War and Peace 180/198 -Leo Tolstoy
It gradually stopped raining as Denisof and Petya rode on, under an oak they could see French troops in the small village. The drummer boy prisoner just said yes to everything as the annoyed Denisof told the captain whether or not Dolokhof shows up they must attack. As they talked plans the French fired at a running Tikhon and they watched him escape. Tikhon was wanted as a scout, he learned they haven't done any real harm to the French and joined Denisof the next day. Eventually he enrolled in the Cossacks and was quite successful as a scout, but now he was discovered. 
As Denisof and Petya rode back they ran into Tikhon in the woods, when he had tried to take a prisoner he alerted more French, he had to fight off with his hatchet. Denisof demands to know why he didn't bring the first prisoner tired of him acting like a fool. After being informed Dolokhof will be there soon Denisof asked Petya about his life, he was just excited to be in the army and decided not to desert these heroes at this critical moment. 
Denisof spoke to Dolokhof about the plans and Petya volunteered to infiltrate the French camp. Denisof said he’s the one who shouldn't go, there's no reason for him to, (I mean yeah Petya is a twerpy kid) Petya asked Dolokhof who said why not. (dammit Dolokhof) Dolokhof asked of the French prisoner he kept, he sent the rest off. “What’s the matter with sending thirty or thwee hundred under escort to the city? I tell you honestly it’s better than to stain the honor of a soldier.”p.616 Dolokhof said it’s time to give up those notions, send a hundred men, thirty make it, the rest die of starvation, Denisof says it’s not his fault. 
Dolokhof changes the subject, he’ll take Petya, (fine but he’s your problem) they change into the French uniforms and sneak off in the night. They sneak up on a campfire and the officers were suspicious. (why do these French soldiers have Russian accents) Dolokhof asked leading questions and a comment about shooting prisoners the officers didn't respond to. An officer wrapped up in a cape spoke to his comrade and they were brought horses, (these two people no one knows act suspicious and you just give them horses instead of valid documents) as they made it out they saw the Russian prisoners. Petya was starstruck by Dolokhof wanting to kiss him and Dolokhof did. (Dolokhof back off he’s sixteen) 
At half-light they got ready and Petya begged for an assignment, annoying Denisof who tells him to mind his own business. (Petya you are sixteen and just got here you are not going to be given important assignments) It was getting lighter, and they saw the signal and the battle began. Petya rode wildly until he fell, and the Cossacks saw he was shot in the head, (dammit Petya) Among the freed Russian prisoners was Pierre. 
The French had given no orders for the Russian prisoners so Pierre’s group ended with a different escort. Half of the train was captured by the Cossacks the other fled, of the three hundred and thirty men less than a hundred remained. Karateyef suffered from a fever and Pierre avoided him and tried not to talk to him. (it seems bad but in dire situations it’s common that you hit a point where you are only concerned about your own survival) “Pierre was aware, not by logic but by his whole being, by life itself that man is created for happiness, that happiness lies in himself, in the satisfaction of the simple needs of living, and that all unhappiness arises not from lack but from superfluity.”p.622 (I’m sure there’s some starving homeless people that would say they are unhappy) There is no condition where man can be happy and free or unhappy and unfree, suffering and freedom has limits. 
Pierre didn't think of those who fell behind and were shot, or Karateyef, who grew worse and would suffer the same fate, the more appalling the future the more joyful the memories. Plodding along, a voice called them to their places as a coach was escorted by, the Marshall looked at them with sympathy. Pierre saw Karateyef again, he looked like he wanted to say something but Pierre walked away and a bit later heard a musket. No one looked back and ignored the howling dog. (his dog’s name is Sieri) 
They halted in the village of Shemsheva, by a fire Pierre fell asleep and dreamed of his old geography teacher, the globe consists of drops close together. “Each drop tried to expand, to occupy as much space as possible; but others, striving for the same end, crushed it, sometimes annihilated it, sometimes coalesced with it.”p.625 God is the center, all drops sink to the depths and came out again, that’s what happened to Karateyef. Pierre awoke just as the Russians rescued them. Dolokhof and ordered them to move on, Denisof walked behind the Cossacks as they carried Petya to a grave. 
November ninth the French were more tragic, many died from the cold or fire while Napoleon, kings and dukes fled in carriages homeward with their stolen treasure. Of the seventy-three thousand were reduced to thirty-six thousand, five thousand had perished in battle. The French army was destroyed, from Moscow, to Viazma, to Smolensk, to Beresina, to Vilna. Berthier wrote the army was almost disbanded, whatever the plans they should be rallied at Smolensk, rid of noncombatants and superfluous baggage. The soldiers also need rest and food, many had already died from it, the state of things is growing worse. At Smolensk the troops raided everything they could and hurried on, still Napoleon and others continued habits of writing orders letters and reports but as they couldn't be carried out nothing was done and despite titles all felt they had done much evil, expiation begun. “And though they pretended to be very solicitous about the army, each of them thought only of himself and how he might get off and escape as speedily as possible.”p.628 (the more things change the more they stay the same huh) 
1812-1813 the French lost as the Prussians, Austrians and Italians go in for the kill. Napoleon left for France to raise forces to defend his country, but it is too late, within a year Paris will fall and he’ll be exiled. 
“When a man sees a dying animal, horror seizes him; what he himself is-his own essence-is evidently perishing before his very eyes, ceasing to exist. But when the dying one is a human being, and a person beloved and tenderly cherished, then, over and above the horror at the cessation of the life, the soul itself is torn and wounded.”p.629 Sometimes it leaves a wound, after Andrei's death both Maria and Natasha felt this, everything hurt. When they did talk it was never about the future or Andrei. “But pure, unmitigated grief is as impossible as pure unmitigated joy.”p.630 Maria was the first to be brought back into life by duties. “Life would not stand still, and it was necessary to live.”p.630  
By January Natasha was still depressed and imagining things as they had been with Andrei still occupying them. (you barely knew this guy at sixteen then had a year long distance engagement where he told you you could step out then got angry at you when you stepped out) Imagining conversations they had or could have had, it’s too late to set things right. Life without him is nothing, she would be happy to suffer with him. (do I have to bring out the newspaper I used to beat Marius) She started to cry when her maid came to her with bad news about her brother Petya. 
Natasha now felt aversion to her whole family, her father broke down crying and now Natasha felt something in her snap like she was dying, seeing her father and mother's cries she forgot her own sorrow. Maria takes her to her mother and she comforts her and Natasha stayed by her mother's side for days not eating or sleeping. Maria postponed her departure as Natasha stayed by her mother for three weeks as she was the only one that calmed her. “A wound in the heart of a mother cannot heal.”p.634 The wound which half killed the Countess brought Natasha back to life with the love for her mother. Though Andrei’s death brought Maria and Natasha close, they still weren't united, they didn't speak of him and slowly forgot him. (I think they mean less forget he ever existed more moving on from his death) Natasha’s condition worsened and by February the Count insisted she go with Maria to Moscow to see a doctor. (I swear this girl has major depressive episodes) 
After Viazma where Kutuzof couldn't restrain his troops they reached Krasnoye, they could not catch up with the fleeing French. So exhausted from marching thirty miles a day they left Tarutino with a hundred thousand men, lost five thousand in the march and taken prisoner, only fifty thousand made it. All of Kutuzof’s efforts were the prevention of interference of the French, other non-Russian generals wanted to distinguish themselves felt it was time to give battle. Kutuzof shrugged his shoulders as they made plans for the diminished poor soldiers regretting they had not captured Napoleon and blamed each other especially Kutuzof. 
1813 Kutuzof was openly accused of mistakes, the Sovereign displeased and the history of the campaign painted him a liar that lost them the glory over the French. Kutuzof never spoke of himself, sacrifices he made for his country, just a simple ordinary man, what was it to him if it was attributed to him the abandonment of the capitol. He declared Borodino victory, the loss of Moscow wasn't the loss of Russia, the fleeing of the French was necessary the battle of Tarutino, Krasnoye and Viazma weren't necessary, he wouldn't sacrifice his troops for the Frenchmen. “He, in reply to Lauristan’s offer of peace, said that peace could not be made because such was not the will of the people.”p.637  
He’s a deceitful courtier to appease the Sovereign left to Arakcheyef to risk the Sovereign's ill will, proclaimed Vilna to be dangerous and useless. He at Austerlitz declared it lost before it began and until his death declared Borodino a victory despite the retreat and refraining from further battles. How could he know at the time the significance and not once prove false to it in disgrace against the Tsar to be their representative in war. Only this sentiment elevated Kutuzof to a high pinnacle in humanity which he the general in chief, "employed all his efforts, not to kill and exterminate men, but to save and have pity on them.”p.638 He could not be cast counterfeit in history to describe a hero ruler of nations. “For the valet there can be no great man, because the valet has his own conception of greatness.”p.638  (I feel bad for Kutuzof he seems like one of the few decent people trying to make the best choices in this book) 
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crackspinewornpages · 13 days
War and Peace 170/198 -Leo Tolstoy
After Maria learned from Rostof that her brother was with the Rostofs at Yaroslavl she ignored her aunt’s protests and went to visit with her nephew. Mlle Bourienne and the tutor an old nurse three maids Tikhon a footman and a courier also went. (because back in the day aristocracy took an entire cast of servants with them) During the journey Maria was the first to wake and last to sleep and she accepted her love of Rostof, no longer struggling against it. “Of late she had persuaded herself-though she never said this in so many words even to herself-that she loved, and was loved in return.”p.575 Though Rostof didn’t say she saw he thought if Andrei recovered his and Natasha’s relationship could recover. 
Sonya came out to lead them to the Countess who embraced Maria declaring her love for her, she tells Maria the doctor said there’s no danger but her eyes say different. (I get not wanting to worry her but the guy has gangrene the whole house would smell like death) Maria also saw the Count who now looked like a wreck in contrast to his jovial confident old self. (well yeah that happens when you drive your family into financial ruin) The Count introduced her to his niece Sonya and despite feeling hostile she kissed her. (now the lesbians get to have a moment) Maria heard Natasha run up the stairs from Andrei and embraced this girl who sympathized in her grief. (and who treated her like shit) Natasha was so consumed by love for Andrei and what he loved there was no room to think of herself or their relationship. 
Maria takes her into the next room and Natasha felt the need to tell the truth, but all she could do is cry. After comparing themselves they went to see Andrei and Natasha told him of his fears, he’s in thin, he can’t live. Two days ago Andrei became gentle, a symptom of impending death, a sensitive face Maria watched fade away as he grew up. She saw him and feels guilty for being alive and thinking of the future as he lay dying and he took a hostile expression and monotone indifferent voice to her but thanks her for coming. “He evidently found it difficult to understand the interests of life, but at the same time one could feel that this was so, not because he was deprived of the power of remembrance, but because his mind was turned to something else, which the living do not and cannot comprehend, and which was absorbing him entirely.”p.579 
Andrei knew and felt he was going to die and felt alienation for earthly things and impatience for what awaited him, that Eternal Presence that always haunted his senses from far away was now near and almost palpable. Twice before he felt that fear of death, once when shells were flying above him and when he woke in that battle field after being freed of the burden of life and eternal love, everything, the more he imbued himself with it the more he let go of life. He accepted death but after Mitishchi he met Natasha again, his love for her attached his heart to life. His illness continued and two days before, death won the fight over life. 
As he lay in delirium he always sensed Natasha’s presence, they spoke of their past, never of the future. He wondered if fate brought them back together only for him to die, given them enough of life to live a lie. (yeah what little relationship they had before they got terrible isn’t enough for me to buy this lovey dovey tragic sap) He tells Natasha that he loves her, she’s sure she loves him too. (sure Jan) She goes back to knitting and he asks himself what is love. (Baby Don’t Hurt Me~) “Love stands in the way of death. Love is life. All, all that I understand, I understand solely because I love. All is, all exists, simply and solely because I love. All is summed up in this alone. Love is God; and death for me, a tiny particle of love, means returning into the universal and eternal source of love.”p.581 He fell asleep in the consoling thoughts but the baseless reality. 
He dreamed of being well, the room was full of people waiting to go somewhere, as he spoke he felt it a waste of time but they gradually left. He went to the door feeling everything depended on if he closed it but he couldn't move, he feared death and it was behind it. Death tried to open it and he struggled to shut it again but the door swung open, he was dying. He made an effort to wake up, this was two days before Maria arrived. The doctors said his fever got worse, there’s no room for doubt. Maria and Natasha stayed by his side watching his body, the man was gone, sinking deeper. He took confessions and all came to see him and went through the motions when seeing his son. (even dying he couldn’t give a crap about his kid) After the last spasm Maria declared him gone. 
1812, France is threatened, everywhere the nations are rising against Napoleon and his forces in Russia are facing annihilation by the cold. He doesn’t know it yet but his empire is crumbling. 
The Russian army was rolling and assumed equilibrium as soon as the force of blows diminished. Kutuzof knew what was taking place and what the half of the French army signified, wounded at Borodino like a beast left by a huntsman. Finally, it gave a cry by its premonition of its doom, sent a request of peace to Kutuzof’s camp but Napoleon’s words made no sense, Kutuzof still kept his men from battle. During the month the French pillaged Moscow and the Russians recuperating in Tarutino both armies came a change of spirits and an attack was inevitable. It accumulated in their sending of the letter the supplies in Tarutino, reports of French disorderliness, the rest of the Russians, an impatience to finish what was started, news of easy victory after the French by peasants and desire of vengeance. (in summary a bad combination) 
The Russian army was directed by Kutuzof and the Sovereign, before Moscow was sacked a plan was sent to Kutuzof though made believing they’d still have Moscow, Kutuzof accepted it. On October 14 the Sovereign wrote a letter to Kutuzof after the Battle of Tarutino. Since September 14 Moscow was taken over by the French and he only wrote to him about it on October 2 and made no moves to fight against the enemy. The still retreating the French are advancing along roads scattered, is the enemy still too great to retake Moscow, one would assume contrary. It is Kutuzof’s responsibility if the enemy sends troops to the capitol and he still has to answer for the loss of Moscow.  
Kutuzof could no longer restrain his army and on October 14 a Cossack ran into the forest to hunt a rabbit and stumbled upon Murat’s army. When the Cossack bragged about it the commander questioned him, scouts were sent to confirm and it was evident it was time for action. Kutuzof reported to the Sovereign all the generals expressed to carry out his supposed wishes. Kutuzof could no longer restrain the movement and gave the order. (you’re a bad military leader when you can’t control your men and fold under their pressure) 
A plan was drawn up, the marching columns would meet up and annihilate the enemy but they didn’t meet up on time or at the place. (the Russian army is just a joke isn’t it) Only Count Orlof-Denisof got there, he was awoken at dawn and a French deserter was brought to him, a Polish non commission officer that felt insulted and wanted revenge and promised with a hundred men could capture Murat. (it’s a trap!) The officer left with the volunteers, the expected columns were still not in sight but the French camp had signs of life. It’s too late and he realized the officer was a traitor. (you don’t say) Orlof-Denisof called the regiment back and his army to horse and charged at the French camp, fifteen hundred were captured, thirty eight cannons horses and suppliers. During the division of goods the French fired back, several hundred men were uselessly lost. Kutuzof Benigsen and others received claim, orders and tokens for the battle. It failed to capture Murat or destroy the corps, but it succeeded in driving the French from Russia, French were seen as weak and began to retreat. (this battle was the equivalent of kicking a man while he was down) 
Pierre’s clothes were dirty and torn, he grew a beard and his longer hair was tangled and lice infested, but unlike his previous characteristics his eyes were alert he was ready for resistance. His feet were bare, every time he looked at them they reminded him of what he learned over time. In talking to the corporal he learned the troops were moving and an order regarding prisoners would be given. It was four weeks since Pierre was taken prisoner but thanks to his religious constitution remained as good as he was. In the time he felt the calmness he sought, he tried philanthropy in a fashionable life, wine, self sacrifice and love, all paths disappointed him, now he found contentment by the horror of death. He no longer thought of Russian politics or Napoleon, it wasn’t his concern, his issues with his wife seemed ludicrous, what difference was it to please her, what difference was it the French had Count Bezukhof as a prisoner. His station in life of wealth and society destroyed all possible occupational desires. (of you poor trust fund baby) Now Pierre thought of the future where he’d be free but after he would think of the spiritual peace of his imprisonment and inward freedom. 
October 18 the French started to retreat, the soldier Sokolof was sick with dysentery (super diarrhea) and would be left behind, Pierre tried to comfort him that they were going to set up a hospital, he might be better off. Pierre went to ask the friendly corporal but he had changed overnight and ignored him and Pierre heard drums. “Pierre recognized that mysterious, unsympathetic power he had seen at work during the executions. To fear this power, to try to escape it, to address with petitions or with reproaches the men who served as its instrument, was idle.”p.594 The doors to the hut was opened and Pierre went to the front of the flock of prisoners. The captain ordered them off, Pierre asked him of the sick man and was told to go to the devil and Pierre knew it was useless, they were under the force. The prisoners were marched through Khamovniki and halted on the bridge watching the Germans pillage the burned city. 
They marched and halted again at nightfall and the soldiers treated them even worse and were fed horseflesh. (is this a Russian thing) All felt personal anger against each other, prisoners noticed from previous friendliness and during roll call one had escaped in Moscow, the order was to shoot those that had to left behind. Pierre broke down thinking at a wagon, after an hour he broke into laughter then stopped, the camp was now silent. (the sound of sanity hysteric laughter then silence) He stared at the stars thinking they took all that was his and shut it in a hut then he went to sleep. 
A letter came to Kutuzof for peace from Napoleon dated from Moscow as he was on the Kaluga highway, he replied the same to the last one, refusal. News of the separated enemy division at Faminskoye, Dokhturof was instructed to attack. At Aristiove he questioned prisoners, the army left Moscow five days ago and word of the French marching to Borousko where they now had a whole French army. Kutuzof wouldn’t act without the Sovereign's orders after the Battle of Tarutino. “Like an experienced huntsman, he knew that the wild beast was wounded-wounded as only the whole force of Russia could wound; but whether or not the wound was mortal was as yet an undecided question.”p.599 (be careful a wounded beast that's cornered will try to take you down with it)After sixty years experience he didn’t trust the rumors and he only desired the destruction of France. His messengers came back and Kutuzof broke into tears thinking the lord for saving Russia. 
Kutuzof spent his time ensuring the enemy was already doomed, the superior generals went to cut off the French retreat and take them prisoner. “He could not say what we can say today-why fight battles, why dispute the road, why lose your own men, and why inhumanely kill unfortunate wretches?” p.601 Kutuzof told them to cross the golden bridge, they marched. He couldn’t retrain the army and the army killed and lost thousands of men but didn’t succeed in extermination and the French retreated to Smolensk. 
1812, the Russian winter hit and the French army is in retreat being attacked, French morale is low and forces are opposing Napoleon, the only hope is to get the army out of Russia. 
Partisan warfare was in effect as the isolated French huddled together. “In war the momentum of troops is likewise the product of the mass multiplied by some unknown quantity, x. This x is the spirit of the army; in other words, the more or less intense desire of all the men composing the army to fight and expose themselves to peril, ran independently of whether they are under the command of men of genius or otherwise.”p.604 The French should have defended themselves and the Russian attack in mass, so a guerilla war began at Smolensk. Denisof and Dolokhof were there and made plans without officials to attack. 
It was raining and Denisof was uncomfortable and the men attended to the horses. Denisof was in a mood from being wet and from hunger and that Dolokhof had not returned they don't have another chance to attack the transport train. Then an officer and Cossack were spotted in the distance, it was a message from the general. Denisof recognized Petya Rostof who forgot formality when Denisof smiled at him. The letter was from the Corpsman General to unite and attack the train, if they don’t attack tomorrow he’ll take it from them. Petya resumed a military aspect and asked Denisof if he has any orders, he can stay until tomorrow and asks to stay with him, Denisof allows it. Denisof had his subordinates arrange to meet at the rendezvous and an aide rode off to look for Dolokhof. Denisof, Petya, the captain, a few Cossacks and the hussar in charge of the French drummer boy prisoner rode off to the forest. 
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crackspinewornpages · 20 days
War and Peace 160/198 -Leo Tolstoy
Pierre woke up on the fifteenth feeling like he did something shameful the night before, (like what) it was his talk with Ramball. (and that’s it) Not wanting to be too late, (to assassinate) he hastily tried to decide on a weapon. The fire had increased over the night and the streets were deserted, those that were around stared at him in curiosity at his height and martyr-like expression. He saw nothing, fearing something would distract him, but it was useless as Napoleon was at Kremlin giving out orders. (you didn’t even do research on where your target would be) Pierre was tormenting himself as this act was against his nature when a woman’s scream broke him out of it. She was screaming for Pierre to save her daughter who was left behind, they saved her stuff but not her. (I have no words) Pierre agrees to go and a girl takes him to their home, the houses were on fire and suddenly he felt liberated from his oppressive thoughts and felt resolute, he asked the French looters if they’d seen a child, one points to the garden. The toddler screamed as Pierre grabbed her and he felt revulsion at her hysterics and forced himself not to abandon her. (how heroic of you) 
He had to find a new way back and now the roads were full of people and furniture, he didn't pay attention to them. The girl was calmer now and he saw something innocent in her face. People now noticed Pierre asking if he’s a noble and who’s child it is, he asked and was pointed to the garden the family fled into. Pierre handed off the girl to the crowed and went to help a young Armenian girl being harassed by a Frenchman and started beating him, people watched until the French Uhlans rode up. Pierre only remembers next he was beaten, arrested and searched and they plan to court martial him for the dagger. He didn't respond to their French but still refused to speak to the interpreter, as he was suspicious, he was put in a separate guarded room. 
For the first time in history the Russians fought and planned the burning of Moscow. Napoleon faced a Russian winter without food for his half a million men. He must resume communications to his home country and left Moscow. 
In Petersburg, life went on and great effort to recognize the peril Russia was actually in, only efforts made in high circles. Anna Pavlovna gave a reception on the seventeenth and the main news was Countess Bezukhof’s illness and rumor she was allowed no visitors and forgoed doctors and turned to Italian ones. All know her illness came from trying to marry two husbands at once and the Italian prescribed their removal, (girl you’re fucking too much) but no one even thought of it in Anna Pavlovna’s presence. 
The following day was the Emperor's birthday, and he was given Kutuzof’s report of the losses and in haste didn't have details but it was a victory. The following day there was no news and the people's enthusiasm for Kutuzof began to pass judgement Vasili’s praise ceased. That evening there was alarm, Helene Bezukhof died and rumors ran that she was so distraught over her husband not responding to her she overdosed on medication. (they called it agenia but she actually died from a botched abortion) A few days later news arrived that Moscow was abandoned to the French and Vasili turned to Kutuzof while mourning his daughter. 
Nine days after Moscow was abandoned an official report of it came, the only chance left was to lose the army and Moscow or just Moscow, the field Marshall felt it duty to choose the latter. The enemy entered the city and the city burned and the Sovereign demanded to know how they left without fighting at all. “their only fear is they your majesty, though kindness of heart, will be persuaded to make peace. They are burning to fight,”p.551 To prove it to him they are ready to sacrifice their lives. He sends the colonel out with a message to spread, when he has no men left he will place himself at the head and exhaust to the last resource and if it is written in the decrees of Providence. (you don’t have to go so hard Alexander) “that my family should cease to reign on the throne of my ancestors, then, after having exhausted all the means that are in my power, I will allow my beard to grow to here.”p.551 Then eat potatoes with peasants than shame his country. (what’s so wrong with potatoes) He and Napoleon can no longer reign together, he won’t deceive him again, before leaving the colonel uttered the feeling of the Russian people that this moment seals the glory of the nation and safety of Europe. (well for a few decades anyway) 
While half of Russia was conquered levies for the militia rose, all men were sacrificing themselves for the country or wail for its ruin. The stores of self-sacrifice and heroism was not true for the most part men paid no attention to it, more occupied by personal interest. “And those very men were the most important factors of the time.”p.552 Nikolai Rostof took part in the defense of the country not thinking of what was happening, it was not for him to think about. (insert army joke here) He heard of regiments mobilizing but if no more fighting happened it wouldn't be astonishing for him to be given command of a regiment. 
He was made commander of an expedition to Voronezh, he reached an inn by evening and ordered needed supplies for the front. The next day he visited the city officials, the governor recommended him a horse dealer and as a friend of his father's invited him to a reception. Life and society went on in 1812 as usual. Rostof entered the party in his hussar uniform and being the center of attention especially to young girls but stayed by an official's wife to the husbands chagrin. 
The important Anna Ignatyevna wanted to talk to him, he doesn't know her but he rescued her niece, Maria Bolkonsky. They spoke of Maria and her late father and asked about news of Andrei, she invited him to visit her. Being reminded of Maria, Rostof felt bashful and fearful for some reason. He intended to continue dancing, but the governor’s wife found him a potential wife and he worries about Sonya and felt an impulse to confide everything to this woman. He tells her marrying for money is repugnant, she understands but Maria is another thing, and he tells her of his promise to his cousin Sonya. She starts scolding him, Sonya has nothing, his family finances are dire, and this would kill his mother and Sonya’s life would be terrible, they must understand. (yeah you two idiot kids stop being selfish unpractical and disgusting) Would Maria marry him and she's in mourning, she tells him there are ways. 
The next day the governor's wife told Anna Ignatyevna about the scheme, two days later Maria was still thinking of how she should behave towards him but decided it wasn't right to receive callers while in mourning, but it would be rude to him and one insult to her father's memory to see him. Rostof came to visit after Sunday mass, she smiled at seeing him and it transformed her face and Rostof saw it. They had talked about unsignificant things and after meeting Rostof’s life continued but cost his zest for former pleasures and was thinking of her and never of Sonya. Like every young man he imagined married life and the future but with Maria he could picture nothing and felt dread. 
