Desolation synopsis
Fire. Burning wax, boiling water, melting flesh. Singed paper. Singed hair. A fire you can't see, that destroys you anyway. A burning desire, engulfing you like flame. Smoke, ash, charcoal. Something you can never get back.
The desolation is so underrated. fire is so beautiful, its so much more than just chaos and destruction
Corruption synopsis
Rot. Insects. Disease. It lives under your skin. Mycelium burrowing in, eggs laid underneath, plague spreading through the blood. Fungi, mold, slime. Wasps, maggots, flies. Boils, pus, rashes. But it loves you. And it consumes you. Isn't that love?
A sweet living mandala of maggots and bones bleached white long ago. They feast and writhe and feast and die, what a blessed life they live. One could be consecrated into their order, although you cannot become a member. Oh the joy of being a temple for those least welcome elsewhere, to offer safety, shelter, and food with only your flesh. Join us, and become a home.
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i luv kingdomstuck aussss
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kingdomstuck AR is either king dirk’s twin brother/corrupt “advisor” OR his cursed hand mirror
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The divine right of kings but it's a curse
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Clothing designs for when your tail won't just clip through. 🩶
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Also on the topic of biotechnology I think Alternians making living beings into utility, vehicles,weapons, and just everyday products is also a massive show of "Don't fuck with us because the last thing that did is now a component in a car". On the off chance that a planet being invaded by Alternian forces wins, its customary to destroy and bury any of their technology that remains to not prolonge its suffering. Hi yes I want to write Alternian society as a whole more horrifying and alien like, to anyone who's been invaded by them they are not just gray humans they're seen by many as a horrific and brutal cosmic parasite who grows and captures living things just to turn them into everyday products. If you try and download too many things on your husktop it might get sick and bile will be ejected from the disk drive, if a scuttlebuggy gets into a fenderbender it will bleed like a stuck pig, and Alternian battleships groans aren't just mechanical they're real and alive and in pain and crying out into the void
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This reminds me of Discworld's silicon-based trolls - in "Nanny Ogg's Cookbook", she warns people who might be dining with trolls that trolls have eight thousand words for rocks and one for vegetation. "If they've known humans for a while, they'll probably understand that 'oak tree' and 'cabbage' are different, and so are 'cow' and 'frog'. What I'm delicately alluding to here is that you'll get something organic and probably heated. After that you're on your own."
*cocks nerfgun* Your troll food headcanons,hand em' over.
nerf or nothing
also did i spent Way Too Much Time doing research for this ask? yes. yes i did. please appreciate my efforts hhh
ok here-a we go!!
General Troll Food “Facts”
• Trolls can mainly eat Meat and Candy, with some other less common foods.
I personally think trolls are omnivores, but heavily leaning towards carnivorous tendencies in general/on average
• Candies like cotton candy and orange creamsicles exist both on earth and alternia, so it’s likely safe to assume other candies under those categories exist as well. (It’s interesting to think about trolls and ice cream though but that’s a topic for another day)
• Other obvious inclusions are sugary soft drinks like Faygo and Tab! These exist in many flavors, and interestingly, it’s unknown wether “sugar-free” versions exists or not.
• Equius drinks milk (though not cow milk!), but we don’t know if this is just an equius-thing, a blueblood-thing, or if all trolls are able to do so. goes hand in hand with the nipple debate i guess.
• also, in the epilogues (apparently?) dave says trolls can’t eat onions so?? there’s that
gets its own category just because
• some “grub-“ things that exist include things like Beefgrub, Grubsteak and Grubloaf (which apparently is ‘covered in a “sweet tangy mucus”’... ew), which makes me think they have caramelized things
• Grub Sauce of course, which is suspiciously similar to blood, although in the troll wiki it says it has the consistency of mayonnaise... again; ew.
I think Grub Sauce specifically is seen as a comfort-food, almost like a more socially acceptable baby food, or applesauce-ish. It is also confirmed that its literally made of Actual Grubs, so yes, they are cannibals.
• Other Meat Things exist as well, like the infamous oblong meat product
sidenote: Cherubs eat exclusively a lot of meat and candy, maybe that’s where they get it from? seems trolls eat some other things as well though
• some insects eat blood, in addition to human skin and other bugs
• over half of all bug species (on earth) are herbivores, but this probably differs on alternia considering everything tries to kill you.
• They also eat nectar and candies/sugar! The meat/candy parallels are going strong, once again.
