courtsextras · 3 years
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A little behind-the-scenes action of my most challenging piece so far. • Each person in a portrait takes me about 2-3 hours of detail work. This one took a total of over 16 hours. The plaid detail really set me back. 😅 • I’m really happy with how this turned out despite how long and tedious it was. I’m looking forward to more family portraits!! • Head to the link in my bio to check out my Etsy for pricing!! (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOffr6hHPf/?igshid=bku152zpu8ev
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courtsextras · 3 years
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It’s hard to choose, but these headshot portraits are some of my favorites to create. I love capturing personality and adding flare with flourishes and color. • These can be used for a business logo or simply as a profile picture for your social media feeds! • DM me to get on my list. I just finished up some commissions in the past couple days and I have availability in my schedule! • Don’t miss out on scrolling through these pics. Pic 2 is inspo and pic 3 is #workinprogress. (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNK4jFyjscC/?igshid=1o6mu9nds9l8n
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courtsextras · 3 years
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Hey guys! I’m Courtney - or CK, as my husband has always called me. I wanted to introduce myself first before I started posting my work. • I’m 33 years old, mom of 5, wife to a detective, saved by faith, serial entrepreneur, enneagram 7w8, 100% right-brained, and total foodie. • Lover of travel, spicy food, fashion & makeup, Twilight, true crime, creamy lattes, softball, and cooking. • You’ll always find me creating in some way, drink in hand, with my children, and avoiding cleaning. • Surviving life thanks to Jesus, caffeine, good friends, and the occasional margarita. • My goal in life is to be a good mom despite my shortcomings, create a life we love, and honor God the best I can. Oh, and laugh a lot. • Now tell me about yourself!!! I’d love to get to know you. (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIPmsdD1Rk/?igshid=1xwjknt3k86dk
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Found an old picture of my mom holding me. I think I look just like Gideon in this picture and I can see myself in her face shape. So comforting to see this and the similarities. It makes me feel closer to her. It’s almost been 4 years since she passed in just a few weeks. This time of year always makes me think of her more than I normally do. Her birthday was Oct 9, and she died on Nov 5, 2016. Miss her so much. Being a mom without a mom is very hard. (at Des Moines, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNXC_fAMbf/?igshid=1c0rqg2s3g460
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courtsextras · 4 years
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I would describe today as 𝚌𝚘𝚣𝚢. I snuggled my kiddos, we got ice cream and KFC, we came home, we lounged some more. Just a nice Saturday. - My super cozy cardigan is sold out right now, but as always you can sign up for restocks on the website by clicking the size you want and then entering your email address when prompted. You will get an email when it comes back in stock! Easy peasy. - Shop the link in my bio OR click here: courtney.closetcandyboutique.com (at Des Moines, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLy_vwgzCf/?igshid=1ks6d0zsxba1v
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Asa specifically requested a bag of mini marshmallows and some toothpicks so he could build little structures like they had done in school. It’s provided entertainment that doesn’t involve the iPad which makes me happy, and he has been so proud of his creations. (at Urbandale, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIbzVOAosS/?igshid=1frbae51ngqto
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Today is Thankful Thursday and this one goes out to all the other stay at home moms, because I really think this will resonate with you. - This year I am so thankful because I will be able to pay for my husband's Christmas present by myself. Over the years I have been frustrated, because although I am so thankful to stay home with my kids, I have never had "my own" money. All of our money has come from our single income which my husband makes. He has always made enough to support us, but when I want to do something special for him I have to pay for it with the money that he has already earned. So essentially not only does he pay for mine and the kids' presents, he pays for his own too. This is the same for birthdays and any other event requiring a present. - I've always hated this, but I have never found anything that paid me more than a few hundred dollars at a time. This year is different however! After 3 months with Closet Candy I will get my biggest ever paycheck I have ever made IN MY LIFE. Not just with direct sales, but with ANY job I have EVER had! I am floored. This is my first paycheck with a comma in it - no joke. I didn't realize that was true until recently and it hit me that I am finally going to be paid something significant. - So that is my thankful Thursday. I am thankful that I can finally buy my husband a present. He deserves it, and I couldn't be happier to provide it on my very own. (at Des Moines, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGF1XHSgTUl/?igshid=3kot9c89g6vf
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Y’all know I hate PDAs - and admittedly I really love that this pic is a little blurry for that reason - but every once in a while I have to get sappy and tell you all how much I love my husband. We’ve been together over half our lives. We’ve grown up together. We’ve fought, made up, fought more, made up again. We have 5 beautiful children on earth and two in heaven. We have walked through disappointment, victory, grief, and joy. We’ve been poor, we’ve been less-poor. We’ve had scary moments with his job as a police officer. Up and down; thick and thin; rich, poor; sickness, health. I choose you, I choose you, I choose you. - I love you, L. (at Des Moines, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEDNzSgaxC/?igshid=1fb98e5r9htwo
