cprlover0195 · 4 months
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Stething session
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cprlover0195 · 10 months
:D signal boost
Can be found on the store
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cprlover0195 · 11 months
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234 notes · View notes
cprlover0195 · 1 year
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Pumping her chest
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cprlover0195 · 1 year
Little inside of today‘s leg session that had my heart RACING 🩺 ❤️
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cprlover0195 · 1 year
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A little something for you taken from an old Roleplay :)
508 notes · View notes
cprlover0195 · 2 years
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Deep compressions
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cprlover0195 · 2 years
Guess who had the chance to roleplay with a very nice guy ? ! 🩺🙋🏼‍♀️
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686 notes · View notes
cprlover0195 · 2 years
A little story created in collaboration with resusfrenchie, hope you like it
Franz is sitting next to me and already looks a bit tired.
"Hey, Franz, are you OK? Shall I drive the last lesson?"
He looks over at me and smiles.
"That's an excellent idea Tim, wait I'll pull over and we'll change places".
Franz pulls the car over and we change places when suddenly an emergency call comes in.
"A 29-year-old woman with breathing problems and chest pains, the neighbour called us.
The address is Bürgermeisterstraße 3, in Dortmund.
"But no more relaxed last hour Franz "
I shout to him as I step on the accelerator and switch on the blue light.
Less than 5 minutes after the mission order, I turn into the target road with a daring manoeuvre.
"Come on, Franz, every second counts now," I shout to my colleagues at full sprint.
"Where is the emergency?" I shout as I rush into the hallway.
"Up here, come quickly," the voice quivers with tension.
I sprint up the stairs and see how an old lady has laid the head of a young lady on her legs.
"Hello I'm Tim, can you please tell me briefly what happened".
I ask the old lady while putting my backpack down.
"Yes this is my neighbour Mrs Ani Schmidt, she rang my doorbell and was gasping for breath and holding her chest, I immediately called 911".
Said the frightened old woman.
"Hello Mrs Schmidt, can you hear me?
I kneel down and shine the light into her eyes to test the pupil reaction.
The pupils react completely normally and I ask what symptoms she has.
"I have such a hard time breathing" she moans.
"My chest hurts so much it's like a twinge, please help me" I gently stroke her head.
"Stay calm, Ani is right" she nods slightly at me.
She is a woman in her late 20s
tall, slim, very attractive, wears shorts, a top without a bra and has blue eyes and brown hair.
"I'm going to give you oxygen now and then connect you to the ECG, ok?
My colleague is already coming up the stairs with the ECG.
"Patient in her late 20s complains of shortness of breath and chest pain. Oxygen and ECG as first measure.
"Ani, my colleague is going to give you oxygen now, ok?" my hand is still on her head.
"For the ECG I have to remove your top, I'm going to cut it now, you don't have to be afraid, ok?
She looks at me with her face distorted with pain and does not join in and takes my hand to squeeze it.
I grab my scissors from my backpack and carefully cut through her top,
As I put the fabric aside I see her attractive upper body in front of me.
Beautiful B-C cup breasts and a flat trained belly, I try not to let myself be distracted and stick the electrodes on her....
Franz switches on the ECG, I grab the oxygen mask and carefully pull it over your blond hair.
I grab the electrode cable and 5 electrodes and stick them on your naked upper body.
The ECG begins to beep and a sinus rhythm is detected.
"Ani, I'm going to listen to you with my stethoscope, it might be a little cold, so please don't be alarmed".
When I pack the cold membrane between your breasts you moan briefly, I immediately hear your powerful heart beat. Boom, boom, boom.
I put the stethoscope down and grab the blood pressure cuff as suddenly an EKG alarm tone shrills.
"Shit, we have a tachycardic arrhythmia, Franz get the defibrillator ready".
"Ani I have to give you an electric shock now ok , this might hurt a little".
You nod frightened at me, I grab the black pads from Franz and hold them out to him so he can apply gel.
I place the left pad over your left breast, the right one next to your right breast.
"Everyone away from the patient, shoot!"
I press the two buttons on the pads and your body jumps up and slams back to the floor. Your breasts jiggle hard as you do so.
