craycraytime · 1 year
The Dismantling of Rev. Moon's Empire in the US
With the news about the sale of UTS Barrytown, the Boston Church, and Morning Garden, and the possible sale of 43rd St. and the New Yorker Hotel, the powers that be are dismantling the physical assets of Rev. Moon's empire.
With the rewriting of the theological dogmas: Rev. Moon failed two of his primary missions, everything after the Principle of Creation must be extirpated from the the Divine Principle, and Mrs. Moon being the OBDOG and Jesus being the OBSOG (Which is true), and Rev. Moon being just a leader, the dismantling of the theological dogmas of Rev. Moon's religion.
With the picking and choosing of "church coaches", all graduates of another cults' ideology, that cult being the Landmark Forum (highly accepted by the homosexual community), almost the entire leadership is run by an outside ideology and leaders are chosen based on whether they graduated from the Landmark Forum's training.
As we can see the UC/FFWPU is not what it once was. People who are against these changes need to communicate and work together. We have been a community for decades. We love and respect one another. Let's do something about the false teachings and the corruption within the church!
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All these UC members were killed while fundraising for Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
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Sharon ____ , killed fundraising in Las Vegas in 1976. She was 21.
Denis Stride was killed while fundraising
Young Lim ______ . She was killed in a fundraising accident in 1981/82.
Japanese sister (Midori?) hit by car while fundraising in Newark, NJ
. 1980s

Young woman fundraising for the UC at a stop light in the US. She was hit by a truck and dragged some distance and died. Her body was very badly mangled. No other details known.
Chieko was murdered in 1983 while fundraising in east US (on Kiyoshi Nishi’s IOWC team.) Her parents flew from Japan for the funeral.
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▲ Chiyoko lwamoto-Drevici was killed in New Jersey in 1985.
Details discovered:
Mayumi Komatsu, 22, was raped and murdered while fundraising for the UC in California on April 5, 1985
Reader Advisory: This is a horrific story  ––>   LINK
“While traveling on IOWC I had a Japanese friend whose personality was like liquid light. She was the happiest, most loving person you could meet. I loved her so dearly. Being sleep deprived, as is the norm, she was fundraising at a light when she stepped off the curb to make her way to a customer. She was hit so hard she flew 50 feet and died instantly upon impact with the ground. No one on the team spoke of her after it happened.
I remember on MFT, one leader came and gave personal alarms to the sisters and told the MFT team leaders that sisters should be in pairs, especially after dark. Then he left and the team leaders confiscated the alarms. Isamu Saito said the alarms could be sold for money. The sisters were still sent out singly because “they could get more money that way”. We reminded Saito that his leader had given those directions, but he said “That’s God’s love but we need to make money.”
There were a good number of good-hearted, fervent, bright Japanese women raped and murdered and forgotten.”
HWDYKYM wants to honor the victims of the Unification Church
England, probably in 1982. Robert Wiggins and a French member, Bruno Marze, were killed in a van accident. They had been fundraising for the day as part of a CARP team which had a Japanese leader.
There was another CARP member who was the main driver, but he didn’t like fundraising, which is why the Japanese team leader told Robert to drive into London instead, so the other guy could be kept fundraising.
Robert was an inexperienced driver. They crashed near Luton on their way back to the Lancaster Gate HQ in London. They may have been in a hurry to get back by a certain time. There were roadworks on the stretch where the accident happened.
The CARP members seemed to have a habit of driving too fast and Robert Wiggins was not an experienced driver, so it is more likely he lost control while driving through the roadworks, rather than falling asleep. It was a head on collision with a big truck. Robert’s chest was crushed by the steering wheel and Bruno was decapitated. Joanna De Souza was thrown out of the van and left badly handicapped.
From a resident of Lancaster Gate at the time: “Bruno used to laugh a lot, and he was good at doing mimes. His Austrian wife had just had a baby, a few weeks before. Straight after the accident, Bruno’s wife went back to Austria; we made a small collection for her in Lancaster Gate. The donations came from the members themselves. I don’t think the Church gave anything.”
In Australia,  in the early 1980s, there were members of a fundraising team that came from New Zealand that died when the driver fell asleep. Also around the same time, another two Australian members were seriously injured in a car accident on MFT in Australia. – John Reed
In France there was a fundraising van accident in about 1976 where one French member, Albert Reignez, lost a leg.
There are so many parts of the global Unification Church experience that we do not know. So many young members have gone missing in Mongolia, Thailand, and the Philippines throughout the years, as well as members from other parts of the world.
Hiromi Kazuni disappeared, and was likely killed, while fundraising.
A mother dropped her children off at Jacob House, N.Y., and went to fundraise – as directed by Sun Myung Moon. Michiko Koide was killed…
Atsushi Funaki murdered while selling roses in E. Philadelphia
Hitoshi Hara was murdered on July 20, 1987 while selling roses for Sun Myung Moon’s church
Montreal girl (probably Ruthie) died fundraising for the Unification Church in 1977. She was hit by a car.

Jin-joo Byrne was raped and murdered in August 2002. 
She was just 18. She was fundraising on her own with costume jewellery in Charlotte NC. Some time later it was arranged for Hak Ja Han, on a visit to Seattle, to meet the family. She was not very sympathetic. A Korean person understood what Hak Ja Han said.
The Purity Knife – Jen Kiaba
Reinhard Jager was killed while selling roses; hit by a drunk truck driver
Eric Mahnken was killed while on a fundraising trip in 1984
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
On the 1962 Reorganization of the Unification Church as a Political Tool of Japan, South Korea, and USA
The following is an excerpt from Privatising' Covert Action: The Case of the Unification Church by Jeffrey M. Bale and sheds some light on the alleged 1961-1962 reorganization of the Unification Church for the sake of it becoming a political tool of the Republic of Korea (ROK, or South Korea). As a political tool of post-war ROK, this meant their national goals and strategies had to be in line with the United States of America as well as the nearby Japan,  a USA ally (as of 1960) and their former colonizer who they continued to have a tense relationship with. Kim Jong Pil, head of Korean intelligence, decided to more deeply intervene in the Unification Church’s organization and activities as Park Chung Hee came to power. At this time, the the Unification Church substantially became a tool to not just the Korean government, but the U.S. and Japanese government. 
