craigiloveyou · 3 years
Adrienette is toxic, it's true
When I first started watching the show, I thought adrienette was cute. But as the show went on, and I saw more episodes, my opinion on the ship and Marinette change drastically.
First, I have to get this out of the way because it's been bothering me since I've seen it, Puppeteer 2. Jesus Christ, Puppeteer 2. Where do I even begin? Marinette sees what she thinks is a wax statue of Adrien and what does she do? She tries to kiss it. She tries to kiss a wax statue of Adrien. I get her character is deeply in love with Adrien, but holy shit. I've met some adrienette fans who love that moment, saying things like "Adrien didn't pull away." or "That was a cute moment." How the F*CK is that a cute moment???? Literally how?? I never cringed so hard at anything in my life. Does Thomas think that was cute? Does he think that's okay???
Second, Marinette is a stalker. There is plenty of proof and defending her actions saying shes a teenager or she's the main character is stupid. What teenage steals their crush's phone, gets overly jealous when any other girl stand to close to their crush, knows their entire PERSONAL schedule, and tries to sabotage someone else's chance with the crush? Did you answer none? You're correct. Not to mention when Lila went to Adrien's house, Marinette stacked trash cans on top of each other to watch them. And when the a fireman saw her, he helped? He helped her be able to watch Adrien in his own home. Thomas, did you think that was funny? That people would laugh at a fireman helping this girl be able to watch her crush?
Third, Chat Blanc. She abused her super power to break into Adrien's house. Her ancient, powerful, super power, to go into Adrien's house and do what, you ask? She smelled Adrien's pillow. I'm sorry, I don't know about you guys, but if someone broke into my house and sniffed my pillow, I'd call the cops. I don't care if it was a f**king super hero or not, that is creepy. You can't even say it's just for comedic purposes because that's not funny. It's weird and uncomfortable to watch. And when she left, Adrien saw her. Her reckless behavior caused Adrien to get akumatized and nearly caused the end of the world. In the episode, we saw Adrien and Marinette get together. People love that episode, saying it as the best, but it wasn't. It basically showed how bad adrienette is. Adrien only asked Marinette out after he saw she was ladybug. He loves ladybug, and aside from one or two(?) moments in the show showing he had feelings for Marinette, not many for Marinette. The episode just showed Adrien's love for ladybug, and whoever is under the mask, not Marinette.
Fourth, Lila. Marinette didn't trust Adrien alone with Lila because she thinks Lila will lie enough and get Adrien to date her. Marinette didn't trust that Adrien could take care of himself. Adrien could tell when Lila's lies, and it perfectly capable of not falling for her tricks. Another moment she abused her power as ladybug was Volpina. (I think that's the episode.) Lila said to everyone that she personally knew ladybug and what did Marinette do? Instead of just ignoring it, or using her brain, she decided, "Hey, it would be a great idea to go humiliate Lila in front of Adrien so Adrien will never date her!" Lila is a character I still don't know how to feel about, but what Marinette did was a jerky thing to do to anyone. Also using her power to make sure no one can date Adrien is a sh*tty thing to do no matter how much you defend it.
Fifth, Luka and Kagami. I love Luka. I don't love Marinette. I don't particularly care for Lukanette. It's less toxic than adrienette, I'll give it that. And at least Marinette can have a decent conversation with Luka, without stumbling over her words and making a complete fool of herself. And Marinette never stalked Luka so that's good. Also, why does NO ONE TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH OF A B*TCH MARIONETTE WAS TO KAGAMI? She talked bad about her, behind Kagami's back, she tried to sabotage Kagami's chances with Adrien, she tried to lose the challenges so Kagami wouldn't see Adrien, can ANYONE at least acknowledge how much of an a*s she was that ep? And how did the episode end? Did Kagami become Marinette's enemy? Did Kagami tell Adrien the stuff she said and did? Nope. Nothing happened. Marinette got of scott free, and once again, her sh*tty actions had no consequences.
Conclusion. For now, unless Marinette becomes less creepy to Adrien, adrienette is my least favorite ship, not just in the series, but out of all the shows I've seen.
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craigiloveyou · 3 years
fun little rant about kylexcartman haters
Okay, first, I don't give a shit if you don't ship kyman/cartyle. What I do give a shit about is these haters leaving hate comments on fanarts people post on instagram/pinterest/etc.
It's LITERALLY so fucking annoying to go on Instagram to look at fanart and see the comments being 5% of people saying nice things about the art, and 95% of the rest are people saying "🤮" and"Why???"
You want to know why? I'll fucking tell you why. Why the fuck not? Why can't someone go on social media and post a fanart they made to, not you, but a certain group of people who like to ship it. And if you don't LIKE the ship, don't fucking click on it???? I mean, it's not like you're mindlessly scrolling down the south park tag on any app and you just happen to see kyman fanart, and the fanart fucking gets telekinesis and forces your finger to click it. No. it's simply minding it's own business, being posted for, again, NOT YOU, and not doing any harm.
If you're on instagram, and you spot a kyle x cartman fanart that gets you just so angry you have to click on it and leave your, honestly, unasked for opinion, Instagram thinks you want MORE kyman art because you clicked on it. Now, instead of just ignoring it, you have more kyman fanart being shown to you.
And you can't say "Oh shipping Kyman is shipping a nazi and a jew!!11!!" Because, no it fucking isn't. Cartman, despite many times publicly displaying his hate for Jewish people, even trying to kill off all of Jews(or gingers), is not a nazi. He's an eight to ten year-old who admires Hitler because he hates Jews a whole fucking lot. But that could be because of his deep hatred for Kyle. After all, Kyle is, quite literally, everything Cartman hates. But Cartman being or not being a nazi is a post for another day.
Is it really that hard to just... ignore it? You can ship literally whatever you want, I really, really don't care. But just leave people alone. One of my friends who drew kyman fanart got actual fucking death threats, while they were already in a shitty state of mind, just because they posted fanart on instagram. Telling someone to kill themselves over a ship, involving fictional characters, is seriously a shitty thing to do and is not okay at all.
Honestly, I like Style, but It's hard to enjoy the fanart when people are being put down because they ship something else. And you know, I really hope one of those aggressive kyman haters sees this post and gets angry.
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