crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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Strongest 12 miles ever. I’ve never done 12 without at least one walk break. I did make a couple of water stops but none in the last 2 miles. Last 0.5 mile hurt but not horrible. Was aiming for a negative split and loooks like I mostly succeeded!
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Hansons Week 4
Monday: 6 miles easy (treadmill) Tuesday: 6x800m with 400 m recovery, 6.5 miles total with WU/CD (treadmill) Wedensday: Rest Thursday: Was suppoosed to be 6 miles tempo (8 with WU/CD). Didi 1 mile WU, 3.5 miles at tempos speed, then had to drop pace down to easy for a bit. Increased pace but not quite back to tempo and quit at 7.5 miles Friday: 6 miles outside. Pace closer to 12:00 Saturday: 8 miles easy (treadmill) Sunday: 8.25 miles outside. Overall pace around 12:00. Had to stop a lot for traffic so it was very inconsistent. Total: 42 miles Overall training is going well. Now that its cooled down a bit I am consistently on the faster side outside. I feel strong at then end of the runs too. I think I need to swap the Thursday and Friday schedule. I can only run early in the am on Thursday and can't eat before. I think this is having a nagative impact on the tempo run. Fridays I generally have time to run a little later in the morning so I have time to eat. Will switch this next week and see how it goes.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Hanson’s week 3
Monday: 6 miles easy (5.0 mph) Tuesday: 8x600m with 400 m recovery 6.5 miles total Wednesday: REST! Thursday: 6 mile tempo (5.4 mph, 1% incline), WU/CD 1 mile each @ 5.0 mph for 8 total Friday: 7 miles easy outside Saturday: 6 miles easy but weirdly fast outside Sunday: 10 miles (hot so more at easy than long run pace) Total: 43.5 miles
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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Not an awesome long run but not the worst either. Stopped for water several times but didnt wall any of it. My knee is starting to act up. It’s nothing major, I just have to watch it.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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I don’t know wtf just happened. Yes it’s cooled off a bunch but I did 7 miles yesterday outside at my normal slow ass pace. Decided to push it a little today but not too much since it’s supposed to be an easy day. Looked at my Fitbit halfway through the first mile and thought it was reading wrong. I honestly did not think I was running that fast. Made an effort to slow down but this is still way faster than I’ve been running outside. I could tell it was a little harder in my legs but breathing was fine and my heart rate didn’t get that high. Supposed to do 10 tomorrow, guess I’ll see if I screwed myself for that or if legs are still good.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Speed workout 2
So in looking back to last week, I actually made this week's workout harder by having the treadmill at 1% incline. Oh well. Did 8x600 (5.7 mph) with 400 recovery (4.7 mph). Had to cut the last recovery interval a little short due to time. 1.25 mile WU (5.1) but only 0.5 mile CD (5.0, 0% incline) also due to time. 6.5 miles total.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Hanson’s Week 2
Monday: 6 miles easy (5.1 mph, 0% incline) Tuesday: Speed! 8 miles Wedensday: Rest Thursday: 6 miles easy - treadmill (did the last couple miles a little harder than the first few) Friday: 6 miles easy - treadmill Saturday: 6 miles easy - outdoors, pace averaged 13:00 Sunday: 8 miles easy - outdoors. Pace similar to Saturday. Very humid both days. Total: 40 miles
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Speed workout #1 - Complete!