"Shit still no rhythm, load the pads to 150 and give me gel again".
I hold out the pads with the bare metal to Franz, and get another load of gel.
Your upper body already shimmers from the first load of gel
Everyone away from the patient and the shot!
Your breasts stretch towards me as your upper body shoots upwards.
I hear a slight moan from you as you come back to the floor.
"Load 200 again, all ready?
Away from the patient!"
This time your torso is going up even faster, your breasts are jiggling as you come up and are completely covered in electrode gel.
You look at me in panic, I put my hand on your shoulder and stroke it to calm you down.
"Charge to 300, all away"
The final shock hits you hard, your breasts stretch upward as the electric shock moves through your body.
Suddenly only a beeeeeeeeep sounds from the EKG you no longer have a pulse .
Your eyes just full of life look at me cold and without reaction, your hand lies lifeless next to you.
"Shit, heart and breath standstill.
Start resuscitation at 18:34".
I put my hands between your breasts on your chest leg and start heart massage.
Your breasts wobble extremely with each squeeze, you can hear the air being forced out of your lungs.
I grab the breathing bag and gently stretch your head backwards.
Your lungs fill with air as I breathe on you while your upper body gently rises and falls.
"Franz will get the epinephrine and the atropine, and also the adrenaline. She is in asystole"
I feel for a pulse with my fingers, nothing.
As I continue to give her CPR and ventilate her, I see Franz start an IV.
"Come on my little one, don't die on me here!"
I grab the breathing bag and give her 2 strong pushes with the bag. Her upper body rises and falls slightly.
I put my hands between her shapely breasts again and start to push hard.
With each compression, her breasts, still shiny from the gel, jiggle more and more violently.
"Is the adrenaline ready? Give her a shot quickly" I call out to Franz, drenched in sweat.
He opens the syringe with the adrenalin and gives you the shot. Your heart immediately starts to fibrillate. Alarm signals shrill from the
"Quickly charge to 360!" I shout while I put the gel on your upper body and put the pads on. As I put the pads on between your breasts, I hear the smacking of all that gel.
"All away from the patient, shocking!
Your torso shoots upwards only to hit the floor hard again in a fraction of an SECOND.
Wild alarm sounds are heard from the ECG, you are still in ventricular fibrillation.
"Charge again 360"
Your breasts jiggle even more violently at this shock than before.
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp sounds from the ECG. Again just asystole on the ECG.
" We have to intubate Franz, you do it".
While I lie next to you, drenched in sweat, and keep your heart going with my compressions, Franz stretches your head over to intubate you.
Your eyes look at me motionless and I feel a cold run down my spine.
Franz starts ventilating immediately after intubating you, I see your chest rise and fall and try to detect any sign of a heartbeat with the stethoscope.
Nothing ....
"Give me adrenaline again !"
Franz hurriedly draws up the syringe and fires the shot, your heart suddenly starts to flutter again.
"Charge to 360 J, all away from her".
I press the buttons on the defi pads and watch your body shoot upwards, you hit the floor hard and your breasts jiggle.
Beep BeppBepp Bepp.
"Shit still v-fib, reload to 360J".
"All gone, and shock"
You shoot upwards and your upper body seems to be in the air for a millisecond as you land hard on the floor again.
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
"Synus Rhythm, we have them back Tim" Franz says to me, looking relieved.
I feel a hint of joy spreading through me.
"Ani, Ani can you hear me? Hello Ani, hellooo?"
Your eyes search the surroundings without orientation, our eyes meet and I stroke a strand of blond hair from your face.
" It's ok, you had a cardiac arrest and we have to take you to the hospital, ok ?"
I feel you squeeze my hand weakly while I watch your ECG and Franz listens to your heart with the stethoscope.
"Franz gives me the blanket, we don't have to leave the young lady lying here so exposed, do we?
He winks at me and hands me a blanket.
"Ani, I'll tuck you in for a moment, OK? You must be cold"
You are still holding my hand.
"Franz, can you get the stretcher?" I'll take care of you".
"I'll do it right away Tim!"
