correctdichotomy · 3 years
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Sora Choi by Kove Lee for WOW Magazine Issue 5
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
I had a life sized poster of King Tut's sarcophagus that I used to kiss before bed. I figured because he died as a teenager it wasn't weird.
Yeah that's the part that makes it not weird
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
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‘germanic warrior with helmet’ - osmar schindler (1902)
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
I’m legitimately wondering if there’s any reason a neovagina has to look especially realistic since it’s not like I’m gonna be seeing it all the time and genitals aren’t super aesthetic anyway so maybe I can get a discount if the doctor doesn’t have to like perfectly craft every fold of the vulva, like it’s not gonna be particularly deep or wide for me anyway, just gimme something that’s works and is easy to clean and knock a few bucks of the price, I’m not asking for Michaelangelo’s labia or anything y'know, I appreciate maybe the doctor won’t give me teeth or tentacles down there but at the same time I’m not going to get into a relationship with someone if they feel like they gotta conduct a 120 point snatchspection just to confirm my cunt meets the fuckability codes, I’m sure as shit not pushing babies out it and there’s no reason to overcomplicate taking a wee, so why not go for something a little more aerodynamic and low rez right?
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
international friends: here’s the deal. South African scientists have been tracking the COVID genome and keeping an eye out for mutations. Most places in the world aren’t doing so. When we announce a new variant, it’s not necessarily from South Africa, we just publicised the fact that we detected it here. And yet, because we’re a country in the Global South, it doesn’t matter that our scientists are incredible and are doing the world a service by tracking and reporting these things, because our ordinary citizens are being blacklisted because of it and being prevented from entering other countries and placed on red lists for no reason 
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
Idk who needs to hear this but your 20 Str 16 Con Barbarian is allowed to be fat.
Your High Charisma suave seductive bard is allowed to be fat.
Your nimble and quiet rogue is allowed to be fat.
Your warlock, with the powers of the nine hells at their fingertips, is allowed to be fat.
Fat people exist, and we’re plenty capable.
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
do u ever remember all the horrible offensve things u said when u were like 15 and u literally feel ur soul detach and turn 2 dust 
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
pls love yourself and stop pre-ordering aaa games
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
I think it’s possible to take spiritual comfort in the knowledge that life on Earth will continue to evolve long after humans go extinct, and to accept that we are obligated to maintain a nurturing relationship with the planet.
Yes, the world changes, and yes I find thought that strange new ecosystems will invent themselves around the shape of the future to be soothing, but the complacency I see about anthropogenic degradation infuriates me. We might get out food from the grocery store but that does not remove us from the natural world or make us any less beholden to delicate relationships between organisms and the more we allow things to fall apart the more potential futures slip away from us.
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
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La Collectionneuse (1967) dir. Éric Rohmer
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
no one ever talks about gimli being not even slightly tempted by the ring. motherfucker had no hesitation just walked up with his axe and immediately tried to wreck it. obviously that didn’t work but like, the ring had zero visible effect on him. amazing… gold sickness in the line of durin WHOMST?? not in gimli son of gloin
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
The densest people on the internet are the ones who say sci fi and fantasy are getting too political. Why can’t we go back to the good old days of The Twilight Zone, with its various episodes about mob mentality and the danger of mass paranoia that totally weren’t about the Red Scare. Or Star Wars and its genocidal empire of racially homogeneous Aryan men. Or Dune with its religious tribal peoples who live in a desert that contains the galaxy’s most valuable resource and the wars with the foreign colonizers, that was purely from Frank Herbert’s imagination. Can you imagine how much Star Trek would suck if it was packed to the brim with ham-fisted allegories of every societal issue of the 20th century. Not like all this modern ultra-political stuff, like a woman hero. 
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
scooby doo taught us that the real monster was daphne for keeping a smooth talking limp wrist twunk like fred in a straight relationship when he was born to cruise literally designed to suck and fuck
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
Queer is such a good word, I love it so much. I love being queer, I love being around other queer people, I love queerness in general it's all wonderful.
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correctdichotomy · 3 years
My mom was a fourth grade teacher, which meant that she did multi-subject education. And she used to do what she called the NFL Project. The NFL Project was when students were randomly assigned NFL teams.
They had to write a letter to the NFL team they were assigned to, they had to do a research project to find out where the teams practiced, they had to write a letter to the mayor of the city the teams practiced in, they had to keep track of their team's statistics, they had to do research about the state history of the team they'd been assigned to, and they had to do a presentation.
It was a big project. She provided all the materials, she made sure there were copies of the newspaper sports section in her classroom so the kids could stay on top of stats. The students got this project in their first week at school and it wrapped up right around winter break, so it wasn't like it was an all-day "today we are doing statistics" thing or "today we do research, today we write a letter, today we make a presentation" one-week project, it was five to ten minutes a day in various subjects that got organized into a presentation at the end of the semester. The kids could work together, they could work independently, they could ask my mom or the librarian or their parents or their older siblings for help. They just had to end the semester with a report on the team's history, the stats for the season organized into a chart, copies of the letters they'd sent (and copies of any of the responses they'd gotten), a two-page social studies report on the state where the team played, and a presentation to the class about their favorite thing they had learned while doing the NFL project.
The kids fucking loved it. And for years I spent my winter break going to the classroom and organizing the bulletin board with a huge map of the US and materials from each student's report, showing the work that the students had done that semester. It was a way of getting kids engaged with classwork, because who cares about statistics at 10, probably nobody, but if you get a set of pencils from the Jets NOW you want to learn about the team. The Jaguars sent one kid a jersey one year. The city in Minnesota where the Vikings practice sent postcards for every student. Part of this was happening when Schwarzenegger was governor in California so one kid got the Terminator's autograph for part of his project.
I think maybe the thing that I admire the most about it in retrospect was the way that it taught actual project management to young students. I don't actually know of that many schools that have projects more than a month long for 10-year-olds, and I think it's a great concept. I didn't get something like that until I was a senior in college, and it would have been a great skill to learn younger.
Anyway, in 2006 my mom had to stop doing the NFL project because the district wanted to focus on raising their test scores. She was specifically told that if she kept doing the NFL project she would not be rehired at her school.
She even wrote up what standards each part of the project worked toward - the kids had to make graphs because "organizing information into a bar graph" was a specific standard for students that age. "Writing multiple paragraphs on the same subject" was a standard, which is why the letters to the cities and states were multi-paragraph. The project WAS standards based.
But the administrators wanted to make sure that the students had more practice with reading the kinds of questions that would be on the tests because most of the student body spoke Spanish at home.
My mom taught at that school for another ten years; the school's test scores never showed any marked improvement with test-based lesson plans.
My mom's project wasn't the only thing like that that got cancelled. There was another teacher who had a craft-based thing that was similar, and a 7th-grade teacher who did a kind of history/social studies Magic Schoolbus LARP thing who was told not to do that anymore. Eventually my mom was told to stop having her students write journals for ten minutes a day because it wasn't being taught from the textbook and wasn't being taught to the test.
People joke (haha, it's funny, it's a joke, right?) about American education being used to prepare students to be good employees instead of to be critical thinkers or independent people, but legitimately it seems like NCLB directly incentivized "students sit quietly in a box filling out bubble sheets and have no unsupervised or creative work time."
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