Park Chung Hee’s personal opinion on the Unification Church is hard to discern, and his relationship with the church was in no way progressively positive, but Park did not have a personal bias against the “new religion” controversy around the Unification Church, as he was mentored by the leader of the “Eternal Life Church," Choi Tae-min, who claimed to to be the Maitreya. The man who assassinated shot Park, KCIA Director Kim Jae-gyu, admitted after his arrest that one of his motives for the killing was Park’s inability to rid himself of Choi Tae-min’s influence. 
As one of Park’s closest aides, Kim Jong Pil headed the negotiations with Japan on normalizing bilateral diplomatic relations in order to help the economic reconstruction of South Korea. Kim Jong Pil continued to use Bo Hi Pak as a KCIA-CIA liaison in the DC area, and in 1962 made trips to the U.S. with KCIA agents and staff that were also Unification Church members. During this trip he also visited the Unification Church in San Francisco. Members from all over the region gathered for this meeting. The following passage outlines some of the events and figures that helped make this happen. You can read the full article here on the HWDYKYM blog. 
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▲ Pictured: Kim Jong Pil, left, and Masayoshi Ohira meet in Tokyo in 1962
The fall of Rhee thus represented a turning point in ROK-Japan interaction. The short-lived democratic government that succeeded him made overtures towards normalization of relations with Japan, an approach also adopted by the Park regime following the 1961 coup. Park and other junta leaders had good economic and political reasons for promoting normalization: they needed Japanese capital to help modernize their country's economy and hoped to stablilize their strategic position by yielding to American pressure to reestablish better relations with Japan. The Japanese government headed by Kishi likewise sought to improve Japan's investment opportunities and strategic position.  These official views were to a great extent catalyzed and reinforced by powerful business leaders in both countries, specifically the Korean Businessmen's Association founded in 1961 by a dozen big businessmen and the 'Korea Lobby' in Japan, which included '15 top capitalists' who had established the Japan- ROK Economic Cooperation Organization. It was these latter who financed 'key factional bosses' in the LDP, and their political allies included Prime Minister Kishi and Dietman Bamboku Ono, among others - the very same rightist politicians supported behind the scenes by Kodama and Sasagama, who themselves had economic interests in South Korea.
Of equal significance for our topic, the envoy selected by Park to open 'informal channels' with these pro-normalization elements in Japan was none other than Jong-Pil Kim, who travelled to Japan in October of 1962 - immediately prior to his visit to the U.S., during which he promised Moonies in San Francisco that he would secretly support the UC - to meet with various Japanese leaders, including Kodama's ally Ono. As a result of this visit and a second in November 1962, which Kim undertook on his way home from America, an important step in the normalization process was taken with the formulation of the 'Kim-Ohira Memorandum . If all of this were not suggestive enough, Kodama himself was 'reputed to have been close to former ROK intelligence chief Kim-Chong-p'il and ha[d] been an important channel from Kim to the LDP and Japanese government'. Indeed, according to Japanese journalist Eisuke Otsuka, 'Kodama arranged a meeting inviting Korean representative Kim Chong-p’il and Kishi, Bamboku Ono, and Ichiro Kono and made them disentangle the trouble [regarding normalization] that had lasted for Jour years in short order'. Kim, Ono and Kodama were all later implicated in financial scandals involving both countries.
However, one should not assume that the motives for these contacts were strictly economic. Both Kim and the Japanese kuromaku were concerned with countering communist expansionism, and all three sought to create rightist federations to facilitate this. I have already noted that Kim, Kodama and Sasagawa had worked to strengthen domestic anti-communist forces, and have also discussed some of Kim's operations abroad. It remains only to show that the latter two men were also actively involved in creating and supporting regional or worldwide groupings like APACL and WACL, and that one of the instruments they made us of - probably at Kim's urging - was Moon's UC.
On Kim Jong Pil’s meetings with the CIA, Bo Hi Pak, and California Moonies, excerpted from Gifts of Deceit: Sun Myung Moon, Tongsun Park and the Korean scandal by Robert Boettcher with Gordon L. Freedman:
Kim Jong-Pil made a two-week official visit to the United States as KCIA director in the fall of 1962. Included in his entourage was Steve Kim as interpreter. The Korean Embassy mobilized for the occasion, and the Kennedy administration rolled out the red carpet. Lieutenant Colonel Bo Hi Pak was the Embassy’s officer in charge for Kim’s meetings with CIA Director John McCone, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and Defense Intelligence Agency head Lieutenant General J. E. Carroll.
En route home, Kim Jong-Pil met secretly in his room at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco with a small group of Moon’s early activists, who had been sent to proselytize on the West Coast, and some American converts. Kim Young-Oon, beginning in Eugene, Oregon, in 1959, had moved to Berkeley, California. Choi Sang-Ik [Papasan Choi], having established the church in Japan, had moved to San Francisco. Kim told them he sympathized with Moon’s goals and promised to help the Unification Church with political support from inside the government. He said he could not afford to do so openly, however, which fit Moon’s plans perfectly.
Kim Jong-Pil had learned from Moon’s followers in the KCIA that Moon was a zealous anti-Communist. That could be useful to the government. He was also aware of Moon’s ambition to build influence in Korea and beyond. That could create problems for the government if the influence were not properly channeled. Moon was anxious to increase church membership in cities and villages throughout the country. Fine, thought Kim, just as long as they don’t get out of bounds. The KCIA must be the one calling the shots. He decided the Unification Church should be organized satisfactorily to be utilized as a political tool whenever he and the KCIA needed it. Organizing and utilizing the Unification Church would be a simple matter anyhow. After the military coup overthrew the elected government in 1961, all organizations in Korea were required to apply for reregistration with the government.
John Lofland discusses the visit in Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith (1966, 1977). HWDYKYM identified the aliases Lofland used. The book was a study of the Unification Church group led by Young Oon Kim in San Francisco in the early 60s. 
The most spectacular of these visits supported the feeling that UC political control of Korea was imminent. In November 1962, the mass media reported the official United States visit of a Korean political figure known as the “Director” [KCIA Director, Kim Jong-pil]. A feature story on Korea and the Director’s visit appearing in a national news magazine said he was the mastermind behind the then current Korean military junta [of Park Chung-hee]. He “provides the ideas, the drive, the plans. By his own immodest but unchallenged statement, [he] is the dominant figure of … [the] ‘revolution.’ ” After talks with high level officials in Washington, the Director spent two days in San Francisco before returning to Korea. He stayed in a luxurious hotel that flew the Korean flag over its main entrance in order to honor his presence.
