Cordelia had no idea who the owner of Tesoro would be, or what they would be like for that matter, but when she was pushed towards the woman sipping her tequila, her eyes opened wide. She was beautiful in every sense of the word as far as Cordelia was concerned. She held the air of a leader, a matriarch, an alpha, and Cordelia was more than impressed as she raised her brow and smirked at the woman’s commentary. 
“I can sing whatever you like” Cordelia said confidently as she saw herself at the edge of the stage to face her new boss head on. Holding her head up and maintaining full eye contact with the woman as she leaned back casually. 
“Show me a song once, I’ll sing it better than you’ve ever heard,” she said, dropping her accent completely to prove her point. Cordelia had had a sister in her pod who was from Spain, she could never drop her accent and it annoyed Renetta beyond belief. She had tried to teach it out of her the same way she learned to train out her own accent, but the poor girl simply wasn’t made to survive in their world. Renetta killed her during a hunt to prove her point about the importance of harmony; Cordelia had a feeling that this woman would be similar. 
“Dress me however you like, I don’t care much for clothing in general, so whatever helps your business. I’ll need a closet here to keep them though,” she paused, unsure if she should reveal what she was so soon. Cordelia could tell that the woman was a vampire, the faint smell of death emanating through the delicious combination of juniper berries, lotus leaves, cedar wood, and amber. What could it hurt? 
“I live in the ocean so, unless you know of any water proof, clothiers specialists...they won’t last very long. So, I suppose my only questions are, what would you like me to sing and when do I start?”
Job Hunting|| Cordelia & Isidora
Isidora had known when she had opened Tesoro that she would need a house music act. After all, though she was entirely prepared to shell out money for guest artists fitting her desired atmosphere, she also knew that in the off-season having an on-staff singer or performer would be helpful. And so she had already found a pianist, drummer, standing bassist, and sax player. Oh, and of course a guitarist familiar with the styles of both flamenco and jazz. Spanish jazz had both influences, making it more unique than American Jazz. Now, she needed a singer with the right pull, the right gusto and magnetism. And so she was holding open auditions. However, if the heterosexual woman she was didn’t feel some strange attraction to whomever was singing for her, she didn’t want them.
Unfortunately, she had heard several girls who had voices ranging from godawful to decent. But none of them had had that appeal she was looking for. Seated at one of the tables facing the stage, she sighed heavily before shaking her head at the big haired dark-skinned girl stumbling her way through Ella Fitzgerald. “No, no, no,” she said, shaking her head. “Eso es basura. Out.” And that was that.
The girl stared at her, eyes wide. “But I–” She was cut off abruptly by a growl from the white Bengal tiger lounging at her feet. Leaping back, the girl looked fearfully to Isidora, who barely flinched.
“Out. ¡Fuera de aquí!” She lifted her glass of Patron Platinum and sipped it before looking to Esteban. “Librarse de hembra,” she barked to him before her eyes fell upon the slight little creature in front of her. Another woman who looked like she never ate. Sighing, she glanced to Esteban as he shrugged before ushering the reject out.
She didn’t bother rising from her seat as she sipped her tequila. “You can sing?” Isidora demanded of the girl. “It’s an audition for a lounge singer who can do Spanish fusion jazz. I can get you lessons on stylistic elements of the genre. But only if you convince me that I want you to work for me. You’d be on staff and paid even when you don’t perform. You’d be expected to ready to go on in the event of cancellations or substitutions, and compensated for last minute gigs. You’ll learn the jazz standards I ask you to and you’ll sing in both Spanish and English. Predominantly the former.” She eyed the girl, who was so undeniably Irish. “Can you wipe that accent? Because that is certainly not what a Spanish girl sounds like. And I expect Castilian Spanish, not the mangled mess from the colonies.”
She cocked her head once more before continuing. “I will control what you wear on my stage, and you will be expected to maintain your costumes. However, all of the money required to outfit you will be provided for you. Any questions?” As she asked, her hand moved to Peligra’s head. If the girl had a problem with her conditions, then she wouldn’t even make it to the stage. Isidora did not like to compromise.
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Cordelia had been doing a patrol that night. After her encounter with the hunters while she was with Otto, she didn’t want to take any chances of those cheating bastards getting too close to her ocean. It was a relatively peaceful night, the water seemed to barely move with the current, the dark waves beginning to settle in preparation for winter. When the faint smell of blood reached her nose however, Cordelia knew something was wrong. She hadn’t authorized any hunting that day, nor had she killed anything herself. She followed the smell, the water getting thicker and thicker with the dark red haze of some poor human. When she finally caught a glimpse of the pale, slender frame gently floating downwards into her abyss, Cordelia let out a small shriek. 
