worship it.
A slow suicide for the many hath here been devised; this is modern life.
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 33
So much weakness and pity do I see. Modestly to embrace a small happiness – they call that duty. In their hearts they want one thing most of all, that no one hurts them; that however is cowardice. Their virtues have shrewd fingers, but they lack fists! Virtue for them is that which maketh tame; therewith have they domesticated humanity itself.
“We set our chairs in the middle” – so saith their smirking. That, however, is mediocrity, though it be called moderation.
Curse the cowards amongst ye. They whimper and fold their hands and adore. Ye ever becometh tinier, ye small people, ye comfortable ones. Ye will yet perish – by your many small virtues and submissions and omissions! What ye omit weareth away the future. Your might livith on the blood of the future.171
The noblest and strongest drives, when they break out passionately and drive the individual above the average flats of herd consciousness, are slandered by the community. The modest, submissive, and conforming mentality, the mediocrity of desires, attains moral honor. High and independent spirituality, the will to stand alone, one’s instincts are dangerous. Self-reliance is an insult to the community.172
Ever are there but few whose hearts have persistent courage and exuberance. In heroes the spirit remaineth patient. The rest however are cowardly. The great majority, the superfluous, the far-too-many, all are cowardly!173
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 32
Successful ones are the exception – and, in view of the fact that humankind is as yet the undetermined animal, the rare exception. Our sovereign religious institutions are the chief cause keeping humanity on a lower rung.168
We pay terribly when religions don’t remain means of cultivation in philosophers’ hands.169
In Nietzsche anarchy became so strong that he rebelled against his own fellow anarchists – and told them that anarchy was really a low and contemptible thing.170
The small people won’t excuse me for not admiring their tiny virtues. Nevertheless, I’m courteous to small annoyances. The people ever becometh smaller. The reason thereof is their doctrines of happiness and virtue; for, they are very moderate in virtue – because they wanteth comfort. With mere comfort only moderate virtue is compatible. Their hobbling becomes a hindrance to all who are in haste. They stumble forward while looking backward.
There is much lying amongst the little people. They are willed. They are bad actors, without knowing it, without intending it. Genuine heroes are a rarity. Of man there is little here; their women therefore masculinize themselves. And this hypocrisy found I worst amongst them: their rulers feign slave virtues.
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 31
Humanity is not on the right spiritual path. We aren’t divinely governed. It is precisely with our holy values that the instincts of denial, corruption, and decadence have ruled seductively. The demand that we should have faith that everything is really in the best hands, that a book, the Holy Bible, offers us definitive assurance of divine governance – is the will to suppress the truth: that humanity has been in the worst hands, governed by the craftily vengeful, slanderers of the world, the violators of humanity!
The morality of decadence, the will to the end, became accepted as morality itself. Resistance to natural instincts, selflessness, is called morality. This morality would un-self you!166
It’s not error that horrifies me, not the lack, for thousands of years, of good will, decency, discipline, and courage in matters of the spirit; it’s the lack of Nature, it’s that anti-Nature received the highest honor and was fixed over us as law. To blunder to such as extent – we were taught to despise our first instincts; we saw the evil principle in what is most necessary for growth, which is self-love.
We’ve been taught decadent values as supreme values. This un-selfing morality reveals a will to the end because it negates life.
Undo the damage done! Values have been stood on their heads and are now to be turned right-side-up again.167
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 30
To conjecture God – is evil and misanthropic. The imperishable is but a simile, and the poets lie too much!  
From time immemorial we have been accustomed to lying! You are much more of an artist than you know.163
The impious fraud, the unholy lie, offends the taste of free spirits.164
The surest fact is the erroneousness of the world. A deceptive principle is in the essence of things. Be suspicious of all thinking.165
My task is preparing for the moment of the highest examination: when we look back and far forward, when we emerge from the dominion of accident, when we pose the questions: Why? and For What?
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Six, sample 29
The animal in us learned to be ashamed of its instincts, and life became repugnant. The spiritualization of cruelty permeates history.158
During the moral epoch one practiced cruelty against oneself; one worshipped gravity and nothing!159
Monstrous accident has so far had its way. Fathom the calamity concealed in the absurd – the blind confidence in Christian morality and in modern ideas.160
Humankind is wrapped in veils of delusion.161
Discerning, valuing, willing, and creating emancipateth.162  
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 28
Modern rabble live in total sickness. The three stimulants for the exhausted ones are the artificial, the idiotic, and the brutal.155
When aged truths become thin, then the majority makes their acquaintance. Truths do die, and then they become lies. Retain thy independent judgement.156
There are only two forms of existence in which one may remain an individual: as a philosopher and as an artist. Most live merely in preparation for becoming authentic.157
One is half-himself; the other half is his expression.
