cosmichobi · 7 years
misdemeanour (m)
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in which all you want to do is prove taehyung wrong
Member: Taehyung
Word Count: 5.9k
“Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, you know.” There was no need to turn around to know the voice belonged to Jungkook. You pursed your lips together, knowing he had followed your line of sight to see Taehyung pouring a drink for a girl you didn’t recognise.
“I’m not jealous.” The words came out quick, too quickly for your friend to believe you.
“Whatever. Just remember our rule.” Backing away, he raised an eyebrow, knowing his words were enough to annoy you.
As if you were going to let him tell you what to do.
It was a stupid rule Jungkook had made, drunk in a diner at 3am after a night not too dissimilar to the one you were currently having. About an hour before the two of you found yourselves at the diner, you had watched (in disgust) as Jungkook tried to work his fuckboy magic on one of your friends. To his frustration, you were quick to tell him that first of all – she wasn’t interested, and second of all - you didn’t want him getting involved with your friends.
“Well,” he bit into a fry, pausing before he had even properly begun. “If I’m not allowed to fuck your friends, you’re not allowed to fuck my friends.”
“I don’t want to fuck your friends, Jungkook.” You had responded. Your eyes were focused on the pink of your milkshake, the diner lights were far too bright for you to risk looking at anything else. Had you been looking at him, you would have seen the massive eye-roll your words had prompted.
“Oh come on, you definitely want Tae.”
“Taehyung? The kid with the camera?” Of course, Jungkook was completely right, but you weren’t going to let him find that out. Living with the embarrassment of him knowing you ached for one of his best friends was one thing, you could deal with that, but letting him know that he was right? He wouldn’t let you live that down.
“Yes, the kid with the camera. Don’t act like you don’t know.”
“Whatever, I don’t care. I won’t be sleeping with your friends any time soon.” That statement, much to your disappointment, proved itself to be true. God, it wasn’t like you hadn’t tried. You had used all your tactics to try and seduce Taehyung – your hands would always settle on his thigh, the boldness with which you flirted with him surprised even yourself. Never before had your strategy failed you in such a way.
“Shots?” Taehyung’s offer had broken through your thoughts, sending you back down into reality. You had begun to associate his presence with heat rushing to your face, and it was even worse knowing that you had just been shamelessly staring at him. As ever, though, he seemed none the wiser. 
“Not really in the mood.” You drew his attention to the untouched drink in your hand. A moment passed as you gave thought to his suggestion, noticing the way his lower lip jutted forward in to a pout and knowing that you couldn’t say no to him. “Unless you make things more interesting.” 
“Body shots?”
Your breath hitched in your throat. In a rare moment of logic, you had almost come to the conclusion that he just wasn’t into you like that. Of course, he had to suggest doing fucking body shots off each other and throw your entire thought process into a spin. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“You serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” His grin was both childish and mischievous, daring you to refute the offer.
“How much have you had to drink?”
“About as much as you have,” he pointed a lazy finger in the direction of your drink. “Which is why I need to take some damn shots.” Your tongue poked against your cheek as you made a scene about considering the offer. Of course you wanted to take body shots with him, but you weren’t going to make it that obvious.
“Alright.” After a few moments of fake deliberation, you gave him the answer he wanted, complete with a shrug. “Go get the tequila.” You hadn’t moved from your safe position against the wall when he returned with tequila, shot glasses, and salt. He poured the liquid into the glass, careful to not pour too much and have it spill everywhere.
“It was my idea, so I go first.” You weren’t going to argue with that. Your nerves were on fire as he placed the glass in your cleavage, a hiss involuntarily escaping your lips as the sharp cold of the glass hit your skin.
You blinked as he poured some salt on your chest, your breath slowed and almost stopped completely when he dipped towards you. The warmth of his tongue was a welcome contrast to the cold glass, and it was like time stopped once his tongue landed on you. He had licked the salt in one smooth motion, making sure to keep his eyes on you the whole time. You felt your stomach clench, you were unbearably attracted to him. 
His hands found their way to your hips to steady himself as he dipped even lower, finding himself between your cleavage. He was so close that you could feel his breath against you, and goosebumps were brought to your skin by the combination of his touch and proximity. He was hardly graceful with it, opening his mouth wide enough that his lips had more than brushed against your breasts as he took the shot glass into his mouth. He winced as the liquor slid down his throat, coating it with a burning sensation that he would never get accustomed to. Your lips had barely touched when he took the lime from your mouth, you weren’t sure how you would’ve reacted if they did.
“You know you owe me money if they end up fucking, right?” Jimin, who had been watching the scene from across the room with Jungkook, turned to his friend. The latter simply waved him away, regretting ever making the bet.
“Your turn!” Taehyung clasped his hands together before bringing his hands to the hem of his shirt. You smirked to yourself as you poured the shot, feeling that perhaps tonight would finally be the night. When you turned back round, he was lying on the counter, wiggling his eyebrows against you in that goofy way that only Taehyung could make look attractive. 
Deciding where you were going to place the shot, your eyes scanned his body. Looking over at him, you watched his reaction as you placed the glass right above his belt. His lips curled into a smile. You sprinkled the salt on his chest before placing the slice of lime in his mouth.
“Ready?” He gave you a thumbs up. You lowered your head and licked the salt, not breaking eye contact with him as you did so. You let your tongue trail further than the length of the salt, lightly touching his nipple before you moved lower, taking the shot into your mouth. Taehyung was thankful for the lime in his mouth, which made it a lot easier for him to censor himself as he watched you. He only hoped that you hadn’t noticed the slight hardness in his jeans.
The shot was as awful as you expected, and you were quick to take the lime from him. You smiled when you were done, trying to gauge how he felt as he sat up. You pulled yourself up so that you were sat next to him on the counter, swinging your legs above the ground.
“That was … something.” Another moment passed, and you watched the struggle on his face when he tore his eyes away from your lips and brought them up to your eyes. “Wanna do another one?” His voice was low, quiet.
“I’d rather kiss you.” Saying the words should have been like lifting a weight off your shoulder, but you were even more anxious waiting for the response. He didn’t pull away, he didn’t react with disgust, he was still. He wanted to do more than kiss you – the fact he had a semi was a clear testament to that.  
“Y/N,” he started, eyes running over your body. “Not that I’m not attracted to you, but I can’t.” you raised an eyebrow, head jutting backwards as if avoiding a blow. His words weren’t hurtful so much as they confused you. Your brows furrowed together as you blinked.
“Is it Jungkook? Honestly, that rule is stupid, it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t give a fuck if he-”
“No, it’s not the rule. He can’t tell me what to do anyway.” He chuckled, turning away from you to send a glance in his friend’s direction. “You’re…you’re a good girl. I don’t want to ruin you, or anything.” You don’t think you had been described as a good girl since you were at least eight years old.
“What’s that supposed to mean? You think I can’t take it?” Taehyung hesitated, his mouth opening and closing as his brain worked at several miles per hour to find the right words. You nodded slowly, your lips pressed firmly together. “I see. Well, have a nice night.” Taehyung frowned as you hopped off the counter and walked away from him, making sure to sway your hips to show him just what he was missing.
You were going to show him just how wrong he was.
If it weren’t for Taehyung’s Snapchat story, you wouldn’t have known he was in Jungkook’s apartment that afternoon. It seemed like the boys were having a day dedicated to video games (you know, because it’s not like they had essays to do or anything). In other words, they were going to be more distracted and easier to fool than usual.
The idea came quickly to you, as if you had been an evil genius your whole life. Taehyung’s comment had really sparked something inside you, something you didn’t recognise. A total of maybe ten minutes had passed between you closing the app and knocking on Jungkook’s door at the end of the hallway. You weren’t surprised when he didn’t respond the first time, so you knocked again, hard enough to the point you knew he wouldn’t be able to ignore it.
“Oh, hey. What is it?”
“I think I left some notes here.” The lie was effortless, the words rolling off of your tongue.
“Really? I probably copied off you. Just check the table.” He pointed in a vague direction, eager to get back to the game. To be fair, he would have treated you with just as much dismissal even if he weren’t completely distracted. Taehyung turned to face you, arm leaning over the couch as he waved hello, controller still in hand. You were kind enough to wave back, so as to make things not seem suspicious. Jungkook was quick to return to the couch, leaving you to your own devices behind him as the boys un-paused the game.
Your eyes settled on a pile of paper, next to which was unmistakably Taehyung’s camera bag. He seemed to be permanently attached to it, and you were surprised he had left it further than arms-length away. You shrugged, clearly the video game was more important to him at that moment in time. Remembering your plan, you grabbed some paper, not bothering to check whether they were notes or letters, and tucked them under your arm as your hands grabbed the camera bag.
“Thanks, see you later.” You spoke quickly as you powerwalked out of the room, hugging Taehyung’s camera into your chest. The boys were too engrossed in the game to bother turning around, a monotonous ‘bye’ was all you got from them on your way out. How that worked you had no idea, but the job was only half-done.
Back safely in your apartment, you headed straight to your bedroom. There was a brief moment, when you were on your knees in your messy closet searching rapidly for your favourite pair of lingerie, where you wondered if you were really doing this. The moment passed as quickly as it came, and you were soon wearing nothing but red lace.
It took you longer than you thought to figure out how the camera even worked, let alone where to place it to get the best photos. You even had to play around with the lighting in your room to make sure your best assets weren’t going to get overlooked. Once you had figured it out, you had your own photoshoot with Taehyung’s camera. You tried out various poses on your bed, even straddling your pillow in some pictures. At one point, you found yourself laughing at how ridiculous the whole thing was, but you knew you were going to go through with it.
“You’re back?” Jungkook responded when, sure enough, you were back at his apartment around an hour later. Fully dressed, of course. The lingerie was back safely in your closet, though if things went your way you would be needing it soon.
“Yeah, you can keep these notes if you want. I made better ones.” You had no clue if the pieces of paper in your hand were notes, but you also knew he wasn’t going to check.
“Cool, just leave them on the table.” Jungkook didn’t bother waiting for you to enter his apartment this time, he simply left the door open as he returned to the couch. You reached down to pick up the camera bag, which you had left by the door, out of sight, and slid into the room.
