counterclckwise · 6 years
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Here’s Copy Time to match his original! He’s such a cutie, I love him. I need to talk more about him over here since I have him so well-developed in my RP circle.
I will say that I am getting better at shading metals. Or at least making them shiny, because how can I not
* Please look at my blog for commission info links! dA upload will include the palette link.
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counterclckwise · 6 years
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counterclckwise · 6 years
mou hitori no boku
> I can multitask, if I deem it worth my time and I have a second’s reprieve. > There’s a lot of things we don’t know about each other. It’s the result of bad starts, of which I don’t know if you wish to rectify or not. > But, yes, I am a horror “fan”, if you wish to call it such.
          Rewind smiled sadly at his phone at that. Well...
>     that is most definitely my fault.  i’m sorry  (。╯︵╰。) >     i’m very much willing to fix things, however i can, if you’re offering me that chance.
It was fairly gracious of Time-- then again, even as early on as when they’d met, Time had been horrified and sympathetic of Rewind’s plight; and Rewind did still have Time’s pre-copy memories stashed in the back of his brain, so he knew that his original wasn’t an ill-meaning person at heart. He just... had problems, back then. Like Rewind did.
>     i’d call it such! what kind of horror do you watch?
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counterclckwise · 6 years
Icon of Your Muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type:   Standard type-A circulatory oil. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?:   No better than his big brother in this regard-- he waffles between self-pity and self-blame when it happens, though he will eventually settle on something logical or surprisingly mature when the initial shock is gone. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?:   His jealousy of his original and his relationship with his brother has been tamed, but it’s still there. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?:   Gratuitous Japanese when speaking English, which is particularly stupid when one recalls that he literally has a Japanese setting he can switch on if he wants. A Prized Possession of Your Muse:   Only in memory files. Any Medical Conditions?:   Rewind survived hosting a space-time anomaly in his chest for a shockingly long time, and no longer afflicts him. So not anymore.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color:   “Light blue!” What’s Your Favorite Food:   “Miso ramen, with extra pork and egg!” Skiing or Snow Boarding?:   “Snow boarding, I guess! I should probably get out more...” Worst Injury You Ever Got?:   “Um.” Early Riser or Sleep in?:   “Neither one, to be honest? Maybe it’s just leftovers from Time’s habits, but I prefer to wake up right on time.” Video Games or Books?:   “Ooh! Video games! Fantasy RPGs and RTSes are my favourites!” Something that Makes you Cry?:   “I’m gonna call that a bit personal for this quiz.” Someone You Hate? Why?:   “... I don’t really hate him anymore. It was wrong of me.” Phobias:   “I was a walking existential horror for a solid few years, I’m beyond being actually genuinely afraid of anything anymore.” Favorite Soda?:   “Ramune! I’m partial to the bubble gum-flavoured one.” Favorite Drink in General?:   “A good shake is always nice!” What did you have for Breakfast?:   “Steamed rice and miso soup!” Song you are listening to right now?:   “The current My Hero Academia OP. Ooh, I’m so pumped for the next episode on Saturday!” Worst Job Ever?:   “Ehh...” Best Job Ever?:   “I wouldn’t want a research job like my original has. I think I’d rather dip a little more into praxis than theory, you know? Maybe I could stream experiments or otherwise showing what my abilities can do to a wider audience. I want to teach and entertain in general, actually, I think it’d be a good use for me. But I’d have to be accepted into regular society first... ...so small, anonymous YouTube anime channel it is.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?:   “Nope. I’ve seen other people get thrown out windows, though.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?:   “I have stuff I’m not proud of in my history. A lot of it. But none of it is stuff I can’t take back, I think. Just... deal with.” Any Roommates?:   “My siblings, the rest of the DWNs. And the other kids Wily-sama has.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both:   “Nyaah!~” C4 or Dynamite:   “Dynamite!” Catch Phrase or One Liners:   “I like catchphrases, honestly. There’s merit in having a phrase people associate with you!” Day or Night:   “Both? Hmm... I dunno, it just kinda doesn’t matter to me.” Star Wars or Star Trek:   “No.” Cake or Pie:   “Pie!” Zombies or Vampires?:   “Admittedly, there’s less good zombie anime than there is vampire anime. I guess ‘cause zombies don’t really lend themselves to the style all that well. I like zombies, though.”