Rushing as fast as she could, Cordelia scooped Faye up in her arms and bolted for the surface. She had had to save Iann once before, the memory of his ribs cracking under the pressure of her hands as she forced air back into his lungs flashing before her eyes as she breached foamy, white surface.
“Faye,” Cordelia heaved as she gently slapped the side of her face before making her way to the nearest shore line, “Faye, stay with me darlin’!”
Swimming as fast as she could to the nearest sand bank, Cordelia cradled Faye’s broken body in her arms like a small child. She knew she would have to work fast, probably faster than ever before, if she stood any chance of saving the witch and the prospect of failure burned in her eyes as she crashed into the dune.  
Propping Faye’s limp body up between a small clump of sea grass, Cordelia positioned herself directly above her nearly dead friend. The weight of her tail kept Faye’s legs locked in one spot, her arm wrapped tightly around Faye’s neck as she pushed the hair out of her face to make her second attempt at CPR since coming to Sumner. 
Looking down at Faye’s neck, Cordelia quickly ripped the pendant off, an odd tingling sensation rushing through her fingers as she tossed it angrily into the water. If she was going to save Faye the same way she saved Iann, she would need her song. With her adrenaline pumping now more than ever, Cordelia pushed down hard on Faye’s chest, her hands forcing the water back up from her lungs and out of her mouth. Pushing her lips hard up against Faye’s, she exhaled deeply, waves of her own power streaming into the woman as she nearly screamed down her throat. 
With tears streaming down her face, all Cordelia could think of was the promises she had made Faye and Iann. She swore that nothing bad would happen under her watch, she would protect her human family no matter what the cost. 
God help whoever did this to you, Cordelia thought as flashes of Faye’s daughter filled her mind. From there, brief images of a siren being tortured in a basement, a pod destroyed, Melissa...dead?
 I’ll kill them all. Slow. Wait...why am I seeing--
Realizing in that moment that Cordelia wasn’t only blowing air into Faye’s chest, but also sucking life energy and memories out, she fell backwards. How could she have done that? She hadn’t lost control of her feeding in over half a century, what kind of terrified adrenaline was this? Throwing her hand up over her mouth, Cordelia couldn’t believe what she had done and seen.
“Faye,” she hummed softly, hoping more than anything to coax Faye into consciousness now that her chest was moving slowly on its own, “Are ya with me darlin?”
Sea of Memory: Faye and Cordelia
The water was cold and dark, and Faye knew that she had to swim. She had to swim or she would die. She tried, her right arm useless in the immediate aftermath of the Hunter attack, her left arm pulling frantically at the blackness. Up was down, left was right… no light, no color, nothing to get her bearings upon. She was dying… her blood leaking out into the Atlantic even as the Atlantic forced it’s way into her lungs. 
Then there was nothing.
@ cordelia-omurchadha
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The blurred image of Sienna was a comfort as Cordelia searched through the bloody water. She kept her guard up, not sure how Sienna would behave by the time she found her. Not that she wanted to fight her new sister by any means, but it wouldn’t have been the first time Cordelia would have had to deal with a student in such a way. Her pod back in Florida was nearly two hundred sisters strong, all but Renetta, Julianna and herself being taught to hunt by her hands. She was the first siren that Renetta had ever made, her second in command, her best friend, and almost her lover on more than one occasion, and teaching was her specialty. 
Cordelia could feel the tension in the waves, the anger that pushed Sienna towards her like a rogue shark. Extending her claws and tensing the spines on her tail, Cordelia braced herself for a fight that she wasn’t prepared to have. Sienna had eaten, absorbing much of the man’s life energy and power in the process and well...Cordelia hadn’t. In fact, Cordelia hadn’t eaten in nearly three days, her mind too focused on other things to hunt efficiently. Her stomach had been more than ready to share the man, now staring at her from underneath the pipe like an open buffet, but now she would have to wait. 
As Sienna approached slowly, her tail flickering side to side like a child’s foot when they had just been caught throwing a ball in the house. Cordelia retracted her claws. Her posture remained slightly defensive, wanting to give the air of a disciplinary figure without looking too menacing. When Sienna began to speak, Cordelia threw up her hand to stop her.
“There’s no need to speak,” she said in the same, dominant tone she had used for nearly two centuries, “I understand what happened, completely.”
Reaching out to place her hands on Sienna’s shoulders, Cordelia extended her claws again. Allowing her complete, natural form to come out; razor sharp teeth, elongated fingers and claws, spines that ran the length of her back and down through the sides of her tail, green tinted skin, gills right at the base of her ribs, and eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the water, Cordelia revealed herself entirely.
“This is what I am,” she paused, “I am a creature of the sea, an apex predator with the skills and years to kill anythin’ that crosses me. What you’ve done tonight, is what this” she gestured to her body, “was made to do.”