After a short time Franz comes back with the stretcher, we carefully place you on it, turn off the ECG which still shows your regular heartbeat and strap you in.
"1,2,3 and up with her" I say to Franz.
We both lift you up carefully and transport you to the ambulance, once there I pull the blanket off your upper body again to listen to you again.
Your heart is beating calmly and strongly, but I notice how hard your nipples have become, you must be cold I think to myself.
"Tim, I'm going to go, if anything happens just knock, ok?"
"All right, I will Franz"
We are not on the road for 5 minutes when you start to breathe heavily and almost hit your chest.
Your heart rate is slightly elevated and I give you oxygen with a breathing mask.
Suddenly I hear the irregular beeping of the ECG, ventricular fibrillation.
"Franz, turn on the blue light, ventricular fibrillation, we have to get to the hospital quickly!"
You are lying in front of me with your upper body exposed, your whole body is twitching and your face is consumed with pain.
"Ani, calm down, I have to shock you, it might hurt a bit".
I charge the defibrillator to 200J, and grab the tube of electrode gel.
I open the tube and spread a big load of gel on your left breast and a little on your right breast, spreading it with my hand.
Finally the defibrillator is charged and the gel is already spread, I put the pads on and press the button to shock you.
You groan slightly as the shock goes through you, still in ventricular fibrillation.
I reload the pads and apply another load of gel to your torso, by now it is shiny from the gel.
360 J and shot, your body shoots upwards and crashes back onto the couch.
Sinus rhythm....
"Franz when are we going to get there?"
Not 2 moments later we turn into the hospital driveway, my colleagues open the door and help me unload you.
"Late 20 year old female patient, complained of shortness of breath and malaise. Had to be resuscitated on arrival, and shocked 2 times in the ambulance. Seems to be stable again".
As I drive the stretcher with you on it to the hospital I feel your hand touch mine again, I stroke it carefully.
"I will stay with her ok?"
You look at me and I can see a slight smile .....
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cprlover0195 · 2 years
A little story created in collaboration with resusfrenchie, hope you like it
Franz is sitting next to me and already looks a bit tired.
"Hey, Franz, are you OK? Shall I drive the last lesson?"
He looks over at me and smiles.
"That's an excellent idea Tim, wait I'll pull over and we'll change places".
Franz pulls the car over and we change places when suddenly an emergency call comes in.
"A 29-year-old woman with breathing problems and chest pains, the neighbour called us.
The address is Bürgermeisterstraße 3, in Dortmund.
"But no more relaxed last hour Franz "
I shout to him as I step on the accelerator and switch on the blue light.
Less than 5 minutes after the mission order, I turn into the target road with a daring manoeuvre.
"Come on, Franz, every second counts now," I shout to my colleagues at full sprint.
"Where is the emergency?" I shout as I rush into the hallway.
"Up here, come quickly," the voice quivers with tension.
I sprint up the stairs and see how an old lady has laid the head of a young lady on her legs.
"Hello I'm Tim, can you please tell me briefly what happened".
I ask the old lady while putting my backpack down.
"Yes this is my neighbour Mrs Ani Schmidt, she rang my doorbell and was gasping for breath and holding her chest, I immediately called 911".
Said the frightened old woman.
"Hello Mrs Schmidt, can you hear me?
I kneel down and shine the light into her eyes to test the pupil reaction.
The pupils react completely normally and I ask what symptoms she has.
"I have such a hard time breathing" she moans.
"My chest hurts so much it's like a twinge, please help me" I gently stroke her head.
"Stay calm, Ani is right" she nods slightly at me.
She is a woman in her late 20s
tall, slim, very attractive, wears shorts, a top without a bra and has blue eyes and brown hair.
"I'm going to give you oxygen now and then connect you to the ECG, ok?
My colleague is already coming up the stairs with the ECG.
"Patient in her late 20s complains of shortness of breath and chest pain. Oxygen and ECG as first measure.
"Ani, my colleague is going to give you oxygen now, ok?" my hand is still on her head.
"For the ECG I have to remove your top, I'm going to cut it now, you don't have to be afraid, ok?