The day of his arrival, Miss Kim received a phone call from the Director’s aide and interpreter, a Korean army colonel and UC member. He told her that he had arranged an audience with the Director for Miss Kim and her followers. Miss Kim and five core converts appeared at the hotel the next afternoon, where they met another of the Director’s aides, who had only recently converted to the UC. Before entering the Director’s suite, the Koreans conversed excitedly in their native tongue, while American members stood around and giggled with joy. The audience with the Director himself consisted of Miss Kim telling him of her work for the UC in America, after which each local member gave a brief testimony to the UC/Divine Principle’s wonders and how it had changed their lives. The interpreter translated for the converts and for the Director, who continually smiled, nodded, and chain smoked. There were soft drinks, and toward the end of the hour the Director said that he was not a religious man but had great sympathy with UC. He could not help them publicly in Korea, but he would secretly give them a hand whenever possible.
After the audience, the members assembled in the interpreter’s room, where pictures were taken and an air of family festivity reigned.
Dinner talk back in the UC Center focussed on the audience. Miss Kim emphasized that such a meeting was unique and had occurred only because the Director had high regard for his two aides who were UC members. Note was made of the recently converted Colonel being related by marriage to the junta head and thus having direct access to him. The Director’s interpreter, Miss Kim reported, was also his speech writer. When assigned to write a speech, he always got help from a top-ranking person in Moon’s movement in order to give the speeches a Divine Principle slant. Church members had a strong suspicion that the two aides would eventually convert the Director, Kim Jong-pil.
Since Sun Myung Moon was to control the world by 1967, control of his home base [Korea] would certainly come before that time. Although UC members in America were obscure and ignored, even the most skeptical had to agree that, for some months in 1962 at least, Korean control was not a fantasy. Members had access to the people whose conversion could have given them power, if only in a short-lived coup. In any event, after their meeting with the KCIA Director, Kim Jong-pil, members possessed an important sense of being secretly near the center of power in Korea. Was this not testimony to the Unification Church member’s truth [the Divine Principle]?”
Michael Mickler on Kim Jong Pil’s visit to San Francisco, excerpted from A History Of The Unification Church In America, 1959–74 - Emergence of a National Movement:
Chairman of the newly emerged Supreme Council for National Reconstruction (SCNR) in Korea, Jong Pil Kim journeyed to the United States in November, 1961, for talks with American leaders and a meeting with President John Kennedy. After the talks, he spent two days in San Francisco before returning to Korea. During his stay in the Bay Area, Miss Kim received a call from a Colonel Han, a church member and one of Jong Pil Kim's aides and interpreters. He had arranged for Miss Kim and five American members not only to attend a reception but also to have an audience with the chairman.
At the reception, members met another aide who had recently joined the church, and in the private audience Miss Kim spoke of her work in America. In addition, each American member gave a brief testimony of their experiences with the church. While the meeting was relatively routine, its significance was enormous for a community which was struggling with obscurity and rejection.
On Kim Jong Pil’s visit, excerpted from the 1978 Report Of The Subcommittee on International Organizations Of The Committee On International Relations U.S. House of Representatives:
While in San Francisco, Kim Jong Pil stayed at the St. Francis Hotel. There he met secretly with a small group of UC members, who were among Moon's earliest followers in the United States. The subcommittee staff spoke to a person present at the meeting between the UC members and Kim Jong Pil, who recalled that Kim told UC members he would give their movement political support in Korea, though he could not afford to do so openly. A former U.S. official who accompanied Kim during his stay in San Francisco corroborated the story about the private meeting.
Note: Mickler says November 1961. Lofland and Boettcher/Freedman say Novemeber 1962. 
“Moon’s Law: God Is Phasing Out Democracy”
Robert Parry’s investigations into Sun Myung Moon
The Political Setup of Moon’s Organization  – a 1977 Report. Kishi Nobusuke and Park Chung-hee are mentioned
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
“Moon used to play golf regularly with Kim Jong-pil”
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
The Moon Organization and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Somebody who grew up in the church recently died. Committed suicide. This is not the first time and won’t be the last. This tragedy happens all the time in society⁠—in “the outside world.” Our economic and political conditions will surely fluctuate through various levels of shakiness and unrest from now into upcoming decades, in the U.S. and globally, and this undoubtedly means that working and poor people will struggle even more, potentially with even less access to medical services, including mental health services. It’s safe to assume that suicides are generally going to increase. 
I’ve known three members who committed suicide. In some sick way, I am thankful that there aren’t more second generation who have committed suicide. Knowing how often I’ve gotten close to it, as well as others in my family and among my friends, I’m genuinely surprised there’s not more. Unfortunately, I don’t doubt that in the next few decades, there will be more⁠—and not just because of global politics making everybody’s every day harder. But because we’re getting older, and so many of us have never dealt with any of our demons, and when things in our life gets shakier, uncertain, or scary, and we hit a breaking point because of some tragedy or sudden life change, we will lose our shit. 
So many of us have an endless rage we are unwilling to look at or know. We hide and lock up huge parts of who we are from ourselves and those we love. And so many of us end up clueless to the structures and voices we’ve inherited from the church that we still obey and are tormented by.
There’s so much more to the story of leaving the church as a second generation than I’ve been told. I am trying to figure it out for myself. I’ve been out for a decade and yet too often I feel so behind in my healing. I am not over it, and I feel guilty for that. I only recently detected that guilt coming from an old place in me⁠—the place that says not to be negative, the place that dismisses negative people. I’ve been in therapy on and off for the last decade, I’ve been medicated, and the past few years I’ve talked to other 2nd generation who left, I’ve been keeping up with the blogs and the podcasts⁠⁠—and none of that is enough.
What is enough? Will there ever be enough? Will I ever not have this rage following me? 
Somehow, even in the safest ex-2nd generation spaces, I still feel like the violence we witnessed and endured is not taken seriously. There are so many ex-2nd generation who affirm the church being problematic, but barely any more than other fundamentalist sect. We can read HWDYKYM headlines about 6,500 Japanese women going missing after the blessing, or Moon sexually assaulting Annie Choi, or the church funding death squads in Latin America, and say, “oh yeah, the church is fucked up” and shrug. Even if we did not personally experience certain abuses, we were born through and in the midst of exploitation and abuse. It was all around us. In one way or another, we all experienced⁠ it and it played a huge role in shaping our realities and who we are. 
There is so much trauma in us that we are unwilling to interact with and know.
