corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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                I hear there’s a new bandit in town. If you’re hearing this, kiddo, don’t die right away - I’ve always wanted to duel a Vault hunter.
                                   selective . nisha kadam of borderlands . by burd
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
              “ Huh, huh, huh. ” The pants were the best reply he could come up with, to great dislike of the little man. [ She’s threatening us and you’re just huffing and puffing in her direction. Great. ]. He had a gun in his hands now, itty bitty compared to the size of him, a Maliwan just like the gun Maya ran around with. He liked this one because it set people on fire almost as well as he did. 
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              “ A LAMB on its way to the SLAUGHTER! ” He wasn’t even entirely sure if he was referring to her or himself.
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          NOW THAT’S WHAT SHE LIKED TO HEAR--- smiling wide as she reached for her pistol. Twirling it once, and aiming it his direction; jakob’s crafted, naturally. Despite every attempt Jack made to convince her Hyperion was better...she never could let go of what she trusted best. “ Alright big boy, don’t make this too easy for me! ”
        This one was gonna last, she could feel it. The best kills always did.
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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Jack’s office old pic
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
We ALL know how nasty she is. Doesn't mean we don't wan't to hear it.
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          Just from what the game’s told us; Nisha is an absolute top, she’s into S&M, she enjoys causing terror and really gets a rise out of near death experiences. All in all, Nisha is an absolute adrenaline junkie, and has a very long list of kinks.
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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     “ We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Though I’m really hoping you pick the hard way-- I’ve been itching to dish out a real ass kickin’. ”
@rhyfelwyr / sc
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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   “ Afraid this one’s mine. Run along, or I’m gonna have to add another head to my pile. ”
@synthmama / sc
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
What are the sorts of actions and traits that earn Nisha's approval? What about her disapproval?
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       Nisha is a sadistic woman, she’s cruel beyond belief, and very openly admits that she regrets none of it. Naturally, people who share these traits with her, among many others— will win her approval. Destruction, bloodshed, chaos; she loves all of it. Anything in the name of bringing what she believes to be law through out Pandora. 
What she really dislikes is softness, sentimentality, and cowardice. Having pity on enemies, or giving any sign that you may be unreliable is bound to get you shot. She is a hard woman, and has no time for anyone but the best, and the most badass. 
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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Borderlands for OTP//BROTP meme: Jack & Nisha
the match made in hell
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
if you ever feel safe please remember that im out there
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
she slides casually onto his lap, and directs his attention to her with the smallest of gestures... ' let the vault hunters play with your toys a bit longer. ' leaning in with a smile. ' its you 'n me time, handsome. '
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“Oh, hey sexy.” As hands find their way to her waist, Jack manages to turn the office chair just so that he can keep a peripheral eye on the feed of the Vault Hunter’s latest firefight with his Constructors over her shoulder. It wasn’t that he was of particular mind to ignore her, no, but watching a vault hunter’s exercise in futility was like watching a house go up in flames– You just couldn’t wait to piss on the ashes after it burned out.
“So, Sheriff, you gonna’ take the time to read me my rights or can we skip straight to the hanging, huh?” He gives her a squeeze, pulling her closer to him with a playful peck on the lips. “Cuz’ I’m definitely getting some ideas with the rope.”
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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I shot the sheriff But I didn’t shoot no deputy
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
“Ha! Nice. Figured it’d be somewhere up there. That prick’d totally be eating his words if he were still here– but hey! Guess I get to tell his wife and kids that not only did dad die an accountant… but he was wrong, too.” 
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There’s not many out there that Handsome Jack would be willing to call a badass aside from himself, but Nisha? Total badass. Not quite to his level, but she was close. Unlike the other two that had stuck around, she was the only one he didn’t have to pay to keep onboard team awesome. “So, any chance I can get away from that tetanus-fest you call a town for a bit? Let the, uh, deputy mosey the… corral… or, I don’t know, whatever it is you guys do down there.” 
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       Lynchwood was a magnet for bandits, a challenge. She let them come, it’s battered walls meant to coax ‘em in--- like lambs to the slaughter. And slaughter she did; the amount of heads taken by her gave the sheriff a rather gruesome reputation. One that Nisha cherished more than she did the rewards for their lives.
The brief silence is broken by a sudden BANG! putting an end to her company. “ Oh you know... Mostly just shootin’ bad guys. Important work. ” she jests, holstering her pistol, and admiring her handywork. “ -- But sure, I can put aside a bit a’ time and drop by... ”
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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“Hiya, babe, quick question: do you have any idea how many bandits you’ve had hung today? Asking because some loser in accounting said it couldn’t be ‘over twenty’, to which I told him to shut up and then had him fired in to space.” 
Feet propped on his desk, Handsome Jack reclines while lit by the soft-blue glow of the Helios ECHO line. He COULD have gone down to see her, probably was a good enough excuse to do so… But laziness.
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          “ Depends. ” she speaks clearly, despite the ruckus behind her. A bandit, screaming for some kind of mercy-- muffled behind a blood soaked mask. “ Do the little ones count as a whole bandit? Or half? ” smiling at her own joke. Turning momentarily to shush her company, who couldn’t manage to bite back even a whimper. “ Twenty - four and a half if not, haha! Today’s been a busy day darlin’, lot of punishment to dish out. ”
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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                I hear there's a new bandit in town. If you're hearing this, kiddo, don't die right away - I've always wanted to duel a Vault hunter.
                                   selective . nisha kadam of borderlands . by burd
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
so how about a friendly sharpshooting competition? drinks are on me if you win.
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         SHE’S GOT A SMILE AS SHARP AS HER EYES. Oozing confidence, as she trails her painted fingertips across the handle of her gun. “ You’re real cute you know, thinking you’ll win in a contest with me. ”  boldness accompanied by the slightest tip of her hat.
           “ You’re on cowboy. ”
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corporatejudge-blog · 5 years
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I love her, okay?
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