The terrible news of Borodino and Moscow reached Voronezh by the end of September. Maria only knowing her brother was injured went out to find him and Rostof began to feel out of place in Voronezh things became clear to him as he returned to his regiment. Before he left, he was at a service to celebrate victory and the governor's wife asked if he had seen Maria, he saw her and felt shyness, fear and pity. As she left he went to her and told her his sympathies and if Andrei wasn't alive it would be on the bulletin. (gee thanks) She looked grateful then rejoined her aunt. 
Not having anything to do Rostof paced in his room thinking about life, (same) Maria is wonderful, why was he in haste with Sonya and began to compare the two but couldn't picture a life with Maria, he loved her but didn't understand her. He needs to be freed from Sonya, nothing but grief could come from marrying her, he doesn't love her as he should. (about time you realized this) He prayed for the first time in a long time until Lavrushka came with a letter from his mother and Sonya. He reads Sonya’s first, his prayers for freedom answered, she wrote they lost almost all their property, and he should marry Maria. It’s painful to her to be the source of sorrow to a family that took her in. His mother’s letter told him of how they left Moscow and lost their property and Andrei was among the wounded brought with them the girls are nursing him. The next day he informed Maria, neither spoke of the significance of Natasha nursing Andrei and the day after he escorted her to Yaroslavl and regained his regiment. 
Sonya had written the letter in Troitsa since the Countess was dead set on Rostof marrying a rich wife she made Sonya’s life more miserable but before they left Moscow begged her to release her son from his engagement. (note never be cruel to someone then ask for a favor) Sonya sobbed that she would do anything, but her heart didn't agree. Was it necessary to sacrifice her happiness for the family that took her in, but it was her nature to sacrifice herself for others, (ah she’s a people pleaser) it was her only way to show her worth in the house and loved to do it as it elevated herself in Rostof’s eyes. (girl he isn't worth it) Now her sacrifice was to renounce all that he promised, (when he was like 15) now began to feel hatred towards the family, especially Natasha who never sacrificed anything as people still loved her. (yeah she’s pretty much the golden child) 
She told the Countess she’d wait to see him again under that pretense but in secret to bind him to her. (she planned to elope) The next few days she was distracted by her thoughts and finding out about Andrei’s state made her pity Natasha and believed it was God’s signal she shouldn't be separated from Rostof. She knew Natasha still loved Andrei and are now being brought closer so their marriage meant it would be impossible for Rostof to marry Maria. (not impossible the Countess would just let up the pressure since they would be financially secured) They stopped at Troitsa and the two were left alone together and Sonya was curious to hear what they were talking about. Natasha ran out telling Sonya he has to live, Sonya tells her she’s sure he will. The Countess asked her to write to Rostof looking at her shameful and ready for hatred at her refusal and Sonya wrote to him now knowing he couldn't marry Maria. 
Pierre was locked in with peasants who shunned him for being noble and speaking French. On the third day they were tried for incendiarism and questioned knowing any answer was proof of guilt. “These questions, putting aside the essence of the vital fact and excluding the possibility of getting at the truth, were like all questions put at legal examinations, having for their object the laying down of sort of gutter in which examiners with the answers of the victims to trickle so that he may be brought to the desired point; namely, incrimination!”p.564 Pierre said he was there rescuing a child, they dismissed him protecting a woman and just being there to see Moscow and he refused to answer who he is. 
Pierre and thirteen other prisoners marched in the street, choking on smoke, to a barn. September thirteenth an officer of Napoleon’s staff came to see them and read off a list of names except Pierre’s, an hour later they were brought to the Marshall at Virgin’s Field. At Sheherbatof’s house they were lead in one at a time and Pierre came to face Davoust and said nothing. Davoust claims he is Russian spy and Pierre tells them in French that he is Bezukhof but without proof the two looked at each other and it saved Pierre. “In this look there was established between these two men, above and beyond all the conditions of war and the courtroom, the relations of a common humanity. Both of them at that one moment became confusedly conscious of an infinite number of things, and realized that they both were children of humanity-that they were brothers.”p.566 In Davoust’s list was men listed as numbers and looking at Pierre, who he would have had shot, saw him as a man. For proof of who he is Pierre told him of Ramball but Davoust was then distracted by a report that came in and had Pierre led away and Pierre goes into a crisis. (when isn’t he in a crisis) 
The prisoners were directed past the Virgin’s Field to a post and a pit and waiting crowd. The men were lined up for the post, Pierre was number six and he listened to how many times they would be shot and the drum roll. Two were tied to the post and as a dozen musketeers aimed Pierre looked away after two more were taken up. ”They could not believe, because they alone knew what life meant to them, and therefore they neither understood nor believed that it could be taken from them.”p.568 Pierre questioned who is really doing it since they all suffer as he does and why he was spared and without joy watched the fifth pair of men were executed. No one stopped Pierre as he ran up to the shot factory worker and watched as they untied him and pushed his body in the pit. 
After the execution Pierre was taken to a dilapidated church, by evening other officers came to place him with prisoners of war. Pierre has a crisis, (again) he tells the man sitting next to him that these are hard times. The little old man tells him not to fret. “An hour to suffer, but an age to live!”-”there’s bad men and there’s good men as well,”p.570 A soldier splits a potato (calls it supergood) with Pierre and Pierre asks why they shot those prisoners, instead the soldier asks why he stayed in Moscow, (a very good question) he didn't think they’d come so soon. The old man, Karatayef, was taken from a hospital the solder asks about Pierre and is upset he is an orphan. Karatayef started a yarn of how he was caught stealing wood and sent off to be a soldier, if he didn't go it would be his brother who has five children. 
Before sleeping, Karatayef says a prayer and Pierre asks about Fral and Lavra, horse’s saints. Outside the hut there were wails and yells and it was a long time before Pierre could sleep feeling the ruined world rise in his soul in new beauty. He spent four weeks in the hut, he forgot the other twenty-seven men, but he remembered Karatayef (over a page describing him) the embodiment of all that was good, truly Russian and worthy. (he had friendships and lovers not like Pierre but liked all men and dogs...I told you this book is gay) 
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crackspinewornpages · 1 month
War and Peace 150/198 -Leo Tolstoy
The Rostofs remained in Moscow until September 13, the day before the enemy arrived, when Petya went to Byelaya Tserkov, the Countess felt a great fear. “The thought that both her sons had gone to war, that both had left the shelter of her wing, that today or tomorrow either one of them, or perhaps both of them, might be killed,”p.498 The Count had him transferred to Bezukhof’s regiment near Moscow so he’d be closer to her and had the hope of arranging it so he wouldn’t be sent away more and not be exposed to battle. (then why did you let the sixteen-year-old enlist) She loved her eldest more (because she’s that type of mother) but after her youngest also left she loved him now more than all her children and only wanted him and would not leave until he returned. He arrived on the nineth and wasn't pleased and so treated his mother coldly and only spoke to Natasha. (because he’s sixteen and still a brat) 
Thanks to the Count’s characteristic unconcern nothing was ready to leave and had to postpone till the twelfth. Each day thousands of wounded and fleeing cluttered the streets and thanks to Rostopchin’s placards rumors were flying. The Count was scrambling the Countess was only concerned with Petya, only Sonya looked after the affairs, but she was melancholy lately after Rostof’s letter about Maria and the Countess’s excitement that the meeting was God’s providence. She wasn’t happy that Andrei was engaged to Natasha but Rostof with Maria will turn out wonderful. (this is the same family what’s so different now) 
Sonya knew it would be an excellent match, (again it’s still the same haughty family) but she was bitter so took it upon herself the labor of preparations. The household was happy again for having a reason to be again. Petya left and returned a hero, and a possible battle any day. (that’s not something to be happy about) Natasha, because Petya was someone to admire her. “Moreover, she was happy, because there was someone who admired her-admiration was an absolutely essential lubricant if her ego was to function with perfect harmony,”p.500 (ah she’s the type that can’t handle it when the attention isn’t on her) Mostly they were happy because war had come to the city barrier, a great event in the air provides good spirits in people especially the young. (again this isn’t something to be excited about war is literally at your doorstep both your sons could die) 
The house was turned upside down in preparation, Natasha sat in her empty room holding an out-of-style ball gown she wore to her first Petersburg ball. (it’s been what a few years how out of style could it be) She heard voices and looked out the window, a train of wounded were halted in the street, Natasha asked if they would like to stay in their empty house. She didn't ask her father, what difference would it make, but does ask her mother and father after they had already moved onto the lawn. (better to ask forgiveness than permission) They hurried to pack, shouting scolding and contradictory orders, Natasha almost cried because no one was in the mood to hear her quips. (see she’s like Rory from Gilmore Girls) When she did help with zeal it had to be done her way, but they grew confident in her management. That night more wounded were brought into the house, a valet brought in a man of great distinction, Andrei Bolkonsky. 
It was an ordinary Sunday, at the Rostof house the disintegration of the life showed little and the demand of their valuables from others who wanted to escape Moscow. The major-domo had to leae the wounded behind. There weren't enough carriages for all, but the Count listened to an officer beg and had a few teams unloaded, what’s the hurry anyway. The Countess knew that tone which would cost them and made it her duty to oppose anything in that tone. She won’t consent to it, it’s the government’s job to look after the wounded, (and they deliberately suck at it) they’re idiots, everyone on the street already left, have pity on the children. Two teams had already been unloaded, Petya told her and Natasha became angry and went to her mother and told her it was shameful, to look in the ,so the Countess gave way. Natasha now gave orders, take only what they need and more wounded from other houses came to their yard and Sonya labeled things that were left behind and taken as much as possible. 
By two, teams with the wounded already left and the family prepared to leave and said goodbye to staff that was staying. Out the window Natasha could see the passing carriages not knowing Andrei was in one. At Sadovaya they passed Sukhovet tower and Natasha saw Pierre and wanted to stop but they couldn't or hold up traffic. Pierre heard and ran over, he said he had to stay behind and Natasha wished she were a man to stay too and would if her mother would allow it. Pierre says looks like he was in battle, when asked why he isn't like himself says he doesn't know and farewell, Natasha kept a smile as they drove away. 
In the two days since he left his home Pierre had been staring at the late Bazdeyef’s, at his home, when he was given his wife’s letter, he felt helpless and embarrassed. “All at once he realized that everything was now at an end, that ruin and destruction were at hand, that there was no distinction between right and wrong, that there was no future, and that there was no escape from this condition of things.”p.512 (feels a lot like the 2020s) A messenger came to get the late Bazdeyef’s things and the Frenchman with his wife’s message was anxious to see him. Pierre snuck out the back and went to Bazdeyef’s under the pretext of sorting his books and just sat in the study thinking for two hours. He had peasant clothes and a pistol sent for and several days later went with an old servant to Sukharef where he met the Rostofs. 
Russian troops poured through Moscow all morning taking the fleeing and wounded. A few soldiers snuck into the Red Square to loot and in Gostinyi Dvor, merchants helped them carry off wares. Officers tried to round them up but the only way is to march faster so the rear can’t drop out, but there’s a halt at the bridge. Even merchants begged the officer protection in exchange for goods, the officer declared it’s not his business and rode to the front line. 
For the most part the city was deserted, all night Rostopchin gave orders to the ceaseless men, someone had to take responsibility. By nine the troops were moving across Moscow and no one came for more orders. “All who could leave had left on their own responsibility; those who remained behind decided for themselves what they should do.”p.515 A crowd was waiting for Rostopchin at Sokohiki ready to be a mob for a victim. Rostopchin also wanted a victim for his wrath. 
A man wearing chains stumbled on the steps and Rostopchin proclaimed he, Vereshchagin, had lost Moscow, a traitor who sold himself to Napoleon, take the law into their own hands, kill him. The crowd did,n't move the officers drew their sabers and a dragoon struck him with a dull broadsword, the shriek he gave triggered the mob. “The tense barrier of humane feeling which had held back the mob suddenly broke, The crime was begun, and it had to be accomplished.”p.518 The dragoons pulled Vereshchagin away as he was half beaten to death, the crowd only stopped in horror as he gave his death rattle, as his corpse was dragged away the mob surged away from it. 
Instead of watching the crime Rostopchin went to his rooms, someone else had to lead him to his carriage and drive to Sokolniki. On the way he began to feel pangs of conscience and was dissatisfied at his terror he displayed in front of his subordinates. The populace is terrible and like wolves can only be appeased by flesh and he remembered Vereshchagin’s words there’s only one God above them. (he was only sentenced to hard labor not death) He told himself the people had to be pleased, other victims perished for the good of the public, he didn't reproach himself but found congratulations for taking advantage of circumstances. (on our day you’d be tried for murder) By the time he reached his house he was calm and didn't think of it only to yell at Kutuzof for deceiving him, Moscow was no more, the army is all that’s left. (what army) Kutuzof told him they are not giving up Moscow without a struggle, Rostopchin didn't reply and turned away to order along the teams blocking the bridge. 
At four Murat’s troops entered Moscow followed by Wustemberg hussars and the King of Naples. They found cannons at the gateway when the walls of the Kremlin fell a flock of jackdaws rose above the walls and two Russians fired back, the firefight ended in four dead, three wounded and two fleeing. The French poured in Senate Square and made camp in the deserted mansions becoming marauders for five weeks. After they left Moscow, they fought to keep what they obtained and were doomed to perish as a monkey refusing to let go of a nut. The men became uncontrollable when finding pastured lands of an opulent city with its comforts and enjoyments. “The French attributed the burning of Moscow to the fierce patriotism of Rostopchin; the Russians, to the savagery of the French.”p.523 Really it was a timber-built city prone to fires before. “Moscow was burned but its citizens-that is true; not, however, by the citizens who remained, but by those who went away.”p.523 
The French did not reach the quarter where Pierre was living until the fourteenth, after two days Pierre was near insanity by an idea to remain in Moscow and kill Napoleon, put an end to the misery in Europe. (a monster this large is a hydra cut off the head it won’t just die there will be a power grab and following chaos vacuum) His physical condition corresponded with his mental state sustaining on little food and vodka and little sleep. Pierre did not think of firing the shot or Napoleon’s death but only his own ruin and heroic courage, or perish and rehearsed the words to say in the moment. 
Pierre decided until it was time he wouldn't disclose his identity on knowledge of the French, he stayed in the corridor as two French entered asking if the owner was home. The valet, Gerasim, struggled to understand and opened the kitchen door to reveal Bazdeyef’s halfwit brother Makar holding up a pistol. Before Pierre could stop him he fired at the Frenchmen ran to the door, Pierre flung away the pistol and ran after them. They listened to Pierre as he was French and let Makar be. They looked over the house and and Captain Ramball won over Pierre. He owes his life to Pierre and now owes favor, they ate and drank and the Captain spoke without cessation offering anything in friendship, Pierre refused so they drank more. 
The Captain told Pierre about his ancestors, his family, childhood and estates and about all of his adventures, believing only he understood the delights of love. He holds in contempt sensual passion of his wife and romantic flame of Natasha that Pierre feels the Captain told his love of the trinity, five-year-old marquise and a seventeen year old maiden, the marquise’s daughter, the affair ending with the marquise deciding her lover should marry her daughter. (puking noises) Pierre listened to his stories and under the influence of wine comprehended it all and personal recollections connected and compared his love of Natasha to Captain Ramball’s. A story between love and duty, he saw himself at Sukharef, the meeting now seemed significant and poetic. Pierre told him how he could only love one woman who could never be his, him a bastard, her too young and told the Captain his whole story and even disclosed his name amazing the Captain he gave up everything to stay in the city. They gazed at the glow from the fire in the vast city, Pierre called it beautiful and stumbled to bed. 
The fire was seen by various roads by escaping citizens and troops, the roads were so crowded the Rostofs had to stay at Mitishchi’s three miles from Moscow. The next day they again started late, with so many delays they got no farther than Bolshiya, by night the village of Maliya was set fire by Mamonof’s Cossacks, servants commented it looked like Moscow was burning. Natasha didn’t care to look and was in a stupor since finding out Sonya didn't tell her Andrei was one of the injured. The Countess urged Natasha to go to bed, they all but her readied and put out the lamp, there was still light from the street fire. Natasha didn't stir until everyone was asleep and walked outside to see Andrei, she had made up her mind that morning to see him but now filled with horror at what she might see. Other men were on the floor of the cottage, Andrei smiled and reached out to her. 
It was a week since Andrei was in the hospital at Borodino in fevered anguish, losing consciousness when moved. Awake he asked for tea and spoke to Timokhin, he wanted the New Testament, the doctor promised to get one as he laughed over his wounds, the gangrene was spreading. In delirious agony Andrei begged for the book and suddenly remembered what happened to him and where he was and the man he hated being in the hospital and had happy obscure thoughts again, happiness found in the spirit of love. “but not that love which loves for a purpose, for a personal end, but this love which I for the first time experienced, when, dying, I saw the enemy and could still love him.”p.535 That divine love for one’s enemies, what became of him, he has hated many in his life but not loved and hated and Natasha. 
Now he understood her and saw his cruelty with her, (now you do) he went back to delirium until he came to his senses and saw Natasha over him on her knees. She begged for forgiveness, Andrei told her he loves her and asked what does he have to forgive, (yeah she’s young and dumb but what’s your excuse) for what she did, he told her he loves her. The doctor sent her out and she fell on her bed sobbing. During all the rests on the journey, Natasha was by his side and even the doctor confessed he never expected such skill in nursing from a young girl. Despite the fact it would be terrible for Andrei to die in Natasha’s arms her mother couldn't refuse her. The couple didn't speak about if he recovered the engagement might be reestablished. “The undecided question of life and death which hung over not Bolkonsky alone, but over Russia as well, kept all other considerations in the background.”p537  
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crackspinewornpages · 1 month
War and Peace 140/198 -Leo Tolstoy
On the field between Borodino and the fortifications is where the principle action took place, the smoke hit him, the cannons and muskets concealed the armies in the ravine. They could be heard but impossible to know what the men were doing. Reports were false and contradictory, and orders were partially or not carried out. 
Napoleon’s Generals Davoust, Ney and Murat, found the troops disorderly and panic-stricken, (are they the ones that didn’t make it past basic training) Napoleon refused to send reinforcements, but in the end sent Friat’s division. (thought you were a brilliant tactician) The delay was unfortunate, Napoleon felt it everything was the same as previous battles he won but this time no victory, all around reports of generals killed and requests of reinforcements, the troops were demoralized. Napoleon saw the sources of capturing the fortifications was different, it was almost a defeat. Napoleon rode over Semenovskoye and could see the Russians, the battle was a butchery, he could not direct this show, “for the first time, because of its failure, appeared to him as pointless and horrible.”p.470 (~War What Is It Good For~) 
Kutuzof gave no definite orders apparently not interested in the reports only the faces and tones they were delivered in, (are you serious pay attention to the front line news not if the messenger has a resting bitch face) he knew it was impossible to command a hundred thousand men, (not if they are actually trained and organized) but it was all determined by the spirit of the army. The fortifications were retaken but Bagration was wounded, Murat taken prisoner, Kutuzof told him to postpone celebrating, the French now captured the fortifications and Semeovskoye but not pushed beyond Borodino. It was decided the battle was lost but Kutuzof wanted to attack the next day to drive the French from Russia. 
Adrei’s regiment was among the reserves and lost two thirds of its effectiveness, Andrei had nothing to do as dead and wounded were taken away and tried to blind himself from the horrors. He and others flung themselves on the ground as the artillery shells flew. “I cannot, I will not die; I love life, I love this grass, the earth, the air...”p.475 (you know people who failed at suicide say that after they made the choice and were dying suddenly all their problems seem easily solvable) Andrei was struck in the side and was bleeding, he was carried to the field hospital. A wounded soldier was rambling and they listened, how if only the reserves were sent, but what indifference is it to him, now why does he regret leaving life. “There was in this life something I have not understood, and which I still fail to understand.”p.477 
Andrei was carried into a tent, he was in too much agony to observe all around him, on one table a tartar was being held down as a surgeon cut into his back, (they didn’t have anesthesia back the only way to limit pain was either get pissing drunk or get the surgery done as quickly as possible) the man on the second table seemed familiar. As they started on Andrei, he lost consciousness and came too with his wounds dressed, he was taken back to his early childhood of his old nurse dressing him for bed. Hearing others groans he felt like crying for being torn from life, dying without fame, his memories or sympathy for others suffering. (so now while dying you want to live) The second man was Anatol Kurigan, who sobbed for his amputated leg, Andrei remembered Natasha and he pities Anatol (can’t say I pity him) and understands Maria’s preachings of love for brothers and enemies. “that is what made me feel regret for life; that is what would have remained for me if my life had been spared. But now it’s too late, I know it.”p.479 
Tens of thousands were dead in the fields the peasants harvested for crops and cattle, thousands wounded, thousands hungry moved to the front, as the rain fell it seemed to say enough. Either side the men began to question and wanted no more of it and at any moment may give it up. Still some power seemed to direct them. “and still that strange affair went on which was accomplished, not by the will of men, but by the will of Him who rules men and worlds.”p.480 Neither side made the last effort to win, so the conflict slowly died out. Napoleon did not send his Guard because it was impossible with the dejected spirit of the army, their moral was exhausted. The Russians still stood despite losing half the troops, “Victory is not something signalized by the fastening of certain strips of cloth called flags to poles, nor by the space on which troops have stood or are standing; victory is moral.”p.481 The French went to Moscow but doomed to perish from the moral wound at Borodino, the ruin of Napoleonic France. 
1812, the war between France and Russia was a signal for French satellites to rise up. Prussia prepared to take up the British and Russian sides, Austria is openly hostile waiting to enter the war. Napoleon was to conquer or lose all, believing the key is Russia and takes Moscow. 
The Russians retreated eighty miles, the French stepped in Moscow, there was a five-week standstill then the French retreated, Kutuzof believed they won Borodino. Kutuzof gave orders to prepare for battle as reports of losses came in reduced by half, battle became impossible. On September 16 the French neared Moscow and was surrendered to it, Kutuzof couldn't comprehend to retire beyond Moscow without battle. The generals discussed what to do in different groups, Kutuzof wondering if he allowed Napoleon to reach Moscow and when did he do it, now he must give the order to abandon the city. He loved power and was convinced he could save Russia; it was the reason he was put in command, now he was overwhelmed by it.  
They convened at a council at a peasant’s household, (the meeting was observed by a little girl would not fly today) they waited hours for Benigsen to arrive. When he did, he opened with a question, if they should desert Moscow with or without fighting, Kutuzof says salvation is the army, risk it and Moscow’s loss, by accepting battle or losing. Opinions were divided, discussions of pros and cons, but Moscow was already abandoned by the events. Kutuzof relents and commands they retreat, the generals left like a funeral procession while Kutuzof said to himself it’s not over and they will eat horseflesh like the Turks. 
Helene just returned to Petersburg and found herself in a delicate situation, she enjoyed the protection of a grandee in Petersburg but in Vilna she was intimate with a prince, (so she’s triple timing) now with both in town she had to preserve both relationships without offending either. Taking her (undeserved) reputation of a clever woman, she didn't sneak around and believed she was in the right and everyone else was wrong. (so she’s a narcissist) She told the prince she is only accountable to God and her conscience (what conscience) and wants him to marry her despite his hesitancies with law and religion. A few days later Helene had a party, a guest was a Jesuit and she listened to his talk of religion and she converted to Catholicism. She wore white and men lavished her with attention, but this didn't stop her ambitions, she asked her religious guide how bound was she to her marriage. Her vows bind her but she doesn't think she can be bound by what was imposed on her by a false religion, he began to refute her reasonings. 
Helene thought the matter simple but her spiritual directors held out because of how it might strike temporal powers. (if you’re not following she converted to Catholicism so she can give money to Catholic powers to divorce Pierre but they won’t annul her marriage) She thought society should be prepared for the eventuality and told her grandee what she told her prince, he was hesitant too but with innocence (yeah right) she told all her friends the two proposed, but she was afraid of choosing since she loved them both (yeah right) and rumors spread that Helene desired a divorce. Now it wasn't what was permissible, but who was the most desirable and how the court looked at it. Marya Dmitrievna Akhrasimova called out Helene (about time someone did) on marrying again while her husband was still alive, she may think she’s doing something now, but the brothels do it all the time. (oh snap) While Marya was feared she was also seen as a joke, so she was ignored. Vasili told her to consult her own heart and Bilibin, (I keep reading his name as Bilbo) who lost his reputation of a clever man, told Helene his views and will her husband consent, Pierre loves her and will do anything for her. (you really don’t know your husband at all) Her mother objected to it but Helene dismissed her concerns, her mother decides she’s right, all sins are forgiven and thinks if only she knew of this when she was young. (I see Helene got it from both her parents) By August Helene decided and wrote to Pierre she wanted a divorce, it was delivered to his house when he was in Borodino. 
September 10, Pierre arrived in Moscow and is immediately called to Count Rostopchin, the home was filled with young and old military and civilian officials ill at ease. The new placard declares they will shed every drop of blood in defense of Moscow, (~Moscow Will Never Give In There Is No Surrender~) Pierre says he was told it was impossible to fight in the city, it is. (believe me it is possible to turn a city into a battleground) They change the subject to Pierre’s domestic troubles, he knows nothing of it and demands to know and is just told his wife plans to go abroad, it’s all nonsense of course those rumors. Pierre sees Vereshchagin, months ago a proclamation was traced back to him and the count flew into a rage, the son was convicted and now the father is here to intercede. 
Before another anecdote Pierre was summoned to the count’s room and is asked if he’s a Mason and is told he is ignorant of how they are trying to ruin Russia and advises Pierre to cut ties with them, but doesn't tell him what Kliucharef is guilty of. (like a son to me relationship he can tell Pierre is young and dumb) Pierre says he circulated Napoleon’s proclamation, Rostopchin says Vereshchagin is also a traitor and received the punishment he deserves. He advises Pierre to cut ties and leave town, this is the eve of public disaster and when asked Pierre makes no reply on Helene falling in with the Jesuits but leaves angry. At home he ignored those that wanted to speak to him about business and opened Helene’s letter. The next morning a police officer was sent by Rostopchin to check if Pierre was leaving, he avoided the dozens in the drawing room wanting to discuss business and snuck out the back. Despite searching, none in his house knew where or what became of Pierre until after Moscow burned. (he ran away from home) 
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crackspinewornpages · 2 months
War and Peace 130/198 -Leo Tolstoy
On August 29, Rostof and Ilyn set forth with the bivouac to search for fodder in the villages and Rostof thought of taking the provisions at Bogucharovo before the French could get them. Rostof had the notion it was the estate of Bolkonsky, he got a peasant who told him the villagers have collected for business. Alpatich tells Rostof what happened and Maria needs help, the villagers refused her help and want her to leave. Rostof found the affair romantic, (she’s in danger Fabio) he’ll escort her. 
