creativeaidanwrites · 3 years
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creativeaidanwrites · 4 years
Frozen II and Colonialism, aka 'No, You Can't Blame a Dead White Dude for All Your Problems and Live Happily Ever After'
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creativeaidanwrites · 4 years
I rescued a giant effing teddy bear from being thrown out. He lives in my apartment now and I couldn't be happier about this decision. Adulting doesn't mean you can't have giant stuffed animals!
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ppl are so annoying “you can’t paint ur bedroom pink you’re an adult” i did not spend my entire life waiting to grow up and control my life to paint my bedroom beige
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creativeaidanwrites · 4 years
ppl are so annoying “you can’t paint ur bedroom pink you’re an adult” i did not spend my entire life waiting to grow up and control my life to paint my bedroom beige
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creativeaidanwrites · 4 years
My mother had three pregnancies, and two children.  She had a miscarriage, between my brother and I, in that four year span between our births, there was another pregnancy, another child desperately wanted, who didn’t live to term.
My mother had her pre-natal care, and her post-miscarriage care, at Planned Parenthood.
Because it was the best place for her.  Because at the time, she had a two year old child and a bike and they were living just around that nice little sweet spot between ‘desperately poor’ and ‘almost have enough to consider a savings account.’  And when you are poor, and female, and need health services, Planned Parenthood is there.
And my mother walked past the protesters, walked past the people who screamed at her about not killing her baby, about how she was a whore, and she was going to hell.  My mother, in mourning for a child that she had lost, blaming herself, hating herself for failing at this most feminine of things, walked through that, to care for herself, to get the medical care she needed.  So that someday, two years later, she could have me.
I cannot speak to the courage that must have taken.  But that path is walked by thousands of women.  Every single day.
She donated to Planned Parenthood until her death.  And she said to me, that the people who screamed at her saw her only as a vessel for a baby.  They didn’t care about her, they didn’t care about her baby, either.  They were pro-birth, not pro-life, because none of them would be there after her baby was born, to offer help and support and care. 
The protesters didn’t care about her.  And the medical professionals inside did.  It is the right of every woman to have access to safe, affordable, quality health care, no matter where she comes from, what her income is, or what choices she makes with her life.  And that is what these kind of bills are attempting to take away. 
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creativeaidanwrites · 4 years
be christ-like this christmas. gather a crowd and inspire them to anarchism. beat a politician with a whip. help out your local sex workers. preach equality.
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
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Interspecies lesbianism
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
"The gentleman is not recognized"
Idea: get a custom mug that says "The gentleman is not recognized" on it.
Bring it to your work, your school, meetings, wherever.
Any time a man tries to speak over you or mansplain something to you, take a very deliberate sip from your mug, ensuring that he sees the phrase.
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
There is apparently a fight for my immortal soul...
So my friend's very religious parents are hosting an early Thanksgiving celebration, and said friend told me that I am invited.
I responded that I would have to "consult the stars." My friend relayed this to her mother, who is on pain meds after a recent procedure. Her mother apparently started telling her that she had to "fight for the salvation of Aidan's immortal soul".
Like, I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm a queer pro choice activist who believes in socialism. I think my immortal soul is tanked.
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
Ever since I discovered 9 in the afternoon, things have changed for me, but that's okay.
dont u hate it when its nine in the afternoon but ur eyes are just normal sized
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
Tbh this sounds like Coast to Coast AM (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coast_to_Coast_AM)
I should start a radio show but instead of music or chill talks it’s just me rambling about obscure conspiracy theories. anyone can call in but if they make fun of my theories I will name one after them.
it only runs at night. if you listen for more than 3 minutes you will forget the name of your childhood imaginary friend. once you change stations you will not remember you were ever listening at all. but you will believe something you can’t remember believing before. at 2:34AM each night the station will play wonderwall for exactly 23 minutes.
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
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reblog if you are a trans cyborg, you support trans cyborgs, or you just really hate Laura Ingraham
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
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‪It’s very boosy.‬
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
That's high praise
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
How about...gay dragons?
REBLOG if you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, aromantic, asexual or you just really want to live in a world where dragons exist and you caN OWN THEM
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creativeaidanwrites · 5 years
Oh man, the trombones in my band recently had a field day when they were informed that for a piece we were playing, they were allowed and expected to:
Very sloppily
At ffff
And be the only ones in the entire band playing at the time
Also, as a trumpet player, I can inform you that we are contractually obligated to play at least forte at all times.
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