craftychocovibes · 4 years
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craftychocovibes · 5 years
It's like she can't love enough when he lets her
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craftychocovibes · 5 years
Kids need to be kids for as long as they are kids
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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Perception is everything
What you see and perceive is not necessarily what is
At times we see things through rose colored glasses
We see what we want to see because we are in that space
We cant help it and we are often biased
To see the things we would like to see,
Want to see...
Rarely are we aligned to the environment around us to see what we NEED to see
In come the filters
And selective ignorance
We pick, sort, label and categorize
Then we sit back and wait
Not knowing that our intentions set the pace for all our life experiences
Quality vs Quantity
The difference between whats what
And what is...
Is it ever what it actually is?!
PRVBS 16:21
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
The devil is in the details
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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Isn't Life Strange?!
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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Starting anything is the hardest part
When you have to identify a starting point
The actual place to start
To start eating, or walking
Or washing and dressing
Then there's starting a project...
Executing a grand idea
Starting an assignment
Booking a flight or starting a meeting
Then the hardest...
Starting a conversation
A talk with another, complementing them
Asking a question
Wanting something from them without making them feel used
Explaining things, your thoughts or ideas
Harder yet, your feelings
"You hurt me"
"I dont like it when you dont call me"
"I miss you"
"Am sorry"
"Lets break up"
"He's dead"
" I don't know how to do this"
"Forgive me"
"I don't know"
"I'll do better next time"
How to say this, without losing myself
Mishandling vulnerability
Or worse yet exploiting it
Starting something...
Its always taking responsibility
Being the starter
And its always testing your strength
How far your courage goes
How strong your weakness is
How deep your fear runs
But never how much you're worth
Starting something is always setting the pace
A pace only you can keep up with and
A fire only you can contain
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
It's funny how I come across this now. I was in Denmark during halloween and I went through it in two ways. At an Asian Mythology costume party and at an Afro halloween party... Both had nothing extreme in terms of evil.
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On the right a Halloween Witch and on the left a Sankthans Witch.
Halloween (October 31) is seen as the best night to remember or contact the dead so understandably witches are linked to that day. People only very recently started celebrating it in Denmark and a lot of poo-poo people complain that it’s “American nonsense” but they forget that it has always been part of Danish culture, we just call it Allehelgensaften and few people did much besides remember the dead or the Christian saints if anything at all. The poo-poo people just have a problem with the Americanized celebration of it.
Sankthans (July 24) is believed to be the most magically charged day of the year in Denmark and is seen as the best possible night to collect plants and predicting the future. It is celebrated with a big bonfire, music and drinks. It’s a pagan tradition that the church tried to commandeer, but with mixed luck. In the 1920’s people started putting witch dolls on the fire but not with the intention to kill them. Instead people see the fire as a magic boost that will help the witch fly all the way to either Germany or Iceland where she can party with all her witch friends in the mountains while her community stays back and party in their honor. When the doll crumble into the fire people cheer and say “She took off!”
So in Denmark Halloween is the night of evil Witches and Sankthans is the night of good Witches. These two are cousins.
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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The thing about art is... it's always an expression of a small part, singled out from the many parts which make up the soul that created it.
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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Speak your silence,
Hold your thoughts,
Feel your scent and mould your happiness,
Like a child does with plastacine...
NO ONE knows beyond what they know,
Don't be fooled by logic and speculation,
Feel a song and enjoy a scent,
Dance to the thought of your food,
Touch with the intent to feel,
Know texture through sight and pictures through touch,
Maybe then you will understand perspective,
That we're all Right as long as we know where the Middle is Left...
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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Restrain is formidable,
Like the bursting banks of a riverbed,
You hold back to the best of your ability,
You hold back tears,
You hold back words,
You hold back actions,
Opinions, Facts, Conversations....
You hold them all back until you can't anymore,
Until your banks are spilling, overflowing with the need to dispel and propel yourself to freedom,
To fresh breath and wisdom...
Restrain is formidable,
And like any unstopabble force... Whatever is to come, will come
It's just a matter of time
#live #love #laugh #learn #MN2018
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
Le clitoris - Animated Documentary (2016) from Lori Malépart-Traversy on Vimeo. 
Because sexuality needs to be discussed, widely.
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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Karura forest mini waterfall
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
Æesthetics: the science of the nature of and the reactions awakened by the beautiful, the harmonious, the elegant and the noble
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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All in one One in all From all sides Seen by all
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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craftychocovibes · 6 years
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