Rostof felt indignant at the peasant revolt and with no plan of action walked up to the mob. (who promptly beat his bougie ass) After the hussars and Rostof entered the village a division of opinion formed. Rostof calls for the elder and the villagers shouted they wouldn't think of rebelling, just following the council, Rostof calls them traitors and takes out Karp and Dronushka and orders the rest to go home. Rostof takes the two to the master's house and scolds them for their actions. The teams were readied, and Maria had Dronushka released, Rostof waited in the village to be sure her carriage passed and accompanied her along the highway a few miles. As he left her he said it was nothing, happy to make her acquaintance and hopes to meet again in better circumstances. Maria questioned if she loved him (girl you literally just met him how desperate are you) and Rostof thought she was agreeable and would be happy to return to her. (again you two just met) His comrades teased him about it and he lost his temper and also for the reason if he married her, who has enormous property that would benefit his family, what about Sonya. (you two are cousins who have been stringing each other along since grade school move on) 
Kutuzof sent for Andrei to join him at Tsarevo-Zaimishehe, he met a lieutenant colonel Denisof. (I recognized his speech impediment) He recognized Natasha’s first suitor, and it brought back painful feelings he didn't allow himself to feel lately as a lot more took place and now it didn't affect him so much. (sure it doesn’t) They talked of the campaign plan to attack French communications when they heard cheering for the arriving Kutuzof and it took him a minute to recognize Andrei and gave his condolences. Denisof interrupted and told his plan to break through enemy lines between Viazmo and Smolensk, he knew the region, Kutuzof says they’ll take it over tomorrow. 
Andrei told Kutuzof of recent events and Kutuzof says he summoned him to keep him here with him, Andrei says he’s no good at staff service and he’s used to the regiment, Kutuzof says he’s right. Kutuzof recounted the Turkish war and the concluded peace they abused him for it. “both for the war and for the peace; but all came about in time. All things come to those who wait.”p.443 With patience he took fortresses and made the Turks eat horses, the French will do the same if he has anything to do with it. If it demands it, accept the battle. “But trust me, my boy. There are no more powerful fighters than these two-tine and patience; they do everything. But our advisers-they want to see it in that light, that’s the trouble.”p.443  Andrei has confidence in him mostly because he is Russian and his feelings for his country, it’s why he has approval of their people in spite of court cabals. 
After the Sovereign left Moscow life went on in the ordinary channels, hard to believe Russia was in peril, the only recall of patriotic enthusiasm was the demand for money, which now legally had to be met. Though the enemy was approaching Moscow, they didn’t regard it with any seriousness, two voices, one reasonable, preaching of peril, seeking to avoid it and the other declare it too painful and difficult to think about, better to shut the eyes to it until it arrives and for now only think of pleasantness. “When a man is alone, he generally gives himself up to the first voice, but in society, on the contrary, to the second.”p.445 (herd mentality everyone eles is ignoring the forest burning so no need to panic don’t listen to the screams until it’s too late) Rostopchin sent the French and all foreigners out of Moscow. Pierre was spending on his warriors but the joke was he was going to buckle on his uniform and no one would miss the sight. 
Julie, along with many others in Moscow now only spoke Russian, she was being escorted out of the city. Pierre won't hear talk of his regiment, he’s sick of hearing about it. (I heard something similar before WWII the Jewish women knew it was going to get bad because they talked in their social circles and could read the writing on the wall but weren’t listened too) The gossip shifted to the Rostof’s poor condition, Count Rostof has no common sense and asking too much for his Moscow estate, they should economize and settle his debts. Julie asked Pierre if Natasha was healthy enough to travel and insinuates something of Natasha and Pierre demands to know but he denies he ever played the knight for her, he hasn't been to their house in a month and doesn't understand the cruelty. Julie changed the subject to Maria moving to Moscow and her father dying, Pierre asks how she is and she told him how Rostof saved her. 
When Pierre got home he was handed two of Rostopchin’s bulletins, forbidding fleeing from Moscow, swearing the villain won't get in Moscow, now Pierre was convinced the French would invade. (yeah nothing more convincing that there’s actual dan ger than the government sending out notices that's there’s definitely no danger you guys we’re the government you can trust us by the way you’re not allowed to leave) The second was if the Viazma inhabitants wish to arm themselves there’s plenty of arsenal to buy at low prices. (ah they didn’t want people to leave so they’ll have an impromptu militia) Pierre tried to decide if he should join the military, (you won’t make it past basic training) Pierre’s cousin asked him why they’re staying in Moscow while everyone’s fleeing, he says it’s propitious, she exclaims the servants won't listen and the French will be there soon, let her go to Petersburg, she can't live under Napoleon. He’ll allow her to go but all the reports are wrong, there’s no danger, (a whole city was just burned down) she calls Rostopchin a hypocrite still Pierre didn't join the army. 
The next evening the cousin left and he was told they money needed couldnt be raised unless he sold an estate and the expenses would be his ruin but he can't go back on a promise. Now it seemed to him a catastrophe was growing near, (now that it effects your money do you think there’s something wrong) all his acquaintances but the Rostofs were leaving and he didn't go near them. In September no one could tell who won the battle of Shevardino. Pierre made haste to reach the front of the Cossacks, further from Moscow, a feeling to do something, make a sacrifice. “He now felt the pleasant consciousness that all that constitutes the happiness of men-the comforts of life, wealth, even life itself-was rubbish, which it was a delight to renounce in favor of something else.”p.449 Pierre made no account of himself, so couldn't say for what the sacrifice was made but merely the act was joyful. (your life is that empty is it) 
Two days later the Battle of Borodino, why was it fought neither side could say, for the French destruction of their entire army, for the Russians destruction of Moscow, Napoleon and Kutuzof accepted it. Napoleon knew the capture of Moscow would not be the end he’d seen in Smolensk but no response to his offer to negotiate. Pierre left Mozhaisk that day, behind him a train of cavalry and the wounded from the previous night. Pierre couldn't find a field of battle, but fields of clearings, troops, woods, villages, bivouac fires and couldn't distinguish Russian from enemy troops. (you could say they weren’t so different after all) He asked who is in Borodino, these are French troops on the other side of the river. 
Boris Drubetskoy called out to Pierre and told him of wanting to be present at the battle, Boris told him the best to be were Count Benigsens and wants him to come to a party that night. Boris takes him to Andrei and sees Dolokhof, Boris says he’s a schemer, (we know) but brave. (anyway goodbye Boris) Kutuzof overhears Boris talking to Pierre, his words of the enemy, dressing in white to prepare for death and Kutuzof knows Pierre’s wife, he’s welcome to his quarters. Dolokhof told Pierre it was nice to meet him, is sorry for their previous misunderstandings, asking for pardon. Pierre didn't know how to respond, (a punch to the face seems appropriate) Dolokhof threw his arms around him and kissed him. (this book is so gay) 
Andrei was in Kniazkovo, as sad as his life is, he felt excited for battle, like before at Austerlitz tomorrow was possibly death and he the grim reality of it. “The three chief sorrows of his life especially arrested his attention-his love for a woman, the death of his father, and the French invasion that was engulfing half of Russia.”p.454 How did that girl endow him, how did he love her and calls himself foolish. (that one of many things to call you) He had felt the idea of love would keep her faithful for the year, (her own mother warned you) a fable, but reality was disgusting. (reality is you told a fickle sixteen year old she could find someone else and you kept delaying your return from a year long trip) His father built him Lisiya Gori and Napoleon came and took it all, Maria says it was sent from above, who’s discipline since he will be gone. Suddenly it all became threatening, he jumped up and began walking, tripping over Pierre, his face was unfriendly, and Pierre noticed. Pierre stutters out he wanted to see a battle, Andrei asks about Moscow, his family, they had gone to their estate near Moscow. 
Andrei had tea with his friend and some officers, Pierre understood some of the arrangements, all he can say of Kutuzof’s appointment is that he’s pleased with it and Barclay de Tolly is good for nothing but a skillful, commandeering contingencies and reading his enemy’s intentions. War is chess like, but Andrei says the opposing arms strength can't be predicted, it depends on them. “Success never has depended, and never will depend, either on position or an armament or on numbers, and least of all on position.”p.457 Austerlitz, they had no reason for being there (sounds like another war) and anxious to get away, so they ran and lost and tomorrow a hundred possibilities, but it will be different, it will be decided which side runs and they will be killed, it will be the Russians who win tomorrow. If he could he’d have no prisoners taken, the French have taken his home and insult him, they need to be punished, Pierre agrees. 
Pierre now understood this war and battle, Andrei to allow no quarter be given, it makes it less cruel. Magnanimity sensibility, a high-born lady is offended to see a calf slaughtered but will still eat it, laws of warfare are nonsense. Let the zeal in the next war be like this one then the enemies would not come against Russia and they wouldn't have to fight without knowing why. “let it be war, and not sport. For otherwise war becomes a favorite pastime for idle and frivolous men. The military are the most honored of any class.”p.459 (I see no lies) All rulers wear military uniforms and those that kill the most get the greatest rewards. (well I know that’s true in the air force) Pierre doesn't follow Andrei to his lodgings knowing it is their last meeting, meanwhile Andrei couldn't sleep remembering Natasha, loving that spiritual power of her frankness, honesty, her soul, he loved what destroyed it, Dolokhof is still enjoying his life. (yeah that’s life sometimes the wicked never get their just desserts) 
The day before the battle of Borodino, M. de Beausset arrived, Napoleon doesn't want prisoners, Beausset gives him the gift from the empress as Fabvier spoke of the devotion of the troops the engagement had been disastrous. Beausset says Paris regrets his obscene as he presents a portrait of Gerard. Napoleon has it sent out so his old Guard could see the King of Rome. After breakfast Napoleon dictated to his army victory depends on them, behave as they did in Austerlitz, Friendland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. The cheers in front of his son’s portrait were more eager than ever, he has the portrait taken away, his son is too young to see battle.  
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crackspinewornpages · 2 months
War and Peace 120/198 -Leo Tolstoy
On Sundays the Rostofs usually dine with friends, Pierre was early to see them, alone he had filled out this year and carried it with ease. (so what he gained weight) The first person he saw was Natasha, he heard her singing which she hadn't done since she was sick, and it delighted him. She asks what's wrong with her singing, she doesn't wish to do anything he doesn't approve of, he’s done so much for her. She heard Andrei is back in Russia, what does he think and rapidly asked if he will ever forgive her, what does Pierre think about it, Pierre says he has nothing to forgive if he were in his place. He remembered telling her if he was free, he would marry her, those same feelings came back but she wouldn't give them time to repeat them now. She goes on that she knows no man kinder and nobler than him, (you don’t know many men do you) without him she doesn't know what would have become of her. (you and your family would be a ruined scandalized laughing stock in all of Russia) 
Petya ran into Pierre (Pierre is Petya’s namesake) begging to know if he could be admitted to the hussars, Pierre didn't acknowledge him until he tugged on his arm and Pierre said he’ll inquire about it. Count Rostof asks about the manifesto, Pierre brought it, the Sovereign will be there tomorrow, a noble meeting has been called, rumors of a levy of ten out of every thousand. The army is retreating, the manifesto is a proclamation but seemed to have forgotten about it at home and will go after them. Sonya found them in his hat but Count Rostof didn't want them read until after dinner, anticipating the treat. (your country is at war man) 
At dinner Shinshin told the local gossip, there's prejudice against the French now and Count Rostof told his wife not to speak it so much it’s not the time. Shinshin tells him, “It is beginning to be dangerous to speak French in the street.” p.401 Pierre might have to get on horseback, (like he needs to flee the country) Pierre as if not comprehending, (what do you mean by if) says his tastes are far from military but as things are now no one can be sure. After dinner Sonya read the manifesto, Natasha looked at Pierre and Pierre conscious of it didn't look. Count Rostof exclaims for the sire to say the words and they’ll sacrifice everything without regret. (says a man who’s practically destitute) Shinshin was ready to joke but Natasha tells him this isn't one. Petya tells his parents his mind is made up but Count Rostof said it’s nonsense he must study, he can't study now when the country is in danger. Angerly the Count takes the papers and has Pierre come with him, he’d rather go home but he promised to stay and Natasha is only happy when he’s there. He tries to make excuses but when Natasha asks, it’s because he loves her but instead, he says it’s better for him not to be around much and makes the excuse of business and while leaving decided he shouldn't visit the Rostof’s anymore. 
On the twenty seventh a throng of equipages where drawn up near the Slobodsky palace. The halls were crowded all nobles now wore uniforms of various fashions. Pierre was present in a state of excitement meeting extraordinary nobility and merchants and opened new French Revolutionary ideas in him but no one expressed the same ideas. After the manifesto was read they broke into discussion groups, Pierre heard them not only speak of military matters but where they should stand when the Sovereign came and when the bill should be given. When the topic of the war is brought up the discussions became vague all preferred to listen rather than talk.  
Count Rostopchin said the Sovereign deigned to call them together, the merchants control millions and they need to arm the militia, the least they could do is not spare themselves. The Sovereign then entered the hall and some far away could not hear all he said, like Pierre he only heard peril and hopes placed in the nobility a revolution was adopted. The Sovereigns final words one he never doubted their devotion, but this day exceeded his expectations, time is precious, let us act. The Sovereign also speaks to the merchants bringing them to tears. Pierre was ready to sacrifice anything and gives a thousand men maintenance and Count Rostof granted Petya’s request the next day, they all marveled at what they’d done. 
1872, the Russians progressed unexpectedly rapidly, when the French meet opposition they easily overcome with ease. Kutuzof meets Borodino, the results are disputed but Russian forces fall back on Moscow. 
It is not known who caused the destruction of the French army in 1812, no one will dispute the cause is in French plunging into Russia too late in the season without preparations and another cause being the burning of Russian cities awakening hatred. But at the time no one had any idea that an army of eight hundred thousand men, the best in the world, with the greatest leaders, could only this way meet destruction with an army half it’s size and inexperienced generals also all that was directed at preventing all that could save Russia and Napoleon was determined to reach Moscow by summer thus doing what proved his ruin. Napoleon neglected opportunities for battle only thinking of advancing into Russia and would destroy him, he didn't foresee risk of advancing in Moscow and Alexander with the Russian generals had no idea at the time. 
Leading Napoleon into the heart of the country was not the plan, no one believed in it nut it came about in the complicated interplay of the men who took part in the war and no concept of what was to come, only salvation of Russia. Russian armies divided at the opening of the campaign, all attempt to unite were futile and the effect was to avoid battle as the enemy was stronger. The factions were antagonistic to each other, there was an unexpected battle at Smolensk and both sides had loses and the Russians abandoned Smolensk despite Alexander not wanting to, feeling betrayed the inhabitants set it on fire. “and offering this example to other Russian towns, took refuge in Moscow, thinking only of their loses and kindling hatred against the enemy,”p.408 The Russians retreated, Napoleon advanced but the results were necessary to defeat him. 
After Andrei left Prince Bolkonsky summoned Maria asking if she’s satisfied to involve him in the fight with his son, is it what she wanted, take pleasure in it. After that Bolkonsky became ill and Maria didn't see him for a week not even Mlle Bourienne was allowed in his room just Tikon. After a week he resumed his old life, Maria thought of the war, like other women she worried for her brother and horror stricken of the cruelty and little comprehended the reality and did not appreciate its significance. The reason for this was her father never said a word about it. By July he was active, the only thing that worried her was he slept little, changing where he did. The first letter Andrei begged forgiveness and to restore favor, shortly after Prince Bolkonsky gave up his affections to Mlle. 
His latest occupation was to arrange his will instructions and letters. He wanted to go to bed but he knew he wouldn't sleep and be haunted by miserable thoughts. No place seemed to satisfy him and summoned Tikon to undress him and was sluggish to move his legs to bed and as he laid down, like almost every night, he rocked back and forth. Something must be important and remembered Andrei’s letter and read it, the French are advancing and may now be at Smolensk and recalled his general days. “Oh, would that those old times could return, and that the present would all come to an end soon... that I might at last find rest!”p.411 (be careful what you wish for) 
Lisiya Gori was forty miles from Smolensk and two from the Moscow highway, Dessalles warned Maria that her father wasn't well and no making preparations and for her to write to the head of government at Smolensk to find out what’s going on and how much danger they are in. Alpotich was sent with it and the staff saw him off with his daughter and sister-in-law. By August sixteenth he stopped at the inn ran by Ferapontof who comments that everyone is leaving and here he is coming, everyone is afraid of the French, the two call it women’s chatter. (are you two misogynistic or just stupid) That night troops marched past the tavern and in the morning Alpatich set about on errands beyond the city there was firing and by eight cannoning and people fled in the street, there were soldiers but shops were still open and church services. (are they run by Frank Drebin “Nothing to see here. Please disperse.”) Everywhere there was talk of war and the enemy advancing on the city. 
At the governor's house there was a throng of people, the governor told Alpotich he knew nothing of it but advised the prince and princess to flee to Moscow as he is. Now listening to the cannoning growing nearer and more violent, rushed back to the inn. By late afternoon Alpatich heard cannon fire that rattled the coach windows, bombshells were falling in the city, the bombardment opened at five and the people at first didn't know its significance (its significance is a sign to get the fuck outta dodge) only shells flying over their heads. Then there was a flash of fire in the street and people screamed, five minutes later not a soul was left in the street. Near twilight the sounds grew less violent, growing to distant groans and flames, soldiers heading in various directions crying, the city had surrendered, to get away and loot. (well they are going to do that last part regardless) 
As Alpatich fled he found Ferapontof laughing it’s all up, it’s all ruined, he helped set the fires. (douche) The regiments had the street blocked so he had to wait, it was night now and dark except for the fires. In the crowd Alpatich found Andrei wanting to know why he’s there, Alpatich asked if they really lost, Andrei wrote a letter to his sister warning her to go to Moscow. Berg asked Andrei if he’s a colonel why allow these people to set fires, (good question) Andrei ignored him to give instructions to Alpatich. Berg tries to apologize for speaking rudely but the buildings are starting to collapse. Andrei was the commander of the regiment and concerned for his men and the carrying out of orders. This was an epoch in his life, not so with those of his past, he tried to just do his duty. 
Among the subdivisions of life one predominates as substance another form similar contrast with life in the country and Petersburg this life goes unchanging. Since 1805 there was quarrels and making up with Napoleon and scraped different constitutions, Anna Pavlovna and Helene’s salons were the same as seven years ago. Still amazed by Napoleon’s success, a great man, great nation, the opinion was it ought to end with peace. (one way or another) Vasili visited both cliques and got confused. At Anna Pavlovna’s solan he was conversing about the war a guests, suggested Kutuzof would be the man to satisfy all demands, Anna said he caused the Sovereign nothing but unpleasantness. Vasili said the nobles wouldn't listen to him, that this militia wouldn't please the Sovereign, simple for Moscow enthusiasm. 
August twentieth Kutuzof was made a prince, the advance of dignities might signify they wanted to shelve him so Vasili’s comments would be well received. But on August twentieth a committee was summoned to consider the conduct of war and determined failure was of the divisions of command, though knowing the Sovreign's dislike of Kutuzof they appointed him head of the armies. The next day Vasili entered Anna Pavlovna’s like a conqueror as Kutuzof was a field marshal. The quest of great men quieted Vasili that Kutuzof was blind, Vasili dismissed it and says he’s happy the Sovereign gave him full powers over forces. He knows Kutuzof demanded a condition that the heir apparent have nothing to do with the army, he can't punish or reward him, a shrewd man. 
Maria was not at Moscow when Alpatich came back Prince Bolkonsky ordered the peasantry to arm themselves and was resolute to stay. He instated that Maria, Dessalles and Nikolusha to go to Bogucharovo then Moscow. Maria worried about her father, already did not want to leave him and for the first time disobeyed him, he brought everything he could on her. He drove her out of his study and declared she won't be spoken of in his presence or be seen by him, but that was a comfort to her since it proved to her he was glad she didn't forsake him. (how fucked up is this relationship) After Nikolusha left, the Prince got dressed to meet his commanders in chief. After he left Maria saw a number of men running up the avenue frightened, they were carrying back her father, he had a stroke. 
It became more dangerous to stay at Lisiya Gori the next day Prince Bolkonsky and his doctor were sent to Moscow behind Nikolusha. He hadn't moved at Bogucharovo for three weeks, unknown if he was aware of his surroundings but he did feel the need to say something of what they didn't know. Maria’s presence increased his agitation, he suffered physically and mentally, there was no hope for recovery, and they couldn't move him. Maria believed death would be better and felt terrible and watched to see his approaching end. Since her father's illness, old hopes and desires she forgot took hold of her once more, a life free of her father, finding love and family arose like suggestions of the devil. She tried to cast them away, but she kept having thoughts of a life after this and she tried to pray it away but couldn't pray or weep. (oh Maria these thoughts and feelings are just human) 
It was getting dangerous to stay in Bogucharovo, the French were approaching, ten miles away a farm was pillaged. The doctor wanted to flee with her father, an officer and police come and also told Maria to flee. She agreed to leave and everyone came to her for directions, all day and night she watched her father’s door listening in knowing it annoyed him. She was sad and remembered he did actually love her and intrusive thoughts of a life once he dies, she hated them. She fell asleep and woke late in the morning, there was no change, is she looking forward to his death. (it’s just human you want it to end but knowing that means death)  
The carriages were already packed when the doctor told her her father is looking for her. Prince Bolkonsky mumbled words, he thinks about her all the time and was calling her all night, if she had known she would have come in. She was wishing him dead and he thanks her for everything and forgives. He wants Andrei, Maria tells him he’s with the army at Smolensk, he says Russia is lost. They cried and Maria couldn't make out his next words about his son, the war, the Sovereign and had a second stroke, they held his funeral in the drawing room. 
Until Andrei settled at Bogucharovo it was an empty estate, the peasants had different customs than Lisiya Gori. Despite Andrei’s influence in their traits intensified rumors circulated around them. When word of Napoleon came, they sold their livestock and left with their families, but some were caught, and some returned and it died out without reason. But the currents didn't cease ready for a new manifestation.  
For thirty years Dronushka was a bailiff at Bogucharovo, never a day off, never made a mistake in the accounts despite being illiterate. (maybe hire an overseer that can actually read) Alpatich summoned him after the funeral and ordered preparations to flee. Dronushka told him all the horses were on carrier duty also the peasants. Dronushka’s answers were not just individual opinions but also the wishes of the village council, he must waver between two camps of peasant and master. Alpatich could see him wavering and told him it’s Andrei and the Sovereign's orders for the peasantry to leave and house the teams ready for Maria to leave, he convinces him but Alpatich suspected without a militia nothing would be done. No teams came, there was another meeting at the tavern, and they voted to drive the horses into the woods, Alpatich had his own horses put on her carriage and he went to the authorities. 
After the funeral Maria shut herself in her room only, speaking through the door that she didn't want to go anywhere and wanted to be left in peace. She dared not pray, Mlle Bourienne approached her and cried Maria looked at her and all negative feelings came back, how her father refused her and how unjust she was towards her, how can she judge when she wished for her father's death. She began to pity Mlle who only wanted to share the sorrow with her, their past should be forgotten in this loss. Mlle asked if Alpatich said anything about going away, Maria tells her to ask him, she won't hear about it. Mlle tells her he hopes to leave tomorrow, it would be horrible to fall to the hands of soldiers and pulled out a proclamation from the French not to leave their homes, they’d have protection. 
Maria felt horror, if Andrei was to know they were obligation for benefits received by the French. The demands of life rose up again and took possession of her, she summoned everybody and spoke to the authorities. She asked Dronushka if what he was told is true, they can't get away, he tells her they have no horses, they are ruined. When she finds out the peasants are starving, she asks why she wasn't told, can she help, it was strange for her to think now. “there could be poor men and rich, and that the rich did not help the poor.”p.431 (well you're not wrong) She had the ration masters distributed grain, her family never refused to help and she began to question him about their needs and the store of grain, give it all to the peasants in her brother's name. Dronushka demands to be discharged of duty to Maria’s confusion, she never doubted his devotion and was always ready to do anything for them. 
An hour later the peasants were at the granary but Maria didn't call them Dunyasha (different person than Dronushka) told her they are deceiving her don’t go to them, order them to disperse. She will go to them if she has to, she’ll promise them rations and quarters at Moscow, sure Andrei would have done even more in her place. They all watched Maria as she spoke to them, she’s glad they came and she will help them but she has to go away because the enemy is here so she’ll give them everything and for them to go to the Moscow estate and they will be given homes. “Our misfortune is universal, and we will share everything together. All that is mine is yours”p.433 She couldn't interpret their faces. One called out they won't take the master's grain, they don't want it, (aren’t you starving) or abandon everything, not without their consent, for her to leave alone. Their faces were angry in resolution, Maria wanted to know why, the enemy will come and they’d be ruined, they keep shouting not without consent and for the enemy to destroy them. Following her is to go to prison, they’ll be made serfs again. (is this some rather live on your feet than die on your knees shit) Maria went back to her room and had the horses readied for the next day.  
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months
War and Peace 110/198 -Leo Tolstoy
1812, growing bolder the Tsar Alexander rejected the Continental System as trading with England was forbidden but still fearful of Napoleon, tried to avoid war but by spring of 1812 it was too late, Napoleon advanced an army into the Duchy of Warsaw, (City At War~) seeing signs of weakness in the Russian government, Napoleon invades in June. (every time I read these history notes I hear the narrator from Sabaton’s War To End All Wars album) 
Near the end of 1811, forces begin to mobilize in Western Europe, by 1812 millions of men moved across Russia, the war began. “In other words, an event took place opposed to human reason and human nature.”p.365 Men committed crimes against each other and didn't regard them as crimes, what caused this event. Historians naively say the Duke of Oldenburg, a disregard of the Continental System, Napoleon’s ambition, Alexander’s firmness diplomats ect. 