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It is not normal to be in a room of people slapping themselves, with some getting bruised or bloody. It is not normal to be in a locked room where people are forced to make confessions and then get beaten. It is not normal to have your church leader pressure you to give up your child to another family. It is not normal to have your parents pressure you to go across the country, or world, at 17 or 18 or 19 years old, to have your eternal spouse chosen for you. It is not normal to have to make a sudden life change, including moving countries, due to the sudden whim of a church leader. It is not normal to be given a knife by your mom to kill yourself with if approached by a rapist. It is not normal to have to beat your spouse’s ass with a bat as hard as you can in front of your peers and leaders.
Whether this was our experience, or our sibling’s, or our friend’s, or our parents’ it was all traumatic and it was our basis for reality. It was not normal, good, or healthy. That stuff takes a long time to unpack, and the messaging we received takes even more effort and humility to actually unlearn and deal with. 
There’s so much to unlearn and re-learn, and I’m afraid of what that means for me, and for all of us. Going to therapy is important, even if your therapy ends up not always super insightful or mind-blowing. It helps to have somebody on the outside seeing what’s going on inside us. I’ve had some mediocre therapists, but they’ve all been helpful at some point in highlighting things in my thinking and behavior that I just couldn’t see otherwise, and reminding me of the things I always forget or dismiss. They’ve continually helped me take myself and my life seriously.
But there’s more to this than therapy. How do we reckon with ourselves? There still seems to be some missing pieces in this story. Maybe it’s something we, the second generation, have to figure out. 
Everybody has their own pace and capacity, and I respect that we all have a different route for recovery and healing. A lot of us are mentally ill, dealing with CPTSD and PTSD, as well as depression and anxiety and other disorders. I know some people feel unable to even consider working through their trauma, aware that it’d trigger them in ways that they do not think they can manage, in ways they’re scared might break them. For those of us who want to actively find some sense of resolve, who want to be free from Moonie-brain, and to feel free, and genuinely be freed, from being psychologically and ideologically in the church—I wonder what else we can be doing to find whatever peace we can with our families, our past and stories, ourselves. I wonder if my Moonie-blinders are still keeping me from seeing something. 
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teddyhose · 6 years
Here’s a second interview I did with Talk Beliefs highlighting my and my family’s choice to leave the Moonies, mental illness and suicide in cults, but also happy memories from the church, and turning my experiences into art, writing, and comedy. I appreciate that I can tell my story of the Unification Church through this platform, minus the more common media sensationalism 🙌
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on Cheongpyeong and Child Abuse
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milkboydotnet · 6 years
It's that time of the month where my partner and I cry together about money. Just got paid and still can't afford to pay $200+ worth of bills. So, if you have a buck or two (I'll take whatever): hsfrancis on venmo or PayPal.me/hwdykym
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jreedmx · 8 years
HWDYKYM was taken off-line
I sent a request to the tumblr support people asking why HWDYKYM suddenly became unavailable.
If you want to change the location of the blog to wordpress:
Create a wordpress account and site.
click on “My Sites”
Either Choose switch site or click on “all my sites”
Scroll down to your site. Select a site to open.
Scroll down to settings.
At the top of the page choose “Import” from the top menu
Choose “Other importers”
From the Import page that appears - choose tumblr
Tumblr - run importer
From the import tumblr page - Connect to Tumblr to begin
click “allow” on the access dialog box.
Another import page appears - Choose your Tumblr blog page
Go to “Action/Status” colomn -  click on “Import this blog” button
It’s going to run slow. Come back to it later while it runs.
Check out my new wordpress site after the transfer. Note there are duplicate posts due to me initiating it twice thinking it was going too slow so there must of been a problem. No problem - just slow with no progress bar.  ;)
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dixiechikdigger · 8 years
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donewithmoon · 12 years
An Open Letter to Church Members
Everyone is struggling to attain happiness and avoid misfortune. From the commonplace affairs of individuals to the great events that shape the course of history, each is at root an expression of the human aspiration for ever greater happiness.
This is the opening paragraph of the Divine Principle, the seminal text by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Movement and the self-proclaimed Second Comming of Jesus Crhist.
In itself, the Divine Principle makes insightful philophical points. As a gross generalization, one could assert that it is true thatmost people want to be happy and avoid misfortune. One can also agree that one the whole everyone would also like to be happier tomorrow than they are today. Happiness is undoubtedly a good thing.
Moon then makes some valid points about the importance of family and family values. One would be hard pressed to disagree that having a good and loving family is a wonderful thing that has a significant impact on the development of healthy, happy, well-rounded individuals. Several generations worth of secular and spiritual experts tend to agree with this fact. Having a loving family can also be added to the list of things this is undoubtedly good.
Moon then went on to found a theology based upon the teaching of these universal truths. In a nutshell; family is good, love is good, happiness is good, misfortune is bad, evil is bad. Where Moon diverges from the other major religions that are essentially saying the same thing is that he is here to establish a True Family on Earth and show everyone else how happy they can be if they only do family right.
According to Father Moon, the Kingdom of Heaven can be brought to Earth through the ideal family. With everything that is worth anything to achieve, this will not be easy and we'll need to work hard. You're going to have to marry someone that you may not necessarily choose for yourself. They might be of another race, religion and will preferably speak a different language. To make sure of this, Father Moon will choose your spouse for you. And you're going to love it. Because if you don't and your family splits apart and your Blessing fails, chances are  you will go to Hell. And you'll take the rest of the world with you. No pressure or anything.
Now let's talk about your children. The products of the Blessing of these two diametrically opposed, incompatible individuals are going to be awesome. Because you've struggled to make your marriage work and you've paid a ritual indemnity for a millenial of human conflict your children are quite literally going to be something near perfect without the stain of Original Sin that Adam and Eve, the mythical first humans brought into the world which caused all these problems in the first place.
The restoration of the world through an ideal family seems simple enough. In fact, it's one of those glaringly simple good ideas that seem crazy enough to actually work. But like many simple things, there is often more to it than meets the eye.
In order for your family to be considered and Ideal Blessed Family you need to keep a few things in mind. You should be true to your spouse; love and respect them like the image of God that they are. Love your children. Teach them to be mindful human beings who love, respect and care for the feelings of others. Be fruitful, multiply and inherit the earth. Be humble and live a life of sacrifice. This is the heart of God. It probably goes without saying that you should also not cheat on your spouse, get a divorce, or pursue material wealth.