Quickly, Cordelia swam down to the pipe, her body aching for the chance to sink her teeth into their prey. Grabbing him by the shoulder, her nails digging deep into the holes that Sienna had already made, she pulled the bloody mess of a man back to her sister.
“You need to learn control. Control is what separates us from the sharks, us from giant squid, us from the orca. You take what you need, not all that you want. Here, show me what you are” Cordelia said as she tossed the man through the water at Sienna, “and take one bite.” 
Manhunt || Sienna & Cordelia
The alcohol scented man was wrenched from her grasp and Sienna felt a flash of red hot rage course through her. Someone had stolen her prey. Distant voices tempted her to replace the meal she’d lost, but the thought of revenge appealed more. The power from the feed made her confident she could challenge the thief and eager to prove it. She dove down through the foamy waves into red tainted water. Her hair billowed out around her as she searched for her opponent through the red murk.
Never had any of her sisters at home dared to steal from her. She dove deeper and finally spotted a green shape against thunder-head grey stones. The other siren seemed to looking for something and then a familiar voice cut through her crazed hunting mindset.
That was Cordelia. Cordelia who was teaching her how to control her abilities. Cordelia who she admired. Cordelia who was her only sister in this foreign town. Shame washed over her, she’d wanted to hurt Cordelia. She hadn’t ever reacted like that after a feed, but she’d also never tried to share a human before. She flicked her tail back and forth, slowly approaching Cordelia. “Cordelia… I,” she began switching to whale speech now they were underwater. She stopped as soon as she’d started, realizing that there weren’t really words to fix the way she’d acted. She searched the other siren’s eyes, trying to gauge Cordelia’s emotions, as the last of her own power faded.
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Cordelia watched carefully, studying every tiny movement that Sienna made. Every small flick of a wrist, the angle of her fingers as she touched his chin, the way her skin began to glow as she smiled at him. The bio-luminescence was something entirely new to Cordelia, her pod always wanting to stick to the shadows to sneak up on their prey, but it was beautiful none the less. 
Sienna’s song was unique, not one that many sirens would be able to match, which had both its ups and downs. If she were to become a functioning member of a pod, she would need to learn balance, harmony, how to blend her own magic with whoever she’s with. However, on her own, her song was something marvelous to behold. 
She was able to play along well, as far as her seductive nature went, but Cordelia noticed quickly that her desire to feed far outweighed her self-control. As Sienna’s body pushed hard up against their prey, Cordelia knew exactly what she would have to teach her. For the first hundred years or so of her own siren life, Cordelia struggled with the same problem. To be honest, she still struggled with the urge to sink her teeth into everything she took a bit of life force from. At the sound of the man’s shoulders cracking under the pressure of Sienna’s fingers, Cordelia knew she would have to reel her pupil back into reality.
“Sienna, that’s enough,” she said sternly, her own power as an alpha oozing off each word as she gently placed her hands over Sienna’s.
Curling her fingers around Sienna’s, Cordelia gently pulled her fingers out of the man’s flesh, the small pool of blood around them attracting a small colony of fish and crabs. Looking around them for a moment, Cordelia noticed a small group of teenagers walking the beach in their direction.
“Sienna, we need to move,” she exclaimed as the risk of being caught mid-feed sent flashes of the two of them skinned alive on a dock through her mind.
When her sister didn’t reply, her mind too focused on the feast in front of her, Cordelia did the only thing she knew would work. Digging her own nails into the man’s shoulders, she pulled as hard as she could, ripping him away from Sienna. His shoulder’s dislocated, blood spilling out all around him as Cordelia shoved his head below the surface and began to swim as deep as she could. Digging her teeth into his throat and tearing viciously to he left and right, she carried his limp body to the sewage pipe and stuffed him underneath the large rusty tube. Thankful that he was dead and deep enough in the water that, under the weight of the pipe he wouldn’t float back up to the surface, Cordelia began her swim back to the top to find Sienna.
“Dammit, where are ya darlin’?” she mumbled to herself as she sifted through the red tinted water to find her, probably angry, sister.
Manhunt || Sienna & Cordelia
She watched Cordelia beckon the man closer with her body and voice, it was an elegant process that looked effortless to Sienna. She still struggled to wait until her prey was fully sedated, her hunger always tempted her to try to rip the life force out of them immediately, but Cordelia seductively spoke with the man without straining in the slightest.
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Sienna reached a hand out under the man’s chin when Cordelia offered him to her, a brief caress that made the man turn his face toward her. She graced him with him a mischievous grin and then got right to it. She breathed in and felt her power begin to thrum through her, throbbing in her throat. She locked eyes with the drunkard, his face lit softly by the light thrown from her hair. Sienna began to sing weaving a false romance between herself, Cordelia and the flushed stranger into her words. Her voice rang out, building for each chorus and ebbing in each verse. The melody carried across the water and onto the empty shore until the song was done. The man sighed, a stupid smile plastered on his face as his eyes stared blankly now.