In the case to stop the war Metternich, Rumyantsof or Telleyrand could have made a state paper between soirees on Napoleon return, Oldenburg to the Duke. For us, separated by a wider perspective, the reasons seems insufficient, incomprehensible bases of Napoleon, Alexander, the Duke of Oldenburg and England. “Fatalism in history is unavoidable, if we would explain its preposterous phenomena (that is to say, those events for which the reason is beyond our comprehension). The more we strive by our reason to explain these phenomena in history, the more illogical and incomprehensible they become to us.”p.365 The higher a man is on the social ladder, the more power he has over others and the unavoidable necessity of his every action. “The king is the slave of history. In the events of history, so-called great men one merely tags that supply a name to the event, and have quite as little connection with the event itself as the tag.”p.365  
On June tenth Napoleon started from Dresden giving favor to royalty that deserved it and snubbing the others. While diplomats were working for a peaceful end, Napoleon sent Alexander a letter that he had no desire for war and would always respect him, but he still had an army to lead across the Niemen. A bunch of Polish Uhlans drown themselves in a river attempting to swim it to get to Napoleon. (insert Polish joke here) In the afternoon plans to disperse the counterfeit Russian money and one Polish colonel was enrolled in the Legion of Honor which Napoleon was the head of. 
The Russian Emperor had been in Vilna for a month superintending reviews, nothing was ready for the war that was coming and the longer he stayed in Vilna the less ready they were. Growing weary for expecting it those that were around the Sovereign seemed directed toward making him forget about it. After a series of balls by the Poles and Emperor, a Polish general proposed one in the Emperor's honor, Count Benigsen allowed the use of his house for it. On the day Napoleon crossed Niemen Alexander was at Count Benigsen’s ball. Boris left his wife in Moscow to attend as a bachelor, he was invited as he gave a lot of money towards expenses and now he stood on equal footing of his peers. (they are not your friends Boris also look he got his cake and gets to eat it too) 
He met Helene and saw the Sovereign wasn't dancing but speaking to guests. Boris noticed Adjutant General Balashof approach the Sovreign, after a few words the Emperor took him by the arm and crossed the ballroom. As Boris danced, he thought of how to get the words Balashof spoke before the others. He excused himself and went outside and followed Balashof and the Sovereign overhearing him say he will never consent to peace as long as armed forces are in his land and took delight in saying them but annoyed at Boris hearing it told him to be quiet about it. Boris was the first to know of the French army crossing the Niemen as many other things that were known only to him. (and what does he do with this secret information) Alexander sent Napoleon a letter that it was a misunderstanding, if he retreats now he will consider the trespass nonexistent and come to an understanding, otherwise he will have to repulse the attacks. 
Balashof delivers the order with orders to verbally state the last part, it was a shock to him not three hours from being treated with respect and speaking to the Sovereign to on soil to be met with brutal insolence. Murat, the king of Naples, rode up to meet him, Balushof tells him the Sovereign has no desire for war and Murat told him Napoleon was offended by the demands to remove his forces from Prussia especially since it was public an insult to France. Does he not see Alexander as the instigator of war, Balashof explained why Napoleon was the aggressor. (you’re really going to argue this to an enemy in enemy territory) Murat does want their leaders to come to an understanding and the war to end and wishes Balashof success in his mission. 
Balashof hurried to Napoleon but again was detained by sentinels and was conducted towards Marshal Davoust, Napoleon’s Arakcheyef, except in cowardice showed his devotion in cruelty. “In the mechanism of state, such men are necessary, just as wolves are necessary in the plan of nature; and they always exist and manifest themselves and maintain themselves, however incompatible their presence and proximity to the chief of power may seem.”p.373After hearing Balashof’s mission he became more rude, Balashof has his orders but he’s in French territory now, Balashof gives him the letter. After waiting the next morning Davoust comes back to tell him to stay and only speak to his aide Castrier, after four days of feeling insignificant without his environment of power, (proving power is an illusion) Napoleon received him in the house of Vilna. 
Napoleon’s court surprised him and he saw many Polish magnates that were at the sojourn of the Russian Emperor’s court. He was taken same study the Russian Emperor gave his directions and Napoleon came to meet him before he went riding. He received Alexander’s letter and is glad to see him, he does not desire war but is driven to it, but is ready to accept any explanation and began stating is dissatisfaction with the Russian government. Balashof gave his speech, Alexander desired peace and the words he was ordered to say but couldn't repeat them despite wanting to. Napoleon says he also desires peace and wished to preserve it, for eighteen months he waited for an explanation but before negotiations is demanded to withdraw troops beyond the Nimen, two months ago it was to retire beyond the Order and the Vistula. Propositions to abandon the Order may be given to Prince of Badon but not him, Alexander went to his army first, he proposed negations when he made an alliance with England, and he’s already spent millions, what has England offered them.  
He knows they have peace with the Turks without securing Maldavia and Valakhia but he would have given Alexander provinces as he gave him Finland. Now he won't have those provinces, have Russia spread to Danube, his friendship could have gotten him this, a glorious reign he could have had but instead he surrendered himself with his enemies. They are compromising him making him responsible, a Sovereign has no right to be in his army unless he’s a general, knowing Alexander desired to be a military commander. He knows their military, he has three times their troops and he warns the Turks won’t help them, the Swedish king is crazy, so they replaced him with another that lost his mind. (is this Napoleon’s you’re fucked speech)  
Napoleon never gave Balashof a chance to speak but he also allies, the Poles fight like lions, there will be two hundred thousand. If they incite Prussia against him, he will wipe it off the map, (well it’s off the map now) it's what they’ll lose for alienating him. Balashof agreed recent affairs didn't paint Russia in a bad light to Russians, they still hoped on the war. Napoleon leaves to go riding, he will send Balashof a letter to the Emperor.  
At dinner he asked of the Russian capitol, how many houses in Moscow, inhabitants, how many churches, two hundred, the Russians are very religious, (they have their own church denomination) Napoleon says it's a sign they are backwards. Napoleon was comfortable seemingly surrounded by men who adored him and after eating with Balashof believed he was now one of them, Balashof listened to him because he has to. (ha) Why has Alexander assumed command of his forces, why take up such responsibilities. Napoleon pulled on his ear asking if he has nothing to say and gives him his own horse to deliver letter to Alexander, his last letter to him. “All the particulars of the interview were communicated to the Russian emperor, and the war began.”p.381 
After the interview with Pierre Andrei went to Petersburg to find Anatol and fight him but he wasn't there, already warned and fled to the Maldavian army. Kutuzof proposed him to go with him to the Maldavian army, Andrei felt having no new pretext for a duel would only compromise Natasha so decided to talk to him and think of a reason but by the time he got there Anatol fled back to Russia. His new conditions in life made it easier to conceal his grief over Natasha, now the freedom he prized in the past pained him and went towards new interest disconnected to the past military service was the simplest. 
In the news of the war coming, Andrei asked to be transferred to the western army. There were many changes in his life in the last three years but he found Lisiya Gori the same, he had only gotten a little older along with his son Nikolusha. In his absence the men and women kept to their own camps only awkwardly dinning together for Andrei. Andrei tried to tell his father of Kamiensky’s campaign when he broke into a tirade about Maria her superstition and dislike of Mille, who he believes is the only person devoted to him. (really a young maid just happens to be attracted to an old grody rich guy in bad health) The old Prince blames his bad health on her, she continuously annoys, him she’s coddling Nikolusha. He knows he constantly tormented her but is convinced she deserved it.  
Andrei must listen to him about it, Andrei tells him his opinion, he doesn't blame Maria for the discord, any misunderstandings is the cause of Mlle, she’s unworthy to be Maria’s companion. Prince Bolkonsky cries that he condemns him so leave and don't come back. Andrei intended to but Maria begged him to stay another day, the next day Bolkonsky only saw Mlle and Tikhon. Andrei visited his son and told him stories of Bluebeard while reflecting on himself, he had no remorse for exasperating his father or regret to leave him, more serious, he didn't have any affection for his son. (do you care about anything) 
He couldn't find happiness in his old life he’s only sorry Maria cannot also leave, Maria understands him, don't think his misery is caused by men and they’re His (god) instruments, sorrow is sent by Him, men aren't responsible (the hell they aren’t) so forgive them. Happiness can't come from forgiving, that’s women's virtue, a man has no right to it and he thought of Anatol and dreams of his revenge. Maria begged him to stay and reconcile and said he’d write to his father. He left sorry she will be devoured by their father who is aware of it but can't change his nature. His son will grow up enjoying life to become a deceiver or be deceived, he himself is going to the army for an unknown purpose, anxious to meet a man he hates to kill or exult over him. “In days gone by the same conditions of life had existed, but in some way everything was knit together, now everything was falling apart.”p.385 
Andrei reached headquarters, by July all were dissatisfied with the conduct of military affairs but no one had dreamed Russia would be invaded or the war would go beyond Poland. (2024 irony) Anatol was no longer there, gone to Petersburg, but Andrei was pleased to focus at being at the center of the war with no distractions. The troops were divided into three armies Barclay de Tolly, Bagration sand Tormas of the Sovereign was at the first command but with no role and no military staff, the staff he did have still had a powerful position and influence but different conflicting parties. (this was several pages) Andrei listened to the debates and was amazed there’s truth to there being no military science or genius. “How can there be any theory and science in a matter where the conditions and circumstances are unknown and cannot be determined-in which the force employed by those who made the war is still less capable of measurement?”p.390 The number of conditions where no one can tell. 
Rostof received a letter from home, Natasha’s illness, the broken engagement with Andrei by her and they urged him to come home, he had no desire to but wrote that he would try to retire from the army. He separately wrote to Sonya, only his honor kept him from home as a campaign opened, he will be disgraced by his eyes and his comrades but if he is alive after and she still loves him he will give up everything for her, domesticity was calling to him. He was promoted to Captain of the calvary and in charge of his old squadron. The troops evacuated Vilna for various reasons, the order to retire and destroy all that couldn't be taken, (ah they’re following the Roman example at Carthage) Swienciony was notorious for being a drunk camp. July 24, before the engagement there was a hailstorm, a new officer, only sixteen, Ilyn had become to Rostof what Rostof was to Denisof. Rostof during the campaign felt no timidy compared to how he used to feel dismay on approaching an engagement. Not that he was used to fire but learned to control his heart in danger and breat,hing but in time can cure Ilyn’s fear. The sounds of battle Rostof hadn't heard in years was pleasing and stimulating. 
Rostof noticed the French dragoons pressing back the Uhlans, they might crush them so he dashed to the front and his squadron followed. Rostof dashed to the disconnected French dragoons, almost all of them were in retreat, Rostof raised his saber and struck a Frenchman and instantly his excitement vanished. The Frenchman fell and looked up in horror he was not made for the battlefield and before Rostof made up his mind the man shouted he surrenders. The hussars were coming back with prisoners, the French infantry were in retreat. Rostof joined back in the firing, his heart feeling oppressed with disagreeability he couldn't explain when he thought of the French officer. 
Count Ostermann-Tolstoy thanked Rostof saying he should report to the Sovereign of his exploit and recommend him for the Cross of St George. Rostof did the charge without orders and thought he was being punished but after the flattering words still felt disagreeable. He rode up to the prisoners, the officer smiled at him and saluted him, something still weighed on Rostof’s conscience. The next days his friends noticed he was off, he found the accolades and attention incomprehensible. The French are more afraid of them, is this heroism, did he do it for his country, he doesn't understand it and couldn't find any answers. (and now it’s Rostof’s turn for a crisis) He was promoted to command of a battalion of hussars and any need for a daring officer he was called in. (why does it seem like the Russian military just hands out promotions like participation trophies) 
Natasha’;s illness was apathy and the doctors said it was impossible to stop medical treatment so that summer the Rostof’s stayed in the city. Under all the medications Natasha’s illness disappeared under the impressions of everyday life while her heart was distant, she physically improved. She barely left the house and only spoke to Pierre, he was the only one that showed more descretion and tenderness to her condition. She noticed he was awkward in her presence, anxious to do her a favor she put it all on his innate kindness she believed he gave everyone. Pierre never spoke of his feelings for her and his previous words she saw only as consolation to a child, (well now you at least acknowledge you are a child) there were moral obstacles between them that weren't there with Anatol. 
During July there were rumors on the war’s progress in Moscow, the Sovereign was coming because the army was in a critical position Smolensk surrendered, Napoleon had a million men, only a miracle could save Russia. Pierre brought the Rostof’s the manifesto from Count Rostopchin, he left the house gazing at a comet, the former question why merged into another problem, Natasha. He didn't ask why men hesitated when life was so short, he recalled how she looked and all doubts vanished because her image lifted him to a realm where there could be no question of right and wrong. Let the government and the Tsar be plundered, let them load him with honors, she smiled at him and asked him to come again, he loves her and no one shall know it. 
0 notes
crackspinewornpages · 3 months
War and Peace 100/198 -Leo Tolstoy
Anatol was living in Moscow after running up debt in Petersburg, his father agreed to pay half if Anatol would be an aide to a governor general (isn’t this nepotism) and marry a rich heiress, either Julie (isn’t she already married or is she the only eligible bachelorette in Russia) or Maria. So, he lived with Pierre and turned the heads of Moscow girls, out drinking all night and attended every ball and reception. Rumors about him with the married ladies abound but he kept distance from the simple ones. “and this arose from the fact, known only to a very few of his most intimate friends, that he had been married two years before.”p.329 Forced to by the Polish proprietor of a small estate which he soon abandoned promising to send money if his father-in-law allowed him to act as a bachelor. (to give you reason to think he’s even more of a douchebag) Anatol was satisfied with this. “He was instinctively, by his whole nature, convinced that it was entirely impossible for him to live otherwise than as he was living, and that he had ever in his life done anything wrong.”p.329 He didn't think of the consequences on him or others believing he was made for the life of high society and thirty thousand allowance a year and that others thought the same. (you are just the worst) After seeing Natasha, (remember she’s sixteen) he expressed to Dolokhof his desire to make love to her, not considering the consequences. (cocks shotgun) Dolokhof warns him to wait until she’s married, invite her to dinner and he already has a girl, which Anatol responds that he can’t get caught a second time. (where should I aim the head or the second smaller head) 
The next day the Rostofs stayed inside, and Marya had a confidential conversation with Count Rostof which Natasha thought they were concocting some scheme about Prince Bolkonsky. It humiliated her as she waited for Andrei, her feelings intensified, thinking he won't come or something might happen and thoughts of Anatol and the sensations he gave her. After Marya visited Prince Bolkonsky to have an understanding about Natasha and Helene came to visit, inviting them to a party. Helene was urged by Anatol to be friendly with her, helping his flirtations was amazing to her and felt a grudge against Natasha for alienating Boris (now now Boris acts like a jack ass all on his own volition) it was the past and now felt more kind to her. “Even if you are engaged, I am sure that your future husband would prefer to have you go into society; rather than die of tedium in his absence.”p.333 While Natasha thought why shouldn't she have a good time, Marya returned rebuffed. She didn't like the ideas of Natasha going to the Bezukhof’s but she already promised and maybe she’ll have fun. 
Most of the company were strangers to Natasha and Count Rostof left the girls to play cards. Anatol waited for them and when she saw him Natasha felt the same absence of barriers at the theatre. Natasha didn't perceive anything, drawn into a new strange world, impossible to know right and wrong or foolish, conscious of Anatol sitting behind her, in terror waited for what might happen. After the game Count Rostof wanted to go home but Helene told him to stay and Anatol drew Natasha into a waltz and told her he loved her and Natasha thought she dreamed it told him she loved another. He tells her not to speak of it, is he to blame because she’s bewitching, he’s in love with her, (you know Natasha is young and naive because she’s falling for this crap) what difference does it make to him. (she’s giving him the impression of being gayer than usual) As they danced her father urged her to go home, she begged to stay, conscious of Anatol’s eyes on her but she declined to stay for supper and went home. That night she couldn't sleep questioning if she loved Andrei or Anatol. (you’re sixteen you don’t love either) 
The next morning Natasha struggled to appear normal, after breakfast Marya gave her advice, Bolkonsky is a raving maniac no use in talking to him, so she might as well go home to Otradnoye and wait. If Anatol comes now they're will be a quarrel but if the two are left alone they can smooth things over and he will come for her. Also, Nastasha thinks Maria doesn't like her and sent a letter, Nastasha knows she doesn't like her, Marya says it’s not true and to reply. (nah it’s pretty true) Maria also assured Prince Bolkonsky will come to love her and asked to meet again and Natasha debated if she should break off the engagement, is it possible to love both at once. (this isn’t a harem anime) The maid hands her a note, a love letter from Anatol and decides she really did love him, he wrote that her parents wouldn't approve, and he would spirit her away. (girl you are sixteen engaged to another man and you met this guy less than a handful of times) 
Sonya returned from going out went to Natasha's room she was asleep and she read the letter from Anatol. Sonya began to cry, wondering how she saw none of this, how can she tolerate the scandal, Anatol it’s impossible Natasha is in love with him. Natasha woke up and caught her and can't remain silent that she and Anatol love each othe,r Sonya asks if she broke it off with Andrei. Sonya can't believe it she only met Anatol three times, she can't let it go on, she’ll tell everyone. Natasha keeps saying she’s never loved anyone like him (just going on about how much they love each other) Sonya asks why he hasn't come to the house, then he’s keeping secrets for a reason, does he really love her, if he were honorable he’d explain his intentions. (Sonya is the only one with any sense if only she had self worth enough to find someone else to love other than Rostof and stop taking shit from the Countess) If Natasha won't do it, she’ll tell her father, Natasha yells at her to go away and she writes to Maria that she won't be Andrei’s wife. 
Count Rostof sold the Moscow estate the night they left they had dinner at the Karagina’s and Natasha met Anatol there and Sonya watched them. On the way home Natasha told her he asked of her engagement with Andrei and was happy to hear she broke it off. Sonya wasn't blinded by affections and asked why he was being secretive, she has no faith in him and is afraid of her going into ruin. Natasha tells Sonya she hates her and to leave her alone, (her being a teenager really shows here) but Sonya didn’t and saw her make a signal for an officer that drove by the window, it must be Anatol. At dinner Natasha was in a state of excitement and later received another letter and Sonya realized Natasha had a terrible plan of elopement. Sonya remembered she was told to write to Pierre if she was in trouble and was determined not to allow scandal to happen to the family. 
Anatol just moved into Dolokhof’s house, it was his suggested plan to abduct Natasha a few days ago and now ready to execute. They would meet and he’d take her forty miles away to Kamienko for an unfrocked priest to perform a mock ceremony then travel abroad from Warsaw. As Dolokhof got the money together he told Anatol there was still time to back out, listen to him, has he done anything against him after he arranged all this for him, but it’s his place to warn him this is a dangerous game if he’s found he could be prosecuted. Anatol won't listen, his mind is made up, he’s not responsible and when they are abroad no one will know so say no more about it. 
Dolokhof decided to have more fun with him and asked if he ran out of money, he doesn't know but what's the use talking about it it’s time. The driver is here, known for his fast driving, (he would run horse to death over pedestrians) he knew of their escapades that would have been condemned ordinary men to Siberia and they would invite him to their orgies. Their tastes were similar and Anatol wanted to be sure they’d get there in time. 
Anatol put on a coat and said farewell cheers and was about to leave and had someone get a sable cloak for Natasha since she’ll be dressed for indoors. They ran the troikas to Staraya Kanyushennaya where a chambermaid had Anatol follow her and he was blocked from escaping from the door by a footman. Dolokhof shouted it was a trap before being attacked by a servant before taking Anatol by the arm and running. Before arriving Marya found Sonya crying and got her to confess, she locked Natasha in her room and had the servants set the trap. Indignant, Marya still kept them all from telling Natasha’s father and admonished her for disgracing herself, she says she’ll die, (stop being melodramatic) but Marya asks what to tell her father, brother and Andrei. 
Natasha demanded to know why she interfered and if she was carried off does she think they wouldn’t have found him, he’s a scoundrel. Natasha cried they all hated her, (yeah definitely not mature enough to be married as she’s still throwing tantrums like a child) Marya tried to tell her they’ll keep it secret until Natasha exhausted herself. When Count Rostof returned from the sale he was anxious to return to his wife. He wasn't told of what happened, just that Natasha was ill but Count Rostof could see on Sonya and Marya’s faces something happened and Natasha’s condition postponed the trip, his only regret. “It was so terrible, however, for him to think that anything disgraceful had happened to his beloved daughter, he was so happy in his buoyant good spirits, that he avoided asking any pointed questions, and tried hard to assure himself that nothing out of the way could have happened;”p.352 
While Pierre’s wife arrived in Moscow he planned to take the trip to avoid her but when the Rostof’s came he saw Natasha and he hastened to leave. When he came back he got a letter from Marya to consult with her on important business concerning Andrei and Natasha. Pierre avoided Natasha. “It seemed to him that he felt for her a sentiment stronger than it was justifiable for a married man to harbor for his friend’s betrothed, and some perverse fate was constantly throwing them together.”p.352 (you’re a married man not only catching feelings for your friend’s fiance but said fiancé is sixteen stay away from her) On the way he ran into Anatol and thought he’d like to be like him carefree and untroubled. (the irony) 
After seeing Natasha’s pale angry face Pierre asked Marya what happened, she swore him to secrecy before telling him the scandal, Pierre couldn’t believe it. He’s known Natasha since childhood, (which was what a few years ago) for her to give up Andrei for the married fool Anatol and thought all women are cruel like his wife. Pierre agreed to fulfill Marya’s wishes to get Anatol to leave because if Andrei finds out it’ll end with a duel and to pretend to know nothing of this business. Count Rostof says too bad, but admits he wasn't pleased with the arrangement, it wouldn't have ended happily with Prince Bolkonsky so against it. (I can think of a few other reasons too) Still, to make such a decision without consulting her parents and her mother is now so sick. Natasha refused to believe Anatol was already married until Pierre confirmed it. 
Pierre didn't stay for dinner and went out to find Anatol, but he was nowhere so he went to the club where there was gossip of Natasha’s elopement. (so that bastard spread the rumor ahead of time) Pierre says he was just at the Rostof’s it was nonsense and asked if anyone has seen Anatol. Anatol was with Dolokhof still trying to plan their ill-fated elopement arranged with through his sister to meet Natasha. When Pierre got home he was informed Anatol was with Helene, (no surprise there) he went through the party to Anatol and had him follow.  
In private he interrogated him of his elopement with Natasha, when Anatol refused to answer Pierre shook him in rage, threatening to beat his head in. Anatol produced letters from her and Pierre took those letters and told Anatol to leave Moscow and warned him. “You must learn sometime that above and beyond your own pleasure the happiness and peace of others are to be considered, that you are ruining a whole life for the sake of having a little amusement.”p.357 (he’s speaking in French because it hits better) It’s one thing to trifle with women like his wife, they know what he wants, but to ply with a girl promising marriage, it’s cowardly. Anatol doesn't want to know about it, a man of his honor can't permit it, there’s no witnesses, does he expect him to follow his orders. Pierre apologizes (for fuck’s sake Pierre) and offers money for him to leave to Petersburg. “Anatol smiled. This contemptable, villainous smile, which he knew so well in his wife,”p.357 
Pierre went to Marya’s to tell her how he got Anatol to leave Moscow and found the household in distress, after finding out Anatol was already married Natasha poisoned herself with arsenic. (for fuck’s sake Natasha) After taking it she woke Sonya and told her and they were able to give her the antidote in time, she survived but was too weak to leave the country. Pierre went to the club and denounced the rumors of the elopement and Anatol simply offered and Natasha refused him. “It seemed obvious to Pierre that it was his sacred duty to conceal the whole affair and save Natasha’s reputation.”p.358 He waited for Andrei to return but Prince Bolkonsky was in better spirits after hearing of the broken engagement and elopement scandal. A few days later Pierre got a letter from Andrei, he was arriving in a few days and wanted to see him. (see Natasha all you had to do was be patient)  
As soon as he was home Prince Bolkonsky told Andrei everything, (dammit there such a thing a breaking bad news gently) Pierre saw him the next morning expecting him to be in the same state as Natasha. Pierre could see in Maria’s face she was happy in the turn of affairs and says Andrei expected this. Pierre saw Andrei apparently restored to health, but who cares if he is well, Andrei says and returned his conversation to Petersburg. Pierre could see he’s coping the same way he does by laboring under necessity so not to think of troubling things.  
After the conversation Andrei spoke to Pierre private and asked if it’s all true, but he won't hear it and gives Pierre her letters and a picture to give back to her. When told she’s ill (almost died) coldly says he’s sorry. When Andrei was told Anatol left he asks if he didn't honor Natasha, Pierre tells him it’s impossible since he’s already married. Andrei laughed sounding like his father and asks where he is and Pierre almost says Petersburg. Andrei tells him to tell Natasha she is free and wishes her happiness. Pierre asks if he remembers their discussion he does. “I said that a fallen woman ought to be forgiven; but I did not say that in my own case I could forgive her. I can not.”p.360 (you were the one who told her she could break it off in the year you were gone) He can't ask for her hand again and don't talk about it and he doesn't want to hear a word about it. On his way out Pierre could see Prince Bolkonsky and Maria held deep scorn and dislike of the Rostofs. (remember this) At dinner Andrei talked endlessly and was more animated than usual but Pierre knew the true reason. 