In an effort at full disclosure I would like to add that I am a product of this Blessing. My mother is Japanese and my father is American. They mostly get along, but they occasionally disagree completely. Like many marriages they mostly love each other, but they occasionally dislike each other immensely. Now that I am also married I would like to add this to the list of possible universal truths; you may love youru spouse, but there will be days where you will hate them. Successful marriages are where you figure out how to love your spouse again after you are done hating them and hope that they will do the same.
Like other children of the Second Generation I was taught that the True Parents and their True Children were the ideal family. Like many other families of the time, we were encouraged to donate money as a symbol of our dedication. We would donate for things like liberating our ancestors, DP workshops, getting Blessed, general tithing and a myriad of other things that would make God happy.
Oftentimes these financial sacrifices would be reflected in very real struggles for Blessed Families. Some had trouble paying their mortgage or sending their children to college. Some members are even having a difficult time supporting themselves during their retirement. But that's okay. Like anything that is worth anything to achieve, the Kingdrom of Heaven will require certain sacrifices. And my parents, like most people who are willing to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their families and loved ones for a good cause are extremely good people. They are still extremely good and loving people who are willing to give and do anything for something they believe in. And I respect them completely for that.
Over the years certain facts have come to light about True Father and his True Family that are difficult to understand. Some of these facts have caused an extremely visceral reactions in some circles, a reaction I feel is important to fully examine in order to full understand. I was taught by my good parents that our Original Mind is the one that is closest to God. In my childlike brain, I personified my Original Mind to be my Jiminiy Cricket - the part of myself that can easily identify right things from wrong things. A student of philosophy might refer to the Original Mind as one's morality or ethics. A student of psychology might refer to it as a concept of in-group/out-group theory.
Once upon a time, I looked upon the True Family and the True Children with something akin to reverence. They were my fairy tale bedtime story. If you're very good, my mom would say, True Father might even Bless you to one of his sons. A prince of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now things have changed. When I view the True Family throught the lens of my Original Mind, which was given to me by my very good parents through DP workshops and summers at Camp Sunrise, I find that my Jiminy Cricket flies an incredibly huge, red flag.
Who are they really? When juxtaposed with the ideals that have been defined as a requirement to receive the Blessing by the self-proclaimed Messiah, their very own biological father they don't make the cut. Drug abuse? Check. Divorce? Check. Domestic violence? Check. Focus on material wealth? Check.
Where do we go from here? My parents have spent their lives working and sacrificing for this ideal of perfection and as a child who loves them dearly I would hate to see their dreams crumble into oblivion.
Clearly things in this movement cannot conitnue down the path they are currently traveling. Historically, the True Family has demonstrated through their un-Principled actions to be completely incapable of conducting themselves in a manner - beholden by their very own admission I might add - befitting a Blessed Fmaily. Their credibility to lead in a pure and moral manner is distressed to say the least. A family that has relentlessly lied, cheated, stolen and produced (multiple) illegitimate children, abused drugs and alcohol and resorted to domestic violence cannot possibly be taken seriously as a representative of a Church foundedon family values.
In order to my parents' sacrifice to not be in vain a regime change is necessary. The 'True Family' should not be in charge. Period.
There is a reason that the American Founding Fathrs found it prudent to call for a complete separation of Church and State. Lord Acton, a notable historian and moralist said that 'power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are always bad men.' And in the case of the Moon family, this old adage rings true, absolutely. In order to get this train back on track the Unification movement needs a similar separation. The Moon family can either control the checkbook or the pulpit. Their brief history has already shown they cannot do both.
What should follow is a total reform of the Unification Movement. Faithful members should not be asked to subsidize the lifestyle of a family that has used public funds to pursue their own personal agendas. Some reports have claimed that each True Child receives a stipend of $480,000 a year for living expenses. As a child growing up in a family of 8 on a salary a fraction of that amount, I can only perceive that sum to be extravagant. Especially consideringt the a portion of my parent's income and the fundraising efforts of my younger siblings contributed to the purchase of various real estate holdings, and the companies that are now financing this allowance.
These children - who have been raised in creature comfort, who have never been cold, or hungry or who need concern themselves about how to financially support ailing parents or fret over how to pay for college or survive in this world - have no concept of how to manage finances responsibly. Money is not earned, but bestowed upon them in an abundant green and gold stream. These children do not understant what it is to earn a living through hard work or physical labor. Like many wealthy families before them, it might be prudent to take away their debit cards and manage these funds in the form of a trust.
The sticky part is, this money is not their money at all. It is Church money, given by good people in a show of faith - a public show of faith in the hopes that these public funds will be used for a greater good that will benefit the whole world. Not to purchase an Ivy League education, or ballroom dancing lessons, or lavish estates in exotic locations, or thoroughbred race horses or a $50 million private jet. These are not Heavenly goals, but secular, superficial hallmarks of a famly steeped in narcissism.
If one would like to argue that this movement is more a Heavenly 'business' than a 'church' then I would like to point out that if someone has been appointed President or CEO of HSA-UWC then it is literally their job to be an upstanding member of Church society. They are only qualified to assume this position if they personally embody all of the ideals they encourage others to live up to - to be a True Child, a True Parent, a True Family. If you fail to repsect your parents, your spouse, your family members you are not doing your job. And you should be fired.
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Dream Is Over
When one looks through the speeches given by Rev. Moon, one will come across contradictory statements. And the different factions are using those statements against each other to support their opposing positions.
What is interesting is that no one in either faction seems to question those contradictions. Why? Because people would then be departing from the premise that Rev. Moon was the Messiah, and that whatever came out of his mouth must therefore be the absolute truth. 

I would like to challenge you to think for yourself – unafraid and unattached to dogma and authority of any kind. Let your inner compass point to the Truth. Instead of using the Rev. Moon’s words as a script for your life, try using your own God-given compass. Instead of finding virtue in reading his words every morning, and in parroting his words in discussions, challenge yourselves to read the God-given blueprint you were born with. No one has a monopoly on the Truth. We are all children of God, and the Truth is available to whoever sincerely searches for it. In fact, when we dare to think independently we can see that the belief that Rev. Moon is the Messiah is simply that – a belief. There’s nothing factual about it.

