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david is always wonderful, you can’t change my mind!
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;;this is the only reason David doesn’t do camper feedback. He gets enough verbally as it is
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;;discord drop, feel free to hmu there! Just lemme know who ya are first
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;;David is a stickler about the kids drinking water. He wants all of them to stay happy and healthy and by golly not a single child is going dehydrated on his watch! He tries to get them to at least take a drink every thirty minuets bare minimum, especially when they’re outside running around
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;;discord drop, feel free to hmu there! Just lemme know who ya are first
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;;hey y’all I’m actually,,, at camp this week. Like I’m actually at a camp, writing this from my bed within the cabin. Uhh I really want to apologize for my severely lacking activity here because I do miss David quite a lot actually, but real life issues have been taking a large toll on me as of late. I will try my hardest to get back here and write at least a little every day once camp is over but I am always on discord and am more than happy to rp with David there if you think that’s something you would enjoy too. As such, please feel free to ask for my discord so we can stay in touch more often!
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;;David, in his time not working at Camp Campbell, mostly takes odd jobs because he surprisingly makes a good amount of money. Cameron gave him his house, fully paid off, most all summer he doesn’t have to buy gas or food or anything really, and he hasn’t bought a single new piece of clothing in what’s probably been years. So what he makes from camp is more than enough to keep him going, but he still enjoys taking jobs in Sleepy Peak. He actually has an ad posted in the newspaper looking for odd jobs of any kind, and lists all of his qualifications... yes, all of them. The ad actually ends up running about a quarter of the page’s length.
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A small hum of agreement as Daisy discouraged the action of touching the deep bruise, David resigned to laying one hand across his stomach and the other over his eyes to shield from the light. He had felt bad, that much was certain, but the idea that Gwen was left alone with the kids made him feel even worse. She didn’t like to be alone with them, that much he knew, and he’d hate to put the responsibility all on her.
Briefly, he wondered if he should possibly mention his other ailments like the nausea and dizziness he’d been experiencing lately. But... he was sure it was fine. It’s all okay; he’s positive it’ll go away on its own if he waits it out. At the mention of his downplaying wide green eyes shift away, almost ashamed that he had been found out. But in the next moment they’re back on Daisy, all sparkling and bright— but not nearly as much as when he’s healthy. “And you do your job so well, Daisy. It’s wonderful having you around the camp! Speaking of Gwen, though...”
Starting to sit back up again, David takes it slower this time. He needs to preserve himself as much as he can so that he can be his normal self around the campers. Can’t have them knowing anything is wrong, after all! Right before he starts his journey into standing, however, Daisy hits him with another question. One that makes him pause and cast her a confused glance. “Well... I’m sure it’ll just go away if I can pull through it! In fact, I’d bet that fainting was the worst of it, and that I can’t do anything but get better from here!”
Always the optimist, at least.
Perhaps David did live in his own universe, separated from everything else but looking in through a rose-tinted window. It would probably make sense… in a weird sort of way. David, after all, wasn’t like other people. No matter how hard the world tried to put him down (and trust me, it did) he would always find a way back— smiling even brighter than before. There were two sides to every coin of course, and the counselor was no exception; but at least he managed to hide that other side of his coin from others.
Almost as soon as he could think semi-cohesively, David was worrying. Where were the campers? Were they alright? Who was with him? Who was with THEM? The campers didn’t see him faint, did they? It causes him to sit upright and glance around frantically even despite his dizziness. Finally relaxing upon the realization that he and Daisy were alone, David laid back down slowly. “Gosh…” a laugh, small and forced and almost nervous. “I must be awfully sleepy.” Despite himself, David never wanted to be a subject of concern for anyone. Even though his words were transparent he tried to smile as he raised a hand to feel what she had mentioned, but promptly pulled his fingers back in a wince.
Quick to down the offered medicine, David closes his eyes as the semi-cool rag is laid on his burning forehead. He knows he can’t try to pretend like he isn’t sick anymore. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna try to play it down, of course. “Aww Daisy you don’t have to worry about me, really. It’s nothing bad… I’ve just been running a little temperature spike for a few days is all.“
Hopefully the ibuprofen will bring down his fever a bit and take care of some of pain from the bruise, which certainly looked like it hurt. The wince when he brought his fingers to it only confirmed her suspicions. “Don’t do that.” 