“Hi again!” Taehyung turned to wave at you, and you had never moved so fast in your life. You whipped the hand holding the camera bag behind you, hoping you didn’t look suspicious. Your heartrate quickened, hoping he didn’t ask why your hand was behind your back. A satisfied smile graced his features when you squeaked out a greeting, and he turned back around. As far as he was concerned, things were fine between the two of you after what he had said at the party.
You did exactly what Jungkook told you to do, and left the papers right where you had found them. You saw that the piece of paper on top was actually a letter from the library, alerting Jungkook that the book he had taken out was a week overdue. He probably had no idea where the book was. Anyway, once you set the camera down without any interruption or interrogation, you breathed a sigh of relief.
“See you guys later.” You didn’t wait for their response as you rushed out of the door. You took a second to steady your breathing, not believing how you managed to get away with it thus far.
What Taehyung planned on doing was reviewing the pictures he took that morning. What he didn’t expect to see was a picture of your legs, decorated in red thigh highs, spread against your bed. And yes, he knew it was you. He had spent enough time stealing glances at you at parties to know that those were your legs. By the time you begun including your face in the photos, he already figured out what you had done.
He sat back in his chair, smirking to himself as he ran a finger against his lip. This was no mistake – you had wanted him to find those pictures, he knew that instantly. That fact made him feel a lot less guilty when he felt himself harden when he returned to look at the pictures. Perhaps there was a side of you that he didn’t know. Yes, you were obvious when flirting with him, but he never thought you’d be this bold.
It was dirty, and he fucking loved it.
He wasn’t sure he was going to be able to resist you anymore. His thumb hovered over the ‘call’ button under your contact details. Eventually, the idea of having the real thing instead of rubbing one out to your pictures convinced him to call you.
As the phone rang, he worried that this was a plan to get back at him for what he said to you. Perhaps you were going to reject him, turn him down and embarrass him. The worry dissipated slightly when you answered the phone, your voice a calming influence.
“Hey.” You answered. It wasn’t often that he called you, you mainly communicated through text. This had you thinking that he had indeed found your pictures, and you hoped he liked them.
“Y/N.” he let your name sit on his tongue, his deep voice sending something through you. “Y/N, do you want to explain to me the pictures I found of you on my camera?”
“I don’t know,” you twirled a piece of hair with your finger. “I think they’re pretty self-explanatory.” He heard a soft chuckle on your end of the line before you spoke again. “Do you like them?”
“I’ve got a hand in my pants right now, what do you think?” He had begun to palm himself through his boxers to at least feel some relief. “I’d rather have the real thing in front of me, though.”
“I can get to your place in,” you pulled your phone away to check the time, “15 minutes.”
“You better be wearing that fucking lingerie when you get here.”
The 15 minutes it took you to show up were excruciating. Taehyung kept flicking through the pictures as he waited, they were practically engrained in his brain by the time you knocked on his door.
“I see you got started without me.” You spoke when he opened the door, pointing towards his unbuttoned and unzipped pants. Not responding to your statement, he took your hand and pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you. He took his bottom lip into his teeth when you unbuttoned your coat to reveal nothing but your red lingerie underneath. You truly were full of surprises, and when you followed him into the bedroom, he made sure the door was locked before getting things started.
“You stole my camera to take those photos, you’ve been bad.”
“Not the good girl you thought I am, am I?” He could only shake his head, tongue pressed against his teeth as he took in the sight of you. You walked over towards him, placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you. You pressed your cheek against his, before whispering in his ear. “You don’t have to go easy on me.”
Just like that, the flip switched.
He backed you against the wall, his fingers gently wrapping themselves around your throat and holding you in place. He placed kisses along the side of your face before he spoke. 
“This is what you wanted the whole time, isn’t it? You wanted to tease me to this point.” He spoke against your ear, his breaths against you sending shivers down your spine and through your veins. He placed more sloppy kisses against your jawline. “You think I didn’t notice all the touches? The way you spoke to me? The way you licked my nipple at the party? God, I could’ve taken you right then and there.” His grip tightened slightly, and your light moan pleased him. “You need to answer my question, baby.”
“Yes, Tae.” You breathed. “Yes, this is what I wanted.” He used his other hands to trail his fingers down your chest, down your stomach, and settle them over your panties. He pressed against the red lace, the sensation against your clit causing you to press back into the wall – as if you could get any closer to it. He began to circle his fingers, watching as you tried to keep your composure.
“Stealing my camera? I didn’t think you had it in you, but I was wrong about you.” He slipped his fingers inside your panties, not to play with you some more, but to see the effect he was having on you. He hummed, satisfied with what he had found. “So wet already. You’re such a dirty girl, of course you’re excited.” 
Before you could even think of a response, he had bent you over the bed. Your stomach was flat against the mattress, and you buried your face into the sheets as he spread your legs apart. He pulled your underwear down to your ankles and marvelled at the sight in front of him. “Fuck, you look good.” He dragged his tongue from your clit to your entrance in one movement, the sudden touch earning a whimper from you. “But naughty girls have to get punished.”
Without warning, he brought a hand to your ass cheek. You squealed, the idea of being spanked by him excited you. The next hit was harder and was sure to leave some kind of reminder. You probably weren’t going to be able to sit down the following morning.
“Fuck, Tae, hit me harder.” The next hits made your clit twitch. His hands were so big, he was so strong. Sat on the bed, his body heat radiating against yours, he raised your head from the mattress. He began to suck your neck, the intimacy of his lips against such a vulnerable area was in direct contrast to the pain of his hand against your ass cheeks. You could only moan at the concurrent sensations, your brain already going foggy. The heat from Taehyung’s body disappeared when he stood up and flipped you over. He gestured for you to sit up, his fingers beckoning you.
“Let me see you play with yourself, give me a show.” You did as he told you to, playing with yourself whilst he removed his shirt. His body was even more perfect than you remembered, spurring you to go faster. “Like what you see?” You nodded, eyes travelling down his chest and down to his pants. He had yet to take them off, but you could see how hard he was. He had a hand in his underwear as he watched you touch yourself, lightly stroking himself at the sight. He knew where your eyes were fixated. “What is it you want, huh?” He placed a hand under your chin to make sure you were looking up into his eyes. “Use your words.”
“I want to touch you, I want you in my mouth.”
“Then get on your knees and put your mouth to good work.” Within seconds you were on your knees in front of him. You began by placing kisses on his lower abdomen, before you dragged his pants and underwear down.
“Fuck, you’re big.” In all honesty, it wasn’t a surprise. You licked your hand before running it up and down his length, and you enclosed the tip between your lips. You moved down slowly, taking more of him into you. He watched as he disappeared into your mouth, and he craved more. He craved all you had, all you could give. With a hand on either side of the shirt he had just taken off, he placed it against the back of your head and pulled on each side so that you took in all of him.  
“Yeah, baby, choke on it.” He pulled the shirt away, giving you a split second to breathe before he used the material to pull you over him once more. This time he did it for much longer, the sound of your choking was exactly what he was searching for. “Do you know how fucking good that feels?” His deep groans had your clit pulsating, with a deep fire burning in your abdomen. He let go again, letting you breathe. You were quick to take him in one more time, the shirt dropping from his hands because you caught him by surprise. He used two fingers to force you to look up at him. “Don’t look away from me, you’re so pretty with my cock in your mouth. Your lips are perfect for this, shit.”
Holding your head in place, he pulled out to tap his dick against your bottom lip. There was a string of saliva joining his tip and your mouth, this was messier and dirtier than anything you’d been involved in before. “Do you want me to fuck your throat?” You nodded eagerly. “Stay where I put you.” He put both hands behind your head and held you in place as he began to fuck your mouth viciously, thrusting in and out of your at lightspeed. His groans were so loud and so deep, you wanted to touch yourself so badly, but he hadn’t asked you to. You knew only to do as you were told.
“Oh my God,” you spoke when he pulled out of your mouth. He used his thumb to wipe away a tear that was beginning to fall, you hadn’t even noticed.
“Well done, baby. Is that pussy ready for me?” He raised a hand to stop you from answering, instead helping you up and onto the bed. “I shouldn’t even ask, all I had to do was put my hands around your throat to get you wet.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. “Nothing to be ashamed of, I get hard just being in the same fucking room as you.” He gave your thighs a hard squeeze as he spoke, as if to let you know just how sexy he thought you were.
Now he was on his knees, and you watched as he hovered over your pussy. “Goddamn, Y/N, you’re dripping for me.” He played with your wetness, amazed at how much there was. “I bet it won’t take much to make you cum.” He very lightly traced his tongue along your pussy, so lightly to the point that you could barely feel it. Yet, at the same time, you felt everything.
“Oh shit!” He pulled away, chuckling at your reaction. You sat up, looking down at him. “More, please. Please, I’m begging you.” He places a hand on your upper thigh as he licked more vigorously against you, focusing his attention on your clit. Within minutes your toes were curled, the familiar tingling feeling of pleasure spreading through the lower half of your body. He was right, it wasn’t going to take much to make you cum. You had wanted this for so long. “Shit. Shit. I’m about to cum.”
Your words prompted him to pull away. You whined, your mouth hung open.
“Bad girls don’t get to cum so easily.” He reminded you. Your pussy throbbed, desperately wanting the release that was taken from it. Paralysed from shock, Taehyung took it upon himself to flip you onto your front. “Are you on birth control?” You managed to answer with a short ‘yes’, and he slid inside of you. He really stretched you out, barely giving you time to adjust before he began to thrust. “Fuck, Y/N. Fuck, that’s a warm little cunt, isn’t it?” The vulgarity of his words had you clenching around him. “Oh, you like that, huh? Who knew you were this fucking dirty?” The feeling of him sliding in and out of you had your head spinning.
“Taehyung…” you had forgotten whatever it was that you tried to say as he slammed in to you.
“You know what, I want to see your face while I fuck you.” He’d waited this long to have you, why deny himself the opportunity to look at your pretty little face while he ravished you? You turned around, lying flat on your back. Before he put his dick back inside you, he tapped it against your clit. You jerked upwards, hissing. He did it again and again, causing you to squirm and writhe at the sudden sensations. He loved the amount of control he had over your body in that moment, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The next time he slid in, he went at a much slower pace. He simply admired the sight of you, reaching over to cup your face. A thumb caressed your cheek, and you brought your hands up to hold on to his arm as you groaned and whimpered.
