Hey guys I’ve been asleep since KH3 came out what did I miss?
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my mom sends me daily Xion stuff she sees on Twitter and this is the newest one and I love it
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Fuck I haven’t done my yearly Xion post
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Fuck I haven’t done my yearly Xion post
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What the actual fuck
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Hey guys, it’s Tier! So I’ve been working on this project for a little over a year and it’s finally done! This is my first major animation project and I’m super happy with how it turned out!
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Have a nice day
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too honest
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I just wanna point out as well that we all improve as we go along, so even if you don’t get in on your first try, or you do and you’re comparing yourself to others, you can still improve!
I’ve applied to multiple zines in the past and have only ever appeared in Destiny’s zines, and even though I’ve put the most effort into the art I’ve made for those zines, I’ve still improved so much in the past year since then!
Applying for these projects and practicing your style is a great way to improve your art! Like I said, the most time and effort I had ever put into a piece was for one of Destiny’s zines, and I learned a lot about art, specifically the program I use to make art, through that project!
tfw your art style sucks but you wanna join kingdom hearts projects/zines.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, Anon! We’re always our own worst critics. Your style is constantly growing and changing, and you’ll get better and better the longer you draw.
I’ll always encourage people to apply for projects even if they think it’s a long shot– and to remember that not being accepted for one is not a reflection of your worth as an artist. 
Keep studying, keep practicing, keep having fun, and keep trying!
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Hey guys! So I’ve been working on a project for a while now, and I’m finally able to announce it! I’ve been working on making a small online shop to sell shirts, mugs, stickers, etc! I’ve been working on this for a few weeks now and I’d love it if you could check it out or give it a promo!
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Disney: ok you can use mickey mouse, but- Nomura: Michael is now a Flawed Warrior King with a reckless past who is not exactly forthcoming wrt to the truth. He makes critical mistakes like leaving people behind in the realm of darkness but also takes the nearest troubled teenagers under his wing at every possible opportunity. He is always trying to make up for how he’s erred but despite keeping a fairly level head is sometimes consumed with thoughts of vengeance when his friends are threatened. Also he says it’s not only okay to be gay but that the capacity for such strong love is the source of your power–
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Took a few randomized palette drawing requests on Twitter, and here’s the ones I did!
-Please do not reupload/edit/use without proper credit, ask first please-
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Yo does anyone have a link to that interview where Nomura states he relates to Xehanort?
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The capybara was the world’s largest rodent until I was born
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