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 27
A counterfeiting of existence and self-deception became instinctive.149
Modernity is the spiritualization of cruelty. It is cruelty turned against oneself.150
He’s unknown to himself, our knowledge seeker, and with good reason – he hasn’t sought himself; how could it happen that he should ever find himself?; he’s a stranger to himself.151
Rationalism was translated into the realm of metaphysics. History itself is the development of this idea. But rationalism is a dangerous force. It opposes instinct, and it undermines life.152
The price we’re paying for rationalism: our instincts have broken down. We still have a tiny bit of instinctive sense for what is dangerous and harmful. This dim resistance permits some hope.153
We now think that we can correct the world by using knowledge and manage life using science.154
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 26
The rebellious slave strata longs for dominion, and they call that freedom.141
In cities dwell the famous wisemen, the draft beasts; always do they draw, as asses, the rabble’s carts; serving ones, harnessed ones, even though they glitter in golden harness. Ye famous wisemen have advanced with the rabble’s virtues!142
Social organization, education, and politics have been falsified through and through because we mistook harmful men for great men. We were taught to despise the basic concerns of life itself.143
A great person? I always see only an actor of an ideal.144
The industrious democrats and their brothers, the socialists, are at one in their hostility to any other forms of society, except that of the autonomous herd; they’re at one in their resistance to any special claim, to every special right and privilege (which means every right, for, once all are equal, nobody needs rights any longer); they’re at one in their pity, at one in their involuntary plunge into gloom and unmanly tenderness; they’re at one in their faith in the community, in the herd, as their savior.145
Our culture-philistinism has lost that healthy, manly instinct for what is real and right.146
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 25
The Socratic thinker replaced the pure artist. Cool conceptualizing replaced contemplation. Dionysian ecstasy was forced underground. Copied passions are no longer dipped into the ether of Art.136
With Socratism fitness of spirit is sacrificed to a dubious enlightenment. However, even Socrates perceived that the celebrities of knowledge were without true insight.137
Socratism wants to correct existence! What power was this?! It spilled the magic potion into the dust! In productive heroes instinct is their mystical disposition, their creative-affirmative force, and consciousness hinders instinctive wisdom. Socrates was denied the grand pleasure of gazing into the Dionysian abyss.138
Like a shadow, the nihilistic influence of Socratism spread across history.139
At the core of Socratism is the delusion of limitless power.140
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 24
Ye preachers of equality! Ye secretly revengeful ones! I tear at your web, that your rage may lure ye out of your den of lies, that your revenge may leap forth from behind your justice. Humanity is to be redeemed from revenge – that is for me the bridge to the highest hope, a rainbow after long storms.
“Vengeance will we use against all who aren’t like us,” they pledge. “Equality shall henceforth be virtue; against power do we raise an outcry!”
Ye preachers of equality, the tyrannical frenzy of impotence crieth thus in ye. Secret tyrannous longings disguise themselves in virtue words! Fretful conceit and suppressed envy shooteth forth as flames of their vengeance.
The sign of their jealousy: they always go too far. Distrust those in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. Distrust those who speak much of justice.134
Ye famous wise men, the people’s superstitions did ye serve, not the truth; and just on that account did they pay ye reverence; and the people ye justified in their reverence.
Many a powerful one who wanteth to run well with the people hath harnessed in front of his horses – a donkey, a famous wiseman.
55-page ebook, $6.99, direct email delivery, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 23
The Greeks used their gods to ward off the bad conscience, and to rejoice in their freedom of spirit – the very opposite use to which Christianity put its God.127
The instincts of resentment, through which the heroic ideals were overthrown, are the tools of civilization. It’s the regression of humanity! These instincts of resentment are a strong argument against civilization.
Humanity’s psychical cruelty is our will to poison the fundamental ground of things with guilt and punishment. We’ve cut off our exit from the dungeon of fixed ideas; it’s our will to erect a holy God, and to feel the palpable certainty of our absolute unworthiness.  
Oh, this insane, pathetic beast-man! What ideas he has, what unnaturalness, what paroxysms of nonsense. What bestiality of thought erupts when man is prevented from being a beast indeed!
Here is the most terrible sickness: this night of absurdity, this redemption through love. Too long has the earth been a madhouse! There are nobler uses for a God than the self-crucifixion of humankind!130
55-page ebook, $6.99, [email protected]
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copywritereditor · 3 years
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#Nietzsche #publishing
FRED, THE HUN - Chapter Five, sample 22
The fundamental faith of philosophers is opposite values. Are there really any opposites at all? Opposite valuations are merely foreground estimates, only provisional perspectives, from below, frog perspectives.121
Could the foundation of modern life, cause and effect, be an illusion?122
With the construction of our famous ideals reality was slandered and lies were sanctified.123
A single ideal dominates for twenty centuries – the deliberate degeneration and atrophy of humankind!124
To blaspheme life, to rate the unknowable higher than life, is a dreadful sin!125
Humanity was bound to contract that serious illness – the bad conscience – under the stress of the most fundamental change, which was society! The human animal rubs itself raw against the bars of its cage.
Racked with homesickness for the wild, the yearning prisoner invented the bad conscience. Thus began the gravest of plagues. Our suffering of ourselves came from that sundering from our animal past, from that plunge into a new existence.126
55-page ebook, $6.99, [email protected]
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