Traditional/Mythological Trolls
because why not
• Traditional trolls will eat almost anything (rocks, bones, metal whatever)
• they have very strong digestive tracks, and Alternian trolls probably do as well
• will eat humans, or each other (again with the cannibalism?? cmon guys)
• Trolls also consume other livestock like farm animals and such
• probably omnivores
(they also eat porridge i guess - according to an old scandinavian fairytale)
thank you for your time
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SS mentioned Prospitians adding veils to their hats. Is that what HD and NB got going on since carapaces don't have hair?
You are correct! Their “hair” is just fluffy veils that resemble human hair since it’s meant as insulation from the cold. Prospitians aren’t used to cool temperatures so it feels uncomfortable for them to not have some kind of shawl or fabric around your head that covers it tightly. Examples:
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In contrast, right now there’s a fashion trend among Skaia’s rebuilding civilizations of wearing brimmed hats or hoods to block the sunlight from the eyes. Examples:
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There have to be brims or it’s not current fashion, it’s the wartime trend of pointy, snug hats that won’t fall off easily. Such as these:
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As of the modern day, it’s currently “in vogue” to have a wig-like veil underneath a smaller hat and variants like those. This way they can maintain the current fashion of “brimmed hat” as well as a more traditional wraparound/snugness that was in fashion during the war.
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And that’s why Hysterical Dame and Nervous Broad have their hats that look like hair! What fashionable ladies. Tend-setters, even!
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I've also headcanoned for a long time that human manual dexterity is way higher, and when I mentioned this other people pointed out that that's supported by most troll tech being grown instead of put together and sewing being a very rare hobby for trolls.
roachpatrol replied to your post: Trolls: Body/facial hair or not? Claws or just long pointed fingernails? THE WORLD WANTS TO KNOW!
this would make for some interesting h/c tho, the idea that troll claws were kind of irritatingly vestigial and something that needed a lot of care and cleaning
That’s a cool idea, I like that! I’ve been playing with writing more caretaking fic lately, so I’ll have to keep that in mind.
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please tell me more about the stuff in the tags of your last fic, I love xenolinguistics! What if brother and sister were just correlated do to our gendernorms? What is sister in Alternian?
I mean, to be clear, that post is an excerpt, and far from the full fic which is still in process! But uhhh let's see. So in the tags you're addressing, I said
"what if 'motherfucker' and 'brother' are translated different but they're related words in alternian…. #what if 'brother' and 'sister' aren't different words theyre just translated in english based on gender but there's no distinction actually #it's all the word I tend to translate as 'kin'/'family'/'fam' but gendered by english-speakers for comprehension"
My thought wasn't that there was a word for "sister" in Alternian, any more than a word for "brother"! In keeping with the minimal amount of gendering I try to do when I write trolls, I was thinking there could be a single word that just basically means "troll who is part of my 'family'", (although "family" here is its own kettle of fish on Alternia, more on that later). To a conversational learner of Alternian, it would be fairly natural to translate it according to the gender of the person being addressed, since calling someone "brother" or "sister" has more linguistic precedent than the gender-neutral address I've used in clown-fics before, which is "kin".
(I don't think I got that from canon, as far as I remember I came up with that because I wanted more queer characters and needed a gender-neutral church term of address for them, lol).
Bear in mind my worldbuilding is also partially predicated on the way I tend to write the clown church, which is a little more based on real life juggalos than some clown churches I've seen written in fics--I like the idea that purplebloods are still violent assholes to each other, but that they have a weird kind of cohesion, a default allyship with each other via the church that isn't quadranted and isn't necessarily in cahoots, but just expects a certain amount of kinship. "Family", or "troll-closer-than-friend", something that's not quite a quadrant but is closer than the average troll gets to have with other trolls, usually. I like the thought of other blood castes finding that deeply unsettling--and I also feel like it makes a certain amount of sense; both for the sort of weird troll equivalent of an ethnoreligious group and also for a comparatively smaller ruling class that has to keep the much more numerous, psionically-gifted masses in line.
But also as individuals they will certainly still challenge, undercut, and murder each other sometimes haha. They're Alternian trolls after all. ANYWAY
Terms of address in Alternian are actually a really fun concept, especially if I was playing around with the concept I talked about a little in later tags on that same post--that you can present yourself as a superior, inferior, or intentionally give zero inflection either way, which is risky in its own way if the person you're speaking to doesn't agree that you're equals. That actually meshes nicely with one of the few bits of xenolinguistics we do get in the comic, which is that apparently the troll word for "friend" is the same as the word for "enemy"! Which you could work in a couple of ways!
the word just essentially does mean "friend"/"troll I'm close to"--if you are actually friends, then cool. If not, it becomes more like a guy in a bar calling you "pal" and stepping into your space. Humans have their own dominance and submission tone indicators, and imposing closeness or familiarity on a person you aren't familiar with to that degree can be a threat in any language, so it would feel right to me if Alternian had the same thing but much more aggressively codified.
