craycraytime · 1 year
The Dismantling of Rev. Moon's Empire in the US
With the news about the sale of UTS Barrytown, the Boston Church, and Morning Garden, and the possible sale of 43rd St. and the New Yorker Hotel, the powers that be are dismantling the physical assets of Rev. Moon's empire.
With the rewriting of the theological dogmas: Rev. Moon failed two of his primary missions, everything after the Principle of Creation must be extirpated from the the Divine Principle, and Mrs. Moon being the OBDOG and Jesus being the OBSOG (Which is true), and Rev. Moon being just a leader, the dismantling of the theological dogmas of Rev. Moon's religion.
With the picking and choosing of "church coaches", all graduates of another cults' ideology, that cult being the Landmark Forum (highly accepted by the homosexual community), almost the entire leadership is run by an outside ideology and leaders are chosen based on whether they graduated from the Landmark Forum's training.
As we can see the UC/FFWPU is not what it once was. People who are against these changes need to communicate and work together. We have been a community for decades. We love and respect one another. Let's do something about the false teachings and the corruption within the church!
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