corico-cutie · 2 years
How are the stars this evening?
They have aligned very well... There is much chaos in the junkyard tonight... But much joy...
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corico-cutie · 3 years
Of course I don't, I rather like being near you. You have a very soothing presence. A lovely aura... I'm sure you've heard that quite a bit before.
*He happily sits, making sure at least part of him is touching Jerrie at any given moment.*
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Smiles rather shyly, blushing again a bit*
Well, I'm glad you're satisfied with it. Come, come, we should eat before it gets too cold.
*Though he says this, he doesn't let Jerrie go right away, taking a moment to really enjoy the hug. He's not used to such closeness from another cat, and Mungojerrie is very pleasantly warm.*
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Blushes a bit at the cute name, he then takes Jerrie's paw and leads him out. Just as he said, it's a short walk to where he's set up their little date.
He's set up a little broken table to look like it's straight out of a fancy restaurant, with a nice lace tablecloth, adorned with candles. There's a big plate of pasta with a clear cake lid over it to keep it warm and fresh as possible. Cushions have been placed on either side of the table for the most comfortable seating.*
Tantomile helped me cook, I hope you enjoy pasta...
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
Of course you do! *He nuzzle's Jerrie's paw a bit when he places the flower behind his ear, for a moment his mind turns to thoughts of... everything he'd heard about what Jerrie went through. He had always had a bit of a crush on the wild Tom, and it broke his heart to hear of his issues after being with Macavity. He wanted to be nothing like that, he wanted to make Mungojerrie feel only happiness.
He shakes himself a bit, trying not to focus on those thoughts and rather focus on his time with Jerrie.*
I've got another surprise for us, just around the corner if you are ready to go?
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Cori leans in to nuzzle his cheek affectionately in return*
Don't worry about it, you brought me such a lovely card the other day, it is the least I could do in return.
Besides, I would like for you to feel special tonight. You are certainly special to me, after all.
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Cori has a very pleased little smile, looking more peaceful this time, now that he knows their feelings are quite mutual*
I too wanted tonight to be special. You deserve the utmost kindness and care.
*He goes to the table and grabs a small bouquet of wildflowers (where the nice smell was coming from), and holds them out.*
I picked these for you today. Each one made me think of you in one way or another.
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Jerrie knocks on Cori's door, straightening his clip on bowtie*
*Cori opens the door, smiling brightly when he sees Jerrie*
Hello, you. Oh... You look very nice... Did you dress up just for me?
*Cori's fur looks quite shiny and freshly groomed, he's clearly put a lot of time into trying to make himself nice for Mungojerrie. Something in the den behind him smells quite nice as he moves aside so Jerrie can step in for a moment.*
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Cori smiles and finishes his tea, then stands and takes Jerrie's paw, pulling him towards his room.*
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*takes a long sip of his drink, then grins, giving Jerrie a surprisingly confident look over*
Would you like to find out? My room is just around the corner....
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Cori's grin widens at that reaction*
Well, I don't often... But I am capable. It felt like a necessary distinction to make.
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
No no, you are quite right. Fucking wicked.
*Cori giggles after saying that, it sounds so funny out of his mouth! He doesn't want Jerrie to change, though. He doesn't want this gorgeous, wild boy to pretend to be any different.*
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Cori smiles softly, looking down at his paws*
I do not...
Though, I would like to return the gesture of gift giving, and perhaps... Do something special with you...
If that sounds pleasant to you?
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
Oh, yes. Sometimes the voices of this junkyard get far too loud for her.
*He goes about mixing the tea and whiskey, handing Jerrie a mug before taking a sip of his own*
Quite boring... Though I have sensed unusual energy the last few days.
How have things been for you?
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
Ohhh... I think I'd quite like that. *Bites his lip, grinning a bit. This is all very new to him, but he tries to just go with the flow and say what feels right.*
I also have whiskey, which Tantomile has been known to add to her tea on occasion. I could add some to ours, if that's what you're wanting?
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*The slight blush turns to a bright crimson colour on his neck and cheeks*
What-? Thank you. This is the kindest thing anyone has ever... 🥺
Please, why don't you come inside? I'll make us some tea, if you'd like to spend some time with me?
*He moves to let Jerrie in, brushing his paw against his as he takes the gifts.*
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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corico-cutie · 3 years
*Jerrie knocks on Coris door, shakily holding a bouquet of flowers, a messily drawn card and way too many chocolates*
(@incurably-given-to-roam for whenever!!)
*Opens the den door*
Mungojerrie? I could sense you approaching-
*His eyes go wide when he sees everything Jerrie is holding, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks*
Should I get my sister...?
*He can't imagine a world where Jerrie would be bringing those things to him! *
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