crackinupp · 3 years
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crackinupp · 3 years
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        DO  YOU  HAVE  THE  TIME  TO  LISTEN  TO  ME  WHINE  ABOUT  NOTHING  AND  EVERYTHING  ALL  AT  ONCE ??    i  am  one  of  those  melodramatic  fools,  neurotic  to  the  bone,  no  doubt  about  it.    sometimes  i  give  myself  the  creeps,  sometimes  my  mind  plays  tricks  on  me.    it  all  keeps  adding  up,  i  think  i’m  crackin’  up !!    am  i  just  paranoid  or  am  i  just  stoned ??
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                               AS    ARMS    EMBRACE   ,    ,    her    fingers    grip    onto    him    tightly    her    chest    panting    in    panic    -    her    head    finding    a    place    to    tuck    into    a    she    stood    -    her    body    was    S    H    A    K    I    N    G        ,    ,    ❝    what    -what    if    everything    he    ever    told    me    was    true    ?    ?    ❞    her    captors'    voice    SLICED    INTO    HER    SKULL    ,    ,        (    every    person    you    think    cares    about    you    doesn’t    ,    no    one    is    looking    for    you    )    -    -    no    one    had    looked    for    her    ,    ,    and    just    now    in    her    flat    -        A    L    O    N    E        in    her    living    room    she    was    reminded    of    her    overpowering    gut    feeling    of    TRUE        LONELINESS    ,    ,    she    has    felt    this    way    in    many    instances    ,    ,    even    with    twenty    people    around    -    she    was    ALONE        -    even    now    in    his    arms    she    felt    hollow    (    why    was    she    empty    )    ,    ,        HIS    WORDS    OF    COMFORT    sooth    for    only    a    moment    as    she    is    reminded    of    the    many    people    who    will    “grow    out    of    her”    (    fleeting    moments    )    ,    ,    ❝    i'm    going    to    miss    you    -    i    already    miss    you    ❞    
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        HE  SUSHES  HER,  keeping  her  close.        ❝ i’m  not  going  anywhere,  alright ??    i’m  staying  with  you. ❞        he  may  be  high,  but  he’s  still  there  to  comfort  cori.    he  knows  what  she’s  been  through,  they’ve  talked  about  their  traumas  a  lot,  just  to  work  through  them.    mike  isn’t  going  to  cry  with  cori,  he’s  too  numb  to  feel  much  of  anything  at  this  point,  but  he’ll  still  stand  there  in  the  doorway  to  make  sure  she  doesn’t  go  anywhere.    no  way  in  hell  is  he  letting  go,  she’s  like  him,  the  second  panic  sets  in  causing  them  to  take  off  running.        ❝ why  would  you  miss  me ??    i'm  not  leaving,  i’m  not  gonna  die. ❞        mike  doesn’t  sound  sure  on  that  last  statement,  he’s  never  been  sure  of  that.    he’s  almost  died  once,  who’s  to  say  it  won’t  happen  again ??
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                                 FLUTTERING    LASHES    WET    WITH    TEARS    ,    ,    as    she    looked    at    the    other    -    -    her    head    was    a    foggy    forest    -    and    with    every    beat    of    her    HEART    she    became    more    and    more    lost    inside    -    -    SORROW    filling    her    features    as    she    shook    her    head    ,    ,    shaking    hands    coming    up    holding    out    to    the    other    (    begging    )    as    shoulders    lift    in    defeat        -    -    her    face    cracks    as    tears    thunder    and    pour    of    out    of    her    -    her    heart    SNAPPING    ,    ,    ❝    i    don't    want    to    be    alone    anymore    -    if    im    alone    then    ,    ,    no    one    will    have    ever    cared    -    and    ill    be    no    one    to    anyone    ,    ,    and    then    BORIS    IS    RIGHT    ABOUT    ME    ❞    (    you    are    nothing    )        she    chokes    on        panic        ❝    please    …    help    me        …    please    ❞    
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        HE’S  USED  TO  SHOWING  UP  AT  HER  HOUSE  AT  3AM,  in  tears,  explaining  that  he  relapsed  again;  but  he’d  never  had  her  show  up  at  his  house.    mike  can’t  even  say  anything,  he  just  stands  there  listening  to  her.        ❝ cori — ❞        ‘help  me,’  something  he’s  told  her  so  many  times,  hearing  it  come  from  her  is  heartbreaking.    he  knows  she’s  not  perfect  either,  but  his  half - aware  brain  always  saw  her  as  more  stable  than  him.    now,  mike  isn’t  currently  all  there,  but  he’s  aware  enough  to  know  that  cori’s  in  distress.    he  steps  forward,  wrapping  his  arms  around  her  and  holding  her  close.    he  says  nothing,  just  standing  there  with  her  and  letting  her  cry.        ❝ it’s  okay,  i’m  here. ❞
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crackinupp · 3 years
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        DO  YOU  HAVE  THE  TIME  TO  LISTEN  TO  ME  WHINE  ABOUT  NOTHING  AND  EVERYTHING  ALL  AT  ONCE ??    i  am  one  of  those  melodramatic  fools,  neurotic  to  the  bone,  no  doubt  about  it.    sometimes  i  give  myself  the  creeps,  sometimes  my  mind  plays  tricks  on  me.    it  all  keeps  adding  up,  i  think  i’m  crackin’  up !!    am  i  just  paranoid  or  am  i  just  stoned ??
