crazysillylaugh · 10 years
Taking a trip down travel memory lane - Huvafen Fushi Maldives
Taking a trip down travel memory lane – Huvafen Fushi Maldives
Lately I’ve been contemplating my life, yes, life, and yes it’s corny and the rest of it. But I guess everyone at some stage goes through a moment in time we they have to do it. For me it’s the realisation that my three daughters will probably be all going to school next year. I will have 5 days (albeit short school hours) to myself. What will I do with myself? I find myself over the last year or…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
Pop Chef Review
It’s been a while between ‘drinks’ aka posts, lots going on in the little world that is mine at the moment, but that will all come later.
Thought I’d better not fall off the face of the earth and do a wee little review on some different things to bide my time until I can review another exciting holiday destination.
(I accidentally just wrote poop chef, that could have been interesting!)
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
Follow my… http://wp.me/s3UReN-216
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Travel Talk Time - Fiji
Happy New Year, I can’t believe it’s already nearly the end of January. The kids go back to school…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Sushi sushi sushi!
This is a message brought to you by… ME! It’s not sponsored by the makers of this gadget, it’s just…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Travel Talk Time
Well the weather outside is miserable with a capital M. So lets pop on our uggies, and grab a hot…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Halloween - NOT just for the yanks
A year or two ago I attended my daughters school assembly. Prior to their official assembly they…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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OzHarvest Food Rescue
The other week I was privileged enough to attend a wonderful masquerade luncheon at Rustica…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Mantra's http://wp.me/s3UReN-mantras
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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My healthy failures!!
                  So I love to cook, nothing new there. But I also feel very obliged as a mum…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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October Photo A Day.....
Fat Mum Slim has one of my fav blogs, and I always love her photo a day challenges. So I’m sharing…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Monday monday....
After a particularly tiring week and whirlwind of a weekend, I felt I needed to have a Monday pick…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
Funny! http://wp.me/s3UReN-funny
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Green Bandwagon
Here’s my morning tea! Yes I’ve jumped onto the green bandwagon that seems to be travelling past at…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Birthday Parties
I’ve become a little obsessed with going OTT with my daughters birthday parties. I blame pinterest…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Mondays cooking adventures
Monday morning is usually a baking one. Normally it’s a quick death session at the gym (though my…
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crazysillylaugh · 11 years
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Shoes shoes shoes
For someone with the most abnormally grotesque feet out there, I love shoes. Lucky that my divine…
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