Later that evening Pierre went to the Rostofs and passed the letters to Sonya and went to speak to Marya. Ten minutes later Sonya tells him Natasha wants to see him, Marya warns Piere not to tell her everything, she’s to be pitied. Natasha told him that Andrei is his friend and he told her to come to him and wants him to ask forgiveness for her. Pierre, up to that moment, despised her, but now she deserved to be pitied and agreed to tell him. She knows it’s over and it tortures her that she wronged him, (you did what he told you you could do) only wants his forgiveness. Pierre asks if she ever loved him, she doesn't know (which is why sixteen year olds shouldn't jump into marriage) and more than pity Pierre felt compassion and love for her. (after this clusterfuck)  
He tells her not to say anything more of it, but consider him a friend to turn to, remember all the  future is hers, she sees only ruin. “If I were not myself, but the handsomest, wisest, and best man in the world, and were free, I would this very instant, on my knees, sue you for your hand and your love.”p.362 (dude there are better women out there than a stupid sixteen year old and your cunt of a wife) Natasha fled from the room and Pierre ran out of the house, not knowing where to go next told the driver home. Pierre stared at heaven, refusing to feel earthly pettiness in contrast to the heights of his aspiring soul and saw the comet of 1812. “The very same that men thought presaged all manner of woes and the end of the world.”p.363 Contrary, for Pierre saw it as arrow striking the earth in a predestined spot, a reply to his soul as it grew into new life of tenderness and love. 
(finally halfway done) 
0 notes
crackspinewornpages · 3 months
War and Peace 90/198 -Leo Tolstoy
The Christmas holiday came and there was nothing special about it (it was 13 below) the third day the Rostof’s went about their lives. The Countess asked why Natasha was wandering around, she wants him, and she started to cry and left the room. To have peace of mind she sent the servants on errands looking for something to do, eventually playing a guitar in the ballroom, playing the song from the opera she heard with Andrei. She sends Sonya to wake up Rostof since she wants him to sing. Now she was daydreaming again about Andrei wishing he’d come and say she’s getting older, maybe he’s here now but he isn't and she cried for her mother to give him back. (girl!) After tea, Rostof, Sonya and Natasha went to the corner where they had their confidential conversations. 
Natasha asked her brother if it ever happened to him that it seemed there was nothing left in the future, all that was best was in the past, many times. They recount stories from their childhood while their mother had Dimmler play his harp and she called for Natasha to sing something. She didn't feel like it but did it anyway and moved her entire family. 
When she finished her brother Petya came in with news masqueraders have come, Natasha cries saying Petya just startled her. (what doesn’t make you cry) The house servants came in dressed in fine costumes and they all went to the ballroom to play Christmas games. The children put on their own costumes and joined in and their mother told them to visit the Melukofs (three miles away in -13 weather but it's Russia so it must be a mild winter) like that and their father wanted to join them but the Countess refused because of his healing leg and sent Madame Schoss. They drove off in the sleighs and Rostof raced the coachman Zakhar. 
Madame Melyukof was entertaining her daughters when she heard the voices of visitors, masqueraders. She guessed who was who, they danced and played games, at supper they discussed fortune telling. After it all Rostof looked at Sonya with new eyes, she was prettier than she ever was before. Sonya went to the granary to be read her fortune, Rostof followed after her musing that he was an idiot to wait so long. He catches sight of her and confirms she’s entirely different, they kiss, (remember they are cousins) then ran to the granary and back to the house. 
Afte the twelfth night Rostof told his mother he loved Sonya and wanted to marry her, the Countess had been expecting this and coldly told him to marry as he pleases, but they don’t approve. Rostof for the first time felt his mother’s disapproval, she called for her husband and told him Rostof’s plan before leaving. His father tried to talk sense into him, Rostof said he couldn't go back on his word and his father left him too. The Count was guilty for squandering their fortune and couldn't show his anger and him not marrying a rich wife, if the estates weren't ruined it would be impossible for his son to find a better wife. A few days later the Countess summoned Sonya and bitterly reproached her and accused her of ingratitude. Sonya didn't know what to sacrifice for them to return their benefits, she couldn't stop loving the family or Rostof, she had nothing to reply. 
Rostof got tired of the state and went to his mother for an explanation, he begged for reconciliation then threatened to elope. The Countess coldly replied that he is of age, Andrei is marrying without his father's approval, he could do the same but she won't accept Sonya as a daughter. (calling her a schemer) Rostof angerly says he never thought she’d have him sacrifice his feelings, if he did he’d never, but stops talking when Natasha runs in bagging them to stop. 
Natasha talked some sense into them, their mother promised not to annoy Sonya and Rostof promised not to do anything without their father’s knowledge. Rostof joined the regiment in January intending to retire as soon as he could and return to marry Sonya. With Rosof gone life grew sadder, the Countess grew ill, Sonya was depressed with him gone and how the Countess treated her. The Count was occupied by their poor affairs, they had to sell their estates but the trip to Moscow was postponed because of the Countess’s poor health. Natasha grew more impatient, and his letters just annoyed her, her living in thought of him as he traveled, her relapses were monotonous. The Countess’s health was still poor, but they couldn't put off the trip to Moscow and arranged a marriage settlement. It was expected Andrei was in Moscow by now, the Count took the girls as his wife stayed in the country. 
1811, there were murmurs of Napoleon in Europe, courts the prohibition of English trade cost everyone. Napoleon is on the offensive in Spain but can't dislodge the British, harassed by guerillas and the expense of war weakened him, as he loses the European nations start to oppose him. Russia is apprehensive of Napoleons encroachments, especially the annexation of the Duchy of Oldenburg where the Tsar’s uncle had domain and Napoleon resented Russia’s trade with Britain. 
After Andrei’s engagement Pierre found he couldn't continue his old way of life, first he was delighted at self-improving. Now after Ossip Alekseyevitch Bazdeyef’s death he was an empty shell, and he began to loathe everything and turned back to drinking so much Helene scolded him. He felt she was right and went to Moscow without her so she wouldn't be compromised. 
Moscow gave him a sense of comfort, society welcomed him because he emptied his purse to all, if it weren't for two friends, he’d have nothing left. (he’s intimidated by these gay young bachelors) If someone told him seven years ago he would be idle he wouldn't believe it. One time he wished a republic would establish in Russia, then he’d be a philosopher, the conqueror of Napoleon designed to regenerating depraved society and improve himself had he not established public houses. Now he has an unfaithful wife, a retired chamberlain, a wino criticizing the government, a flatterer of Moscow society. 
He comforted himself that it was temporary but terror at the thought of how many young like him were still in the life, bold and toothless. Maybe they were like him, desiring to do something original in life, he pitied them like he did himself. “Foe what end? Why? For what purpose were we created in the world?” p.309 Helene, no one cares about her except for her body, is stupid yet makes people believe she is refined so they bow to her. Napoleon was despised until he became great, now he’s a miserable comedian. The Catholic priesthood are hypocrites, (of course) the Masons swear to be charitable but don't donate a ruble, all profess Christian forgiveness yet punish. (not surprising) “This mused Pierre; and this whole universal falsehood, acknowledge by everyone, amazed him every time he thought of it, just as if he were not used to it, as if it were some new thing.” p.310 
He found they understand as he does but deliberately don’t see it except for him. Every activity was a falsehood, a deception, but he had to live it so to forget he caved to the temptation of society, wine, paintings and above all he read everything. The doctors warned him of his alcoholism, (how bad is your alcoholism that Russian doctors are worried) it was the only way he felt happy. (that’s the depression talking) He told himself he’ll find an explanation for his doubts, but later never comes, the next morning they would come up and he’d distract himself with a book or visitor. “Sometimes he remembered what he had heard of soldiers at war: that when they are lying idle under fire, they eagerly strive to invent some diversion, to forget more easily the threatening danger. And it seemed to Pierre that all men were similar soldiers, distracting themselves from life:”p.311 (hmm who does this remind you of) There is no great importance in the end, it’s all the same, he can only save himself by not seeing it. 
In winter, Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky and Maria moved to Moscow, his past life caused him to be recognized, anti-French was in vogue, and he was appointed to the government. Over the year he aged considerably but still had sincere respect from his quests, his household was an impressive agreeable spectacle, but they only saw a few hours of that life. Life was trying for Maria and she resigned herself to never being married. She only had two friends but Mlle Bourienne became disagreeable to her and her pen pal Julie was like a stranger. She was becoming irritable to her nephew and her father was crueler towards her and made her feel it was her fault. He tormented her more with his growing intimacy to Mlle, she felt like a an immolated martyr. 
Boris hadn't married a rich girl in Petersburg so tried for Moscow and tried to decide between Julie or Maria. Maria was prettier, but it would be more difficult to court Bolkonsky’s daughter and Julie was twenty seven and received a lot of attention but had no faith in friendship or love. (she liked to play that she was the victim) Anna Mikhailovna got all the information she could of Julie’s fortune, Boris listened to her talk of the properties of Penza and Nizh. Julie was ready to accept a proposal, but he had a distaste for her desire to get married and kept a distance, he would ask the next day but every time he saw Julie he couldn't bring himself to do it. Julie told herself he was bashful, but her melancholy turned to vexation, so planned to believe his leave of absence was over. Anatol Kuragin was in Moscow now and Anna Mikhailovna warned her son he was after Julie, Boris made up his mind to propose, otherwise he would have wasted his leave. But when seeing her complained of women’s tones of gloom and glee, annoyed Julie said he was right, women need variety. Boris almost responded but was humiliated at the thought of not accomplishing his goal wasting labor and proposed. (what a way to start off a marriage) 
Count Rostof with Sonya and Natasha arrived in Moscow in January, Andrei was expected in Moscow and Natasha needed a wedding dress, they needed to sell the estate and be introduced to Prince Bolkonsky. They would only be in Moscow for a short time so stayed with Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova. Marya ran down the recent news, Andrei was expected any day, Boris is about to be married, Pierre ran away from his wife again and she chased him down, then she talked about the latest fashion. She tells the Count to hurry with his business and buy the girls clothes she’ll entertain them, privately she tells Natasha Andrei is a good man but act with tact to get the approval of Prince Bolkonsky. Natasha was annoyed anyone should meddle in her love life since to her no one else could understand it, they would be married in a few days. (well someone’s getting a little too self-important and pretentious) Marya tells her that her father and sister in law will be fond of her by the time Andrei arrives and Natasha agrees it’s for the best. (Ah I see she’s like this because no one’s called out her bratty behavior) 
The next day Count Rostof and Natasha went to the Bolkonsky’s and the Count felt terrible remembering the last time he met the old Prince. Natasha believes everyone is fond of her willing to love them so they can't not love her. (I know she’s like seventeen now but my god is she insufferable) The elderly footman told them the old Prince won't see them but Maria will, she was agitated and had a rash on her face. 
Natasha didn't please her at first, Natasha to her, seemed too fashionable, frivolous, flighty and conceited (hit all the nails on the head there) and Maria was jealous of her beauty, happiness and her brother’s love for her. She was also agitated her father would have nothing to do with them, so she had to take over before he did something overly rude. Count Rostof left the girls to get better acquainted and also to avoid the old Prince. Natasha was piqued by her treatment from everyone and thought Maria was plain and unsympathetic. 
After a while of attempted conversation the Prince Bolkonsky came into the room dressed for bed surprised to see Natasha and apologized. Both girls refused to speak of Andrei in front of Mlle. So, Natasha waited all day for dinner crying about it and Sonya tried to comfort her that it will pass. At dinner, knowing of what happened at the Bolkonsky’s, Marya ignored Natasha’s state. (the right call) 
That night Natasha wished Andrei was there so she wouldn't be shy like before and she makes herself stop thinking of it or she’ll cry again. (girl!) She saw Sonya and wanted to know what it felt like to hold her love and speak to him words of love and him speak back. They all went to an opera, the orchestra was playing as they took their seats and felt the sensation of eyes staring at them as most knew Natasha was the future bride of one of the most desirable men in Russia (Andrei are you serious) Natasha was notably beautiful. In the crowd they spotted people they knew, Boris whispered something to Julie and Natasha thought it was about her and Julie was probably jealous of her. (you’re getting too full of yourself) 
In the front was Dolokhof and there was gossip he and Anatol have turned the heads of all the young ladies and they spied Pierre’s wife Helene. Afte the curtain lifts Anatol comes in late, sees Natasha and sits by his sister to whisper something. During the second act Natasha saw Anatol looking at her. “It was pleasant for her to feel that she had so captivated him, and it never entered her head that in all this there was anything improper.”p.326 (because she’s young and naive) After the second act Anatol invited Natasha to his box to be better acquainted. (you would get in a car with a stranger on a deserted road wouldn’t you) 
Anatol said he wished to make her acquaintance since seeing her at Narishkin’s ball, Anatol was clever with women and Natasha thought he wasn't so terrible. (girl!) He invited her to a fancy dress party and seeing he didn't take his eyes from her face, neck and arms Natasha knew he admired her but somehow felt troubled by his presence, a dangerous and intimate footing. (listen to those danger instincts) He asks if she lives in Moscow, if she’ll come to the party and Natasha sensed there was an improper meaning and pretended not to hear him, but felt how near he was to her. (excuse yourself and go back to your family) She looked at him and his good-natured smile overcame her and felt horror there was no barrier between them. (you know they say don’t blame the victim but when the victim ignores all warnings you have to hold them accountable) 
Anatol left after the curtain went up and Natasha went back to her father with everything that just happened seeming natural and before Andrei in the far past. Natasha was so vexed on Anatol she didn't notice the opera after Anatol joined them and helped them to a carriage. It wasn't until she was home and remembered Andrei and was horrified, what does it all mean. (that your mother is right you’re too young and fickle) She wished her mother was there to talk to, Sonya wouldn't understand, so she tried to understand her own feelings and questions. She’s done nothing, is not to blame, she won’t see him anymore, no harm done, but why isn’t Andrei here. (you’re focusing on the wrong thing here) “Natasha grew calm for an instant, but then some instinct told her that, even though nothing had happened and no harm had been done, still the first purity of her love for Prince Andrei was destroyed.”p.328  
(almost missed the post deadline)
0 notes
crackspinewornpages · 3 months
War and Peace 80/198 -Leo Tolstoy
Following Andrei’s example, Boris danced with Natasha and others joined, Natasha didn’t notice anything else at the ball, when the Sovereign spoke to a French ambassador and left the ball became livelier. Before supper, Andrei reminded Natasha of their first meeting in Otradnoye and how he couldn't sleep that night overhearing her, embarrassed she tried to excuse herself. Andrei, like most men in high society, liked to meet anyone without the imprint of high life and that was Natasha, Andrei watches her and thinks within a month she’ll be engaged or married. Her father asked and she said it was the loveliest time of her life. Pierre realized he was in a humiliating position because of his wife and Natasha was struck by his unhappy face and wanted to help him. “In Natasha’s eyes, all who were at the ball were alike good, sweet, lovely men, full of affection toward one another; hatred was out of the question, and therefore all ought to be happy.”p.265 (oh my sweet summer child) 
Over several days Andrei called several houses required by politeness but he also went to the Rostof’s to see Natasha, the Rstof’s received him as a friend and the family he criticized. No one seemed charming, he entered this strange world of theirs awaiting new delights. After dinner Natasha sang bringing him to tears, he felt happy and sad but why, mostly for the infinite inside him and the limited world they belonged, she asked how he liked her voice, he liked it like everything else about her. Again, that night he couldn’t sleep full of joy, it didn't occur to him he was in love with her he, didn't think of her just imagined her. Now he made cheerful plans for the future take over the education of his son travel abroad. “Let the dead bury their dead; but, while we are alive, let us live.”p.267 (do you know how to live Andrei you and Pierre are like the poster boys for high society depression) 
One morning Colonel Adolph Berg came to see Pierre since his wife couldn't grant his request after he was settled, he wants to have a reception of their friends. Helene considered Berg and his society beneath her but Pierre couldn't think of refusing and actually arrived unusually early. Berg was explaining to Vera why it’s important to have friends of high society, “saying to himself that his wife, lovely as she was, was nevertheless a feeble woman, unable to appreciate the full significance of the dignity of being a man. Vera at the same time smiled with a similar consciousness of her superiority over her good, worthy spouse, who nevertheless, like the rest of his sex, was quite mistaken,”p.268 Vera judged all men by her husband’s example considering no one but themselves wise, with no real understanding and were haughty and egotistical. (they are both awful and deserve each other good that both agreed to wait to have kids) They entertained their guests by conversations, with Berg changing Vera’s subject of the French embassy to the War of Austria. More people arrived and broke into groups exactly the same as all other receptions. 
Pierre noticed Natasha looked different than at the ball more resigned and wondered what was wrong until Andrei came into the room and started talking to her. Pierre also noticed Andrei looked more youthful and he kept watching them. Something serious was between them and feeling joy and sadness forgot his own grief. After the card game Pierre joins them and Vera asked Andrei what he thinks of Natasha, would she love a man and be faithful, he doesn't know her well enough, but he’s noticed the less attractive the more content the woman is. (you wanna explain that and choose your words carefully) Vera agrees their days like they are, the only ones to appreciate their time and human nature changes with years, that young girls are wooed so often and so much freedom it siffles their feelings and Natasha is susceptible. (even the sister that doesn’t like her is even hey Natasha is young and fickle) 
Andrei scowled and was about to leave when Vera says she’s been courted but not until recently has anyone pleased her, not even Boris. Sometimes intimacy between cousins leads to love, (or the Hapsburgs) but it is risky, Andrei agrees. Now excited, Andrei warned Pierre to be on guard with his intimacy with his fifty-year-old cousins. He then takes Pierre privately, he needs the gloves of the Masonic order to give to the lady of his love. He wanted to sit by Natasha and Pierre saw her blush before Berg had him come discuss politics. Berg never stopped smiling, the reception was a success like the others, what was lacking was a loud conversation among the men about something monumentous, now the general had started one. 
Andrei spent the whole next evening at the Rostof’s and they had an inkling why, since he tried to always be in Natasha’s company. When he left the Countess went to Natasha but she didn't know yet but later that night told her mother everything they talked about but she’s afraid of him, what does it mean, is she in love. (if you’re afraid just being near a guy don’t marry him) She was terrified at the unexpected happiness she felt and persuaded herself he was her future husband and thought he felt the same to her. It was fate to move here to Petersburg and meet at the ball, there shouldn't be any shame since he’s a widower. 
At the same time Andrei was telling Pierre of his love for Natasha at Helene’s reception, a French ambassador, a frequent visitor to Helene was there. Since the ambassador was Helene’s admirer Pierre was appointed one of the Alexander’s chamberlains and so he felt burdened and loathed society. “and his former gloomy, pessimistic thoughts, about the falsity of all things human, began to come back to him more and more frequently.”p.274 Now accented by the feelings between Andrei and Natasha and the contrast of his friend's position and he questioned to what end they were. He dove into Masonic labors to banish his thoughts when Andrei visited him to tell him he’s in love he can't live without her, but can she love him. (forgetting all the rest you two barely know each other) Pierre tells him to marry her and be happy he knows she loves him, to Pierre his friend’s fate seemed brighter in contrast to his gloomy one. 
Andrei went to his father for sanction for marriage, Count Bolkonsky being so old couldn't understand how he could make such a drastic change to their life,can'tt they wait until he’s dead to live their own lives. (foreshadowing) The bride’s side wasn't good match (remember this) and she is very young compared to Andrei and he’s in poor health and it would be a shame to make one that young a stepmother. (Andrei is like pushing thirty Natasha is sixteen) He wants Andrei to wait a year, go abroad, find a German tutor for little Nikolai, then if he feels the same marry her. Andrei knows his sentiments or the Rostof’s wouldn't wait a year or since he’s so old he might die in the meantime, (you’re like thirty) but obeyed his father's wishes and after three weeks returned to Petersburg. 
The day after he talked to her mother Natasha waited for Andrei but he didn't come, or the days after that and she didn't know why. After three weeks she was depressed and felt everyone was laughing at and pitying her. She cried and when her mother tried to comfort her she cried, (girl) she doesn't understand why he stopped coming, she has no desire to be married, she's afraid of him but she's content now. (girl) The next day she went on in her life before the ball, she’s a girl she needs no one. (you’re not strong you’re not independent and you’re not a woman yet girl stop being dramatic) But even left in peace she wasn't calm and when she heard Andrei’s voice ran to her mother asking what to do. 
Andrei kissed her hand and explained he visited his father for something important and now would like to talk to the Countess. Her mother sends her out of the room and Andrei proposes a marriage offer, the Countess says it is pleasing to them they accept, but its up to Natasha, she gives permission to ask. He says his father already consented but the wedding will have to wait a year, she warns Natasha is young and a year is long, but she’ll send in Natasha. She hesitates at the drawing room, if he is all hers, he’s dearer to her than the world. When he asks, she asks why when he already knows, she loves him and kisses him. Then Andrei’s heart changes and he feels none of the former love for her but pity. “The present feelings, though it was not so bright and poetical as the former, was more deep and powerful.”p.279 (dude what was it just the ideal you were in love with not the person) 
He asks if she knows they have to wait a year and Natasha wonders if this is the little child of a girl they say of her and from now on she’ll be a wife, that’s she’s now grown up responsible for everything, missing what he asked her she says no. He says she is too young and he’s experianced life, she doesn't know herself, Natasha didn't understand his meaning. He says it will be a hard year for him, but she should make sure of her own heart, after a year he’ll ask her again, their betrothal will be a secret and she’ll be free if she doesn't love him. (remember this) She says she’s loved him since they met in Otradnoye, (you didn’t even know him) in a year she’ll learn, now it dawned on her it’s terrible, she’ll die if she waits a year, but she’ll wait. (Natasha you are the definition of young dumb and in love) Andrei then visited the Rostof’s as Natasha’s accepted husband. 
There was no formal betrothal and it wasn't made public, Andrei was insistent since he was the cause of the postponement he should bare the burden. He was bound but Natasha had freedom and the right to break the engagement (remember this) and when visiting addressed Natasha only formally. After that day their relationship was simpler and the family felt awkward to Andrei but Natasha assured them Andrei was only indifferent in appearance, (you sure) he’s just like them, they don’t need to be afraid of him. (girl) Rarely they spoke of the future, Natasha read him and felt his dread. When asked of his son Andrei said he won't live with them, (you’re almost as bad as Rochester) but she could love him, but she understands wanting to avoid misunderstandings between them. When they spoke Natasha would listen to him with pride but noticed when he listened to her with tension and wondered what he’s looking for in her and if he didn't find it. (this relationship ain’t off to a great start) 
Whenever he laughed she felt she felt he grew nearer to him, she would be happy if the thought of his parting did not fill her with alarm. The night before he left he brought Pierre to the Rostof’s. Andrei told him of their engagement, he’s going away, God knows what will happen and stops himself from saying he’ll cease to love her. But he warns that if there’s any misfortunes for Sonya to go to Pierre, (the most level headed and responsible in this book for sure) he’s absurd but his heart is gold. No one could forsee Andrei’s departure from Natasha would have an affect, (really the girl is already obsessed about him) she wouldn't cry but stayed in her room for days, but after two weeks snapped out of it. 
In the middle of summer Maria got a letter from Andrei from Switzerland, he confided to her his engagement to Natasha, only how did he feel love and understand the meaning of life. But their father is making him wait a year, it’s already been six months and he's determined and the doctors are detaining him three more. He doesn't need anything from their father, he's independent but he won't incur his anger when he has so little time with them but give him this letter and see if he’ll shorten the time by three months. The old Count’s response is to wait until he’s dead to be free, (foreshadowing) he yells for him to marry and live by himself if she can join him and he’ll marry Mlle. Bourinne then Andri will have a stepmother too. Maria noticed her father tried to be around Mlle. Bourinne as much as possible, she wrote to Andrei how their father received it but their may be hope. (you sure about that) 
1810-1811, Napoleon is at the height of his power he married Marie Louise of Austria and allied himself to the Hapsburgs (they didn’t inbreed themselves to extinction yet) got many brothers and brothers in law on thrones but peace isn't complete as Britain rules the seas preventing trade in Europe. 1811, Russia is at peace with France, but is at war with Turkey to expand the empire but compared to Napoleons wars it is a little one and has little effect on the lives of Russian nobles. 
Rostof continued to serve in the Pavlograd regiment, now commander of a squadron Denisof was deprived of. (he’s alive) Rostof grew into a rough kind fellow who was loved and respected to his comrades and superiors and was satisfied. Letters from home, his mother complained their affairs were getting worse, he should come home. He felt sooner or later he’ll be dragged into a life of wasteful expenditure and rearrangement of affairs with quarrels, intrigues and obligations of society and an explanation to Sonya, he replied to his letters without setting a time to come home. 1810, they informed him of Natasha’s and Andrei’s engagement, paining and disgusting Rostof, he would hate to lose Natasha and how he wasn't there to explain to Andrei that the alliance wasn't a great honor, he should have married her against Count Bolkonsky’s wishes. He thought of going to see Natasha but then remembered his predicament with Sonya and postponed it. (dude you can’t avoid this forever just rip the band aide off and get it over with) 
In the spring his mother wrote to him and it prompted hm to go, if he didn't assume management of their affairs everything would be sold at auction. He’d either have to take leave or retire but he obtained a leave of absence and was going home, he told his comrades. It was hard for him to leave army life, the only thing that interested him without knowing if he earned the Order of St George. He sold three horses for two thousand rubles miss the ball the hussars were giving to Pani Pscazdecska to pique the Uhlans who gave a ball to Pani Borzjozowska. He would have to go from his pleasant existence to all this trouble. 
Before he left, they threw him a farewell dinner, fifteen rubles a head and a band and escorted him to the first station. Halfway he forgot about his military regrets, anxious at what he would find at Otradnoye. After they greeted him, he thought everything was fine, but he noticed his parents were older and there was a restless coldness between them he attributed to the condition of their affairs. 
Sonya was now twenty and her faithful love for him had an effect and Natasha showed him a letter from Andrei, he’s glad for her is she in love with him. It isn't the same as all her other crushes there's no better man, Rostof says he's unhappy with the postponement, but Natasha says she wouldn't force herself in the family. Rostof saw she didn't act like a girl separated from her love, he was unsure of the engagement but he hadn't seen Andrei with her but something wasn't as it should be. (she’s a fickle teenage girl engaged to a thirty year old) Talking to his mother she also didn't feel any confident in it, she showed him no letter where he can't return until December, don’t tell Natasha his health is delicate. (foreshadowing) Let her be happy in her last days of girl hood, it’s in God’s hands, Andrei is a splendid man. 
