creativecornersonmarz 5 years
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Did some late night sketching!
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
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I'll be attempting to do this for February, I've been wanting to do another daily drawing challenge since Inktober so I thought I'd give this a shot.
I'll probably stop around day 19 and do a DRLAMP drawing at the end. We'll see how I get on 馃槉
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Oh of course! You can go chapters one and two on my masterlist!
Time Travel
"Found ya!"
Into the cafe came in a smiling man. "Thomas!" Patton called, jumping up and going to hug him.
"I just had to return the book to Logan before I leave for my... Summer trip."
Logan stood, extending his hand. "I expect the book to be in top condition?"
Thomas placed it in his hands. "Of course I- who are these two?"
Roman stood, taking Virgil with him as he waltzed towards the other three. He stood in front of them, chest puffed out, his hand in Virgil's, and said, "My name, is Prince Roman Thomas Marquis Gemeni John Roberto de Damien! The third. And this is Virgil!"
"I uh... I like your style choices!"
Roman looked down at his princely outfit, white bottom up, white pants, black shoes. Very shiny black shoes, and a red sash. He possessed much more fancy outfits, but this one was perfect for daily use. Virgil shrunk in on himself, feeling insecure. He only dressed in an old patched up long sleeve, black pants torn with age, and worn out boots.
Sensing his boyfriends discomfort, he pulled him a little closer, keeping a tight grip on his waist.
"Alright, well I'm Thomas! Nice to meet you two! I really wish I could chat more but I'll miss my flight! Bye Pat, Lo, see you later!"
"Bye Thomas!"
"Well he is an interesting character!" Roman exclaimed.
"I suppose so, yeah! Now, how about we get this mess clean and head in over to mine and Lolo's flat!"
Coming in through the window, a giant snake with great big dragon wings came in. It let out a great big hiss, eyes scanning the room.
"What is that?" Logan asked, bewildered.
"It's like a- a snake-dragon hybrid- a uh, a snagon!" Patton said grabbing both Logan's and Roman's arms, slowly dragging them to the doorway.
"Drake." Virgil whispered, tugging on Roman's arm.
"I'm sorry what?"
"It's a Drake. Like a dragonwitch, but uh, more tame?" Roman replied, pulling out his katana. At this point the store was empty, every other person had run out, most likely home, or the police station.
"Well. I believe that we should... Run!" Patton exclaimed, about to bolt through the door before Logan grabbed his wrist.
"Wait. We can't leave these two."
"I wasn't planning on it!"
"Don't worry Mon Amis! I know how to defeat this horrid beast!" He let go of Virgil, charging towards the Drake ready to strike.
"Are you still sure they're not from the past?"
"I- well- there is certainly a very good, scientific explanation for this!"
"And that is...?"
"W- well-"
Logan was trying hard, he really was. There has to be a way to make this make sense...
"Logan move!" He was tackled to the side as Virgil ran into him, knocking him out of the beasts way.
"Get over here foul creature!"
"I swear to God... I'm coming princey!"
From within his pockets he grabbed two daggers and running after Roman.
It was almost like a quick pace dance. Charging and dodging, slashing and clawing. Back and forth, back and forth.
"Get behind it Roman!"
As Roman ran behind the Drake, Virgil tossed a dagger, distracting the beast momentarily as he struck it in the eye.
Seeing his chance, Roman took the katana and plunged it straight through it's head.
The mighty creature howled, throwing it's head around, causing Roman to be flying into the wall as the Drake fell, obviously dead.
"Oh my god... Roman!"
As Patton ran over to the prince, Logan stood in place, silently freaking out.
That didn't just happen.
That didn't just happen.
In a couple minutes, he will wake up beside Patton and they will laugh together about his crazy dream.
"Uh... You good...?"
Logan snapped out of his trance as he filled, looking Virgil in the eye.
So it's not a dream.
Clearing his throat and looking around the cafe, he replied, "Yes. I just-"
"He's good everyone! Come on Lo... We should probably take them to the flat." Patton walked towards the two, cradling Roman who was seemingly unconscious in his arms.
