crackanificent-blog · 12 years
This is really fucked up and I don't condone what that guy did one bit, but that doesn't mean you have to make racist statements and generalize a whole race of people. You blame their race for this behavior? smh You could have just said "I fucking hate people." They're fucking humans just like you. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
Why do they have to be 'stupid niggers'? Why can't they just have been 'dumb fucks' or 'fucking ass shats'?? smh This is terrible, but that doesn't condone being racist as fuck. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
That's a bit harsh don't you fucking think? What that guy did was horrible, but to call him a nigger and wish death on him? Really? The cat didn't die. He ran the fuck off and in pretty good condition from what I can tell. But, nope, those niggers deserve to die, right? Right. Fuck you. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
tw: racist slurs/racism
but the responses to that cat gif are actually shocking….
Fucking black cunts
I fucking hate niggers. 
more reason to dislike ignorant black people -__-
Hey why dont you dirty ass porchmonkeys swing off a tree fucking cuntrags.
“I would fucking put these two guys through torture and then fucking skin their asses alive if I knew who the fuck…”
“fucking motherfuckers what the fuck is wrong with you assholes i hope you fucking dicks burn alive. go to fucking hell…”
lol at white people and koolaid sippin poc caring more about a cat being kicked (and living) than about half the people suffering today
it’s one thing to get worked up over animal abuse because yeah i was pissed too when i saw that gif over 2 yrs ago. like who the fuck goes around kicking cats right? humans are supposed to be looking out for animals and that’s a disgusting example of how to embarrass humanity
but it’s another thing to put a gif of a cat that got away from abuse over the oppression of billions of people (who don’t get away from their oppression might i add) and to also pretend that 2 black people making fools of their individual selves is representative of our entire race and to go off on a racist as fuck tangent about “niggers”. if a white person had kicked the cat would you blame it on the fact that they’re white? smdh even if the cat had hit the wall and dropped dead y’all making racist ass fools of yourselves is entirely inexcusable
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
when white people are more concerned about racism being called out than racism itself.
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
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I’m bored. And I keep seeing a trend. And I like using periods. And you can’t stop me. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
White people are liking and reblogging that post, tho.......... um, okay. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
a bit of a rant on racism
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
White people: *tag everything under the sun, as "nigga/nigger". unrelated? tag it anyway!*
Black PoC: You're fucking racist.
White people: LOL, shut up nigger.
Black PoC: Fine, then I'm going to re-tag your shit cracker, and start writing "Cracker" on unrelated pictures.
White People: You're being racist! Why would you hurt us like this? Nigger, nigger, nigger! See? I'm not racist, you are!
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
Had you actually delved into those links, you would have saw that those 'random person's thoughts' on racism are grounded in research. However, I think it's quite relevant to learn something from people who actually go through racism & dissect it to the T. I'm not that person and this blog isn't here for that. I don't have to articulate anything to you or anyone else, TBH. Who said I was trying to emulate those people? A lot of what they have to say is factual and I wouldn't doubt it if you didn't believe them (typical). If I were blindly following points, I wouldn't have even made this post in the first place. Sorry I don't feel the need to delve into a discussion with you to prove my intelligence and whatnot. SO SORRY. And those links I offered you are some of the same places I HAVE discovered answers. Where is this superiority complex coming from that you think I have? lmao I cursed one time and that therefore makes anything else I've contributed invalid? (Aside from racial slurs) Okay. My name is Crackanificent........ What the hell do you expect? 
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Seriously, I'm done. 
White people are worthy of my distrust and distaste until proven otherwise. Sorry…
*continues being a Negroid 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
This blog was initially dedicated to 'cracker' pics and I will get back to focusing on that. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
You did the same fucking thing, tho................
White people are worthy of my distrust and distaste until proven otherwise. Sorry…
*continues being a Negroid 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
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White sociopathy at it's finest. I really hope they were trolling. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
 "Your race is of no concern to me, your racism is."
 "Your race is of no concern to me, your racism is."
 "Your race is of no concern to me, your racism is."
I think we're done here. Thank you for totally missing the point. Good day. 
White people are worthy of my distrust and distaste until proven otherwise. Sorry…
*continues being a Negroid 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
I get it now. I shouldn't distrust or dislike white folk because that's not how to deal with society........ I see what you did there. 
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crackanificent-blog · 12 years
Who said I was racist? Who said PoC can be racist? Where is this coming from? A dictionary written by white folk? Why are you addressing me when there are hoards of white people tagging themselves in the 'nigger', 'nigga', 'chink', 'gypsy' tags? I must be missing the point. 
I'm just going to leave this here
Then maybe we can talk. Yea. 
White people are worthy of my distrust and distaste until proven otherwise. Sorry…
*continues being a Negroid 
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