“D-Deeper,” you pleaded, and he complied with your request. With one long thrust he was deeper in you than ever before, and you almost jumped back. He kept with the slow, deep thrusts, your moans getting higher and higher every time. You were getting tighter, getting closer to your release. You had no idea if he was going to let you cum, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back. Your lids fluttered as your eyes rolled back.
“Keep those eyes open, you know I want to see you.” The intensity of matching his gaze had your stomach doing backflips. “Keep clenching around me like that and I’m gonna cum inside this tight little pussy.”
“I c-can’t help it, you feel so good.”
“Mmm, and I bet you’d like it if I took pictures of my cum leaking out of you.” Your sudden clench answered the question, though he already knew the answer. “I should get a camera just to take pictures of you, you’re that fucking perfect.” He had to pull out, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer like this. Holding your legs in the air, he sank to his knees again and started to eat you out. You knew this would push you over the edge, and all it took was a few pumps of his fingers to make you come undone completely.
“I’m cumming, oh my God. I’m cumming!” The high was short lived as Taehyung pulled away, tutting at you.
“Did I tell you to cum?” You didn’t respond, instead you tried to steady your breathing. Before you could fully come to, he had begun circling your clit with his thumb. You shrieked at the overstimulation, not ready for him to touch you again so soon. You thrashed around on the bed, and he held you in place. “You know better than to avoid my questions.”
“No!” you managed to splutter out, and his thumb slowed down. “No, you didn’t tell me to cum.”
“You came all over my face, before I even told you to. Is this the naughtiest you’ve ever been?” You nodded yes, and his lips curled upwards. “You’re only like this for me? I knew I’d ruin you, Y/N.” He stood up and leaned forward, catching your lips in a zealous kiss. You realised this was the first time he had kissed your lips the entire time, and you put your hand around the back of his neck to prolong the moment. As he kissed you, he slid into you. “You cum when I say so, okay baby?” He spoke against your lips.
Your hands remained at the back of his neck, even when you had stopped kissing, and he remained leaned in to you. You could hear him panting against you, the way he sharply took in his breath when you moved in a way that he liked, the quiet moans that you had previously missed. He began to place a trail of kisses down your neck, gently sucking on it. Despite how rough he had been, it was oddly intimate.
“You’re making me feel so good.” You whispered against him, biting his earlobe. He moaned at the action, completely involuntarily.
“Your pussy was made for me, you know that?” he quickened the pace as he spoke. “I can’t believe I waited this long to fuck you. I’ve always wanted to fuck you senseless.” His eyes searched your face, and he knew you were close once again. “You’re ready to cum, huh?”
“Yes, please let me cum. I’ll only cum if you let me, I promise.” He began to rub your clit again, whilst thrusting deeper inside you. Waiting until he gave you permission to cum was going to be your hardest challenge yet.
“When I tell you to, you’re gonna cum on my cock, okay?” You nodded, your hands now holding his shoulders for some sort of support while you lost all inhibition. Your fingernails were digging deep into him, though you had barely realised. Any sort of grip you had on reality had completely faded away when he started to bite down on and suck your earlobe. It was building up faster and faster at this point, and you were beyond ready to explode. You trembled against him, and he wrapped his hands around your waist and held you close when he finally gave you the go ahead. “Now, cum all over me right fucking now.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. As soon as the words left his lips it was like the earth shattered around you. All you managed to say was his name, several garbled versions of it, as you rode out the wave. If it weren’t for the fact he held you in place, you would have been lying flat on the bed, staring at his plain ceiling. But no, he held you and watched you as you came around him, his mouth hung open in awe.
“Fucking hell.” You eventually managed. Your eyes followed Taehyung as he lay back, telling you that it was time for you to taste yourself. You grinned at him, crawling over and taking him into your mouth once more. You made sure to arch your back, giving him a good view of your ass as you sucked him off. He moved your hands, which had been gripping his thighs, so that they were palms-down against the bed. He wrapped his legs around you, crossing his ankles together behind your head and pushed mercilessly into your mouth, holding your head down.
He began to groan super loudly, the sound of your choking encouraging him even more. He knew you could take it, and this pleased him.
“I could stay in your mouth forever, I swear to God.” He only had one hand on your head at this point, the other was gripping the sheets as he basked in the feeling of his cock down your throat. You gasped for air when he let you pull away, hands resting on his thighs. “Fuck, I’m ready to cum.” He was stroking himself now, his breathing getting more and more shallow. “I’m gonna cum on your face, only fair since you came on mine – right?” You nodded, getting on your knees and looking up at him. “Use your tongue, make me cum with your tongue. God, I’ve been thinking about that tongue since those body shots. I’m gonna cum so hard, shit.”
Following his instructions, you flattened and curled your tongue around the underside of his penis. With a loud cry, he shot his load on your face, stomach contracting as he finally gave in to the pleasure. “You look as good as I thought you would.” He swiped the cum with his fingers and placed them in your mouth, moaning lowly as you sucked them. Fingers still enclosed in your mouth, he kisses the corner of your lips.
You weren’t expecting to stay the night, but you found yourself sat against Taehyung’s headboard as he talked you through all the other pictures on his camera. The thoughts, ideas and intentions behind every single one of his photos was fascinating – and you could have sat up and talked with him all night.
“Honestly, I can’t believe you took my camera without me noticing. Like, my camera is my baby, you know?”
“That’s what you get for underestimating me.”
392 notes · View notes
cosmichobi · 7 years
I just read the pythons play ground, and it was a m a z i n g I loved it!!! And tbh I love a l l your works!! 💘🖤
im late getting back to this but ahhhhhh thank you so much!!!!
3 notes · View notes
cosmichobi · 7 years
The Winning Shot : Jung Hoseok (2)
PART 1 HERE:  X.It takes a fight at a frat party for everyone to finally speak their mind.
Fuckboy!Hoseok x Reader.
Fluff!!, little bits of angst bc I can’t help myself
Word Count: 8.7K +
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   For the first time in his life, Hoseok was glad he listened to Jin. A few minutes after your awkward phone conversation, you had arrived with the pizza. He had came over and helped you with the steaming boxes, ignoring the incredulous look Jisoo gave him for leaving her to carry four large bottles of soda. It wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. Everyone enjoyed the hot pizza and drank to their stomach’s content between working on the posters. Jokes were exchanged across the room and Hoseok realized he had never done something like this before. Usually “hanging out” meant getting girls but this…this was different. He liked it.
  He glanced around subconsciously to find you and caught sight of your burgundy jacket tailing into the kitchen portion of the student lounge. He picked up a plate from the table with a half eaten slice of pizza and started to walk after you.
   “I wasn’t finished with that!” Jungkook was going to be the death of him.
   “You’ll thank me tomorrow at practice.” He continued on his walk, turning the corner where he knew the trashcan was at the beginning of the kitchenette. He stopped short when he saw you holding a bag that had the same logo as the pizza boxes. Interestingly enough, you opened it and pulled out a small, plastic container. Seconds later, Jimin had walked in from the other entrance. He stood in front of you, blocking Hoseok’s view but he still managed to see what you were holding.
  “Hey, I got your text. What’s up?” Hoseok saw the back of Jimin’s head tilt down to look at your hands before tilting it to the side.
   “I got you this. Uh, it’s kind of as a thanks for inviting me and letting me borrow your notes.” Your voice was still strong but Hoseok noticed you were quieter than usual. He didn’t like it one bit. Between that and the way you avoided Jimin’s eye contact, it was painfully obvious what was going on.
  “Oh! This looks so good. Thank you!” He took the slice of cake in the container from your hands before looking at you sideways. “D-Do you like me?” Jimin was smarter than the average person but Hoseok didn’t think he’d be bold enough to ask you.
  Your laugh was almost nervous, “Well, you’re very charming and it’s not like you’re ugly.”
   Surprisingly, Jimin only laughed. Hoseok recognized it as the one he did when he was flattered. “You’re very nice as well,” Hoseok tried to walk closer without getting noticed but froze when he heard Jimin say, “But I kind of want to focus on my grades and hockey right now.” 
   What? Was he really turning you down? Hoseok couldn’t believe what he was hearing and it broke his heart when you quickly rushed out a response.
  “Oh! Of course! We can still hang out maybe though…?” He couldn’t believe you were settling. You deserved better than this.
   “Yeah, but please…just don’t expect anything.” Hoseok couldn’t believe it. Here he was absolutely crazy for you, and there you were getting rejected by his best friend. He couldn’t stop himself from slamming the plate down into the trash bin to make his presence known. When the two of you jumped and turned to look at him, his eyes burned through Jimin.
   “Yeah, all you care about is your studies, huh?”
    Ignoring his friend’s statement, Jimin placed a hand over his chest, “Hyung! I didn’t see you there.” Hoseok glanced over and watched your face turn sour as you realized he had heard everything that just went down. Your gaze was trained hard at the floor but he still stared at you as he spoke.
  “Yeah, I bet you didn’t. I mean, all you see now-a-days are your grades, right?”
 Jimin’s brow crinkled, “Hyung, is this about…,” his words trailed off but he used his pointer finger to motion between you and himself, “Because it’s really none of your business.”
  Hoseok was surprised you didn’t say anything. You had a strong personality from what he had seen and to see you with your tail between your legs killed him. “I’m your best friend, Jimin. You’re acting like you wouldn’t have told me sooner or later.”
  Jimin bit his lip, “Yeah, but…” he sighed and Hoseok could almost see the gears turning in his head, “You know what, Hobi hyung? You’re right.” Hoseok wanted to scoff and tell him ‘well of course’ but Jimin turned away from him to face you. “My grades are fine and I can handle hockey. Do you wanna maybe get lunch some time?”
  Hoseok balked and nearly choked on his spit. “Wait, what?” He questioned as if Jimin were speaking to him.
  “Any girl who buys me cake is worth getting to know.” Jimin’s playful smile and your pleasantly shocked face burned Hoseok’s eyes.
   “Uh, slow down there, Park. Are you sure? I mean, we do have that test next month and you should be studying for it. Besides I heard Coach is really going to push us this season.”
  Jimin laughed, “Relax, I have it under control.” He thought his older friend was just being considerate. He was too naive to see the panic in Hoseok’s eyes. Instead, he looked at you sincerely, “Look, I’m going to be honest here. I don’t know you but you seem like a nice girl so I guess I don’t mind getting to know you. Sorry for kind of shooting you down so quickly earlier.” He had the sense to rub the back of his neck shamefully.