"Of course. Come now Virgil." Logan reached his hand out towards the smaller male, Virgil hesitantly grabbing it and following the two of them.
"If you want Patton... I can carry Roman..."
Patton looked down at the small male, questioning if someone Virgil's size could even carry the prince.
"Are you sure that you can-"
Patton sighed, smiling at Virgil as he handed him the prince. Surprisingly, Virgil carried him with ease, seemingly better than Patton did.
Logan himself was shocked though soon can out of it. "We will be arriving at Patton and mines flat soon."
A few minutes later, the eccentric group was all gathered in Patton and Logan's living area.
"Well you two... Welcome!"
Taglist: @emo-does-things
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Time Travel
"Found ya!"
Into the cafe came in a smiling man. "Thomas!" Patton called, jumping up and going to hug him.
"I just had to return the book to Logan before I leave for my... Summer trip."
Logan stood, extending his hand. "I expect the book to be in top condition?"
Thomas placed it in his hands. "Of course I- who are these two?"
Roman stood, taking Virgil with him as he waltzed towards the other three. He stood in front of them, chest puffed out, his hand in Virgil's, and said, "My name, is Prince Roman Thomas Marquis Gemeni John Roberto de Damien! The third. And this is Virgil!"
"I uh... I like your style choices!"
Roman looked down at his princely outfit, white bottom up, white pants, black shoes. Very shiny black shoes, and a red sash. He possessed much more fancy outfits, but this one was perfect for daily use. Virgil shrunk in on himself, feeling insecure. He only dressed in an old patched up long sleeve, black pants torn with age, and worn out boots.
Sensing his boyfriends discomfort, he pulled him a little closer, keeping a tight grip on his waist.
"Alright, well I'm Thomas! Nice to meet you two! I really wish I could chat more but I'll miss my flight! Bye Pat, Lo, see you later!"
"Bye Thomas!"
"Well he is an interesting character!" Roman exclaimed.
"I suppose so, yeah! Now, how about we get this mess clean and head in over to mine and Lolo's flat!"
Coming in through the window, a giant snake with great big dragon wings came in. It let out a great big hiss, eyes scanning the room.
"What is that?" Logan asked, bewildered.
"It's like a- a snake-dragon hybrid- a uh, a snagon!" Patton said grabbing both Logan's and Roman's arms, slowly dragging them to the doorway.
"Drake." Virgil whispered, tugging on Roman's arm.
"I'm sorry what?"
"It's a Drake. Like a dragonwitch, but uh, more tame?" Roman replied, pulling out his katana. At this point the store was empty, every other person had run out, most likely home, or the police station.
"Well. I believe that we should... Run!" Patton exclaimed, about to bolt through the door before Logan grabbed his wrist.
"Wait. We can't leave these two."
"I wasn't planning on it!"
"Don't worry Mon Amis! I know how to defeat this horrid beast!" He let go of Virgil, charging towards the Drake ready to strike.
"Are you still sure they're not from the past?"
"I- well- there is certainly a very good, scientific explanation for this!"
"And that is...?"
"W- well-"
Logan was trying hard, he really was. There has to be a way to make this make sense...
"Logan move!" He was tackled to the side as Virgil ran into him, knocking him out of the beasts way.
"Get over here foul creature!"
"I swear to God... I'm coming princey!"
From within his pockets he grabbed two daggers and running after Roman.
It was almost like a quick pace dance. Charging and dodging, slashing and clawing. Back and forth, back and forth.
"Get behind it Roman!"
As Roman ran behind the Drake, Virgil tossed a dagger, distracting the beast momentarily as he struck it in the eye.
Seeing his chance, Roman took the katana and plunged it straight through it's head.
The mighty creature howled, throwing it's head around, causing Roman to be flying into the wall as the Drake fell, obviously dead.
"Oh my god... Roman!"
As Patton ran over to the prince, Logan stood in place, silently freaking out.
That didn't just happen.
