Love and hate, while in theory on opposite sides of the spectrum, are in fact more closely related than we’d care to admit. To love someone becomes pure torment; a punishment we at once despise and cherish with every breath, every heartbeat, each passing moment….
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I wish I knew who originally wrote this. I can't find a source. Do you know? It's a great reminder that we're all doing the best we can, so let's lay off the judgement and criticism. To the mom who's breastfeeding: Way to go! It really is an amazing gift to give your baby, for any amount of time that you can manage! You're a good mom. To the mom who's formula feeding: Isn't science amazing? To think there was a time when a baby with a mother who couldn't produce enough would suffer, but now? Better living through chemistry! You're a good mom. To the cloth diapering mom: Fluffy bums are the cutest, and so friendly on the bank account. You're a good mom. To the disposable diapering mom: Damn those things hold a lot, and it's excellent to not worry about leakage and laundry! You're a good mom. To the mom who stays home: I can imagine it isn't easy doing what you do, but to spend those precious years with your babies must be amazing. You're a good mom. To the mom who works: It's wonderful that you're sticking to your career, you're a positive role model for your children in so many ways, it's fantastic. You're a good mom. To the mom who had to feed her kids from the drive thru all week because you're too worn out to cook or go grocery shopping: You're feeding your kids, and hey, I bet they aren't complaining! Sometimes sanity can indeed be found in a red box with a big yellow M on it. You're a good mom. To the mom who gave her kids a home cooked breakfast lunch and dinner for the past week: Excellent! Good nutrition is important, and they're learning to enjoy healthy foods at an early age, a boon for the rest of their lives. You're a good mom. To the mom with the kids who are sitting quietly and using their manners in the fancy restaurant: Kudos, it takes a lot to maintain order with children in a place where they can't run around. You're a good mom. To the mom with the toddler having a meltdown in the cereal aisle: they always seem to pick the most embarrassing places to lose their minds don't they? We've all been through it. You're a good mom. To the moms who judge other moms for ANY of the above? Glass houses, friend. Glass houses. - Author Unknown
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3AM is for the lost, the broken and the haunted souls. The ones who cry for freedom, digging deeper into worry holes.
The saviours who will spend their lives wiping tears from rosy cheeks; the mute who, smiling constantly, never trust themselves to speak.
The panicked, and their sweaty...
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The forms you fill out block on block page on page just to not get a call back fuck, what’s the point? the poems you write line on line phrase on phrase only to see them washed away why put so much emotion out there?
the battles you fought blow on blow blood on face just to see yourself called racist by rich kids digging for a cause
the bills you paid dollar after dollar good money after bad just to lose the house anyway why dream of open fields? the speeches you gave Marx after Engels Debs on DeLeon just to hear yourself called outdated why pretend it could be different?
the talks you had experience from mistakes solution from problem just to see them hurt each other knowing just where to stab the chest you opened rib parted sternum breast parted bone just to feel heart cut out when you beg for it to end
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We threw caution to the wind
When our words exchanged
For the very first time
Now, I am no longer a part
Of who you are, who you’ll be
To you, I’m a scant memory
Words cannot justify feeling
But when I met you, I finally
Felt how it was to lose everything
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Love has changed us I no longer know me Apart from who you were Recalling it all, I’m lost
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we are transparent against
the sea
pulled by the moon, the center
of all things.
swept up by the tides, salvation lies
in each other’s arms
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Save yourself
Then come to me
Run your fingers through my hair
and grab a fist full
Purr into my ear...
"I'm not done with you yet.."
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Pour Allumer la Manière
I would tear down
the gates of Hell
if it meant spending
with you
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I’m going to heaven tonight they say you’ll go if you do things right and if life and death are fair I’ll be waiting when you get there
Please don’t cry for me tonight I had to take my own life I had to do it can’t you see It was the only way I could be free
Please don’t cry for me tomorrow I’m not worthy of your sorrow I wasn’t strong enough to live I pray the Lord and you forgive
Now that I must say goodbye Remember with time it will be alright Tell my family I loved them so it was just my time to go
Farewell my love you were the light though my night and day I hope you understand why I went away
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"If I’ve taken you into the woods with me it must mean I love you …"
there are nymphs … in these woods … and you … may be one of them leading me … into a fairytale … into magic, perhaps … into your arms …
but … why is the forest filled with red lanterns?
red is the color of temptation
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Damaged Goods
Fatherless child, forsaken long before you knew there was nothing you could possibly do Buried beneath a thousand lies You know nothing of love only sorrow, regret, and the pain of the needle as it enters your vein and washes you clean of your sins
Screams in the night as fists kiss the flesh of the one who knows nothing of what she has done Asking God for her suffering to end Blade to flesh Skin peeled back to reveal what's inside Torment ends as no longer you hide The demons that eat you alive
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This madness needs to stop.
More and more it makes
But less I understand it.
I believe in this--
whatever it is...
but there's something
about it that gnaws at me.
Something that whispers
to me in the darkness...
Am I wrong?
Was I being naive?
Did I think I knew, when
I knew nothing?
I am not a fool.
(at least, I don't think I am, am I?)
Who knows anymore,
when the lines keep moving,
the words keep blurring
The questions keep coming,
and I keep not having
the answers
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Of All The Days...
Flash forward— a day, and I am; a week, and I am, still; a month, and I am, doubtless; a year, and I am, always— it’s your face I see with tear-blind eyes, love—nothing but. Flash back; are you willing to stay? Do you have the courage inside of you, strength to walk on? Into the unknown, I cast my final wish. Stay, and we could each grow to be titans in the other’s arms.
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Two Parts
brains are hearts with less important parts, more than that what ardently defends love beats not in the chest but in the head of him a lonely stage, or truer a dearth of parts to play
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Simplicity for my anon. you might like these- about five pages of work tagged simplicity.
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Wanton (part deux)
You write, using the word
as though you love it...
Maybe you do.
Or maybe it defines you...
Webster defines it as
"Playfully mean or cruel"
I don't believe that is you.
You cut to the quick
(as well you should)
but "causing sexual excitement"?
I believe that is true.
Mischievous, unruly, merciless...
Perhaps with your quill..
but are you,
with your tongue?
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