courtneybasuric · 4 years
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#67 #68 #preciouspounds -seeing the preciousness that is me. // I've struggled with this before, with seeing the value of something like compassion, because I've only seen it as 'big hearted' 'sensitive' 'emotional' 'overwhelmed' 'easily manipulated'. But empathy, compassion they are beautiful things. Someday's I'm grumpy about it, because I'm tired of caring. Thats fine. Other day's I cry at Tim Hortons comercials because I heckin' get it. I cry when people tell me heart breaking things. I cry and laugh and squeal when they share their unbelievably beautiful lives with me. (It's not impossible for me to just look at people and burst into tears because I can't handle it all) // I don't always get it all, and I don't always do it well. But I always do want to connect with your heart. Thats my compassion, thats my empathy and I love it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWo8a6ghey/?igshid=174gxpevpq4oz
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courtneybasuric · 4 years
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#66 What a wonderful time to start up #preciouspounds again.  I swear this 6 month ambition is turning into a 6 year project. Buts it's all gravy baby. 😺 // I figured I'd pour some lovin on my much neglected strengths, cause dang. It can be so easy not to see the value of something that looks different than a one size fits all model of success portrayed all over social media. // I know that theses are my strengths. I know them well. When I'm living 'healthy' I live them well.  When I'm struggling it's hard to see the value of them and its hard to live them out. But theses are some of my strengths. Living out these things bring me such Joy. So I'm gonna chat about them in upcoming post's. But for now I'm going to acknowledge them and leave them here.  Compassion  Empathy  Optimism Believing  Peace keeping Cheerleading https://www.instagram.com/p/B_n75pkAgQW/?igshid=1lqkz9ix0efmf
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courtneybasuric · 4 years
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Christmas always stirs up this weird feeling of..."I don't need anything but I want to go out and buy everything I've been denying myself all year". . All the consumerism stirs up an I deserve it attitude... . #selfcare. Right? . The truth is that materialism is temporary gratification. We all know it. . And I don't need to "selfcare". . I need to self love. . I don't need to pamper the blues away. I need to love myself, brokenness and all. . I don't need to have a better outlook. I need to love myself, and forgive myself. . I don't need to treat myself to something new. I needed to treat myself with compassion. . I approached 2019 with the words LOVED and DELIGHT. I thought I would work hard to change the way I live and "live like I knew I was loved." (Thanks Lysa terkeurst) . Yo, in 2019 I realized I do not love myself. That 15 year old girl searching for afirmation became a 28 year old girl still searching for affirmation, just in different places. . Learning #selflove is more than just self care. It's learning to be kind and compassionate to the inner voice that's cruel, mean and unforgiving. Self love is tenderly and firmly standing in truth. It's letting go of striving. Self love is embracing where I am but working to be better (not out of obligation or burden, but because I am worthy of living WELL). . Self love is hard. It's deep. It's vulnerable. It's beautiful. It's affirming. . Self love. Because if Jesus, the most beautiful, perfect, tender, loving, patient, magnificent, humble, and strong being we have ever know LONGS TO LOVE ME... So will I. . #65 #preciouspounds #selflove #2020 #2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6j8L5tAmJ6/?igshid=18p8wcquz6vt5
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
I always anticipate fall with such joy. I don't always take the time to really soak it in. Today I slowed down to enjoy walking through crunchy leaves. Thank you @robo.nurse for reminding me what a gift it is. What are you always looking ahead too? What are you actually enjoying? #64 #preciouspounds https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nZnpsgAO_lNOYna61mNTwUBO5syYpRQJesHc0/?igshid=a3yoprtpzeu
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#62 "your body is a GIFT" I've had to listen to, and tell myself these words about 98 times the last few weeks. Not a burden. Not a flaw. Not a disappointment. A gift. Your body is a gift. Your body is a living breathing tangible way for you to experience all the highs and lows of this life. Your body is a gift to live life fully. 💚💚💚 What truth do you need to hear today? #preciouspounds https://www.instagram.com/p/BzhE_rOgxVR/?igshid=1jilkfd7gmm01
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#61 J: 'Are you grumpy today?' me: 'no! I feel gross, I don't feel pretty' This conversation happened an hour ago. I was mad. Mad I could feel this way, mad he couldn't fix it. Mad, grumpy, and sulking. . Friends, we all have these moments, these days. PLEASE DONT STAY THERE. I'm pounding these words into my heart as much as I hope you are hearing them. . Your feelings do not dictate who you are. Shed that tear, go for a walk, spend 5 mins engulfed in something that fuels your soul. . YOU ARE PRECIOUS. Your feelings can never lessen your beauty, your potential, your value. . KEEP ON KILLIN IT YOU MAJESTIC BEING. Thank you @carrotcoffeehouse for providing some delicious coffee to process this over. 🧡🧡🧡 #preciouspounds https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIoIxAADFW/?igshid=co4szcj2uws2
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#60  I impulsively gave my Bible cover a makeover and I FRICKEN LOVE IT!  This goes hand in hand with #51 about jumping in with both feet. Recipes are guidelines, instructions are recommendations and DIY's are a potential for disaster or masterpiece. My 'i dunno, let's try it' or 'i have the general idea, I'll figure it out as I go' leaves a lot of grey area for both success and failure.  I've invested a lot of time and effort into things that have failed horribly and others that have turned out great.... It's not for a lack of thought. So much thought brain power goes into my projects. I'm just a 'go for it' kind of person.  And I LOVE it, it's natural for me to want to empower people and hopefully make them (and myself) feel like we can conquer the world. One thoughtfully impulsive jump at a time.  #preciouspounds #learningtolovemygifts https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8Y5NKgVS-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s3pzdszmvv42