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crackinupp · 3 years
me: i’m letting loki throw a party mike: PARTY??? mike:
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crackinupp · 3 years
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        𝙲𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝚄𝙿𝙿:    michael  james,  original  character  based  on  the  1996  green  day  song  “basket  case.”    triggering  topics  present.    cared  for  by  sans.
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crackinupp · 3 years
a  very  descriptive &  detailed  profile  of  your  muse  .  repost  with  the  information  of  your  muse  ,  including  headcanons  , etc  .  if  you  fail  to  achieve  some  of  the  facts  ,  add  some  other  of  your  own  !  when  you’re  done  ,  tag  15  other  people  to  do  the  same !
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name  :  michael  james  alexander. age : 24. species :  human. gender  :  cisgender male. orientation :  panromantic  asexual. profession  :  none. body type : tall  &  thin. eyes : green. hair  : short  and  curled,  blonde. skin  :   pale,  clear. height  : 6′1″. weight : 130 lbs companions  : cori  petrofsky,  jack,  nugget. colours : black,  green,  white,  silver. smells : marijuana,  chocolate,  vodka. drinks : coke,  vodka,  tea. alcoholic beverages  ?  yes      /   no      /   occasionally       smokes ? yes   /   no  /   occasionally drinks ?  yes  /   no  /   occasionally drugs ?  yes    /   no   /   occasionally driver’s  license ?  yes  /   no
tagged  by:  i  stole  it  from  myself lmao tagging:  everyone !
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crackinupp · 3 years
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Elizabeth Gillies in Portland, 2016
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crackinupp · 3 years
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        @spiritheart​  said:  ( ✉ → sms ) [ File Attached: 001329.jpg ] of all the drunk pictures i have of you, this one is my favorite.
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       📱  —  [  SMS : ELSA  ]    jesus  christ        📱  —  [  SMS : ELSA  ]    i’m  guessing  there’s  A  LOT  of  drunk  pictures  of  me  saved  in  your  phone ?        📱  —  [  SMS : ELSA  ]    i  wouldn’t  be  surprised
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crackinupp · 3 years
TEXT MESSAGE STARTERS ! Send one of the prompts below to get a response from my muse.
drunk texts:
( ✉ → sms ) plea se eh elep me im drunk and i dotn know whe re i am
( ✉ → sms ) i fukcing miss yo u
( ✉ → sms ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
( ✉ → sms ) i csnst stop throwiging up
( ✉ → sms ) fu ck you  for hurting me
( ✉ → sms ) why dotn you ever call me anymore huh
( ✉ → sms ) stop being so fuckigjn borign and coekm to my party
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed
( ✉ → sms ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry
( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu
hateful texts:
( ✉ → sms ) you’re pathetic
( ✉ → sms ) you make me miserable
( ✉ → sms ) fuck you. delete my number.
( ✉ → sms ) you never meant anything to me, anyway.
( ✉ → sms ) fuck your apologies, you can keep them.
( ✉ → sms ) congrats on always ruining everything
( ✉ → sms ) my life would be so much easier without you.
