cptnhook · 5 months
idle time is the devil's plaything. those were his therapist's words and although he could make complete sense of them, there's no indisputable guide to keep his mind clear and his impulses under control. he opened a club, remained sober, and yet there's something about being in a beautiful town with no actual friends that drives him right back to the precarious position of overthinking and overanalyzing everything around him. then comes the temptation; the temptation to drink, the temptation to let loose and escape.
attending the 'springtide bash' was meant to do just that. The art displayed around the gallery was like a vacation; a place he could safely travel into the dreams of others. he could experience their desire, fear, love, and their heartbreak. or maybe those interpretations were just projections of his own feelings. perhaps the lone sailboat on a stretch of dark water meant the artist enjoyed being by himself and longed for the quiet. to him, it felt lonely, isolated, and pushed away.
maybe having a drink wouldn't be so bad...
his lapse in judgement was momentarily distracted by another's company. "are you a fan of art or are you just bored like me?"
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cptnhook · 5 months
Ayden had been sitting there for the past fifteen minutes wondering if he should break his sobriety for a beer. It's just a beer, not anything too strong. A beer would hardly count, right? What's the worst that could happen? Ayden brought the bottle closer to his mouth when the girl's question caused a pause. Could the distraction be a sign? Or was he still just overthinking everything as per usual? "What do I think?" A small laugh left his lips; if only he could explain his thoughts without sounding like a madman. "Well, for starters, playing hoops with that dude's mouth is wild. What if he chokes? There's so many things that could go wrong. So what are you waiting for? I'll record it."
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WHAT: laken being a nuisance @ TRIC WITH: open!
Laken cracked the peanut shell between her fingers, the pieces falling to the bar top as she fished out the peanut inside. A man sat slumped over in the stool in the corner, head back and mouth open as he snored softly. Except for the times when it wasn't. Leaning in, Laken held up her peanut and aimed, making her intent to toss it into the man's mouth clear. "Next drink says I make it. What do you think?"
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cptnhook · 5 months
Ayden had a habit of making bad decisions. When angels and devils appear on his shoulders, he always chooses the fire and brimstone. However, he was trying to make a significant change in his life now. After all, that was his whole reason for being in Wilmington; a fresh start in a beautiful coastal town would help him get his act together. That's what his father hoped for at least. "What if I told you all I have are bad ideas?" He asked with a hint of playfulness. He's bored, therefore entertaining the other male's game could be fun.
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location: wrightville beach status: open starter (3/4)
"Oh you definitely don't want to do that," Nik spoke up when he caught sight of the other. "I don't tell many people this but I can actually see into the future and I can already tell you that what you're thinking...is a very bad idea." He put his book down and leaned his elbows on his knees, "but if you're determined to make bad decisions--I can only encourage you," he said with a grin as he waited to see what would unfold.
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cptnhook · 5 months
In response to her initial question, Ayden gives a halfhearted shrug. What would he know? Having children of his own had never been a thought. And his father didn't do the greatest job giving him an ideal childhood. "I mean, you're right about one thing, you can't overdo a party." The bigger, the better, right? Give the little rugrat something to remember. "What you feel isn't judgement coming from me, it's all this anxiety coming from you. How old is the booger? Get him, like, a Playstation."
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"Okay, but listen -- how much is too much for a child's birthday party?" She asked, "I mean, can you really ever over do it for a party? It's a party! And plus, this might be the only kid I ever have, so you know-- I'm going to spoil the hell out of him. Parents be damned!" She looked back down at her iPad, searching through Amazon for little boy party supplies. Liam, her little brother, was going to love this. Glancing up at the person beside her, "If that's judgement I feel coming from you, you can stand over there." She pointed across the table from her, "But if not, how about you give me some ideas?"
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cptnhook · 5 months
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name: ayden hook
occupation: owner of "pandemonium" a burlesque club
birthday: july 14th, 1996 (28 years old)
pronouns: he/him
residency: carriage falls
hometown: california
faceclaim: paul mescal
triggers: abortion mention, mention of drugs and alcohol, drug-related death, mention of adult films.
Ayden was born an only child to James and Hannah. His father was an esteemed film producer who introduced Ayden to the film industry and made his love of cinema grow. His mother was an actress whose relationship with James wasn't meant to go beyond a short, spontaneous sexual relationship. Hannah's original decision was to have an abortion the night she found out she was pregnant, but James offered her a lifechanging sum of money to go through with the pregnancy and childbirth. Their relationship became nothing more than a transaction from that point on.
After Hannah gave birth, she took off. There was always a part of James that hoped she would change her mind and stay. James did his best not to take the rejection out on Ayden, he was always seen as a blessing. However, human emotions are difficult to predict and navigate at times, and James wound up burying himself in work. He tried to make Ayden a part of it. He brought him around the world, to every movie set and introduced him to all the stars. But more times than not, he would be left alone in hotel rooms, seated in front of a television, watching make-believe families, wondering why he didn't have siblings, a mother, or a real home himself.
As a teenager, his father thought he could help utilize their time together and Ayden began his acting career, starring in a few commercials and then appearing in TV shows and movies. After three years of working, he realized he would never become a star. He was always in the background and never had enough lines. The only upside was the friends he was making and the parties they would drag him to. By eighteen, acting was the farthest thing from his mind. The only thing he cared about were the Hollywood parties. He was on every drug, in every low-level gossip column, consequently dragging his father's name through the mud. Unsure of what to do, James cut his son off and forced him to attend a live-in rehab program. It was either that or he loses his trust fund.
His father's plan was executed perfectly because two years later, Ayden was out and clean. He wanted to get back into the movie business but decided he didn't want to be an actor himself. So at twenty one, he used his trust fund to kickstart his own movie production company. Only he wasn't producing normal movies, they were adult films. The business took off and Ayden became one of the largest producers of adult-rated movies in less than a year. However, with its success and the kind of business it was, the partying and the debauchery restarted. Ayden relapsed and convinced one of his actresses to join him. He didn't know, but the drug he offered her was laced and she died after snorting it. His father was so irate, he considered cutting ties with his son completely. But instead, he helped cover up the incident with his money and then exiled his son to Wilmington. It's where Ayden was conceived during one of James and Hannah's many vacations together. This was his final attempt to help his son clean up his life.
Ayden has been in Wilmington for a couple of years now and just recently started up another business, but this time moving away from film. However, he still has an eye for sex appeal and glamor. He's in love with the entertainment business and channeled that love into opening a burlesque club. His father would be proud. Everything is on the up-and-up — or is it?
friends: ayden could use friends of any kind! best friends, acquaintances, coworkers, exes turned friends, etc.
employees: if anyone wants to work at his burlesque club! that would be dope.
father: if anyone wants to play his father who's a bigtime movie producer, i wouldn't be opposed lol
enemies: i love banter, so if anyone wants to go back and forth with ayden, exchanging tit-for-tat, that would be fun
good influence: someone who's trying to help him steer clear of his former lifestyle and make sure he succeeds
bad influence: someone who's maybe a party goer who doesn't mind pushing ayden's boundaries when it comes to his sobriety
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cptnhook · 5 months
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PAUL MESCAL | Chicken Shop Date (January 26, 2024)
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