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counterclckwise · 6 years
mou hitori no boku
> Of course. He’s a well known horror arist, I would certainly know about him.
> I never watched the anime you’re speaking of, and it sounds like I shouldn’t. Not many can emulate him, I suppose.
> I assume you won’t be watching it anymore.
Time continued working as he sent messages to his original. It was somewhat nice to speak to someone while he was busy, someone who he didn’t have to instantly respond to anyway. He doubted his copy expected much of anything from him. … though, perhaps it was best to warn him about that.
> Forgive me if my response isn’t instantaneous. I’m at work at the moment, and am rather preoccupied. You can keep going, however.
>     yeah, screw this. i’ll just rewatch hellsing or something.
          Rewind leaned back in his chair, chewing on the green tea pocky in his mouth. For having been made to exist for the sole purpose of antagonizing his original, their interactions were few and far between and-- these days, at least-- relatively pleasant. They hadn’t always been, and that was his own fault, but the fact that Time seemed to have a common interest was both news and worth exploring further. Though...
>     sorry about the interruption!  人(_ _*)  wait... >     you’re replying on the job, really?  i thought if you were replying at all you would’ve had the day off, or something.  (°o°) >     ... then again, you never take days off. don’t worry about keeping me waiting, this conversation was kind of an accident anyway. didn’t know you were a horror fan!
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counterclckwise · 6 years
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          “ i wonder if i should practice something different in my style.  umm... hm. ”
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counterclckwise · 6 years
mou hitori no boku
Time stared at the message for quite a while, wonder if he should respond, and why. Clearly this was about one of his Japanese animations not living up to its original manga source, but was it really worth responding with any sort of curiosity?
> Since you’ve already messaged me, you might as well tell me what show it is.
Apparently, it was.
          oh! oops, guess he was starting conversation with his original now. well, he wouldn’t complain-- he kind of wanted to rant, anyway.
>     okay so you know the works of junji ito?? amazing mangaka, all his stuff is horror. like, pure existential nightmare stuff, highly recommend him! especially uzumaki!!!! >     anyway they made an anime called the junji ito collection where each episode is one of his short horror stories told in animation >     but it’s so bad!!! it’s not half as scary as the original stories were, cause they don’t put half the effort he did into the artwork and the editing is really bad and it sucks all the scariness out of it when the friggin’ manga moves more than the anime does! it’s like if you could watch a wikipedia article instead of, i dunno, bringing a horror sempai’s work to life    (; ̄Д ̄) 
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counterclckwise · 6 years
>     ugghhh it’s so bad!!!!! i knew it was never gonna be as good as the manga but they’re such bakas!!!!   (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ >     ... oops >     that wasn’t meant for you   ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
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counterclckwise · 6 years
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counterclckwise · 7 years
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          “n--nani?”   Σ ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )
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counterclckwise · 7 years
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          my waifu !!!   i kinda wanna get someone to play this game with me again, but i dunno anyone  ( except shadow-sempai )  who’d be willing to sit through the first part...   (>﹏<)
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counterclckwise · 7 years
   every day, i imagine a future where i can be with you. in my hand is a pen that will write the poem of me and you.
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counterclckwise · 8 years
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one of my other brothers. ughh you can see the erased lines-- i hope this is okay!!
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counterclckwise · 8 years
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i’m on mobile right now cause viol-oniisan needed the computer, but I doodled another one of my brothers… hands are hard!! :c
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counterclckwise · 8 years
     whispers @ indie group like/comment with who you want emo weeb to draw out of your muses
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counterclckwise · 8 years
     whispers @ indie group like/comment with who you want emo weeb to draw out of your muses
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counterclckwise · 8 years
> No, no, that sounds like just the right volume! I’ll be right there! I’m just gathering the snacks first.
What were the snacks? An assortment of Japanese treats Shadow regularly picks up from Japan itself. 
Mmm, teleportation.
> okay!! it’s all set, then. > first dibs on the pocky!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆      The rest of the fortress would have to deal with loud anime playing until anime night was over. He and Shadow would likely hear from various elder DWNs later, buuut whatever! Anime-desu! ~
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