cosnotes · 4 days
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Wow, webcomic day landing on my update day, so lucky!
Namesake is a webcomic build around a fairy tale crew using portals, magical literature and complex necromancy to try to save the universe from meeting a tragic end in the stomach of a shadow.
Fairytales + Eldritch Horrors + Found Family. (1xweek currently)
Crow Time is a webcomic about a flock of strange crows living in strange lands who choose to spread compassionate chaos weekly.
Fairytales + Eldritch Horrors + Found Family AS WELL. (1xweek)
🧿Namesake has a huge archive of ten years, and Crow Time or 2 years. Feel free to binge my work! Tell me what you think of it!🧿
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cosnotes · 8 days
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Would you believe this is how they bond? Angel doesn't understand it but whatever makes them happy.
Because it was Alastor's magic that gave Annie life, whenever she uses "her" magic, she grows widdle ears to match Alastor's. Her voice also takes on a radio-tin and her stitches appear. Angel thinks Alastor antagonizes Annie just to get her to show her ears.
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cosnotes · 8 days
Powers P2
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CW: Arachnophobia
Yay! Annie's first word and her first time using her powers! Also her first body. Only a few months old and she already has a kill count.
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cosnotes · 8 days
Powers P1
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Alastor's magic did more than just give Annabelle life. For a newborn she's extremely smart. Although her understanding of things is still that of a child. This comic marked the first instance Annie showed she had powers.
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cosnotes · 8 days
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Never has Alastor been so offended. His daughter's words cut deep. He needed some intense loving from Angel afterwards.
So in this Annie is helping Alastor clean up after a bit of father-daughter bonding. Sometimes Annie joins Alastor when he goes to work and sometimes that work gets messy. While normally Annabelle doesn't care to eat demons, only when she's with Alastor does she partake. Angel was not happy when he first learned about this. But Alastor argued it wasn't cannibalism if Annabelle was never a human in the first place.
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cosnotes · 8 days
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“Allow Me to Demonstrate” aka Reviewer Husk has me at a chokehold, the way I screamed in my heart 😭 now here is a memorialized version of it beCAUSE ITS SO SOFFFFTTT IM DE C E A S E D D D D 🩷
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cosnotes · 30 days
What's going on inside his head?
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MY BOYS. Thinking of how Valentino found out Vox had a tongue had me CRY laughing so much omg
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cosnotes · 30 days
I don't like when people portray Vox as being abused by Valentino, I don't think there's a power imbalance and I feel there's a line they won't cross because of respect, their communication skills are shit but Val ain't punching or slapping his business partner like he's just some worker. Also if he did Vox wouldn't take it, he'd fight back, he's not this uwu soft boy people like to think. Vox sells a way for perverts to stalk people, is a stalker himself, he knows what Val does to angel and doesn't care, he promotes Velvette's love potions and Valentino's work, and is an enabler who gladly associates with them. All of the vees are terrible people, the only difference is Vox and Velvette aren't r*pists
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cosnotes · 30 days
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"Can’t believe you kept that all to yourself, Vox" 📺 👅
Art I did for a chapter of my Hazbin fanfic "An exact anatomy of the (ir)redeemable mind"
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cosnotes · 1 month
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Bruce joins the sad book club!
(so he gets a break from telling bedtime stories)
This took me way longer than last time…probably because some days I’d come home from work and just stare at it. willing the damn thing to paint itself on my tablet like
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cosnotes · 1 month
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cosnotes · 1 month
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(Was too lazy to draw him and tired so I colored above it / going to Update it after a month)
Young Rosiepuff design @ohposhers (sorry for texting you and annoying dude)
This is suwpy thegrand parent of Brozone and the husband of grandma roisepuff
He looks like branch?? Well he need to get his good look from someone right?
And he got eaten (pacifically, sliced in half for his torso)
When the brozone dad (I’m working on the design) was just five years olde (so the brozone brothers never really knew their grandpa and grandma never talked about him not even to the brothers…..and branch never saw his dad (I changed the lore ) he hatched after three days of the brozone brothers parents got eaten (the lost their grandparents and their parents to bargains)
(I am also working on the design of the parents )
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cosnotes · 1 month
does cult!Branch have any particular plans with the Bergens? Or his focus entirely on destroying music??
Oh branch has big plans for them! Remember how the flowers branch has can take trolls voices well they can do a lot more, for instance when a critter smells them they turn aggressive but when they eat them the first person they see they are under that person’s control. For Bergens the same is true only difference is that they fall asleep when they smell them, which means branch has a very dangerous tool in his grasp.
Also I’ve been thinking of names to give these flowers so any suggestions
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cosnotes · 1 month
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Brozone actor au???? CRAZY.
Character relatiosnhips and dynamics so far
-John Dory and Branch are the only ones actually related by any blood (same mother)
-still very much found family however just a bit more organic
-Brozone actors frequently hang out after shoots and meet up a lot
Ages and heights are still what i have them in brozone diner au I CANT REALLY MARK ANY MAJOR CHANGES BESIDES their personalities r more similar to the canon trollsbandtogether than brozone diner
floyd has the most sarcastic and sassy humor and it bled into the movie production often but the directors fucking loved it
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cosnotes · 1 month
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cosnotes · 1 month
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Check out the patreon to unlock the next two parts!:D
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cosnotes · 1 month
I was scrolling around looking at Trolls content when I saw this---
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AND OMG?? BRO-- "wary of emotional connection" I- This little line spoke volumes to me because even though he's wary of emotional connection he somehow manage to befriend Poppy and that warms my heart. Like UGHHHH 🥹❤️
Also the fact that his personality answers the question what Branch would've been like if he never met poppy has me BAWLING. LIKE UGH DUDEEEEE JDJSJS HOW COME I ONLY SAW THIS NOW?? The fact this came from the official site makes this 10x better.
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