( ✉ → sms ) and next time you feel like calling me… don’t.
( ✉ → sms ) i don’t want anything to do with you anymore.
( ✉ → sms ) if your goal was to make me hate you, then congratulations. mission accomplished.
misc/random texts:
( ✉ → sms ) i think my neighbor is an alien.
( ✉ → sms ) help me think of a name for my new dog
( ✉ → sms ) sooooo… what was your first impression of me
( ✉ → sms ) should i get pizza or chicken wings for dinner?
( ✉ → sms ) no one’s ever made me feel the way you do.
( ✉ → sms ) i borrowed your weed. hope you don’t mind.
( ✉ → sms ) why do they say drugs are bad when they make you feel so good
( ✉ → sms ) today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but the youngest you’ll ever be again…
( ✉ → sms ) [ File Attached: 001329.jpg ] of all the drunk pictures i have of you, this one is my favorite.
( ✉ → sms ) i used your pics to catfish someone, and since they bought me a laptop… you have a date with them tomorrow.
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                               CHOCOLATE     HUES     SOFTEN     AS     THEY     GAZE     DOWNWARD,     ,     how     ever     kind     was     the     world     they     created     between     these     walls,     ,     how     it     comforted     them     -     the     creatures     that     lived     with     them          SOOTHING     and     even     knowing     better     then     they     could     sometimes     ,     ,     she     was     happy     but     tentative     -     HOPEFULLY     THE     WORST     WAS     OVER,     ,          ❝     we     are     home     -     and     we     are     okay     ❞     her     own     knees     found     the     floor     and     her     own     pet     found     them     -     nugget     slid     and     rubbed     up     against     them     both     before     purring     towards     micheal     -     -     ❝     nugget     came     to     say     hello     too     -     -          she’s     also     soft     ❞     coraline     offers     him     a     smile     as     she     saw     remaining     tears     fall     and     dry     into     the     shine     he     now     was     WEARING     ,     ,     (     goodness     )     her     heart     was     full     ,     ,     of     so     many     feelings     but     over     all     and     MOST     IMPORTANTLY          it     was     full     of     love     ,     ,     -     she     could     weep     thinking     about     the     fear     in     his     eyes,     ,     (     but     she     wouldn’t     )     she     wasn’t     selfish     enough     to     do     so     ,     ,     ❝          do     you     want     me     to     sit     here     with     you     for     a     little     while     more          or     do     you     want     me     to     get     you     water     and     come     back     ?     ?     ❞     he     needed     water     -     she     could     guess     he     HADN’T     HAD     any     in     however     long     he     was     gone     for     .     
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       ❝ no,  you  can’t  go ! ❞        HE  SOUNDS  SLIGHTLY  PANICKED,  eyes  wide  as  he  looks  at  her.        mike  doesn’t  want  cori  to  leave,  he’s  comfortable  with  her  there,  finally  starting  to  become  calm.        he  doesn’t  think  he  needs  water,  or  anything  else  really.        he  hasn’t  eaten  since  before  noon,  over  twelve  hours  ago.        he’s  still  tripping  pretty  hard,  so  he  doesn’t  really  understand  that  he  needs  to  eat  something.        his  eyes  focus  back  on  jack,  stroking  the  corgi’s  fur,  softly  talking  to  the  animal.        his  voice  is  soft,  a  gentle  whisper.        ❝ are  you  a  good  boy ?        yeah,  you’re  such  a  good  boy. ❞        he  finally  notices  nugget,  becoming  overwhelmed  with  joy  upon  seeing  that  there’s  another  fluffy  animal  for  him  to  pet.        his  hand  brushes  against  the  feline,  which  makes  him  stop  paying  attention  to  his  dog  and  pay  attention  to  the  cat.        ‘she’s  soft,  too,’  cori  isn’t  wrong,  nugget  is  very  soft.        he  starts  crying  again,  but  it’s  not  out  of  sadness  this  time.        mike  continues  to  pet  the  cat,  sniffling  as  tears  run  down  his  face.        ❝ she  IS  soft !        she’s  SO  SOFT ! ❞
