Love Yourself - Justin Bieber (swing cover) ft. Dodie Clark & Andie
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You can either wear pink floral dresses, curl your hair everyday, wear flower crowns, and be cute and girly. Or you can either wear black, leather jacket, beanies, and be a heartbreaker. Or you can be a mix of everything. Wear dresses and skirts, and listen heavy metal. Wear black boots and dark glasses, and dance ballet. Be a man and wash the dishes. Be a woman and change the flat tire of the car. Be a teenager and love classic literature. Be an adult and love modern literature. Be a jock and like fashion. Be glamorous and love cars. Be a kid and listen Pink Floyd. Be an adult and listen today´s hits. Be your own creation, and not some sterotypical person that society sees everyday. In life, there is only one thing you´re free to be… yourself.
Excerpts from a book I´ll never write #8 (via thatnonexistentstory)
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I think the hardest thing you’ve got to teach yourself is that you need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. You need to have that self-respect to know when to walk away, or when to know to give them your heart. And it sucks when you think you’ve found that person but they don’t feel the same.
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A greaser from Germany c.a 1953
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James Dean tought me more about life than my father
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Kenickie - Grease (1978)
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You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want to be. There’s still lots of good in the world.
The Outsiders, 1983  (via popsiclepape)
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Marlon Brando and James Dean
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Hey Mark! I was wondering, if you could be the Doctor for one day, where would you go and why?
I would go back in time and prevent them from canceling America’s Next Top Model. 
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Will you ever return to the cast of Doctor Who for one or two episodes like in "The Lazarus Experiment"?
Well you know, the point of Lazarus was that he rose again…
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so im apart of the NJROTC program at my school, and yesterday my lieutenant asked if any of our other teachers talked about it and when the whole class responded with “no” he got really upset and proceeded to talk about how he actually lost a friend who was working in the Pentagon and died because of it. He then told us that now a days, (especially with the younger generation) they/we really don’t have a concept of how bad this really was, because we were only told what happened, and he dared us to put a face on days like that. 
He told us that next time we have a memorial day, or veterans day, or any day where we relive what life-changing event happened on that day, to put a name and a face to that day. To remember that actual people lost their life’s fighting for others, and to give them the recognition they deserve. 
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I never thought I’d enjoy watching a video containing bread.
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