That didn't just happen.
In a couple minutes, he will wake up beside Patton and they will laugh together about his crazy dream.
"Uh... You good...?"
Logan snapped out of his trance as he filled, looking Virgil in the eye.
So it's not a dream.
Clearing his throat and looking around the cafe, he replied, "Yes. I just-"
"He's good everyone! Come on Lo... We should probably take them to the flat." Patton walked towards the two, cradling Roman who was seemingly unconscious in his arms.
"Of course. Come now Virgil." Logan reached his hand out towards the smaller male, Virgil hesitantly grabbing it and following the two of them.
"If you want Patton... I can carry Roman..."
Patton looked down at the small male, questioning if someone Virgil's size could even carry the prince.
"Are you sure that you can-"
Patton sighed, smiling at Virgil as he handed him the prince. Surprisingly, Virgil carried him with ease, seemingly better than Patton did.
Logan himself was shocked though soon can out of it. "We will be arriving at Patton and mines flat soon."
A few minutes later, the eccentric group was all gathered in Patton and Logan's living area.
"Well you two... Welcome!"
Taglist: @emo-does-things
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Cookies (Moxiety)
Nightmares聽(Platonic Lamp)
For the Empire聽(A Bunch of Things)
Write this in Your Own Style聽(Prinxiety)
It was Perfect (Loceit and Demus)
Bubble Bath (Roceit)
What About Me? (Dukeceit)
Drawings n Shit
Old Cringy Thing
Old First Piece I Ever Finished
Jam Cat
Love Bomb
We Can Explain!
Bleppy Bois
More Doodles
Art Asks 1
Expressions with the Boyo鈥檚
Remus in a Dress (Sander Sides)
The Personal Trainer (Sander Sides)
Chapter 1
Boy Meets World (Sander Sides)
Chapter 1
Time Travel (Sander Sides)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
To Win a Heart (Sander Sides)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Manipulation (Sander Sides)
Chapter 1
When You Tell Your Friends About Your Wedding They...
Chapter 1
Patton; Unsympathetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
And no one ever saw him again...
What about me? (Dukeceit)
"Hey Dee Dee, why- are you okay?"
Remus stared at his friend worriedly, watching as the tears poured from his eyes.
"No Remus. I'm not okay! Virgil he just- he left. Forever."
"Well, that's his own fault right? We did the best we could for him. Come on, do you want to watch-"
"Don't you get it Remus?!"
The Duke's eyes widened as Deceit yelled at him, eyes full of anger and sorrow as he cleared into his eyes.
"Virgil. Left. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"What? Of course it does! Why would you-"
"WELL YOU REALLY DON'T SEEM LIKE YOU CARE! God... I don't know why I thought you would understand..."
Before the snake faced side could leave however, Remus grabbed his arm, turning him towards him.
"Dee Dee, even if Virgil left us... Why should it matter...? In the end we still have each other... Isn't that-"
Deceit ripped his arm from Remus' grasp, his glare becoming ice cold.
"Don't you get it Remus? YOU'RE NOT ENOUGH!" Before he could stop them, the words flew from his mouth. "Oh my god. Re- I-"
"No... No Deceit... I... I understand... Um... I'll see you later alright? Get some rest, don't let Virgey get ya down!"
Before he could argue, Remus had closed his bedroom door.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus cried.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was hurting.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was heartbroken.
For his only friend didn't think he was enough.
The one person he loved, and still loves, didn't think he was enough.
So if he can't be enough for him... What's the point?
He ducked out.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
...Chapter two is already out on the blog... You can also find it on my Wattpad... @ alamarz.... You may not like what you find...
Patton; Unsympathetic
"So. Thought you were a smart guy, huh?"
Deceit felt a shiver go down his spine as Patton slowly stalked towards him, an unsteady smile on his face.
"You really thought, you're the good guy?!" He laughed maniacally, only five feet from the snake-man in front of him. "Don't flatter yourself! You're just a disgusting snake! Thomas thinks you're evil, Virgil thinks you're evil! Everyone hates you!"