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Homecoming week at the kiddos' schools, so let me introduce you to: Billie Eilish for grand stand singer day; and Coca Cola head and mohawk boy for crazy hair day. - Haven definitely has the attitude to be Billie Eilish - woof. Parker had her mind made up weeks ago that she wanted to do this bottle thingy for crazy hair day after she saw it online. Asa is one of 400 young lads with mohawks - I'm kidding, but really what else do little boys do? - Do your kids get excited about dressing up for these theme days? (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAglZIAWMu/?igshid=lwr745cqif7l
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courtsextras · 4 years
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The weather was finally cool enough to whip out my first sweater of the year, and this one makes me happy. How can you not be cheerful when you see that phrase? Like, 2020, you’re not gonna make me lose my sunshine. Get out the way bc I’m making this year mine despite what you’re throwing at me. - Oh, and these joggers are the best I’ve ever owned. I have them in two colors: black and grey, and rumor has it they’re coming out in lots more. You can bet I’m getting all of them. These are the 1X, and they fit this tall girl just perfectly. I LOVE the front AND back pockets - they are really deep, which is nice. You’re not going to worry about dropping your phone on the ground with these babies. - Last but certainly not least, these tie-dye sneaks make me so happy. They are bright and cheerful and I just love them. They are comfy and fit TTS. - Shop the link in my bio or click here: courtney.closetcandyboutique.com (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-4nrHAlbK/?igshid=16wf53uhi0sea
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Harden party of 7. The biggest benefit to having your photographer live with you is definitely how quickly you get your pics back. 😂 Ash took these last night and loaded them onto my computer as soon as we got home. I can edit my own, so it really works out well. - Pictures went surprisingly well for a family with 5 kids. The most difficult part being our moody tween, but we were able to get some good ones despite some... attitude problems we may or may not have faced. - Family pics can be sooooo stressful, but I’m always happy to have them later on. When was the last time you had family pictures taken? (at The Rose Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7ylKvgJoS/?igshid=cg0s7xgxcftr
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Gideon is a tiny guy apparently. He is in the third percentile for weight and he needs plumped up. We took him to his six month appt about 7 weeks late and the dude is a peanut. We’ve been told to feed him avocados, beans, corn, and peanut butter in an effort to pack on some pounds. - Have any of you dealt with a tiny baby? What did you do to help them gain some weight? - Outfit is allllll Closet Candy. Shop the link in my bio or right here: courtney.closetcandyboutique.com (at Steinmann Family Health Clinic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2oLpDAED8/?igshid=1qep6syeztykt
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courtsextras · 4 years
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My Ninja Air Fryer got here today, and well... what I’m saying is, excuse me while I eat French fries for every meal for the history of forever. They taste the same, you guys. The same! - Immediately go and buy this; trust me. (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFsjlVtAkIh/?igshid=d6vd8srj1ikb
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Master Stylist 2. That means my team and myself have done over $25K in sale volume this month alone. We’ve still got 5 days left of September! - Jump on this crazy rocket ship! I’ve never had so much fun 🤩 I’m here to answer all your questions. - Did I mention I’ve only been doing this for 3 months? (at Starbucks) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkazNYgd_G/?igshid=phj91ygxcc9o
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courtsextras · 4 years
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Here’s your reminder that it doesn’t matter how good you are at contouring or filling in your eyebrows, the DOT camera will make you look like you’ve just been booked in county jail. Peep my stories to see the worst Driver’s License pic I’ve ever taken. So much for taking 90 minutes getting ready this afternoon. Oh well... self care and all that... (at Johnston, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiInQtATtZ/?igshid=16ix8okebrq3g
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courtsextras · 4 years
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What a crazy start to Fall. I’ve had an insane last couple days. - I hit a huge goal of mine yesterday, and ranked to Master Stylist with @closetcandyboutique which means my team and myself did $20,000 in volume this month. We’re a week out from the end of the month, so I will likely hit the very top rank as well which is Master Stylist 2/$25K in volume. The amount of blessed and grateful I feel is hard to sum up. I’m just ecstatic, and so proud of my team. (at Des Moines, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFgAAq1AQtJ/?igshid=tjwy2exnzz23
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courtsextras · 4 years
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For those of you waiting, because I know you all are on the edges of your seats eager to hear the details of our dinner choice last night, we went to The Cheese Bar (on Ingersoll for you Des Moinesians). - It was a TRIPLE date, so we shared the Smorgasbord Cheese Board for an appetizer, and then ordered some boujee Mac n cheese, grilled cheeses, and cheese curds. NOM NOM NOM! 🧀 It was sooo good! Highly recommend. - Has anybody else tried it?? If so, what did you order? (at Cheese Bar DSM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXfQJsjfeh/?igshid=1t5vlp8yuv81m
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