There was nothing to hold back her hunger and she clutched at the man’s shoulders. She pulled herself close until she was almost flat against him and then brushed her lips over his inviting him to open his. He compiled and she breathed in deeply, feeling his essence slip tantalizingly between her lips. She moaned, it really had been so long since her last feed, it felt as though she was becoming lighter physically and emotionally. The strains of leaving her pods disappeared, and her magic felt so much easier to access. There was nothing she enjoyed more than this. Her hands tightened on his shoulders and she heard a sickly crack, but the man was so deep in her illusion he didn’t seem to notice. She knew she needed to stop soon so that Cordelia could feed as well… Her greed reared its head and pushed the thought away, she’d never had to share in her old pod why should she start now?
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Who has had the greatest influence on your life? Why?
Which life do you mean darlin’? If ya mean my human like than definitely my Da. He was the strongest, kindest man I’ve ever met and he always taught me to use my brain even though everyone else told me to shut my mouth and be more of a lady. My siren life is fairly obvious though, my sire Renetta taught me everything. She showed me how to live and survive again, how to sing, how to use my body as a weapon, how to be loyal above anything else…among other things. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for her. 
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Cordelia noticed the girl’s posture change, her eyes flickering to the crown. She let out a small laugh, being called a queen was never something she had expected to hear, though it did have a nice ring to it. At that moment, she wasn’t quite sure if she was happy that that was the first thing the woman noticed. She wondered if that was how Renetta felt whenever they met a new pod or took over new territory. 
“You’re welcome darlin’,” she was with a smile, “and yes, sort of--well I’m tryin’ to be.”
Cordelia rubbed the back of her neck nervously. Great first impression. 
“Sorry, I’m rather new at the whole alpha thing, but Sumner is mine, yes” she paused, not quite sure how to explain or whether or not she wanted to explain the whole process, “My name’s Cordelia.”
As as typical whenever she met a new siren, Cordelia’s brain instantly went to hunting. She wondered what this woman’s specialities were, what gifts did her sire giver her, how long had she been hunting? After meeting Sienna and finding out that some sires don't have their kin hunt until they were older than she was now, the world became full of new questions. She restrained herself however, not wanting to overwhelm her new guest.
“Where are you from, darlin’?” She finally asked as she walked over to the front counter to put down her paint can.
Cordelia had been more than happy to stay in the shop for a few hours while the older witches went out for groceries. She liked staying with them on the cooler days, her body never quite adapting to the freezing temperatures that Maine had to offer her. So as she slowly paced throughout the store, hanging up various sweaters and dresses, replacing the old herbs and protections spells, she hummed peacefully. It wasn’t until she had repainted the last healing symbols on the wall that she noticed she was harmonizing with the low hum of another person. Their voices blended so well together Cordelia had to shake her head slightly to assure herself she wasn’t just hearing her own voice echo.
Something about that hum struck a chord in her that nearly brought her to tears. Another siren, god it had been so long since she’d had a proper conversation with one of her own. A million different questions buzzed through her head as her eyes wandered over the other woman’s frame. Why was she on land? Where was her pod? Where was she from? How old was she? By the time Cordelia  finally caught her breath enough to introduce herself, the other woman was already asking her a question.
Tilting her head sideways, her eyes working over time to refocus on the task set before her, she smirked.
“I’d go with the blue one darlin’, brings out your eyes,” Cordelia said as she adjusted her hair to properly display her alpha crown. As much as she already wanted to be friends with this woman, she couldn’t forget her position or what she swore to be when she arrived in Sumner herself. 
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Originally posted by sarasbolger
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Cordelia could faintly hear Otto rushing through the forest towards the other hunter. The sound of cracking twigs and the soft rattle of a wave of leaves as he skidded to stop. Stop? Why was he stopping? Damn black magic. Cordelia quickly searched the body of the hunter, now dead on the ground in front of her, resisting the urge to tear into his flesh with her teeth. As much as she had gained a masterful control over her hunting, the idea of not actually finishing a meal made her teeth hurt. She took his shirt, a long black turtle neck that fell to the middle of her thighs like a dress. She would go back and find Otto’s clothes later, but for now, camouflage was the best option. It was what she knew, how she hunted; and what better the hunt in the dark in than black?
Grabbing a silver tipped knife, Cordelia very carefully gripped the handle and began sneaking towards the sounds she had heard. If Otto had managed to  distract the hunter and could continue making noise, Cordelia could follow and help. She hated feeling as useless as she was, her eyes not made for this kind of hunting, but there was no way she was going to let her new friend get hurt simply because she was inept. 