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                                AS     HE     PANICS     HANDS     REACH     OUT     ,     ,     her     palms     holding     each     of     his     wrists     lightly     as     he     shouted     ,     ,     ❝     micheal          .     .     mike     -     -     ❞               hands     slid     DOWNWARD     as     she     tries     to     bring     him     back     to     her     ,     ,     (     safety     )          comfort     ,     ,     soothing     music     and     a     movie     -     f     o     o     d     she     could     provide     if     they     just     got     home     ,     ,     (     panic     builds     )     -     -     ❝          it     will     stop     it     will     -     -     we     just     have     to     go     home     -     -     then     jack     can     see     you     he     is     going     to     be     SO     HAPPY     TO     SEE     YOU     MICHEAL          ,     ,          ❞     smoothing     fingers     drape     over     him     as     she     speaks     ,     ,     ❝     this     is     going     to     pass     -     things     will     look     better     soon     ,     ,     i     promise     we     just     have     to     keep     moving     ❞     feet     step     back     only     to     tug     him     slightly     not     fully     PULLING     ON     HIM     waiting     to     see     if     her     would     move,     ,     ❝     hold     on     to     me     -     and     think     about     petting     jack     okay     ?     ?     ❞     she     is     hesitant     to     ask     him     questions     to     bring     him     into     REALITY     (    ie.    what     does     jack     look     like     )     for     a     panic     could     worsen     and     he     might     run     -     and     that     is     the     last     thing     she     wants,     ,     so     the     doctor     TRIES     to     molasses     them     down     one     more     block     and     then     up     some     stairs     TO     HER     FLAT     WHERE     HE     WOULD     BE     SAFE     .
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         ‘IT  WILL  STOP,’  the  promise  she  makes  is  tempting,  enough  to  get  mike  to  keep  moving.        he  moves  when  cori  gently  pulls  him  in  her  direction,  hands  still  covering  his  face.        getting  into  the  flat  is  going  to  be  a  challenge,  considering  mike  won’t  uncover  his  face.        the  thought  of  seeing  his  dog  and  being  inside,  being  someplace  quiet,  it’s  what  keeps  him  moving.        he  starts  to  calm  down  as  they  get  closer,  silently  crying  as  opposed  to  loudly  sobbing  by  the  time  they’re  inside.        mike  finally  feels  comfortable  enough  to  uncover  his  face,  but  doesn’t  move  from  the  spot  he’s  standing  in.        it  isn’t  until  he  hears  jack’s  nails  hitting  the  floor  and  his  soft  barks  that  mike  snaps  out  of  his  trance.        he  sits  down  on  the  floor,  picking  up  the  corgi  and  burying  his  face  in  the  fur.        ❝ he’s  so  soft.        he’s  so  soft ! ❞        his  voice  is  quiet,  soft  and  gentle.        mike  lifts  his  head  up  to  look  at  cori,  tears  still  keeping  his  face  damp.        it  isn’t  but  a  few  seconds  before  jack  is  licking  his  face,  which  causes  mike  to  flinch.        he  wasn’t  expecting  it,  but  calms  down  once  he  realises  it’s  simply  his  dog  making  sure  he’s  okay.        ❝ we’re  okay,  right ?        we’re  home  now ? ❞
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                                WHITE     KNUCKLES     GRIP     THE     OTHER     ,     ,     keeping     him     as     CLOSE     as     she     can     as     they     slowly     move     ,     ,     small     soothing     shhing     leaving     her     as     she     feels     him     head     over     another     hill     of     ANXIETY     ,     ,     ❝          i     know     -     i     know     but     were     going     to     go     home     ,     ,     we     will     see     J     A     C     K          at     home     to     -     -     me     and     jack     are     going     to     take     care     of     you     ❞     as     they     zig     and     zag     through     the     crowd     coraline     reassures     him     every     SECOND     they     move     trying     her     hardest     to     talk     over     the     crowd     (     i     got     you     ,     you     are     safe     ,     this     will     end     )     and     as     they     come     half     way     down     the     pavement     back     towards     her     flat     she     allowed     feet     to     STOP     ,     ,     letting     him     have     a     break     ,     ,     ❝          we     are     almost     there          ❞     cheek     against     cheek     as     they     rest     -     -heart     in     ears     (     worry     )     angered     at     herself     for     letting     this     happen     -     she     should     have     known     ,     ,     but     just     as     the     break     started     it     ends     she     needed     to     get     him     home     ,     ,     so     one     step     at     a     time     she     starts     moving     them     again     ,     ,     her     form     trying     its     HARDEST     not     to     leave     his     ,     ,     ❝     micheal     i     love     you     -     i’m     not     going     to     let     anything     happen     ,     ,     you’re     safe     okay     .     .     I     love     you     .     ❞
