High-Functioning Autism is a good thing. We should even vaccinate our children so they all have it.
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Karlin-Stoliner Hasidim singing and dancing to a very nice Nigun.
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Black people are inferior to Whites. White People are inferior to Asians.
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I dislike all social media now. Even 4chan and Facebook are rotten.
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Judaism and The Afterlife
Jewish people certainly DO believe in an afterlife, as is made abundantly clear by the Rabbinic literature and commentary. Shamyim (The Heavens) is part of the cosmos of existence. It has seven layers where the different types of Malakhim (Angels/Messengers) dwell. This is the closest thing to what many people in other religions call “Heaven”. There is also “Olam Ha-Ba” (World to Come). It could refer to the next dimension in reality to which we prepare ourselves for in Olam Ha-Zeh (This World). But then there’s discusion over the concept of an underworld. The Hebrew word “Sheol” literally means “the grave” and does not necessarily mean “hell” or anything you heard in Christianity or Islam. Although Sheol it is frequently interpreted to mean Gehena - which some Christians allude as purgatory. According to the Tanakh, Korakh and his followers were swallowed up by the Earth and winded up in Gehinnom.  However, to truly understand Jewish spirituality, one must break away from the chains of ideas that both Christianity and Islam have brought to the table and popularized because those ideas don’t always match our Judaic concepts.
The Soul is seen as a piece of the divine which belongs to G-d, and He may send it back to the physical world if He so chooses to. So not only do we believe in an afterlife, but we also believe in reincarnation. Yes, reincarnation. The soul may be sent back in order to fulfill it’s mission. Sometimes, a Soul can not experience all the things it’s suppose experience in a single life time and may be moved elsewhere to continue the learning. This isn’t something seen as uncanny in Kabbalistic circles. 
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Saying “raise children the same way” is kinda like saying “cook steak and chicken the same way”. Sure you can add the same ingredients and cook it with the same method, but at the end of the day the steak will still taste like steak and the chicken will still taste like chicken
@wowthatisreallyinteresting (via slavic-hyena)
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Blacks are inferior to Whites.  Whites are inferior to Asians. But Asians are inferior to the Jew.
Father of The East
Does the Torah ever mention Asian cultures? Does it give an allusion to the existence of Eastern or Indian faiths like Hinduism? It’s very common for Jewish people to be interested in Hindu and Buddhist concepts. Within the Tanakh, Sefer Bereshis (Book of Genesis) makes many connections to the existence of such cultures. In Sefer Bereshis , Chapter 25, we learn that Avraham Avinu had children through a concubine named “Keturah”. We learn that her Children went to “the east”, and many people believe that this alludes to Eastern cultures. Now, why would one think that? Let’s look at the name of the Supreme God worship pied by Hindus.
Take Avraham and anglicize it as “Abraham”. The Hindu creator god “Brahma” sounds oddly like Abraham. The Hindu god, Braham, had a wife named Saraswati. Should we even be mentioning what this name is similar to? Let’s  mention the fact that Hindus pray three times per day.
Now, here’s where things get interesting. The Hawaiian folk religion, who have an Eastern root, has a word called “Kahanu” which refers to their priests. In Judaism, we have the Kohen which fulfills this duty.  If Eastern people even go as far as having a Kahuna for a Shaman, then there is clearly some sort of connection. These spiritual allegories only furthers the re-connection that I’ve personally had with Eastern cultures which I saw as being relevant towards my advancement in spiritual growth.
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If your mother isn’t Jewish...
Then you are not a Jew. Judaism is only passed down through mother. If your mother married a goy then I am very sorry you didn’t get to grow up with two Jewish parents, and your mother committed a sin. (Devarim Chapter 7 verse 3) 
It is not your fault, you do not need to convert if your mother married a gentile. If however, your father married a gentile, you do need to go through an orthodox conversion, if you wish to become Jewish.
Also, if you care about preserving Judaism, marry another Jew, and have Jewish children. Raise your kids as orthodox, and don’t raise them in the United States, raise them in Israel. 
When we start changing the definition of Judaism, it gets watered down, and we get the insanely high interfaith rates that we have today. So if you are Jewish, have Jewish children. That’s the only way that we can preserve our culture, as our ancestors fought and died for.
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The World is An Evil Place
The basic human decency in popular culture is so low these days that not only do I avoid most news sites, I can feel mentally sick just reading at a Right-Wing blog that discusses the level to which it’s dropped just from the mere mentioning of how extreme it’s gotten since that last time I checked. And I’m sure it began to plummet when abominable marriages became legally accepted in the world’s strongest country.   I’ve considered shutting away all together. I’m pretty much only here to at least give some semblance of truth to those who wish to follow. Other than that, I have no reason to be on any social media site. Even Facebook and Twitter are disgusting at this point. It was one thing for this toxic dumping site to have an unfair amount of waste in it, but now, it’s on all 4 corners of the internet. We are literally living in the most  degraded time period in human history.  I’ve even burned bridges with my so called secular “friends” who have no love or fear of the Heavens and its Ruler and no appreciation for the fact that Mankind already has a way to know Right from Wrong though society has chosen to ignore this.  Even my self-proclaimed Christian (Protestant) friends have basically succumbed to the mainstream trends in today’s society. This isn’t implying that they are doing the worst of the worst, but rather that what was considered unacceptable 50 years ago has already been accepted. Even the nature of how Heterosexuals behave in public is degrading. Though, we are so desensitized that most of us can’t even see it.
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This is the dumbest site.
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Tumblr media
This computer blocks 4chan for being NSFW but not Tumblr. 
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All blacks are technically Hamitic. The Scriptures refer to these people as cursed because of the actions of Ham. Being dark-skinned isn’t a blessing.
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