The sound of his voice was comforting, a wave of satisfaction washing over her as the knowledge of his will power to fight for her regardless of his fear set in. She shivered, her adrenaline pushing her through the cold wind and mud that now coated the majority of her calves. She moved slower than she would have liked, not wanting to make too much noise and pull the attention away from Otto, she treaded lightly. By the time that she could smell Otto, the familiar scent of death and sticky darkness reaching her nose, she also picked up on the hunter. His heart beat was muddled, his body didn’t feel right to her, like something was in him that shouldn't be, but not in the same was Otto felt.
At that moment she was glad she had grabbed the knife, she didn’t want to touch her lips to this man at all. Coming up behind a tree just to the right of Otto, she saw him holding what looked like a rope or chain around the hunter’s neck. Perfect. 
Christ, I could kiss him for coming out from behind that tree, not to mention making it this easy, Cordelia thought as she stepped forward to reveal herself to the two men.
She stepped towards the hunter, the knife still hidden by the loose fabric that resting around her hand. There was no need for fantastic displays at this point, he knew what she was, knew what she could do to him, and although a part of her did wish to torture him with her song…she was done playing.
 The sound of the snap alarmed her, her eyes searching for the sound as the hunter fell forward onto his knees briefly before charging at her. The man was huge in comparison to herself and the weight of his body slamming into hers hurt more than she had expected. She assumed it was because of whatever it was that made him seem wrong, but that didn’t change the fact that her quick and easy kill had become a wrestling match. Extending her claws, she instantly through her hand up to scratch at his face and chest. The blood that dripped onto her skin smelled disgusting, a kind of thick illness that reminded her of a zombie of ghoul. The knife was too far out of reach to bother trying to use, so Cordelia reluctantly accepted that she would have to do things the old fashioned way. As the hunter reached for the knife that rested on his thigh, the same place she had found the knife on his friend, she quickly reached up and dug her teeth into her neck. Tearing at the flesh and shaking her head violently like a shark taking a bite out of a whale, the taste of him made her want to be sick. 
He let out a loud scream, his blood pooling all around and on Cordelia as she dug her claws into his sides. Feeling her fingers rip between his ribs, Cordelia pulled him in close to her, his body feeling as though it would crush her by the time she felt his heart stop. With one final push, Cordelia tossed him to the side of her, the air coming back into her lungs like a bitter sweet poison. She wanted to tear him apart, wanted no trace of him to be recognizable to any of his friends but at the same time let all of them know it was her. Staring up at the tree tops and stars above her head, she let out a low, building laugh. 
Turning her head to face Otto, still laying on the ground, she felt the oddest combination of extremely ill and extremely satisfied. She hadn’t had a fight like that in a long time and as much as she appreciated the overall quiet living of Sumner, the predator in her missed the rush. 
“Are you okay, darlin’?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she tried to perch herself up.
Panic at the Docks (oh) || Open
If Cordelia hadn’t known Otto was a vampire she would have been surprised at how strong he was, given his figure. Where her legs were getting stronger the more she used them, she didn’t need half the amount of firm support he was offering her, but she wasn’t going to turn it down either. Gently wrapping her arm in his, the formality of walking with the men in Ardara briefly popped into her head. Her back straightened, her chin pointed upward slightly while her eyes darted down to the ground. Otto felt comfortable in a strange way, like there wasn’t that much of a physical difference between them, which was a thought Cordelia never thought she would have about a man at all, not to mention one that was already dead not by her hands. 
“It’s fine darlin’, thank ya,” she said gently patting his hand with her free one. The ground wasn’t entirely comfortable to walk on, her bare feet definitely not accustomed to leaves and twigs crunching beneath her every step. She debated on asking Otto to carry her, but then again, she was his strength right now as far as she was concerned, not the other way around. 
The walk was peaceful, the tall trees reminded her the woods near her church in Ireland. She remained silent, listening to the slowly dwindling sounds of the forest. Something about Sumner was making her remember what it was to be human and while most of the time she wasn’t sure if she liked it, being in the woods like this was a comforting memory.
Just as she was about to ask Otto where he was from, Cordelia instead let out a gasp as the crossbow bolt went flying between them. Focusing her eyes to where Otto had been looking, she couldn’t quite see where the shot came from. Listening for the voices she was confused; Cordelia had never had a run in with hunters like this before. Her previous experience had been back in the south, in her own element, here, just barely able to walk on her own, Cordelia said a silent prayer for her adrenaline to take control. 
“Stay here,” she said to Otto as she shoved him hard up against the nearest tree that would hide his frame. Her eyes locked on his, the power of her voice soothing and commanding at the same time. “Cover your ears.”
Taking a step out into the open, Cordelia closed her eyes, listening for the clunky footsteps of her prey. If they were truly skilled hunters, they would have brought charms to prevent her songs from working, but there was only one way to find out.