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#58 & 59 because I have to points I want to say that for with this photo. First, I'll admit to sheepishly looking around to make sure no one would see me take this gym selfie and i had to tell myself 'go back there and take a picture like you fricken mean it'. Because I took the first one while I walked by, like it was somehow a mistake to acknowledge myself in the mirror!!! I can't say I've ever judged another girl for taking a picture of herself ( I mean I probably have, but for the most part it's far from my initial thought). So why do I assume the worst in others and think that judgement would be their first thought.  This body, these muscles are on a journey. it's a beautiful thing to share that journey. Second. Oh man. I am so quick to replace the words 'rest' and 'self care' with 'laziness' and 'treat yo self' because they are practically the same thing, right? But lately God has been using others and their journeys to remind me to be INTENTIONAL in resting. ( NETFLIX DOESN'T COUNT!) and evaluating my self care routine. zero time for moving my body is not healthy. Today I'm thankful for a body that works hard because I ask it too. And also some days it's okay to wear leggings as pants, and think you look good! #preciouspounds (at Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw54DAlAIBq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12n9qnr0u9ovn
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#57 I love these feet. They are big and messy and they've carried me so far.They keep me healthy and independent and I am go grateful! Through unknows, scary opportunities and beautiful memories where they go, I go. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwv3ZBtg7dN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wcym1so98kic
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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For each one of these short post it takes me at least an hour to process through what I'm trying to say. I think about it, dwell on it, change what I want to say, write it out, delete, write out four other versions. 
Words stirr up deep emotions and convictions in me. And I love it. Books, poems, speeches, conversations. 
Well thought out words move my soul. And I want to sit and nuture that movement. Let my soul breathe it all in. 
If I'm being honest, I thought this post was going another way. But I'm really happy with where this mini brain journey just took me. 
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#55 this photo is the opposite of flattering. And it takes my 'i love myself just the way I am' pride down just a notch. It's real. I don't want to 'justify' anything about it. It also doesn't make my designer love me less.💜 // Annddd the second pic just for your entertainment because I have NO IDEA how that happened and it's kind of freaky and wildly hilarious. Also helps if you stare at it while your REALLY TIRED. #preciouspounds https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwn_omwgB3c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=137xs8z1tgx3b
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#54 today's post is a little different. I'm learning that part of loving WHO I AM is loving the one who made me. I am SO GRATEFUL for a God who hears our heart broken whispers and always keeps his promises. Today I'm going to cling to the promises he's given me and live like the one who spoke the stars in place also has a plan and purpose for all that I am. #preciouspounds https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXMqIFgwFK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ebu5r3tsll4z
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
Bundle of tickles. Aka a people person. A couple times this week it's been pointed out that I'm a people person. I am. When I'm not hanging out with my cat I like to be with people in conversation or just around them.
I generally find conversation easy, for the most part. 
Im learning not everyone is a ' bundle of tickles'. And that's okay! I appreciate that it's a gift I've been given to encourage others to embrace their best 'people side'. 
If I can't expect everyone to be just like me... I can't expect myself to be just like everyone.
Courtney, let's make life all about strength sharing, not comparison consuming. 
What strength do you love to share?
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#52 this is who I am now. "My favourite color is pajamas" Comfort (clothing wise) has lots of room in my life. And I LOVE IT. As soon as the work /social day is done I reach for those cozy pants and cuddle up with the cat. YOUR SWEATS (and mess) ARE WELCOME HERE! #preciouspounds Thanks hubby. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwLJSpYANOl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pb48g451guds
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
I'm a jump in with both feet without thinking kind of person.
Yup, some days its a hassle but it goes with the last few days of appreciation for myself.
Deep feels, deep waters, deep like
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#50 I feel things big… fear, silliness, doubt (I’ve mentioned this the first time around) but I specifically appreciate how consuming excitement is for me. My favorite is heart excitment, or when something just clicks, or i get to witness someone flourishing in their sweet spot… Oh man I don’t even have words for it.
I’m often hard on myself for being such a ‘feeler’. But today I appreciate it, in fact, I love it. It’s precious to me, my wide range of 'feels’.
Thank you, for this heart of mine. May I always remember it’s a gift, not a burden. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGfpA-ggtp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zckljwot3h2q
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courtneybasuric · 5 years
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#49 - I love the aches of life. I love the relationships it builds. I love real soul talk.  .  "It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing." - ohiah mountain dreamer  https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDrhK4AC4c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p0m2v9v6mqfw
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