   “It’s okay. You have my number so whenever you’re ready, I’ll be ready.” You quirked your lip flirtily at him and walked away without even sparing Hoseok a glance.
  He felt sick. He tried to process exactly what just happened, it all seemed too fast. Why couldn’t he just keep his mouth shut? His stomach protested as he realized. Hoseok just got Park Jimin a date- with his girl. And he’d be damned if he let Jimin have you that easily.
   That sickness continued throughout hockey practice. He had been off his game and was heavily chastised for it by his coach and teammates.
 “Jung! When you see Kim with the puck you need to stay on the further half of the rink! We went over this!”
 His shoulder pads felt too heavy and the sweat leaking down his face only made him more uncomfortable. He ripped his helmet off and turned to the Coach, “I know what I’m doing- FUCK!”
 The puck Jin just sent flying from across the rink bounced right off his smooth cheekbone and clattered to somewhere on the ice. The small vibration could be heard around the rink as everyone was stunned into silence. His face throbbed and despite it all, the only thing he could think of was you. He felt like a kid again and it made his stomach hurt. He liked you so much and you didn’t even look at him. You never acknowledged him and you were probably out right now having a bright and fine day while his face was swelling up. The cherry on top was stupid Park Jimin being the only one to move and check on him.
 “Yikes, hyung. Let me get you some ice.”
 His wide eyes were so sincere and full of worry that it almost made Hoseok feel bad for wishing Jimin had rejected you. The shorter boy followed him back to the locker room where they sat as Hoseok iced his cheek.
“We don’t have to go back there you know. Coach has been a bit hard on you today so I’m sure he’ll understand if we skip the rest of practice.”
 Jimin smiled slightly when Hoseok’s only response was to peel his jersey off indicating the affirmative. They sat and chatted and oddly enough Jimin was doing a really good job at distracting Hoseok from the pain in his face. At a dip in the conversation, Hoseok took the opportunity to look at Jimin, really look at him. Jimin was too sweet for his own good. The boy was there for him whenever he needed and always knew how to make things better. He was the perfect friend. Possibly the perfect boyfriend. And you deserve nothing less than perfect.
  He cringed when he realized just what he was considering. Did he really want to give you up? He barely knew you. He only knew you from the countless stories he made Seokjin tell him about your biology class, but that in itself was enough for him to become smitten.
 “Hyung, you’re staring.”
Hoseok shook his head to try and clear it but couldn’t help himself, “So, you’re really taking her out.”
 It was a statement and the spontaneous nature of it made Jimin raise his eyebrows and scratch his neck. “What? Oh! Uh, yeah. I mean, she did buy me cake and all.” He stood up and began undressing, still mildly shocked but mostly confused at his friend’s question.
    “Do you like her?”
Jimin paused in the middle of unlacing his skates, “Well she’s pretty, and it doesn’t hurt that her and I have the same literary tastes. Let me tell you, I didn’t think anyone else would pick the book I originally picked. I thought I’d be working alone! I mean not a lot of people are interested in reading about-”
 “Post apocalyptic romance, I know.” Hoseok ignored Jimin’s impressed and shocked stare. He wouldn’t openly admit it, but you had inspired him to read the book back to front. Even if it was only to have something to talk to you about. He wasn’t going to pretend he understood what was going on in the book  but he hoped you’d appreciate his efforts come next class. Before Jimin could ask how the Jung “King of Slacking Off” Hoseok, knew as much as the genre of one of his favorite books, a loud bang indicated the door being thrown open. Hurried steps made their way over to where the two sat.
  “Oh man, holy shit!” Hoseok rolled his eyes at Jungkook’s exaggerated outburst. The younger boy let his skates clink to the floor to push away the ice pack in order to see to darkening bruise under Hoseok’s eye. “Wow, it’s bad Jin hyung! You should start running right now!”
    “I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Seokjin.” Hoseok rolled his eyes from where he was on the couch and continued scrolling down his social media feed. His caring roommate just let him know that he was going out to get a few things for a party tomorrow night and would be leaving him with a caretaker. Jin had felt really bad about hitting him accidentally and maybe he felt this was the way to make it up. He didn’t spare a glance when there was a knock on the door but when Jin walked in with his babysitter of the night, Hoseok didn’t know wether to laugh or cry. “Fuck off, honestly.”
  Jungkook’s high pitched giggle sounded from throughout the room and his only response was to lift a small, shiny object he had brought with him. “I got you a bell to ring in case you need something.”
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cosmichobi · 7 years
memories of last night (m)
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in which you show namjoon that you are impossible to forget
Word Count: 3k
Opening the door to a less-than-sober Namjoon was far from an everyday occurrence for you.
“What the fuck? You’re not Hoseok.”
“You’re right, Namjoon. I’m tired.” His lips fell into a frown as he narrowed his eyes at you. Had you not been so exasperated, you might have laughed. You wondered if it was worth telling him that he literally lived opposite you, you weren’t sure if his drunk brain was ready to process that information. “If I let you in, will you get that stupid look off your face and go to sleep?”
He nodded earnestly. To his surprise, you moved to the side and allowed him to enter your apartment.
“What the fuck? You’re not Hoseok.” Namjoon’s voice was groggy, his eyes blinking rapidly as he took in the sight of you. You, on the other hand, were far more alert, and far less willing to have this conversation.
“We had this conversation last night.”
“What happened last night?”
“Oh come on, you weren’t that drunk.” In one swift movement you lifted the covers and forced yourself out of bed. It was only once the shower started running that he realised where you had went. As you showered, Namjoon racked his brains to try and figure out what the hell had happened the night before. He remembered the music, he remembered downing some godawful shots. He had made his own way back to the apartment complex, and he especially remembered the taxi driver being annoyed at him for not shutting the hell up the whole journey.
Then he remembered you opening your door, dressed in only a vest and shorts that, as much as they tried, didn’t cover much.
He gasped when he came to what must have been the only conclusion.
He couldn’t believe he had slept with you. 
Correction, he couldn’t believe he had slept with you and didn’t remember it.
This was a lot to take in, and the sun shining mercilessly through the curtains was only adding to his pounding headache. He turned to your bedside table, and began to search for some painkillers. He pulled the first drawer, only to find bras and underwear. He pulled the second drawer, where he found some condoms and … oh. He’d watched enough porn to know what a vibrator looked like.
He shook his head, deciding it would probably be better to try your kitchen. He didn’t actually have any luck there, either, but at least you had food.
Once you had finished in the shower and gotten dressed, you made your way into your kitchen. The first thing you noticed was the smell of toast, and the second thing you noticed was Namjoon sat at your counter, eating said toast. He paused mid-chew.
“I mean, yeah, sure, just eat my food. That’s cool.” You shrugged. Namjoon wasn’t sure if he had broken some unwritten rule. Sure, people don’t usually feed their one night stands (or at least he didn’t think they did – he had no experience in the field himself), but he wasn’t eating the toast as some guy you’d fucked the night before, he was eating the toast as your friend.
“You have good taste in bread.” You narrowed your eyes at him, he was acting even weirder than usual. Namjoon was an endearingly-awkward guy in general, which was what drew you to him in the first place, but there was something off about him this morning. It wasn’t the fact he was hungover, either. “Can we forget I said that?”
“Forgotten.” You reached into the top cupboard and pulled out a cereal bar. Namjoon tore his eyes away from you, pretending he hadn’t noticed your shirt ride up. “Are we still on for tomorrow, though?”
“You said you’d help me study for the test.” Namjoon breathed what seemed to be a sigh of relief, though you’re not sure what could possibly have made him react that way. You cocked your head to the side, slowing chewing on the cereal bar. “Why are you acting weirder than usual today?” He shook his head before you could even finish asking the question.
“I’m not acting weird. I’m fine.” He grabbed his plate, stood up, and began to walk away. “Hey, thanks for breakfast, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a nice day!” He was quick to shut the door behind him, leaving you alone and confused.
You at least hoped he was going to give you your plate back.
The knock on your door came right when you expected it to, at a few minutes past the hour. Namjoon was never exactly on time, but you couldn’t really say he was late. His face perked up when you opened the door, lips pressed together in an unassuming smile.
“Hey.” He followed you into your apartment, noting your choice of attire – a thin shirt and those short shorts again. He wondered if you were cold, and the sight of your nipples poking against the material gave him the answer.
“I’ve already got my books in the main room, but we could go to the bedroom if you want.” You suggested, remembering from your last study-session that he preferred to be in the comfort of a bedroom. Something about the bedsheets making him feel more at home, or something silly like that.
“The main room’s fine.” He gulped, the fingers on his right hand tapping against the back of his neck. You had to tell him to sit down, for he was awkwardly stood in place in the main room. Clearly, there was still something bothering him, as he had never missed a chance to make himself comfortable. When you returned from the kitchen, two water glasses in hand, you joined him on the couch. He jumped at the contact between your arms, surprised at the warmth and softness of your skin. He cleared his throat before he began, and tried his best simultaneously to clear his head.
As he spoke, explaining a particularly difficult part of the course, you reached over to grab your glass of water from the side table next to his end of the sofa. In doing so, your breast brushed against his arm, the satin of your top the only thing separating you. He, embarrassingly, had spent a lot of time trying to remember what it was like to be with you, but he couldn’t conjure up a single image. The subtle touch of your breast against his arm didn’t make the memories come flooding back, but it certainly spark a reaction within him. Heat pricked his neck, and he tapped his fingers against his thigh.
“Sorry, don’t mind me.” You took a sip of the water, looking at him expectantly. You waited for him to start talking again, but when he did, he said something you never in a million years expected him to.
“I’ve never had a one-night stand before, okay?!” Your face contorted in ultimate confusion. A math equation could show up in your test and that wouldn’t throw you off nearly as much as his statement just did.
“What the fuck has that got to do with this?”
“Why are we both sat here pretending nothing happened the other night? Is that normal? Is that what people do after one-night stands?” There was a pause after his outburst, and Namjoon feared what you might say. You set your glass of water onto the ground, processing what he’d just said.
You burst out laughing when the pieces clicked together.
You wanted to tell him that no, that isn’t what happened, but you couldn’t stop laughing. Every time you tried to compose yourself, you ended up laughing even harder. His face had begun to go red, and you felt bad. Putting a hand on the arm of the chair, you controlled your breathing. When you turned to him, you were completely serious.
“You think if you had sex me you’d forget it?”