The word is understood as "friend" when it's said in a submissive/friendly/fawning stance, and "enemy" when it's said by a superior or dominant troll. This is actually also fun because it means that unless a highblood is explicitly lowering themself to use a less dominant tone, they're speaking to their social inferiors with pretty overt hostility.
To bring it back around to the original topic, I honestly like option two a little better--if any term of address can be dominant/hostile, submissive/fawning or neutral/equal, then Gamzee when he's introduced using the "equals" inflection of "brother/sister/etc" would carry on his canon vibe of not really acting like A Real Highblood. And then when murderstuck hit, he could drop all the way to a supposedly super friendly and harmless inflection on the "it's me :o)" sentences and an aggressive one on the "AND ALSO ME :o(" sentences.
"Motherfucker" is a fun one because carrying on the thought I was having in those tags, I was imagining "motherfucker" would be a very similar word in Alternian to "kin"--but smushed together with the Alternian for "fuck" and used in all sorts of ungrammatical ways. "Motherfucker" would make sense to me as an Anglicization of a word that in Alternian might mean something more like "(friend-closer-than-friend)fucker". After all, trolls don't have mothers--I think I've written before with the alternate headcanon that it refers to the Mother Grub, and is kind of profane/gross in that sense, but I also like the concept that part of the reason that we see so many purplebloods throwing "motherfuck(ing/er)" around is because they're also the ones who have a concept of "family" via the church, and a nonexistent translator was like "for readability I have not translated this literally but have instead used the nearest human equivalent" lol.
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Troll Diet, A brief Guide
Kicking off this blog with a good, slim read. I will try my best not to use my quirk for the following text.
Generally speaking, a Troll's main diet is mainly carnivorous of nature, as you can tell from the teeth alone.
However, thanks to industrialization and the introduction of what people would colloquially call 'junk food', the diet had also become sort of omnivorous as sweeps passed.
Vegetables, and some kinds of fruits, were introduced in the population's diet, and that opened the horizon to more exciting flavors (or making meat more flavorful).
There is a very small percentage of trolls, considerably a minority, that are voluntary vegetarians, due to personal or biological motives.
Now with that out of the way, exactly, what do trolls eat normally?
Half a portion of their diet is, to some other cultures' horror (apparently), their own young. Grubs that failed to bond with a Lusus and wandered for too long become the target of butchers, poachers, or local food companies. It's just the way it's been for sweeps.
From them you can extract small portions of meat, morsels, juice, and even soft bone for the few people that like to chew on that kind of delicacy (and have the kind of teeth for it).
The other option is, of course, lusus meat. However there is a sort of taboo: It is forbidden to hunt a bonded lusus. At least, with the purpose to harvest it for food. If your life is in danger because of one going berserk, go on and defend yourself the best you can (and get yourself a legislacerator while you're at it).
Killing a wild one is just fine, as long as it isn't poisonous or endangered. Although, I've seen some... interesting individuals try the meat of some poisonous spiked fish. Eugh.
Trolls need plenty of sugar to sustain themselves, and that's where the sugary drinks, fruits and juices come in play. Hydration wise they need it, but can survive for a while without it too, with the exception of seadwellers which need moisturized skin all the time.
Me personally, to conclude this article, I have a balanced diet of both meat and sugar, with pastries in the mix.
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Trolls do have expected gender roles, but they’re not the same as human ones. All trolls are expected to be fighters, and have to be just to survive, but girls are held to higher standards of intelligence, cunning, and cruelty. This isn’t great for either binary gender, since girls who aren’t naturally like that struggle and guys are discouraged from showing intelligence or ambition. It’s probably worse for boys, in the same way human women are worse off socially but it’s not exactly great for men who don’t meet the standards either. Traditionally, an angered male troll will just smash your head in; a female one will make you beg to die.
Trolls also have no concept of a gendered name, and their grammatical pronouns are based on caste, not gender. Since he’s a strategic genius, most trolls assume Dirk is female until proven otherwise.
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Trolls are way less dexterous than humans, and aren't as good at things that require fine motor skills such calligraphy, sewing, hair dressing.
Any troll that is well versed in a fine motor activity (such as Kanaya with dress making), has been practicing since they grew hands.
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OK, one more Homestuck xenobiology headcanon
I’m not going to speculate on how the hell troves work, but I suspect that they’re mainly cultural. HOWEVER: I believe that Leprichauns are NOT a single-gender race, as one might expect; rather, their genders are tied to an alternation-of-generations system. Male Leprichauns breed via amplexus (expelling gametes from a weird Kermit penis) and female Leprichauns breed via parthenogenesis. I expect, though, that like whiptail lizards, they must “mate” to produce eggs, which in their case means mating jigs are present in female leprechauns as well.
