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Don’t cross a picket line. No Uber on May 8th. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw47FBVHU-s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1egv9lovrenyv
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we are human beings too. SW’s are not below you. give us some respect.
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a beaded curtain, but instead of beads they’re worms on strings
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When SpongeBob turns 20 he will turn into a real boy and you will all have to watch Human Bob and enjoy it. He turned 18 today, so you have 2 more years to sort out your feelings.
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Listen up, this is how you get people to read your articles
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I saw the replies in the post where you talked about steve goinf back in time to peggy and I don't think they understood what you meant? Or maybe I misunderstood? Steve chose to go back in time to be with her instead of staying with Bucky, making pretty much all the things he did 'for Bucky' pointless since he clearly didn't care about him as much as he claimed. That was your point, right? Or am I stupid? Sorry
my point was that bucky shouldve gone back in time instead of steve but marvel gives zero fucks about bucky and steve apparently left his principality back in 2016 so who am i to complain
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if bucky kills himself, i will also kill myself. i cant afford to lose bucky as well as tony
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Endgame Spoiler
So, I recently saw again both Winter Soldier and Civil War, ‘cuz I had to see on screen again my Steve, like, the real Steve, not the one there is in the end of Endgame.
I’ve always shipped Stucky, since the first time we saw these guys on screen, but I never really hoped to see them being canon, yet to me it’s obvious that Bucky Barnes is pretty much the most important person in Steve’s life, the one who’s been always by his side. The one Steve used to share a bed with.
So, okay in The First Avenger we can see both Bucky and Peggy. I never cared much about her, but I can see why people like her, even though she was never been the one who could make Steve stop fighting for the greater good. I mean, in the end of the movie he still sacrifices to save the world.
But then there’s The Winter Soldier (my favorite in all MCU), we have a film full of lines like “Even when I had nothing I had Bucky”, “I’m with you 'till the end of the line, pal”, when Sam says to Steve that they probably have to stop Bucky because he’s not Bucky anymore Steve just admit that he doesn’t think he can do that, Captain America doesn’t think he can stop a threat like the Winter Soldier because of Bucky. “He doesn’t recognize you” “He will”, and Bucky does!!! After years of brainwash he sees Steve and “The man on the bridge… I knew him”. And because all of this, even when Bucky/The Winter Soldier is trying to kill him because “you are my mission”, Steve just stops fighting back “then finish it, 'cause I’m with you 'till the end of the line”.
In Civil War Steve does anything he can to help Bucky, because he believes in his innocence, because Steve understands him, and he doesn’t blame him, “it wasn’t you”. Steve accepts to fight the Avengers themselves because his trust in Bucky, he fights Tony because “he’s my friend”. And in this film apparently everyone knows that Steve loves Bucky, because yes friendship is a kind of love, “I know how much Barnes means to you”, says Nat, Sam acts out of law because he supports Steve in this.
And all of this because Steve Rogers refused to leave Bucky. Yes, Peggy was mentioned, there is the cute scene with old Peggy in TWS and the funeral in CW, but in my eyes these scenes were a goodbye to a part of Steve’s life, Steve moved on, but mostly Peggy moved on, she had a fucking family, she had a happy life. But then all of this becomes “love of my life” in Endgame.
“Well, things aren’t so bad. Food’s a lot better; we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I’ve been reading that a lot trying to catch up.” Says Steve to Sam in TWS, but apparently everything was a lie, because of the end of Endgame. Steve is just a liar, he doesn’t consider enough family the Avengers to make him stay, he actually doesn’t believe in the “until the end of the line” with Bucky (like, poor guy, he’s living for the first time in years as himself yet nope Steve leaves him because it could seem gay).
So,yes, this ending for me is just wasting all Steve’s characterization and a really big fuck you to one of the most important relationship in the MCU. And I will be forever pissed for this.
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- Endgame did Bucky wrong.
- It doesn’t matter who you ship, Bucky loved Steve.