“I’d hope not, but – wait. What?”
“We didn’t do anything, we just shared a bed. You fell asleep straight away.” There was even more heat underneath Namjoon’s skin, the news somehow increasing his embarrassment. You put a hand on his forearm, inching closer to him. Deciding to have some fun with it, you put a finger under his chin and made sure his eyes were on you. “If I were gonna have sex with you, I’d make sure you were stone-cold sober, because I’d want you to remember every last bit of it.”
He didn’t dare take his eyes off you. His lips were slightly parted, you noticed, but he wasn’t saying anything. His chest rose up and down slowly, and in the seconds that passed, you wondered what he would do. Would he kiss you, like you wanted him to, or would he cower away? His eyes trailed down to your lips, and he swallowed.
“Do it.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but he was quick to adhere to your command. Cupping the side of your face with one hand, he brought his lips down to yours. The kiss was hesitant at first, as you expected it to be, but you took the upper hand in deepening it. You pulled away, bringing your lips close to his ear. They gently brushed against his earlobe when you spoke, and he had to bite back a groan. “Let’s go to my room, it’s way more fun in there.”
As soon as you made it into the room, your lips were on each others. He was sat on the bed, feet firmly on the ground while you straddled him, kissing him more fervently, feeding in to your cravings. You always thought Namjoon was sexy – he was intelligent, tall, and you loved his voice – but you had no idea how badly you wanted him until now. You felt him get harder beneath you as you grinded on his lap, he was big – you could tell. Your core throbbed just at the thought of having him inside you.
Namjoon hands were pressed firmly on your waist, your kisses more aggressive than any he’d received before. He was loving it, though, the way you sucked against his lip, and the way you playfully bit it – it was everything he wanted and more. When his elbow knocked against your bedside table, he suddenly remembered something.
“Your vibrator.” You paused, looking down at him. “Would you like me to use your vibrator on you?” Dumbfounded, you nodded. You watched as he reached in to the second drawer and pulled out your vibrator.
“H-how the hell did you know where it was?” His face dropped as he remembered that this wasn’t public information. Heat settled on his face once more.
“Oh,” he breathed. “I was looking for painkillers when I woke up yesterday and I came across it.” He was worried that he had just killed the mood completely, but instead, you pulled him into another kiss.
“You’re so fucking cute.” With that vibrator in his hand, he became powerful. He instructed for you to lay back and take your clothes off, removing his own shirt off as you complied. His lips curled upwards when you removed your shirt – he knew you weren’t wearing a bra. With a click, the vibrator buzzed gently. You were experienced enough to know that it was on the lowest power level, but it was still enough to make you giggle when he traced it down your stomach.
You bit your lip in anticipation as you watched him. He looked up at you right before pressing the vibrator against your clit, not taking his eyes off you. You didn’t want to break the eye contact, but you involuntarily threw your head back at the sensations. They were light sensations, not ripping through you, but rather gently spreading among your abdomen, with your feet beginning to tingle. It was nice enough to make you feel good, but subdued enough to have you wanting more. 
“You like it?” He asks, and you’re about to breathe out an answer to his question when he turned it up to the next power level. It was so unexpected it forced you to yell out, and this seemed to amuse him. He began to twist it against your clit, your toes curled in response and you were pretty sure you could actually see stars. You had lost control of your hips, they grinded against the vibrator persistently. “Be as loud as you want, let me hear you.” Your moans, a mixture of loud, breathy and desperate, had him fighting the urge to reach into his boxers and start stroking himself.  
“Make me cum, please make me cum.” You whimpered. Namjoon’s free hand had been gripping your thigh, but he released you from his grip in order to bring you even more pleasure. He slid two fingers inside you, pumping in and out whilst continuing to play with your clit with the vibrator.
“You’re so wet, shit.” He couldn’t believe that he had this much of an effect on you, and it drove him crazy. “I know you want to cum on my fingers, don’t you?” A high-pitched agreement came from your throat, you barely recognised your own voice. “Do it.” He commanded. Almost immediately, you came undone all on his fingers, just like he told you to.
“Fuck.” You breathed, looking up at him whilst you panted.
“That was so fucking hot.” He seemed almost as out of breath as you were. “I’m so hard right now, shit.” His words motivated you to beckon him over, and you pulled his trousers down. His bulge was pressed hard against his boxers, and you decided to free him. Your eyes widened at the size before you ran your tongue against your lower lip. “I need to fuck you. God, I need to fuck you right now.” 
“Well,” you began to run your hand up and down his length as his breathing got even shallower. “If you know where my vibrator is, I’m sure you know where the condoms are.” He hissed when your thumb rubbed over the tip of penis, his thoughts clouded with lust. “Tell me where the condoms are, and I’ll get them.”
“Fuck.” He exhaled deeply, focusing on the way you made him feel. Satisfied that he was completely under your control, you scooted back and lowered your head. You dragged your tongue against his length, painfully slowly. “Oh, fuck.”
“That’s not the answer.” You crooned, now swirling your tongue against his head. 
“T-They’re in the-” he stopped to groan when you took him in completely, his penis disappearing into the moist warmth of your mouth. He felt like he levitated above air at the feeling of your tongue against him. He almost exploded right then and there when you looked up at him with teasingly innocent eyes, as if you weren’t doing anything wrong. “Oh my God, Y/N.” You pulled away from his dick, not breaking eye contact with him.
“Where are they?” you asked again.
“In th-the second drawer.” He answered. “The same place you put the vibrator.” He had no idea how he conjured up the strength to speak, all he could think about was being inside you. Had you still been around him, he would have shot his cum into your mouth by now, you were that good. 
“Smart boy.” You pulled open the second drawer and pulled out a condom. Instructing him to lie back, in the same position you were in when he had used the vibrator on you, you rolled the condom onto him. You sank down onto him, guiding his hands to your ass as his head immediately lolled back.
“So tight, so fucking tight.” His grip was getting stronger, and you knew he’d leave marks. A hand pulled away and came down even harder as he spanked one of your ass cheeks.
“Harder!” you instructed as you bounced on him. He spanked you again, much harder this time, and you squealed in appreciation. Namjoon looked at you through hooded eyes, not believing that he had you riding him. You felt incredible, better than anything he’d experienced before.
“You’re so fucking perfect, I can’t handle it.” You began to go faster, and his hands were no longer on your ass. Instead, they hovered around your cheeks as he just watched you in amazement. He had no control over the moans and expletives coming out of his mouth, the pleasure had overtaken him completely. You grinned at the fact you had reduced this man to the moaning mess in front of you.
“Do I feel good, Namjoon? Am I riding you the way you like it?” In response, he lifted you off of him.
“I can’t cum yet, I don’t want to.” He shook his head. He wanted to enjoy this for as long as he could – he wasn’t sure the two of you would ever do this again. He asked you to get on your knees, and you did so. He entered you again, fucking you from behind this time. He was spanking you again, and every time he did you would tighten around him, making him grunt loudly.
“I’m close again, please make me cum again.” you whimpered, feeling the familiar heat soaring through your body. Namjoon grabbed the vibrator that had become afterthought, pulled you up and reached around you to place it on your clit. He trailed wet kisses up your neck and gently bit your earlobe as he turned it up to the highest power level. You screamed when you came, writhing against him. The vibrator fell out of his hand as your tightness brought him to the brink.  
You bent over once more as he picked up the pace, arching your back to give him even more pleasure. Fuck, how were you this sexy? He knew when he came it was going to be a massive load, nobody had ever made him feel so good before. He muttered a soft ‘yes’, repeating your name over and over as his fingers gripped around your waist and he slammed into you unforgivingly.
“I’m gonna – shit!” he couldn’t even finish the announcement, for a few bounces of your ass brought him over the edge completely. With a loud cry, his cum filled the condom. He held you in place whilst he twitched inside of you, pulling out when he was finished. You rolled onto your back, beginning to giggle.
“Think you’ll ever forget that?” you asked.
“Hell no.”
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cosmichobi · 7 years
Stamina (M)
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Genre:  Fluff / Smut
Word Count: 11k+
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Summary: Hoseok gave you private dance lessons in his spare time and it wasn’t that you didn’t have the stamina. It was just that he would just get too close, move his hands too low on your body, move his skillful hips right behind your’s that you focused on everything but the dance routine.
Warnings: hobi in sweatpants, practice room sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, oppa kink, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, a bit of a degrading kink, just hobi being really kinky 
A/N: There is no excuse for this, I just wanted to write shameless hobi smut and was super inspired by this cause it is really something. Also shout out to the hobi stans cause I don’t know how I slept on this man before but I’m in too deep now
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cosmichobi · 7 years
omg thank you so much!!!
Fics Recommendation #2
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Hi guys! I’m back again with a brand new fics to be recommended to all of you who loves to read and especially who loves BTS!!! I had read tons of great fics out there for the past few moths and why not share my joys and pain to you guys. 
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cosmichobi · 7 years
Merry Kissmas | BTS Christmas Oneshot
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You’ve had a crush on the handsome elf working at Santa’s house since the day he started working across the mall from you. When he asks you for help to shop for a girl, things go a lot differently than you thought they would.
pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: retailChristmas!AU, fluff, oneshot
wordcount: 3.6k
“You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I’m telling you why!” You smiled to yourself behind your sandwich as you watched the colorful elf start a new song with the children waiting in line to meet Santa. The children joined in eagerly, laughing and clapping at the elf’s antics as he spun around while singing, throwing in a few dance moves to make his performance more entertaining.
There was only 2 more days left til Christmas and this would be one of the last nights Santa’s house would be open in the mall. You were already feeling sad about it. Not only because Christmas, your favorite holiday, would be over soon, but because you wouldn’t get to see your favorite Santa’s helper anymore.
You took another bite of your lunch, your eyes tracing the elf’s movements several feet away as you remembered the first day of the season when Santa’s house opened across from the store you worked in. You were working as a greeter that day, standing near the entrance of the store to try to draw in customers. The handsome guy with the dyed red hair, bright smile, and dimples instantly captured your attention as he walked by and you’d felt excitement surge through your stomach when you saw him go into the employees’ locker rooms. When he emerged dressed in a myriad of red and green, complete with tights, a floppy hat, and ridiculous curled-toe shoes, you’d almost lost it right in the middle of assisting a customer. The handsome guy dressed in some of the most stylish clothes you’d ever seen was working as one of Santa’s elves? It was too ironically perfect.