The feud going on within the Unification movement is the most ridiculous, nonsensical situation we could have ever imagined. It is also very telling of the crooked foundation on which the movement has been standing; and telling of how misaligned from God the movement has been. The ridiculous crowns and capes; the ridiculous Kings and Queens; the utterly ridiculous constitutions… and then the lawsuits; the desperate attempts to intimidate the membership; the fear of being snatched by Satan, these are all not only a circus and a half, but sad proof that those we so revered were not true after all. 

But, from all this mess, God can still salvage the hearts of those who were sincerely hoping to build a better world – those who find absolutely unacceptable hatred, violence, discrimination and abuse in the name of God. I believe God will move on with them, beyond institution, beyond Kings and Queens, beyond crowns and all.

(this post has been edited by HWDYKYM)
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
Sam Park, Moon’s secret son, reveals hidden history (2014)
Sun Myung Moon’s Theology of the Fall, Tamar, Jesus and Mary
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Parent Award Returned Amid Inquiry (1999)
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▲ Pictured: Gary Jarmin was the spokesman for the National Parents Day Foundation, as well as a number of other Moon-associated or Moon-founded organizations, even though he allegedly left in the 70s.
The article below is regarding the efforts of National Parents Day Foundation, an organization initiated by Moonies. The Moonies have another "Parents Day" of their own, but they advocated for this holiday under Clinton, who signed a Congressional Resolution into law in 1994.
Children of God, the cult discussed in the article below, is known for promoting pedophilia and incest as godly and even at times necessary practices.
Parent Award Returned Amid Inquiry August 5, 1999
LONGMONT, Colo. (AP) _ This year’s winner of the Parent of the Year Award has returned the prize because of his alleged links to a cult accused of child abuse and prostitution.
Zach Prendergast won the award because of the home and life he and wife, Naomi, have built for their 12 children.
But he also has been a leader of the Children of God cult, a group started in California in the 1960s by the late David Berg, according to former acquaintances interviewed by the Houston Chronicle.
The cult has run into legal trouble around the world. Among other things, it has been accused of having female members work as ``happy hookers for Jesus,″ and has been linked to child pornography in South America and physical abuse of members’ children.
Former members of the cult identified Prendergast as the leader of an indoctrination camp for children in Italy in the 1980s.
The award, authorized by Congress in 1994, is issued by the National Parents Day Foundation in connection with National Parents Day, the fourth Sunday of each July.
Questions about Prendergast’s ties to the Children of God led him to return the award, said Gary Jarmin, spokesman for the National Parents Day Foundation.
Jarmin said the foundation was unaware of the Prendergasts’ affiliation with the Children of God when it issued the award. ``There’s nothing in the information we received on them to indicate that they were involved in anything like that,″ Jarmin said.
There was no answer at the Prendergasts’ home Thursday in Longmont.
WIOTM articles mentioning Gary Jarmin What kind of members were Michael Warder and Gary Jarmin? Gary Jarmin: “Apart from God’s true love a true marriage and true parents cannot exist.” - HWDYKYM brief post regarding a C-Span video in Jarmin promotes the idea of "True Parents"
The Curious Case of Gary Jarmin More on Gary Jarmin From Korea with love (1974) - the article that changed Jarmin’s trajectory in the Unification Church
Thoughts on blackmail, church hierarchy dynamics, and former UC leaders
Inside Moon’s Washington The Political Setup of Moon’s Organization  – a 1977 Report. Kishi Nobusuke and Park Chung-hee are mentioned
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Scared of Leaving?
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HWDYKYM got this in our ask box about seven years ago:
“I’m a second gen from Australia, and I’m currently questioning the beliefs and customs of the unification church. I just wanted to ask, when you left the church, did you feel scared at all? Did the thought of ‘what if all they taught was right’ ever cross your mind? I’m currently stuck between leaving the church or staying, and am currently exploring other more ‘normal’ religions. Many thanks.”
I decided to share this with some other second generation who left the church and here are some of their responses:
I legitimately wondered if I was going to get struck by lightening or run over by a car for the first year or so. My mom had had a spiritual child that left and then drowned a few months later, so as a kid she drilled into me that that’s what happens when you leave. Plus I was terrified to tell people about where I “came from” because I thought I would be judged or thrown out (like in so many establishments on STF) so it took me a long time to develop my family of choice.
When I was younger I had told my parents that I wanted to explore other religions, and they all but forbid me from doing it. They explained that since they knew that following the church was the right path, there was no point in me exploring others. My response was, “Well if it’s right, then there’s no harm in looking elsewhere, because I’ll obviously find my way back,” but they wouldn’t have it. Whether out of fear or just plain stubbornness I still don’t know. To me that is evidence of the total control the church exerts over its members. It forbids them to have empathy or open-mindedness, and it prevents them from experiencing all the goodness this world has to offer. The Divine Principle teaches that the purpose of life is to attain happiness, and I was anything but happy in the church. Yes I terrified for months before and after I “left,” although I can’t pinpoint an exact event or time. It was more of a series of lifestyle changes that gradually brought me away, but also made me happier and improved my quality of life. As things got better, my fear eventually subsided. My advice? Go explore! Committing to a life of faith is a big decision and should be taken seriously. Land in a place where you are comfortable to be free, express yourself, and explore your unique potential.
I always come back to this answer to the original question: ‘If your parents got to choose their own faith that their parents probably didn’t agree with, why can’t you?’ Isn’t that part of growing? Would they have discovered the UC if they didn’t explore other religions, different from their own parents’? Also the “pure blood lineage” scenario runs through some sects of the Jewish, Muslim, and basically Judeo-Christian teachings, so the UC is not special in that sense. That’s how the church kept me in fear of disbanding. It’s a false-privileged old way of controlling someone, and it’s the very definition of conditional love. I would let this person know that practically all of 2nd gens I know have left the church, because we found that the world is bigger than the narrow confines of the UC. It’s okay to question things just like Martin Luther did with starting the Protestant Church, and Rev. Moon did with the UC, and what the Pope is doing right now.
Something I find comfort in is the idea that good people are good people, that goodness is goodness, regardless of affiliation or belief. It’s  your character and your actions that matter, that determine the quality of your life and the impact you can have on the world, much more than your creed. Even the DP teaches that people with good hearts are the ones actually closest to God, rather than “whitewashed tombs” of people who claim the truth. Even if it turns out that you’re “wrong” in what side of the fence you decide to jump down on, it doesn’t really matter as long as you live your life well. It’s hard to know or sure what’s true. We just have to do our best with whatever knowledge and certainty we do have. If there is a Heaven, I think all the people who are truly loving, generous, and courageous are the ones who will end up there – be they atheists, Hindus, Mormons, or even Unificationists.