Days after Rostof returned he was depressed, having to investigate the household economy and demanded accounts of everything, but threw out the manager of the estate, Mitenka, who hid in the shrubbery. The Countess heard of this and was glad for the direction their affairs would take but disquieted how her son handled it. His father spoke to him the next day and Rostof calls Mitenka a scoundrel and a thief, his father knew it was really his fault but didn't know how to set things right. Rostof was trying to make sense of the accounts when his mother asked what to do with the two thousand rubles Anna Mikhailovna sent him. He doesn't like Anna Mikhailovna or Boris but they are poor and their friends, he ripped the check and his mother sobbed in delight. After that Rostof foreswore interfering in business matters and occupied himself by hunting with the hounds. (even Rostof grew tired of trying to sort out his spendthrift family's finances and went fuck it all) 
Count Rostof resigned his position of marshal of district nobility because it was too expensive but their finances didn't improve. The parents spoke in private and rumors of selling off the ancestral estate and the one near Moscow. Now relieved of office he didn't have to entertain and life at Otradnoye was quiet, but the mansion was still full with twenty at the dinner table of those considered family and lived at the Count’s expense. (well there’s your problem stop housing all these freeloading parasites) The scale of living was the same as they couldn't adapt to any other way of life (well if you’re penniless you won’t have a choice) and Rostof increased the hunting establishment. The Countess was conscious they were going into ruin but she couldn't blame her husband, the only way to save them was for their son to marry a rich woman, if he didn't there would be no hope. (so this is the opposite of Mrs. Bennet’s problem all her daughter’s will be taken care of it’s her son that need a rich spouse) 
The Countess wrote to Madame Karagina proposing marriage of her daughter Julie who just inherited a fortune, (a single woman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a husband) Madame Karagina wrote it depended on Julie. (I’m surprised how progressive this book is) The Countess cried that since her daughters were secured, she wanted to see him married and she happened to know a girl and advised Rostof to go to Moscow, he knew what she was scheming and got her to reveal her plan. What if he loved a poor girl, she just wanted his happiness the Countess lied and cried. Rostof broke and said he’ll sacrifice everything to make her happy but what if he loves a penniless girl, is there any reason he shouldn't return Sonya’s love, (you’re cousins) he’ll sacrifice his love for his parents but not his feelings.  
Rostof didn't go to Moscow and his mother didn't bring it up again and saw the growing intimacy between her son and Sonya. She couldn't help but find faults in her and became more formal with her, what annoyed her most was that it was impossible to really blame her for anything. A letter from Andrei in Rome. he would return but the warm climate caused a wound to reopen, (what is wrong with him I’m serious old scar tissue just doesn’t reopen because of warmer weather) he’ll return next year. After four months Natasha suffered melancholy, she was sick of herself, grieved of time slipping away. While she was ready for love and to be loved, life at the Rostof’s was far from cheerful.  
0 notes
crackspinewornpages · 4 months
War and Peace 70/198 -Leo Tolstoy
After his induction Pierre was given instructions on how to manage his estates and went to Kiev to give orders and abolish the unconstitutional servitude of the serfs (and what scaffolding did you put in place cause you can’t just change the system without any plans) and corporal punishment and establish hospitals, asylums and schools. The stewards and overseers thought he was displeased with their work or found out they were embezzling, others found amusement in his out of character speech. At Count Bezukhof’s death it was said her had an income of five hundred thousand rubles a year, but Pierre felt poorer then when he had an allowance of ten thousand a year with debts, dependents and building projects. The chief overseer calculated funds and Pierre refused to listen of using peasant labor, paying off mortgages and progressing too rapidly, Pierre had no head for proper work and told him to do whatever. (slaps forehead) 
Pierre had acquaintances in Kiev who welcomed the wealthy landowner and Pierre was tempted to go back to the party life. He knew he wasn't fulfilling the Mason’s obligation of living amoral life but took comfort he was fulfilling the other one of reformation of the human race. Spring of 1807 he desired to go back to Petersburg to visit his possessions and see the condition of the peasantry. The chief overseer, considering Pierre’s ideas were disadvantageous to him, Pierre and the peasants, made concessions not to emancipate the serfs but did erect public buildings and put on a show knowing Pierre’s character to delude him and emotionally touch him. 
 Pierre thought the estates were picturesque and the peasants gave him a pleasant reception and gratitude. What he did not know was he visited a commercial village, the well to do peasants greeted him and nine tenths of peasants of the same village were still in destitution. The women he had stopped from working in the fields had to do harder work on their own communal land. The priests oppressed the villagers and ransomed back their children and the stonework for buildings was the forced servitude of the serfs. (going about as well as China’s Great Leap Forward) Pierre wrote self-enthusiastic letters, happy at the gratitude but mortified to be the recipient of it, how he could have easily done more. The chief overseer played with Pierre like a toy and told him how useless it would be to emancipate the serfs who were content as they are. (serfs are basically slaves) Pierre agreed with him but insisted on it feeling it was justice. The chief overseer agreed to do it knowing Pierre would never be in position to find out the truth. (well he’s right about that) 
Rostof returned from his furlough and realized how strong his ties were to Denisof and the regiment, it was like he returned home. Denisof ran out to greet him, “The regiment was also his home, and as sweet and dear to him as the home of his childhood,”p.226 No more of the mad confusion of the outside world where he found himself engaged in questionable actions, in the regiment everything was known, no necessity for thought or decision, fulfill your duties that was all. Since the debt debacle Rostof swore to pay back his parents within five years, (Rostof you pissed away the equivalent of 300k that’s a descent sized house in my area) only spend two of his ten-thousand-ruble allowance and saving the rest. 
The army was in Bartenstein waiting for the Emperor and a new campaign, in April the Pavlograd regiment hadn't moved in weeks from a deserted German village, days with no provisions. They had dug up sprouts and ate it despite warnings of it being poisonous and they became swollen. Despite of the destitution life was the same as usual, “Little was said about the general situation, partly because nothing positive was known, partly because there was a general impression that the war was going badly.”p.228 
In April the troops cheered that the Sovereign was coming, Rostof didn't experience this as the Povlograd regiment were far from Baitentein stationed at posts, Rostof and Denisof were in a covered trench. In April, Rostof one morning was anticipating a promotion to follow his reconnoitering expiation and eagerly waited for Denisof’s return to talk to him. Denisof was in a bad mood, reprimanding Topcheyenko as he let others eat the poisonous root, they wouldn't listen. Then Denisof yelled for the second platoon to saddle he rushed in for his whip and saber and left. 
Late in the afternoon fifteen hussars and emancipated horses came with wagons, Rostof thought it was provisions but Denisof was reprimanding two officers for robbing an escort of their wagons and ran them off. The next day the regiment commander advised Denisof to write a receipt of what they got to the commissary department, or the loss will be put on the infantry and the resulting investigation will end badly. When Denisof returned he could hardly speak and his state made Rostof worried and Denisof said they were going to try him for robbery. He was so bad the doctor took blood from him to calm him down. (weakness from blood loss means he calmed down right) 
Denisof recounted what happened and Rostof had to calm him again, the next day and adjutant of the regiment came with a formal document from the regimental commander as a court martial has been convened, he’d be lucky to get off with a degradation. Those who felt aggrieved came to testify Denisof came drunk and called the commissary a thief, threatened him and attacked officials. Denisof declared the whole story rubbish to Rostof and he wasn't afraid of a court martial, but Rostof knew better. Every day more enquiries and summons and in May he was required to turn over command to his next seniority and appear in headquarters to defend himself. The next day before he was to go they made reconnaissance with the enemy Denisof as usual went to the front and got shot in the leg, a trifling wound he would not normally leave the regiment for, but this was a profit, he gave up command and went to the hospital. (what was his plan to get a medical discharge to put off the trial to make them feel sorry for him to appear as a hero so they wouldn't try him) 
June was the Battle of the Friedland followed by an armistice, Rostof missed Denisof and not hearing any news went to the hospital in a ruined village giving it a gloomy appearance. Inside it was an overwhelming odor of disease and rot. (they didn’t even wash hands or know of germs back then to go to a hospital was a death sentence) A surgeon told him to leave it’s a house of leprosy, a typhus outbreak they already lost five doctors. He can't recall seeing Denisof after three hospitals in charge of four hundred sick and they’re sending more, he’ll ask around but is pretty sure Denisof is dead. 
Rostof asked at the officer’s ward and runs into Tushin now missing an arm, who takes him to Denisof. Rostof could tell by his voice Denisof was in a lot of pain. Rostof asked of the affair and Denisof pulled out a letter and his reply, his neighbor, Uhlan, told him to petition the Sovreign, he won't, he’s not a thief, he’s served the Tsar honorably. Tushin says he must give in, the auditor even told him it’s bad business and wrote a petition for him. Rostof didn't argue with Denisof and as a favor takes a petition to the Emperor, the auditor wrote for him, he just craved a pardon. “Hand it in, it’s evident...’ her did not finish his sentence, and smiled a painfully unnatural smile.”p.234 (I thought at this point Denisof would get his leg amputated and die from infection) 
After giving a report of Denisof’s condition Rostof went to Tilist with the petition. On the twenty fifth the French and Russian emperors were meeting and Boris begged to be present to see Napoleon. Watching the emperors Boris felt his position secured, his name known and always seen and the Emperor knew his face and the inner circle ceased to shun him. (you might be welcomed in Boris but you are not one of them you don’t have the pedigree) On July sixth he was dinning with Count Zhilinski, one of Napoleon’s aides and Imperial Gaurd officials when Rostof arrived surprised to see Boris there with French officers. 
Rostof was greeted by Boris, but he could see the annoyance on his face and could tell his arrival was untimely. Boris took him to the table and introduced him and insisted if he was tired to go rest in his bedroom where Rostof told him of the petition. Now alone together Rostof found it awkward to look Boris in the eyes who warned the Sovereign is strict in such cases, best not to bring it to him, so he should give it to the commander of the corps. Rostof accused him of not wanting to do anything, Boris’s responses was cut off by Zhilinski’s calling him and Rostof excused himself. 
No day could be less favorable than the one Rostof presented his petition, he could not go to the general in command as he was in civilian dress and without a leave of absence. On the ninth the preliminary peace article was signed and both emperors were expected at a banquet. Rostof swore not to have anything to do with the unhelpful Boris and won’t leave town until he helps Denisof. He runs up to the mansion Alexander occupied, up to the prepared horse escort, someone asked him what he wanted and told him the petition should go to the general in charge. The general in chief, who didn't care about his dressage, heard Rostof’s case and accepted his letter and Rostof hearing the jingling of spurs, ran to the doorway with other spectators to catch a glimpse of his majesty. The general formal in charge of Rostof’s command spoke to him and the Sovereign said loud enough to be heard by all, “I cannot, general, and I cannot because the law is more powerful than I.” p.239 (well at least there’s one powerful leader that believes that) He rode off and Rostof and the crowd ran after him. (I feel like how the public worships this guy is like pre Covid celebrity culture) 
1808-1810, with peace with Napoleon the Tsar invades Sweden as France and Sweden fought. When Austria defies Napoleon, Russia is on the French side. While Napoleon fights Spain and Portugal and on the Iberian Peninsula, the army under Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington begins Britain’s first participation on the land fighting. “But in this campaign Russia is not involved, and by the standards of those troubled times is enjoying peace and tranquility.”p.240 
1808 the Emperor went to Erfurt to meet Napoleon, by 1809 there was talk of possible marriage to the other’s sisters. Besides external politics, Russia’s attention was also on internal reforms across the domain. Andrei wasn't bothered for two years, living in the country all of Pierre’s enterprises brought no results while Andrei had no trouble with it. 
An estate with three hundred serfs were enrolled as free farmers, the first instance in Russia, in Boqucharovo a midwife was to help in case of childbirth and a priest employed to teach children. Andrei followed outside events and men fresh from Petersburg were far behind him in knowledge of politics. He spent his time accounting for the last two poor campaigns and projected change for military regulations. At his son’s estates of Riazon as trustee called on the district Marshall of nobility Count Ilya Andreyitch Rostof. 
It was hot and he was in a bad mood, he went under the tree shade and saw some young girls playing, one approached the carriage but seeing he was a stranger ran off. He felt pained by it, a beautiful day, everyone so cheerful, but this girl didn't wish to know him. (boo fucking hoo for you) What did she have to be happy about, (Andrei unlike you other people actually enjoy life) she certainly wasn't thinking about military code. (why would she) 
Count Rostof was entertaining at Otradnoye and welcomed Andrei who spent the day attracted to Natasha, wondering what she was thinking about and why she was happy. That night it was hot and he couldn't sleep annoyed at Count Rostof for needing the proper papers sent for from the city. He opened the window and heard women’s voices from the floor below singing, Natasha had wanted Sonya to look at the moon. When she checked the window Andrei thought his existence was nothing to her but felt youthful hope, too weak to analyze it he went to sleep. 
On going home, he made up his mind to return to Petersburg in Autumn and thinks of reasons to go. “It seemed clear to him that all his experiments of life would surely be wasted and pointless unless he were to put them into effort and once more take an active part in life.”p.243 At home he was restless of the countryside, looking at a portrait of Lisa she no longer seemed to say these terrible words. Andrei would pace with conflicting moods thinking of ideas connected to Pierre, glory, Natasha, love and which was hanging his life. 
Two years before this Pierre’s return from his estates he found himself the head of the Petersburg Freemasons. He established lodges, enrolled new members, labored for unions and original documents. He gave money to the Masonic Temple and promoted collections for charity which the members barely donated to and he supported the unaided Alm houses established by the order. He kept up his usual life, fine dinning and wine but looked at it as immoral, he couldn't stop participating in the amusements with his bachelor friends. 
Before the year was over, he felt the Masonic ground was giving was faster and faster the more he tried to maintain it but still found himself committed to it. At the same time his wife sent a letter begging for an interview, her grief at what happened and a desire to devote her life to him, she was abroad and about to return to Petersburg. (oh so she’s out of money isn’t she) One of the brotherhood advised him that his severity to his wife was unjust and in violation of the first rule of pardoning the penitent. The same time Vasili’s wife wanted to see him for something important, Pierre could tell they wouldn't let up on him reconciling with Helene. If he didn't agree to it it was because with his depression, he didn't have to energy to either forgive or punish her, if she came to him he’d just send her away. He wrote in his diary that his mother in law told him Helene was back, she is unhappy and innocent, if he sees her he won't have the strength to refuse. He doesn't know whose advise to seek but concluded he had no right to refuse her request since it’s his duty to help everyone and told her he has nothing to forgive. 
In those days high society court balls were divided into inner circles with their own peculiarities, now the most popular was the French circle lead by Count Rumyantsof and Caulaincourt, Helene played a prominent part in it. Helene was at Erfurt during the Emperor's meeting and made acquaintance of all the Napoleonic celebrities. Pierre wasn’t surprised, her beauty found success and she became more beautiful over time, men fawned over her. Pierre knew she was stupid despite her reputation of being clever and charming with no concept of the subjects discussed. (ok but given evidence of Pierre’s actions and how we only get Pierre’s point of view is this him just projecting) Pierre was the type of husband such a brilliant woman should have, queer and absent-minded serving only as background dressing which he was affable towards all. (the Scarlet Pimpernel and his wife come to mind) Boris also frequented Helene’s salon and Pierre didn't like seeing them together and might suffer again as he did three years ago, but the renounced the idea and banished suspicions. During this time he experienced many joys and doubts. 
The Rostof’s financial affairs didn't improve the two years they lived in the country while Rostof kept his word continuing in an obscure regiment with the advancement and living frugally on two thousand a year the Rostof’s still lived above their means increasing debts. The old Count for relief got a government position and allowed the girls one last season of amusement. In Petersburg Berg progressed and Vera accepted, however the Rostofs moved into a society where they didn't know which one they belonged. In Petersburg their position was vague they were initially accepted by them in Moscow, now didn't notice them. 
They entertained as they did in Moscow, but the company was mixed, Berg showed off his injured arm and sword and told stories of his service so detailed they believed him and awarded him decorations and citations. (how easy is it to get promoted in the 1800's Russian military) 1809 he was Captain of the Gaurd, though there were skeptics you had to admit Berg was well disciplined, brave officer. Four years before Berg caught sight of Vera and swore to marry her now, his time had come. At first his proposal was treated with surprise, the son of an obscure Lithuanian nobleman, but the Rostofs thought it was an excellent arrangement anyway, their state was little attraction to the suitors and Vera was twenty-four. (le gasp such an old maid practically over the hill) 
Berg told his friend he thought it all over he secured his parents a leasehold on the Baltic frontier, he can live on his salary in Petersburg and her estate since he’s economical they can live well. “I don’t marry her for her money; I don’t call that sort of thing honorable; but it’s no more than fair for the wife to contribute her portion and the husband his.”p.249 He has his appointment her connections and little property and best of all she is lovely and loves him and he loves her. Her sister, however, is the opposite, disagreeable, not like Vera well balanced and admirable. 
The Rostof’s joy at Vera’s proposal was artificial and relatives were mixed were perplexity and mortification, they weren’t fond of Vera and were glad to be rid of her. (something tells me Natasha is the favorite child) The old Count was perplexed, because of his finances, where he stood, or how much he owed, what he was able to give as Vera’s dowry, there was nothing to spare and they had a week. A few days before the wedding Berg came to see him to ask what the dowry was and explained if he didn't know he’d withdraw the proposal. (jackass the wedding is a few days away) The Count gave him a note for eighty thousand rubles but Berg wanted thirty thousand in cash to make himself ready for his new life. The Count says make it twenty thousand and will still give the note for eighty so Berg won’t demand more. (you just struggled to pay 43 thousand rubles for a gambling debt and just offer up 100 thousand?!) 
Natasha was sixteen and in those four years she counted she hadn't seen Boris when she was with her mother and Sonya she declared it was childish nonsense, (really Sonya after all the stuff between you and Rostof) but in her heart wondered if his promise was in jest or genuine. Natasha thought he was avoiding her as he had been to Moscow several times and not once gone to see them. People said he forgot his old friends while his mother Anna Mikhailovna boasted of him and his career. (yeah he had forgotten his old friends) Now, in Petersburg, Boris went to see them to make them understand the childhood promise wasn't binding, he had a brilliant position, was intimate with Countess Helene Bezukhof and had a position in the service, now contemplated marrying a wealthy heiress. 
Boris remembered Natasha as a little girl and was taken aback at her change, (she went from a tween to a teen) as he spoke to the Count, Natasha gazed at his fine dress and noticed how he spoke. Her glance troubled Boris and he didn't stay ten minutes before leaving and he confessed to himself Natasha still fascinated him, but he had to renounce his feelings, a dowerless girl would ruin him and renewing their friendship would be a base trick. He resolved not to meet her again but kept going to the Rostofs and kept putting off the explanation. The Countess and Sonya could see Natasha still felt for him, he even ceased seeing Helene and spent most of his spare time at the Rostof’s. 
The evening Natasha went to see her mother, pausing to let her finish her prayer before reclining on the couch. Those nightly visits to her mother happened before the Count returned from his club. The old Countess told her daughter, at sixteen she was already married but what does she wish, she’s already turned Boris’s head, but she can't marry him he is young, (but sixteen isn’t) she is poor, he’s a relative (at least they’re not like the Hapsburgs) and she doesn't love him. It isn't proper, people don't remember childhood affections but if people see them intimate it may put off other men and it’s torturing him for nothing. Boris cant keep coming over so often, it won’t end well. Natasha says to let him come over, they both enjoy it but she won't marry him, it’s understood he won't marry her but this way they can see each other. In her own room it took a long time for Natasha to sleep, imaging herself with an intelligent handsome man, singing an opera to herself. The next day the Countess had a talk with Boris and he stopped being a frequent visitor. 
December 1810, a ball of diplomatic corps and the Emperor present at the grandee of Gtherine’s time. The police guarded the entrance as uniformed men and ladies went up each arrival an excitement. A third of the guests arrived but the Rostofs were still getting ready, their cousin Marya Ignatyevna Peronski took charge of teaching her country cousins entry in Petersburg high life. Five minutes until ten and the ladies weren't dressed, Natasha had woken at eight and spent all day in excitement for her first great ball and expended all her effort to have everyone dressed to perfection. (and that took 14 hours) They should reach the ballroom at half past ten, but Natasha still had not dressed (you had 14 hours) and they had to pick up Marya. Natasha’s skirt was too long, having two maids tuck it hastily, a quarter past ten they were finally in the carriage. Marya was already waiting for them, she was in a stole like the Rostofs but without the haste and flurry, used to it all. At last at eleven they left for the ball. (so they’re a half hour late leaving for the ball this is why you leave an hour early) 
Natasha didn't have a moments freedom that morning to think of what was before her, now in that carriage she imagined the ball and up the red staircase it came over her what propriety and behavior she must have at the ball. She walked along, hiding her excitement, all was comingled in glittering procession and the hosts welcomed them at the door. The guests were crowded at the at the entrance waiting for the Sovereign, Marya pointed at notable people. Natasha was glad to see the familiar face of Pierre even if Marya called him a ridiculous creature. (well she’s not wrong) 
There was a stir and the Sovereign arrived the crowd parted as he went to the drawing room. The throng moved away from the doors, a young man begged the lingering ladies to step back as gentlemen chose dance partners. The Sovereign danced with the lady of the house followed by other couples and Natasha felt her family was neglected standing along the wall, waiting for her greatest enjoyment and disappointment, she felt like crying. (yeah pretty crummy to be the girl no one wants to dance with all night) The Count and Marya were in other groups, they were alone among strangers, Andrei, Anatol and Boris all passed them by and she felt mortified. (geez even being ignored by your friends at a big dance) 
The Sovereign sat after three dances and as no one began the waltz an aide danced with Helene and Natasha almost cried that she wasn't leading the first waltz. (you’re new and no one knows you) Andre wasn't listening to Boren Firhof of the Imperial Council meeting, he was looking at the gentlemen too intimidated to take the dance floor and the ladies waiting. Pierre told him to take the Rostof girl, so he went up to them and took Natasha by the waist before inviting her and she was delighted with gratitude. They were the second couple on the floor and Andrei was one of the best dancers and he desired to leave the political talk around him and broke up the circle of people abashed by the Sovereign's presence. He wanted to dance and chose Natasha because Pierre suggested her and she was the first to attract his attention. Now close to her he felt renewed and fresh life, (dude she's sixteen) releasing her, he stopped and looked at other dancers. 
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crackspinewornpages · 4 months
War and Peace 60/198 -Leo Tolstoy
In March, a relay of horses were sent to meet a doctor from Moscow, Maria watched her old nurse Nyanya Savichna as she told a story of how Maria’s mother delivered her with just a midwife, doctors are never needed. (well doctors were brought up and a woman is pregnant so Chekov’s gun goes off) The wind blows open a window and the nurse sees someone coming up the drive, Maria runs down believing it is the doctor but it is her brother Andrei, thin and pale, wearing an old coat, he collapsed in Maria’s arms. Andrei sees his wife, she doesn’t understand the significance of his appearance and he kisses her and calls her endearing things he never said before. The obstetrician takes his place and Andrei and Maria hear screams from the room and Andrei is confused why there would be a baby in there, then cries when he realizes it’s his, 
The doctor comes out and wouldn’t say a word to him and Andrei stopped at the threshold, Lisa was dead but her eyes spoke. “I love you all, and I have done no one any harm, and what have you done to me?”p.191 Two hours later Andrei went to his father who already knew but held his son and cried. Three days later she was buried., Andrei felt he had done wrong that can never be forgotten, five days later his son was christened Prince Nikolai Andreyitch. (and his hair didn’t sink but floated in the water so it’s seen as good luck) 
The part Rostof played in the duel was ignored with the old Count’s efforts and instead was appointed an aide to a Governor General in Moscow. So instead of going to the country with his family he had to stay in Moscow, after Dolokhof recovered the two became friends. In autumn the Rostof family returned and in winter Denisof came back it was a (very gay time) happier winter for Rostof and his family, he brought home many young men. (I swear this book is so gay) Every young man noticed the women, Vera, Natasha and Sonya but everyone except Natasha was pleased with Dolokhof. She almost fought her brother about it insisting Pierre had a right to duel him, he was insincere, Denisof is a spendthrift, but she likes him and warns everything (not unfounded) Dolokhof does has an ulterior motive, he’s even in love with Sonya but Rostof calls it nonsense. 
On the third day of the Christmas holidays Rostof and Denisof dined at a farewell dinner, they were going to start their regiments after Epiphany. Never before had there been such love and passion at Christmas time at the Rostof house. Rostof felt it when arriving and noticed the embarrassment among a few, Natasha said she told him but he didn't listen, Dolokhof proposed to Sonya. Rostof felt a pang, but it wasn’t like the orphan Sonya had a more brilliant match, but he still felt indignation against her. Natasha then says she refused him saying she loves another, but Natasha knows Rostof will never marry her. Rostof says she knows nothing, and he must go talk to her. Rostof kisses Sonya’s hand and tries to talk to her, she tells him not to think of their love before, she loves him like a brother and that is enough. 
Rostof didn’t see Dolokhof for two days, the third day he sent a note saying he knows why he won’t return but join him at the English hotel for a farewell supper. At the dinner table Dolokhof’s eyes were cold as he played cards, Rostof felt ill at ease. Dolokhof had the frame of mind of being bored of life’s monotony and felt to escape it by an outrageous action. Rostof joined the game and kept losing, but with no money Dolokhof promised him to settle their accounts afterwards as Rostof’s losses grew to eight hundred rubles. Dolokhof asks if he’s afraid of him, Rostof watched the pack of cards in his hands, Rostof’s two thousand rubles has to last until May. Rostof demands the card and then will never pick up another in his life, by losing he could lose his whole happy life. (so put them down now) Dolokhof again asks if he’s afraid to play against him and warns them all to be on guard against him. (he’s even warning you like a cartoon villain Rostof) He deals the cards and Rostof lost more than he can play. (dammit Rostof) 
The sums racked up to over twenty thousand and Dolokhof no longer listened to stories but watched Rostof’s mounting debt and decided to play until he lost forty-three thousand rubles since it was the sum of he and Sonya’s ages. Rostof wondered why he was treating him this way, he knows what this loss means, he was his friend, he loved him but he can't help it if luck favors him. He’s done nothing wrong, then why this horrible misfortune, when did it begin, a short time ago he was happy to make a little winnings. When did this happiness end, what does it signify, it can't end this way. 