- He loved that boy who was so eager to be a hero.
- He loved Captain America, the best hero there was.
- Bucky would always fight beside Steve, no matter what.
- It didn’t matter if he were lost or broken or brainwashed, he would always find a way back to Steve.
- And then Steve met Peggy.
- Steve found the love of his life.
- The day before Steve was going to return the stones, Steve told him what he was going to do. 
- Bucky wanted him to stay, he wanted to tell Steve that he needed him.
- But Bucky knew he had to let Steve go. 
- He still hoped that somehow Steve would change his mind, that he’d come back to the present.
- And after that long five-second wait, he knew it wasn’t going to happen.
- And when they saw Steve sitting on that bench, he didn’t know what to say
- So he let Sam go instead.
- Bucky watched as Steve gave Sam his shield. 
- The shield Steve had dropped for him twice.
- Bucky knew he deserved that sheld.
- …But Steve wanted Sam to have it.
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And in this essay I will-
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So as the dust settles post-Endgame and I slowly come to terms with it, I’ve come to the conclusion that at first glance, it’s dazzling and dang near perfect. It’s funny and touching and gives us a final battle worthy of a ten year build up. It hits a lot of the notes it needed to. Emotions are, mostly anyway, on point. However… that’s the first glance. Once you really dig in? It falls apart.
I won’t even get into the Steve stuff because it speaks for itself at this point. We all feel however we feel about the ending, but regardless of that, we were still cheated out of any stucky content. Steve stared a pic of Peggy when he should have been grieving Bucky and Sam. Bucky was… deliberately ignored and erased. Thor was arc-less and useless and used for cheap laughs. Natasha, ultimately, was chosen to jump because Clint had a family and she didn’t (we all know it, don’t act like there’s any other gd reason it was her and not him). Tony finally got the life and family he wanted and he, of course, had to die. Bruce found complete and total inner peace and mental and physical balance wholly off screen because yeah that doesn’t matter much, I guess, sure whatever. Loki? Lol he took on Thanos with a butter knife, died, and then stayed dead, so he’s now canonically a total idiot who decided to take on the biggest baddest guy out there with none of his powers, magic, or abilities. Just a butter knife. Could have grabbed the tesseract and zapped away with Thor but nah. Didn’t do that either.
I anticipated this movie so hard. I love this entire franchise so much. It’s been a huge part of my life for 6 years. Thor, Loki, Steve, and Bucky and Nat are all the ones who made me fall in love and have inspired me to write literally over a million words. I wanted a good, fitting ending for them. I knew better than to expect what I, personally, wanted, but I just… wanted to like it. I wanted to walk away feeling satisfied and like my babies were done right. And I didn’t. No two ways about it, folks. The writing just isn’t very good. Plot holes that have even bigger plot holes in them, OOC-ness, a deliberately vague ending that’s confusing at best and just insulting at worst.
I want to love it. I want to shut up and stop whining and be happy with what we were given but I’m not and it’s not gonna change. I could have written a better movie, and that’s not ego talking. Any of the other writers I know could have written a better movie. Maybe in the end that’s how it’ll always be, because as fans our love for the material is pure and selfless, whereas on their end it’s a business venture and they’re always thinking about what will sell, and that comes first rather than the love of the characters.
I’m just real disappointed, guys. We deserved so much better.
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OK BUT LISTEN,,, my green husband Loki is alive and so are Tony stark and natasha romanoff also Stucky is canon
The Russos can take their ending and choke on it, im making my own, better mcu ending
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he really put steve’s feelings before his own like that.
shit man i’m in pain he really does love him with his entire being and would do anything for him if it meant he was happy.
i can’t handle this rn
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I just think it’s funny that thanks to Endgame Howard Stark is gonna watch his son grow up and be like “wait why does he look exactly like that random guy I met that one time?”
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Nah my dude, that is 100% Sebastian Stan looking at Anthony Mackie
Get yourself someone who looks at you the way Bucky Barnes looks at Sam Wilson
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