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cosmichobi · 7 years
north star.
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ya girl loves christmas and fantasy shit. so here, take it. enjoy it. (pls) 
pairing: god!taehyung x reader
genre: soulmate!au, reincarnation!au
warnings: fluff. cute shit happens.
words: 1,783.
=> The star on your right wrist carried a fate so beautiful, so rare, you didn’t believe in its false hope. That is, until you saw him, and you knew it to be true.
It was a lonely Winter, lonely snow and lonely cold. The bark of the evergreens wilted and froze underneath bitter winds, casting lonely shadows onto the snow covered ground. Forbidden branches loomed above like messengers of death, crystal shards of ice hanging spectrally from their tips.
Christmas in your village was a boisterous spectacle, merchants traveling from far and wide to sell the sweetest treats and shiniest toys to the locals. You often wondered why, of all the small villages, they chose the most secluded one atop the Northern mountain. Where nothing ever happened, or changed. Where people were born and grew old in the same cabin, neighbored next to a tall oak that had seen many generations past.
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cosmichobi · 7 years
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5K notes · View notes
cosmichobi · 7 years
Please tell me there's gonna be more of Python's Playground ;;
i don’t actually have any plans to continue it since i told the story i wanted to tell :(( but you’re totally welcome to request anything else tho!!
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cosmichobi · 7 years
Part 2 of python's playground pls
[x] :)
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cosmichobi · 7 years
the python’s playground ii (m)
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in which you can’t fight your attraction to danger
Word Count: 6.5k
(read part 1)
There were several things Jungkook didn’t believe in; astrology, aliens, God, just to name a few. Living the life that he did, he had also come to believe that coincidences were rarely ever just that.
And that was how he knew.
It was immediately after you had left that Taehyung asked him if he had checked the basement, and his jaw dropped in the realisation that he had been preoccupied. He had been preoccupied with you, and in the four days since, he had been preoccupied with thoughts of you. As soon as the two boys saw the cellar doors, when they realised they hadn’t been locked correctly, Taehyung and Jungkook turned to each other, a silent understanding passing between them.
You must have been with them.
There was no way he was going to let anyone else know the truth, having Taehyung know was more than enough. He felt like an idiot, realising that you had played him. He felt like even more of an idiot whenever you’d pop into his head in the days following.
With his hand sliding up and down his shaft, his mind would go back to that night. The way you touched him, the way your mouth and tongue worked wonders against him. His hand couldn’t make himself feel the way you did but fuck, if he wasn’t going to try. He envisioned himself fucking your mouth the way he wanted to, he imagined how you would moan were he to have the pleasure of eating you out. Were you a hair-puller, or did you grip the sheets instead? Would you have been loud enough for the whole party to hear? How far would the two of you had gone? He was breathless when the cum eventually spilled over his hand, just like it had done every night for the past four. It was as if you’d cast a spell on him, and he wasn’t sure how the hell he was going to get over this.
Other than fucking the life out of you, of course.
It had been four days since the text that had been haunting you, dictating your every movement, first graced your phone screen. You had had four days to somehow process the fact that a very dangerous man knew where you lived, and said dangerous man was probably very angry with you. You half-expected to wake up with one of your organs missing, and your mother would probably tell you that that’s what you deserved for getting involved in this mess. Jennie, on the other hand, your roommate who had the misfortune of falling in love with a gang leader, didn’t deserve such a fate. But you knew that if the Pythons ever did decide to attack you and steal your kidneys in the middle of the night, they wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her either.
She softly gave you permission to enter her room after you knocked, but you only opened the door wide enough to poke your head through. Jennie looked up from her laptop, her face expectant. She probably anticipated something about the groceries, or anything equally mundane, your refusal to fully enter the room seemed to suggest that this would only be a quick announcement.
“Not to alarm you or anything, but the Pythons might try to kill us sometime soon.”
You waited with baited breath as she took in your words.
“What? What are you talking about? Cheol said not to worry about it anymore.”
“But he doesn’t know the whole story.” It was when Jennie narrowed her eyes that you knew you had no choice but to spill. Her eyes followed your movement as you walked into her room, placing yourself on the edge of her bed. “Jungkook texted me after I left the party.” You began, inspecting your fingernails instead of daring to look your roommate in the eye. “Basically, he knows that I know Cheol and the gang. I don’t know how the fuck he figured it out, but he knows, and he probably won’t take too kindly to the fact that I lied to him.”
“Has he contacted you since?” You shook your head no. It was in these moments, when Jennie reacted to potentially life-threatening situations with calm and collectedness, that you realised how much her relationship had changed her. It wasn’t so much that she was immature before, but a year ago she would, understandably, have been just as freaked out as you were in that moment. You never wanted to get to the stage where you were used to this life and all the mayhem that came with it. “If he ever contacts you again, tell me straight away. I’m serious, Y/N.”
“I will. I promise.”
“You should probably get your number changed, too.”
Deep down, you knew your anxieties about the potential fallout from that night weren’t the only thing keeping Jungkook on your mind. You weren’t going to say this out loud, your inner voice could barely admit it to yourself, but there was something about you that was inexplicably drawn to him. The lust had been there from that first night on your couch, and it took an immense showing of willpower to not give in to him then and there. Yes, you were at the party to distract him, but you also got to live out some of the fantasies that had been playing in your head since you first met.
These were the same fantasies that would still sometimes creep into your head when you were least expecting it. Memories of the way he begged to touch you would hit when you were out in public, heat rushing to your face as you squeezed your thighs together. It was only underneath your covers at night when you’d allow your hands to slip underneath your panties as you recalled the way he writhed underneath you when you licked his nipples, or the way he vouched to fuck your mouth.
Guilt washed over you after every climax, but it didn’t stop you from doing it again night after night.
“Something’s been bothering you lately.” Yoongi’s words sliced through the silence that had befallen. Jungkook was never the talkative type, but his quietness wasn’t what gave it away. It was the incessant bouncing of his knee that Yoongi could see from the corner of his eye, and it was driving him crazy. As if reading Yoongi’s mind, Jungkook’s knee stopped bouncing. Instead, he tapped a finger against his now-still knee, a less obvious outlet for his inner nerves.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? No girl troubles, or whatever it is that gets to you kids these days?”
“Kids? You’re only 4 years older than me.”
“That’s a long time in our world.” Jungkook simply offered a hum of agreement. “Seriously, though. You better be okay, because I need everyone focused tonight.”
Tonight. This was the night Yoongi and Namjoon were to negotiate with Seungcheol and Jeonghan. Face-to-face negotiations such as these were rare, and it was even rarer that they ended without bloodshed. It had now been five days since the party, since Wonwoo’s location was last changed, and they were still yet to receive any payment from Seungcheol’s gang. If they couldn’t come to a conclusion tonight, well, there would be more than a few drops of blood.
Yoongi and Namjoon had picked the location of the negotiation. It was a top-tier restaurant, one where they would probably have to fork out a shitload of money to the owners to keep them quiet about the inevitable chaos. More importantly, it was set up in such a way that all seven Pythons would be present at the meeting, with Seungcheol and Jeonghan being completely obvious.
They knew better than to think those two would be without backup, though. The Pythons were prepared for any scenario.
“We’ll all be focused.”
Day five, and all your vital organs were still intact. At this rate, you were going to survive the whole week! Your excitement, however, could only last so long as you clocked in for the night shift at work. Weariness seemed to overpower you whenever you stepped into the building, but it was soon replaced with confusion as Lisa, one of your co-workers, explained the plans for the night.
“The restaurant’s been completely hired out from 8.30 until closing time.”
“Really? Big group?” Lisa shook her head no, her big eyes twinkling with the promise of gossip.
“No, it’s only a table of 4! Makes no sense, right? Since it’s such a small group, only one of us has to work tonight. I tried to call and tell you earlier, but it wasn’t going through for some reason.” That reason would be that you had set your phone to Do Not Disturb after Jungkook’s text, choosing, as you always did, to ignore the problem rather than do anything about it. “I don’t mind doing a double shift.”
“No, no, it’s fine. You go home, I’ll work tonight.”
“Are you sure?” If it were anyone else you would have probably been annoyed, but Lisa genuinely seemed to enjoy the job (you had no clue why), and you felt the question was sincere. If it were up to her, she’d be serving here 24/7 instead of balancing the job with college. If it were up to you, you’d never so much as hear the restaurant’s name again.
“I’m sure, go get some rest.” Lisa waved an enthusiastic goodbye to you as she grabbed her things and left. You weren’t sure where she got her zeal from, but you needed some.
As you set the table, you wondered why a group of four would need the entire restaurant to themselves for the whole night. Then, you realised you weren’t making enough money to care.
Your manager was running late, but it’s not like his supervision was needed for such a small group. You knew exactly what to say and do to keep a customer satisfied – ever since the main hostess quit, you had essentially been performing both roles (though your cheque didn’t reflect this). As long as the chefs did their job, which you knew they would, the night would go by smoothly.
A group of three men, one being quite a few inches shorter than the others, were the first to arrive. It was 8.30 on the dot when they swung the door open with a confidence that you didn’t usually see among new customers. You led them to the table, trying to hide the confusion on your face when only two of them sat down. The one with broad shoulders stood behind them, his hands clasped together behind his back.
“Would you like some water whilst you wait for your guests?”
“Yes, please.” The smaller, pale one spoke. His voice was much deeper than you expected, though it greatly matched his aura.
Jungkook watched as Jimin did what he did best, and somehow got the backdoor of the restaurant open. The two of them, along with Taehyung, followed Hoseok (who had memorised the floorplan of the restaurant) into the building, past the kitchen, and on to the stairs leading up to the second floor. There wasn’t much to behold – just the toilets and the room where they kept their cleaning facilities.
Each of them took their place, the four corners of the room guarded by each of their bodies. Just on time, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin entered the restaurant. Jungkook was focused, just as he told Yoongi he would be, until he heard the waitress’ voice, and his heart began to thud against his chest.
There was no way.
He ignored his suspicions, pretending his heart didn’t feel like it was about to explode until he heard the waitress offer them some water. That was when he chose to peer over the barricade. He felt the wind get knocked out of him as soon as he saw you.
It couldn’t be debated at this point. That was you, wearing the same uniform you had worn the night the two of you met, pouring water into Yoongi’s glass.