She looks at me with her face distorted with pain and does not join in and takes my hand to squeeze it.
I grab my scissors from my backpack and carefully cut through her top,
As I put the fabric aside I see her attractive upper body in front of me.
Beautiful B-C cup breasts and a flat trained belly, I try not to let myself be distracted and stick the electrodes on her....
Franz switches on the ECG, I grab the oxygen mask and carefully pull it over your blond hair.
I grab the electrode cable and 5 electrodes and stick them on your naked upper body.
The ECG begins to beep and a sinus rhythm is detected.
"Ani, I'm going to listen to you with my stethoscope, it might be a little cold, so please don't be alarmed".
When I pack the cold membrane between your breasts you moan briefly, I immediately hear your powerful heart beat. Boom, boom, boom.
I put the stethoscope down and grab the blood pressure cuff as suddenly an EKG alarm tone shrills.
"Shit, we have a tachycardic arrhythmia, Franz get the defibrillator ready".
"Ani I have to give you an electric shock now ok , this might hurt a little".
You nod frightened at me, I grab the black pads from Franz and hold them out to him so he can apply gel.
I place the left pad over your left breast, the right one next to your right breast.
"Everyone away from the patient, shoot!"
I press the two buttons on the pads and your body jumps up and slams back to the floor. Your breasts jiggle hard as you do so.
"Shit still no rhythm, load the pads to 150 and give me gel again".
I hold out the pads with the bare metal to Franz, and get another load of gel.
Your upper body already shimmers from the first load of gel
Everyone away from the patient and the shot!
Your breasts stretch towards me as your upper body shoots upwards.
I hear a slight moan from you as you come back to the floor.
"Load 200 again, all ready?
Away from the patient!"
This time your torso is going up even faster, your breasts are jiggling as you come up and are completely covered in electrode gel.
You look at me in panic, I put my hand on your shoulder and stroke it to calm you down.
"Charge to 300, all away"
The final shock hits you hard, your breasts stretch upward as the electric shock moves through your body.
Suddenly only a beeeeeeeeep sounds from the EKG you no longer have a pulse .
Your eyes just full of life look at me cold and without reaction, your hand lies lifeless next to you.
"Shit, heart and breath standstill.
Start resuscitation at 18:34".
I put my hands between your breasts on your chest leg and start heart massage.
Your breasts wobble extremely with each squeeze, you can hear the air being forced out of your lungs.
I grab the breathing bag and gently stretch your head backwards.
Your lungs fill with air as I breathe on you while your upper body gently rises and falls.
"Franz will get the epinephrine and the atropine, and also the adrenaline. She is in asystole"
I feel for a pulse with my fingers, nothing.
As I continue to give her CPR and ventilate her, I see Franz start an IV.
"Come on my little one, don't die on me here!"
I grab the breathing bag and give her 2 strong pushes with the bag. Her upper body rises and falls slightly.
I put my hands between her shapely breasts again and start to push hard.
With each compression, her breasts, still shiny from the gel, jiggle more and more violently.
"Is the adrenaline ready? Give her a shot quickly" I call out to Franz, drenched in sweat.
He opens the syringe with the adrenalin and gives you the shot. Your heart immediately starts to fibrillate. Alarm signals shrill from the
"Quickly charge to 360!" I shout while I put the gel on your upper body and put the pads on. As I put the pads on between your breasts, I hear the smacking of all that gel.
"All away from the patient, shocking!
Your torso shoots upwards only to hit the floor hard again in a fraction of an SECOND.
Wild alarm sounds are heard from the ECG, you are still in ventricular fibrillation.
"Charge again 360"
Your breasts jiggle even more violently at this shock than before.
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp sounds from the ECG. Again just asystole on the ECG.
" We have to intubate Franz, you do it".
While I lie next to you, drenched in sweat, and keep your heart going with my compressions, Franz stretches your head over to intubate you.
Your eyes look at me motionless and I feel a cold run down my spine.
Franz starts ventilating immediately after intubating you, I see your chest rise and fall and try to detect any sign of a heartbeat with the stethoscope.
Nothing ....