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        IT  FEELS  LIKE  HOURS,  even  if  it  is  mere  minutes.        the  loud  noise  of  the  party  slowly  growing  quieter  does  calm  him  down  the  further  away  they  get,  but  he  still  refuses  to  open  his  eyes.        he’s  still  crying,  albeit  silently,  and  clinging  to  cori  like  his  life  depends  on  it.        he’ll  never  forgive  himself  for  going  to  that  party,  never  forgive  himself  for  letting  someone  coax  him  into  taking  something.        ❝ is  he  okay ?        i  hope  he  isn’t  mad  at  me. ❞        why  would  the  dog  be  mad  at  him ?        he  isn’t  really  thinking  straight,  which  is  probably  why  he  thinks  the  dog  would  be  angry  with  him.        they’re  almost  there,  that’s  what  she’s  telling  him.        michael  dares  to  open  his  eyes  for  a  second,  immediately  regretting  his  decision,  as  everything  looks  wrong.        it  makes  him  freeze,  panicking  even  more  the  longer  he  keeps  his  eyes  open.        he  lets  go  of  cori,  using  his  hands  to  cover  his  face.        nothing  is  right,  he  can’t  even  look  at  cori  without  seeing  her  wrong.        his  voice  cracks  as  he  breaks  down,  the  sobbing  starting  all  over  again.        ❝ make  it  stop ! ❞
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                                A     PLEADING     VOICE     ,     ,     shaking     hands     (    or     maybe     he     was     shaking     )     she     did     not     know     but     the     small     woman     didn’t     care     only     holding     on     unwilling     to     let     him     go-     for     if     he     was     lost     again     she     would     never     FORGIVE     HERSELF,     ,          ❝          were     going     home     -     -     i     HAVE     YOU     ❞     she     only     removes     the     harsh     grip     she     had     TO     ALLOW     EYES     TO     gaze     at     him     ,     ,     the     hands     that     were     on     his     nape     now     move     to     his     cheeks     ,     ,     (     assessing     him     )     carefully     ,     ,     allowing     her     brown     hues     to     stop     and     try     and     find     his     own     gaze          ❝     micheal     -     -     are     you     okay     to     walk     ,     ,     you     can     still     hold     on     but     we     have     to     walk     ❞          smoothly     words     WALTZ     from     her     lips     as     she     almost     whispers     to     him     ,     ,     ❝     dont     you     mind     them     -     -     only     look     at     me     ,     ,i     got     you     -     its     okay     .     ❞     she     moves     ONE     FOOT     BACKWARDS          
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        ASIDE  FROM  BLOWN  OUT  PUPILS,  the  look  in  michael’s  eyes  is  one  of  fear.        somewhere  between  fear  and  being  spaced  out,  really,  as  he  won’t  look  her  directly  in  the  eyes.        the  second  she  loosens  her  grip  on  him,  he  panics,  trying  to  keep  her  from  letting  go.        he  needs  her  to  stay  where  she  is  so  that  everything  feels  real.        he  barely  even  listens  to  her,  but  he  does  hear  something  along  the  lines  of  ‘can  you  walk ?’        he’s  not  sure,  he  didn’t  want  to  get  up  without  someone  there.         but,  cori’s  here  now,  he  can  at  least  TRY  to  get  up  off  of  the  grass.        he  hesitantly  lets  go  of  her,  pushing  himself  off  the  ground.          JESUS,  EVERYTHING  LOOKS  WORSE  FROM  UP  HERE.        as  much  as  he  wants  to  sit  back  down,  he  knows  he  can’t.         so,  instead,  michael  just  closes  his  eyes,  tears  still  running  down  his  face.         he’d  rather  just  have  cori  lead  him  home  without  seeing  anything  than  have  to  look  at  where  they  were  going.        even  with  his  eyes  closed,  he  can  still  hear  everything  around  him.        it’s  too  much,  he  can’t  handle  it.        ❝ i  don’t  like  this. ❞
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crackinupp · 3 years
lifting the fallen sentence starters.