Feeling a crossbow bolt graze her arm, she was grateful for Otto’s jacket. Beginning her song, Cordelia didn’t hold back her power like she normally would. She beckoned to them sweetly, her voice strong and seductive as she continued to step towards them.
“Shit!” she heard one of them exclaim, “Where’s your charm, idiot?”
Shedding the jacket off her shoulders, she honed in on the other hunter, his heart beat echoing in her ears at this point. He was all hers, once she found him that is. Shimmying off Otto’s vest, she felt a brief shiver run over her body as her predatory instincts took over. She could move easier without the burden of clothes, plus her nakedness was just as much of a weapon as her voice. She could smell the fear coming from the hunter that was protected from her song and the overwhelming smell of desire coming from the man now within her reach.
“Kiss me,” she nearly begged as she positioned the hunter in between herself and his friend. 
When he moved in to obey her command, she slowly slipped her fingers around his neck, her lips firmly against his as his hands reached out to cusp her lower back. Needing the strength if she was going to actually fight the other man, she drained the hunter as quickly as possible, his short life flashing before her eyes as her chest filled with his life energy. Letting his body drop to the ground in front of her, she quickly ducked behind the nearest tree as what seemed like a rapid fire of bolts flew towards her face.
“Otto!” she yelled, “Otto I need ya to be brave for me darlin’, she yelled out into the darkness of the forest.
“Come on bitch, let’s see what you got!” the remaining hunter yelled back at her, “Your songs won’t work on me!”
Peeking her head out from behind the tree, she still couldn’t see him. The darkness of land was nothing like the darkness of the ocean and at that moment, despite all the power she had gained from draining the young man now dead at her feet, she was useless.
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Spotting the lonely drunkard that was stumbling his way over to a large set of rocks to finish his paper bag cover drink, Cordelia’s knew he would be the perfect target for Sienna. 
“We can share him,” she said with a smile, the experienced killer in her beginning to breach the surface. It wasn’t that Cordelia enjoyed the fact that she had to kill people to survive --then again maybe she did--but she was good at it, centuries of practice now made the act pure muscle memory and a secret part of her did enjoy the game. The subtle cat and mouse that ultimately led to the kiss, the sharing of memories, the cracking of bones and taste of skin. Cordelia was a predator, a killing machine, and soon Sienna would be too.
Swimming up close to the rock, Cordelia breached the surface just out of reach of the tequila coated man on the rocks. He was a large man, wearing minimal clothing, which suggested to Cordelia that he had been drinking consistently for a few hours. He was going to taste awful in her opinion, she never enjoyed the taste of a man with too much in his system. 
She began to hum, a soft calming tune that would lure their prey just inches closer to the water. His cheeks and nose were tinted red, his voice rough with years of tobacco and alcohol emanating with each word.
“Would you like to meet my sister darlin’?” Cordelia asked the man once his face rested peacefully in the palm of her hand. Of course the man had no idea how much of his weight Cordelia was supporting with her long, delicate fingers.
“You mean there’s two of you?” He slurred as Cordelia gently lifted him into the water.
“Aye, you’re the luckiest man on Earth tonight, she's got a beautiful voice,” Cordelia purred into his ear, “Go on Sienna, sing for our love.”
Cordelia put the man directly between them, close enough that Sienna could touch him if she wished too, but also still within her own reach in case things went south.
Manhunt || Sienna & Cordelia
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“Camouflage? It seems you and I are as different as day and night,” she laughed, eyes twinkling in amusement. “I glow when using my powers, just my hair and eyes. It’s supposed to draw attention and lure my prey toward me. It’s an ability my whole pod possessed, it made us look ethereal and beautiful. For that reason my preference for hunting is at night.” 
Sienna ducked below the surface and resurface just beside Cordelia as she began leading them toward the shore. She the brief submersion had served as thinking time. Should she reveal exactly how handicapped she was and risk Cordelia turning her away like her pod? But a lie would quickly be discovered too… And Cordelia couldn’t help her if she didn’t know everything.
“My strength and speed aren’t remarkable, I mean I could hold my own against an average human, but I’m nothing compared to some of my sisters. Both my strength and downfall seems to be my voice right now,” she told her openly, “My pod never taught me about controlling it. My sire always told me she was sure my voice would be lovely, but never let me use my abilities until I was 200. The classes at the academy haven’t really helped yet. Every time I try, I end up enchanting everyone, not just my assignment partner. I actually failed the first assignment of the semester last week.”
She studied Cordelia’s face as they approached the shore, searching for any signs the other girl was thinking of pulling back, that she’d decided this was all too hard. Instead Cordelia reached out and placed both hands on Sienna’s shoulders. Sienna’s eyes widened as Cordelia gazed at her warmly. She bit down on a smile and gave her an adamant nod in response to the question and instructions. She closed her eyes and inhaled slipping out of her onshore persona and into cold huntress.