"Give me adrenaline again !"
Franz hurriedly draws up the syringe and fires the shot, your heart suddenly starts to flutter again.
"Charge to 360 J, all away from her".
I press the buttons on the defi pads and watch your body shoot upwards, you hit the floor hard and your breasts jiggle.
Beep BeppBepp Bepp.
"Shit still v-fib, reload to 360J".
"All gone, and shock"
You shoot upwards and your upper body seems to be in the air for a millisecond as you land hard on the floor again.
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
"Synus Rhythm, we have them back Tim" Franz says to me, looking relieved.
I feel a hint of joy spreading through me.
"Ani, Ani can you hear me? Hello Ani, hellooo?"
Your eyes search the surroundings without orientation, our eyes meet and I stroke a strand of blond hair from your face.
" It's ok, you had a cardiac arrest and we have to take you to the hospital, ok ?"
I feel you squeeze my hand weakly while I watch your ECG and Franz listens to your heart with the stethoscope.
"Franz gives me the blanket, we don't have to leave the young lady lying here so exposed, do we?
He winks at me and hands me a blanket.
"Ani, I'll tuck you in for a moment, OK? You must be cold"
You are still holding my hand.
"Franz, can you get the stretcher?" I'll take care of you".
"I'll do it right away Tim!"
After a short time Franz comes back with the stretcher, we carefully place you on it, turn off the ECG which still shows your regular heartbeat and strap you in.
"1,2,3 and up with her" I say to Franz.
We both lift you up carefully and transport you to the ambulance, once there I pull the blanket off your upper body again to listen to you again.
Your heart is beating calmly and strongly, but I notice how hard your nipples have become, you must be cold I think to myself.
"Tim, I'm going to go, if anything happens just knock, ok?"
"All right, I will Franz"
We are not on the road for 5 minutes when you start to breathe heavily and almost hit your chest.
Your heart rate is slightly elevated and I give you oxygen with a breathing mask.
Suddenly I hear the irregular beeping of the ECG, ventricular fibrillation.
"Franz, turn on the blue light, ventricular fibrillation, we have to get to the hospital quickly!"
You are lying in front of me with your upper body exposed, your whole body is twitching and your face is consumed with pain.
"Ani, calm down, I have to shock you, it might hurt a bit".
I charge the defibrillator to 200J, and grab the tube of electrode gel.
I open the tube and spread a big load of gel on your left breast and a little on your right breast, spreading it with my hand.
Finally the defibrillator is charged and the gel is already spread, I put the pads on and press the button to shock you.
You groan slightly as the shock goes through you, still in ventricular fibrillation.
I reload the pads and apply another load of gel to your torso, by now it is shiny from the gel.
360 J and shot, your body shoots upwards and crashes back onto the couch.
Sinus rhythm....
"Franz when are we going to get there?"
Not 2 moments later we turn into the hospital driveway, my colleagues open the door and help me unload you.
"Late 20 year old female patient, complained of shortness of breath and malaise. Had to be resuscitated on arrival, and shocked 2 times in the ambulance. Seems to be stable again".
As I drive the stretcher with you on it to the hospital I feel your hand touch mine again, I stroke it carefully.
"I will stay with her ok?"
You look at me and I can see a slight smile .....
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cprlover0195 · 3 years
Where are my heart lovers from germany?
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cprlover0195 · 3 years
Pls report the channel :)
I don't know if someone already saw this youtube channel, however I ask all of you to report all the videos, it's not just my videos there, actually most of them are from @anhartblue I believe? I guess it's better to report them for sexual content, thanks if you do it 🙃
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cprlover0195 · 4 years
Anyone in Germany wants to meet up for a cpr session?
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cprlover0195 · 4 years
do self cpr
Best question ever I guess , what do you think guys ?
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cprlover0195 · 4 years
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Damm would love to do such a setup for a roleplay 🙈
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cprlover0195 · 4 years
Hello Guys ,
just new here and wanted to introduce myself a little bit.
I am 24 year old student and I guess I am into resus for nearly 8 years now. Also quite glad that I found this community here 😊.
So let’s have some nice conversations!
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