crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
Where the rats at????
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
FUCKING PIPPIN DOES THIS CONSTANTLY!!!!! But he gets his chunky ass stuck and I have to dig him out
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
My grandma was the coolest... One time my cousin made her brownies for her birthday and said they were special for her and my grandma was loudly like "ARE THEY SPECIAL BECAUSE THERES POT IN THEM" and I just d i e d ahahahahhahaha
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
Snoring: An ACTUAL cPTSD Trigger for me (TW)
Yep, you heard it kids, s n o r i n g triggers me. Not always, but when my anxiety is high. And its BAD. Like so bad I get sweaty and irritated and I've been known to cry. My husband has to go sleep on the couch sometimes if he's congested. Storytime: When I was a kid, my dad was unemployed for at least a few months (Idk how long, I was a child and time seemed to be in excess those days). Looking back now, he was probably depressed, but that excuses NOTHING. My mom worked at a CVS down the street from my house and she basically carried that place, so she worked quite a bit. My brother (and I hate calling him that, but for the sake of the story) and I got home from school around 3-3:30 every day, then changed clothes, played until my mom got home and had dinner (this was a time where walking home from school was really normal). Most of the nights of the week during that time, my dad got PISSED that we played for that hour and a half. How dare we be children when he was trying to take a nap, right? So, on those days, he would force us into his bedroom to "watch him sleep". We couldn't sit on the bed, had to sit on the floor. We couldn't play. We couldn't watch tv. I wasn't allowed a book or a stuffed animal to hug. We L I T E R A L L Y had to "watch him sleep" from the hard floor until my mom came home (again, about an hour and a half which is a lot for anyone but ESPECIALLY an 8-10 year old). He snores. Bad.
Story told. That's it. I was very limited in the amount of kid things I was actually able to do. I had to grow up so, so fast....but those are stories for another day.
**Note: My dad has since apologized to me for all of his mistreatment. He's taken accountability and is now in treatment for all his issues. It doesn't take the trauma away, but it does show me that he is genuinely sorry. He is not like that with my daughter, he's actively trying to be better each and every day and I'm thankful for that. At least SOMEONE is...
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
Light one up, too. Lets do shots! I don't even care, just clean up after yourselves.
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crayons-cats-chaos · 5 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 6 months
Shit, this is me now! Lol. I've also been known to put mac and cheese in wine glasses and goblets
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crayons-cats-chaos · 6 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 6 months
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crayons-cats-chaos · 6 months
Saw the doctor yesterday, officially on a weight management program. And before anyone says anything, I had a baby 15m ago and I've been working on things alone since. No movement. I was super in shape before pregnancy and I'm trying to get there again, but I have low estrogen since then. I've got this! Also my insurance is gonna give me monies to do it and I was already doing it on my own so the program is worth it lol. Dietician here I come.
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crayons-cats-chaos · 6 months
FUCKING THIIIIISSSS THOUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I did start doing that as a teen, but it didn't work out so well for me lol
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crayons-cats-chaos · 6 months
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boobs, tits, jugs if you will
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