Deceit trembled slightly, trying so hard not to cry.
"I-I it's not my fault!"
Patton stopped laughing, face going blank though a small flame of rage could be seen in his eyes. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to run."
Before Patton could even open his mouth once more, Deceit launched himself from the wall and ran. Ran to somewhere safe. Someone who could save him. Back to his room. Where no one would know. Where he couldn't bother anyone.
"Dee Dee... It's me... Remus..."
"Go away!"
"If- if you don't come out- I'll... I'll deal with them myself!"
"Tch... No you won't!"
"Try me!"
Deceit sighed, knowing that Remus was just all bark and no bite.
Oh how wrong he was...
68 notes View notes
creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Patton; Unsympathetic
"So. Thought you were a smart guy, huh?"
Deceit felt a shiver go down his spine as Patton slowly stalked towards him, an unsteady smile on his face.
"You really thought, you're the good guy?!" He laughed maniacally, only five feet from the snake-man in front of him. "Don't flatter yourself! You're just a disgusting snake! Thomas thinks you're evil, Virgil thinks you're evil! Everyone hates you!"
Deceit trembled slightly, trying so hard not to cry.
"I-I it's not my fault!"
Patton stopped laughing, face going blank though a small flame of rage could be seen in his eyes. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to run."
Before Patton could even open his mouth once more, Deceit launched himself from the wall and ran. Ran to somewhere safe. Someone who could save him. Back to his room. Where no one would know. Where he couldn't bother anyone.
"Dee Dee... It's me... Remus..."
"Go away!"
"If- if you don't come out- I'll... I'll deal with them myself!"
"Tch... No you won't!"
"Try me!"
Deceit sighed, knowing that Remus was just all bark and no bite.
Oh how wrong he was...
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Patton; Unsympathetic
"So. Thought you were a smart guy, huh?"
Deceit felt a shiver go down his spine as Patton slowly stalked towards him, an unsteady smile on his face.
"You really thought, you're the good guy?!" He laughed maniacally, only five feet from the snake-man in front of him. "Don't flatter yourself! You're just a disgusting snake! Thomas thinks you're evil, Virgil thinks you're evil! Everyone hates you!"
Deceit trembled slightly, trying so hard not to cry.
"I-I it's not my fault!"
Patton stopped laughing, face going blank though a small flame of rage could be seen in his eyes. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to run."
Before Patton could even open his mouth once more, Deceit launched himself from the wall and ran. Ran to somewhere safe. Someone who could save him. Back to his room. Where no one would know. Where he couldn't bother anyone.
"Dee Dee... It's me... Remus..."
"Go away!"
"If- if you don't come out- I'll... I'll deal with them myself!"
"Tch... No you won't!"
"Try me!"
Deceit sighed, knowing that Remus was just all bark and no bite.
Oh how wrong he was...
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Hehe~! 馃構
What about me? (Dukeceit)
"Hey Dee Dee, why- are you okay?"
Remus stared at his friend worriedly, watching as the tears poured from his eyes.
"No Remus. I'm not okay! Virgil he just- he left. Forever."
"Well, that's his own fault right? We did the best we could for him. Come on, do you want to watch-"
"Don't you get it Remus?!"
The Duke's eyes widened as Deceit yelled at him, eyes full of anger and sorrow as he cleared into his eyes.
"Virgil. Left. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"What? Of course it does! Why would you-"
"WELL YOU REALLY DON'T SEEM LIKE YOU CARE! God... I don't know why I thought you would understand..."
Before the snake faced side could leave however, Remus grabbed his arm, turning him towards him.
"Dee Dee, even if Virgil left us... Why should it matter...? In the end we still have each other... Isn't that-"
Deceit ripped his arm from Remus' grasp, his glare becoming ice cold.
"Don't you get it Remus? YOU'RE NOT ENOUGH!" Before he could stop them, the words flew from his mouth. "Oh my god. Re- I-"
"No... No Deceit... I... I understand... Um... I'll see you later alright? Get some rest, don't let Virgey get ya down!"
