couldbeamidget · 5 years
Character's manly bits described on ways other than how I did. To these people, I say, "Unlike my life, my porn,is my own. Hands off it. Off it!"
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
The fact that Sherlock wasn’t even inviting John on cases in TBB is amazing to me because John is so useless otherwise. John has no job. He complains when he has to go shopping. He’s not even helpful in any way to Sherlock at this point, but Sherlock enjoys having him around so much that he gives him money and discourages him from being employed while doing cases behind his back. Why was he even looking for a flatmate?
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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‘There’s stuff that you wanted to say, but didn’t say it. Say it now.’
‘No, sorry, I can’t’
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
sherlock watches porn titled "boyfriends making love"
Magnussen reluctantly jotting that down as “normal” 
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
I love John's Kewpie doll face
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
Very long-winded story about redemption, forgiveness, supernatural assassins, and a wee bit of hot virgin sex
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
Any new Virgin!Lock fics?
Hey nonny, I hope something here is new for you!
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Even More Virginlock  – Part 3
Drive by lifeonmars, 9 k,mature. “Into the car,” Sherlock orders, fumbling in his coat pockets for keys.“Take off your clothes.” John blinks stupidly. “What?”
Manifest by causidicus, 29 k,explicit. John finds Sherlock’s porn. The discovery shifts the dynamic of theirrelationship.
Sherlock Discovers“Three Continents Watson” by wendymarlowe, 13 k, explicit. When Sherlocklearns what John “Three Continents” Watson’s army nickname is for, herealizes he’s got the perfect opportunity for a first-hand experiment inphysical passion from the one person he can actually stand to be touched by.John thinks there might be a bit more to it than that.
Ugly Duckling by testosterone_tea, 6 k,explicit. Sherlock has spent his life thinking that he’s ugly, and it reallywouldn’t bother him except for two things: a) he wants John to like him, and b)he finds himself on a case involving underwear modeling. But apparently bodypositivity comes with a bloody side dish of serial killing, and John in nothingbut pants is very distracting. What’s an ugly duckling to do?
Eccentric by berlynn_wohl, 6 k,explicit. “So, you get turned on watching me successfully apply your methods.Oh, and I’ve just done it again.”
A Promise Made to BeBroken by PlantsAreNeat,37 k, explicit. A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll gettogether’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps remindinghim of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as hisboyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently.
Poetry & Texting by Mssmithlove, 10k, mature. Sherlock has a Secret Admirer! Too bad it isn’t that gorgeous RugbyCaptain he’s been tutoring…or is it?
Just a Little (Remix) by AislinCade, 5 k,explicit. In which Sherlock and John aren’t having sex, until suddenly theyare.
Without a Word by Salambo06, 26 k,explicit. After being punched in the face, Sherlock has his jaw wired shut.Unable to speak anymore, they have to learn how to communicate with each otherin other ways.
For you, there’s onlyme by shock_blanket,19 k, explicit. Sherlock realizes he has fallen in love with John, but believeshe is unlovable. Cue lots of pining and jealousy on Sherlock’s part, followedby our favorite cuddly marksman making it all better. Because for Sherlock,there’s only John.
Half a Dozen Dances by CeruleanDarkangelis,18 k, explicit.  “Seriously? You? You’regoing to be a stripper?” John tried to keep the amused incredulity off hisface. Judging by the disgruntled look Sherlock gave him, he was not entirelysuccessful in this endeavor.
What Friends Do by agirlsname, 23 k,explicit. Sherlock has never had a friend before. He didn’t even know he wantedone until John moved into 221B. But John quickly becomes essential to him, andtheir friendship turns more and more intimate. It’s all platonic, of course.All perfectly normal for close friends.
Incandescent by testosterone_tea, 6 k,explicit. Sherlock wants John to touch him. The reason is a mystery, but thatwon’t stop the intrepid detective from starting a new experiment, and perhapsfinally getting John to give in. With such a strange mystery and even strangerexperiments, Sherlock should have anticipated surprising results.
Doctor Porn Star Watson by Ilyria, 5 k, explicit.Sherlock finds out John did porn in his med school days, learns the origin of‘Three Continents’, and discovers his long dormant sexuality along the way.
Elementary, Actually by blueink3, 26 k,explicit. (Sherlock/Love Actually fusion.) John is back in London, wounded and atloose ends during Christmas when his friend Mike finds him a gig working as astand-in for an indie movie. It doesn’t hurt that young man who shows up to behis co-star for all the sex scenes they have to film is heart-stoppinglybeautiful.