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I feel like I don’t see enough exploration into thow the ancestors being their parents affects the trolls in Humanstuck au’s. Because when you think about it it’s really fucking interesting.
Vriska in canon idolizes Mindfiang and tries to imitate her in her everyday life. She even goes as far as forcing herself to show interest in and become quadrantmates with the descendants of Mindfang’s quadrantmates (Eridan and Tavros). For humanstuck this creates a kid who places her mother on a pedestal and forms her entire personality around her. Maybe Mindfang is some notable person in the town they live in, like she holds an important job or she was infamous at the schools Vriska goes to. She could be so popular to the point where Vriska and Aranea are seen as “Mindfang’s kids” first and themselves second. Vriska thinks her mother is extremely cool and can do no wrong. Bonus points if Mindfang is dead or missing and Vriska lives with Aranea or Spidermom (who in this case might be Mindfangs terrible mother or sister or something). Vriska might be trying to honor her mother by imitating her in everyday life, based on what little information she has on her from her journals and the stories people tell her. Aranea, being older and having probably interacted with Mindfang more before her death, might know her true personality (whether she was good or bad) and is hiding what she knows from Vriska so as to not crush this perfect version of their mother that she has. This would make it ten times harder for Vriska to step out of Mindfang’s shadow and form her own personality, as she would feel like she was betraying her mother or letting go of her memory.
Meenah and Feferi!!!! Now they live with the terrible piece of shit that is HIC. In canon Meenah idolizes HIC as a cooler alternate version of herself, while Feferi is disgusted and horrified by her actions. This translates pretty easily over to a messed up parent/child dynamic. Meenah sees her mother as extremely cool, and thinks that if she imitates her or proves to her mother how cool SHE is that HIC will love her. She wants to be moms favorite and for them to be on a team against her annoying sister. Meanwhile Feferi is disillusioned from whatever caused Meenah to have this view on their mom, and instead sees her for the terrible person she is. Feferi is constantly trying to separate herself from her mother and prove that she is nothing like her. This is EXTREMELYinteresting if you include SolFef or Sollux and Feferi being close friends. The Psiioniic is one of the people HIC treated the worst out of the ancestors, meaning that in a humanstuck setting she is likely his abusive ex or a former/current bully. Psii could even work for her and be treated terribly at his job. This would cause an immediate distrust in Feferi, and Fef would have to work extremely hard to prove to Sollux’s dad that she is nothing like her mother and is a good person. This could also lead to a Meenah and Feferi conflict, where they are constantly fighting about their mother until Meenah has a moment where she realizes that no matter how much she tries to prove herself worthy, HIC is never going to love her, at least not in the way she wants her to.
The new family relations alone are interesting. Are Signless and the Disciple married, making Kankri, Meulin, Karkat, and Nepeta siblings? Is Dolorosa still Signless’s mom (which if you go this route I would usually make Kanaya and Porrim her grandchildren and have them as the Vantas’s cousins, but age gaps between siblings that are that big DO exist so Kanaya and Porrim could be Singless’ sisters and Karkat and Kankri’s aunts)? The Vantas’, Leijon’s, and Captor’s have likely been close since before Karkat, Nepeta, and Sollux were born, so do the three of them wonder if they’re actually friends or if they only hang out due to this proximity? Are either Dualscar or the Summoner Aranea and Vriska’s dad, or do the Ampora’s and Nitram’s just have a complicated history with the Serket’s due to these former relationships? How would this affect Vriska, Eridan, and Tavros’ friendship? How does Terezi’s mom working for Gamzee’s dad affect the relationship between the Pyrope’s and the Makara’s? There’s just so much shit to look at and I find it very interesting.
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Ooh, I’m intrigued by how you separate Creation and Destruction from Good and Evil. Aranea didn’t, but even Homestuck itself demonstrates that they don’t necessarily overlap fully - Doom is an aspect of destruction, and the Captors certainly aren’t evil.
It’s also possible that cherubs could have a system of sequential hermaphroditism, like some fish; both male and female gamete-producing setups, and the dominating personality sort of “picks” the one they like. For the impregnation of losing males, it could work like seahorses do, with pouch and ovipositor. The cherubs themselves might not know the specifics, though, since they have no society and thus presumably don’t have much of a medical science field.
Anyway, I like this and I think I’m gonna integrate these ideas into my ‘verse.
Thoughts on the Biology of Cherubs
just gonna, put this under a readmore like I did with the troll one lol
Keep reading
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