Before he could argue, Remus had closed his bedroom door.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus cried.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was hurting.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was heartbroken.
For his only friend didn't think he was enough.
The one person he loved, and still loves, didn't think he was enough.
So if he can't be enough for him... What's the point?
He ducked out.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Patton; Unsympathetic
"Deceit sent you here... Didn't he...?"
"No, actually. I... Came here myself."
"Oh! Is that so? Well then... That really is an issue..." Patton looked into Remus' eyes, faking a frown as he sighed, "Isn't it?"
Remus looked around, grabbing his morning star warily as he prepared to fight.
"Now now Remus... Surely you don't want to do tha-"
With that he lunged forward, swinging the weapon and having it graze across Patton's cheek, causing a small cut to appear.
The moral sides face went blank, Remus froze, fear filling him as he took a small step back.
A dark chuckle filled the hall, Patton looking back up, swiping his hand across his face. He watched the blood travel down his hand like beautiful crimson rivers.
"So it's gonna be like that, huh?"
The creative sides hands tightened around the morning star, he raised it high in the air.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Patton; Unsympathetic
"So. Thought you were a smart guy, huh?"
Deceit felt a shiver go down his spine as Patton slowly stalked towards him, an unsteady smile on his face.
"You really thought, you're the good guy?!" He laughed maniacally, only five feet from the snake-man in front of him. "Don't flatter yourself! You're just a disgusting snake! Thomas thinks you're evil, Virgil thinks you're evil! Everyone hates you!"
Deceit trembled slightly, trying so hard not to cry.
"I-I it's not my fault!"
Patton stopped laughing, face going blank though a small flame of rage could be seen in his eyes. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to run."
Before Patton could even open his mouth once more, Deceit launched himself from the wall and ran. Ran to somewhere safe. Someone who could save him. Back to his room. Where no one would know. Where he couldn't bother anyone.
"Dee Dee... It's me... Remus..."
"Go away!"
"If- if you don't come out- I'll... I'll deal with them myself!"
"Tch... No you won't!"
"Try me!"
Deceit sighed, knowing that Remus was just all bark and no bite.
Oh how wrong he was...
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
When you tell your Friends about your Wedding they...
"So, we're getting married! And, we want you two to be-"
"CaN i Be ThE fLoWeR gIrL?!" Hercules leapt to his feet, waving his arms like a madman.
"What? No, we were going to ask you two to be-"
"Do you have a theme for the wedding? Color scheme? Guests? Flowers? Who will walk down the aisle? CAKE?! Oh boy ... Il y a tellement de choses 脿 faire ... We must start now!" (Oh boy... So much to do...)
"Wait we?" John asked, though he was too late as Laffayette and Hercules were walking out of the room, giggling along the way, talking about how amazing the wedding was gonna be.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
What about me? (Dukeceit)
"Hey Dee Dee, why- are you okay?"
Remus stared at his friend worriedly, watching as the tears poured from his eyes.
"No Remus. I'm not okay! Virgil he just- he left. Forever."
"Well, that's his own fault right? We did the best we could for him. Come on, do you want to watch-"
"Don't you get it Remus?!"
The Duke's eyes widened as Deceit yelled at him, eyes full of anger and sorrow as he cleared into his eyes.
"Virgil. Left. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"What? Of course it does! Why would you-"
"WELL YOU REALLY DON'T SEEM LIKE YOU CARE! God... I don't know why I thought you would understand..."
Before the snake faced side could leave however, Remus grabbed his arm, turning him towards him.
"Dee Dee, even if Virgil left us... Why should it matter...? In the end we still have each other... Isn't that-"
Deceit ripped his arm from Remus' grasp, his glare becoming ice cold.
"Don't you get it Remus? YOU'RE NOT ENOUGH!" Before he could stop them, the words flew from his mouth. "Oh my god. Re- I-"
"No... No Deceit... I... I understand... Um... I'll see you later alright? Get some rest, don't let Virgey get ya down!"
