covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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Β  Β  Β β€œtheoretically, if we were to somehow manage to get enough people to join a spiderman fan club, would it be wrong to use the money the school gives clubs to just go to a fancy dinner? maybe decorate a room with bad pictures of dad to make it seem legit?”
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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β€œ π“π‡πˆππŠπˆππ† π€ππŽπ”π“ getting a black cat but i’m not sure if that’s too stereotypical for a witch to have. β€œΒ 
@covldbeheroes​ ( anyone! )
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Β  Β  Β β€œwell, i have zelena and lilith, so i guess that makes me a basic ass witch.” siri shrugged,Β β€œit almost pained me to call myself basic, so repeat that to no one.” 
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
πŸ₯€ persephone parker tag dropΒ !!Β  🌹
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running from them.
Nikita Gill (via thewildestwallflower)
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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Β  Β  Β β€œif i hear one more person say something along the lines ofΒ β€˜it’s a pity, outliving your own child’, i’m going to start throwing punches on their behalf.” margot said to no one in particular. this memorial was hardly for her family. her parents really only seemed to put it together to give everyone a chance to pretend to have known henry on a deep personal level. she almost felt like she was faking it herself, margot and henry had never been particularly close, she’d be lying to everyone if she pretended they had been.Β 
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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she didn’t even really feel like drinking, or partying at all. it reminded her too much of new year’s eve and the mistake she made. WHY HADN’T SHE JUST INSISTED THAT HENRY STAY ? skylar was guilt-ridden.Β β€œ why, margot, i’m supposed to be the wild child,Β β€œ or at least, now she was that the spot was newly opened.Β β€œ you’re a whole new person.Β β€œ
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Β  Β  Β margot was someone who constantly thought everything through, never making a decision without thoroughly considering all of the outcomes. it wasn’t like her to be impulsive or throw caution to the wind.Β β€œi can be wild too. maybe that’s a good thing, at least i’m not worried about every possible little thing right now.”
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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skylar flicked her hair back and picked back up her red solo cup. she wasn’t supposed to be drinking, but who was going to judge her for doing it ? HER SISTER WAS DEAD. the least she could have is a smirnoff ice. sky had left the memorial service very swiftly about an hour ago after bursting into tears and attaching herself to her mother’s left side. it wasn’t good for her reputation and besides, all of it felt wrong. henry would have scoffed at the idea of a memorial in her honor. SHE WAS MORE OF AN IRISH FUNERAL TYPE.Β β€œ if one more person tells me they’re sorry for my loss, i’m gonna start throwing punches,Β Β β€œ skylar said, apropos to nothing.Β β€œ don’t talk to me if it’s not to make uncomfortable jokes that maybe she, like me, will come back from the dead. or offer me illicit drugs for free.Β β€œ
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Β  Β  Β margot was several shots deep when she saw sky. in most situations, margot would be the party mom, making sure everyone was safe and making good choices, but for once in her life, she wanted to be anything but composed.Β β€œif you do get offered free drugs, i think it’s only fair that you share with me.”
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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they’re lost. there is no QUESTION about it ; the bonfireΒ was only a quarter of an hour away, or so they had been told, and they were coming up on thirtyΒ minutes in the woods and counting. they were lostΒ and the WORST of it was that they weren’t sure was it because they had somehow passedΒ it by or because they had turned themselves around, and had no realΒ way of working it out. cell service so far out wasn’t GREAT, so that was outΒ as an option… and no one knew they were on their way. perfect.
the first time they hear a branch crack as if under another’s foot, they try and IGNORE it, even though it makes them VISIBLY jump. they draw their coatΒ a little tighter, and they keep on going.Β the SECOND time, their heart skips a beat and they almost trip on a rootΒ in their haste to stayΒ moving. it’s when the noise comes from right BEHIND them that they twirl around ; their iphone brandishedΒ like a weapon, the flashlight illuminating the path they felt they had been making.Β β€œwho’s there?” 
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Β  Β  Β just when margot thought she could go a day without crying, her parents decided to have a memorial for henry, to let everyone properly mourn. all of it was strange. margot hated seeing these people, all crying, pretending they knew henry and making it their own tragedy. margot tried to shrug this off, you always heard of it happening when someone was killed died, but now amount of facts could comfort margot.Β 
Β  Β Β hearing of the bonfire, there was no doubt in her mind that she was going to go. margot didn’t want to sit at home with her parents just talking about henry and being sad. she had done that since henry’s death, it didn’t help, but perhaps partying would. after being at the party for about an hour, margot decided to get some air and wandered off. in her mind she knew it wasn’t the best idea, but she didn’t care. still, statistics about missing person cases where someone just walked away from a group never to be seen again were floating through her mind as she walked. she was just about to turn back when she hear someone walking near her and then a familiar voice.Β β€œtessie? is that you? it’s me- margot.”
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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elias pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his face is a BEAT RED from excitement ( not embarrassment, as it usually is ).Β β€œ sorry - did i lose you… again?Β β€œ if anyone showed an interested in science, he was usually ecstatic. but most of the time they weren’t as ecstatic as he was.Β β€œ we can, um, do something else?Β β€œΒ 
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Β  Β  Β β€œno- no, it’s fine, i just distracted, it’s not you,” margot apologized. she was normally a much better conversationalist, it wasn’t that margot didn’t understand what the other was talking about, that was never the case with margot, her mind was just somewhere else. as it had been since the beginning of the year. β€œwhat were you saying?”��
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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β€œOn a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a bad idea is it to try and use lightning to charge my phone?” Sidney asked.Β β€œMy phone is so dead and I swear literally every outlet I find is taken. Desperate times mean desperate measures.”
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Β  Β  Β Β β€œthe last time i tried that i fried my phone and laptop...” jack laughed. it wasn’t often jack really did anything with his powers, mostly because when he did he ended up breaking something.
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covldbeheroes Β· 4 years
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β€œoh jack, you’re here, in my room,” daniel stated, rather obviously, the shock clearly present in his voice as he came to a stop inside the door frame. after blinking several times to make sure he wasn’t just imagining his older brother sprawled out across his bed, daniel exhaled, his eyebrows furrowing together as he found himself staring at his brother.Β β€œwhy are you here?” he asked, rather bluntly. it wasn’t as if he was ungrateful for his brother’s visit, he loved jack and he enjoyed spending time with him. but it wasn’t exactly the best time for company, not with the mound of homework and endless amount of worries waiting to consume his time. still, he didn’t kick the older male out, instead taking a seat at his desk as he reached for a textbook. @covldbeheroes​
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Β  Β  Β β€œi came to visit my baby brother,” jack said with a smirk. he honestly didn’t have a reason to visit danny other than wanting to bug his younger brother. he had let himself into daniel’s room, expecting his brother to only be a few minutes. he ended up waiting over an hour for him to get back to his room. he had almost given up, he had scrolled through so many videos he was convinced tik tok was going to kick him off.Β β€œso, how was your day?”
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