What the fuck?
The door swung open, the cold rush of air stealing your attention as the next guests walked in. When you saw them, it all made sense. Your body seemed to have caught on quicker than your mind -  goosebumps had settled on your skin since the first three men had walked in, there was a deep sense of unsettlement within you that you couldn’t shake.
Seungcheol walked in with his right-hand man Jeonghan, accompanied by a tall boy who you were sure was called Mingyu. You guessed Mingyu, much like the man with the broad shoulders, was there as a bodyguard.
This was a gang meeting.
The boys were smart enough to pretend they didn’t know you as they entered, following you silently as you led them to their table. You never did mention where you worked, and you were starting to wonder if that was a mistake. Perhaps all of this could have been avoided, if you had just slipped it into conversation somehow.
Sweat formed on your brow.
You reminded yourself to take deep breaths and to do your job. Trying to calculate the odds of making it out of this alive wasn’t conducive to performing your duties. Plastering the fake smile on your face like you had done almost every day for the past few months, you turned to Seungcheol.
“Would you like some water?” You couldn’t look him in the eye, nor did you want to. You didn’t want to see what he was like in this context. Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan, who had taken the two available seats, responded with a yes.
They began to speak as you poured.
“Your boy is in the car right now.” You didn’t know who was speaking, you didn’t care to figure out. All you really wanted was to get the hell out of there. Where the fuck was your manager? “We need that payment from you, or we’re moving him to the next location tonight.”
Any attempt to still your shaking hands as you poured the water were futile as you inevitably spilled some onto the table. Some droplets had splashed onto Seungcheol, you were sure of it, and you began to apologise profusely. He swore it was okay.
As if any of this was okay.
After handing the men their menus, you stood back. Running a hand through your hair, you exhaled hopelessly, throwing your head back and staring at the ceiling. Something in the corner of your eye caught your attention. As much as you hoped you had imagined it, you were sure it was real.
There was movement.
You narrowed your eyes as you focused on the second floor.
Jungkook crouched down, his back against the barricade. He was sure you’d caught him staring, but he couldn’t tell. Deciding to risk it one more time, he peered over. His heart almost leapt out of his chest when the two of you made direct eye contact.
He was here. He was here, a few feet away from you, and you had no idea what to do. You swallowed, trying to understand what was happening but knowing you wouldn’t find any answers. You stared at the four men at the table, not daring to look up again. You thought you felt Jungkook’s eyes on you, but that may have just been the paranoia. Regardless, you weren’t going to check.
The voices of the four men began to get louder, things were getting heated. You heard what they were saying but you weren’t able to register any of it. Something about rightfully owning money, a couple words about a history of stealing. The sentences all ended up sounding the same to you.
You watched as the tall man sitting next to the pale one took off his glasses. It must have been some type of signal, as a shot was fired into the air not a split-second later. You jumped. To everyone else in the room, the sound was probably as common as singing birds in the morning, or the beeping of car horns in traffic. The shot had come from above, but you were sure the location of the sound was opposite Jungkook. He must not have been alone up there. As soon as the realisation hit, the front door swung open again and in walked Jihoon and Soonyoung, who must have been waiting for any sign of danger.
There was silence. They were at a standstill.
“Don’t make him shoot again. Besides,” the pale man turned to you, his lips curled into a smirk. “We don’t want to scare our beautiful waitress.”
“It may be in our beautiful waitress’ best interest to get the fuck out of here.” You couldn’t see his face, but you knew it was Seungcheol’s voice. Underneath his mocking tone when repeating the description of you lay a warning. He was sending a message: things were about to get worse.
The pale man’s gaze flickered towards you once more. You decided you didn’t like him.
“We won’t be ready to order for a while.”
In that moment, it felt like your only option was to go for a toilet break, not caring if it made it obvious how scared you were – how were you supposed to stay calm? You had made it halfway up the stairs when you realised that you would have to walk past Jungkook in order to get to the toilet. If it weren’t for Seungcheol’s clear warning, you would have turned around and made your way back downstairs. The thought of being so near him again wasn’t scary, not compared to everything else that was going on, but it intimidated you nonetheless. 
Heat pricked your skin as you walked by him. At the very last moment, right before you pushed against the door to open it, you dared to look at him. You couldn’t explain what it was you felt when you looked at him, but it was like your head and your pussy were fighting a battle. You’d been there before, you knew who would win.
You took a few minutes to yourself in the bathroom, trying to control your breathing and appreciating, for once, the cool air. Never again would you complain to your manager about the low temperature in the toilets, never again would you complain to your manager about anything, actually. (Well, if you lived through the night you did plan on complaining about his lack of presence at the scene, but at this point it was the least of your worries – the Pythons probably had something to do with that, anyway.)
You tried to convince yourself that the men wouldn’t actually be at the restaurant all night. At least this meant you’d get home earlier than usual, even if it meant you’d be carrying some trauma with you. Silver linings, right?
Deciding you’d been in there for long enough, you opened the door to leave, only to have Jungkook press against you, pushing you back into the bathroom.
The feeling of his body pressed up against yours brought an uncomfortably prickly heat to the back of your neck, which spread up to your face and down to the pit of your stomach. He shut the door behind him, locking the two of you in there. Gently gripping your upper arms, he moved you so that your back was against the bathroom door, and he leaned in to you, ignoring the beating of his own heart with every inch that disappeared between the two of you. He now had both palms pressed against the door on either side of your head.
“You need to get the fuck out of here before you get hurt.”
That wasn’t the first thing you expected him to say to you after finding out that you lied to him. You thought a simple ‘fuck you’ was much more likely. But you had to remember that the Pythons were always one step ahead, and it would probably be a mistake to take his words at face value. If that weren’t enough, you’d only ever known boys who looked like him to lie like it was their second nature.
“Why should I believe you?” He pulled back, brows furrowed. Your question had offended him, that you could see.
“I’m the one who should be wary of you.” He glanced towards your cleavage, and you tried with all your might to ignore how he bit his lower lip before his eyes met yours again. “Should I not?”
He had a point. You knew he had a point, and that only annoyed you. You placed a hand on his chest to push him away, creating space between you before turning around to unlock the door. The two of you could only have been in the bathroom for three minutes at most, but the scene had descended into violent chaos when you stepped back out.
A shot was fired in your general direction, and you both crouched down behind the barricade. He had a protective arm around you, using his free hand to get his gun from his inside pocket. You didn’t realise until he got up to fire a few shots and scan the area, but you had been holding on to him. The fear in your eyes was obvious when he looked down at you. He crouched down again, and the next time he spoke he whispered.
“I’m serious, sweetheart. Either stay in the toilet or get the fuck out of this building.” It was stupid, and your logical self (she was there somewhere) hated you for this, but the use of his nickname for you provided some sort of comfort in the midst of … whatever the hell this all was. You chose to heed his warning and scurried back into the bathroom. You locked the door and sat on the windowsill, trying to ignore the sounds of the fighting beyond the door. The gunshots were rare, they seemed to be solely using their fists at this point.
You pulled out your phone, deciding that Jennie needed to know what was going on. Not so much the ‘Jungkook-being-in-your-presence’ thing, but definitely the ‘Seungcheol-fighting-on-the-floor-below-you’ thing. You weren’t sure exactly what it was that you wanted to say, or how to phrase anything that you did say. The ceaseless shaking of your fingers meant that the text ended up being an incoherent mess anyway. All you needed to do was get the main point across – her boyfriend was here fighting the Pythons, and you were locked in the bathroom waiting for the nightmare to end.
As quickly as you had written and sent the text, the door handle of the bathroom was moving wildly. Jungkook was on the other side of the door telling you to open up. When you did, he took your hand and telling you to follow him, not taking any time to catch his breath. He was quick to move again, but your feet were rooted in place. The sounds of the fighting had stopped, had you looked over the barricade you would have seen that the six men originally on the bottom floor were no longer there.
“What? What makes you think I’m going anywhere with you?” He sighed, clearly exasperated with you.  The version of you he had conjured up in his dreams was much less contrarian.
“Your friends,” you wondered if the words tasted as bitter as they sounded, “have gotten away. It’s over. We’re all separating and either you come with me now or Yoongi gets someone to follow you for the next week. He doesn’t trust strangers.”
“That’s it? He’ll get someone to follow me?”
“Follow you and torture you until you promise to keep your mouth shut.” The response flew out without a missed beat, Jungkook having reached his limit with your obstinacy. “I, on the other hand, will tell him I took care of you. It’ll be much easier for you to just follow me.”
So you did.
You followed Jungkook out into the cold night, a crescent moon casting its light on the city. The fear within you had dissipated. You should have been afraid, roaming the streets alongside him with no idea where you were going, but you weren’t. Maybe it was naïve, but you were sure that if he were to hurt you he would have done so by now.
There was no time to grab your bag, all you had on you was your phone. No gloves, no scarf, no jacket. It was too cold for you to remove your hands from the warmth and pull out your phone to see if Jennie had responded to your text. Jungkook had his eyes ahead the entire time, you could see sporadic clouds of his breath in the air. Your silence throughout the entire journey prompted him to turn to you. Taking in the sight of you, your arms wrapped around yourself as your teeth chattered, part of him actually felt bad.
“You cold?” Your lips were so numb, you could only nod. A hotel propped up in the distance as you turned a corner. “We’re here.”
“W-we’re staying the night?” It was difficult to form the words due to the numbness of your lips. Jungkook shot a look at the hotel before looking back at you, as if the answer was obvious. When he began to walk towards the hotel, you felt compelled to follow. It wasn’t until the two of you were checked in and inside your hotel room did he speak again. 
“You don’t seem to trust me very much,” was what he noted. You had been staring out of the window into the city, wondering where the rest of the Pythons had gone off too, wondering if Seungcheol and the others were safe. His statement bothered you, to say the least, and you turned to face him. You noticed he had removed his blazer and rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, exposing his forearms.
“Well would you trust you, if you were me?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” There was nothing you could say to that. You turned around, away from him and his distracting forearms, focusing on the view once again. You could see from the reflection in the window that he was walking towards you, and he was soon by your side. “I know Yoongi and Namjoon organised the negotiations tonight, I think tonight was a pure coincidence. But you know what? I also think Seungcheol knew I was coming for him the night we met. I think you walked down that alleyway on purpose.”