When the losses reached forty-three thousand rubles (that’s about 300k today Rostof fucked up) Dolokhof declared it time for supper, Rostof insists one more game and Dolokhof relents for twenty-one rubles and Rostof lost. Dolokhof asks when he plans to pay him and reveals he knew his cousin was in love with him. Rostof knew what a blow this debt to his family would be and released Dolokhof knew this too and kept playing him and told Dolokhof he’ll pay him tomorrow.  
At home his family was still up, he avoided their eyes, Sonya asked what was wrong. Natasha also perceived his troubles but told herself she is wrong. He left to his room without saying anything, fifteen minutes later he met his father and confessed to him he needed forty three thousand, that this kind of thing can happened to anyone, (losing 300k in a card game when your family is already having financial troubles) and his father left the room. Meanwhile, downstairs, Natasha told her mother that Denisof proposed and she doesn’t believe it, Denisof is a fool then. Natasha says for her mother not to tell him she doesn't love him for her, but she can listen at the door. She refuses him and the Countess tells him he should have addressed her first to not have forced her into an unavoidable refusal. Denisof says he adores the family and Nastasha and leaves and refuses Rostof’s calls to return to Moscow. Rostof spent two weeks waiting for the money his father struggled to find at short notice after paying Dolokhof he left for his regiment in Poland. 
1807, the Battle of Eylau the Russians were deemed victors but the French advanced in June, the forces drew up at Friedland into east Prussia, another victory for Napoleon. Peace is forced unitarily on Russia but Tsar Alexander is ready for it the two meet at Tilst Napoleon is deemed the master of the continent, only Britain fights on. 
After the settlement Pierre went to Petersburg, he had to wait for horses at Torzhak, not responding he was too deep in thought to pay attention around him. He pondered rights and wrongs and power that directs it all, only an illogical answer, but the thought of death was terrible to him. “Thou shalt die–all will come to an end! Thou shalt die and know all, or else cease to question.”p.205 He sees a ragged peddler, everything is equally unimportant to eternity of death. “Would this money of mine add the value of a single hair to her happiness, to her peace of mind? Can anything on earth make her or me in the least degree less susceptible to evil and death?”p.205 (pretty sure a few pennies would make that poor woman happy really what is this rich person money doesn’t bring happiness logic) 
Another traveler arrives, an old man with a skull ring, (I actually thought this was death or something) and he knows who Pierre is and what's happened and is sorry for him and wants to help him. He belongs to the Brotherhood of Freemasons and Pierre is afraid they won't understand each other but he knows how Pierre thinks. “and this system you mention, and which seems to you the product of your brain, is that common to most men; it is uniformly the hurt of pride, idleness and arogance.”p.206 
Pierre confesses he doesn’t believe in God and the old man says that’s why he’s unhappy but he’s here and in him, in his words, if he didn’t exist they wouldn't be talking about him. Pierre listened to his arguments impressed by him and he designed to believe and as he did experienced a restoration of life. Pierre doesn’t know how to attain that knowledge, is he content with his life no he detests it, then change to undergo self-purification and he will learn. He’s been living a life of debauchery and giving nothing, what has he done with his wealth, his wife, that duel, there's no wisdom in it. Pierre doesn’t wish to continue his depraved life but won't say it to the Mason and asks for help, he can only get that from God, but he can give a measure and gives him a letter for Count Villarski and advises not to fall back to his former life and wishes him success. Pierre later found out he was Ossip Alekseyevitch Bazdeyef and thought of his way of living. 
Arriving in Petersburg, Pierre informed no one and just read Thomas a Kempis and understood the delight of faith. After a week Count Villaski came to his room for a proposition, a high member had proposed him to be his sponsor to join the Brotherhood of Freemasons, he’ll join. And does he believe in God, yes. They toured in Valliski’s carriage, who said all he had to do was speak the truth in the anteroom of a large mansion. They put on cloaks and went into another room and Pierre was blindfolded the rest of the way and left alone. 
He heard knocks and took off the blindfold and saw a small man who asked what does he desire, wisdom, virtue, enlightenment, he wants help towards regeneration. The small man is satisfied with his reply. If he joins their fraternity their aims are handing down an important mystery and prepare fellow members to correct their hearts and gives Pierre a half hour to think it over and gives him their seven virtues apply himself to, the seventh the love of death. Pierre thought it ought to be so, but he just started loving life. Since he’s agreed to join for generosity, give him everything he owns and Pierre strips himself of his valuables. Then he’s told to strip and tell his chief predilection, women. The Mason blindfolded him again and is told to examine himself to seek his happiness and Pierre already began to feel it. (yes Pierre just striped naked to join a cult) 
The next day Pierre was reading at home trying to understand the spiritual world, the Emperor heard of his duel and believed it would be wise to leave Petersburg for a while. He thought to visit his southern estates and check on the peasantry when Vasili came to his room protesting Helene’s innocence. Several times Pierre tried to speak but Vasili kept interrupting, it’s the hardest task to say something unpleasant to his farther in law. He was used to giving into Vasili’s easy self confidence but what he had to say would decide his life, Pierre told Vasili to leave his house. (at least Pierre is starting to grow a spine) After a week Pierre gave the Masons a large sum of his wealth and departed to his estates, they gave him letters to the Masons of Kiev and Odesca to guide him. 
Pierre and Dolokhof ‘s duel was hushed up despite the Emperor’s status of it neither were punished but gossip of it spread. Pierre fell out of favor in society and is said he has his father's temper while Helene was gladly returned to society and her disfigured expression when he is mentioned was taken to mean she made up her mind to endure her unhappiness. 1806 was when news spread of Napoleon's defeat of Jena and Auerstadt, a second command was beginning. Anna Pavlovna had another party with Boris as the guest of honor. 
Thanks to his mother Boris obtained a very advantageous position and with self-control mastered subordination, but now his mode of life and his future have changed. Rather than appear shabby he would spend every one of his few pennies to look immaculate and better dressed than everyone. He took to only high society because they would be an advantage to him, his previous life of Moscow of the Rostof’s and Natasha’s were distasteful. (oh what now that you’re at the popular table you ditch your friends) On receiving Anna Pavlovna’s invitation he knew what part he had to play to get an advantage from each guest. Helene gave him undivided attention when he spoke of Glogau and agreed to come to visit her and Anna Pavlovna warned him not to bring up her husband. When Boris went to see her on Tuesday, he didn’t know why he was invited, no one else was there, and when he left she invited him to dinner. (has she already started scoping out new potential husbands) 
The war was growing fiercer and closing in, people cursed Napoleon and rumors spread the lives of Prince Bolkonsky, Andrei and Maria changed significantly since 1805. The old Prince was appointed one of eight commanders in chief of the Russian militia, he spent his time traveling about the three provinces entrusted to him straight to the smallest detail. Soon after Andrei’s return the two fought and he was sent to the estate of Bogucharovo in Lisiya Gori and Andrei went unable to stand his father's idiosyncrasies and wanting solitude. After Austerlitz Andrei made up his mind to give up the military life and accepted a position under his father to recruit for the militia. 
March 1807, Little Nikolai had been sick for several days when the old Prince sent him a letter that Benigsen was victorious over Napoleon at Eylauand, he’s retreating. He read Bilibin’s letter, he was now a diplomatic official of the army headquarters and described the whole campaign to the disinterested Andrei. The principal officer of Glogau asked the king of Prussia what would he do if told to surrender since the Prussians lay down their arms at the first summons. (thought it was the French and Italians they were stereotyped as being surrendering cowards) Everything is ready, but they lack a general in chief. He is summoned to help sort letters and packages and the Marshal is impatient for his, in rage he read what the Emperor wrote to others. He wrote to the Emperor he transferred command to Count Buxhouden and he himself will remain at the hospital at Ostrolenka since he’s so infirmed and warns if the army remains in bivouac there won’t be any soldiers left and he wants retirement. ”The marshal is vexed with the emperor. And punishes all of us for it. Isn’t that logical?”p.221 
After the Marshal left they were in sight of the enemy and had to fight, General Benigsen disagreed with the order of Buxhovden’s position since he’s anxious to fight on his own account and did and won the Battle of Pultusk but Bilibin disagrees. “We civilians have, as you are well aware, a very wretched habit of making up our own minds in regard to the gain on loss of a battle. The one who retires after the battle is the loser, so we say, and in this respect we lost the battle of Pultusk.”p.221 They sent news of victory the general refused to surrender to Buxhovden during this was a scheme of maneuvers to avoid General Buxhovden. When Buxhovden caught up to them the two generals fought and Benigsen had a seizure. (the armie’s disciplined finest as you can see) As news of victory of Pultusk is returned enemy one is done, now enemy two Napoleon, but a third enemy rises. The orthodox troops are marauding over lack of food and supplies twice the headquarters were attacked. The Emperor gave permission to shoot the looters but Bilibin feared it would have one half of the army shoot the other half.  
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crackspinewornpages · 4 months
War and Peace 50/198 -Leo Tolstoy
At 5 AM the army was still immobilized on the right wing, the left would be the first to descend and attack, when on Austrian officer made his appearance order was set in motion but they didn’t know where they were going in the dark fog and smoke, though, wherever they went were in the same company. (this doesn’t seem smart to send the army to face the enemy in the dark and fog where they can’t even see ten feet in front of them) They could hardly see ten paces ahead but conscious of the Russian columns marching in the same direction. After an hour they halted so the calvary could cross and fill in the gaps, in that time the army grew impatient and was losing spirit. An hour later they descended into the valley blind, shots in the fog, by nine the sun was just rising above it. Napoleon and his troops were closer than expected and he could see the center of the Russian army was weak, on the anniversary of his coronation he gave the order to begin battle. 
At 8 o'clock, Kutuzof greeted the men of the foremost regiment intending to lead the column in person, but he stopped in the village of Pratz while Andrei was anxious and believed this would be his bridge of Areola. There was firing in the valley, the infantry filed by Kutuzof halted, they can't open ranks in a village. (seems like you should have considered the geography of the location) He sent Andrei to the third division to give his orders and report on the skirmishes and come back to inform him the troops were ready to move. In the distance the regiments were cheering and ran along the line of Russian columns who they were greeting approached rapidly a squadron of gaily dressed horsemen escorted by the two emperors. Alexander asking why he doesn’t begin, he’s waiting for the columns to assemble, it displeased him. Kutuzof explained the reasons is they are not in parade nor on the emperor’s field, (this is a war not a parade for your entertainment) but he gives the order he turns to Division Commander Milarodovitch and orders to attack and the battalions of Novgared and Apsheran file forward. 
The fog began to dissipate, a mile and a half could be seen, to the left of the valley the firing was growing more violent. As they could see the French closer than expected, the Apsheran when it was all covered in smoke, a voice called it was up to them and all started to run. (come back you cowards) It was impossible to stop the fugitives, Andrei was confused at what was happening at the front and saw Kutuzof was wounded. Kutuzof went riding after the fugitives but was torn away by another mob. Andrei forced his way to him, Kutuzof’s staff was only four left as he ordered to stop the cowards, billets buzzed over their heads, when the French saw Kutuzof they fired at him. Kutuzof fell wounded so Andrei took the flag staff and rushed forward, the battalion following into the firefight. Distracted by the other soldiers Andrei was struck on the head and fell only seeing the sky above him and noticed how calm it was. “How it is that I never before saw this lofty sky? And how glad I am that I have learned to know it at last! Yes! All is empty, all is deception, except these infinite heavens. Nothing, nothing at all besides! And even that is nothing but silence and peace! And glory to God!...”p.164 
By five in the evening the battle was lost, a hundred canons captured Prschebiszewsky laid down arms, other columns halved were in retreat, the remains were crowded together in Augest. The French were trying to cut down the retreating Dokhturof and some others made a stand. Along the dike were throngs of men pushing along dying and dead. Dolokof was an officer again, his regimental commander, the sole survivors, a canon ball struck someone behind him and in front the crowd just pressed on but stopped, the ice wouldn’t hold them and wouldn’t move on Dolokhof’s orders. A feild piece tried but his leg broke through and he sank to his belt the horses forced on it broke the whole sheet and forty men trampled over each other all while canons fired overhead, 
On the hill above Pratz Andrei laid still in pain wandering where he was, he heard hoof beats and French soldiers nearing, it was Napoleon and his two aides. Andrei immediately forgot the words spoken of him having an honorable death, his hero was insignificant compared to heaven. “He was merely conscious of a feeling of joy that people had come to him, of a desire for these people to give him assistance and bring him back to life, which now seemed to him so beautiful because he understood it so differently,”p.167 They notice him moving and Napoleon ordered him taken to the hospital. 
He passed out and came to again in the hospital as Napoleon came to inspect the prisoners. He questioned the chief officer, Colonel Prince Repnin, who identified Lieutenant Sukhtelen. Napoleon asked how Andrei was feeling but Andrei had no words, his hero was sordid in comparison with what he had learned. The insignificance of majesty, life and death, no one can explain. Napoleon left without an answer with orders to take care of them, Andrei’s medal was returned. He believes it all would be good if it were as simple as it seems to Maria, he would know where to find help in his life, what to expect after. Carried away he thought of his family, the battle, Napoleon, everything that happened bleeding into a fever dream as the physicians believed he wouldn’t recover, he along with other dying were turned over to the regional natives. (so Andrei had a near death experience and currently is in an existential crisis) 
1806 Austria was forced to a separate peace by the end of 1805 Briton was active only in the sea the war, in 1806 assumes an armed truce. Politically the war continues, Britain with a blockade against the enemy neutrals, Napoleon forbidding trade, Prussia broke away and joined the coalition against France and declares war. Napoleon defeats Prussia in a month, occupies Berlin and moves against Russia. 
In the beginning of 1806 Nikolai Rostof went home on furlough and had Denisof come with him to Moscow. Rostof was cheerfully greeted by Mikhail and the hall boy Prokofi, others rushed out of their rooms until all crowded in the drawing room. His mother cried in his chest while his father introduced Denisof. 
The two slept until ten as everyone cleaned their things and brought comforts, awake Sonya ran away from Rostof as his sister Natasha talked to him. He asks why Sonya ran off, a long story for another time but she’ll tell it now as Rostof fell into his old world of childhood. She had him recall what happened before he left, if he agreed to marry her, now it would be like he was bound by his word under compulsion, and it wouldn’t do. (she loves Sonya and to prove it burned her arm with a ruler) Sonya was sixteen and still in love with him but with so many occupations before him he must remain free. The subject changes, Natasha is no longer interested in Boris since Duport the dancer, she won't marry and become a dancer. When Rostof saw Sonya again he didn’t know how to react around her but understood and quietly they thanked each other for love and freedom. 
That year the old count had more money so Rostof decked out, seemed to have grown into a man separated from childhood, now a lieutenant of hussars. Instead of growing closer to Sonya he drifted away, a time when a young man prizes his freedom to do other things, there were others besides Sonya, he has time to fall in love later. The old count Rostof was busy giving dinner orders to prepare for the English Club in honor of Prince Bagration. He asked his son what he thought and sent him to Moscow to Bezukof’s for fresh fruit and gypsies to dance along with gypsy girls. (...sigh) Anna Mikhailovna says not to as she is going as you can get anything from Pierre’s green houses, and she wants to see him since Boris is on his staff. When asked of his new wife Anna’s face changed, he’s unhappy she pities him. Dolokhof, Marya Ivanovna’s son, compromised Helene after Pierre introduced them and brought him into his house and now he follows her. The old count extends the invitation to the club to him for a distraction. 
March 15, two hundred and fifty English Club members and fifty guests came to meet Prince Bagration, the hero of the Austrian campaign. Before dinner Count Rostof presented his son, Pierre sat opposite of them and as usual drank too much but others noticed his change absorbed in some disagreeable problem it was Dolokhof’s intimacy with his wife and anonymous letters that the affair was a secret to him alone. Pierre refuses to heed both but it was terrible for him to see Dolokhof sitting opposite and something terrible rise in him. (Count Rostof had to know there were tensions between these two why’d he invite both is he that much of a ditz) Pierre saw it may be true but he cannot believe it, but he noticed the face Dolokhof wore often was now one of deviltry from his other acts. Pierre is afraid of him, he would think nothing of killing a man, so lost in his thoughts he didn’t rise with the others to toast. 
Rostof asks what’s the matter, he didn't recognize him and Dolokhof toasts to pretty women and their lovers, (oh now he’s just rubbing it in) Pierre didn’t say anything. When Dolokhof snatched a cantata from him the ugliness rising in Pierre broke. Everyone was alarmed at his outburst and he snatched it back and felt the hatred of his wife widen irrevocably. Rostof acted against Denisof’s advice and arranged a duel the next day at Sokohiki, but Dolokhof had thoughts on it, “if you get it into your head that you are going to be killed, then you are an idiot, and deserve to fall; but if you go with firm intention to kill him as quickly and certainly as you can, then you are all right,”p.180 
The next morning Pierre, Nesvitsky, Dolokhof, Denisof and Rostof met in the woods, Pierre had the air of a man unaware of what was before him. Two considerations his wife’s guilt and the innocence of Dolokhof who had no reason to guard a stranger's honor, maybe he would have done the same then is this duel homicide, can he get out of it. It was all set and Dolokhof confessed he doesn’t think this is a sufficient reason to duel but Pierre was in the wrong, Pierre agrees he was foolish. Nevitsky says he could apologies. “You know, count, that it is far more noble to acknowledge one’s fault than to carry on after to its irrevocable consequences.”p.181 Pierre will go through with the duel and had to figure out how to work the trigger. 
After Pierre fired he stood still as Dolokhof stepped forward but didn’t shoot and he fell in the snow, arm covered in blood and begs that he isn't done yet. He takes a mouthful of snow and staggers up aiming Pierre made himself an easy target, (is he suicidal) Dolokhof missed and laid back in the snow, Pierre ran off in the woods and Nevitsky took him home. On the way to Moscow Dolokhof roused himself and said his mother won't survive this and had Rostof break the news to her. Despite being a bully Dolokhof was an affectionate son to his mother and brother to his hunchback sister. 
Pierre rarely saw his wife alone, the house was full of company, the night of the duel he stayed in the room his father died in, he couldn’t sleep, how did it come to killing his wife's paramour. “Because you married her without loving her; because you deceived yourself and her.”p.183 From the beginning he felt it was wrong, he thought he was proud of it all then thought he was to blame for not understanding her, now found the answer, she is a lewd woman. She allowed her brother to kiss her bare shoulder but laughed at him and told  Pierre that he’ll never get any children by her. (she’s a bitch) She’s to blame for it all, but at the back of it he married her, lied that he loved her, he is to blame and suffer but the disgrace of his name and honor is independent of him. 
He’ll leave for Petersburg, leaving a letter that he would leave her forever, but that morning Helene came to him in a fury about the duel. She demands answers then says he believes everything he is told, that Dolokhof was her lover without proof and what has he proved by the duel, that he’s a fool, that’s what everyone calls him and now she’s a laughingstock. He drunkenly challenged a man out of jealousy, a superior man to him in everything. (I take it back she’s not a bitch she’s a cunt) He tells her not to speak to him, she yells that she has a right to and tells him any woman with him as a husband would have lovers but not her. Pierre says that he’ll kill her and comes towards her with the marble table top she runs off and his father's nature manifested in him. By the end of the week Pierre signed over half of his property to Helene and left alone to Petersburg. 
Two months after the battle of Austerlitz and Andrei was reported dead but his body not recovered, Kutuzof wrote that he was a worthy hero. Unusually his father’s response wasn’t one of wrath and he stayed in his study. When Maria came to see him his face wasn’t sorrowful but wrathful and she could sense the terrible misfortune, the death of one she loved. When told Andrei was dead she felt joy and forgot her fear of her father and hugged him begging for them to weep together, but he has her go inform Lisa. Maria wondered of her brother repented his unbelief and is in bliss. It took several times for Maria to try to break the news, she kept crying and decided not to tell Lisa and persuaded her father not to while she was pregnant. (I’m torn whether or not this was the right move you’re keeping the fact her husband could be dead a secret from her but also she’s in a very delicate state right now) The two hid their grief but the old Prince didn’t hope, while searching for his son he had a gravestone made and in a short time his health deteriorated rapidly while Maria hoped and prayed for Andrei’s return. 
0 notes
crackspinewornpages · 5 months
War and Peace 40/198 -Leo Tolstoy
It was dark now but as canons die down the rattle of musketry increased, when Tushin and his wounded men got out of range, they met the staff officer Zherkof and all gave conflicting orders. Tushin rode to the rear of the artillery on the verge of tears, the order was to abandon the wounded, he allowed an injured man on his cart, they removed the dead officer to make room for Rostof. By this time, it was too dark to see ten paces, the musketry was slackening, suddenly shots were heard again near the right, the last attack of the French, Tushin awaited fate. 
When the firefight died down the French won't bother them again, Captain Tushin made arrangements for the company. Racked with pain Rostof couldn’t sleep, Bagration had had a cottage and dinner ready getting a review of the battle by Bravnau confused himself at what he did. “How was it possible to decide, in the general confusion, what had happened and what had not happened?”p.116 Dolokhof took a French prisoner and Zherkof claimed to see the charge of hussars despite not seeing a single one that day. (I see Russia has the best of the best) 
Bagration thanks them but demands to know why two field pieces were abandoned in the center, one was dismantled but no explanation for the second. Tushin was sent for and when asked Andrei said he didn’t see the staff officer there. When Tushin arrived Bagration asked how the guns were abandoned and Tushin felt the horror of his disgrace of losing two guns. He says he does not know, he had no men and so not to compromise his superior officers wouldn’t say there were no forces covering him, but Andrei spoke up and said most of the success was in Tushin’s heroic company. Bagration dismissed Tushin and Tushin thanked Andrei.  
Rostof was in delima, his arm getting worse, he wishes he were home where he’s loved, why did he come here. The French renewed their attack the next day, what was left of Bagration’s division combined with Kutuzof’s army. 
1805 the campaign ended in disaster against Napoleon, he deserted the Austrian army at Ulm and occupied Vienna and Austerlitz was one of his most famous victories.  
Vasili wasn’t in the habit of planning ahead, he didn't think to make friends with Pierre or marry him to his daughter. But if he met a man in power his instinct was to strike friendship for profit. Pierre was under his tutelage and got him an appointment to the gentleman in waiting to the Tsar and insisted he take up residence in his own mansion in Petersburg, now did everything to marry Pierre to his daughter. After his inheritance Pierre’s lonely life was now occupied so much he could only have a moment alone in bed. He did many duties and appointments, he began to believe the false praise of him being clever, even people who disliked him now were affectionate, even his cold sister changed her attitude after the funeral. (well yeah they now all want his money and influence) The winter of 1805-6 Anna Pavlovna sent him an invitation and mentioned that Helene will be there it alarmed Pierre others noticed no bond between them and seemed he was now under obligations he couldn’t fill but it still amused him. 
Anna’s party was like the last one except instead of Montemort she had a diplomat from Berlin, the groups arranged themselves in the drawing room. Anna pulled Pierre to Helene and sent her off and Pierre calls her charming, the man who gets her will be fortunate. As the conversation went to snuff boxes Pierre examined one and he was close to Helene, so close his near sightedness could see her beautiful neck and shoulders, he just noticed she was a woman any man, even him, could win. The only barrier between them was his own will. At home Pierre could barely sleep, thinking of what happened to him, but she is stupid, he has a revolting feeling she stirs in him. (is he horny but too emotionally stunted to realize) There was a rumor she and her brother Anatol were in love, it was a scandal, Vasili is her father, it’s all ugly. (I agree best not to get involved with that family don’t you think) While thinking of her faults he thought of her as a wife, he saw her as a woman and came to a decision. (not the right one is it) 
November 1805, Vasili had to inspect four provinces of his in Tonton, to see a ruined estate and pick up his son Anatol and visit Nikolai Bolkonsky to marry his son to his daughter Maria. Before then he had to bring the moping Pierre’s affair to a crisis, he had been acting in love with Helene but not voicing it. Two weeks after Anna’s party Pierre made up his mind a marriage to Helene would lead to unhappiness, but he was still at Vasili’s and felt each day becoming more attached to her, he was agitated and confused. Pierre knew all were waiting for him to step over the line and he would sooner or later cross it, he needs to decide. (all this trouble and he still is as incompetent as ever)  
On Helen’s saints' day (her birthday) there was a party at Vasili’s and all who attended believed the lady’s fate would be decided. Pierre and Helene were side by side at the table, Vasili was rounding the table chatting with guests and ignoring the two. Pierre was conscious he was the center of attention pleasing and making him uncomfortable and understood nothing except it was all over, they all expected, it he can't disappoint them but how. (of yes you can they don’t care about you you’re just a chess piece to them) Vasili brought him out of his crisis by asking about Count Bolkonsky, the letter came from Olmutz. 
At dinner Pierre led Helene to the drawing room and guests left without bidding Helene farewell. In the last two weeks he never said a word to Helene about love but now he couldn’t make up his mind to take the step, it seemed he occupied someone else's place. He made small talk, when Vasili neared Pierre remarked it was late, but Vasili made him sit again. Vasili turned to his daughter and Pierre thought he couldn’t take the step. Others were talking in whispers of the match and Vasili sent his wife Alina to check on them, (he has a wife like a know he was married but I thought she was dead this is the first time she’s mentioned and probably the last isn’t it) they were still talking, displeasing Vasili. Determined, he walked up and loudly congratulated the two, Pierre was just thankful it was decided for him. (face palm) Helene has him take off his glasses and kisses him, Pierre thought it was too late and decided for him, says he loves her, but it sounded meager. (so he doesn’t actually love her) Two weeks later they were married and settled in the established Count Bezukhof mansion in Petersburg. 
