smithingegbert · 11 years
"Aha, ha...Uhm...Sure! ...Where are you from? Like...Where did you grow up? Your home village, i'm curious about it! What is it like?"
He gasped, in surprise once more. She kissed him…She KISSED him! Whoa…
“O-Oh…That sounds fun~”, He laughed a little, rubbing his lips slightly with his finger tips, smiling.
“…Hehe, so…What should we do first, to start to know each other…?”
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smithingegbert · 11 years
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Effectstuck Troll Girls P.1!
I started this when I was playing Yume Nikki and I got the opportunity to finish it yesterday haha!
Effectstuck Troll Girls P.2 Here!
Effectstuck Troll Guys P.1 Here!
Effectstuck Troll Guys P.2 Here!
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smithingegbert · 11 years
John knew not of these rumors. He was a smith, not a rumourmonger. He greeted her just as he would anyone else.
"Welcome, ma'am! What can I do for you?"
A side investigation.
An imposing figure walked into John’s workshop. Though she was only slightly above average height, it was the way she carried herself, the way she glared at her conversation partners, that made them want to spill their secrets. Redglare, she was called, and it was rumored that she led the Shogun’s secret police. What could possibly lead her to this place?
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smithingegbert · 11 years
"Hehe, you think so? Thanks!"
He nodded happily, backing up a bit from her poking. Ow she's got a strong finger.
Picking Up A Weapon
“Maybe the Empress will let me out more after the Festival.” She grinned at him, though. “You can always come see me.”
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smithingegbert · 11 years
Standing, with her help, he smiled at her. "Whew, I was worried you were hurt, miss Just Roxy. Hehe."
He chuckled at his poor joke, and smiled. "Roxy, what're you doing all the way out here anyway, if you don't mind me asking?"
> John: Go fetch more ore.
Roxy squeaked and jumped off him.
“Whoa there, no hands on the booty please, I mean, I know it’s fine but come on.”
She bent over to take a closer look at the man, hands on hips.
“Are you okay? I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
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smithingegbert · 11 years
"Ooohh...well as long as he's not telling you to do stuff, you're free, right?"
He wraps his arms around her, cuddling against her on her lap and smiling drunkenly at her. He gently rubs her cheek, giving her another kiss on the lips.
"So you're free til you're not...Hehe."
Rainy Season
“Well,” Snowman begins, her cup draining like sieve into her mouth, “I have to do everything my idiot boss wants, or stuff happens.”
She puts her cup down, grabs John, and pulls him onto her lap, smooching him with a smirk.
“Although I get time to do it at least, so I can get some free time now and then.”
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smithingegbert · 11 years
"Yes, Empress, Thank you, Empress... May I continue to watch the sea wtih you...?", He asked humbly. Just being able to stand in her presence was a treat for a loyal citizen like him.
On the seas
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smithingegbert · 11 years
"More than ready...", He blushed as his hard eight inch erection was freed from the confines of his clothes, looking up at her lustfully while beginning to slowly move his hands across her body, feeling her exposed skin and sharing his bodies heat with her. "...You're so beautiful...That'll never change..."
Read More
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smithingegbert · 11 years
He blushed and nodded, allowing her to push him back like this. "Ah...yes, Vriska."
He smiled and looked her over, somewhat wondering what she'd do next...He was ready for anything, though, and more than willing, if a certain, hard, something was any indication...
Vriska almost froze at that idea. She… wondered if John meant more. She didn’t want to hurt him by simply rejecting such affections, if it were the case. But she smiled instead, kissed him again, and gently pushed him down, onto his back.
“Thank you, John. That means a lot… Now, bear with me… “
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smithingegbert · 11 years
Undressing a bit, he sat down beside her and reached over, holding her hand.
"...I like you too, Vriska. A lot. A lot lot.", He smiled and leaned over, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.
"More than the word like allows."
  Vriska nodded, trying to hide her own nervousness at the prospect. She followed him, taking a deep breath to compose herself, and began to undo the tie of her gi.
“I hope you enjoy this, John.”
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smithingegbert · 11 years
> Accidently craft more WMD's in sword form.
> Oops.
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smithingegbert · 11 years
The night was warm, Summer had arrived. John had been sitting upon his roof, watching a meteor shower. The Empress would probably call on him again to help examine more of that 'Star Metal' they'd discovered together...
John just thought it was all so beautiful.
He didn't even notice Jane arriving, sent with a message for his arrival at the palace the next day, til she was sitting down beside him and watching the stars as well.
Holding hands under the star light, the pair of cousins stared off into the void of space, towards the stars...
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smithingegbert · 11 years
Tease Me
Teasing and taunting the Oni wasn't always the best idea.
But John wasn't the smartest ace in the hole. He didn't really KNOW he was taunting her, even, but when she'd offered to stay and help work around the forge for a few night, she hadn't expected him to be working SHIRTLESS.
Glistening pecs drew her attention to him again and again. It probably took all she could to not just jump him then and there.
But he didn't really notice.
Poor, ignorant Egbert...
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smithingegbert · 11 years
Drink me.
"F-Five...", John muttered as he downed another shot, loosening his gi slightly. Was it hot in here, or just him?
"8ight! Keep up, Eg8utt!", Serket laughed and teased him on to keep drinking. Shot after shot went down, much to both of there pleasures. Laughter filled the night as two friends...Two people that perhaps were closer than just friends, drunk there worries away.
0 notes
smithingegbert · 11 years
Drunken wanderings lead John on. How'd he even get outside at night? Much less drunk. He stumbled and bumbled his way about...and came upon the very place Roxy was staying for the night.
"Heeeeyyy Rrroxy! Hic...Howw ya doin~"
He was pass-out drunk.
Before the Lalonde could even say anything...
Down he went.
Looks like he'd be staying there, with her, for the night...
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smithingegbert · 11 years
He was more than little surprised she was going through with this...
"Ah...Vriska...Of course I will, if it's with you...I just hope I can help you enjoy this too...an we can do so, together."
His blush grew as he watched her undress.
"...Vriska...What...um...What exactly are...your feelings for me, anyway...?"
  She raises her eyebrows, a faint blue blush chasing across her cheeks. A  smile formed for a moment.
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smithingegbert · 11 years
He smiled right back...and gave her a gentle hug.
"Ah...um...", He was nervous. That much was clear. "...Then...shall we, ha, retire to my bedroom...?"
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queenof8andits replied to your post: メ
I’d quite like it, John.
> Jaw, drop. This is. A completely unexpected, but welcomed, development!
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