creativityflowfics · 1 year
Hey. You know that fic you wrote where TT Robin and YJ Robin switch places? And how you only have three chapters left to write? And how in the last update you said to go to this Tumblr acct to pester you for updates?
Well here I am
Pestering you for an update
aahhhhh i know, i know, it’s been on my mind a lot recently, i promise! but i recently went back and reread it, and i actually think i want to do a complete rewrite of it, so i’m working on that in between some one shots while i get back in rhythm. i PROMISE i haven’t forgot about it ♥️
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creativityflowfics · 1 year
Did I daydream this, or was there a website for writers with like. A ridiculous quantity of descriptive aid. Like I remember clicking on " inside a cinema " or something like that. Then, BAM. Here's a list of smell and sounds. I can't remember it for the life of me, but if someone else can, help a bitch out <3
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
me doing anything but actually writing the next chapter as if it’ll magically appear on its own:
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
do you ever not write for so long that you’re almost afraid to? like what if I’m dumb now
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
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Seven years after, I see you again 😚
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
It's not an "abandoned" WIP, I didn't intentionally leave it in the forest to die and forget about it, it is a lost wip who wandered into the forest despite my pleas not to. I sit at the edge of the forest every day and hear it calling for help but there is nothing I can do. It is a haunting wip
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
People who are younger than you but taller
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
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The reason none of my wips get finished
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
More ways I have discovered of dropping worldbuilding organically:
As previously mentioned, in-universe academic papers
The protagonist overhearing insufferable political discourse from the next table at a cafe
In-universe satirical plays
Side-character who overshares dramatically about their life and problems
The protagonist doing the the equivalent of the anxiety thing where they nod along to a whole conversation pretending to know what the other person is talking about, then immediately rushing off to (fantasy) google it
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
This is a reminder that no matter how much you write, you're still a writer.
It takes effort and time to work on a wip, to create worlds and keep up with all the worldbuilding, everything that keeps that WIP going.
You only worked on your characters today? Still writing/working on a WIP.
You talked about your WIPs with somebody and explained what you're working on? Still counts
Every little helps. Every step counts.
Be proud, be loud and God damn keep your head held high. We need to support each other in this community. The world is a dark place, so let's make it a little brighter
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
okay apparently i'm an idiot and was writing on word and google docs w no rhyme or reason, so i found some stuff, but other things are just gone forever ig
when i got my new laptop, i was so thrilled to see that everything transferred over without me having to lift a finger, except i've realized that it didn't transfer ANY of my spideynova stuff and now i'm stuck
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
when i got my new laptop, i was so thrilled to see that everything transferred over without me having to lift a finger, except i've realized that it didn't transfer ANY of my spideynova stuff and now i'm stuck
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
i'm almost 8000 words deep in my museum heist fic and wally has only just now entered the story lmao
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
oh god it's been 4 years since i've posted anything on ao3 i feel like i'm going to throw up
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creativityflowfics · 2 years
feel like I’ve been writing all day but I only added 2 pages to the word doc lol
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