Don’t think about their friends, don’t think about their family. It’s me or them.
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Cordelia had been more than happy to stay in the shop for a few hours while the older witches went out for groceries. She liked staying with them on the cooler days, her body never quite adapting to the freezing temperatures that Maine had to offer her. So as she slowly paced throughout the store, hanging up various sweaters and dresses, replacing the old herbs and protections spells, she hummed peacefully. It wasn’t until she had repainted the last healing symbols on the wall that she noticed she was harmonizing with the low hum of another person. Their voices blended so well together Cordelia had to shake her head slightly to assure herself she wasn’t just hearing her own voice echo.
Something about that hum struck a chord in her that nearly brought her to tears. Another siren, god it had been so long since she’d had a proper conversation with one of her own. A million different questions buzzed through her head as her eyes wandered over the other woman’s frame. Why was she on land? Where was her pod? Where was she from? How old was she? By the time Cordelia  finally caught her breath enough to introduce herself, the other woman was already asking her a question.
Tilting her head sideways, her eyes working over time to refocus on the task set before her, she smirked.
“I’d go with the blue one darlin’, brings out your eyes,” Cordelia said as she adjusted her hair to properly display her alpha crown. As much as she already wanted to be friends with this woman, she couldn’t forget her position or what she swore to be when she arrived in Sumner herself. 
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Originally posted by sarasbolger
Morgana was softly humming as she worked her way around the store. She had gone out for some supplies, but it had turned into a shopping spree. Looking in the mirror she couldn’t decide if the navy blue or blood red dress would look better, so she asked the person nearest to her, “Which would look better on me?”
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I think you're a lovely person who's doing well relearning the world.
Thank ya, darlin’. It’s a little more difficult than I thought it would be, but I’ll catch up eventually. Can’t let you land folks get the best of me!
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You are cooler than Mr. Rogers, which may not seem like a big deal but that dude would put on a different pair of shoes just to hang around the house, and that's cool.
I don’t rightly know who Mr. Rogers is, and I’m also not too fond of shoes, but I appreciate the kindness darlin’.
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I really like you, but I'm also terrified of you.
“Well, if I knew who ya were I’d give ya a big ol’grin and a hug to make sure that exactly where your opinion stays.”
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You're as delightful, as dangerous and as mysterious as the ocean itself. You have an undercurrent that can carry people away before they even realize.
“Well thank ya, darlin’! Let’s just hope I can keep that up and Sumner doesn’t turn me into a puddle yeah?”
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Job Hunting|| Cordelia & Isidora
Cordelia had been spending far more time on land the past few days, more curious about all the facets of Sumner’s nightlife than anything else. She had enjoyed spending time on the docks at the bottom of Main St. most night, listening to the music from the bar, but that was beginning to bore her. Stumbling into the Crossroads, wearing the blue dress that Iann had bought her with a pair of long brown boots, Cordelia was nearly overwhelmed by the bright lights and music that seemed to pour out of every building. It was incredible; it reminded her of the carnival that had come through town earlier in the fall and the excited faces she saw all around her definitely made this the most interesting spot in town as far as she was concerned. 
Making her way down the sidewalk, she did her best not to sneer and curl her lip to show her teeth to the men who were being incredible rude as she walked by. If there was one thing Cordelia hated more than anything, it was rude people. Sitting down at a small bar, she idly ate some of her neighbor’s fries as she listened to the various conversations happening around her.
“Did you hear about that new Tesoro place down the street?” she heard a woman ask her friend, “It’s a new Latin club I guess, and they’re looking for help.”
Help, Cordelia thought to herself, What kind of help? 
Cordelia had been looking for something new and exciting, maybe whoever it was that owned this place could give her that. Kissing her neighbor on the cheek as a thanks for the free fries, Cordelia walked down the street in the vaguely same direction that the woman had pointed with her thumb and hoped for the best. When she finally found the sign that read “Tesoro” twenty minutes later, her legs were aching from the misguided walk. The door was open, guarded by a large, rather intimidating looking man with folded arms.
“Can I help you, chica?” he asked sternly.
“I’m here about the help,” Cordelia said confidently, not knowing exactly what she might be getting herself in to.
The large man nodded, turning away from her with a small gesture for her to follow him. The club was beautiful, elegant in every sense and full of color; it reminded Cordelia of the first time she saw the coral reefs near Bermuda at sunset. Wide-eyed with wonder at it all, Cordelia bumped into her guide just outside another closed door. He knocked, ignoring her awkward bumping into him.
“Good luck,” he mumbled as he shoved Cordelia in front of him and the door opened.