Sherlock Holmes,undercover lover byfellshish, 51 k, explicit. When the celebrity bachelor on a dating show beginsreceiving death threats, Sherlock goes undercover as a contestant to try andsolve the puzzle before it’s too late. Problem: he doesn’t know how to seducepeople. Who better than John ‘three continents’ Watson to provide seductiontips? It’s not gay if you’re helping out a friend.
Pulse byFinAmour, 3 k, explicit. Written for a prompt: “Imagine after Sherlockcomes back, John just can’t stand to let go of him, so they’re always touching:an arm, a hand, petting the tops of each other’s heads… until one day itturns to kisses, & then sleeping together, & they’re in a relationshipfor months without realizing.”
Assistance Required by Soft_Light, 12 k,explicit. Sherlock takes Viagra for an experiment. You can probably guess a lotof what happens next.
A Lord to Love by SaraDobieBauer, 10 k, explicit.(Historical AU.) Sherlock Holmes is only nineteen when his father dies, and hebecomes the new Lord Holmes. Lord Watson is his neighbor, and together, theyhave land boundary issues to work out. Only, Lord Watson is interested in a lotmore than land. In fact, he’s about to make an offer, and an admission, thatwill change everything.
Always by addicted2hugh, 6 k, explicit.A study in Sherlock, or: The years it took John Watson to fall in love
Litany. by Geek_in_progress, 11 k,explicit. Sherlock (and John) have a series of new experiences.
Virginlock (part 2)
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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#countdown to s4 part 1: #throwback day 4: dec 5 ASIB throwback
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
OMG. Perfect.
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I reworked this so many times to try and get it right. It’s close enough!
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
Cocky Locky
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Cocky Locky was walking along one day, thinking about how everyone else in the world was an idiot, when something heavy fell on his head, knocking him nearly senseless. The sky is falling! thought the befuddled Cocky Locky. I must go and tell the king.
Cocky Locky went along, and he went along, and he went along, until he met Billy Pilly.
“Where are you going, Shezza?” asked Billy Pilly.
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cried Cocky Locky. “I must go and tell the king.”
“Can I get some of whatever you’ve been taking?” asked Billy Pilly.
“I haven’t been taking anything,” said Cocky Locky. “I’m telling you, a piece of the sky just fell on my head!”
“Whatever you say, mate,” said Billy Pilly, with a knowing look.
Cocky Locky decided Billy Pilly wasn’t worth talking to. So he went along, and he went along, and he went along, until he met Sally Dally.
“Where are you going, Freak?” asked Sally Dally.
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cried Cocky Locky. “I must go and tell the king.”
“You’ve well and truly cracked at last,” said Sally Dally.
“I haven’t cracked!” shouted Cocky Locky. “It’s the sky that’s cracked, and a piece of it just fell on my head!”
“I knew it was only a matter of time before we’d have to have you sectioned,” said Sally Dally.
Cocky Locky decided Sally Dally wasn’t worth talking to. So he went along, and he went along, and he went along, until he met Molly Lolly.
“Where are you going, Sherlock?” asked Molly Lolly.
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cried Cocky Locky. “I must go and tell the king.”
“Are you feeling alright?” asked Molly Lolly.
“Obviously not!” snapped Cocky Locky. “A piece of the sky just fell on my head! I must go and tell the king!”
“Oh, um, well… good luck with that,” said Molly Lolly.
Cocky Locky decided Molly Lolly wasn’t worth talking to. So he went along, and he went along, and he went along, until he met Jawny Brawny.
“Where are you going, love?” asked Jawny Brawny.
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cried Cocky Locky. “I must go and tell the king.”
“You know we don’t have a king?”
“Don’t we?”
“Well, then what shall I do? I have to tell someone that the sky is falling!”
“Why don’t you tell me?” suggested Jawny Brawny.
Cocky Locky decided Jawny Brawny was well worth talking to, so he told him all about it.
Jawny Brawny listened intently. Then he felt the bump on Cocky Locky’s head with gentle fingers. He asked Cocky Locky many questions about dizziness, and headache, and nausea, and blurred vision. At last, he gave Cocky Locky a reassuring smile.
“You have a minor concussion, love, but I don’t think you need to go to A&E. I’ll take you home.”
So they went along, and they went along, and they went along, until they came to their flat. There Jawny Brawny made Cocky Locky a cup of tea, and gave him some paracetamol, and tucked him into bed. Once he was asleep, Jawny Brawny wrote up the incident on his blog, so everyone would know that Cocky Locky thought the sky was falling.
The End
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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John @ Sherlock: 😐😕🙁☹️😢
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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Sherlock @ John: 😐😕🙁☹️😢
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couldbeamidget · 6 years
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So I was bored and made a compilation of best Sherlock & Bayeux Tapestry pics…
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