From a young age, I knew the cost of being a Unificationist was big, especially if you really believed in it. I’m not one to half-ass anything, and if Moon was the messiah, I wanted to get matched by him, do at least two years of STF, convert all my friends, make the Principle known, create a perfect heteronormative family under the reign of Cheon Il Guk, and pay indemnity for my Japanese sins. But for some reason, I was always suspicious of it all. I felt like I didn’t have enough reasons to believe. I would do conditions of 210 bows for 40 days, cold showers, fasting, etc., to receive an undeniable confirmation that Moon was truly the Lord of the Second Advent, like the myths we heard from early UC history. Nothing ever came. What kept me in for so long was the fact that I never experienced a love like I did among church members. That was my testimony and the reason I put my faith in Moon. Eventually, when I discovered the atrocities done in the name of Moon and by Moon, especially after I read Nansook Hong’s book “In the Shadow of the Moons” I knew I couldn’t stay much longer. I was scared of leaving because of my parents, of course, but also because I thought I’d never have friends like I did in the UC. We constantly heard that rhetoric that friendships outside the Church are pointless and what BCs share is unique, etc. After I left, though, I developed deeper friendships than I had in the church. I had friends who loved me no matter what my views on spirituality were and loved me when I fucked up and I found out what true love—that unconditional love we were told about at camp—was really about. I somehow ending up forming convictions in God, Jesus, etc., that I couldn’t ignore, and despite my cynicism and fear of organized religion, I ended up in a progressive Christian community that could support me in my faith (and me with theirs) and live out these convictions presented by Jesus together. All that to say, it may be really hard leaving, but it will be worth it. Explore your convictions, your ideas, and be the best you. It fucks with Moonies’ heads when they see somebody so clearly living out true love and not buying into their crap—and outright rejecting it.
First I would tell he or she that “religion” should not be perceived as a social group that one just joins. Even though, that’s basically what it is on the surface. You should look deeper inside yourself. Find something you truly believe in. For me it’s God. I’m not religious. I’m spiritual. Which is something all religions can help you discover within your self. But you should not have to need/depend on a religious group to find/keep your spirituality. I mean that’s just my perspective. Just be an open person. Be infinite. Take everything in. And live your life. I was horrified at the beginning. But then you’re just free. And that’s awesome.
I was afraid whenever I’d go against the church’s rules, but I found that more often than not I wouldn’t feel the repercussions of sin that were promised. The more I went against the church, ultimately the less afraid I became. There was a lot of questioning and doubt, I certainly wondered what would happen to me, and what if they were right. I think it’s good to seek out truth for yourself. Ultimately if you find the church is your answer then you can go back. They’re desperate for more members anyway.
While I was questioning my beliefs, I felt a lot of shame and guilt about being ungrateful for TP, and doubting them so much. I feared God would be disappointed in my lack of faith. But the more evidence I found that the faith itself was inconsistent and false, the more boldly I was able to think for myself and discover who I am. It’s terrifying at first to think that everyone you know and all the adults you’ve looked up to are wrong. But it also gives you freedom, when you can ascertain your own beliefs instead of just checking in with what “Father says”.
There are a million and one religions that purport that they are “right” and “the one”. I don’t think God (if you believe in God) would screw the rest of the groups based on what religion they belong to or what specific traditions they encourage, but rather the love we offer to others. Isn’t that unconditional love?
For me leaving the church was a very big deal. I would say that the fear was more to do with losing something I had invested my time, energy and person into. Eventually the cognitive dissonance becomes too strong and the overwhelming conclusion that what the UC teaches is not true just becomes your new normal. The process is real, it takes time though. Joining other religions can help as a kind of a ‘step down’. I’ve explored a few Christian churches and found that in some circles, having been part of another religion that I believed in and left, has made me far more skeptical than most of the congregation. In others I’ve met people who have had a similar journey from conservative faith into something more complex (and liberal).
Not so much fear for me. Maybe little fleeting twinges of it early on. But it was a slower transition and more gradual over time which I’m sure made it easier. Two points to remember: 1)  I’ve never seriously considered that I could permanently lose my relationship with my mother. We’re related by blood. We disagree at times, but if anything threatened my life. She’d only be closer to me, no matter what had divided us. She’s my mother. She loves me. How much more would that apply to my father in heaven. Who not only gave me physical life, but a spiritual nature as well. 2)   Would it make sense, if you invested in my business, that I would tell you…  "Don’t trust information from anyone else but me. Because only my information will help you understand my stock and make the right choice about investing in it. The more you trust my information, and ignore all other information, the better financial decisions you will make!” That doesn’t work for ANYTHING you can name in life! The more diverse information you receive, the more thoroughly you will understand something, and the better decisions you will then make. So why is it that the ones who claim to have the highest, most important truth want to prohibit you from getting information from anyone but them? What are they afraid of? People that have FACTS on their side, never fear any information that would seem to contradict them, because if they have enough facts on their side, they can easily handle any challenge offered. But the UC fears such challenges, and wants you to believe that being fully informed is even “evil” and can undermine the supposed greatest truth there is! But that is ridiculous of course, seeing as how, in ANY question in life—finances, house purchasing, medical issues, intimate relationships, science…  ANYTHING…  the more informed I am, the more thoroughly I understand something, the more I can make the best informed decision!   Hope this helped.  God bless!
Fear is not a good reason to stay in the UC
Indemnity is a Moon Trap
Bending Truth – Cognitive Dissonance
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Fear and Loathing at Cheongpyeong
Where Sun Myung Moon got his theology
The Korean background of Sun Myung Moon’s church
The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian
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Sun Myung Moon said the mind must subjugate the body. It seems he had no idea of the science or biology.
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The vagus nerve (Wellcome Library)
Both physical and mental health are real concerns for many former members. Can HWDYKYM signpost some useful resources?
Moon said the mind must subjugate the body. It seems he had no idea of the science or biology of the human body. The mind and body are deeply connected. The vagus nerve connects the brain to the gut and information flows both ways. Gut health affects your mood. Stress affects your gut.