Cordelia took a step forward, confident in her own strengths as a woman, siren, and hunter that she could handle whatever waited for her in this office.
“Hello, my name’s Cordelia, Cordelia O’murchadha. I heard you were lookin’ for help and well, here I am,” she said with a smile before she even got the chance to take in who it was she was talking to.
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How does love feel like to you when it's at its best? Do you have an example? What does love feel like to you when it's at its worst? Do you have an example? Do you have a preference for how love should feel?
“Love? To be honest I don’t think I’m the best one to be askin’. I suppose it would feel like home in a way, comfort and happiness in the most complicated and yet simple way possible. A best example would be my cousin Michael and his lover James, they were a good match, always smilin’ at each other and actin’ like the world didn’t matter outside a’ them. When it’s worst...now that I can talk about. At its worst, love is a poison. Not to toot my own horn, but it’s a siren song-sweet and temptin’ but awful for ya. It’s the feelin’ of needin’ someone so much that ya don’t know what to do without them, but they clearly don’t feel the same. I don’t feel much like givin’ an example for that one, but love should always be the first one. It should never make ya feel alone.”
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If Cordelia hadn’t known Otto was a vampire she would have been surprised at how strong he was, given his figure. Where her legs were getting stronger the more she used them, she didn’t need half the amount of firm support he was offering her, but she wasn’t going to turn it down either. Gently wrapping her arm in his, the formality of walking with the men in Ardara briefly popped into her head. Her back straightened, her chin pointed upward slightly while her eyes darted down to the ground. Otto felt comfortable in a strange way, like there wasn’t that much of a physical difference between them, which was a thought Cordelia never thought she would have about a man at all, not to mention one that was already dead not by her hands. 
“It’s fine darlin’, thank ya,” she said gently patting his hand with her free one. The ground wasn’t entirely comfortable to walk on, her bare feet definitely not accustomed to leaves and twigs crunching beneath her every step. She debated on asking Otto to carry her, but then again, she was his strength right now as far as she was concerned, not the other way around. 
The walk was peaceful, the tall trees reminded her the woods near her church in Ireland. She remained silent, listening to the slowly dwindling sounds of the forest. Something about Sumner was making her remember what it was to be human and while most of the time she wasn’t sure if she liked it, being in the woods like this was a comforting memory.
Just as she was about to ask Otto where he was from, Cordelia instead let out a gasp as the crossbow bolt went flying between them. Focusing her eyes to where Otto had been looking, she couldn’t quite see where the shot came from. Listening for the voices she was confused; Cordelia had never had a run in with hunters like this before. Her previous experience had been back in the south, in her own element, here, just barely able to walk on her own, Cordelia said a silent prayer for her adrenaline to take control. 
“Stay here,” she said to Otto as she shoved him hard up against the nearest tree that would hide his frame. Her eyes locked on his, the power of her voice soothing and commanding at the same time. “Cover your ears.”
Taking a step out into the open, Cordelia closed her eyes, listening for the clunky footsteps of her prey. If they were truly skilled hunters, they would have brought charms to prevent her songs from working, but there was only one way to find out.
Feeling a crossbow bolt graze her arm, she was grateful for Otto’s jacket. Beginning her song, Cordelia didn’t hold back her power like she normally would. She beckoned to them sweetly, her voice strong and seductive as she continued to step towards them.
“Shit!” she heard one of them exclaim, “Where’s your charm, idiot?”
Shedding the jacket off her shoulders, she honed in on the other hunter, his heart beat echoing in her ears at this point. He was all hers, once she found him that is. Shimmying off Otto’s vest, she felt a brief shiver run over her body as her predatory instincts took over. She could move easier without the burden of clothes, plus her nakedness was just as much of a weapon as her voice. She could smell the fear coming from the hunter that was protected from her song and the overwhelming smell of desire coming from the man now within her reach.
“Kiss me,” she nearly begged as she positioned the hunter in between herself and his friend. 
When he moved in to obey her command, she slowly slipped her fingers around his neck, her lips firmly against his as his hands reached out to cusp her lower back. Needing the strength if she was going to actually fight the other man, she drained the hunter as quickly as possible, his short life flashing before her eyes as her chest filled with his life energy. Letting his body drop to the ground in front of her, she quickly ducked behind the nearest tree as what seemed like a rapid fire of bolts flew towards her face.
“Otto!” she yelled, “Otto I need ya to be brave for me darlin’, she yelled out into the darkness of the forest.
“Come on bitch, let’s see what you got!” the remaining hunter yelled back at her, “Your songs won’t work on me!”
Peeking her head out from behind the tree, she still couldn’t see him. The darkness of land was nothing like the darkness of the ocean and at that moment, despite all the power she had gained from draining the young man now dead at her feet, she was useless.
Panic at the Docks (oh) || Open
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