“Are you serious?” There was no reason for his incorrect assessment to spark such irritation within you, there was no reason for you to care what he thought. Except, you were sure he had waivered his right to judge you the moment he chose to keep his own mouth shut about who he was.
“Let me know if I’m wrong.” He held his hands up, as if you’d attacked him, and backed away from you.
“Of course you’re wrong! Me running into you was a complete coincidence, I helped you because I cared.” Jungkook made a face at your words, mocking you.
“You cared? You cared about a bleeding stranger on the street?” The concept was foreign to him. He was only supposed to care about the Pythons. Everyone else had to earn it, and he had never met anyone who was worth it – he was starting to believe that no one was worth it. Yet here he was, with you, listening to you defend yourself whilst mentally undressing you (he had no idea the two could be done simultaneously).
“Yes, for some godforsaken reason, I did.” Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, letting silence fall. For once, you didn’t take his eyes off him. You watched his face, trying to figure out what the hell he was thinking. He shook his head to himself.
“But the party – you knew what you were doing at the party.”
“Yes, I did. You lied about who you were, and stole my fucking orange juice, and I did the same to you.” You were now stood in front of him. “I’d say we’re even.” 
“What is it about you?” He stepped towards you. You took a step back, which only ended up with your back against the wall. “You’re basically one of them. I don’t care what you say, you are. And yet,” his right hand cupped your face, his touch shooting volts of electricity through you. “I can’t stop fucking thinking about you.”
His thumb traced over your bottom lip, his touch gentle, barely there. Maintaining eye contact with him, you parted your lips slightly, enclosing his thumb in your mouth. His gaze darkened, and his breath quickened as your tongue swirled around his thumb. He felt blood rush to his member, remembering the way your mouth felt around him at the party. When he pulled his thumb away from you he wrapped his hand around the side of your neck, inching ever closer towards you.
“We don’t have to trust each other.” You whispered at the last moment, lips ever-so-slightly brushing against his.
“We don’t have to see each other again.” he spoke, eyes raking over your face. An understanding seemed to pass between you in that moment. “You look fucking perfect right now, waiting for me to touch you.” He was going to miss the sight. He smirked, the first time his lips had done anything other than frown that whole night. It was the only warning you were given before his lips collided with yours. Yes, his lips were soft, but the kiss was anything but. He bit down on your lips, hard enough for a slight pang of pain that was forgotten as quickly as it came. His free hand came to your right breast, massaging it through your clothes.
“Get this fucking uniform off me.” You demanded, and he was quick to act upon your command. That was one good thing about him – he was a pro at taking orders. Your clothes fell to the ground, nothing more than an annoyance as you kicked them away. His hands flew to your waist, pulling you into him as he continued to kiss you. When he removed his hands and pulled away, the warmth leaving your body, he cocked his head to the side.
“Get on your knees.” He breathed. You obeyed, running a hand over his clothed body as you sank onto your knees. “I told you I was going to fuck your mouth, didn’t I?” You remembered it clear as day, the words having been on repeat in your head for the past five days. It felt like your hands were working overtime as you unbuckled his belt, throwing it aimlessly once you managed to remove it. He helped you remove his trousers, and you took in the sight of his hard dick pressing against his boxers, begging to be freed. You licked him through the fabric, and he groaned deeply, shaking his head slightly. “No, you won’t tease me like last time.” His hips began to lightly grind the air in need, your tongue still working against the soft fabric. You chuckled to yourself before pulling his boxers down, finally freeing him. 
You ran your hand up and down him a couple times, not that he needed the extra stimulation, before running a tongue over the tip. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, giving you no choice but to surrender control. He thrusted, lightly at first, into your mouth. He then picked up the pace a bit, allowing his dick to be completely coated in your saliva. He used the handful of hair to control your head, bobbing you up and down his length. You moaned onto his dick, your pussy already throbbing as he did exactly what he promised to do. “Look at you, such a good girl right now.” he breathed. Even if you wanted to respond, even if you could form intelligible thoughts, you wouldn’t have been able to muster up anything more than a muffled gag as he thrusted deeply into your mouth, holding your head and himself in place. He had to stop himself before he got carried away and came right down your throat, Lord knows he was ready to.
When he finally pulled away you gasped, taking in the air that you had been denied for so long. He grasped your jaw with his hand, tugging at you so you knew to get up. He pulled you into another kiss. It was messy, it was sloppy, it replaced your ability to breathe once again, and you had never been more turned on.
You playfully pushed him onto the bed. As soon as he hit the mattress you were on top of him, the thin material of your underwear acting as the sole barrier between your heat and his dick. You unbuttoned his shirt, and he sat up slightly to help you get rid of it. Next to go was your underwear, which was drenched by the time you had removed it.
“My turn now.” You moved forward so that your thighs were now resting on either side of his head. Hands grabbing the headboard, you sank down onto his face, his tongue beginning to lap against you immediately. You cried out instantly, the moans having a mind of themselves. Hopelessly, you began to grind against his face, the urgency of your movements matching his. You tasted just as good as he imagined, better even. If the speed at which he licked wasn’t a dead giveaway, his fingers sinking deeply into your thighs was another indicator as to how much he wanted this. You were sure that would hurt in the morning, but now wasn’t the time to care.
He focused on your clit, doing everything from sucking to lightly grazing it. Your grip against the headboard was loosening, your knees had gone weak, and your mouth hung open. His mouth had you at his mercy. “I-I want you to play with yourself.” You instructed, your voice hoarse and strangled to the point that you barely recognised it.
One of his hands left your thighs, moving down to his shaft. He used the precum that had leaked as a lubricant as he began to move his hand up and down his length. Your moans spurred him on, his tongue working against you and his hand working against himself. Remembering how sensitive he was last time, you plopped your thumb in your mouth, moistening it with your saliva, before reaching below and caressing his nipple, coating it in the warmth. He had to let go of his cock, the combination of activities being enough to send him over the edge. He brought his other hand back to your thigh, holding you against him while you continued to play with his nipples. He whimpered involuntarily against you, and that was it for you. A loud cry followed by a slew of curses were released into the air as an intense wave of ecstasy overcame you. You shook as you slowly rode out the wave, before collapsing next to him on the bed.
You panted in desperate attempts to catch your breath. In one swift movement, Jungkook was hovered over you, planting kisses on your neck, moving down to your chest. Feeling him pressed against you, you could only sigh contentedly. 
“You’re so fucking good at that.” You could honestly sit on his face forever. He smirked at your praise, looking up at you as his lips pressed against your soft skin.
“I don’t know if you’re ready for my cock.” He teased between kisses. “My tongue was too much for you, huh?” You arched your back as his thumb began to circle your still-sensitive clit, hissing and squirming underneath him.
“I n-need you to fuck me.” You knew you weren’t seeing him again, and you were going to make as much of this as you could.
“Then spread your legs for me, just like you want to.” You did as he told, spreading your legs and wrapping them around his back once he was prepared to enter. He ran the tip of his dick against your slit, playing around with your juices, coating himself with your wetness. “So wet for me…” he moaned. The words were quiet, as if you weren’t even meant to hear them.
Perhaps not even a full second after asking if you were ready, he thrust into you. You yelped out in pleasure whilst he moaned sweetly against your ear; you didn’t expect to elicit such sounds from him. You felt incredible around him, amazingly wet and invitingly warm. He felt incredible inside you, filling you up and stretching you out.
Just when he settled into a rhythm, he switched the pace. He slowed down again, stopping completely to throw one of your legs over his shoulder, whilst lowering your other leg so that it was around his thigh. He pulled out completely before plunging deeply into you. He did this twice more, each drive into you causing you to scream louder. He picked up the pace, squeezing your ankle as he got faster and faster, losing himself in the motions. Your walls tightened around him as you played with yourself, watching his eyelids flutter as he gave in to the pleasure.
Your second orgasm arrived, your body twisting and writhing as Jungkook put your leg down and tightened his grip on your hips. He had been so close to exploding on so many occasions, but he was ready to let go completely now that you came around him.
“You came on my face and my cock, I had no idea you were so dirty.” The words were slurred, he was too lazy and too engrossed in the moment to enunciate properly. “You look so good, all fucked out.” That tell-tale whimper of his alerted you that he was close. He bucked against you a couple more times before pulling out, splashes of cum landing on your abdomen as his guttural moan filled the room.
“Fuck.” you spoke at the same time, neither of you having previously experienced anything like that.
“I’ll get you cleaned up.” Jungkook announced, disappearing into the bathroom.
You knew when you woke up that Jungkook would be gone, and barring any grand coincidences like the one you’d faced that night, it was unlikely that you would see him again. For the rest of the night, you were going to bask in the warmth that was his body next to yours.
There was no trust between you, and there certainly wasn’t love. There was a faint understanding, and it was enough to get you through the night.
“Goodnight, Jungkook.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
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cosmichobi · 7 years
Heartbeat | 6
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➭ “You’ve always stayed far away from the Kingsnakes, the coldblooded gang that runs the dark heart of your city. That is until your life collides with the intriguing and dangerous Jung Hoseok.”
pairing: hoseok x reader genre: gang!au, angst wordcount: 7k
part one | two | three | four | five | six
** warnings: this is a very dark, intense chapter. There are graphic descriptions of injuries & violence. As well as dark themes, gang activity, mentions of drugs, and a brief hospital scene.
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cosmichobi · 7 years
i’d love to be one of those organised writing blogs with a reliable update schedule but it’s just not realistic
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cosmichobi · 7 years
Bygones of the Sun | 08 (M)
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Genre: Angst/fluff/(future)smut || dance captain!hoseok, bad boy!au, uni!au
Pairing: Reader x Hoseok
Length: 4.6k
Summary: Jung Hoseok was once the sweetheart of the school, the dance captain whom every girl, including you, can’t help but fall head over heels for. But like the force of the ever-glowing sun, everything that rises must also set. A year of inactivity later and he’s now the school’s resident bad boy. You’re a firm believer of allowing the past be the past, and yet you can’t help but wonder where the risen sun has gone into hiding—because perhaps its shadows have out-shined its own radiance.
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08   
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cosmichobi · 7 years
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jungkook.. you deserve the world, thank you and we love you ♡
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cosmichobi · 7 years
do you plan on writing another part to 'the python’s playground' ?
i can finally answer this bc i’m finally writing it lol but yes a second part is definitely happening i hope it doesn’t disappoint u all too much
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