The campers had already left for the activities field when David has started to sway off-balance, so they were currently being broken up into teams for today’s team sports activities. Mondays always kept the kids busy, which was a good thing for now. 
“Honey, ‘a little temperature’ means chills and a cough. You just passed out face-first on the floor.” Her voice is flat, but soft. Not too loud, but stern enough to say she didn’t believe him for a moment. "You hired me to help run the camp and make things easier for the counselors. Worrying about you and Gwen is like, literally in my job description.“
It didn’t surprise her at all that David would put up a fight. Pretending he was okay sort of seemed like his MO. If he was willing to shake off being hit by a bus, she figured shaking off a bad fever was second nature to him. 
"Why didn’t you say something?”
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Pine?! That’s clearly birch!!
His laugh makes my heart happy
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;;*waddles off into the wasteland of tumblr to find cult-ish and brainwashing content*
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Humming softly to himself as he carries on with the simple task of setting out the supplies for their s’mores, David seems perfectly happy with his company. A movement, and the wrapping of a blanket around his shoulder causes him to pause and glance at Jen, before offering her a bright and shining smile. “Aww that’s awfully sweet of you to care so much! I’m afraid I don’t actually have a sweater though... all I have are t-shirts.” He admits with a laugh that seems just as warm as the fire. “I’d hate for you to get sick out here though, I knew I should’ve brought my heated blanket.” A small shake of the head, chastising himself.
Passing the speared treat, David leans into Jen just a little more as he holds his own out over the flames, hoping to offer her what warmth he might or might not have. It never hurt to try, after all. As for him, he preferred his marshamallows a nice golden color, with a little bit of char at the very edges.
“Technically? Yes. I mean my address is in Sleapy Peak and I go there for jobs now and then, but I actually live out here in the forest. I was so lucky— my cabin is great! I’d love to show it to you sometime, it’s just southwest from here.” Another soft hum, David pulls his marshmallow from the fire to examine it, before deciding that it was not quite done and then putting it back in. “Gosh, I can’t really say I’ve ever actually been to the city! I mean, I’ve driven through it on the way to see family but that’s about it I think. Music and lights sure do sound fun though! I’m used to just starlight and my own music by this point.” He admitted, offering a small nod to his guitar.
Now, David wasn’t the most courageous man in the world... in fact, he wasn’t very courageous at all; and many might argue that he was more of a boy than a man... So the mere notion that this forest— his home— might be haunted? It turned his blood icy cold. Trying to mask the small shiver running down his spine, David laughed. “Oh— hahah, I dunno about that... I’m sure if something was amiss I would’ve noticed it by now!”
Or would he? After all; murderers had apparently been hiding bodies out here for awhile right under his nose.
To be entirely honest, David hadn’t seen the Batman movies either. It was rare for him to sit and just watch something these days, but when he did it was either Bob Ross, cheesy kid’s movies, or nature documentaries. So hey; at least if she decided to carve into his face, he wouldn’t be able to judge her on it. Not that friends (as David now wholeheartedly considered them to be) would judge each other anyway, of course.
All smiles, David’s brightens when Jen returns the pleasantries. Gosh, she was so nice! He could hardly believe how lucky he was to have found her all the way out here. It sure was a shame about her dog though… maybe he could stay up just a little later tonight to keep an eye out for it. The laugh is returned, bright and bubbly, and he gives Jen a light pat to her now-blanketed shoulder. “Oh it’s nothing! It’s still winter after all, and the trees don’t usually offer a lot of warm sunlight.”
Fire starter taken from his pocket, David kneeled down next to his little fire pit and got to work on lighting and stoking the neatly put together wood there. Another laugh escaped him and he leaned back when his fire was going, taking a seat on the ground next to Jen. “Haha I guess you could say that, I like to think that once you get the hang of it then it’s pretty easy!”