“The vagus nerve has been described as “largely responsible for the mind-body connection,” for its role as a mediator between thinking and feeling”
We Are Built To Be Kind (4 minute video) refers to the vagus nerve Professor Dacher Keltner, University of California Berkeley psychologist and Faculty Director of the Greater Good Science Center
Moon was primarily concerned about extracting maximum effort from members towards raising money and witnessing for new members to make more money or to replace burnt-out MFTers. The well-being of members was a lesser issue to Moon during the endless multi-year courses until the Kingdom of Heaven miraculously appeared on earth in 1967, 1981, 2000, 2013, 2020 or whenever. The treadmill never ends.
How can former members of a high demand group heal themselves? It is not just a case of knowing the (sometimes hidden) crimes and abuses of the Moon organizations – sexual abuse of many women by Sun Myung Moon himself, human trafficking, financial exploitation, dangerous work conditions, sleep deprivation, and the rest of a long list. There is plenty of information available.
Many members suffered mental and psychological abuse. Not all. It all depended on where a member was on the planet and during what time period. MFT in the US from the 1970s could be really harsh. A mission in PR or the arts might have been a lot easier during the same time period. There has never been much mercy for the Japanese. Their never-ending mission is to provide $billions plus members, for the worldwide “providence.” Many former Japanese members suffer in silence.
One point is that some members suffered more harm to their bodies than psychological harm. Some died on their missions – but many suffered physical injuries or other long term damage to their health from the gruelling MFT regime or from accidents or from toxic fumes while building hundreds of boats. Some sisters were raped – probably more than is known about.
Members of a certain age may be facing dementia. Elder Korean and other members have already died after suffering dementia – Won-pok Choi and apparently Myung-hee Kim (mother of Hee-jin Moon) are two examples.
Exercise and good nutrition can help prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Gut health is linked to Parkinsons disease. There may well be a link between long periods of poor nutrition in a person’s twenties and the earlier onset of dementia decades later.
Millions of people in the US suffer from vitamin D deficiency during the winter months. It is called the “sunshine vitamin.” A lack of it can cause fatigue, mood changes, bone loss, muscle cramps, etc. This can easily be tackled by taking good vitamin D supplements – which may enhance a person’s body’s ability to deal with the coronavirus. Please check the facts with a medical professional.
Many first and second gen suffer from anxiety, stress and depression, etc., from the varying levels of abuse which they may have experienced. Support may be appreciated.
Religious Trauma Syndrome is real. LINK
Here is a link to a professional, Emma McAdam. Her resources may be helpful on the journey to physical and mental healing. Don’t forget, they are closely entwined – just as the vagus nerve connects the mind and body.
Therapy In a Nutshell.  Mental Health Resources
Emma McAdam is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, "I have worked in various settings of change and growth since 2004. My experience includes juvenile corrections, adventure therapy programs, wilderness therapy programs, an eating disorder treatment center, a residential treatment center, and I currently work in an outpatient therapy clinic."
Sleep Deprivation
Religious Trauma Syndrome – Marlene Winell
We Are Built To Be Kind (4 minute video) refers to the vagus nerve
I Now Suspect the Vagus Nerve Is the Key to Well-being
9 Fascinating Facts About the Vagus Nerve
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Blessed Child podcast hosted by Renee Thomas
This is a very casual conversation of the different therapy journey's of two friends, Meghan and Renee.
This is an interesting podcast which includes discussions on our relationship with our bodies. Sun Myung Moon, and UC leaders, pushed members to work for his cause on little sleep and cheap food. The Divine Principle Chapter One diagrams portray Mind-Body as separate and the teaching is that UC members should subjugate their bodies. Perhaps a deeper truth is that we need to listen to our bodies and live in loving harmony with our bodies. Various therapies are discussed, including ketamine therapy. Many therapies can be helpful. Please seek advice from professionals while on a journey to recovery and greater harmony with self and the world.
Vagus nerve: Sun Myung Moon said the mind and body are in perpetual conflict. That should not be the case.
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Successor Crisis in the Unification Church after Rev. Moon’s death
The May 2013 issue of Shin Dong A, a well-known and respected publication in Korea, published an article about the Unification Church, dedicating some 10 pages to the topic. The article provides a snapshot of the UC’s 2013 "political" situation which they called the "successor structure". It is an interesting read with a lot of information that even many international UC members may not be aware of.
Brief excerpt: “... In this process Rev. Moon’s secretary Hyo Yool Kim (vice chairman of the Mission Foundation) has emerged as the person who holds actual influence and power. Unification Church members call him by his American name “Peter” Kim. Peter Kim has “served” Rev. Moon closely for 40 years. He was also the butler of Rev. Moon’s family at one time. As Rev. Moon’s secretary and personal assistant Peter Kim took the role of being Rev. Moon’s “ears”. And that’s why Peter Kim understands the ins and outs of the Unification Church internal power structure and knows the (good and bad) characteristics of each leader...”
“If we were to make an analogy, it would be more appropriate to call the situation the ‘revolt of the eunuchs’ instead of the ‘revolt of the princes’. As all the Children are removed from the scene Peter Kim, the person who was the secretary, becomes the person who exerts power and influence over the organization and funds. He’s been dubbed the ‘person above all institutions’. As we look back to what the press and media had once called the ‘battle of the princes’, we realize that Peter Kim was actually at the center of each situation and each lawsuit...”
You can download a PDF version to read a translation from the Korean of the whole article:
Peter Kim was said to be "above institutions" as a way to give him some title without giving him one due to the legal cases he's facing and the possible disgrace in image it could cause to the organization. But I think Peter Kim's "hand" has been present in most of the critical moments that shaped our movement since 2008 till now. It was definitely present during the USA HSA-UWC board case, the false accusation of 7 million dollars, the 21 million dollar WTA [Washington Times Aviation] case, the situation where Father was advised not to use his private jet (by Peter Kim), the drafting of the fake spirit world message in Sokcho, the writing of the June 5, 2010 declaration, the criminal case in Brazil, the editing out of Father's words on Nov. 19, 2009, and so on... I think he's exerted a lot of independent influence.
Fake spirit world message delivered to Sun Myung Moon at Sokcho, Korea This fake message was designed to influence Moon to oust Hyun Jin Moon from being the successor.
June 5 Proclamation (2010): https://vimeo.com/12509427 It seems Moon was under some pressure to write this proclamation:
“The representative and the inheritor is Moon, Hyung Jin. The others (who say they are inheritors) are the heretic and the destroyer. The content above is the proclamation of True Parents.” Sun Myung Moon 
Note: HWDYKYM does not support Hyun Jin Moon, but the history is worth knowing.
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