" hey... can i come in? "
" i thought you might be up here. everyone else is searching the city, but... i always find you here when things go sideways. what happened? "
" kid, you didn't mess up. it's okay. nobody's mad at you. "
" so you screwed up. fine. and there's bound to be a prick out there who'll give you shit for it. but you know what? mistakes are meant to be made. you make a mistake, you learn from it, you don't make it again. "
" come on. let's take a walk. i think better when i'm moving, not... sitting in my bathtub. is that celine dion? "
" let's get some pizza, we can talk after. "
" you want some advice or a distraction? "
" you're the strongest of all of us. you know that? maybe that's what makes this little slip-up such a huge dilemma for you. but you did good out there, and not many people would have. "
" jesus, what happened in here? are you okay? "
" come on. i'll run a bath, we'll get through this together. "
" nobody is perfect. nobody. so quit beating yourself up for being human. "
" look at me. you are enough. you are more than enough. and no amount of bullshit headlines or little mistakes will change that. "
" trusting people isn't a flaw. abusing trust is. so let's get up and go kick that son of a bitch where it hurts. "
" you are my friend. when the going gets tough, i get going to your apartment with thai food and brownie batter. "
" i love you. it kills me to see you this way, but i love you and i know this isn't about me right now. so i'm going to sit down and we're going to get through this together, like we always do. okay? "
" okay, fine. yell all you want, but guess what, you stubborn dumbass? i'm staying! i'm going to sit right here and piss your neighbors off! you're going to talk to me or you're going to get evicted! your move! "
" i heard what happened. i saw it too, actually. figured you might like a friendly face around, so i'm wearing a mask of hugh jackman. "
" let's go vent some steam. i wanna break some plates and get drunk on cheap beer. "
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crackinupp · 3 years
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                               PEOPLE     -     VOICES     -     PARTY     ,     ,          (     oh     god     a     party     )     feet     that     had     been     moving     quickly     now     ,     ,     T     U     R     N          long     strides     coming     from     under     short     legs     -     -     her     free     arm     pumping     as     she     flew     down     the     street     ,     ,     ❝     im     coming     micheal     -     i     know     where     you     are     !     !     ❞     shoes     SLID     as     they     served     up     steps     past     the     crowd     ,     ,     eyes     scanning     around     and     around     until     they     caught     (     blond     -     angelic     blond     curls     )     and     fearful     hues,     ,     ❝     micheal     im     here     ❞     she     spoke     into     the     phone     and     then     moves     her     pace     quick     but     calm     as     arms     OPEN     -     ENGULFING     HIM     ,     ,     fingers     grasping     at     the     back     of     his     head     almost     cradling     him     as     she     did     so     ,     ,     ❝     ive     got     you     -     -     i     found     you     ❞     (     a     worried     heart     never     stops     )     she     swallowed     back     a     sob     -     for     how     was     she     supposed     to     know     if     that     was     to     be     the     last     time     they     spoke     ?     ?     what     if     she     was     wrong     ,     ,     what     if     she     NEVER     FOUND     HIM,     ,     how     would     the     sun     keep     shining     without     him     ?     ?     how     would     roses     BLOOM     ?     ?
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        THE  SECOND  HE  SEES  HER,  his  arms  are  outstretched.        when  she  hugs  him,  he  immediately  wraps  his  arms  around  her  and  begins  sobbing.        he’s  practically  clinging  to  her,  hyperventilating  and  crying.        he’s  terrified,  not  exactly  sure  what’s  going  on  anymore.        ❝ i  —  i  wanna  go  home. ❞        he  sounds  devastated,  extremely  upset.        he’s  grateful  that  she  actually  came  to  get  him,  only  one  other  person  probably  would.        michael  appreciates  cori,  he  really  does.        he  refuses  to  let  go  of  her,  being  able  to  hold  her  makes  him  feel  grounded,  like  he’s  actually  there.        he  looks  around,  eyes  darting  back  and  forth,  afraid  that  everyone  is  judging  him  for  not  being  able  to  handle  whatever  it  is  he’d  been  given.        he  doesn’t  know  what  he  took,  he  can’t  even  tell  cori  that  much.        ❝ can  we  go  home ? ❞
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