Full report on Week 2 coming on Sunday but I did it!! I completed an entire speed workout!! 12x400 with 400 recovery, 1 mile WU/CD - 8 miles total What I did differently this time... Did the run in the evening after work rather than the morning - my runs are stronger in the evening. During the work week, I can't get up early enough to eat before I run (I already get up at 3:30 to run and have to wait an hour after waking up to eat due to medication). Saturdays and Sundays usually aren't an issue because I can take my time and eat, thenw ait 2 hrs before running. So, from now on Tuesday evenings are for speed/strength. Warm up at 5.1 mph 0.5% incline (kept that incline throughout) 400s - 5.7 mph recovery - 4.7 mph In other words, I slowed it way down for recovery and tried to go at a pace for the 400s that was hard but not sprinting. I was feeling it at the end of each repeat but I never felt like I couldn't finish. I know my idea of speed work is other people's recovery runs but whatever. I'm proud of myself today.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Hanson’s Week 1
Monday: Off Tuesday: Off Wedensday: Off After running 6 days a week for 8 weeks, this was weird but I think it was good to take a rest before the real work begins. Thursday: 6 miles easy (treadmill 5.1 mph, 0-0.5% incline) Friday: 6 miles easy (treadmill 5.1 - 5.2 mph, 0 incline) Saturday: 6 miles easy (outside) Sunday: 8 miles easy (outside)
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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Much better outdoor runs this week. 6 miles Saturday and 8 today. Tried getting some electrolytes in before the run each day and between that and the fact that it’s not obscenely hot everythinng was good. No walk breaks required. Today I also tried increasing my cadence and keeping my feet light. Didn’t seem to make me any faster but my legs felt good the whole time.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Week 7/8
Got behind so just posted week 6. For the past two weeks I've dropped speedwork/tempo although I did do a couple of progression runs. Have been focused on easy running and keeping the weekly milage between 30-32 miles.
This week starts the real thing. I've decided to try the advanced plan since my weekly milage has been in the 30s. This week is a low milage (26) and has M-W off. I thought about running some but decided since I haven't taken more than one day off a week for the past 8 weeks, it would be good to have some downtime before the real work starts.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Week 6
Total for the week: 34 miles
Monday: 4.75 miles easy (trying to work up to 6)
Tuesday: 6x400m with 200m recovery (5.4 mph, 1% incline), 2x400 (5.3 mph). WU/CD for total of 5.5 miles. I am really struggling with the speed. I can't seem to get all of the repeats in before my legs decide they're done but I feel like if I slow down any more it isn't really considered speedwork. I can keep running if I slow down so I guess I just keep plugging away and hope at some point my muscles get it together.
Wednesday: 4 miles easy (upping the miles on Mon/Wed as a way of getting the weekly total up
Thursday: 4.5 mile tempo run with WU/CD for a total of 7 miles. Have just accepted that I'm slow - did the "tempo" portion of this run at 5.2 mph 1% incline. Felt awesome though -hard but not too hard.
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6 miles easy
Sunday: 10 miles (not quite easy pace but not a whole lot faster)
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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10 miles. Longest run in a while. Slow pace at mile 4 is when I crashed on the sidewalk. Lost some skin but no real damage. Alternated walking and running for last mile or so. Gummy every 2 miles. Water every 10 min or so in the first half. At mile 6 I filled the bottle again and added a nun tablet.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
Week 5
Total for week: 33 Monday: 4.5 miles easy Tuesday: 4x800 m with 400 m recovery (5.4 mph, 1% incline), one final repeat at 5.3 mph. WU/CD @ 5.1 for total of 5.5 miles Wednesday: 3.75 miles easy Thursday: 4 miles at 5.2 mph (1% incline). WU/CD for total of 6.25 miles Friday: Rest Saturday: 5 miles easy outdoors - nice slow pace Sunday: 8 miles not quite as slow as Saturday Overall a good week. Sunday had a gummy every 2 miles. That and the rain (i.e. last of blistering sun) made it a lovely run.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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8 miles in the rain. Loved it- first run that wasn’t unbearably hot.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
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Nice easy run. I’m out of town for the weekend- not too far from home but far enough that it’s a bit cooler. The clouds helped too. Had a weird moment around mile 2 where I felt really shaky. Stopped and ate a gummy, drank some water and decided to turn around since I was doing an out and back route. Started to feel better so ended up doing the full 5 as planned. Some hills here which makes it hard for me to keep a consistent pace. Hoping for 8 tomorrow which will give me a 33 mile week.
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crazyoldrunnerphd · 6 years
The most obvious hint that I am getting old is I can no longer handle the brightness of any type of laptop TV or phone screen, my shit be on zero. Brightness all the way down. It’s not lit, it’s dim my guy
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