In December, Nikolai Bolkonsky received a letter from Vasili that he and his son would visit and they’d arrived two weeks later. Bolkonsky had low opinions of Vasili intensified by his advances in rank by Emperors Paul and Alexander, that day Bolkonsky was especially surly and irritable. He asked of Lisa and was told she was feeling ill in reality she was so afraid of his bad mood she wouldn’t leave her room afraid for her baby. (since being secluded she grew attached to Mlle spending all day with her and wanting her to sleep in her bed) Mlle changed the subject to their visitors, Bolkonsky wants to know why he’s bringing his son, he doesn’t want him and Mlle spoke to him until he became more genial. After dinner he went to see Lisa who withered in her new surroundings, she denied offered medicine and he left her.  
Vasili arrived in the evening over snow that had been heaped back on the road. (that’s a level of petty I aspire to be) Anatol theorized that this visit might lead to something amusing and good, if she is rich why not marry her. (what a catch you are) Vasili reminded him to be respectful and prudent with Bolkonsky but Anatol says if he’s rude he’ll leave, Vasili reminds him his future relies on this. Maria had to be present but her father terrified her, Lisa and Mlle tried to improve Maria’s appearance, but nothing could be done about her pitiful face. Maria tells them to leave her be and they knew they couldn’t change her mind and left her alone. Maria imagined how her husband should be strong, commanding, attractive, (the opposite of Anatol) carrying her off into this different world full of happiness, looking at her affectionately, but it’s impossible she’s too homely. (oh honey) She was called to tea, horror struck by her own thoughts she went to the chapel, she dreamed of a happy family but her principle one was of earthly love. (girl wants to bone) She prayed to God after she went to tea not thinking of her dress, how she would enter or what to say. 
When Maria came down they greeted her and she was dazed by Anatol’s beauty he acted in a manner that piques curiosity and wishing to show she’s not into it turned to his father. Maria and Vasili talked and he included Anatol into it. Anatol saw how pretty Mlle was and hoped when he married Maria she’d take her companion with her. (...what) Bolkonsky was annoyed by his guests, life without his daughter was unthinkable, also who would take Maria for love, she is homely, (gee thanks dad) girls would be happier unmarried. Here is Lisa, it would be hard to find a better husband than Andrei. (considering how he treats her not really) Vasili brought his son for a proposal, he has no objection but he must prove himself. 
Maria was dressed horribly and Anatol didn’t care of making her acquaintance, Bolkonsky asked about recent politics while glancing at Maria and scolded her on her clothes. Lisa tries to take the blame, but Bolkonsky says Maria is already ugly, she has no right to disfigure herself like this. (gee thanks dad) The three women felt their lives hadn't been lives until Anatol came. (damn these girls are lonely) Maria didn’t think of her looks but the man who might be her husband, convinced he is a manly, resolute and noble and tried not to think of family life. (especially with him) Anatol thought she was ugly. (see) Mlle was excited by Anatol’s arrival, she had no desire to devote her life to Bolkonsky, playing companion to Maria and waited for a Russian prince to see her superior over Maria and Lisa became a flirt forgetting her condition. Anatol generally affected the attitude that he considered it a bore to have women running after him felt vanity when he realized he had power over them and felt animal passion for Mlle. (her full name is Mademoiselle Amelie Bourienne but I’m not writing all that) 
After tea, they went to the sitting room, Maria played the clavichord as Anatol watched her and filled his gaze with joy. But he wasn’t thinking of her but of Mlle’s foot touching his, her eyes had a hope Maria never saw before. Maria thought it was happiness for her and her potential husband. (oh honey) After supper Anatol went to kiss the women’s hands and Maria thought Mlle’s blush was that she thought Maria would be jealous of her and not appreciate her devotion to her, she kissed her to reassure her. Anatol went to kiss Lias’s hand, but she refused. 
Except for Anatol it was a long time before anyone fell asleep. Maria was afraid the devil was watching her thinking of her future husband and called her maid to sleep in her room. Mlle walked for hours vainly expecting someone and Lisa scolded her maid because she couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep and Anatol’s presence brought back memories of before she was married, when she was merry. Bolkonsky felt insulted through his daughter, Anatol had eyes for Mlle, she must be gotten rid of and show his daughter it’s for her own sake. He called his valet, Vasili and his son were already in bed, so he went to sleep on the couch. 
Though Anatol and Mlle spoke few words to each other they struck up a romance and talked in secret in the early morning. That morning Maria was afraid to see her father in his study, it seemed that day fate would be decided. That morning he was affectionate and kind to his daughter and explained he received an offer of marriage for her to consider him out of the question. “I’m not the one who is going to be married. What’s your opinion? That is what must be known.”p.138 She could tell her father didn’t regard it favorably and realized her future hung in the balance. She wants to fulfil his will when her father explains Anatol will only take her fortune and have Mlle as a wife and she starts to cry and he takes it back saying he was only jesting. He tells her to remember, “I stick to my principles that a girl has a perfect right to choose for herself. I give you your freedom. Remember this, though, the happiness of your whole life depends upon your decision. Leave me out of the consideration.”p.138 (huh this is surprisingly progressive for the time) She doesn’t know, he tells her to think it over for an hour, pray if she likes, only she better use reason. 
Her fate was already happily decided but what her father said about Mlle was horrible, she kept thinking about it, she tried to cut through the garden when she heard Mlle’s voice. Anatol had Mlle in his arms when they caught sight of Maria, Mlle ran off and Anatol made a bow before leaving. After an hour the valet Tikhon fetched Maria who was hugging a crying Mlle declaring she loves Mlle more than ever and will do everything for her happiness, she tells her she understands before going to see her father. Vasili asked for her to decide his son’s fate and her father wants to know, yes or no. Maria says she has no desire to leave her father or wish to marry, her father calls it nonsense and Vasili wants hope she’ll change her mind, no. Bolkonsky dismisses her to her room, she believes her vocation is to be happy in the happiness of others, happiness of love and self-sacrifice she will bring about means so Anatol and Mlle can marry. (oh honey you really have no self esteem do you) 
November 24, Kutuzof’s army was to be reviewed by the emperor of Russia and Austria. Rostof had just been promoted from cadet, just brought Denisof’s horse and was in debt to his comrades. He rode off to find his friend Boris, he still only had his old, soiled cadet uniform and thought he’d impress them as appearing like a veteran. Boris had marched the whole campaign with Captain Berg and by letter introduction became acquainted with Pierre Bolkonsky and hoped to obtain a place on the staff through him. The two friends met for the first time in six months and changed so much and were eager to show it. They recounted their experiences and Boris gave Rostof his letters and money before taking his leave. Among the letters was a recommendation to Bagration from Anna Mikhailovna for her son. He threw it away but Boris says it could be useful, but he doesn’t want to be anyone’s aide. Boris would rather be an aide that stick to the line, best to make one’s career as brilliant as possible. As wine is brought, they have Berg sent for and the conversation becomes livelier. 
As Rostof was describing Schongraben, Andrei entered the room, Boris made a pleasant expression on him, but he couldn’t endure Rostof. Rostof could sense it and grew angry and saw Boris looked ashamed of being in the company of a hussar of the line. Berg and Boris asked Andrei questions of news of headquarters that claimed he couldn’t give and asks Rostof to continue his tale of Schongraben, there’s many stories circulating about it. Rostof says they are different, “Our accounts have some weight, and are very different from the stories of those staff officers, milk suckers, who win awards by doing nothing.”p.144 (ah Rostof is learning how generals die in bed) Andrei asks if he means him, no he didn’t know him or wants to know him, just making a remark. Andrei says he’s ready to have a settlement, but the time and place is unpropitious but don’t forget he knows his name and where to find him. While they will all take part in a far more serious duel. His advice as the elder is to not let the matter go farther and he leaves. After Andrei is gone Rostof thinks of a response and heads off, should he challenge the aide or follow his advice and drop it, he would enjoy seeing him at the end of his pistol but also have him as a friend. (so you want him as a frienemy) 
The next day Boris dressed in his best uniform anxious to take the advantage of Andrei’s good will a secure position. Rostof’s father sends him ten thousand at a time but he, who only has brains, must secure opportunities. If it weren't for duty Andrei wouldn't bother with him, spoke to a general, Boris understood his position and waited but believed his letter of recommendation took precedence over the old general. Boris presents his letter from Prince Kuragin and he wants to ask a favor but he still has to wait. (so how’s social climbing going to work out for Boris) 
Andrei has them go to the Prince Dolgorukof he has an errand anyway and will see if he has a place for him on staff. By helping he would come close to a charmed circle and an attractive source of success. In Olmutz there was council of war between Kutuzof and Schwartzenberg to battle Napoleon, when the two entered to find Prince Dolgorukof. The battle looked in their favor, they had more allies, and the armies were eager for action and General Weirother knew the geography of the strategic point and Napoleon was making preparations to meet them. 
Dolgorukof returned from that council full of excitement, eager for victory and in French voiced his frustration to Andrei and how they’ll have an advantageous position. Andrei says the letter he sent to the emperor was nothing but buying time, Napoleon is right in their hands. Andrei jokes how Bilibin is clever to give Napoleon the title Usurper (I can’t see that word without hearing Octopimp’s Haru) and Enemy of the Human Race and his more serious title, Head of the French Government. But it won't please Napoleon, a refined and shrewd diplomat and recounted the handkerchief story of him expecting Markof to pick it up only for him to drop his and leave Napoleon’s on the ground. Andrei then tells his purpose to suggest a position for Boris, a nuisance, but he’ll see about it. The next day the armies were in motion and Boris didn’t see Andrei or Dologrukof as he was in the Izmailovsky regiment. 
Denisof’s squadron with Rostof was in Bagration’s division marched to the battle, their squadron was in the reserves, so Rostof spent the day bored and anxious. By the time he heard musketry the battle was ending in victory with the capture of a French squadron, Rostof brought a captured horse. There were calls of the Emperor Alexander and he saw horsemen with white plumes on their hats and all took their places waiting. Rostof was happy to catch sight of the sovereign and heard the voice of Alexander. Before Emperor Alexander reached the hussars his aides gave him a report and the mere capture of a squadron was represented as brilliant victory and all were convinced the French were in retreat. (they’re not stereotyped as being that much of a coward yet) 
The Pavlograd hussars were ordered to advance in Wischau, there were a few causalities and the Emperor helped carry an injured man to the stretcher before riding away. “What is so terrible as war! What a terrible thing!”p.151 That night Denisof was promoted to major, he and Rostof gave toasts to the sovereign's health; he’d gladly die for him. Rostof wasn’t the only one, most of the Russian army were in love to the Tsar and the Russian army on the joys that proceeded to the Battle of Austerlitz. “In the field, no woom for love affairs, when one’s so much in love with the Tsar!”p.152 (Denisof has this lisp that makes his Rs sound like Ws I just keep hearing ELmer Fudd)  
On the 29th a French officer came with a truce flag demanding an interview with the Russian Emperor for Napoleon, it was refused but if they wanted peace talk to Dolgorukof. Dolgorukof returned and spoke to the Emperor alone, that afternoon there were excited conversations and messages. Andrei asked Dolgorukof and asked what Napoleon is like, Dolgorukok says he seems afraid of general engagement his hour is at hand and acted affronted because he was addressed with no title. Andrei was eager to find out the attack plans and after his own, it doesn’t matter all contingencies are foreseen, if he’s posted at Brunn. Andrei asks Kutuzof what he thinks, he thinks the battle will be lost and told Count Tolstoy (not a self-insert he was a grand marshal of the Russian court in 1805 and a member of the Tsar's suite in 1812) to tell the sovereign who dismissed it. 
Rostof was starting to doze when a shout startled him, growing to thousands of voices in the direction of the enemy the French army was coming over the hills flashing in points of fire. (oh shit should have listened to that peace negotiation) The shouts grew louder, and fire grew through the camp. Napoleon’s general order was read as French soldiers followed with lighted straw and calls of long live the Emperor. Their position is paramount and will expose the Russian’s flank. He will direct their battalions, if the battle becomes doubtful, he will expose himself in the front. The honor of the nation is at stake, don’t break ranks to carry away the wounded, let each men be filled with hatred to conquer the mercenaries of England, this victory will bring the campaign to an end and they will retire to the winter quarters and have fresh troops. “And then the peace I shall conclude will be memorable for my people, for you, and for me.”p.155 (wow Napoleon was quite confident) 
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crackspinewornpages · 5 months
War and Peace 30/198 -Leo Tolstoy
1805, Tsar Alexander I ruled Russia after his father, the mad Tsar Paul, was assassinated in 1801, he has taken the lead to stop Napoleon. His allies are emperor Francis of the dying Holy Roman Empire, King Gustavus of Sweden, and Britain. As the land campaign begins Lord Nelson’s fleet at Trafalgar freed Britain from the threat of invasion in October of 1805. Now Napoleon invades Austria and under General Kutuzof the Russian force moves south. (if they think European politics were a clusterfuck now just wait about a century) 
1805 the Russian army was quartered in towns in Austria putting the inhabitants under heavy burden. (this is why America has this as our Third Amendment) A new regiment arrived outside the city waiting to be received, along the highway came a Viennese carriage and Croatians. Kutuzof and the Austrian general were in conversation, Kutuzof stepped out of the carriage and gave command and inspected the men. The twenty men of his suite followed Kutuzof including his aide Prince Andrei and messmate Nesvitsky. 
At the third company Prince Andrei reminded him of Dolokhof, who stepped out to ask a favor to be given the chance to wipe out his fault and show his devotion. Kutuzof already knew it was all a bore to him and went back to the carriage. The regiment broke into companies and marched to quarters, Zherkof had once belonged to a wild set in Petersburg that Dolokhof was in charge of now, an officer with Kutuzof, setting example he went up to him like a friend. Dolokhof refuses to drink or play until he is promoted, Zherkof tells him the staff will help, Dolokhof laughs, he won't ask for help and they depart. 
In the short time Andrei left Russia he changed a lot, the appearance of a man who no longer had the time to worry about impressions. Kutuzof treated him with more distinction then his other aides and trusted him with the most important duties. Kutuzof sent letters to his friend, Andrei’s father, that he’s fortunate to have such an assistant. (you’re son’s the best gopher I’ve ever had) Andrei told the aide Kozlovsky to draw up an account for not advancing, no news of Mack either. Then an imposing German general, who’s head was wrapped in bandages arrives, they try to prevent him from seeing Kutuzof, when he does, he’s recognized as Mack. The Austrians were defeated, the army surrendered at Ulm, within half an hour aides were flying, giving out orders to the Russian army to meet the enemy. Andrei was the uncommon staff officer who was interested in the operations of war, on seeing Mack he knew half the campaign was lost and pictured the fate of the Russians but still felt delight of Austria’s defeat. “But be feared lest Bonaparte’s genius should show itself superior to all the valor of the Russian troops, and at the same time he could not bear the thought of his hero’s suffering disgrace.”p.83 
The Pavlohrad hussars were camped two miles from Braunau, Nikolai Rostof’s squadron was in Salzeneck and squadron commander, Captain Vaska, was assigned the next best house in the village. The day when Mack’s defeat was known the squadron was still going about its life, that morning Rostof went to see Denisof but he was gone, probably losing at cards. Ten minutes later Denisof walked home followed by his Lieutenant Telyanin, he was removed from the Guards before the campaign, he conducted himself decently but wasn’t liked, Rostof got Telyanin to leave. 
When he returned the quarter master was there for his money and Denisof he couldn’t find his purse. Denisof blames his footman Lavrishka, but Rostof says he knows who took it and went to Telyanin’s rooms, but he went to headquarters two miles away. Rostof went out and found Telyanin’s horse at a tavern and saw him with a purse of coins. (ah I see why no one likes him) Rostof took it as a pretext of admiring it but didn’t give it back until Telyanin took it back. Then Rostof quietly accused him of theft. Telyanin grew scared and began to beg, Rostof asks how he could have done such a thing and left the tavern.  
That evening some officers had a discussion in Denisof’s rooms, the calvary captain Kirsten told Rostof to apologize to the regimental commander. Rostof refused to be called a liar, he can do anything to him but he won't apologize. It’s not his fault the conversation took place in front of other officers, maybe it was for the best. (they’re seriously protecting the thief because Rostof inadvertently insulted the commander when he acted insubordinate as called out Telyanin) Kirsten says that’s not the point, he said foolish things to Bogdanitch, so must apologize, he won't. Denisof says he won't be in the regiment next year what's the difference, but Rostof says it’s for honor, but he is to blame but he cannot apologize, Kirsten warns Bogdonitch is spiteful. Telyanin already reported himself ill so won't be on duty tomorrow, (the coward) Denisof says if he sees him hell kill him. Then Zherkof comes in to report Mack was defeated, it’s up to them now and the regiment was ordered to break camp the next day. 
Kutuzof retreated to Vienna destroying bridges they crossed, at the Enns bridge it rained through it, Russian troops could be seen plodding along in masses. (in war mud is your worst enemy) The general called the bridge to be burned after they crossed it, (at least they crossed it before burning their bridge) the last of the infantry hurriedly marched and Denisof’s command were left at the end to face the enemy but could not see them. Then at the opposite road the French arrived, the space between them two thousand feet and the gap between two hostile forces could be felt. “One step beyond the line, which is like the bourn that divides the living from the dead, and there is the unknown of suffering and of death. And what is there? Who is there? There, beyond that field, beyond that tree, and that roof, glittering in the sun? No one knows, and no one wishes to know, and it is terrible to pass across that line, and I know sooner or later I shall have to cross it, and shall know what is there on that side of the line, just ad inevitably as I shall know what is on the other side of death.”p.91 
He is young but every man there and feel the same even if they don’t have words for it. A canon ball flew over their heads and the hussars looked to their commander for orders as more cannons fired. Denisof offered to attack but the officer had him order his squadron back across the bridge, the regimental commanders took over Denisof’s squadron. Rostof watched and concluded Bogdonitch (I hate foreign names only for the fact autocorrect keeps telling me they're misspelled and I don't know if it really is or autocorrect's not familiar with them) was going to send the squadron into forlorn hope just to punish him then later give him a reconciliation hand in honor of the wound. (really you’d sacrifice troops during war not even for strategy purposes but to get back at someone you felt slighted by was this back when you were promoted because of nepotism not for merit) 
Zherkof told the colonel he’s ordered to burn the bridge later, Nesvitsky himself rode up complaining he hadn't followed orders, the colonel told him he said no such thing as to who would burn it. He rides off and orders the squadron to do it under the command of Denisof. Rostof no longer looked at the commander, he was afraid to be left behind by the hussars and saw nothing but said hussars riding by him. Behind him someone called for stretchers, Rostof didn’t think what they meant, only focused on the advance until he slipped in the mud and fell (see I told you) the others dashing ahead of him. Rostof got up glancing at the commander Bogdanitch, who didn’t notice who it was, called for him to take the right side. Now the other officers saw the advancing French army wondered if the hussars had time to set the bridge on fire. The French fired cannons and men fell as Rostof remained on the bridge not knowing what to do as men died and injured were carried off. “The terror of death and of the stretchers, love for the sun and for life, all mingled in one painfully disturbing impression.”p.96 Rostof starts praying, admits he’s a coward. Zherkof celebrated the splendid report and his potential promotion. The colonel has him send out the report that it was his orders to burn the bridge and the loss as a trifle, two wounded one dead. “said he, with apparent joy, and scarcely refraining from a contented smile as he brought out with ringing emphasis is the happy word, dead.”p.96 (you’re a ghoul)  
The Russian army, thirty-five thousand under Kutuzof, were pursued by the French under Napoleon, met unfriendly natives suffering under the war, no provisions, filed down the Danube. Vienna couldn’t be defended unless he sacrificed his troops, he’ll have to affect a juncture with troops on their way from Russia. In November, Kutuzof’s army crossed the left bank and finally halted. On November tenth he defeated Mortier taking some cannons and generals, but now they were exhausted and reduced by a third. During the battle Andrei was sent to send the news of victory to the Austrian court at Brunn, insuring a promotion. He imagined meeting Emperor Franz but at the entrance, being only a courier, the official sent him round back to the war minister who didn’t acknowledge him for several minutes. Andrei concluded with all the interests of war, Kutuzof’s army was the least. finally, he looks at Andrei and says he hopes its good news, but reading the report called it a misfortune, the death of Schmidt but a cost for victory, his majesty will probably see him tomorrow. 
Andrei stayed with his friend Bilibin, after all he’s been through once again enjoyed luxuries he's had since childhood. Bilibin was on the road to success in diplomacy, starting at sixteen now had a very responsible post at thirty-five. Andrei tried but couldn’t understand, maybe he doesn’t get the diplomatic subtleties, but Mack destroyed a whole army and the Archdukes Ferdinand and Karl keep making mistakes and when Kutuzof makes a victory the war minister isn’t interested. Bilibin says the victory is too late as the French now occupy Vienna and Napoleon is at Schonbrunn. Bilibin believes Austria will take revenge and he suspects they are being duped. “I suspect dealings with the France and a project of peace, a secret peace, separately concluded.”p.100 (so France and Austria are trying to make political back door deals) Whoever lives will learn the truth. (well yes but history is written by the winners) Andrei is advised to lie about the provisions to the Emperor and in bed he felt the battle he reported far away but could still hear it in his dreams. 
Seeing the Emperor, Andrei recounted the battle and answered questions, but the Emperor was not interested in the answers. After leaving the audience chamber courtiers surrounded him and invitations and congratulations were given overwhelming him. Returning to Bilibin’s found him packing, they have to move, the French crossed the Thabor bridge, no one knows why it wasn’t destroyed. Andrei, finding out it was hopeless for the Russians decided it was his job to rescue them to the path of glory. Bilibin goes on saying there is an armistice and France decided to conference with Napoleon and Prince Auersperg, he calls it all lies. Auersperg will be so dazzled and bewitched by the French Marshalls he’ll forget what to point at the enemy. Andrei suspects the Thabor bridge is treason Bilibin says it’s not treason or stupidity, it’s the same as Ulm, they are like Mack, Andrei leaves for the army immediately. Bilibin says he’s been thinking of him, and one of two things will happen to him,either there will be peace by the time he gets there or hell await disgrace with Kutuzof’s force, Andrei says he’s going to save the army, Bilibin calls him a hero. 
On November thirteenth, Kutuzof learned that his army was in an almost unextractable position, the French were advancing on Zaim in Kutuzof’s line of retreat. If they reached Zaim before the French, there’s hope, but if not the disgrace of surrender or destruction. That night Kutuzof sent four thousand to occupy the road and if needed Bagration would hold back the French if they must. He went without rest for twenty-four hours, exhausted but made it. After this success Murat thought to try a similar deception. Finding Bagration’s feeble contingent, thought it was the whole army, but to leave no doubt waited a few days but the armistice prevented unnecessary bloodshed. This gave Kutuzof time, he sent Winzengerode to the hostile camp to accept the armistice and terms. Napoleon read Murat’s report and saw through the hoax and sent a letter back to end it unless the Russian Emperor ratifies it, but it is a trick march and destroy the army. The Austrians were duped of the Vienna bridge and so Murat was duped by the Russians as Napoleons sent out the letter he also moved towards the field. 
Andrei reached Grund by four and reported to Bagration, the battle hadn't begun yet giving him a choice be present during the battle or to be in the rear for retreat. An officer offered to show him around, in the down time the men become complacent and left their posts, Andrei scolds them back to their places. After riding out the entire line Andrei went to the battery and overheard the officers discussing what will come, they can expect death and are afraid of it, what comes after, but they were cut off by a whiz of a cannon ball. The French were starting to move, Murat received the letter and Andrei rode to warn Bagration. 
The right wing retreated from the charge of the Sixth Jaegers. Tushin’s battery set the village of Schongraben on fire and gave time for the Russians to retreat but no demoralization, but the left wing was defeated under the French. Zherkof became cowardly and fearful and didn’t go to the front and didn't deliver Bagration’s order of retreat. The command of the left wing devolved leading to misunderstandings as the battle came upon them the infantry general begged the Pavlohrad Commander to meet the charge, the general took the refusal as a challenge. (the Russian army and it’s leaders are completely undisciplined) 
The general and colonel looked at each other for signs of cowardice, both won the test they would have stood longer if the war sounds didn’t close in behind them in the forest. (the army is in chaos and being fired upon as these two are having a staring contest) Now it’s impossible for them to retreat with the infantry, now they had to fight through. Rostof’s squadron faced the enemy between them, the gap of the unknown, dividing living from dead. Denisof ordered them forward and Rostof felt the charge becoming more and more exciting now that he passed the line. “But now he had passed beyond it and there was not only nothing terrible about it, but everything seemed ever more and more jolly and lively.”p.110 (that’s the adrenalin kicking in) He dashed his horse, Grachik, farther and readied to strike when his horse is thrown back wounded. (no not Grachik) He wondered where the line separating the armies was as his arm felt numb and sees Russians running towards him, he wonders why they are going to kill him, everybody loves him. “He recollected how he was beloved by his mother, his family, his friends, and the idea that his enemies might kill him seemed incredible.”p.111 As a Frenchman came near him with a bayonet, he threw his pistol at him (that’s not how to use it) and he fled into the thicket. 
Tushin’s battery was forgotten until the end of the engagement, Bagration sent Andrei to order them to retire, they had held back the French that were convinced the Russians were concentrated at the center. Their delight in that caused them not to notice the French to the right until their guns were blown out, after an hour seventeen of forty gunners were disabled. Tushin spotted the staff officer arriving calling out they were told to retire twice; Tushin’s response was cut off by a cannon ball landing by him. The soldiers laughed at his order to retreat until Andrei came with the same message. Andrei saw the bloodshed and dodged canon fire, telling himself not to be afraid and helped dismantle as the French continued to fire. When he and Tushin said goodbye and separated Tushin didn’t know why he had tears.  
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