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counterclckwise · 6 years
Icon of Your Muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type:   Standard type-A circulatory oil. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?:   No better than his big brother in this regard-- he waffles between self-pity and self-blame when it happens, though he will eventually settle on something logical or surprisingly mature when the initial shock is gone. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?:   His jealousy of his original and his relationship with his brother has been tamed, but it’s still there. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?:   Gratuitous Japanese when speaking English, which is particularly stupid when one recalls that he literally has a Japanese setting he can switch on if he wants. A Prized Possession of Your Muse:   Only in memory files. Any Medical Conditions?:   Rewind survived hosting a space-time anomaly in his chest for a shockingly long time, and no longer afflicts him. So not anymore.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color:   “Light blue!” What’s Your Favorite Food:   “Miso ramen, with extra pork and egg!” Skiing or Snow Boarding?:   “Snow boarding, I guess! I should probably get out more...” Worst Injury You Ever Got?:   “Um.” Early Riser or Sleep in?:   “Neither one, to be honest? Maybe it’s just leftovers from Time’s habits, but I prefer to wake up right on time.” Video Games or Books?:   “Ooh! Video games! Fantasy RPGs and RTSes are my favourites!” Something that Makes you Cry?:   “I’m gonna call that a bit personal for this quiz.” Someone You Hate? Why?:   “... I don’t really hate him anymore. It was wrong of me.” Phobias:   “I was a walking existential horror for a solid few years, I’m beyond being actually genuinely afraid of anything anymore.” Favorite Soda?:   “Ramune! I’m partial to the bubble gum-flavoured one.” Favorite Drink in General?:   “A good shake is always nice!” What did you have for Breakfast?:   “Steamed rice and miso soup!” Song you are listening to right now?:   “The current My Hero Academia OP. Ooh, I’m so pumped for the next episode on Saturday!” Worst Job Ever?:   “Ehh...” Best Job Ever?:   “I wouldn’t want a research job like my original has. I think I’d rather dip a little more into praxis than theory, you know? Maybe I could stream experiments or otherwise showing what my abilities can do to a wider audience. I want to teach and entertain in general, actually, I think it’d be a good use for me. But I’d have to be accepted into regular society first... ...so small, anonymous YouTube anime channel it is.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?:   “Nope. I’ve seen other people get thrown out windows, though.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?:   “I have stuff I’m not proud of in my history. A lot of it. But none of it is stuff I can’t take back, I think. Just... deal with.” Any Roommates?:   “My siblings, the rest of the DWNs. And the other kids Wily-sama has.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both:   “Nyaah!~” C4 or Dynamite:   “Dynamite!” Catch Phrase or One Liners:   “I like catchphrases, honestly. There’s merit in having a phrase people associate with you!” Day or Night:   “Both? Hmm... I dunno, it just kinda doesn’t matter to me.” Star Wars or Star Trek:   “No.” Cake or Pie:   “Pie!” Zombies or Vampires?:   “Admittedly, there’s less good zombie anime than there is vampire anime. I guess ‘cause zombies don’t really lend themselves to the style all that well. I like zombies, though.”
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