Before he could argue, Remus had closed his bedroom door.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus cried.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was hurting.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was heartbroken.
For his only friend didn't think he was enough.
The one person he loved, and still loves, didn't think he was enough.
So if he can't be enough for him... What's the point?
He ducked out.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Whatever do you mean~?
What about me? (Dukeceit)
"Hey Dee Dee, why- are you okay?"
Remus stared at his friend worriedly, watching as the tears poured from his eyes.
"No Remus. I'm not okay! Virgil he just- he left. Forever."
"Well, that's his own fault right? We did the best we could for him. Come on, do you want to watch-"
"Don't you get it Remus?!"
The Duke's eyes widened as Deceit yelled at him, eyes full of anger and sorrow as he cleared into his eyes.
"Virgil. Left. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"What? Of course it does! Why would you-"
"WELL YOU REALLY DON'T SEEM LIKE YOU CARE! God... I don't know why I thought you would understand..."
Before the snake faced side could leave however, Remus grabbed his arm, turning him towards him.
"Dee Dee, even if Virgil left us... Why should it matter...? In the end we still have each other... Isn't that-"
Deceit ripped his arm from Remus' grasp, his glare becoming ice cold.
"Don't you get it Remus? YOU'RE NOT ENOUGH!" Before he could stop them, the words flew from his mouth. "Oh my god. Re- I-"
"No... No Deceit... I... I understand... Um... I'll see you later alright? Get some rest, don't let Virgey get ya down!"
Before he could argue, Remus had closed his bedroom door.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus cried.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was hurting.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was heartbroken.
For his only friend didn't think he was enough.
The one person he loved, and still loves, didn't think he was enough.
So if he can't be enough for him... What's the point?
He ducked out.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
Roman was always so easily swayed...
Every compliment making him happy...
Making him feel wanted...
Making him feel...
Even if someone who's name was literally Deceit could convince him...
"You look quite lovely today Roman."
"Wow Roman, you are a genius."
"You deserve so much better."
And he always believed it.
Remus could easily see the lies.
Every compliment making him sick...
Making him feel useless...
Making him feel...
Deceit could never fool him.
And that's why he fell so hard for the snake-man in yellow.
The same man who wanted to deceive his brother just to get what he wanted back...
So in the end...
Was it really his fault...?
Deceit could so easily deceive...
Every compliment making him smirk...
Making him feel better...
Making him...
Feel powerful...
He needed to do this.
This is what needs to be done.
Roman would be fine.
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creativecornersonmarz 5 years
What about me? (Dukeceit)
"Hey Dee Dee, why- are you okay?"
Remus stared at his friend worriedly, watching as the tears poured from his eyes.
"No Remus. I'm not okay! Virgil he just- he left. Forever."
"Well, that's his own fault right? We did the best we could for him. Come on, do you want to watch-"
"Don't you get it Remus?!"
The Duke's eyes widened as Deceit yelled at him, eyes full of anger and sorrow as he cleared into his eyes.
"Virgil. Left. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"What? Of course it does! Why would you-"
"WELL YOU REALLY DON'T SEEM LIKE YOU CARE! God... I don't know why I thought you would understand..."
Before the snake faced side could leave however, Remus grabbed his arm, turning him towards him.
"Dee Dee, even if Virgil left us... Why should it matter...? In the end we still have each other... Isn't that-"
Deceit ripped his arm from Remus' grasp, his glare becoming ice cold.
"Don't you get it Remus? YOU'RE NOT ENOUGH!" Before he could stop them, the words flew from his mouth. "Oh my god. Re- I-"
"No... No Deceit... I... I understand... Um... I'll see you later alright? Get some rest, don't let Virgey get ya down!"
Before he could argue, Remus had closed his bedroom door.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus cried.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was hurting.
Unknown to anyone else in the mind, Remus was heartbroken.
For his only friend didn't think he was enough.
The one person he loved, and still loves, didn't think he was enough.
So if he can't be enough for him... What's the point?
He ducked out.
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