Twisting his upper body to rummage in his bag for his s’more supplies, David has soon speared two marshmallows and is offering one to Jen so that she can toast it however she likes. “I do! Well, maybe not here exactly but I do go camping in this forest all the time. You see I actually don’t live too far away… and I love camping so much that it makes it really easy to just grab my gear and head out! This spot is so nice though, I think I’ll have to remember where it is so I can come back!”
She also enjoys nature documentaries, but she doesn’t imagine they enjoy the same aspects of them. She hasn’t met anyone else who cheers when the lion catches up to the antelope. 
As he sits back next to her to watch the fire blaze, she raises an eyebrow. He may have a vest to keep him warm, but it’s … a little small on him, to say the least. And almost entirely threadbare. One half of the blanket is tugged off her shoulder, and she eases it up around his as though it’s the most natural thing in the world and they didn’t just meet ten minutes ago.  They’re best friends now, it’s happened. “You need a sweater, David. You’re going to catch a cold out here in just the t-shirt! I would know, I’m probably already catching one.” 
Her eyes are bright as he spears the marshmallows, and there is no hesitance or hiding of her excitement as she grabs her own. She likes her marshmallows charred to an indistinguishable lump - the only reason she doesn’t light it on fire directly is because the flames are just a tantalizing inch out of reach. 
“Do you live down in Sleepy Peak?” Everywhere else is up to three hours away. She knows because she often needs to go to them to buy new outfits. “I live just off main street. It does get sort of dull, I can see why you’d like to get away. I like to go into the city on my days off, though. I like the music and the lights - paint the town red, as they say!” 
The mention of coming back brings her slight pause. His skill with the fire-starter is enough for her to bet that he knows his way around a map and compass - she’s got no hope in him forgetting where this spot is. She needs a new tactic. 
“I don’t know about that. They say these woods are haaaaaunted.” The word is dragged out to make it spookier, and she wiggles her eyebrows at him. 
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Send me 🍺 to find my muse drunk
Send me “🍺 reverse” for my muse to find yours drunk.
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“Well, gosh, it’s wonderful that you’re doing better, Daniel— you gave me such an awful scare!”
A small sigh, and the camp counselor’s frown relaxed into a soft smile. “Well I’m just... are you ok? You were so sick, is it okay for you to be walking around like this so soon?” Walking right up to the other, a hand extended to rest gently upon Daniel’s shoulder, and offer a small soothing rub. “I had no idea the punch was so bad, I would’ve thrown it out if I had...!”
@counselor-davey liked.
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“ Turn that frown upside - down! Isn’t it a praise that I’m better? “
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“Well howdy everyone! Sorry I kind of up and disappeared for a bit, I was just a little bit sick!”
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Perhaps David did live in his own universe, separated from everything else but looking in through a rose-tinted window. It would probably make sense... in a weird sort of way. David, after all, wasn’t like other people. No matter how hard the world tried to put him down (and trust me, it did) he would always find a way back— smiling even brighter than before. There were two sides to every coin of course, and the counselor was no exception; but at least he managed to hide that other side of his coin from others.
Almost as soon as he could think semi-cohesively, David was worrying. Where were the campers? Were they alright? Who was with him? Who was with THEM? The campers didn’t see him faint, did they? It causes him to sit upright and glance around frantically even despite his dizziness. Finally relaxing upon the realization that he and Daisy were alone, David laid back down slowly. “Gosh...” a laugh, small and forced and almost nervous. “I must be awfully sleepy.” Despite himself, David never wanted to be a subject of concern for anyone. Even though his words were transparent he tried to smile as he raised a hand to feel what she had mentioned, but promptly pulled his fingers back in a wince.
Quick to down the offered medicine, David closes his eyes as the semi-cool rag is laid on his burning forehead. He knows he can’t try to pretend like he isn’t sick anymore. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna try to play it down, of course. “Aww Daisy you don’t have to worry about me, really. It’s nothing bad... I’ve just been running a little temperature spike for a few days is all.”
“It’s- y’ see….. I, eheh—“ David was slouched, wobbling back and forth on unsteady feet as he held a shaky finger in the air. He didn’t appear to be looking at any one thing, and truly he wasn’t; his vision was sliding in and out of focus too fast for him to.
Another moment and the counselor was out like a light, fainting and falling hard; ending up face first on the ground. Ouch— that’d hurt later.
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